NavNews Nov 2021

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A n e w s l e tter o f The N a viga to rs S in ga po re M C I (P ) 052/06/2021

NOV 2021



n 25 September, we gathered 250 labourers and staff for our virtual Labourers’ Day 2021. The theme was “Enlarge”, based on Isaiah 54: “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.” — Isaiah 54:2-3 Viloane Ko, our National Director, presented the vision that the Lord had given him since he took on the role as National Director for The Navigators Singapore. He spoke on the idea of ‘Renewal’ and the vision of ‘Enlarging’. To live out our calling more faithfully and experience God’s abundant blessings, we need to enlarge our capacity and faith (Isaiah 54:2 —“Enlarge the place of your tent...”). To do so, we need to renew our sense of mission and togetherness and step out in a spirit of faith. “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” — William Carey. God may want you to take a leap of faith. To take a leap of faith is not primarily a function of rational capacity, but it is a matter of will and trust. It is a decision and a choice to go, even when we do not know where God is leading us to (Hebrews 11:8 — “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”) There is hope for renewal and blessings for the future of The Navigators Singapore.The challenge is that it is ours to shape it. God’s favour and blessings are ours for the taking when we seek to be faithful to our generational calling and the purpose for which God has called and raised us for — to move forward with the global vision through the multiplication of labourers. To do so, faith, obedience and commitment are required. Jesus began the biggest movement in history when he gave his disciples the final command to ‘Go and make disciples of all nations’ (Matthew 28:19).This multiplication vision has been passed on to us from the time of Jesus till this day, hence it is our ‘generational DNA’. God’s hand is still on this movement and He has plenty of opportunities for us here at The Navigators Singapore

by Chelsia Chan

— going to the lost in new campuses and communities, not just in Singapore but into cities in Asia and beyond. At this year’s Labourers’ Day, we invited our Navigators’ pioneers to share with us their faith journey of serving the Lord. Stepping out to serve the Lord in their pioneering mission was indeed a step of faith, but it was also a test. Kim Tok and Dolly shared their faith experience in pioneering the NJC (National Junior College) ministry. It was a test of faith for them because they had little experience in doing a grassroots ministry. Their faith was stretched as it was hard to believe that they could reap much as the students would only be spending two years at the college. But God stepped in and took them beyond their own limitations. God gave them two students who were from NavTeens and the ministry began to grow and expand very quickly. The phenomenal growth was made possible because God was at work. It is not what we can do for God, even with faith, but what God can do through us in response to our faith and obedience.

Panel discussion with the Navigators’ pioneers (Robert Goh, Kim Tok and Dolly), facilitated by Jensen and Joy (from right to left)

Here are some of the key takeaways from our labourers at this Labourers’ Day: “To be enlarged is to move out in faith by trusting in what God can do through me. It means not holding back despite the physical limitations but to give of myself wholeheartedly to His work.” “My key takeaway was from the sharing that God will bring each of us through every time, as long as we dare to trust Him in obedience and faith, and continuously enlarge ourselves to reach out to others for the gospel.”


by Roger & Pearlyn


ore is caught than taught. It is the same with passing on vision. During the recent Asia Pacific Emerging Leaders (APEL) workshop (“Helping others own the vision”), we asked each other how the vision of the Navigators (disciple-making) was caught. Without exception, everyone said that they caught it from their leaders who trained them. The way that leaders live out the vision and their demonstration of what they understand of the vision make a significant impact on the lives of those they lead. Their words, actions and their obedience to God’s Word is of great influence to those under their care.

Roger is currently leading the NavTech Ministry

Has the Navigators’ vision transformed my life? If the vision has not transformed my life, I have not really caught it. Owning the vision transforms us. Without it, we are generally drawn to a path of least resistance and personal ambitions. When we realise what is on God’s heart and what truly matters to Him, we must live differently; not to do so is in essence, disobedience. When a vision has made a difference in my life, it won’t be difficult for the people I lead to see it as well. In time, transformation will happen for them too if they own the vision for themselves.

What struck me during the workshop was the challenge in passing on the vision in different contexts. Many delegates from different countries said that being able to see the vision and putting it into action are not the same. While it is our duty to pass on the vision, it is also up to our disciples to own it for themselves. God has to convict their hearts to make the choice to live it out. In the meantime, we can play our part by affirming and encouraging them whenever we see glimpses of obedience to God and His vision.” - Roger


od’s vision changes our perspective and our lives. It should. In Philippians1:12-18, we learnt that Paul had an extraordinary view of what God was doing through his imprisonment. Paul wasn’t discouraged or bitter; he wasn’t fearful or hopeless. Rather, he remained steadfast and joyful despite his circumstances, exhorting the brethren towards faith and boldness in the Lord. I need to live out God’s vision in my life daily and continually before I can help others live it out for themselves. In helping someone else own the vision, I have learnt that I need to be purposeful, persevering and prayerful. Purposeful — hearing about the vision does not equate to owning the vision. We need to be intentional as we help key persons in the ministry grasp and live out God’s vision in their lives and not assume they will automatically own it.

Pearlyn, Roger’s wife, is serving alongside Roger in the NavTech Ministry

Persevering — one of the practical applications is to reiterate what we know to those we are discipling. Akin to nurturing children, repetition is necessary in reminding, encouraging and warning. To do this, I need patience and discernment. Jesus knows His sheep, hence I ought to know those I am shepherding as well, lest there’s a mismatch between where they are and what I am expecting. I am to love, affirm, and repeat with patience (and prayer) and wait for God’s transformative work in the lives of others to happen. Prayerful — the work of transforming lives belongs to God. Like in 2 Kings 6:17, I have learnt to pray like Elisha for God to open the eyes of those I’m discipling to see God’s work, His Vision and Mission, and surrender to it. It’s not just about the vision; it’s about seeing God.” - Pearlyn

A Tribute to James Lam (1954 - 2021) by Royston Koh

James was a Christian disciple at the marketplace, a man of excellence at work. All his clients who had been attended by James experienced his impeccable service. Each experienced his patience, kindness and care. A friend wrote, “He was always a picture of calm and serenity, never rushed. Truly he had done his work wholeheartedly as serving the Lord. Each eye test done by him was always a very pleasant experience.” He left an indelible mark on his clients’ life.

James Lam, our beloved Navigators ministry partner


ames Lam has gone home to glory on 5 September 2021.

It has been my privilege to know James as a friend for the last ten years. Our acquaintance started in the early 1970s when we were serving our National Service. We first met at a Navigators meeting as he was one of the members of a Navigators group in Tengah Airbase. After our National Service, we went our separate ways—building our career, family, interests, etc.

Christian faith and that love for God stayed with him ever since. In his adolescent years, he came to Christ through the Military Navigators.That was when his faith was strengthened and established.

Once, he thought of retiring from his successful business so that he could dedicate his time to serve God. We turned to our Bible, and he discovered that his work was also a form of worship. It was God who called man to attend to the garden. To obey is to worship God. That lesson assured him that he was in the will of God.

James was exemplary in his giving. Thoughtfully, he confided in me that he has been setting aside his tithe to the Lord for each month. I mentioned a vice-principal who has been working for 15 years and now wants to come onboard fulltime with the Navigators. We met for breakfast with the new staff We did not see each other again where he shared his vision. Right until 2010 when I met James at there and then, James assured him at his Optical shop in Bras Basah that he would contribute monthly Complex to make a pair of glasses. I do not know how to do the to support him. It was a significant Our friendship was rekindled and things you are doing, but I will sum which was given willingly and we decided to meet up for breakfast. support you by any means. cheerfully. It was also a period Following that, we met fortnightly - James Lam where The Navigators was raising for Bible study. Subsequently, James new staff. Knowing of these needs, joined our mentoring group with James was a friend in need, a James supported several more staff. two other couples to study the loyal and faithful friend. Like Christ, He would assure them, “I do not Bible. His wife, Annie, would join us James exemplified the proverb, “A know how to do the things you are for special events. friend in need is a friend indeed.” doing, but I will support you by any I remembered one breakfast means.” James loved God and was meeting where we were sharing our committed to Him throughout his concerns. During our conversation, I James was a humble, gentle and true life. He told me of the time when he shared how our income was affected friend to all who knew him. He lived was a boy and his mother brought because of a policy change. Promptly, well and glorified God by his life and him to Jubilee Presbyterian Church. James told me not to worry and that faith. That was his first exposure to the he will take care of the shortfall. In our time together over the Word, James was able to grasp, accept and believe difficult theological truths. We were reading Watchman Nee’s book, titled The Normal Christian Life which many struggle to comprehend. But James was able to understand and appreciate the things God had done for him.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In the previous issue, we heard from some of our admin staff of how the Lord had led them to serve at The Navigators Singapore. Now, let us hear from Shi Shan, Janson, Bernice and Zhi Yi! ShiShan, IT Executive “I came to know The Navigators when I was studying at Singapore Polytechnic (SP). I was approached by Nissi (one of our Navstaff) and another sister who introduced me to Christ. I studied the Bible with the SP Navigators and finally came to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour. When I was looking for a job after my graduation, I heard from one of the Navstaff, Kylie (who was also serving in the SP Ministry), that The Navigators Singapore was looking for an IT personnel. Hence I submitted my application and landed a job at The Navigators! It has been 3 years since I’ve joined The Navigators as a staff.What I love about working here is the fun-loving colleagues who make work enjoyable. I hope to use my skills in IT to serve the office and our Field staff by developing user-friendly and accessible services for them.”

Janson Lee, Web Developer “By God’s divine plan, I was introduced to The Navigators by a friend not long after I received Christ during my polytechnic years. I have been serving in the NP (Ngee Ann Polytechnic) Ministry ever since and was head-hunted and given an opportunity to consider a position as Web Developer at The Navigators Singapore. After praying and seeking God about it, I know that God has assured me that His presence will go with me (Exodus 33:14). As a web developer, I love exploring and learning new technologies that can be adopted for greater productivity at the workplace. I was involved in IT development in my previous job before I joined The Navigators. At Navigators, I aspire to see ‘lives transformed’ with the aid of technology today.”

Bernice Ho, Head of Finance & Accounts “My journey with The Navigators started in my teenage years, when I was invited by my brother to join The NavTeens ministry. I grew up with them and have been serving with them ever since. In 2018, I was taking a career break and was asked to help with accountsrelated work with The Navigators Singapore. I saw it as an opportunity to serve the Lord with my professional training. What I intended as voluntary work soon became a paid contract job and I was eventually offered the role of Head of Finance. I have been working with The Navigators for 3 years now and counting. What I love about my job is that I have a bunch of fun-loving colleagues that make the working experience very enjoyable. My responsibilities include maintaining the accounts so that the leadership can clearly assess the resources available to support the calling and priorities of The Navigators. ”

Li Zhi Yi, Human Resource & Administrative Executive “I got to know The Navigators during my polytechnic years at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. That was also the time when I came to accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Since then, it is the grace of God to be able to serve with like-minded believers in the campus ministry. I am thankful for the additional opportunity to serve Him and His people at The Navigators Singapore as a HR administrator in October this year. Through this work, I look forward to supporting the Navigators team and to see Him fulfil Genesis 12:1-3 through me, to be a blessing to others.”


The theme for our Labourers’ Day this year was “Enlarge”, which was based on our corporate promise, Isaiah 54:1-3. During our Labourers’ Day, I presented the call for renewal — enlargement from where we are, to live out our calling more faithfully and to experience the fullness of God’s blessings for us in the next decade.

To understand the calling of The Navigators, we have to first look back on our past; to shape our future, we need to have a vision; and in the present moment, we are faced with the challenge of faith. As Navigators, we need to remember our calling and stay grounded in our unique role and identity over the long haul: “through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost”. Our distinctive hallmark includes life-on-life discipleship among the lost, with a heart for individuals and a vision for the world. Down-to-earth discipleship is the core of the generational impact of our movement — this is in our ‘DNA’, our raison d’etre. As we move forward with our banner: “A new wave of disciple-makers for Singapore, Asia and beyond”, we believe that God has prepared ‘spaces’ in campuses, communities and cities fit for us to build our ‘tents’ among the lost and deliver our unique value to the world. The key to fulfilling our vision and mission is through the ‘enlargement’ of our labourers (both the gift-income and conventional-income people), be it as (1) Local labourers, (2) Local leaders, (3) Mobile alongsiders, (4) Pioneering leaders and labourers

@SingaporeNavigators The Navigators Singapore, 117 Lor K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 Tel: (65) 6344 4133 Email: The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. All Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® Copyright © 1984, unless otherwise stated.

National Director: Viloane Ko Editor, Designer: Chelsia Chan Copy Editor: Yeow Sushan Printer: Seng Lee Press © 2021 by The Navigators Singapore

Our assignment is to nurture and develop the next generation of labourers in their commitment to God and instill the Navigators’ mission in the field ministries and at national works, executed in the spirit of camaraderie (esprit de corps). I hope to see an all-in commitment from our labourers to shape our future with a renewed sense of mission and togetherness, undergirded by a spirit of faith. No enlarging, no blessings. It is only by ‘enlarging’ ourselves that we are able to release blessings to the nations.

ANNOUNCEMENTS New Staff — Web Developer and Human Resource and Administrative Executive

Asia Pacific Emerging Leaders Program, Campus and Missions Network Forum

Janson Lee came onboard as our Web Developer on 5 July. Li Zhi Yi has recently come onboard as our new Human Resource and Administrative Executive on 4 October, taking over from Desmond Hong. Desmond will be relocating back to Malaysia to take up the Finance and Administrative role for the Asia Pacific Navigators.

We have 28 participants attending the Campus Forum, 12 young leaders participating in the Emerging Leaders Program (both conducted virtually throughout 2021), as well as 3 particpants who had attended the virtual Missions Network Forum from 15-17 October, all organised by the Asia Pacific Navigators.

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