portfolio by Xiaoyue Shi

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Email: xiaoyueshi955@gmail.com

CONTENTS Residential RAMMED EARTH HOUSE Material Research/Professional Work COLLAGE HOUSING History and Mundanity/Academic Work AERIAL STREET HABITATION High Density Residential Research/Academic Work

3 6 13

Competition/ Intern 1/2 BRIDGE Urban Space and Collective Memory/Intern and Competition Work GO BORDERLESS Urban regeneration/Intern and Competition Work

17 19


The meaning of architecture lies in the building itself. -------Yung Ho Chang

PORCELAIN MUSEUM Architecture Montage/Academic Work ACTIVITIES CENTRE FOR VILLAGE Traditional Countryside Fabric Refinement/Academic Work SCULPTURE MUSEUM Materials and Space/Academic Work HOTEL RENOVATION Garden and Circulation/Competition Work IMAGES Images of Inspiration and Imagination

21 24 26 28 30

RAMMED EARTH HOUSE Rammed earth is a kind of Chinese traditional building technology and because of its unique quality it becomes more and more popular in recent years. This is a renovation programme that is aimed to study MODERN RAMMED EARTH. Although there are many cases in China, especially Wang Shu’s programme,use rammed earth as their wall material and it seems that they have an experienced system about the material proportion and ramming skills, we still need to study them because the clay in this region is different from that in Wang’s programme and we also need to offer training for local workers to reduce cost.

Location: Changsha , Hunan Province , China Professional and Team Work By Li Weidong Studio (701237@csu.edu.cn) Role: Main Participant of Material Research and Test, Rammed Earth Worker and Site Architect. Other Participants: Wu Huizheng, Wang Jingxiang, Ling Mingxiao, Ye Ying, Xin Haokun, Zhang Zhenyue Finish Time: 21/8/2017


Building Renovation Design Tile Waterproof layer Wooden purline

Wooden oblique beam Wooden column

Iron component

Rammed earth wall

Multi-layer wood plywood

Embedded wooden brick

Wooden baffle

Wooden baseboard Wooden floor Cement layer

Cobblestone layer

Fine sand Earth

Cement ground

Brick foundation

Rammed Earth Renovation Part

Cement base

Details of The Rammed Earth Wall

Renovation Plan

1:20 4


New Part

Old Part


Building Process

COLLAGE HOUSING The American-style shopping centre on the original site eventually closed after a decade-long decline. This seems to epitomise the fate of international style and modernist architecture. The new project attempts to learn stylistic styles from history, thus responding to the glory of the whole city as the first Roman city in the Netherlands. It is worth reflecting on the relationship between history, a subject of such magnitude, and everyday life in the present. We believe that mundanity represents the present, and that the present and the past are like two sides of the same coin, inseparable from each other.

Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands Academic Work Urban Design: Team Work with Jingyu Xu, Yicheng Sun Architecture Design: Individual Work Finish Time: 6/23/2021 Supervisor: Prof. Paul Vermeulen, Dr. Leeke Reinders, Jelke Fokkinga


Urban Design - Street As A Method

The original mall was too large, making the interior space rather homogeneous and resulting in a very poor shopping experience inside. We believe that street-facing shopping spaces are the most effective.

Therefore we propose the concept of reversing. We have reversed the location of the original passage to the building and the location covered by the original building to the street.

In this way two new streets appear on the site, connecting the surrounding roads, increasing accessibility and returning the shopping space to the traditional streets.

N 7

Architecture - History As A Reference

Perspective of green house lobby

Perspective of green house lobby

Perspective of collective platform 8

① Library ② Office ③ Refuse storage ④ Maintenance ⑤ Bike ⑥ Community Hall ⑦ Shopping

Ground Floor Plan of Project

Housing - Mundanity As A Possibility

Housing Plan Basic, big space and one living core

Housing Plan Plus, furniture as space

Housing Plan Plus+, two bedrooms and one living room

Housing Plan Plus++, three bedrooms and one living room 10

Long Section


Roof Detials: Plain tile Interlocking tile Softwood battens Softwood counter battens Roof felt Wood roof product with insulation inside Vapour barrier

Prefabricated Concrete Gutter

Loft floor Detials: Wood floor board Cement layer Modular screed panel with radiant heating tubes Hard wood board

Floor Detials: Concrete heating floor Sound insulation layer Concrete layer with reinforcing bar Hollow core slab

Floor Detials: Concrete heating floor Sound insulation layer Concrete layer with reinforcing bar Hollow core slab


Floor Detials: Concrete heating floor Sound insulation layer Concrete layer with reinforcing bar Hollow core slab




Details 12

AERIAL STREET HABITATION In today’s China, with urban development and population explosion, RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS have become a popular topic and trigger a constant discussion in public. However, under the grand issue of the development of the times, we still need to preserve the QUALITY of high-quality building space, because the home is the most vital place for urban residents. For traditional Chinese cities, the street is an indispensable space in people’s lives, because a variety of activities take place on the streets, and the streets are the extension of the home. However, in recent years, traditional street spaces have been destroyed and people’s lifestyles have changed dramatically. This project aims to find a propose about how to combine TRADITIONAL STREET SPACES with modern residential buildings.

Location: Changsha , Hunan Province , China Academic Work, Individual Work Finish Time:23/10/2018


Original site

Range of the programme Collective Street

Putting collective street space into the building

Street Linking City and Nature

Using a main public street links the city and the nature Private Street

Putting private street space into the building

Dimensional Public Street

Making the public street dimensional Housing Unit

The main public streets are gradually rising, connecting natural mountains and cities, making buildings no longer an obstacle between cities and nature, but a connection. Then verticalize it by putting collective street space and vertical transportation. Finally,fill the private street spaces and housing units into it. Residents of different ages have different space as their corridors and home entrance,so that they can do activities by their the most important need.

Putting housing unit into the building

Long Section of the Whole Building

Section Position


Perspective of kindergarten

Supermarket Cinema

Perspective of art centre


Kindergarten Art Centre

Perspective of library





The Old Club


Public Street

private street

plan of public kitchen and deck in single apartment

corridor perspective of single apartment

TYPICAL TYPE A For young couples and young families

private street

plan of public sandpit in family apartment

corridor perspective of family apartment

TYPICAL TYPE B For young familys and extended families

private street

plan of collective lobby between public street and elevator

corridor perspective of aged apartment 16

TYPICAL TYPE C For aged people

1/2 BRIDGE The essence of 1/2 bridge will render DIVERSIFICATION from spontaneous OPEN ACTIVITIES, without “setup” or “total planning”,but it will be still achieve the requirement from total planning. We set up two programs, Wenxing citizen plaza and Wenxing museum, the bridge is chopped into two parts, but it still connected as the whole. One part will continue to represent the RED CULTURE OF REVOLUTION, another part will be free for participation from citizen and tourist. It will organise diverse activities reflecting on the folk culture, such as market, night market, folk culture performance, children playground and etc.

Location: Yongxing Village, China Intern Work at Just Open Architecture, Rotterdam Competition and Team Work with Kai Wang, Yihan Sheng, Jingyuan Zheng Client: Jiaxing Government Finish Time: 9/15/2020


Exploding diagram

Perspective view from north entrance

Perspective of museum interior

Perspective view from riverside


GO BORDERLESS URBAN REGENERATION PROJECT: connecting the two cities of Gorizia and Nova Gorica by designing a common central area: the Europe Square - Piazzale Della Transalpina and the transcultural hub EPICenter. This crossborder Competition intends to address the problem of uniting a city once divided by a border which no longer exists as a physical barrier in today’s EU. After world war 2 the region of Gorizia was divided between Italy and former Yugoslavia, today the republic of Slovenia. After long term of transition, start from 8th century of region, the two condition of site has different level of assembly and separation, in terms of geopolitics, religion, ethnics, culture, economy and urban context reflected in form of architecture.

Location: Gorizia & Slovenia Intern Work at Just Open Architecture, Rotterdam Competition and Team Work with Kai Wang, Jiayun Xu; Jingyuan Zhen Client: GO! 2025 Finish Time: 8/29/2020


New Volume Plan

Master Plan Bird View

Front Perspective

Front Perspective



glorious history of porcelain manufacturing, but it was forgotten because of years of war. With the excavation of historical relic a few years ago, more and more people are participating in the discussion of the context of the region.

When I arrived at the site, the LOCAL FARMLAND LANDSCAPE gave me a big touch, which have not relationship with the past history. History and reality present a broken relationship in this place, but together they form the local context. Therefore, the museum should reflect this in a very objective form and use the MONTAGE to connect the past and the present so that visitors can have a deeper understanding of them.

Location: Changsha , Hunan Province , China Academic and Individual Work Finish Time: 6/5/2017


Montage of Light and Dark Different display spaces have different light effects and materials: the concrete space that displays the artefacts is dimly lit, thus highlighting the exhibit itself and the forgotten local history. The glass space that shows the current landscape is brighter. The building's tour process is like a movie, and the strong contrast between different scenes enriches the tourist experience. The plank road at the entrance to the building strips visitors from reality, and the landscape tower at the end of the building brings people back to reality again,by this way people could experience the space-time shift .

Ground Floor 0


⑦ 9.00

18.00 m

±0.000 1.800

① Office Room ② Entrance Hall

③ ①

1.800 ②



③ Plank Road


-0.350 ④

④ Relic ⑤ Deck ⑥ Interior Pool ⑦ Observation Tower


Second Floor 0



18.00 m

⑨ 6.600

6.600 ⑦ Observation Tower ⑧ Antiques Display ⑨ Landscape Gallery ⑩ Lounge









ACTIVITIES CENTRE FOR VILLAGE Nowadays there are so many dilemmas in Chinese countryside, because of the changes of social and economic development, spacial logic and structure convert to a different form compared before. Although people living in countryside become more and more rich, they lost there TRADITIONAL LIFE STYLE. When I did several researches, I fond that the vanish of public space is the main reason. Now government built public space for visitors not for dwellers in this region, which has a negative effect on LOCAL FABRIC. And traditional public space also lack fond to preserve . So the biggest problem I need to solve is that how can a activities centre be suit for visitors and local people.

Location: Chenzhou , Hunan Province , China Academic and Individual Work Finish Time: 14/12/2018


Tea workshop Tea-fermentation room

Tea room Silverware workshop Rest room

Dinning hall



Original Public Space

Public corridor Hotel


Current Village Entrance

Activities Centre

Quadrangle Dwelling

Rest Pavilion


Guard Tower

Type A

Type B

Type C

Type D



Original buildings

Ground floor plan 25

SCULPTURE MUSEUM To use a long span exhibition space as a PURE ABSTRACT ART WORLD, the consideration of structure, details and materials should be combined. So twelve in-suit concrete walls are not only the main structure of the museum, but also the energy and machine containers. Ventilation system and water heating, cooling system are integrated into them. Roof structure material is CLT, in order to achieve a long span. Main beams and second beams are joined together by Ricon S connectors, so there are no screws can be seen from outside. Skylight on the roof material is Kalwall Weatherable Coating (KWS), which has self-cleaning properties and provides additional resistance to UV and heat exposure for lasting performance.

Location: Haarlem, Netherlands Academic and Individual Work Finish Time: 1/15/2020 Supervisor: Joris Lüchinger


Hot air 15mm Polymer concrete ventilated facade panel by ULMA Vertical T-rail ( sub-frame) 100mm Thermal Insulation Waterproof membrane 400 concrete wall

10mm wood floor slab 70mm fibrated concrete slab with underfloor heating, waterproofed and waxed separating layer: building paper 50mm impact-sound insulation 350mm concrete basement Fresh air


Fresh air

HOTEL RENOVATION A garden can be a container for nature and art. A garden can be a node that connects history and the present. A garden can be the starting point for an old hotel to be given a new lease of life. A garden can be a place to sit and watch what happens.

Location: Turin, Italy Competition and Team Work with Sixing Huang Section and Plan Drawing: Made by Sixing Huang Perspectives and Facade Drawing: Made by Xiaoyue Shi Finish Time: 4/20/2020




the islands

the concept, an archipelago of art, came from an observation that there is a great emptiness between the two existing building. It's natural to dedicate one of them to the hotel and the other the g a l l e r y. b u t t h e distance between these two are too far to establish a sound relationship between them. they are like two big islands standing in a sea of emptiness. c o n c e p t :

SITE PLAN, 1:300

the outer sea garden



the inner sea garden

i f w e a d d m o re "islands" in this sea of emptiness, making it into an inner sea not unlike the Aegean sea, a sea of civilization and communication, and make the complex an archipelago, we may build a more comfortable relationship not just among the two buildings, but also various different functions and activities.

Images of Inspiration and Imagination

Left: Preliminary sketch. Charcoal drawing. Landscape and architecture, perception of nature and space sequence. Right: 1:200 work model. Test of volumes and space. I like to wander around the site at the beginning of the design process to try and have a dialogue with it. When I go back I would express my imagination of the project in sketches or models. Then I discuss their feasibility and realism with others over and over again. I am not against thinking emotionally before thinking rationally, because intuitive feelings must have a reason for being formed. Project can be seen in the portfolio as The Porcelain Museum and Activities Centre for Village.


Images of Inspiration and Imagination

Left and right: Screenshot from movie Nostalghia directed by Andrei Tarkovsky in 1983. Mid: Street view of Nijmegen, photo by Xiaoyue Shi. Research project. How topography shapes our collective memory for a city. Film is also one of the ways in which I think about architecture. When we talk about film, we are talking about history, we are talking about personal experience, we are talking about time and space. It is able to distil complex human emotions into images. The images in turn can form space, while extending a range of experiences such as atmosphere. Project can be seen in the portfolio as Bricolage Housing.


Images of Inspiration and Imagination

Left: Sudden Shower at Shono, from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido 1834–35. By Utagawa Hiroshige (Japanese, Tokyo (Edo) 1797–1858 Tokyo (Edo)) Right: Perspective of tea house. Inspired by the Ukiyo-e, I rethought the relationship between the natural elements and the architecture: the Ukiyo-e is presented from the viewpoint of the observer, so what kind of space should the observer, the person watching the rain, be in? If film presents a complex and unclear reality, painting presents an exact representation. This representation is also a powerful evocation of architectural form. Project can be seen in the portfolio as Activities Centre for Village.


Education Master of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands [9/2019- 6/2021] Bachelor of Architecture, Central South University, China [9/2014- 7/2019]

Experience Academic Experience

Shi Xiaoyue


+06 26718417

[12/2016-1/2017] UA Creation Award & International Concept Competition, Award of Excellence Team Work, Leading designer in concept and basic design,<Soil-Cave Evolutionism> http://www.iarch.cn/thread-34024-1-1.html (Team code: UA344) [6/2017-8/2017] Autodesk Revit National College Student Sustainable Architecture Design Competition Revit model builder,<Tea Culture Centre> [10/2017-12/2017] Hunan Province ‘Yu Hua’ Cup Hotel Design Competition, Second Prize Team work, Leading designer in concept and basic design,<Country Union> https://issuu.com/sina3864/docs/_

Professional Experience [5/2018-11/2018] Intern at Liwei Dong Studio Work as researcher of rammed earth skill and site architect Project can be seen in the portfolio <Rammed Earth House>


[5/2018-11/2018] Intern at Xuanhua Gangsheng Construction and Installation Limited Liability Company Assistant designer of layout,<residential design project of Happy Home> [7/2020-10/2020] Intern at Just Open Architecture, Rotterdam Work for the project of 1 / 2 Bridge, Competition hold by Jiaxing Government https://www.justopenarch.com/1-2-bridge/ Work for the project of Go Borderless, Competition hold by GO! 2025 https://www.justopenarch.com/yellow-line/

Achievement School-Level Scholarship (top10%) School-Level Scholarship (top10%) School-Level Scholarship (top 5%) School-Level Scholarship (top 5%) Outstanding Student Leader

[9/2015] [9/2016] [9/2017] [9/2018] [9/2017]

Language Mandarin, English

Software Skills PS, AI, ID, Sketchup, Rhino, Revit, Autocad, V-ray, Archicad, Pr, Vegas


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