spanish fresh info week 4

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Last night public tv channel TVE showed an interesting documentary with the title “Lots of Tomatoes�. We followed the way of the tomato from grower to retailer and had comments all way from the different persons in the process. The issue is the huge increase in prices from what the grower receive to what the retailer sells for. A kg of nice tomatoes are bought from the grower at approximately 0.40- 0.80 cents pr kg and sold for around 3 euro at the stalls on the local markets. What we further saw that when perfect tomatoes are handed in but not being sold on the worlds largest auction in CASI they will immediately in the afternoon destroy the product and growers will receive a note that they will receive nothing since their goods was not sold. After seeing the programme its clear that either the restructure the whole agricultural sector in Almeria or many many small growers will have to find something else to do in a near future.

Product Trends

A reminder again for everyone to come and visit the Total Produce/Capespan, Haluco and Fyffes stands in the coming trade fair in Berlin from the 3rd to the 5th februray. We are located in Hall 5.2 stand 11.A


Grow Source Import Package Distribute

Avocado: Despite better weather conditions there is limited offer of Spanish hass. This is basically because of strong appearence of chilean and Israeli avocado on the europen markets. We recall that avocado dont ripe on the tree so they are in no hurry to harvest as long as the market has very low prices.

Celery; Good quality but as other crop less offer due to the cold weather that has slowed down the growing process.

Broccoli: Super Quality in 250 and 500 g. Steady low prices

Clementines: Clemenules must be considered finished although its posible to find some still. Now the offer is clemenvillas and beginning with hernandinas. There are small volumes of Nadorcot but not until the end of fenbrurary will there be sufficient quantities.

Bunch carrots: awaiting better weather to start up again. The quality has been to poor for export for some weeks now but should be ready soon. Capsicum: In the warehouses there are few kgs of capsicum to be exported and in particular yellow caps. The main reason is that the poor growers, always accusing importers and retailers of high margens, are speculating in high prices. Then nobody is bringing in goods and prices goes up and then they start and the effect is as always that when they all start harvesting the prices will be even lower than it is now..However there has been reported heavy raing in Israel and that the growing areas of peppers are inaccessible so we actually do expec t that prices can go up next week especially in flow and the small sizes. Already the capia are reported to be more expensive and the demand is increasing rising. Palermo which was in abundance has the same problems now with lesser availability. Further to this the growers are getting ready for the water melon season so capsicum plants are being replaced by watermelon seeds. Ramiro ready to be picked in on of the many green houses that choose to plant this year, This grower will substitute next year with egg plannts next year. We also see from the same grower the effect of the high humidity on the picture

Cauliflower: Even fewer kgs available. Cauliflower is traditionally grown more in the interior parts where temperatures are lower than at the Mediterranean cost, so they have suffered more of the unusual weather conditions than other vegetables grown close to the sea.

China cabbage: Nice crop from the Valencia region. Fluent sales and good demand has increased prices.

Courgettes: Prices are high due to low offer. The quality is good again as weather has improved. Cucumber: Soft ends and “lizard skin” has been major problems due to the cold weather and heavy rain the latest weeks in Almeria. The plant absorb to much water from the high humity and the fruits are damaged. The become sensitive and in cases not apt for export. Further to this the lack of sunlight produce pale products that are difficult to commercialize. There are also fewer kgs available so prices at auctions are high although the demand remain low due to the offers from other origens such as Greece and now limited crop from Holland. Egg plants: There are few quantities right now as a consequence of cold weather. This vegetable is very sensible to the weather so there has been severe quality problems lately The high humidity makes the plants absorb too much liquids and the egg plant are suffering interiorly and arrives with damages. Difficult to avoid and the cold weather adds chilling injuries to the process. Prices was very high at the beginning of the week but has lowered some towards the end. However there will be limited quantities until approximately medium march..

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminás 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puçol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

Iceberg: After many weeks with cold weather and now hot there will be a lack in production the next weeks.

Rasperry: Very limited offer of rasperry due to the rain.

Kohlrabi: Nice new crop of Kohlrabi available

Romaine salad: Increasing sales with salads of good quality, however some have been damaged with the cold weather so a less offer should be expected.

Lemon: Now there is a strong appearance of Egypt lemons on the market together with new crop of Lamas so it remain impossible to obtain the prices the Spanish growers are looking for. They actually seem to think that demand has little to do with the prices but since they have lesser fruits than normal they expect more. So huge pack houses are working only half weeks and has still no demand whatsoever.

Strawberry: Better weather is improving the last 3 days but the quality is still poor. Lots of plants have been damaged so we estimate it will still take 2 weeks before quantities will be normal. Lots of rotten fruits because of boytritis so quality is most apt for the domestic market. The main variety right now are speldor and festival and in 15 days we will have Cadonga (sabrosa). The variety Fortuna to which we had great expectations has proved to be a complete disaster.

Oranges: The good weather now permits the growers to pick fruits that has not been possible almost since 18 of december. So there are now new navels and navelinas coming in. Peas: New crop from Dalias. Prices are high and availability low. Should be posible to do fek kgs next week

Tomatoes: The cold weather has set down production slightly. The quality is improving after the problems caused by the recent rain which caused problems with the cherry tomato, (cracks) and lack of colour on all other varieties. The plants of august and September are very tired now and yield few kgs. However the good weather with sun should mean better coulors and sweeter taste for the tomatoe3s now. Xanadu/ little gem: Superior quality now and good prices. Kumquats:

New Kohlrabi and picture with boytriotis affected strawberrry plants. Still its posible to pack some nice berries as seen on the last picture

Quantities are rising as the weather improves.

Grow Pointed Cabbage: Very nice products with possibillity of flow. Potatoes: New crop of small Nicola and Charlotte from Seville.

Source Import Package Distribute

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Calle Caminรกs 3, Bajo Izquierda. 46530 Puรงol (Valencia) T: +34 961 95 84 17 F: +34 961 95 84 40

Contact us

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A, Calle Caminas 3, bajo Izq, 46530 Puçol, (Valencia) España Tel: +34 961 95 84 17 Fax: + 34 961 95 80 40

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A, Avenida Ricardo Soriano no 72, Edificio Golden, Portal B, 29601 Marbella Tel: +34 952 768 373 Fax: + 34 952 768 301

Total Produce Sourcing Spain S.A, Calle Fernando El Catolico 31, Huelva España Tel: +34 959 37 18 62 Fax: + 34 959 37 27 02

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