Living in Singapore Magazine October-November 2021

Page 60

Ways to Earn a Living in Singapore By Dee Khanduja

Recent changes to work permits for foreigners Dependant’s Pass Holders in Singapore has left many wondering: Is it Many DP and LOC holders were dealt a blow possible to earn an income in Singapore without earlier this year when MOM announced changes being a Permanent Resident (PR), or holding an to the LOC structure. Employment Pass (EP), S Pass, Letter of Consent Due to the higher salary thresholds and criteria (LOC), or other work permit? for EPs, and the quota limits for S Pass holders, The short answer is yes and no. This article many DP and LOC holders have been wondering goes through some ideas on how you may earn how they can earn a living in Singapore without an income in Singapore legally, without a local flouting the relevant rules. work permit, though certain conditions apply. It is worth nothing that some DP holders may I recently gave a talk for CRCE about how to be eligible to apply for a work permit, should it work in Singapore under the revised guidelines. be difficult to obtain an EP or S Pass. I discussed a lot in that talk including hot new As stated on the MOM website: industries, pivoting, and more. I also discussed the information shared here. “Dependant’s Pass holders who get a Work Permit will have the Work Permit’s validity To get to the bottom of the matter, I spoke to period tied to that of the Dependant’s Pass. both the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the As dependants of valid pass holders, they will Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) to not be subject to source requirements, sixattempt to gain some clarity on the scenarios monthly medical examination, security where someone can work in Singapore without bond and pregnancy restrictions.” a work pass. 60 LIVING IN SINGAPORE

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