ago, the Singapore Navigators came into existence with a mission entrusted to us through the Navigators’ pioneering missionary, Roy Robertson. Roy Robertson arrived in Singapore on 27 August 1962, to launch the Navigator work.
The history of the Singapore Navigators is part of a much larger movement — the Great Commission. Disciplemaking in Singapore progressed from a third-world setting to a first, eventually contributing to global missions. Many have come to faith in Christ, matured in discipleship, and have embarked on cross-cultural missions in the past 6 decades.
The challenges in disciplemaking and global missions remain today. There is an unprecedented urgency in our world today. The end times is near. Our Lord Jesus is coming soon. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. The gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. This conviction should change our hearts and galvanise our dedication to the future work of the Navigators.
As we celebrate our past 60 years of spiritual generations, we would also like to inspire you about our future. We invite you to join hands with us in thanking God for His generational work of the past and to continue this meaningful journey ahead with us.
We believe our future will be about the Lord blessing the nations once again, from Singapore to the ends of the earth. Our future will be about renewal, by developing and sending labourers to advance the gospel among the lost and into the nations.
Our future will be as bright as the promises of God:
“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labour!
For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married,” says the LORD.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out;
do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.
For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.”
- Isaiah 54:1-3 ESV
Will you stand with us by sharing and investing in our Vision 2030?
◊ A New Wave of Disciplemakers for Singapore, Asia and Beyond, with character, vision and skills, who will make disciples, life to life, family to family, among the lost, and among the nations,
with a new wave of Passionate, Pioneering, Partnering culture and a commitment to the Navigators’ movement and calling.
◊ To Advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the Nations through Spiritual Generations of Labourers Living and Discipling Among the Lost.
We need to “ENLARGE the place of our tents” in 3 Strategic Domains and through 3 Enablers:
More gift-income leaders and conventional-income labourers labouring together among the lost in or around campuses/schools
New pioneering student ministries in schools, polytechnics, and universities: TP, SIT, SMU, ASEAN & postgraduate students in NUS and NTU
More incubator pipelines and pathways to nurture and send the next generation of cross-cultural labourers (gift-income and conventional-income) out into the nations
New partnering and pioneering missions in Asia and beyond, with pre-field trainings and member care for our cross-cultural labourers
More conventionalincome leaders and labourers pioneering new missional and generational communities (neighbourhoods or network-based) that live and disciple among the lost
New City Discipling Networks to connect, empower and equip our like-minded disciplemaking communities, churches, and alumni (professionals/ families) in our city
And we need YOU.
We need you to “ENLARGE” your hearts right where you are.
Would you please “ENLARGE” with us with prayers to see the Holy Spirit breathe fresh air into us, bringing renewal to our life-to-life discipling ministries across campuses and communities?
Would you also “ENLARGE” with us with your financial partnership to usher in a new wave of disciplemakers to advance the gospel among the lost into Singapore, Asia and beyond?
Viloane Ko National DirectorCelebrating of SPIRITUAL GENERATIONS
When it all began...
DAWSON TROTMAN Founder ROY ROBERTSON National Director (1962-1968) DAVE DAWSON National Director (1968-1980) JIM CHEW National Director (1980-1990) WONG KIM TOK National Director (1990-1998) TAN PENG JIN National Director (1998-2001) THOMAS CHUA National Director (2001-2009) DOUGLAS ERDMANN National Director (2010-2016) YAP KIM MENG National Director (2017-2021)1960s
1967 The Navigators Training Camp for Singapore and Malaysia, Tanah Merah (above) Roy’s team (below) from left to right: Philip Tan, Selene Chew, Phyllis Robertson, Roy Robertson, Han Su Kim, Tom Lee, Richard Soo and Jim Chew (photographer) Malaysia (above)1970s
Ministry leaders from University of Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic, the NavTeens and King Edward VII Medical School (right)
Dave Dawson with Ministry Leaders (above) Bible study with graduates from King Edward VII Medical School (left) 1976 NavTeens Camp (left) 1977 The Navigators Congress on New Testament Discipleship (right) 1978 Team Leaders’ Retreat at 1978 The Navigators Congress on World Vision (right)1980s
The various Navigator Ministries in 1983 (above) 1984 Leadership Conference (right)1985 The Navigators Christian’s Impact on Society - Howard Hendricks (right)
The Navigators Headquarters building officially opened on 1 Jan 1986 (right)
prayer and ceremony of The Navigators Headquarters building in 1985 (left) The Navigators Headquarters’ Office Staff (left)1990s
1992 Asia Navigators Campus Staff Conference (LEAD 92) in Indonesia (above)
1995 Asian Youth Conference (right)
1993 Singapore Navigators Staff Institute (left) 1995 Navigators Staff Conference (below) 1998 Asia Navigators Leadership Conference, Malaysia (above) 1996 Singapore Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic combined camp (right)2000s
2002 Singapore Navigators 40th Anniversary Celebration (left)
2004 t-Junction Construction (right)
2004 Staff Retreat in Johor, Malaysia (left)
2005 Nanyang Technological University Navigators’ leadership team (right)
2005 The NavTeens staff (right)
2005 National University of Singapore Navigators staff (above)
2005 Ngee Ann Polytechnic Navigators labourers’ team (right)
2008 Church Discipleship Ministry staff from various Asian Countries, in Singapore for IDC Coaches Training (above)
2010 Ngee Ann Polytechnic-Singapore Polytechnic Ministry Combined Camp (left)
2012 Prayer Walk (right) 2013 Staff Leadership Symposium (left) 2014 EDGE Programme Preview (left) 2017 Staff Family Retreat in Malacca (right) Labourers’ Day (left)We are thankful to The Navigators for...
“Life-on-life discipling has brought me to enjoy a living relationship with God and His Body. I know eternal life because I have tasted it through life-on-life discipling. It is more than a concept. Transformation takes time, and I am thankful that people were willing and persevered to invest their patience, time, and energy in me; they saw in me what I could not. In the same way, as I, too, engage in discipling others life-on-life, I also carry that vision. Best of all, I am constantly growing a greater taste and understanding of God’s wonderful master plan.”
Jensen Chiang“I got to know Christ through my polytechnic classmate from the Navigators. She met me every week to strengthen my faith in God. She taught and showed me why and how to have daily Quiet Time, converse with God, memorise His Word, reach out to the lost and have regular fellowship with believers. That was many years back, but I am still keeping to these spiritual disciplines and teaching others to do the same today.
God also used various man-to-man leaders in my life to build His character in me. I used to see myself as a nobody who had no goal in life. But, through life-on-life discipleship, God helped me to see my worth and the worth of every individual and the importance of investing in what’s eternal.”
Lee Yin“
“Looking back, when I was a teenager, someone who knew God better reached out to me and guided me in helping me to know God better, which has built a spiritual foundation for my life.”
Chris Tan“The Navigators has helped me to see the dignity and value of an individual’s life.”
Chloe“The regular scripture memory has helped me ground myself in the Word. During Bible Study, I was able to discuss topics that I usually couldn’t talk about. I have also built meaningful friendships through the Navigators.”
Luke Tan“My mentors in Nav spent precious time and effort sharing their lives with me and loving me. They role-modelled what it means to have a relationship with God and journeyed with me through the good and tough times!”
Rostina“It has given me a vision for a lifetime.”
Kiam Siong“Navteens has helped my son learn how to share what he has learnt in the Bible. He is encouraged and challenged to read his devotion daily. He picks out applications and knows how to communicate in front of a group of teens he is comfortable with. The best part is when we do our weekly family devotion; he even reminds us that we need to find an application and how we will apply it in our lives!”
Melissa Shi“The laywomen who followed up with me to read the Bible are God-sent. They came just as I asked God to make Himself known to me in my student days. I appreciated that they volunteered their time to reach out to strangers, and intentionally showed us how to have Quiet Time to grow in our knowledge of Jesus and eventually have an intimate relationship with Him. These basic disciplines were so simple, and the idea of obedience so easy. It was something I could grasp and do the same for others while I worked on the campus.”
Kylie Chia
“My spiritual growth has been greatly enriched through the one-to-one discipling relationship between my mentor and me. I enjoyed the deep relationship and close interaction with my mentor because I was given opportunities to closely observe and follow her life example of following Christ. She also pointed out some of my blind spots and lovingly pointed me to God’s truth. I truly appreciate the help I have received through her and desire that God would use me to love others in the same way.”
Grace Yeo“The Navigators’ impact on my life was in teaching me how to develop my relationship with God and set that as the top priority of my life during my student years. Through the guidance of my spiritual leader, together with the campus fellowship as a conducive environment to grow, it has built a spiritual foundation upon me that now carries forward into the working world. It is also the main reason for the way I live even after working as a physiotherapist for 4 years — continuing to know God, to put Him and His kingdom first over other matters.
Secondly, the Navigators has helped me to discover God’s heart; I would never have known God’s desire for all men to be saved, and that God would do it through the Great Commission. It began in 2016 when I encountered strong resistance from 2 students while sharing the gospel with them. It was the first time I cried as I felt God’s heartache through their rejection. That, coupled with my spiritual leader’s life and the local and overseas life examples of those who went before me, was how God planted His heart in me and made it grow till today.”
Jonathan Kwa“Being in the Navigators’ 20s30s Ministry has helped me understand what doing life with others means. Evangelising is not easy, let alone exporting, equipping and establishing other people. Witnessing other people in this ministry doing the same, and sometimes involving others as well, really encourages me and helps me to persevere, to keep praying and hoping that God will touch the hearts of those I pray for and in time, to also witness to them and be spiritually fruitful. ”
Felicia“I can never forget the extra mile that various ones have taken in their journey with me to challenge me to a deeper relationship with Jesus. The spiritual foundations laid in my life when I was a teenager helped cement my commitment to the Great Commission. Looking back, I thank God for the examples of those that have gone before me, and the grace and patience that were offered to me.
One particular incident stuck with me. My spiritual leader went through health complications but continued to patiently give his best to serve the Lord, patiently enduring ministry demands and managing differing opinions despite his own troubles. Whenever I go through ministry problems, I remember that incident and persevere in helping those entrusted to me, finding strength in that example of long-suffering. I am grateful for the spiritual leaders who have set an example for me in the Navigators over the years.”
Roger Yeo“I thank the Lord for the Navigators’ lifeon-life discipleship. It has helped me to be intentional on my journey of discipleship and disciplemaking. In addition, I am blessed by my spiritual leaders who have encouraged, taught and trained me as a labourer in the harvest field. They have been journeying alongside me not only in ministry, but also in my life.”
Gemma“The two questions that Jesus asked in Mark 8:36-38, ‘What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?’, and ‘What can a man give in exchange for his soul?’, have always intrigued me for years.
The life and example of Dave and Mary Dawson who spent almost 20 years building and establishing the Singapore Navigator work deeply impacted our lives, Phek Tin’s and mine. We were privileged to live in the Dawsons’ home for more than a year for home training. We witnessed upclose how Dave and Mary Dawson lived their lives that was consistent with their preaching of the Great Commission.
As a result, we committed ourselves to be life-long labourers, desirous that God use us to be a blessing to others, to raise spiritual generations who will be workers for the harvest and go to the nations.”
Robert and Phek Tin
“One of the things I loved most was how the Navigators taught me to be fearless in reaching out to the lost and make disciples next door to everywhere.
I did not realise how much I had learnt about life and faith and how precious those days would come to be all these years later.
Thank you, Navigators Singapore, for the great moments and memories. Happy 60th Anniversary!”
Christopher Liu“After meeting my discipler and the Navigators, I learnt that God delights in using ordinary men in His extraordinary ways.
As my mentor walked with me through my life journey, I was able to help my mentee in his and he, in turn, another. I saw how real it was to find and raise up individuals to see spiritual generations come into fruition.
As 2 Timothy 2:2 says, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” It gave me a great sense of fulfilment to see each generation experiencing the gospel transformation and to join us in the work of the gospel as fellow labourers in the harvest field.”
Wing Ben
“All the foundational frameworks as a child of God were laid in me by the Navigators, namely my spiritual infant years, my life as a follower of Christ, my vision and commitment to the Great Commission, the Great Commandments and finishing well!”
Jane Ng“I was introduced to the Military Navigators while I was still a new Christian. They visited our barracks in the evenings to do ‘cold-turkey’ evangelism. Our time together was intense: Bible studies, scripture memory, man-to-man mentoring, weekend stay-in training programmes and of course, cold-turkey witnessing! We wore the tag of being part of the Navigators as a badge of honour! It was a lifelong, impactful journey for many of us.
The principle of Discipleship Multiplication a key tenet of the Navigators instilled in us the worth of an individual. Disciples are made, not born. Jesus could have easily resolved all the problems in our hostile world. He had 12 legions of angels awaiting His last orders (Matthew 26:53), but He chose to hang onto the wooden cross. At Navigators, we make disciples, no less.”
Raymond Kwok“The Navigators lived up to their calling and did what they were challenged to do — making disciples as Jesus had commanded (Matthew 28:19) and spiritual reproduction went on.
Resources were available and the Word of God motivated us with His promises. The Navigators was made up of many faithful, available, and teachable men and women of God.
Among the ladies, one took up the challenge to lead women in the university ministry; another continued serving actively on a polytechnic campus, and soon after that, served on a megachurch leadership team; yet another eventually went further afield to serve full-time. One Navigator lady served locally, then ventured to another country, got married, studied overseas and is very much into the counselling ministry currently contributing to the body of Christ.
His Spirit empowers and we carry on!”
Florence Tan ” ” ”
“God’s love to me is shown through His people. I met one of His precious daughters at The Navigators who greatly impacted my life. I was a working adult while she was labouring in a student polytechnic ministry. She gave up her free time to read the Bible with me and helped me to draw closer to God and to know Him. Today, I can show God’s love to others by the same example which this Navigator worker has done for me.”
Sze Chin“My parents used to serve in the Navigators, and their life examples of labouring and disciplemaking greatly influenced my upbringing. When I entered NTU, it was a natural decision for me to join the NTU Navigators, as I wanted to join a Christian group to grow in my faith.
I benefited greatly from having personal mentors, who guided me in strengthening my relationship with God and kept me accountable. Somehow, they had a knack for asking tough questions of me! They helped me develop a generational mindset of following up with others, and opened my eyes to see the worth of individuals as I learnt to love and serve them . In time, I have been able to pass on what I have learnt, through outreach to my non-believing relatives and friends, and by helping the younger students in their own walk with God. Indeed, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, and I’m glad to be able to play a part in reaching out to others wherever God has placed me.”
Tze Shien““I am thankful for my discipler who has helped me to grow in my walk with God through Quiet Time. He taught me how to spend 7 minutes with God every morning and helped me to enjoy Quiet Time through applications. I learnt how to practically obey God step-by-step.
However, I am a man who has many distractions and had much difficulty waking up early in the morning. Soon, the initial joy of doing Quiet Time dissipated.
But my discipler was faithful in helping me and he continually persevered in doing many things, such as calling me in the morning to wake me up and encouraging me of the greater joy of meeting God in the morning through personal time.
I am thankful for how he persevered in helping me up till now. My discipler has been with me in every step of my growth, encouraging and helping me overcome challenges in waking up early to join the Quiet Time sharing. My lifestyle has changed from a night owl to a morning person.”
Nathan Tyler“I thank God for my wife Linda, who introduced me to the Navigators Ministry where I was involved with the Navigator Professional Circle (NPC). In 1978, I led the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Navigators Chinese Ministry as invited by my mentor, Thomas Chua (former National Director of The Navigators Singapore, 2001-2009).
In 2003, I was glad that the late Dave Dawson, former National Director of The Navigators Singapore (1969 – 1979), came to Asian Institute of Technology Christian Fellowship (AITCF) in Thailand to help me with ‘Equipping the Saints (ETS)’, which we used as our discipleship material for our brethren of 100 families from 20 nations for a season. Amazingly, I had the joy of leading Timothy Liang from China to the Lord, baptising him at the AIT swimming pool, and discipled him. I also visited him in China in 2004. I thank God for my spiritual grandson Seng Ming, who helped me disciple Timothy in China using the 2:7 series. Timothy is faithfully discipling many in different parts of China, especially in the Shandong Province.
The late Jim Chew, former National Director of The Navigators Singapore (1980-1990), was instrumental in giving me Asian Navigators’ contacts as I travelled to many nations for business to have fellowship with Navigators’ representatives.
Navigators never say die but keep growing deeper with God, living to bless others with the help of the Holy Spirit .”
Prof Stanley Cheng“I am very grateful to the life-on-life discipleship that the Navigators has provided for me. Before I joined the Navigators, I was lost with no aim in life — just simply going through the motions.
Upon joining the Navigators, I am thankful to the brothers, especially my discipler, who always lends a listening ear and willingly hear my problems, helping me to bring my focus back to God and not on the problem itself, while also praying for me. They constantly help me see that there is hope in God. I can also see my discipler’s heart for the lost — never giving up, always pursuing them no matter the difficulties.
The examples of my discipler encouraged me to do the same as I am currently reaching out to my cousin. It may be difficult, but I know I am doing something worthwhile.”
William“I got to know the Navigators when I was in my first year of study at Singapore Polytechnic. Through the life-on-life discipleship and fellowship, I have grown in my relationship with God. Looking back, the Navigators has greatly influenced my relationship with God. Different ones were encouraging and guiding me as I walk with God, continuously reminding me to fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith.”
“My first encounter with the Navigators was in my first year at Singapore Polytechnic. Back then, I was what one would call a ‘blur believer’. I was a ‘seat warmer’ in church and my heart was cold and void of Christ. After being involved with the Navigators, I have grown in my personal relationship with God. Now I am privileged to not only partner with Him in making Christ known, but to journey with others to do the same!”
““Through the journey of sharing my life with my discipler, it has become clear to me that this discipleship relationship is not merely a friendship. Instead, it is a lot of intentional sharing about life, investing, sacrifice, modelling and commitment. It is similar to that of a parent raising his/her child. This relationship is filled with emotions, misunderstandings, and arguments, but they make the relationship strong. It is not one that is living behind a mask, but it is an authentic discipleship relationship that I share with my discipler. I remembered how my discipler imparted what he knew to me and guided me along the way as I matured in Christ. He helped me build the foundation of my Christian life through developing my inner life and taught me to develop convictions of my own which I still hold today. He had also made many sacrifices for me, some of which I saw while some were behind the scenes which I may have missed. Sharing and developing my vision was also crucial in my own life and I saw how my discipler put in time and energy to help me develop my world vision. I believe that he prays a lot for me and it’s really hard work and heart work.”
Jun Heng Clementene Nissi“I have grown in many aspects of my faith journey since I started life-on-life discipleship with the Navigators. My knowledge in the Word has grown deeper, as I am able to crystallise what it really means and apply it in my life
One key thing that impacted me was learning more about myself to accept my weaknesses, mistakes and failures in humbleness rather than defensiveness. It has moulded me to become a better person that resembles Christ! During this journey, there were a lot of surprises, but they have strengthened me in many aspects. Life is filled with bubbles (surprises) from God!”
Kevin Patrick Tan“The process of life-on-life discipleship has been a wonderful privilege for me as the one investing his life in me has really given his all to know me personally. My discipler knows my strengths and weaknesses and so the directions and instructions given by him have been tailored for me. His choice to be open to me about his own life has given me an example of how Christ can live at the centre of a man’s life. His example has been such a great encouragement for me to follow as he had gone ahead of me in paths more arduous.
Not only so, the Father’s heart is also made known to me through seeing my discipler’s heart and through the process of discipling another individual. Just as Christ had invested in the twelve apostles, investing in an individual has allowed me to see how Christ sees the potential in each individual.”
Zheng Yang“The Navigators has helped me to grow spiritually and has also given me practical action steps to read the Bible, pray, lead small groups and share the gospel. I am also very thankful for Mr. Chiang Kiam Siong for being my Bible Study leader and giving me the indelible opportunity to apply what I have learnt from my Diploma major into evangelism by funding a short film. I have grown in leadership through the Navteens — from a young teen attending Bible Study to assisting with Bible Study for a group of teenage boys, as well as working with my Bible Study group to lead an open cell on Saturdays every fortnight.”
Ee-Hsien“I was led to Christ through the Navigators. Not long after I began my new spiritual journey, I was enlisted into the army and eventually entered the workforce.
Even then, my spiritual leaders did not allow the time constraint to keep me from receiving the lifeon-life discipling that was essential for my growth. God used the discipling relationship that I had with my spiritual leaders to help me understand His purpose for me — that receiving Christ is only the beginning, but a life of following Him can only be possible with the intentionality and commitment of a labourer (Col 1:28-29).
God desires me not to be a churchgoer but a follower of Christ. My spiritual leaders’ life demonstrated to me that a life of devotion to the Lord despite our own human weakness and struggles is possible, by His grace, and I am to rely on His grace and strength to follow Him just as they did.
Without real-life examples from life-on-life discipling, my understanding of the scriptures would be theory-based instead of life-based.
God has used my spiritual leader’s life sharing to help me understand His concern for me as an individual, so that I too, would desire to invest my life in the next generation (1 Thess 2:8 ; 2 Tim 2:2).
More is caught than taught.”
“I am thankful to God for how he led me to the Navigators through a friend years ago. That is how I got to know my current discipler who gave me constant support and guidance in my faith journey with God till today, just as how he has received from his discipler.
I believe that the personal attention given to an individual provides the opportunity and potential for growth, just like how a parent raises a child. I am so grateful for the generational impact it brings that I get to have a taste of it today!”
Janson Lee”“The Navigators’ life-on-life discipleship has opened my eyes to a fresh layer of the Scripture.
Through my disciplers, I have learnt how to disciple different individuals. It came with much struggle and discouragement. But the promises in the Bible show a God that was deeply involved in the lives of the rebellious Israelites. God used His servants to show God’s faithfulness, patience and love for them despite their stubborn hearts.
Discipleship isn’t a programme or event that can be done outside of a relationship.
Through the scriptures, Navigators has shown me that God has ‘rend the heavens and came down’ into the lives of individuals. This is the way the Great Commission is fulfilled.”
Zhi Yi“When I was a teenager, I was just a Sunday Christian. All that mattered was attending church service regularly. But when I met the Navigators, my spiritual mentor helped me to embark on a journey in knowing God as my Father in Heaven, more than just a God who seemed distant from me.
Through life-on-life discipling, I started reading the Bible, praying, and sharing the gospel with others. Even though there were times when I didn’t understand something or didn’t know how to apply God’s Word in my life, my mentor was there to guide me, and more importantly, to show me how to live out a Christ-centred life. 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, ‘Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.’ That’s exactly what I did, imitating my mentor, and today I am reproducing what he taught me as I also make Christ known to others.”
Nicholas Wong“After becoming a Christian in 1990, my mum was furious and worried that I would never marry as most Christians are women. My spiritual leaders cared about my ‘Jerusalem’, and did the pointers listed in the booklet ‘Reaching Families’ by Mr Wong Kim Tok.
In 1993, Ministry Leader Supra organised a mission trip to my mum’s hometown in Sarawak. Swee Meng gave a cassette to my grandparents that shares the gospel in Cantonese opera songs. We sang Chinese Christian songs and Supra’s wife Yin Wah shared the gospel with my aunt. Mum also got to know fellow labourers and they visited homes during Chinese New Year and did Christmas carolling.
My husband Shang Keng and I got married in 1996. Our sons were born in 1999 and 2001. In 2002, my mum became a Christian. My daughters were born in 2004 and 2008. My mum is turning 90 soon, and she helps with cooking and sewing.”
Constance Lee“I thank God for the life-on-life discipleship at The Navigators which helped me discover and live out God’s purpose for my life. My spiritual leaders have laboured hard over my life in much prayer, rebuke and tears so that my life can be moulded into the image of Jesus Christ, and that I can be used by Him as a vessel to make Christ known to others.
I recall one particular conversation where a spiritual leader mentioned to me: ‘I saw the potential in you, and so I invested much in your life.’ Who am I that God would graciously enable me to know Him and make Him known?”
Nicholas Cheng Swee Meng carrying Constance’s newborn youngest daughter (August 2008).“One-on-one personal discipleship has taught me that being a Christian is not what it seems to the average person. In the process of learning to sincerely study and obey God’s Word, I became even more motivated to pursue God. I want to know more about the teachings of Christ. I am convicted not to be a muddled Christian.
At first, it seemed to me that personal discipleship was one of the requirements of being a Christian. But gradually, I realised that what I was taught was related to the little things in life and it was so real and practical. I understand that the Holy Spirit in me taught and inspired me with the Word of God to obey and do things that please the Lord. Often, I felt stressed and wondered whether what I was doing is pleasing to God — am I living in obedience to God’s teaching? I would pray to the Lord to help me, and the result had been amazing. It was smooth and not stressful. I knew that it was the presence of the Lord, thanks be to God!
Therefore, in every subsequent study, I devoted myself to meditating on the teachings of the scriptures and words in the Bible, and told myself to continue to serve the Lord. I hope to share the spiritual truth and the saving grace in Christ Jesus that I had received with my family and friends!”
“ Where would I be, and what would I do if God did not send a faithful labourer to preach the gospel to me when I was 19? I believe I would still be living a sinful and futile life if not for Pei Fang, my spiritual mother who persistently followed up with me. God used her FAITH in claiming His Promise, HOPE in prayer and LOVE for God and people to not only bear the fruit of salvation in me but also to establish me to be rooted in Christ no matter what life challenges I face (family issues, retrenchment, making big mistakes at work, child’s sickness etc).
Patricia, another faithful labourer, also pours out her life to disciple me and has also taught me how to disciple another. By God’s grace, I want to continue discipling the next generation, including my child.”
Eileen Chua Swee Ming Swee Ming (far right in red); Guan Tong, Swee Ming’s husband (nearest to photo); Peifang (in black); Bernard Kok, Peifang’s husband (next to Viloane in white); Patricia , Viloane’s wife (in blue)“Life-on-life discipleship has not only helped me to know God personally and deepen my relationship with Him, but it has also helped me to know what’s on God’s heart — the salvation of people.
I am very thankful for how my mentor has poured out her love and journeyed with me through the ups and downs of life. Receiving love and seeing my mentor’s example of love has taught me to love others. As my mentor faithfully brought me along to share the gospel on campus, I learnt to share the gospel. Over time, I have slowly grown to know and grow in having God’s heart for the lost.”
“I am thankful for my discipler’s investment in my life. It has been a good 5 years of walking together with her (since 2017) through the many ups and downs of my life.
One of the greatest impacts that the Navigators had on my life was learning to live in a community and sharing life with others through fellowship, and to grow with fellow believers through follow-up with them.
Through the daily disciplines and weekly meet-ups, I found it helpful to have someone I am accountable to, so I can share personal matters that are close to my heart. I am very thankful to have received spiritual guidance and perspectives through the Word, knowing that the counsel I get is not from my discipler’s wisdom or hidden agenda, but from a heart that she shares with God for me. Through apartment training and mission exposure trips with her, these experiences have allowed me to witness her life (along with its struggles and how she overcame them). As I gradually opened up about my life to her, I have learnt to be more trusting of the fellowship and see how the body of Christ works together with a common goal in mind.
I am thankful that I have also learnt how to follow up with individuals. I found this helpful as I saw how these skills could be used in outreach to different individuals I come across, and most importantly, how these skills could also be passed on to others. Through witnessing to others, it has given me a new perspective of how the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few — that there are many desirous hearts for God, and how leading someone to Christ was also a simple process (and does not require fanciful events or having to wait for a specific outreach opportunity to occur).
I am thankful for this community that God has allowed me to be in. I look forward to many more years of growth and training together!”
Christy“I appreciate this spiritual family that I have in Nav! Being the eldest in my biological family, I have always longed to have older brothers and sisters. I met the NP Navigators during my polytechnic life. The moment I became a believer of Jesus, I was introduced as a younger sister-inChrist. I became part of the Nav family where the dream of having older brothers and sisters came true.
I have this spiritual family to share my discouragement, joy and blessings with. I know this spiritual family will always be there for me.
I have mentors who filled the role of an elder sister. They were concerned with every aspect of my life, besides my spiritual condition.
As I journeyed through life circumstances in different seasons of my life, my mentor has always been there for me. I appreciate the time, counsel, life-sharing moments, listening ears, prayers, encouragement, correction, as well as the willingness to bear burdens alongside me.
In this Nav family, I know I am not alone. I love this Nav family!”
Pei Fang
“My spiritual life began in The Navigators. From spiritual infancy, I received one-on-one discipling from my personal mentors and learned from the numerous spiritual examples around me, modelling to me how to lead my new life in Christ. From having daily quiet time, prayers, to sharing my faith with increasing skills, and finally being convicted to give my life for the vision of disciplemaking, God worked in me through the labouring of Navigators mentors and labourers in my life.
It is clear to me that the works of the Navigators have blessed me, and I joyfully receive the baton to be a blessing to the generation after me, to raise up new generations of Christ’s disciples.”
Patricia Ko“I’m Joelle, a Ngee Ann Polytechnic labourer and my discipler is Joy. I praise God for how Joy looked to meet my needs in different ways. The Lord encouraged me by her love for me (Heb 13:7) although I inwardly struggled with her over our differences. When the Lord encouraged me to have confrontations over some bitterness (Heb 12:15), she listened and humbly worked with me through those areas. Through the sparks that flew, I really experienced ‘iron sharpening iron’, and how she tried to adapt herself to my non-confrontational nature and persevered in meeting me.
Joy’s example of faithfulness to the fellowship, her humility to admit mistakes and change her decisions accordingly, and how God changed her to be quick to serve were some ways that God encouraged me through Joy. I was also touched by how God led her to pour her life into the students (Isa 58:10), which was evident in her willingness to share life through her suggestion of using Google Calendar to share contacts that the team was meeting. Christ’s love also led her to consistently pour her life into mine despite lengthy Personal Time, and into sincere concern for my contacts.”
““My spiritual growth as a new believer was the outcome of one-on-one discipleship for 3 years.
The weekly Bible Study had greatly helped me grow — from not knowing the Bible, to memorising scriptures and sharing what I had learnt from my weekly homework. These practices had enabled my spiritual life to grow steadily. Another important factor is that my spiritual leader cares for me and listens to me, even the trivial things in my life, and she would often pray for me. Her life had influenced me deeply as I could feel the love of Christ from her.”
Liao Yan Hong
Joelle Heng Joelle (right) and her discipler, Joy (left)“I joined the Navigators when I was a Year 1 student in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I was a new convert back then, and my first spiritual leader really helped me grow in my understanding of the gospel and my relationship with God. Her life taught me what it means to have a heart for the individual. She would prepare home-cooked food for me, write encouragement cards (even when there was no special occasion!), pray with me and show concern towards me in every area of my life — something which I seek to continue to do as I help others. As both of us come from non-Christian backgrounds, her life is an example of how to stand firm in my faith amidst family persecution.
My second spiritual leader impacted the way I viewed discipleship. In one of our first few Personal Time, she shared, ‘How I can use my life to maximise God’s glory is to help another person to also glorify God with her life’. It has become one of my motivations in my journey of discipling others and helping others to do the same Besides, her insight and attitude towards the Word of God also brought continuous encouragement and challenge to me to handle His Word correctly.
I am thankful for my spiritual leaders’ lives, and I look forward to what God will do in my life through them!”
Suet Li“Life-on-life discipleship has transformed my life. It has helped me to grow spiritually — from a non-believer to a believer, from a baby in the faith to a mature Christian.
I was once a stranger, but now I fellowship with others as a sister in Christ. Despite coming from different cultural backgrounds, we were embraced by our disciplers’ love. Through their generosity and openness to share their lives, we were able to learn and grow in unity with their life examples Through them, I have also learnt how to express love and better meet others’ needs.
In summary, it has been a life-transforming journey. I am grateful to all my personal disciplers for their love, patience and endurance in helping me and labouring in my life! May God remember and continue to bless their work and labour!”
“Dolly and I thank God for His grace and enabling for bringing The Navigators Singapore to where it is today. It is very exciting to see God raise up new leaders (the National Director and the Executive Team , along with the ministry leaders) moving forward with unity, clarity and purpose, deepening and broadening our vision and calling. We are also excited to see a new generation of younger labourers, men and women, who have passion for God, love for people and zeal for the ministry.
The future is exciting when God uses these servants to impact their generation for Christ. We are privileged to be part of this disciplemaking community. Glory be to God for all that He has done and is going to do. As someone said, ‘The future is as bright as the promises of God.’ Amen!”
Wong Kim Tok“I have been privileged to serve as the 8th National Director for The Navigators Singapore from 15 Nov 2016 to 1 Apr 2021. I count it my deepest blessing to be recruited and trained through the Navigators’ discipleship since March 1970. Led to Christ through a Navigator discipler and personally followed up and inducted through Navigators’ training, the Navigators were like my surrogate parents. It filled a void in my growing-up years and I am thankful to the Lord for the Navigators’ imprint on my life.
Despite it not being a smooth-sailing or easy passage through the years, the shaping of character and learning to trust God through claiming the promises of God in His Word was life-changing and it laid the foundation for my desire to grow and build disciplemaking traits in me. From March 1970 till June 1984, serving in the SAF before joining the Navigators as a full-time staff was a glorious time of enjoying my laymen volunteering with the Navigators. Isaiah 64:4 framed my thinking and praying —‘Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.’
It’s too good to be true. It’s so good that it has to be. I want nothing less than to have God work it out in my life as I wait for Him to do so. It has been a great journey serving the Lord with the Navigators and it is indeed a great honour and a privilege.”
Yap Kim Meng““Doreen and I came from non-believing traditional families where dads earn the dole and moms handle the home and children. Living with the Dawsons gave us the model and content to determine our own husband-wife relationship, relating to our children, and our family relations, in light of the Scripture.
I also thank God for the cross-cultural ministry exposure in Bandung, Indonesia. It was a unique learning experience for me to acquire another language and disciple people in another language and culture. The Lord used this to increase my heart for missions and gave me added confidence to learn other languages and to minister crossculturally.
I am also thankful to the Lord for the opportunity and privilege to represent the Singapore Navigators as a staff, and to be used by the Lord as His instrument in multiplying disciples and labourers among many nations in fulfilment to His command and promise in Genesis 12:1,2 ‘Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.”’
I thank God for the honour to serve Him and multiply disciples and labourers in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, USA, and Australia, and through our spiritual descendants to China and the nations.”
Thomas Chua“I’m very excited for the Singapore Navigators because they are ACTUALLY trying to follow the Great Commission.
What is the Great Commission? First, it is to make disciples, which takes time, energy and focused attention on individuals, and SingNav does that everyday.
Secondly, it’s ‘all nations’. Singapore is surrounded by a number of very needy countries. SingNav always has the heart for those countries — sending many staff and shortterm teams to them over the years.
Singapore Navigators, please continue to follow the Great Commission!”
Douglas Erdmann
Isaiah 54:1-3, 60:22
As part of our low-key events to celebrate our past and inspire our future, our labourers came together for an Extended Time with God (ETWG) on 16 July 2022 (Sat). The focus was for our labourers to join hearts to pray for the promise, the world, and for the Singapore Navigators.
What has God spoken to you today?
“God spoke to me about His love for me through Isaiah 54:1-3. Just like the barren woman, it is not because of what I have that God will use me to bless the nations; I can be a mother of many nations, because He loves me and extends His Promises to me. I only need to respond in faith, take Him at His Word, and willingly participate in His mission with faith actions. This is based on His character — His everlasting kindness and compassion for me.”
“God spoke to me through Isaiah 54:1-3 that talked about the ‘barren woman’. To a person who was familiar with hopelessness and could have been hardened by it, God did not encourage her by saying that it is alright and that her life can still go on. Instead, He calls her to have faith and speak words that show who He is — sovereign and powerful to act on His promises.”
“The repetition of the word ‘will’ in Isaiah 60 stood out to me. That gave me the assurance to know that God will bring His promises to pass and He is not someone who makes empty promises or does not have the capacity to carry them out. God is also the one who works in the hearts of men; He can change their thought processes and bring about life transformation. Hence, I am encouraged to count on God’s promises, even in my day-to-day living. The phrase ‘in its time’ in Isaiah 60:22 also gave me the confidence to know that the day-today labour of investing in people’s lives will eventually bring about good fruits and He will use my life or the lives of the people I am helping to bring glory to His name.”
Our New Website is COMING SOON
We’ve got a fresh look with new features and functionalities designed to serve you better:
» A fresh and mobile-responsive design, faster and more user-friendly
» More ways to get connected with us, such as through our Chatbot
Resource Page
» NavNews will come under the same roof on our new website with more stories and teaching articles
» NavTools, a one-stop curated discipleship tool to help you in your one-to-one or small groups
» Access to exclusive disciplemaking resources for our labourers and partners
Donation Page
» Online donation made easier and more secured with new recurring function and improved user-interface
» Able to update mailing preferences online
PS. We’ll add new microsites for our campus and community ministries by the end of 2022.
My Phone,
C hrist’s Home
by Ng Tze Shien“A rrgh!” I threw my phone on the table in frustration. It had been giving me many problems recently. The screen was frozen and I just could not seem to get it to work. I had no choice but to bring it to the repair shop.
At the shop, one of the staff members examined my phone and sighed, “This is quite a tricky issue and will take some time to be resolved…”
“Sure, I can wait! My phone is my life, I’ll do anything to save it!”, I interjected...
To read the full article, scan the QR code below:
by Raymond Kwok“T he Devil’s Conference, that was held at the end of every few centuries, was reaching its climax. It was time to unveil the next great weapon to inflict upon mankind for the 20th century. The Age of Reformation (14th-15th century) was spectacularly successful in splitting the Church into some 40,000 denominations. The Age of Enlightenment (15th-16th century) exceeded expectations with the rise of exploration and reasoning, resulting in the assertion of Self-Belief. The Age of Progress (17th-19th century) saw the rise of nationalism, the evolution theory and 2 great World Wars that reconfigured the World — promoting secularism and liberalism...
To read the full article, scan the QR code below:
A rewrite of the Navigators’ perennial favourite, “My Heart, Christ’s Home”, in celebration of the Singapore Navigators’ 60th anniversary.The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost.
Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. All Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® Copyright © 1984, unless otherwise stated.
Director: Viloane Ko
Chelsia Chan
Yeow Sushan
Seng Lee Press
Navigators Singapore