NavAlumni eNews Feb 2011

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February 2011

Alongsider We were quite overwhelmed at the NavAlumni Lunch on Nov 13 2010 when hundreds responded with interest in The Alongsider Story. One lady with a background in prophetic ministry said, ‘This is the word in season.’

Mok with his family

come back to God. At a recent January 2011 Staff Prayer Retreat, the International Executive Team put out a prayer request, ‘Pray that God will grow a new generation of alongsiders like Timothy who will sustain generational movements of the Gospel (2 Tim 2:1-7). The CDM team returned from a US CDM Conference and brought back a book titled ‘The Ways of the Alongsider’. They had no idea that we were featuring the concept of an Alongsider at our Alumni Lunch. A returned Singaporean (ex TNT alumnus), back for a break from Canada where he has been serving on NavStaff for almost twenty years, joined us at the Prayer Retreat and in his update and sharing, talked about the Alongsider ministry that he is having there.

In particular, the feature on Mok Chok Sun: The Alongsider’s Story moved hearts and prompted many to want to walk intentionally alongside a fellow believer in the multigenerational discipleship process. Common among NavAlumni is the experience of having had someone who walked alongside, showed love and instructed in the things of God. James 5:19 encapsulates the ministry of the Alongsider, ‘…if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back…’

The fact that this term has popped up again and again fill us with a sense of endorsement and prompting of the Lord even as we look ahead to the Alongsider Retreat at Pulai Springs on March 1213, 2011. Registration is opened until 4th March 2011. Come, and see what God can do through you!

This is the message and ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:16-21). We all should be involved in this ministry of helping men and women come back to God – those who have not heard the good news and those who have wandered off and need acceptance and companions who walk alongside to help them

After the Alumni Lunch, I got together with a mid-life brother who wants to invest his life to make a difference in the lives of others. I met up with him and started to pray with him over Psalms 16. This is the kind of alongsider ministry that I had been doing with Mok who was featured in The

Alongsider Story. He commented, ‘Teach me to do what you have done with him’. As we continued meeting, a curriculum evolved from the doing and discussing about how to help others learn this Alongsider ministry. It means walking alongside another at the pace that they are able and asking the Lord to teach us to listen to Him using the Scriptures. I am praying that we will have many who will start with being an Alongsider and move on to be Imparters and Multipliers (A.I.M), concepts that were introduced at the NavAlumni Lunch. Adventure Of Discipling Others As the Alumni Team got together recently, we were excited to see the ripple of excitement and enthusiasm in the starting of new Adventure Of Discipling Others (AODO) Groups. Of particular interest is the fact that San Wee and Doug Erdmann (National director) will be co-leading a group of business people doing AODO after the Chinese New Year. Others like Supra, Alex, Eng Bee, and Kim Meng are leading more AODO groups and there are ladies group led by Yin Wah and Beow Kheng, and we are discovering more who are interested in doing so.

Alumni Team and wives

Alumni Laboring We talked about Lev 26:3 at the beginning of the launch of the NavAlumni Ministry,… ‘Five of you shall chase a hundred...’ We are still chasing after this hundred ‘laborers’ who will be involved in helping others to

labor. Whether through raising Alongsiders, AODO groups, or any other means, we are intentionally focused on raising laborers among the alumni. The outcome of alumni laboring and raising other laborers will be a community of laborers who will impact society with the gospel where they are – churches, homes, offices, neighborhoods. God willing, come Nov 12th 2011, there will be a conference for 200 laborers who are currently involved in laboring to gather and encourage one another in their laboring. Our Alumni, Your Stories

More than a thousand copies of “Our Alumni, Your Stories” have been distributed to alumni and we have extra copies for those who have not received theirs. If you wish copies, kindly pick up at The Navigators Office, 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, S(425758). Returned Missionaries Gathering 7 Feb Monday For our returned missionaries at Chinese New Year, we are having a gathering to hear their report on 7 Feb Mon at the Nav Office. We have invited those who have indicated interest in Missions at the last Alumni lunch to join us. If you are interested, kindly contact the Nav Office for more details at 63444133 ext 103.

Alumni News This is the 4th issue os NavAlumni eNews. You may read earlier issues at http://www. There are also several video clips in the Alumni link at this site featuring the Story of Mok – The Alongsider Story, video reports of the previous Nav Alumni events, all the way back to 2008 as well as an extract from the Singapore Post, write-ups of the various Alumni events, etc. If you are just coming back to the Alumni scene, these are references for catch-up purposes.

We look forward to Alumni getting together through the various Link Persons or spontaneous events involving Alumni. Do keep us informed and we will be glad to feature those happenings on our website. For those who want further and deeper involvement, we welcome alumni helping in our campus and student ministries, as well as others. Drop us a line (alumni@navigators. or give us a call and we will be glad to connect you. Yap Kim Meng NavAlumni Ministry

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