Alumni eNews April 2010

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Issue 1: April 2010 UPDATES & HAPPENINGS Lev 26:8 " Five of you shall chase a hundred..." The Alumni Team of 5 comprising Nav staff Doug, Supra and Kim Meng together with Nav alumni, San Wee and Alex Lo set the goal to see 100 alumni labouring in the next 2 years. The first official Alumni Ministry event took off on Sat 6th Mar 2010.

I) Nav Alumni Gathering Sat Mar 6th 2010 An Address by Doug Erdmann: The DNA of a labourer

An Interview with 2 Alumni: San Wee and Lai Jit Meng

Almost 300 alumni, staff and key labourers gathered to listen to the new Nav S’pore National Director. Doug Erdmann challenged those present with the 6 characteristics of a labourer: to obey the Great Commission and to respond to the love of God for the lost world (Motivation); to take initiative and to take risks to carry it out (Mindset); to the bless many and to invest in a few (Method).

San, who lost his beloved younger brother Dave, was drawn back to the Lord and recommitted his life to labouring in the harvest. His Nav roots and convictions carried into his business continue to draw him to disciple others. Jit Meng who has a career in the Military and serves in his home church continues to invest time with men on a personal level, discipling them to help others also.

1) Adventure of Discipling Others Groups (ADO)

In the midst of a busy work and church life, he gives priority to labouring and personal discipling. An Invitation by Kim Meng: Can Dry Bones Live Again? To that question, Kim Meng shared from Ezekiel of how God can raise up an army of labourers by breathing new life into dry bones. The alumni are challenged to respond afresh to the invitation to invest their lives oneon-one again from Isaiah 43:4.

You have a heart for discipling others, but for various reasons, may not be currently doing so. We have made available a NavPress publication ''The Adventure of Discipling Others' - a 12 lesson course taught in the context of a small group. With practical help from the group leader and curriculum, participants actually recruit and begin to disciple another person. To date, 4 ADO groups have been set up. Alumni who are interested in this refresher course, please contact 2) Missions Exposure Trips to East Asia We have alumni who are serving with us in the Missions fields. There have been responses to our invitation to make visits to East Asia that could lead up to long term partnerships. We welcome those who are still interested to contact us. As a result of our Mar 6th gathering, an alumnus came forward and shared his adventure in reaching out and discipling nurses from EA. We hope to share his story in the next Nav Alumni News. 3) Nav Link Persons

After the meeting, the alumni were encouraged to visit three booths that were set up to offer help and opportunities for the alumni to start labouring again where they are.

We are looking for alumni who can serve as Link Persons to connect with the alumni from their respective ministries in the past. Their contribution is vital in helping us to network with the rest of the alumni for future and mutual encouragement and ministry participation. Currently,

we have representations from various Nav groups from different years: SP Navs Alex Lo <> SP Navs Chinese Lim Chye Kee<> Military Navs '70s David Wong<breakthrough_28@> Military Navs '80s Raymond Kwok<> NUS Navs, (A&E, 87/89) Bong YS<>

II)Nav Alumni Gathering Sun Nov 28th 2010 We are calling all alumni to save this date for a Nav Alumni Dinner for 500. God willing, we plan to launch a publication entitled ‘Stories of Nav Labourers’ for distribution at this dinner. The publication will feature stories of alumni who are labouring where they are in the marketplaces, local churches and missions fields. We hope that these stories will provide a stimuli and challenge to our alumni to do the same in labouring and raising labourers for the harvest fields here and beyond. Inaugural Issue of Nav Alumni News

About 22 of the SP Navs Chinese group had a reunion on Feb 6th the 3rd day of the Chinese New Year. Mil Navs through David Wong met on 11th Mar following the alumni event. The visit of Jay and Linda Neuharth who served in NUS ministry in the early 90s prompted a gathering of the NUS A&E 87/89 group on Apr 3rd. We welcome you to join in and help facilitate these sessions among the alumni of your years and between the alumni and the Navigators. If you can help out, please email the office desmond@navigators, or call 63444133 Ext 103

As part of the 10,000 strong family of the Navigator alumni, we hope you will stay connected with us and to your fellow alumni. This inaugural issue of the Alumni News is one way to help you with this. The Alumni ministry serves our alumni best when we know what you want. We welcome your feedback and views so that we can better serve you. Let us also hear of how you are labouring in your respective places of influence and we will seek to include them in the forthcoming editions. So stay tuned for the next Alumni News as we update you with exciting news of our alumni labouring in the harvest field. Yap Kim Meng Nav Alumni Team HP 98415963

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