Nav Alumni eNews Sep 2011

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September 2011

MONTHLY GATHERING OF NAV ALUMNI COMMUNITY FIRST SAT OF THE MONTH 4-6pm, NAV OFFICE A group of alumni has been meeting since July at The Navigators Headquarters on the first Saturday of every month from 4-6pm. This is a combined gathering averaging 25 of us who are in various AODO study and man-to-man groups.

Doug giving the devotional

Lim Teck How, a Military alumus, shared of his These sessions, which begin with a time of

renewed desire to really know God more through

singing and short devotional, have been a useful

His Word ‘not at the head but down at the heart’

focal point for the NavAlumni. The objective is to

and to be directed by His voice in his pursuit

provide an environment for us to encourage and

of a life of significance as he crossed his 50th

spur each other in our calling to be disciples of


Jesus and to make disciples where we are. If any of you would like to visit us, drop us an email at and we will fit you into the groups accordingly.

Our National Director Doug Erdmann shared with us during our August meeting three useful pointers to help us be more focused in fulfilling our calling. They are: Say NO to needs that distract us from making disciples, Be involved in Direct Ministry (not just administration) and Invest in at least ONE person.”

Teck How and Sock Cheng

Teck How reflects, “The recent AODO sessions with Kim Meng and company crystallized for me the need for a platform that we [Sock Cheng and I] can use to go alongside others, starting with the members in my cell group.”

Ai Hoon who was formerly with the TNT ministry now helps co-lead one of our AODO ladies groups. At the same time, she makes time to meet

Judy ( second from left )

up with the ladies one-on-one to encourage them in their desire to disciple others.

ALONGSIDERS IN DISCIPLE-MAKING After the Ways of the Alongsider Seminar in May, Royston and Sin Yow Koh had the privilege of meeting with K. T. and Bernice Ng weekly to learn the ways of effective disciplemaking.

Ai Hoon (TNT) and Andes (Military)

Judy came to know the Lord through the Military ministry in the 80s. She was pleased to be able to reconnect with the gang once again. “I really needed someone to help me in this area of discipleship.” One of the first things she did was to purchase the TMS memory pack. The ladies in that group make it a priority to check one another’s verses and share their QT lessons during the monthly sessions.

Bernice Ng and K.T.

Their eyes were opened to the simplicity of disciplemaking. Not surprisingly, disciplemaking is not meant only for the professionals but for amateurs. In Latin, the word “amateur” means “lover.” He is a skilled worker but doing it out of love,without compensation. For instance, we think of amateur photographers who are skillful

with this talent but do it out of love. For us to

and serve God over these many years. Recently,

accomplish the Great Commission we need as

Royston asked an NPC alumni about his plans

many believers as possible to become amateur

to reach the lost at work place. He looked


puzzedly at Royston and said, “Together with

The Kohs did marriage preparation with the

my colleague, I have always been involved in

couple three years ago and today have become

reaching the lost.” Since he left the NPC, he had

their marriage mentors and are now mentoring

been faithful to apply the things learnt. Good

them in disciple-making.


With great enthusiasm they have embraced the Lord’s command to “go make disciples of all nations.” K.T. is effectively bi-lingual and a good speaker and Bernice, a warm and gracious host. Their desire is that each of them will have their discipling cluster of 1-2 persons whom they can help spiritually.

NPC ALUMNI IN THE 70s “Better with age! No, we are not talking about vintage wine but Navigator Professional Circle ( NPC ) alumni. With years one becomes wiser through experience, skillful through practice and more Christlike through life adversities. With maturity each person could then be like a polished arrow (Psa 127:4) in the hands of God,” observed Royston Koh, Alumni team member. Last April, several alumni from the former NPC met together for the first time after 30 years.

NPC was one of earliest Navigator community ministry in the 1970s which at one time has more than a hundred members. Evidently, the past labour was not in vain as many still walk

NPCers - Roger, Benedict, Edwin, Royston and Choong Fook

Benedict Lee who owns an architectural firm has oversight over five cell groups in his church. Edwin Tham, a senior executive with a major airline is leading a discipleship group. Choong Fook, Roger, Anthony and Thien Choon are busy at work and active in church.

Unlike the old days when we would lead or tell people what to do, this time round, we will come alongside our alumni to help them reach the lost in their context and also to enable them to establish and equip the saved.

Pray along with us for God to once again ignite the passion for disciple-making and that each will

only, we are willing to consider those of you who are presently discipling others and would like to come. If you are interested, kindly contact Desmond at the Nav Office (63444133 or and we will inform you accordingly. NPCers (with their spouses) Royston, Beow Kheng, Thien Choon, Roger and Anthony


be effective in reaching the lost wherever they

NOV 5 2011, SAT 5-9 pm


THE NAV HEADQUARTERS We will wrap up the year’s end with a


celebration for the Alumni ministry on Nov 5, the


first Saturday of the month, from 5-9 pm with a

To further equip these groups of alumni involved

gathering of alumni.

in our monthly study groups and others who

Do come and join us for a time of reflecting of

are currently involving in disciplemaking, we

what the Lord is doing in our midst. It will be a

are pleased to have veteran Navigators, Toh

night of S&P - not the rating agency of Standard

Kai Hua and Florence Tan to be our panel for a

and Poor’s but Satay and Popiah. We look

focused group session on October 1 Sat 2-6pm

forward to hear stories of how various ones are

at the Nav Office. While this is by invitation

making headway in growing as Christ’s disciples and in discipling others.


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