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Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Firooz Aflatouni
Idjadi, M.H., Aflatouni, F. “Nanophotonic phase noise filter in silicon,”Nature Photonics, 14(4), pp. 234-239, 2020.
Ashtiani, F., Aflatouni, F. “Photonic assisted microwave near-field imager,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SW3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020.
Idjadi, M.H., Arab, S., Aflatouni, F. “Optical frequency comb generation in silicon by recursive electro-optic modulation,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SF3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020.
Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020.
Ritesh Agarwal
Wang, Y., Liu, W., Ji, Z., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Agarwal, R. “Coherent interactions in onedimensional topological photonic systems and their applications in all-optical logic operation,” Nano Letters 20 (12), 8796-8802, 2020.
Liu, W., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Zheng, B., Sorger, V.J., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Generation of helical topological excitonpolaritons,” Science 30, pp. 600-604, 2020.
Zhang, Z., Qiao, X., Midya, B., Liu, K., Sun, J., Wu, T., Liu, W., Agarwal, R., Jornet, J. M., Longhi, S., Litchinitser, N.M., Feng, L. “Tunable topological charge vortex microlaser,” Science, pp. 760-763, May 2020.
Ji, Z., Liu, W., Krylyuk, S., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Pan, A., Feng, L., Davydov, A., Agarwal, R. “Photocurrent detection of the orbital angular momentum of light,” Science, 368 (6492), pp. 763-767, 2020.
Berger, J.S., Ee, H-S., Ren, M., Agarwal, D., Liu, W., Agarwal, R. “Self-aligned on-chip coupled photonic devices using individual cadmium sulfide nanobelts,” Nano Research 13 (5): pp. 1413–1418, 2020. Fan, X., Ji, Z., Fei, R., Zheng, W., Liu, W., Zhu, X., Chen, S., Li Yang, L., Liu, H., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Mechanism of extreme optical nonlinearities in spiral WS2 above the bandgap,” Nano Letters, 20, 4, pp. 2667–2673, 2020.
Modi, G., Stach, E.A., Agarwal, R. “Low-power switching through disorder and carrier localization in bismuth-doped germanium telluride phase change memory nanowires,” ACS Nano, 14, 2, pp. 2162–2171, 2020.
Liu, W., Hwang, M., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Agarwal, R. “Z2 photonic topological insulators in the visible wavelength range for robust nanoscale photonics,” Nano Letters, 20, 2, pp. 1329–1335, 2020.
Mark Allen
Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “A ten-minute, single step, label-free, sampleto-answer assay for qualitative detection of cytokines in serum at femtomolar levels,” Biomed Microdevices 22, 73, 2020.
Synodis, M., Pyo, J.B., Kim, M. Oh, H., Wang, X., Allen, M.G. “Fully additive fabrication of electrically anisotropic multilayer materials based on sequential electrodeposition,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1510-1517, Dec. 2020.
She, D., Allen, M.G. “A self-powered, biodegradable dissolved oxygen microsensor,” journal of microelectromechanical systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1074-1078, Oct. 2020.
Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P. Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Multiwell plate impedance analysis of a nanowell array sensor for label-free detection of cytokines in mouse serum,” IEEE Sensor Letters, MicroTAS 2017 pp. 497-498, 2020.
Ananthakrishnan, A., Allen, M.G. “All-passive hardware implementation of multilayer perceptron classifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020.
Synodis, M., Pikul, J., Allen, S.A.B., Allen, M.G. “Vertically integrated high voltage Zn-Air batteries enabled by stacked multilayer electrodeposition,” Journal of Power Sources, 449, pp. 227566, 2020. Conferences
Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Nanowell array impedance sensor for label-free quantification of cytokines in serum at femtomolar level detection limits,” 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017, 2020.
Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020.
Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P., Zachs, D.P., Peterson, E.J., Lim, H.H., Allen, M, Javanmard, M. “Label-free impedimetric sensing of cortisol in human serum based on nanowell array electrodes,” 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS, pp. 526-527, 2020.
Paulo Arratia
Galloway, K.L., Ma, X., Keim, N.C., Jerolmack, D.J., Yodh, A.G., Arratia, P.E. “Scaling of relaxation and excess entropy in plastically deformed amorphous solids,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (22), pp. 11887-11893, 2020.
Markus Blatz
Conejo, J., Ozer, F., Mante, F., Atria, P.J., Blatz, M.B. “Effect of surface treatment and cleaning on the bond strength to polymer-infiltrated ceramic network CAD-CAM material,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2020.`
Park, M., Islam, S., Kim, H-E., Korostoff, J., Blatz, M.B., Hwang, G., Kim, A. “Human oral motion-powered smart dental implant (SDI) for in situ ambulatory photo-biomodulation therapy,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, 16, 2000658, 2020.
Conejo, J., Atria, P.J., Hirata, R., Blatz, M.B. “Copy milling to duplicate the emergence profile for implant-supported restorations,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 123, Issue 5, pp. 671-674, 2020.
Igor Bargatin
Jiao, P., Nicaise, S.M., Azadi, M., Cortes, J., Lilley, D.E., Cha, W., Purohit, P.K., Bargatin, I. “Tunable tensile response of honeycomb plates with nanoscale thickness: Testing and modeling,” Extreme Mechanics Letters, 34, pp. 100599, 2020.
Cortes, J., Stanczak, C., Azadi, M., Narula, M., Nicaise, S.M., Hu, H., Bargatin, I. 2020. “Photophoretic levitation: photophoretic levitation of macroscopic nanocardboard plates,” Advanced Materials, 32, 16, pp. 2070127, 2020.
Campbell, M.F., Azadi, M., Lu, Z., Eskenazi, A.G., Jain, A., Bang, J.W., Sieg, P.G., Popov, G.A., Nicaise, S.M., Van Houten, K.C., Schmitt, F. “Nanostructured spacers for thermionic and thermophotovoltaic energy converters,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 29, 5, pp. 637-644, 2020.
Azadi, M., Lu, Z., Popov, G.A., Stanczak, C.H., Eskenazi, A.G., Ponnarassery, P., Cortes, J., Campbell, M.F., Bargatin, I. “Demonstration of atmospheric-pressure radiometer with nanocardboard vanes,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, V 29, 5, pp. 811-817, 2020.
Cha, W., Campbell, M.F., Popov, G.A., Stanczak, C.H., Estep, A.K., Steager, E.B., Sung, C.R., Yim, M.H., Bargatin, I. “Microfabricated foldable wings for centimeter-scale microflyers,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 29 (5), pp. 1127-1129, 2020.
Sue Ann Bidstrup Allen
Synodis, M., Pikul, J., Allen, S.A.B. and Allen, M.G. “Vertically integrated high voltage ZnAir batteries enabled by stacked multilayer electrodeposition,” Journal of Power Sources, 449, pp. 227566, 2020. Lee Bassett
Fishman, R., Patel, R., Hopper, D., Huang, T.Y., Bassett, L. “Photon statistics as an analytical tool in solid-state defect systems,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Hopper, D.A., Lauigan, J.D., Huang, T.Y. and Bassett, L.C. “Real-time charge initialization of diamond nitrogen-vacancy centers for enhanced spin readout,” Physical Review Applied, 13 (2), pp. 024016, 2020.
Kagan, C.R., Bassett, L.C., Murray, C.B., Thompson, S.M. “Colloidal quantum dots as platforms for quantum information science,” Chemical Reviews, 2020.
Breitweiser, S.A., Exarhos, A.L., Patel, R.N., Saouaf, J., Porat, B., Hopper, D.A. Bassett, L.C. “Efficient optical quantification of heterogeneous emitter ensembles,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 288-295, 2020.
Hopper, D.A., Lauigan, J.D., Huang, T.Y. and Bassett, L.C. “Real-time charge control of diamond quantum sensors,” In Quantum 2.0 pp. QTh5B-4, Optical Society of America, 2020.
Jason Burdick
Daly, A.C., Riley, L., Segura, T., Burdick, J.A. “Hydrogel microparticles for biomedical applications,” Nature Reviews Materials, 5 (1), pp. 20-43, 2020.
Davidson, M.D., Ban, E., Schoonen, A.C., Lee, M.H., D’Este, M., Shenoy, V.B., Burdick, J.A. “Mechanochemical adhesion and plasticity in multifiber hydrogel networks,” Advanced Materials, 32 (8), pp.1905719, 2020.
Davidson, M.D., Ban, E., Schoonen, A.C., Lee, M.H., D’Este, M., Shenoy, V.B., Burdick, J.A. “Hydrogels: mechanochemical adhesion and plasticity in multifiber hydrogel networks,” Advanced Materials, 32 (8), pp. 2070061, 2020.
Sun, W., Starly, B., Daly, A.C., Burdick, J.A., Groll, J., Skeldon, G., Shu, W., Sakai, Y., Shinohara, M., Nishikawa, M., Jang, J. “The bioprinting roadmap,” Biofabrication, 12 (2), pp. 022002, 2020. Song, K.H., Heo, S.J., Peredo, A.P., Davidson, M.D., Mauck, R.L., Burdick, J.A. “Influence of fiber stiffness on meniscal cell migration into dense fibrous networks,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9 (8), pp. 1901228, 2020.
Davidson, M.D., Burdick, J.A., Wells, R.G. “Engineered biomaterial platforms to study fibrosis,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9 (8), pp. 1901682, 2020.
Hong, S.H., Shin, M., Park, E., Ryu, J.H., Burdick, J.A., Lee, H. “Alginate-boronic acid: pH-triggered bioinspired glue for hydrogel assembly,” Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (26), pp. 1908497, 2020.
Robert Carpick
Vazirisereshk, M.R., Hasz, K., Zhao, M.Q., Johnson, A.C., Carpick, R.W., Martini, A. “Nanoscale friction behavior of transition-metal dichalcogenides: role of the chalcogenide.” ACS Nano, 14 (11), pp. 16013-16021, 2020.
McClimon, J.B., Hilbert, J., Lukes, J.R., Carpick, R.W. “Nanoscale run-in of silicon oxide-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon: dependence of interfacial shear strength on sliding length and humidity,” Tribology Letters, 68 (3), pp. 1-14, 2020.
Murdoch, T.J., Pashkovski, E., Patterson, R., Carpick, R.W., Lee, D. “Sticky but slick: reducing friction using associative and nonassociative polymer lubricant additives,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2 (9), pp. 4062-407, 2020.
Tian, K., Li, Z., Liu, Y., Gosvami, N.N., Goldsby, D.L., Szlufarska, I., Carpick, R.W. “Linear aging behavior at short timescales in nanoscale contacts,” Physical Review Letters, 124 (2), pp. 026801, 2020.
Gosvami, N.N., Lahouij, I., Ma, J., Carpick, R.W. “Nanoscale in situ study of ZDDP tribofilm growth at aluminum-based interfaces using atomic force microscopy,” Tribology International, 143, pp. 106075, 2020.
Elinski, M.B., LaMascus, P., Zheng, L., Jackson, A., Wiacek, R., Carpick, R. “Interactions between nanoparticles and extreme pressure additives: toward high performance low viscosity lubricants,” 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Mangolini, F., Krick, B., Jacobs, T., Khanal, S., Streller, F., McClimon, J., Hilbert, J., Prasad, S., Scharf, T., Ohlhausen, J., Lukes, J., Sawyer, W., Carpick, R. “Addressing the achilles’ heels of amorphous carbon overcoats with doping: mechanisms of thermal and oxidative degradation,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
I-Wei Chen
Alvarez, A., Dong, Y., Chen, I.W., “DC electrical degradation of YSZ: voltage-controlled electrical metallization of a fast ion conducting insulator,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103(5), pp. 3178-3193, 2020.
Dong, Y., Zhang, Z., Alvarez, A., Chen, I.W., “Potential jumps at transport bottlenecks cause instability of nominally ionic solid electrolytes in electrochemical cells,” Acta Materialia, 199, pp. 264-277, 2020.
David Cormode
Higbee-Dempsey, E.M., Amirshaghaghi, A., Case, M.J., Bouché, M., Kim, J., Cormode, D.P., Tsourkas, A. “Biodegradable gold nanoclusters with improved excretion due to pH-triggered hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic transition,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (17), pp. 7783-7794. 2020.
Hsu, J.C., Nieves, L.M., Betzer, O., Sadan, T., Noël, P.B., Popovtzer, R., Cormode, D.P. “Nanoparticle contrast agents for X-ray imaging applications,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 12 (6), pp. e1642, 2020.
Naha, P.C., Hsu, J.C., Kim, J., Shah, S., Bouché, M., Si-Mohamed, S., Rosario-Berrios, D.N., Douek, P., Hajfathalian, M., Yasini, P. Singh, S. “Dextrancoated cerium oxide nanoparticles: a computed tomography contrast agent for imaging the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory bowel disease,” ACS Nano, 14 (8), pp. 10187-10197, 2020. Russell Composto
Bilchak, C., Govind, S., Contreas, G., Rasin, B., Maguire, S., Composto, R., Fakhraai, Z. “Kinetic monitoring of block copolymer self-assembly using in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry,” ACS Macro Letters, 9 (8), pp. 1095-1101, 2020.
Park, J., Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Single-particle tracking of nonsticky and sticky nanoparticles in polymer melts,” Macromolecules, 53 (10), pp. 3933-3939, 2020.
Rose, K., Molaei, M., Boyle, M., Lee, D., Crocker, J., Composto, R. “Particle tracking of nanoparticles in soft matter,” Journal of Applied Physics, 127 (19), pp. 191101, 2020.
Bailey, E.J., Griffin, P.J., Composto, R.J., Winey, K.I. “Characterizing the areal density and desorption kinetics of physically adsorbed polymer in polymer nanocomposite melts,” Macromolecules, 53 (7), pp. 2744-2753, 2020.
Rasin, B., Lindsay, B.J., Ye, X., Meth, J.S., Murray, C.B., Riggleman, R.A., Composto, R.J. “Nanorod position and orientation in vertical cylinder block copolymer films,” Soft Matter, 16 (12), pp. 3005-3014, 2020.
Parrish, E., Rose, K.A., Cargnello, M., Murray, C.B., Lee, D., Composto, R.J. “Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly (ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution,” Soft Matter, 16 (9), pp. 2256-2265, 2020.
Parrish, E., Caporizzo, M.A., Rose, K.A., Composto, R.J. “Erratum: Network confinement and heterogeneity slows nanoparticle diffusion in polymer gels,” Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 152, no. 4, 2020.
O’Bryan, C., Zavgorodnya, O., Composto, R., Lee, D. “Influence of polymer structure on adsorption onto metal surfaces,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Rose, K., Lee, D., Composto, R. “PH modulated nanoparticle diffusion in silica-polyacrylamide hydrogels,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020. Maguire, S., Pana, A.M., Lee, H., Rannou, P., Maréchal, M., Ohno, K., Composto, R. “Morphological effects on ionic conductivity in solid polymer nanocomposite electrolytes,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Bilchak, C., Maguire, S., Tsaggaris, T., Welborn, S., Corsi, J., Detsi, E., Ford, J., Pressly, J., Fakhraai, Z., Composto, R. “Polymer infiltrated nanoporous metals to create bicontinuous composite materials,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Vo, T., Elbert, K., Krook, N., Zygmunt, W., Park, J., Yager, K., Composto, R., Glotzer, S., Murray, C. “Predictive modeling of dendrimer directed nanoparticle self-assembly,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Multiscale polymer and nanoparticle dynamics in attractive polymer nanocomposite melts,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Park, J., Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Single-particle tracking of nonsticky and sticky nanoparticles in polymer melts,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Eric Detsi
Li, M., Qiu, T., Foucher, A.C., Fu, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, D., Rappe, A.M., Stach, E.A., Detsi, E. “Impact of hierarchical nanoporous architectures on sodium storage in antimonybased sodium-ion battery anodes,” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (11), pp. 11231-11241, 2020.
Lee, T., Fu, J., Basile, V., Corsi, J.S., Wang, Z., Detsi, E. “Activated alumina as value-added byproduct from the hydrolysis of hierarchical nanoporous aluminum with pure water to generate hydrogen fuel,” Renewable Energy, 155, pp. 189-196, 2020.
Mooraj, S., Welborn, S.S., Jiang, S., Peng, S., Fu, J., Baker, S., Duoss, E.B., Zhu, C., Detsi, E, Chen, W. “Three-dimensional hierarchical nanoporous copper via direct ink writing and dealloying,” Scripta Materialia, 177, pp. 146-150, 2020.
Mooraj, S., Welborn, S.S., Jiang, S., Peng, S., Fu, J., Baker, S., Duoss, E.B., Zhu, C., Detsi, E., Chen, W. “Three-dimensional hierarchical nanoporous copper via direct ink writing and dealloying,” Scripta Materialia, 177, pp. 146-150, 2020.
Zhang, D., Fu, J., Wang, Z., Wang, L., Corsi, J.S., Detsi, E. “Perspective—reversible magnesium storage in silicon: an ongoing challenge,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 (5), pp. 050514, 2020.
Li, M., Wang, Z. Detsi, E. “In situ electrochemical dilatometry study of (de) lithiation and polysulfide dissolution-induced dimensional changes in lithium-sulfur cathodes during charging and discharging,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 167 (5), pp. 050505, 2020.
Welborn, S.S., Detsi, E. “Small-angle X-ray scattering of nanoporous materials,” Nanoscale Horizons, 5 (1), pp. 12-24, 2020.
Fu, J. Detsi, E. “Eco-friendly synthesis of nanoporous magnesium by air-free electrolytic dealloying of magnesium-lithium alloy with recovery of sacrificial lithium,” ECS Meeting Abstracts, (No. 50, p. 3831), IOP Publishing, 2020.
Corsi, J.S., Fu, J., Lee, T., Detsi, E. “Integrated hybrid fuel cell-battery power generator enabled through electrochemical hydrolysis of nanoporous aluminum,” ECS Meeting Abstracts, (No. 1, p. 97). IOP Publishing, 2020.
Pröschel, A., Welborn, S.S., Fu, J., Detsi, E. “Ultrahigh-rate pseudocapacitive energy storage in three-dimensional nanoporous gold/silver oxide composites through oxidation/reduction of silver (i) oxide to silver (iii) oxide in non-aqueous electrolytes,” ECS Meeting Abstracts, (No. 4, p. 583), IOP Publishing, 2020.
Chacko, J., Corsi, J.S., Welborn, S.S., Detsi, E. “In Situ UV-visible optical spectroscopy study of nanoporous gold formation by electrolytic dealloying,” ECS Meeting Abstracts, (No. 48, p. 2718), IOP Publishing, 2020.
Welborn, S.S., Wang, L., Li, M., Qiu, T., Foucher, A., Stach, E.A., Rappe, A., Detsi, E. “Crystallineto-amorphous phase transformations as a key ingredient to enhanced rate performance and cycle life in mg-and na-ion battery anodes: operando x-ray scattering studies,” In PRiME 2020 (ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting), ECS, 2020.
Lee, T., Fu, J., Corsi, J.S., Detsi, E. “Nanoporous aluminum for solid-state hydrogen storage,” ECS Meeting Abstracts, (No. 48, p. 2716), IOP Publishing, 2020. van der Pluijm, M.W., Chen, R., Lee, A., Mui, J., Corsi, J.S., De Hosson, J.T., Detsi, E. “Directly generated hydrogen to feed a 2.4 kw pem fuel cell stack by hydrolysis of nanoporous aluminum with pure water,” ECS Meeting Abstracts (No. 1, p. 86). IOP Publishing, 2020.
Bilchak, C., Maguire, S., Tsaggaris, T., Welborn, S., Corsi, J., Detsi, E., Ford, J., Pressly, J., Fakhraai, Z., Composto, R. “Polymer infiltrated nanoporous metals to create bicontinuous composite materials,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Ivan Dmochowski
Du, K., Zemerov, S.D., Hurtado Parra, S., Kikkawa, J.M., Dmochowski, I.J. “Paramagnetic organocobalt capsule revealing xenon host–guest chemistry,” Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (19), pp. 13831-13844, 2020.
Yang, L., Eberwine, J.H., Dmochowski, I.J., “Caspase-activated oligonucleotide probe,” Bioconjugate Chemistry, 31 (9), pp. 2172-2178, 2020.
Du, K., Zemerov, S.D., Carroll, P.J., Dmochowski, I.J. “Paramagnetic shifts and guest exchange kinetics in co n fe4–n metal–organic capsules,” Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (17), pp. 12758-12767, 2020.
Yeldell, S.B., Yang, L., Lee, J., Eberwine, J.H., Dmochowski, I.J. “Oligonucleotide probe for transcriptome in vivo analysis (tiva) of single neurons with minimal background,” ACS Chemical Biology, 15 (10), pp. 2714-2721, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Hwang, M., Zemerov, S.D., Dmochowski, I.J., Hammer, D.A., Lee, D., Sehgal, C.M. “Ultrasound responsive noble gas microbubbles for applications in imageguided gas delivery,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, (9), pp. 1901721, 2020. Marija Drndić
Thiruraman, J.P., Dar, S.A., Das, P.M., Hassani, N., Neek-Amal, M., Keerthi, A., Drndić, M., Radha, B., “Gas flow through atomic-scale apertures,” Science Advances, 6 (51), pp. eabc7927, 2020.
Thiruraman, J.P., Masih Das, P., Drndić, M. “Correction to ions and water dancing through atom-scale holes: a perspective toward ‘size zero,’” ACS Nano, 14 (11), pp. 16158-16158, 2020.
Thiruraman, J.P., Masih Das, P., Drndić, M. “Stochastic Ionic Transport in Single Atomic Zero-Dimensional Pores,” ACS Nano, 14 (9), pp. 11831-11845, 2020.
Zheng, X., Calò, A., Cao, T., Liu, X., Huang, Z., Das, P.M., Drndić, M., Albisetti, E., Lavini, F., Narang, V., King, W.P. “Spatial defects nanoengineering for bipolar conductivity in MoS 2,” Nature Communications, 11 (1), pp. 1-12, 2020.
Masih Das, P., Drndić, M. “In Situ 2D mos2 field-effect transistors with an electron beam gate,” ACS Nano, 14 (6), pp. 7389-7397, 2020.
Mandyam, S.V., Kim, H.M., Drndić, M. “Large area few-layer TMD film growths and their applications,” Journal of Physics: Materials, 3 (2), pp. 024008, 2020.
Chou, Y.C., Masih Das, P., Monos, D.S., Drndić, M. “Lifetime and stability of silicon nitride nanopores and nanopore arrays for ionic measurements,” ACS Nano, 14 (6), pp. 67156728, 2020.
Figueroa, K.S., Pinto, N.J., Mandyam, S.V., Zhao, M.Q., Wen, C., Masih Das, P., Gao, Z., Drndić, M., Johnson, A.T. “Controlled doping of graphene by impurity charge compensation via a polarized ferroelectric polymer,” Journal of Applied Physics, 127 (12), pp. 125503, 2020.
Thiruraman, J.P., Masih Das, P., Drndić, M. “Ions and water dancing through atom-scale holes: a perspective toward ‘size zero,’” ACS Nano, 14 (4), pp. 3736-3746.
Zhang, Q., Wang, S., Gao, Z., Hurtado Parra, S., Das, P., Berry, J., Addison, Z., Parkin, W., Drndić, M., Kikkawa, J., Mele, E. “Coupling of quantum valley hall edge states between cvd bilayer graphene layer stacking domain walls,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 202 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Niedzwiecki, D.J., Chou, Y.C., Xia, Z., Thei, F. and Drndić, M., “Detection of single analyte and environmental samples with silicon nitride nanopores: Antarctic dirt particulates and DNA in artificial seawater,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 91 (3), pp. 031301, 2020.
Zahra Fakhraai
Bilchak, C., Govind, S., Contreas, G., Rasin, B., Maguire, S., Composto, R., Fakhraai, Z. “Kinetic monitoring of block copolymer self-assembly using in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry,” ACS Macro Letters, 9 (8), pp. 1095-1101, 2020.
Song, B., Liu, F., Wang, H., Miao, J., Chen, Y., Kumar, P., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Gu, H., Stach, E.A., Liang, X., Liu, S., Fakhraai, Z., Jariwala, D. “Giant gate-tunability of complex refractive index in semiconducting carbon nanotubes,” ACS Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 2896-2905, 2020.
Song, B., Hou, J., Wang, H., Sidhik, S., Miao, J., Gu, H., Zhang, H., Liu, S., Fakhraai, Z., Even, J., Blancon, J.C., Mohite, A.D., Jariwala, D. “Determination of dielectric functions and exciton oscillator strength of two-dimensional hybrid perovskites,” ACS Materials Letters, 3, pp.148-159, 2020.
Bilchak, C., Maguire, S., Tsaggaris, T., Welborn, S., Corsi, J., Detsi, E., Ford, J., Pressly, J., Fakhraai, Z., Composto, R. “Polymer infiltrated nanoporous metals to create bicontinuous composite materials,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Wolf, S., Fulco, S., Zhang, A., Jin, Y., Govind, S., Zhao, H., Walsh, P., Turner, K., Fakhraai, Z. “High-throughput study of mechanical properties of organic stable glasses by nanoindentation,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Zhang, A., Rodriguez, D., Stephens, R., Fakhraai, Z. “Light-facilitated dewetting in amorphous selenium thin films,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020. Bilchak, C., Contreas, G., Govind, S., Maguire, S., Composto, R., Fakhraai, Z. “Probing blockcopolymer self-assembly kinetics with in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, 65, 2020.
Wang, H., Qiang, Y., Hor, J.L., Shamsabadi, A., Mazumder, P., Lee, D., Fakhraai, Z., “Polymers under extreme nanoconfinement,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Liang Feng
Wang, Y., Dang, A., Zhang, Z., Yin, R., Gao, Y., Feng, L., Yang, S. “Repeatable and reprogrammable shape morphing from photoresponsive gold nanorod/liquid crystal elastomers,” Advanced Materials, 32(46), pp. 2004270, 2020.
Zhang, Z., Qiao, X., Midya, B., Liu, K., Sun, J., Wu, T., Liu, W., Agarwal, R., Jornet, J. M., Longhi, S., Litchinitser, N.M., Feng, L. “Tunable topological charge vortex microlaser,” Science, pp. 760763, 2020.
Ji, Z., Liu, W., Krylyuk, S., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Pan, A., Feng, L., Davydov, A., Agarwal, R. “Photocurrent detection of the orbital angular momentum of light,” Science, 368 (6492), pp. 763-767, 2020.
Zhang, Z., Zhao, H., Pires, D.G., Qiao, X., Gao, Z., Jornet, J.M., Longhi, S., Litchinitser, N.M., Feng, L. “Ultrafast control of fractional orbital angular momentum of microlaser emissions,” Light: Science & Applications, 9 (1), pp. 1-9, 2020.
Reto Giere
Vigliaturo, R., Marengo, A., Bittarello, E., PérezRodríguez, I., Dražić, G., Gieré, R. “Micro-and nano-scale mineralogical characterization of Fe (II)-oxidizing bacterial stalks,” Geobiology, 18 (5), pp. 606-618, 2020.
O’Shea, M.J., Vann, D.R., Hwang, W.T. and Gieré, R. “A mineralogical and chemical investigation of road dust in Philadelphia, PA, USA." Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp. 1-20, 2020.
Vigliaturo, R., Choi, J.K., Pérez-Rodríguez, I. and Gieré, R. “Dimensional distribution control of elongate mineral particles for their use in biological assays,” MethodsX, 7, pp. 100937, 2020. David Goldsby
Cross, A.J., Goldsby, D.L., Hager, T.F., Smith, I.B. “The rheological behavior of CO2 ice: application to glacial flow on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters,” 47 (22), pp. e2020GL090431, 2020.
Fan, S., Hager, T.F., Prior, D.J., Cross, A.J., Goldsby, D.L., Qi, C., Negrini, M. Wheeler, J. “Temperature and strain controls on ice deformation mechanisms: insights from the microstructures of samples deformed to progressively higher strains at− 10,− 20 and− 30° C,” The Cryosphere, 14 (11), pp. 3875-3905, 2020.
Tian, K., Li, Z., Liu, Y., Gosvami, N.N., Goldsby, D.L., Szlufarska, I., Carpick, R.W. “Linear Aging Behavior at Short Timescales in Nanoscale Contacts,” Physical review letters, 124 (2), pp. 026801, 2020.
Thom, C., Goldsby, D., Kumamoto, K., Hansen, L. “When minerals fight back: The relationship between back stress and geometrically necessary dislocation density,” EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, pp. 2773, 2020.
Hager, T.F., Qi, C., Fan, S., Prior, D.J., Thomas, R., Cross, A.J., Goldsby, D.L. “Grain-size-sensitive creep of ice in the’dislocation creep’regime,” AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.
Fan, S., Prior, D.J., Hager, T.F., Cross, A.J., Goldsby, D.L. “The control of crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) development and grain size reduction on ice mechanical weakening (enhancement),” AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
Raymond Gorte
Joo, S., Seong, A., Kwon, O., Kim, K., Lee, J.H., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M., Han, J.W., Kim, G. “Highly active dry methane reforming catalysts with boosted in situ grown Ni-Fe nanoparticles on perovskite via atomic layer deposition,” Science Advances, 6 (35), pp. eabb1573, 2020.
Mao, X., Foucher, A.C., Montini, T., Stach, E.A., Fornasiero, P., Gorte, R.J. “Epitaxial and strong support interactions between Pt and LaFeO3 films stabilize Pt dispersion,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (23), pp. 10373-10382, 2020.
Seong, A., Kim, J., Kwon, O., Jeong, H.Y., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M., Kim, G. “Self-reconstructed interlayer derived by in-situ Mn diffusion from La0. 5Sr0. 5MnO3 via atomic layer deposition for an efficient bi-functional electrocatalyst,” Nano Energy, 71, pp. 104564, 2020.
Lin, C., Foucher, A.C., Ji, Y., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “Investigation of Rh–titanate (ATiO 3) interactions on high-surface-area perovskite thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (33), pp. 16973-16984, 2020.
Mao, X., Foucher, A.C., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “Changes in Ni-NiO equilibrium due to LaFeO3 and the effect on dry reforming of CH4,” Journal of Catalysis, 381, pp. 561-569, 2020.
Lee, J.D., Wang, C., Jin, T., Gorte, R.J., Murray, C.B. “Engineering the composition of bimetallic nanocrystals to improve hydrodeoxygenation selectivity for 2-acetylfuran,” Applied Catalysis A: General, 606, pp. 117808, 2020.
Cao, T., Kwon, O., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M. “Metal exsolution to enhance the catalytic activity of electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells,” Nanomaterials, 10 (12), pp. 2445, 2020.
Lin, C., Foucher, A.C., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “A thermodynamic investigation of Ni on thin-film titanates (ATiO3),” inorganics, 8 (12), pp. 69, 2020.
Cao, T., Huang, R., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M. ”Endothermic reactions of 1-propanamine on a zirconia catalyst,” Applied Catalysis A: General, 590, pp. 117372, 2020. Daniel Hammer
Roy, N.H., Kim, S.H.J., Buffone, A., Blumenthal, D., Huang, B., Agarwal, S., Schwartzberg, P.L., Hammer, D.A., Burkhardt, J.K. “LFA-1 signals to promote actin polymerization and upstream migration in T cells,” Journal of Cell Science, 133 (17), 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Hwang, M., Zemerov, S.D., Dmochowski, I.J., Hammer, D.A., Lee, D., Sehgal, C.M. “Ultrasound responsive noble gas microbubbles for applications in imageguided gas delivery,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, (9), pp. 1901721, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Hwang, M., Hammer, D.A., Sehgal, C., Lee, D. “Xenon and argon microbubbles for ultrasound-guided therapeutic gas delivery,” Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Sehgal, C., Hammer, D.A., Lee, D. “Stabilization of therapeutic and water-soluble gas microbubbles by phospholipids and recombinant proteins for ultrasound mediated theranostic applications,” Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, 2020.
David Issadore
Muraoka, S., Jedrychowski, M.P., Yang, Z., Tatebe, H., DeLeo, A.M., Yukawa, K., Ko, J., Wang, K., Ikezu, S., Gygi, S., Issadore, D. “Evaluation of extracellular vesicles isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma from former National Football League players at risk for chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Biomarkers (non-neuroimaging)/plasma/serum/urine biomarkers,” Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 16, pp. e042233, 2020.
Lan, Y., Wu, J., Han, S.H., Yadavali, S., Issadore, D., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Scalable synthesis of janus particles with high naturality,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8 (48), pp. 1768017686, 2020.
Ko, J., Hemphill, M., Yang, Z., Beard, K., Sewell, E., Shallcross, J., Schweizer, M., Sandsmark, D.K., Diaz-Arrastia, R., Kim, J., Meaney, D. “Multi-dimensional mapping of brain-derived extracellular vesicle MicroRNA biomarker for traumatic brain injury diagnostics,” Journal of Neurotrauma, 37 (22), pp. 2424-2434, 2020. Shen, H., Liu, T., Cui, J., Borole, P., Benjamin, A., Kording, K., Issadore, D. “A web-based automated machine learning platform to analyze liquid biopsy data,” Lab on a Chip, 20 (12), pp. 2166-2174, 2020.
Deep Jariwala
Song, B., Liu, F., Wang, H., Miao, J., Chen, Y., Kumar, P., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Gu, H., Stach, E.A., Liang, X., Liu, S., Fakhraai, Z., Jariwala, D. “Giant gate-tunability of complex refractive index in semiconducting carbon nanotubes,” ACS Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 2896-2905, 2020.
Song, B., Hou, J., Wang, H., Sidhik, S., Miao, J., Gu, H., Zhang, H., Liu, S., Fakhraai, Z., Even, J., Blancon, J.C., Mohite, A.D., Jariwala, D. “Determination of dielectric functions and exciton oscillator strength of two-dimensional hybrid perovskites,” ACS Materials Letters, 3, pp. 148-159, 2020.
Moore, D., Jo, K., Nguyen, C., Lou, J., Muratore, C., Jariwala, D., Glavin, N.R. “Uncovering topographically hidden features in 2D MoSe 2 with correlated potential and optical nanoprobes,” npj 2D Materials and Applications, 4 (1), pp. 1-7, 2020.
Song, B., Liu, F., Wang, H., Miao, J., Chen, Y., Kumar, P., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Gu, H., Stach, E.A., Liang, X. “Giant gate-tunability of complex refractive index in semiconducting carbon nanotubes,” ACS Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 28962905, 2020.
Kumar, P., Horwath, J., Foucher, A., Price, C., Acero, N., Shenoy, V., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Alsem, D.H. “Non-equilibrium structural phase transformations in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 632-633, 2020.
Han, M.G., Garlow, J., Zhu, Y., Zhang, H., Liu, Y., DiMarzio, D., Petrovic, C., Jariwala, D. “Homochiral skyrmionic bubbles in exfoliated 2D Van Der Waals Cr2Ge2Te6,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 2138-2140, 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Karki, K., Kumar, P., Verret, A., Glachman, N., Alsem, D.H., Jariwala, D., Salmon, N., Stach, E. “In situ/operando Study of Photoelectrochemistry Using Optical Liquid Cell Microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 2446-2447, 2020.
Zhang, H., Abhiraman, B., Zhang, Q., Miao, J., Jo, K., Roccasecca, S., Knight, M.W., Davoyan, A.R., Jariwala, D. “Hybrid exciton-plasmonpolaritons in van der Waals semiconductor gratings,” Nature Communications, 11 (1), pp. 1-9, 2020.
Darlington, T.P., Krayev, A., Venkatesh, V., Saxena, R., Kysar, J.W., Borys, N.J., Jariwala, D. Schuck, P.J. “Facile and quantitative estimation of strain in nanobubbles with arbitrary symmetry in 2D semiconductors verified using hyperspectral nano-optical imaging,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153 (2), pp. 024702, 2020.
Kumar, P., Horwath, J.P., Foucher, A.C., Price, C.C., Acero, N., Shenoy, V.B., Stach, E.A., Jariwala, D. “Direct visualization of out-of-equilibrium structural transformations in atomically thin chalcogenides,” NPJ 2D Materials and Applications, 4 (1), pp. 1-10, 2020.
Miao, J., Liu, X., Jo, K., He, K., Saxena, R., Song, B., Zhang, H., He, J., Han, M.G., Hu, W., Jariwala, D. “Gate-tunable semiconductor heterojunctions from 2D/3D van der Waals interfaces,” Nano Letters, 20 (4), pp. 2907-2915, 2020.
Chowdhury, T., Kim, J., Sadler, E.C., Li, C., Lee, S.W., Jo, K., Xu, W., Gracias, D.H., Drichko, N.V., Jariwala, D., Brintlinger, T.H. “Substrate-directed synthesis of MoS 2 nanocrystals with tunable dimensionality and optical properties,” Nature Nanotechnology, 15 (1), pp. 29-34, 2020.
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Gharavi, P., Liu, X., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Olsson, R., Roebisch, V., Kratzer, M., Heinz, B., Han, M. and Kisslinger, K. “Ferroelectric C-axis textured aluminum scandium nitride thin films of 100 nm thickness,” 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020.
Abhiraman, B., Zhang, H., Zhang, Q., Miao, J., Jo, K., Roccasecca, S., Knight, M., Davoyan, A., Jariwala, D. “Strong-coupling of hybrid quasiparticles in excitonic-dielectric gratings,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020. A.T. Charlie Johnson
Vazirisereshk, M.R., Hasz, K., Zhao, M.Q., Johnson, A.C., Carpick, R.W., Martini, A. “Nanoscale friction behavior of transitionmetal dichalcogenides: Role of the chalcogenide.” ACS Nano, 14(11), pp.16013-16021, 2020.
Figueroa, K.S., Pinto, N.J., Mandyam, S.V., Zhao, M.Q., Wen, C., Masih Das, P., Gao, Z., Drndić, M., Johnson, A.T. “Controlled doping of graphene by impurity charge compensation via a polarized ferroelectric polymer,” Journal of Applied Physics, 127 (12), pp. 125503, 2020.
Wen, C., Selling, B., Yeliseev, A., Xi, J., PerezAguilar, J.M., Gao, Z., Saven, J.G., Johnson, A.C., Liu, R. “The C-terminus of the mu opioid receptor is critical in G-protein interaction as demonstrated by a novel graphene biosensor,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020.
Gao, Z., Ducos, P., Ye, H., Zauberman, J., Sriram, A., Yang, X., Wang, Z., Mitchell, M.W., Lekkas, D., Brisson, D., Johnson, A.C. “Graphene transistor arrays functionalized with genetically engineered antibody fragments for lyme disease diagnosis,” 2D Materials, 7 (2), pp. 024001, 2020.
Lin, G., Zhao, M.Q., Jia, M., Cui, P., Zhao, H., Zhang, J., Gundlach, L., Liu, X., Johnson, A.C., Zeng, Y. “Improving the electrical performance of monolayer top-gated MoS2 transistors by post bis (trifluoromethane) sulfonamide treatment,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53 (41), pp. 415106.
Xi, J., Xiao, J., Perez-Aguilar, J.M., Ping, J., Johnson Jr, A.C., Saven, J.G., Liu, R. “Characterization of an engineered water-soluble variant of the fulllength human mu opioid receptor,” Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 38 (14), pp. 4364-4370.
Vishnubhotla, R., Sriram, A., Dickens, O.O., Mandyam, S.V., Ping, J., Adu-Beng, E., Johnson, A.C. “Attomolar detection of ssDNA without amplification and capture of long target sequences with graphene biosensors,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 20 (11), pp. 5720-5724, 2020.. Cherie Kagan
Marino, E., Keller, A.W., An, D., Van Dongen, S., Kodger, T.E., MacArthur, K.E., Heggen, M., Kagan, C.R., Murray, C.B., Schall, P. “Favoring the growth of high-quality, three-dimensional supercrystals of nanocrystals,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (20), pp. 11256-11264, 2020.
Straus, D.B., Hurtado Parra, S., Iotov, N., Zhao, Q., Gau, M.R., Carroll, P.J., Kikkawa, J.M., Kagan, C.R. “Tailoring hot exciton dynamics in 2D hybrid perovskites through cation modification,” ACS Nano, 14 (3), pp. 3621-3629, 2020.
Kagan, C.R., Bassett, L.C., Murray, C.B., Thompson, S.M. “Colloidal quantum dots as platforms for quantum information science,” Chemical Reviews, 2020.
Kagan, C., Straus, D., Hurtado Parra, S., Zhao, Q., Kikkawa, J. “Correlating structure and function in two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Keller, A., Kagan, C., Murray, C., An, D., “Sub5 nm patterning via self-assembly and template-assisted assembly of colloidal nanocrystals,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Jay Kikkawa
Zhang, Q., Wang, S., Gao, Z., Hurtado Parra, S., Das, P., Berry, J., Addison, Z., Parkin, W., Drndić, M., Kikkawa, J., Mele, E. “Coupling of quantum valley hall edge states between cvd bilayer graphene layer stacking domain walls,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Khadka, D., Thapaliya, T.R., Parra, S.H., Han, X., Wen, J., Need, R.F., Khanal, P., Wang, W., Zang, J., Kikkawa, J.M., Wu, L. “Kondo physics in antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Mn3+ xSn1− x films,” Science advances, 6 (35), pp. eabc1977, 2020.
Xu, Y., Ge, D., Calderon-Ortiz, G.A., Exarhos, A.L., Bretz, C., Alsayed, A., Kurz, D., Kikkawa, J.M., Dreyfus, R., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Highly conductive and transparent coatings from flowaligned silver nanowires with large electrical and optical anisotropy,” Nanoscale, 12 (11), pp. 6438-6448, 2020.
Du, K., Zemerov, S.D., Hurtado Parra, S., Kikkawa, J.M., Dmochowski, I.J. “Paramagnetic organocobalt capsule revealing xenon host–guest chemistry,” Inorganic Chemistry, 59 (19), pp. 13831-13844, 2020.
Kagan, C., Straus, D., Hurtado Parra, S., Zhao, Q., Kikkawa, J. “Correlating structure and function in two-dimensional organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Straus, D.B., Hurtado Parra, S., Iotov, N., Zhao, Q., Gau, M.R., Carroll, P.J., Kikkawa, J.M., Kagan, C.R. “Tailoring hot exciton dynamics in 2D hybrid perovskites through cation modification,” ACS Nano, 14 (3), pp. 3621-3629, 2020.
Daeyeon Lee
Parrish, E., Rose, K.A., Cargnello, M., Murray, C.B., Lee, D., Composto, R.J. “Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly (ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution,” Soft Matter, 16 (9), pp. 2256-2265, 2020.
Lan, Y., Wu, J., Han, S.H., Yadavali, S., Issadore, D., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Scalable synthesis of janus particles with high naturality,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8 (48), pp. 1768017686, 2020.
Han, S.H., Kim, J. Lee, D. “Static array of droplets and on-demand recovery for biological assays,” Biomicrofluidics, 14 (5), pp. 051302.
Strickland, D.J., Melchert, D.S., Hor, J.L., Ortiz, C.P., Lee, D., Gianola, D.S. “Microscopic origin of shear banding as a localized driven glass transition in compressed colloidal pillars,” Physical Review E, 102 (3), pp. 032605, 2020.
Murdoch, T.J., Pashkovski, E., Patterson, R., Carpick, R.W., Lee, D. “Sticky but slick: reducing friction using associative and nonassociative polymer lubricant additives,” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2 (9), pp. 4062-407, 2020.
Rose, K.A., Molaei, M., Boyle, M., Lee, D., Crocker, J., Composto, R. “Particle tracking of nanoparticles in soft matter,” Journal of Applied Physics, 127 (19), pp. 191101, 2020. Rosenfeld, J., Duan, G., Lee, D. “Controlling the emulsion type using adjustable polyelectrolyte–surfactant complexes,” Langmuir, 36 (29), pp. 8617-8625, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Hwang, M., Zemerov, S.D., Dmochowski, I.J., Hammer, D.A., Lee, D., Sehgal, C.M. “Ultrasound responsive noble gas microbubbles for applications in imageguided gas delivery,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, (9), pp. 1901721, 2020.
Wang, T., Di Vitantonio, G., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of hierarchical biphasic bicontinuous structures via vaporization-induced phase separation (VIPS),” ACS Materials Letters, 2 (5), pp. 524530, 2020.
Manohar, N., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Effect of confinement on solvent-driven infiltration of the polymer into nanoparticle packings,” Macromolecules, 53 (15), pp. 67406746, 2020.
Haase, M.F., Boakye-Ansah, S., Di Vitantonio, G., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Bijels formed by solvent transfer-induced phase separation” In Bijels, pp. 137-166, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
O’Bryan, C., Zavgorodnya, O., Composto, R., Lee, D. “Influence of polymer structure on adsorption onto metal surfaces,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Jo, Y.K., Lee, D. “Biopolymer microparticles prepared by microfluidics for biomedical applications,” Small, 16 (9), pp. 1903736, 2020.
Zhang, X.A., Jiang, Y., Venkatesh, R.B., Raney, J.R., Stebe, K.J., Yang, S., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of bending-induced surface wrinkles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (6), pp. 7658-7664.
Han, S.H., Choi, Y., Kim, J., Lee, D. “Photoactivated selective release of droplets from microwell arrays,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (3), pp. 3936-3944, 2020.
Di Vitantonio, G., Lee, D., Stebe, K.J. “Fabrication of solvent transfer-induced phase separation bijels with mixtures of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanoparticles,” Soft Matter, 16 (25), pp. 5848-5853, 2020. Parrish, E., Rose, K.A., Cargnello, M., Murray, C.B., Lee, D., Composto, R.J. “Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly (ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution,” Soft matter, 16 (9), pp. 2256- 2265, 2020.
Venkatesh, R.B., Zhang, T., Manohar, N., Stebe, K.J., Riggleman, R.A., Lee, D. “Effect of polymer–nanoparticle interactions on solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle packings: a molecular dynamics study,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 5 (3), pp. 666-674, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Hwang, M., Hammer, D.A., Sehgal, C., Lee, D. “Xenon and argon microbubbles for ultrasound-guided therapeutic gas delivery,” 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE, 2020.
Chattaraj, R., Sehgal, C., Hammer, D.A., Lee, D. “Stabilization of therapeutic and water-soluble gas microbubbles by phospholipids and recombinant proteins for ultrasound mediated theranostic applications,” 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting, AIChE, 2020.
O’Bryan, C., Zavgorodnya, O., Composto, R., Lee, D. “Influence of polymer structure on adsorption onto metal surfaces,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Rose, K., Lee, D., Composto, R. “pH modulated nanoparticle diffusion in silica-polyacrylamide hydrogels,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Wang, H., Qiang, Y., Hor, J.L., Shamsabadi, A., Mazumder, P., Lee, D., Fakhraai, Z. “Polymers under extreme nanoconfinement,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Mehran Makvandi
Dabagian, H., Mansfield, A., Martorano, P., Tahgvaee, T., Chai, R., Yoon, N., Watkins, C., Mach, R., Pryma, D., MaKvandi, M. “Exploring alphaparticle therapy in combination with immune checkpoint blockade in an immunocompetent model of glioblastoma,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine May 2020, 61 (supplement 1) 1208, 2020.
Martorano, P. Tahereh, T., Schaub, D., Toto, L., Lee, H., MaKvandi, M., Mach, R. “Dry distillation of astatine-211 by electromagnetic induction,” Journal of Nuclear Medicine, May 2020, 61 (supplement 1) 518, 2020.
Thomas Mallouk
Chen, W., Talreja, D., Goodling, D., Mahale, P., Nova, N., Cheng, H., Russell, J., Yu, S.Y., Poilvert, N., Mahan, G., Mohney, S., Crespi, V., Mallouk, T.E., Badding, J., Foley, B., Gopalan, V., Dabo, I. “minimizing heat transport by ballistic confinement in phononic metalattices,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Knobloch, J., Abad, B., Frazer, T., McBennett, B., Chen, W., Cheng, H., Grede, A., Nova, N., Hernández-Charpak, J., Mahale, P., Talreja, D., Xiong, Y., Mallouk, T.E., Giebink, N., Gopalan, V., Dabo, I., Crespi, V., Badding, J., Kapteyn, H., Murnane, M. “Nondestructive probing of the transport and elastic properties of nanostructured metalattices using coherent EUV beams,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Moradifar, P., Glaid, A.J., Russell, J.L., Mahale, P., Yu, S.Y., Culp, T.E., Kumar, M., Gomez, E.D. and Mohney, S.E., Mallouk, T.E., Alem, N., Badding, J.V., Liu, Y. “Quantum transport in three-dimensional metalattices of platinum featuring an unprecedentedly large surface area to volume ratio,” Physical Review Materials, 4 (3), pp. 035201, 2020.
Chen, W., Talreja, D., Eichfeld, D., Mahale, P., Nova, N.N., Cheng, H.Y., Russell, J.L., Yu, S.Y., Poilvert, N., Mahan, G., Mohney, S.E., Crespi, V.H., Mallouk, T.E., Badding, J.V., Foley, B., Goaplan, V., Dabo, I. “Achieving minimal heat conductivity by ballistic confinement in phononic metalattices,” ACS Nano, 14 (4), pp. 4235-4243, 2020. Abad, B., Knobloch, J.L., Frazer, T.D., HernándezCharpak, J.N., Cheng, H.Y., Grede, A.J., Giebink, N.C., Mallouk, T.E., Mahale, P., Nova, N.N., Tomaschke, A.A., Ferguson, V.L., Crespi, V.H., Gopalan, V., Kapteyn, H.C., Badding, J.V., Murnane, M.M. “Nondestructive measurements of the mechanical and structural properties of nanostructured metalattices,” Nano Letters, 20 (5), pp. 3306-3312, 2020.
McNeill, J.M., Nama, N., Braxton, J.M., Mallouk, T.E., “Wafer-scale fabrication of micro-to nanoscale bubble swimmers and their fast autonomous propulsion by ultrasound,” ACS Nano, 14 (6), pp. 7520-7528
Yan, Z., Hitt, J.L., Turner, J.A., Mallouk, T.E. “Renewable electricity storage using electrolysis,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (23), pp. 1255812563, 2020.
Xiao, L., Yu, Y., Schultz, E.L., Stach, E.A., Mallouk, T.E. “Electron transport in dye-sensitized TiO2 nanowire arrays in contact with aqueous electrolytes,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (40), pp. 22003-22010, 2020.
Mahale, P., Moradifar, P., Cheng, H.Y., Nova, N.N., Grede, A.J., Lee, B., De Jesús, L.R., Wetherington, M., Giebink, N.C., Badding, J.V., Alem, N., Mallouk, T.E. “Oxide-free three-dimensional germanium/ silicon core–shell metalattice made by highpressure confined chemical vapor deposition,” ACS Nano, 14 (10), pp. 12810-12818, 2020.
Robert Mauck
Song, K.H., Heo, S.J., Peredo, A.P., Davidson, M.D., Mauck, R.L., Burdick, J.A. “Influence of fiber stiffness on meniscal cell migration into dense fibrous networks,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9 (8), pp. 1901228, 2020.
Bansal, S., Miller, L.M., Patel, J.M., Meadows, K.D., Eby, M.R., Saleh, K.S., Martin, A.R., Stoeckl, B.D., Hast, M.W., Elliott, D.M., Zgonis, M.H. “Transection of the medial meniscus anterior horn results in cartilage degeneration and meniscus remodeling in a large animal model,” Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 38 (12), pp. 2696-2708, 2020. Chery, D.R., Han, B., Zhou, Y., Wang, C., Adams, S.M., Chandrasekaran, P., Kwok, B., Heo, S.J., Enomoto-Iwamoto, M., Lu, X.L., Kong, D. “Decorin regulates cartilage pericellular matrix micromechanobiology,” Matrix Biology, Journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology, pp. S0945-053X., 2020.
Taylor, B.L., Kim, D.H., Huegel, J., Raja, H.A., Burkholder, S.J., Weiss, S.N., Nuss, C.A., Soslowsky, L.J., Mauck, R.L., Kuntz, A.F., Bernstein, J. “Localized delivery of ibuprofen via a bilayer delivery system (BiLDS) for supraspinatus tendon healing in a rat model,” Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 38 (11), pp. 2339-2349, 2020.
Patel, J.M., Sennett, M.L., Martin, A.R., Saleh, K.S., Eby, M.R., Ashley, B.S., Miller, L.M., Dodge, G.R., Burdick, J.A., Carey, J.L., Mauck, R.L. “Resorbable pins to enhance scaffold retention in a porcine chondral defect model cartilage,” pp. 1947603520962568, 2020.
Kim, D.H., Martin, J.T., Gullbrand, S.E., Elliott, D.M., Smith, L.J., Smith, H.E., Mauck, R.L. “Fabrication, maturation, and implantation of composite tissue-engineered total discs formed from native and mesenchymal stem cell combinations,” Acta Biomaterialia, 114, pp. 53-62, 2020.
Ashinsky B.G., Bonnevie, E.D., Mandalapu, S.A., Pickup, S., Wang, C., Han, L., Mauck, R.L., Smith, H.E., Gullbrand, S.E. “Intervertebral disc degeneration is associated with aberrant endplate remodeling and reduced small molecule transport,” Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 35 (8), pp. 1572-1581, 2020.
Ashinsky, B.G., Gullbrand, S.E., Bonnevie, E.D., Wang, C., Kim, D.H., Han, L., Mauck, R.L., Smith, H.E. “Sacrificial fibers improve matrix distribution and micromechanical properties in a tissue-engineered intervertebral disc,” Acta Biomaterialia, 111, pp. 232-241, 2020.
Chery, D.R., Han, B., Li, Q., Zhou, Y., Heo, S.J., Kwok, B., Chandrasekaran, P., Wang, C., Qin, L., Lu, X.L., Kong, D., Iwamoto, M.E., Mauck, R.L., Han, L. “Early changes in cartilage pericellular matrix micromechanobiology portend the onset of post-traumatic osteoarthritis,” Acta Biomaterialia, 111, pp. 267-278, 2020.
Kim, D.H., Huegel, J., Taylor, B.L., Nuss, C.A., Weiss, S.N., Soslowsky, L.J., Mauck, R.L., Kuntz, A.F. “Biocompatibility and bioactivity of an FGF-loaded microsphere-based bilayer delivery system,” Acta Biomaterialia, 111, pp. 341- 348, 2020.
Gullbrand, S.E., Kim, D.H., Ashinsky, B.G., Bonnevie, E.D., Smith, H.E., Mauck, R.L. “Restoration of physiologic loading modulates engineered intervertebral disc structure and function in an in vivo model,” JOR Spine, 3 (2), e1086, 2020.
Dai, E.N., Heo, S.J., Mauck, R.L., “Looping In,” Mechanics: Mechanobiologic Regulation of the Nucleus and the Epigenome, Advanced healthcare materials, 9 (8), 2000030, 2020.
Christopher Murray
Taheri, M.M., Elbert, K.C., Yang, S., Diroll, B.T., Park, J., Murray, C.B., Baxter, J.B. “Distinguishing electron and hole dynamics in functionalized CdSe/CdS core/shell quantum dots using complementary ultrafast spectroscopies and kinetic modeling,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020.
Lee, J.D., Wang, C., Jin, T., Gorte, R.J., Murray, C.B. “Engineering the composition of bimetallic nanocrystals to improve hydrodeoxygenation selectivity for 2-acetylfuran,” Applied Catalysis A: General, 606, pp. 117808, 2020.
Marino, E., Sciortino, A., Berkhout, A., MacArthur, K.E., Heggen, M., Gregorkiewicz, T., Kodger, T.E., Capretti, A., Murray, C.B., Koenderink, A.F., Messina, F. “Simultaneous photonic and excitonic coupling in spherical quantum dot supercrystals,” ACS Nano, 14 (10), pp. 1380613815, 2020.
Jiang, W., Qu, Z.B., Kumar, P., Vecchio, D., Wang, Y., Ma, Y., Bahng, J.H., Bernardino, K., Gomes, W.R., Colombari, F.M., Lozada-Blanco, A., Veksler, M., Marino, E., Simon, A., Murray, C.B., Muniz, S.R., de Moura, A.F., Kotov, N.A. “Emergence of complexity in hierarchically organized chiral particles,” Science, 368 (6491), pp. 642- 648, 2020.
Marino, E., Keller, A.W., An, D., Van Dongen, S., Kodger, T.E., MacArthur, K.E., Heggen, M., Kagan, C.R., Murray, C.B., Schall, P. “Favoring the growth of high-quality, three-dimensional supercrystals of nanocrystals,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (20), pp. 11256-11264, 2020. Elbert, K.C., Taheri, M.M., Gogotsi, N., Park, J., Baxter, J.B., Murray, C.B. “Electron accepting naphthalene bisimide ligand architectures for modulation of π–π stacking in nanocrystal hybrid materials,” Nanoscale Horizons, 5 (11), pp. 1509-1514, 2020.
Sorsche, D., Miehlich, M.E., Searles, K., Gouget, G., Zolnhofer, E.M., Fortier, S., Chen, C.H., Gau, M., Carroll, P.J., Murray, C.B., Caulton, K.G. “Unusual dinitrogen binding and electron storage in dinuclear iron complexes,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (18), pp. 81478159, 2020.
Banerjee, S., Liu, C.H., Jensen, K.M., Juhás, P., Lee, J.D., Tofanelli, M., Ackerson, C.J., Murray, C.B., Billinge, S.J. “Cluster-mining: an approach for determining core structures of metallic nanoparticles from atomic pair distribution function data,” Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances, 76 (1), pp. 24-31, 2020.
Rasin, B., Lindsay, B.J., Ye, X., Meth, J.S., Murray, C.B., Riggleman, R.A., Composto, R.J. “Nanorod position and orientation in vertical cylinder block copolymer films,” Soft Matter, 16 (12), pp. 3005-3014, 2020.
Kagan, C.R., Bassett, L.C., Murray, C.B., Thompson, S.M. “Colloidal quantum dots as platforms for quantum information science,” Chemical Reviews, 2020.
Parrish, E., Rose, K.A., Cargnello, M., Murray, C.B., Lee, D., Composto, R.J. “Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly (ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution,” Soft Matter, 16 (9), pp. 2256- 2265, 2020.
Gouget, G., Pellerin, M., Pautrot-D’Alençon, L., Le Mercier, T., Murray, C.B. “Efficient photoluminescence of isotropic rare-earth oxychloride nanocrystals from a solvothermal route,” Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 56 (23), pp. 3429- 3432, 2020. Conferences
Vo, T., Elbert, K., Krook, N., Zygmunt, W., Park, J., Yager, K., Composto, R., Glotzer, S., Murray, C. “Predictive Modeling of Dendrimer Directed Nanoparticle Self-Assembly,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020., APS Meeting, March 2020.
Keller, A., Kagan, C., Murray, C., An, D., “Sub5 nm patterning via self-assembly and template-assisted assembly of colloidal nanocrystals,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Parrish, E., Rose, K.A., Cargnello, M., Murray, C.B., Lee, D., Composto, R.J. Nanoparticle diffusion during gelation of tetra poly (ethylene glycol) provides insight into nanoscale structural evolution. Soft Matter, 16 (9), pp. 2256-2265.
Gouget, G., Pellerin, M., Pautrot-D’Alençon, L., Le Mercier, T. and Murray, C.B. “Efficient photoluminescence of isotropic rare-earth oxychloride nanocrystals from a solvothermal route,” Chemical Communications, 56 (23), pp. 3429-3432.
Vladimir Muzykantov
Kiseleva, R.Y., Glassman, P.G., LeForte, K.M., Walsh, L.R., Villa, C.H., Shuvaev, V.V., Myerson, J.W., Aprelev, P.A., Marcos-Contreras, O.A., Muzykantov, V.R., Greineder, C.F. “Bivalent engagement of endothelial surface antigens is critical to prolonged surface targeting and protein delivery in vivo,” The FASEB Journal, 34 (9), pp. 11577-11593, 2020.
Troy Olsson
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Musavigharavi, P., Zhu, W., Foucher, A., Trolier-McKinstry, S., Stach, E., Olsson, R. “Ferroelectric switching in sub-20 nm aluminum scandium nitride thin films,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41 (12), pp. 1774- 1777, 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Moe, C., Olsson, R., Patel, P., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Winters, M., Vetury, R., Shealy, J. “Highly doped AlScN 3.5 GHz XBAW resonators with 16% k2eff for 5G RF filter applications,” 2020 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2020.
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Gharavi, P., Liu, X., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Olsson, R., Roebisch, V., Kratzer, M., Heinz, B., Han, M. and Kisslinger, K. “Ferroelectric C-axis textured aluminum scandium nitride thin films of 100 nm thickness,” 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020.
Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Olsson, T. “High coupling coefficient resonance mode in Al0.68Sc0.32N surface acoustic wave resonator with AlN buffer layer on a silicon substrate,” 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020.
Olsson, R., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M. “Doping of aluminum nitride and the impact on thin film piezoelectric and ferroelectric device performance,” 2020 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2020.
Chinedum Osuji
Lu, X., Gabinet, U.R., Ritt, C.L., Feng, X., Deshmukh, A., Kawabata, K., Kaneda, M., Hashmi, S.M., Osuji, C.O., Elimelech, M. “Relating selectivity and separation performance of lamellar two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) membranes to nanosheet stacking behavior,” Journal of Science & Technology, V 54, (15), pp. 9640-9651.
Liu, J., Gao, Y., Wang, H., Poling-Skutvik, R., Osuji, C.O., Yang, S. “Shaping and locomotion of soft robots using filament actuators made from liquid crystal elastomer–carbon nanotube composites,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2 (6), pp. 1900163, 2020. James Pikul
Yue, X., Grzyb, J., Padmanabha, A., Pikul, J.H. “A minimal volume hermetic packaging design for high-energy-density micro-energy systems,” Energies, 13 (10), pp. 2492, 2020.
Wang, M., Joshi, U., Pikul, J.H. “Powering electronics by scavenging energy from external metals,” ACS Energy Letters, 5 (3), pp. 758- 765, 2020.
Jiang, Z., Hsain, Z., Pikul, J.H. “Thick freestanding metallic inverse opals enabled by new insights into the fracture of drying particle films,” Langmuir, 36 (26), pp. 7315-7324, 2020.
Kahnt, M., Sala, S., Johansson, U., Björling, A., Jiang, Z., Kalbfleisch, S., Lenrick, F., Pikul, J.H., Thånell, K. “First ptychographic X-ray computed tomography experiment on the NanoMAX beamline,” Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53 (6), 2020.
Synodis, M., Pikul, J., Allen, S.A.B., Allen, M.G. “Vertically integrated high voltage Zn-Air batteries enabled by stacked multilayer electrodeposition,” Journal of Power Sources, 449, pp. 227566, 2020.
Jordan Raney
Zhang, X.A., Jiang, Y., Venkatesh, R.B., Raney, J.R., Stebe, K.J., Yang, S., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of bending-induced surface wrinkles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (6), pp. 7658-7664, 2020.
Mo, C., Jiang, Y., Raney, J.R. “Microstructural evolution and failure in short fiber soft composites: Experiments and modeling,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, pp. 103973, 2020.
Eric Stach
Modi, G., Stach, E.A., Agarwal, R. “Low-power switching through disorder and carrier localization in bismuth-doped germanium telluride phase change memory nanowires,” ACS Nano, 14, 2, 2162–2171, 2020. Song, B., Liu, F., Wang, H., Miao, J., Chen, Y., Kumar, P., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Gu, H., Stach, E.A., Liang, X., Liu, S., Fakhraai, Z., Jariwala, D. “Giant gate-tunability of complex refractive index in semiconducting carbon nanotubes,” ACS Photonics, 7 (10), pp. 2896-2905, 2020.
Li, M., Qiu, T., Foucher, A.C., Fu, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, D., Rappe, A.M., Stach, E.A., Detsi, E. “Impact of hierarchical nanoporous architectures on sodium storage in antimonybased sodium-ion battery anodes,” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3 (11), pp. 11231-11241, 2020.
Mao, X., Foucher, A.C., Montini, T., Stach, E.A., Fornasiero, P., Gorte, R.J. 2020. “Epitaxial and strong support interactions between Pt and LaFeO3 films stabilize Pt dispersion,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (23), pp. 10373-10382, 2020.
Lin, C., Foucher, A.C., Ji, Y., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “Investigation of Rh–titanate (ATiO 3) interactions on high-surface-area perovskite thin films prepared by atomic layer deposition,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8 (33), pp. 16973-16984, 2020.
Mao, X., Foucher, A.C., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “Changes in Ni-NiO equilibrium due to LaFeO3 and the effect on dry reforming of CH4,” Journal of Catalysis, 381, pp. 561-569, 2020.
Lin, C., Foucher, A.C., Stach, E.A., Gorte, R.J. “A thermodynamic investigation of Ni on thin-film titanates (ATiO3),” Inorganics, 8 (12), pp. 69, 2020.
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Musavigharavi, P., Zhu, W., Foucher, A., Trolier-McKinstry, S., Stach, E., Olsson, R. “Ferroelectric switching in Sub-20 nm aluminum scandium nitride thin films,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41 (12), pp. 1774-1777, 2020.
Xiao, L., Yu, Y., Schultz, E.L., Stach, E.A., Mallouk, T.E. “Electron transport in dye-sensitized TiO2 nanowire arrays in contact with aqueous electrolytes,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (40), pp. 22003-22010, 2020.
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Gharavi, P., Liu, X., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Olsson, R., Roebisch, V., Kratzer, M., Heinz, B., Han, M., Kisslinger, K. “Ferroelectric C-axis textured aluminum scandium nitride thin films of 100 nm thickness,” 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020.
Zhou, Y., Yu, Y., Ma, D., Foucher, A.C., Xiong, L., Zhang, J., Stach, E.A., Yue, Q., Kang, Y. “Atomic Fe dispersed hierarchical mesoporous Fe–N–C nanostructures for an efficient oxygen reduction reaction,” ACS Catalysis, 11, pp. 74-81, 2020.
Dixit, M.B., Singh, N., Horwath, J.P., Shevchenko, P.D., Jones, M., Stach, E.A., Arthur, T.S., Hatzell, K.B. ‘In Situ investigation of chemomechanical effects in thiophosphate solid electrolytes,” Matter, 3 (6), pp. 2138-2159, 2020.
Han, M., Maleski, K., Shuck, C.E., Yang, Y., Glazar, J.T., Foucher, A.C., Hantanasirisakul, K., Sarycheva, A., Frey, N.C., May, S.J., Shenoy, V.B., Stach, E., Gogotsi, Y. “Tailoring electronic and optical properties of MXenes through forming solid solutions,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (45), pp. 19110- 19118, 2020.
Singh, N., Horwath, J.P., Bonnick, P., Suto, K., Stach, E.A., Matsunaga, T., Muldoon, J., Arthur, T.S. “Role of lithium iodide addition to lithium thiophosphate: Implications beyond conductivity,” Chemistry of Materials, 32 (17), pp. 7150-7158, 2020.
Kumar, P., Horwath, J., Foucher, A., Price, C., Acero, N., Shenoy, V., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Alsem, D.H. “Non-equilibrium structural phase transformations in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 632-633, 2020.
Karki, K., Kumar, P., Verret, A., Glachman, N., Alsem, D.H., Jariwala, D., Salmon, N., Stach, E. “In situ/operando study of photoelectrochemistry using optical liquid cell microscopy,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 2446-2447, 2020. Singh, N., Horwath, J., Arthur, T., Alsem, D.H., Stach, E. “Using operando electrochemical TEM as part of a correlative approach to characterize failure modes in solid-state energy storage devices,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 1460-1461, 2020.
Stach, E., Horwath, J., Singh, N., Arthur, T., Alsem, D.H., Salmon, N. “Understanding the relationship between air exposure, electron dose and beam damage in solid electrolyte materials,” Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), pp. 3226-3227, 2020.
Horwath, J.P., Zakharov, D.N., Megret, R., Stach, E.A. “Understanding important features of deep learning models for segmentation of highresolution transmission electron microscopy images,” npj Computational Materials, 6 (1), pp. 1-9, 2020.
Kumar, P., Horwath, J.P., Foucher, A.C., Price, C.C., Acero, N., Shenoy, V.B., Stach, E.A., Jariwala, D. “Direct visualization of out-of-equilibrium structural transformations in atomically thin chalcogenides,” npj 2D Materials and Applications, 4 (1), pp. 1-10, 2020.
Bertella, F., Lopes, C.W., Foucher, A.C., Agostini, G., Concepción, P., Stach, E.A., Martínez, A. “Insights into the promotion with Ru of Co/ TiO2 fischer–tropsch catalysts: An In Situ spectroscopic study,” ACS Catalysis, 10 (11), pp. 6042-6057.
Luneau, M., Guan, E., Chen, W., Foucher, A.C., Marcella, N., Shirman, T., Verbart, D.M., Aizenberg, J., Aizenberg, M., Stach, E.A., Madix, R.J. “Enhancing catalytic performance of dilute metal alloy nanomaterials,” Communications Chemistry,” 3 (1), pp. 1-9, 2020.
Wang, D., Zheng, J., Tang, Z., D’Agati, M., Gharavi, P., Liu, X., Jariwala, D., Stach, E., Olsson, R., Roebisch, V., Kratzer, M., Heinz, B., Han, M. and Kisslinger, K. “Ferroelectric C-Axis textured aluminum scandium nitride thin films of 100 nm thickness,” 2020 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (IFCS-ISAF), 2020. Welborn, S.S., Wang, L., Li, M., Qiu, T., Foucher, A., Stach, E.A., Rappe, A., Detsi, E. “Crystallineto-amorphous phase transformations as a key ingredient to enhanced rate performance and cycle life in Mg-and Na-Ion battery anodes: Operando x-ray scattering studies,” In PRiME 2020 (ECS, ECSJ, & KECS Joint Meeting), ECS, 2020.
Kathleen Stebe
Wang, T., Di Vitantonio, G., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of hierarchical biphasic bicontinuous structures via vaporization-induced phase separation (VIPS),” ACS Materials Letters, 2 (5), pp. 524-530, 2020.
Manohar, N., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Effect of confinement on solvent-driven infiltration of the polymer into nanoparticle packings,” Macromolecules, 53 (15), pp. 67406746, 2020.
Venkatesh, R.B., Zhang, T., Manohar, N., Stebe, K.J., Riggleman, R.A., Lee, D. “Effect of polymer–nanoparticle interactions on solvent-driven infiltration of polymer (SIP) into nanoparticle packings: a molecular dynamics study,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 5 (3), pp. 666674, 2020.
Haase, M.F., Boakye-Ansah, S., Di Vitantonio, G., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Bijels formed by solvent transfer-induced phase separation” In Bijels, pp. 137-166, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020.
Molaei, M., Chisholm, N., Deng, J., Yao, T., Crocker, J., Stebe, K. “The motion of active colloids and their induced flow field at fluid interfaces,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Lan, Y., Wu, J., Han, S.H., Yadavali, S., Issadore, D., Stebe, K.J., Lee, D. “Scalable synthesis of janus particles with high naturality.” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8 (48), pp. 1768017686, 2020.
Deng, J., Molaei, M., Chisholm, N.G., Stebe, K.J. “Motile bacteria at oil–water interfaces: Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Langmuir,” 36 (25), pp. 6888-6902, 2020.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Yao, T., Chisholm, N.G., Steager, E.B., Stebe, K.J. “Directed assembly and micro-manipulation of passive particles at fluid interfaces via capillarity using a magnetic micro-robot,” Applied Physics Letters, 116 (4), pp. 043702, 2020.
Di Vitantonio, G., Lee, D., Stebe, K.J. “Fabrication of solvent transfer-induced phase separation bijels with mixtures of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nanoparticles,” Soft Matter, 16 (25), pp. 5848-5853, 2020.
Zhang, X.A., Jiang, Y., Venkatesh, R.B., Raney, J.R., Stebe, K.J., Yang, S., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of bending-induced surface wrinkles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (6), pp. 7658-7664, 2020.
Andrew Tsourkas
Higbee-Dempsey, E.M., Amirshaghaghi, A., Case, M.J., Bouché, M., Kim, J., Cormode, D.P., Tsourkas, A. “Biodegradable gold nanoclusters with improved excretion due to pH-triggered hydrophobic-to-hydrophilic transition,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142 (17), pp. 7783-7794. 2020.
Kevin Turner
Park, S.J., Shin, J., Magagnosc, D.J., Kim, S., Cao, C., Turner, K.T., Purohit, P.K., Gianola, D.S., Hart, A.J., “Strong, ultralight nanofoams with extreme recovery and dissipation by manipulation of internal adhesive contacts,” ACS Nano, 14 (7), pp. 8383-8391, 2020.
Tan, D., Luo, A., Wang, X., Shi, Z., Lei, Y., Steinhart, M., Kovalev, A., Gorb, S.N., Turner, K.T. Xue, L., “Humidity-modulated core–shell nanopillars for enhancement of gecko-inspired adhesion,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3 (4), pp. 3596- 3603, 2020.
Mohammadi Nasab, A., Luo, A., Sharifi, S., Turner, K.T., Shan, W. “Switchable adhesion via subsurface pressure modulation,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (24), pp. 2771727725, 2020. Luo, A., Nasab, A.M., Tatari, M., Chen, S., Shan, W. and Turner, K.T. “Adhesion of flat-ended pillars with non-circular contacts,” Soft Matter, 16 (41), pp. 9534-9542, 2020.
Wolf, S., Fulco, S., Zhang, A., Jin, Y., Govind, S., Zhao, H., Walsh, P., Turner, K., Fakhraai, Z. “High-throughput study of mechanical properties of organic stable glasses by nanoindentation,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, APS March Meeting, 2020.
Flavia Vitale
Apollo, N.V., Murphy, B., Prezelski, K., Driscoll, N., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Vitale, F. “Gels, jets, mosquitoes, and magnets: a review of implantation strategies for soft neural probes,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 17 (4), pp. 041002, 2020.
Driscoll, N., Maleski, K., Richardson, A.G., Murphy, B., Anasori, B., Lucas, T.H., Gogotsi, Y., Vitale, F. “Fabrication of Ti3C2 MXene microelectrode arrays for in vivo neural recording,” JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (156), pp. e60741, 2020.
Murphy, B.B., Mulcahey, P.J., Driscoll, N., Richardson, A.G., Robbins, G.T., Apollo, N.V., Maleski, K., Lucas, T.H., Gogotsi, Y., Dillingham, T., Vitale, F. “A Gel-Free Ti3C2Tx-based electrode array for high-density, high-resolution surface electromyography,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 5 (8), pp. 2000325, 2020.
John Vohs
Joo, S., Seong, A., Kwon, O., Kim, K., Lee, J.H., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M., Han, J.W., Kim, G. “Highly active dry methane reforming catalysts with boosted in situ grown Ni-Fe nanoparticles on perovskite via atomic layer deposition,” Science Advances, 6 (35), pp. eabb1573, 2020. Seong, A., Kim, J., Kwon, O., Jeong, H.Y., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M., Kim, G. “Self-reconstructed interlayer derived by in-situ Mn diffusion from La0. 5Sr0. 5MnO3 via atomic layer deposition for an efficient bi-functional electrocatalyst,” Nano Energy, 71, pp. 104564, 2020.
Cao, T., Huang, R., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M. ”Endothermic reactions of 1-propanamine on a zirconia catalyst,” Applied Catalysis A: General, 590, pp. 117372, 2020.
Cao, T., Kwon, O., Gorte, R.J., Vohs, J.M. “Metal exsolution to enhance the catalytic activity of electrodes in solid oxide fuel cells,” Nanomaterials, 10 (12), pp. 2445, 2020.
Kai Wang
Ling, C., Dai, Y., Fang, L., Yao, F., Liu, Z., Qiu, Z., Cui, L., Xia, F., Zhao, C., Zhang, S., Wang, K., “Exonic rearrangements in DMD in Chinese Han individuals affected with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies,” Human Mutation, 41 (3), pp. 668-677, 2020.
Zhao, M., Havrilla, J.M., Fang, L., Chen, Y., Peng, J., Liu, C., Wu, C., Sarmady, M., Botas, P., Isla, J., Lyon, G.J. “Phen2Gene: rapid phenotype-driven gene prioritization for rare diseases,” NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2 (2), pp. lqaa032, 2020.
Hu, Y., Fang, L., Nicholson, C., Wang, K. “Implications of error-prone long-read wholegenome shotgun sequencing on characterizing reference microbiomes,” Iscience, 23 (6), pp.101223, 2020.
Yang, H., Luan, Y., Liu, T., Lee, H.J., Fang, L., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, B., Jin, Q., Ang, K.C., Xing, X. “A map of cis-regulatory elements and 3D genome structures in zebrafish,” Nature, 588 (7837), pp. 337-343, 2020.
Liu, Q., Hu, Y., Stucky, A., Fang, L., Zhong, J.F., Wang, K. “LongGF: computational algorithm and software tool for fast and accurate detection of gene fusions by long-read transcriptome sequencing,” BMC Genomics, 21 (11), pp. 1-12, 2020.
Ping Wang
Li, Z., Chen, H., Feng, S., Liu, K., Wang, P. “Development and clinical validation of a sensitive lateral flow assay for rapid urine fentanyl screening in the emergency department,” Clinical Chemistry, 66 (2), pp. 324-332, 2020.
Rebecca Wells
Chin, L., Theise, N.D., Loneker, A.E., Janmey, P.A., Wells, R.G. “Lipid droplets disrupt mechanosensing in human hepatocytes,” American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 319 (1), pp. G11-G22, 2020.
Fried, S., Gilboa, D., Har-Zahav, A., Lavrut, P.M., Du, Y., Karjoo, S., Russo, P., Shamir, R., Wells, R.G., Waisbourd-Zinman, O. “Extrahepatic cholangiocyte obstruction is mediated by decreased glutathione, Wnt and Notch signaling pathways in a toxic model of biliary atresia,” Scientific Reports, 10 (1), pp. 1-10, 2020.
Chin, L., Theise, N.D., Loneker, A.E., Janmey, P.A., Wells, R.G. “Lipid droplets disrupt mechanosensing in human hepatocytes,” American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology,” 319 (1), pp. G11-G22, 2020.
Fried, S., Gilboa, D., Har-Zahav, A., Lavrut, P.M., Du, Y., Karjoo, S., Russo, P., Shamir, R., Wells, R.G., Waisbourd-Zinman, O. “Extrahepatic cholangiocyte obstruction is mediated by decreased glutathione, Wnt and Notch signaling pathways in a toxic model of biliary atresia,” Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-10, 2020.
Du, Y., Khandekar, G., Llewellyn, J., Polacheck, W., Chen, C.S., Wells, R.G. “A bile duct-on-a-chip with organ-level functions,” Hepatology, 71 (4), pp. 1350-1363, 2020. Davidson, M.D., Burdick, J.A., Wells, R.G. “Engineered biomaterial platforms to study fibrosis,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9 (8), pp. 1901682, 2020.
Khandekar, G., Llewellyn, J., Kriegermeier, A., Waisbourd-Zinman, O., Johnson, N., Du, Y., Giwa, R., Liu, X., Kisseleva, T., Russo, P.A. and Theise, N.D., Well, R.G. “Coordinated development of the mouse extrahepatic bile duct: implications for neonatal susceptibility to biliary injury,” Journal of Hepatology, 72(1), pp. 135-145, 2020.
Karen Winey
Park, J., Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Single-particle tracking of nonsticky and sticky nanoparticles in polymer melts,” Macromolecules, 53 (10), pp. 3933-3939, 2020.
Bailey, E.J., Griffin, P.J., Composto, R.J., Winey, K.I. “Characterizing the areal density and desorption kinetics of physically adsorbed polymer in polymer nanocomposite melts,” Macromolecules, 53 (7), pp. 2744- 2753, 2020.
Yan, L., Hoang, L., Winey, K. “Ionomers from step-growth polymerization: Highly ordered ionic aggregates and ion conduction,” Macromolecules, 53 (5), pp. 1777-1784, 2020.
Buitrago, C., Pressly, J., Yang, A., Gordon, P., Riggleman, R., Natarajan, B., Winey, K. “Creep attenuation in glassy polymer nanocomposites with variable polymer–nanoparticle interactions,” Soft Matter, 16 (38), pp. 89128924, 2020.
Park, J., Staiger, A., Rank, C., Mecking, S., Winey, K. “Gyroid morphologies in single-ion conducting polymers and the consequences for ion conductivity,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Winey, W., Yan, L., Park, J., Mecking, S. “Ion confinement in self-assembled precisely segmented polyolefin ionomers,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Yang, E., Pressly, J. Bailey, E., Natarajan, B., Mohan, A., Winey, K., Riggleman, R. “Suppression of creep in model polymer nanocomposites,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020. Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Multiscale polymer and nanoparticle dynamics in attractive polymer nanocomposite melts,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Park, J., Bailey, E., Composto, R., Winey, K. “Single-particle tracking of nonsticky and sticky nanoparticles in polymer melts,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Liang Wu
Ni, Z., Xu, B., Sánchez-Martínez, M.Á., Zhang, Y., Manna, K., Bernhard, C., Venderbos, J.W.F., de Juan, F., Felser, C., Grushin, A.G., Wu, L. “Linear and nonlinear optical responses in the chiral multifold semimetal RhSi,” npj Quantum Materials, 5 (1), pp. 1-10, 2020.
Xu, B., Fang, Z., Sánchez-Martínez, M.Á., Venderbos, J.W., Ni, Z., Qiu, T., Manna, K., Wang, K., Paglione, J., Bernhard, C., Felser, C. “Optical signatures of multifold fermions in the chiral topological semimetal CoSi,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (44), pp. 27104-27110, 2020.
Khadka, D., Thapaliya, T.R., Parra, S.H., Han, X., Wen, J., Need, R.F., Khanal, P., Wang, W., Zang, J., Kikkawa, J.M., Wu, L. “Kondo physics in antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Mn3+ xSn1− x films,” Science Advances, 6 (35), pp. eabc1977, 2020.
Shu Yang
Wang, Y., Dang, A., Zhang, Z., Yin, R., Gao, Y., Feng, L., Yang, S. “Repeatable and reprogrammable shape morphing from photoresponsive gold nanorod/liquid crystal elastomers,” Advanced Materials, 32 (46), pp. 2004270, 2020.
Zhang, X.A., Jiang, Y., Venkatesh, R.B., Raney, J.R., Stebe, K.J., Yang, S., Lee, D. “Scalable manufacturing of bending-induced surface wrinkles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (6), pp. 7658-7664.
Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers
Taheri, M.M., Elbert, K.C., Yang, S., Diroll, B.T., Park, J., Murray, C.B., Baxter, J.B. “distinguishing electron and hole dynamics in functionalized CdSe/CdS Core/Shell quantum dots using complementary ultrafast spectroscopies and kinetic modeling,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020.
Zheng, Y., Panatdasirisuk, W., Liu, J., Tong, A., Xiang, Y., Yang, S. “Patterned, wearable UV indicators from electrospun photochromic fibers and yarns,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 5 (11), pp. 2000564, 2020.
Kim, H.N., Yang, S., “Responsive smart windows from nanoparticle–polymer composites,” Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (2), pp. 1902597, 2020.
Liu, J., Gao, Y., Wang, H., Poling-Skutvik, R., Osuji, C.O., Yang, S. “Shaping and locomotion of soft robots using filament actuators made from liquid crystal elastomer–carbon nanotube composites,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2 (6), pp. 1900163, 2020.
Liu, J., Radja, A., Gao, Y., Yin, R., Sweeney, A., Yang, S., “Mimicry of a biophysical pathway leads to diverse pollen-like surface patterns,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (18), pp. 9699-9705, 2020.
Xu, Y., Ge, D., Calderon-Ortiz, G.A., Exarhos, A.L., Bretz, C., Alsayed, A., Kurz, D., Kikkawa, J.M., Dreyfus, R., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Highly conductive and transparent coatings from flowaligned silver nanowires with large electrical and optical anisotropy,” Nanoscale, 12 (11), pp. 6438-6448, 2020. Chen, W.H., Misra, S., Gao, Y., Lee, Y.J., Koditschek, D.E., Yang, S., Sung, C.R. “A programmably compliant origami mechanism for dynamically dexterous robots,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5 (2), pp. 2131-2137, 2020.
Liu, J., Gao, Y., Wang, H., Poling-Skutvik, R., Osuji, C.O., Yang, S. “Shaping and locomotion of soft robots using filament actuators made from liquid crystal elastomer–carbon nanotube composites,” Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2 (6), pp. 1900163, 2020.
Wei, W.S., Xia, Y., Ettinger, S., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Molecular heterogeneity drives reconfigurable nematic liquid crystal drops, Nature, V 53, pp. 861, 2020.
Wei, W.S., Xia, Y., Ettinger, S., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Author Correction: Molecular heterogeneity drives reconfigurable nematic liquid crystal drops,” Nature, 2020.
Wei, W.S., Xia, Y., Ettinger, S., Wang, Y., Yang, S., Yodh, A. “Branching out and back: Reconfigurable nematic drops driven by molecular heterogeneity,” APS Meeting Abstracts, Volume 65, Number 1, 2020.
Arjun Yodh
Wei, W.S., Xia, Y., Ettinger, S., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Molecular heterogeneity drives reconfigurable nematic liquid crystal drops, Nature, V 53, pp. 861, 2020.
Xu, Y., Ge, D., Calderon-Ortiz, G.A., Exarhos, A.L., Bretz, C., Alsayed, A., Kurz, D., Kikkawa, J.M., Dreyfus, R., Yang, S., Yodh, A.G. “Highly conductive and transparent coatings from flowaligned silver nanowires with large electrical and optical anisotropy,” Nanoscale, 12 (11), pp. 6438-6448, 2020. Conferences
Wei, W.S., Xia, Y., Ettinger, S., Wang, Y., Yang, S., Yodh, A. “Branching out and back: Reconfigurable nematic drops driven by molecular heterogeneity,” APS Meeting Abstracts, Volume 65, Number 1, 2020.
Galloway, L. Ma, X., Keim, N. Jerolmack, D., Yodh, A., Arratia, P. “Understanding the relationship between plasticity and material microstructure in disordered systems,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2020.
Galloway, K.L., Ma, X., Keim, N.C., Jerolmack, D.J., Yodh, A.G., Arratia, P.E. “Scaling of relaxation and excess entropy in plastically deformed amorphous solids,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (22), pp. 11887-11893, 2020.
Credits Photos by: John Carlano , Felice Macera, John Russell, George “Pat” Watson, Mohsen (Sam) Azadi All rights reserved.
Design by Group M: group-m.com
Singh Center for Nanotechnology Personnel
Mark Allen Scientific Director
John Russell Program Coordinator
Pat Watson Director of User Programs
Matthew Brukman Director Scanning and Local Probe Facility
Kristin Field Director Education and Professional Development
Gerald Lopez Director of Business Development
Christopher Montowski Building Administrator
Eric Johnston Senior manager Soft Lithography and Process Support Jamie Ford Staff Scientist Nanoscale Characterization Facility
Jarrett Gilinger Laboratory Instructional Coordinator Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility
David J. Jones Senior Nanofabrication Engineer Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility
Feaz Kalamodeen Laboratory Service Assistant Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility
Charles Veith Purchasing and Micro Contamination Manager Quattrone Nanofabrication Facility

Visiting Address Krishna P. Singh Center for Nanotechnology University of Pennsylvania 3205 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104
Website: www.nano.upenn.edu Email: info@nano.upenn.edu Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/singhcenternano/ Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/UPennSinghNano