2021 Singh Center for Nanotechnology Annual Report

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Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Selected Publications from Singh Center for Nanotechnology Researchers

Firooz Aflatouni


Firooz Aflatouni

Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Nanowell array impedance sensor for label-free quantification of cytokines in serum at femtomolar level detection limits,” 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017, 2020.

Idjadi, M.H., Aflatouni, F. “Nanophotonic phase noise filter in silicon,”Nature Photonics, 14(4), pp. 234-239, 2020.

Idjadi, M.H., Aflatouni, F. “Nanophotonic phase noise filter in silicon,”Nature Photonics, 14(4), pp. 234-239, 2020. Ashtiani, F., Aflatouni, F. “Photonic assisted microwave near-field imager,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SW3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020. Idjadi, M.H., Arab, S., Aflatouni, F. “Optical frequency comb generation in silicon by recursive electro-optic modulation,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SF3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020. Conferences Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020.

Ritesh Agarwal Wang, Y., Liu, W., Ji, Z., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Agarwal, R. “Coherent interactions in onedimensional topological photonic systems and their applications in all-optical logic operation,” Nano Letters 20 (12), 8796-8802, 2020. Liu, W., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Zheng, B., Sorger, V.J., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Generation of helical topological excitonpolaritons,” Science 30, pp. 600-604, 2020. Zhang, Z., Qiao, X., Midya, B., Liu, K., Sun, J., Wu, T., Liu, W., Agarwal, R., Jornet, J. M., Longhi, S., Litchinitser, N.M., Feng, L. “Tunable topological charge vortex microlaser,” Science, pp. 760-763, May 2020. Ji, Z., Liu, W., Krylyuk, S., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Pan, A., Feng, L., Davydov, A., Agarwal, R. “Photocurrent detection of the orbital angular momentum of light,” Science, 368 (6492), pp. 763-767, 2020. Berger, J.S., Ee, H-S., Ren, M., Agarwal, D., Liu, W., Agarwal, R. “Self-aligned on-chip coupled photonic devices using individual cadmium sulfide nanobelts,” Nano Research 13 (5): pp. 1413–1418, 2020.

Fan, X., Ji, Z., Fei, R., Zheng, W., Liu, W., Zhu, X., Chen, S., Li Yang, L., Liu, H., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Mechanism of extreme optical nonlinearities in spiral WS2 above the bandgap,” Nano Letters, 20, 4, pp. 2667–2673, 2020. Modi, G., Stach, E.A., Agarwal, R. “Low-power switching through disorder and carrier localization in bismuth-doped germanium telluride phase change memory nanowires,” ACS Nano, 14, 2, pp. 2162–2171, 2020. Liu, W., Hwang, M., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Agarwal, R. “Z2 photonic topological insulators in the visible wavelength range for robust nanoscale photonics,” Nano Letters, 20, 2, pp. 1329–1335, 2020.

Mark Allen Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “A ten-minute, single step, label-free, sampleto-answer assay for qualitative detection of cytokines in serum at femtomolar levels,” Biomed Microdevices 22, 73, 2020. Synodis, M., Pyo, J.B., Kim, M. Oh, H., Wang, X., Allen, M.G. “Fully additive fabrication of electrically anisotropic multilayer materials based on sequential electrodeposition,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1510-1517, Dec. 2020. She, D., Allen, M.G. “A self-powered, biodegradable dissolved oxygen microsensor,” journal of microelectromechanical systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1074-1078, Oct. 2020.

Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020. Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P., Zachs, D.P., Peterson, E.J., Lim, H.H., Allen, M, Javanmard, M. “Label-free impedimetric sensing of cortisol in human serum based on nanowell array electrodes,” 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS, pp. 526-527, 2020.

Paulo Arratia Galloway, K.L., Ma, X., Keim, N.C., Jerolmack, D.J., Yodh, A.G., Arratia, P.E. “Scaling of relaxation and excess entropy in plastically deformed amorphous solids,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (22), pp. 11887-11893, 2020.

Markus Blatz

Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P. Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Multiwell plate impedance analysis of a nanowell array sensor for label-free detection of cytokines in mouse serum,” IEEE Sensor Letters, MicroTAS 2017 pp. 497-498, 2020.

Conejo, J., Ozer, F., Mante, F., Atria, P.J., Blatz, M.B. “Effect of surface treatment and cleaning on the bond strength to polymer-infiltrated ceramic network CAD-CAM material,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2020.`

Ananthakrishnan, A., Allen, M.G. “All-passive hardware implementation of multilayer perceptron classifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020.

Park, M., Islam, S., Kim, H-E., Korostoff, J., Blatz, M.B., Hwang, G., Kim, A. “Human oral motion-powered smart dental implant (SDI) for in situ ambulatory photo-biomodulation therapy,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, 16, 2000658, 2020.

Synodis, M., Pikul, J., Allen, S.A.B., Allen, M.G. “Vertically integrated high voltage Zn-Air batteries enabled by stacked multilayer electrodeposition,” Journal of Power Sources, 449, pp. 227566, 2020.

Conejo, J., Atria, P.J., Hirata, R., Blatz, M.B. “Copy milling to duplicate the emergence profile for implant-supported restorations,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 123, Issue 5, pp. 671-674, 2020.

Ashtiani, F., Aflatouni, F. “Photonic assisted microwave near-field imager,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SW3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020. Idjadi, M.H., Arab, S., Aflatouni, F. “Optical frequency comb generation in silicon by recursive electro-optic modulation,” CLEO: Science and Innovations, pp. SF3O-5, Optical Society of America, 2020. Conferences Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020.

Ritesh Agarwal Wang, Y., Liu, W., Ji, Z., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Agarwal, R. “Coherent interactions in onedimensional topological photonic systems and their applications in all-optical logic operation,” Nano Letters 20 (12), 8796-8802, 2020. Liu, W., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Hwang, M., Zheng, B., Sorger, V.J., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Generation of helical topological excitonpolaritons,” Science 30, pp. 600-604, 2020. Zhang, Z., Qiao, X., Midya, B., Liu, K., Sun, J., Wu, T., Liu, W., Agarwal, R., Jornet, J. M., Longhi, S., Litchinitser, N.M., Feng, L. “Tunable topological charge vortex microlaser,” Science, pp. 760-763, May 2020. Ji, Z., Liu, W., Krylyuk, S., Fan, X., Zhang, Z., Pan, A., Feng, L., Davydov, A., Agarwal, R. “Photocurrent detection of the orbital angular momentum of light,” Science, 368 (6492), pp. 763-767, 2020. Berger, J.S., Ee, H-S., Ren, M., Agarwal, D., Liu, W., Agarwal, R. “Self-aligned on-chip coupled photonic devices using individual cadmium sulfide nanobelts,” Nano Research 13 (5): pp. 1413–1418, 2020.

Fan, X., Ji, Z., Fei, R., Zheng, W., Liu, W., Zhu, X., Chen, S., Li Yang, L., Liu, H., Pan, A., Agarwal, R. “Mechanism of extreme optical nonlinearities in spiral WS2 above the bandgap,” Nano Letters, 20, 4, pp. 2667–2673, 2020. Modi, G., Stach, E.A., Agarwal, R. “Low-power switching through disorder and carrier localization in bismuth-doped germanium telluride phase change memory nanowires,” ACS Nano, 14, 2, pp. 2162–2171, 2020. Liu, W., Hwang, M., Ji, Z., Wang, Y., Modi, G., Agarwal, R. “Z2 photonic topological insulators in the visible wavelength range for robust nanoscale photonics,” Nano Letters, 20, 2, pp. 1329–1335, 2020.

Mark Allen Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “A ten-minute, single step, label-free, sampleto-answer assay for qualitative detection of cytokines in serum at femtomolar levels,” Biomed Microdevices 22, 73, 2020. Synodis, M., Pyo, J.B., Kim, M. Oh, H., Wang, X., Allen, M.G. “Fully additive fabrication of electrically anisotropic multilayer materials based on sequential electrodeposition,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1510-1517, Dec. 2020. She, D., Allen, M.G. “A self-powered, biodegradable dissolved oxygen microsensor,” journal of microelectromechanical systems, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 1074-1078, Oct. 2020.

Conferences Xie, P., Song, N., Shen, W., Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Nanowell array impedance sensor for label-free quantification of cytokines in serum at femtomolar level detection limits,” 21st International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2017, 2020. Hao, H. Du, L., Richardson, A.G., Lucas, T.H., Allen, M.G., Van der Spiegel, J., Aflatouni, F. “A hybrid-integrated artificial mechanoreceptor in 180nmCMOS,” IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), Los Angeles, CA, 2020, pp. 155-158, 2020. Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P., Zachs, D.P., Peterson, E.J., Lim, H.H., Allen, M, Javanmard, M. “Label-free impedimetric sensing of cortisol in human serum based on nanowell array electrodes,” 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS, pp. 526-527, 2020.

Paulo Arratia Galloway, K.L., Ma, X., Keim, N.C., Jerolmack, D.J., Yodh, A.G., Arratia, P.E. “Scaling of relaxation and excess entropy in plastically deformed amorphous solids,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (22), pp. 11887-11893, 2020.

Markus Blatz

Mahmoodi, S.R., Xie, P. Allen, M., Javanmard, M. “Multiwell plate impedance analysis of a nanowell array sensor for label-free detection of cytokines in mouse serum,” IEEE Sensor Letters, MicroTAS 2017 pp. 497-498, 2020.

Conejo, J., Ozer, F., Mante, F., Atria, P.J., Blatz, M.B. “Effect of surface treatment and cleaning on the bond strength to polymer-infiltrated ceramic network CAD-CAM material,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2020.`

Ananthakrishnan, A., Allen, M.G. “All-passive hardware implementation of multilayer perceptron classifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020.

Park, M., Islam, S., Kim, H-E., Korostoff, J., Blatz, M.B., Hwang, G., Kim, A. “Human oral motion-powered smart dental implant (SDI) for in situ ambulatory photo-biomodulation therapy,” Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9, 16, 2000658, 2020.

Synodis, M., Pikul, J., Allen, S.A.B., Allen, M.G. “Vertically integrated high voltage Zn-Air batteries enabled by stacked multilayer electrodeposition,” Journal of Power Sources, 449, pp. 227566, 2020.

Conejo, J., Atria, P.J., Hirata, R., Blatz, M.B. “Copy milling to duplicate the emergence profile for implant-supported restorations,” The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Volume 123, Issue 5, pp. 671-674, 2020.

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