NavNews December 2018

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A n e w s letter o f The N a viga to rs S in ga po re M C I (P ) 106/03/2018


‘Tis the season for giving! To celebrate Christmas and the gift of eternal life, our staff gather to give thanks to God. Read their thanksgiving inside!


By Kylie Chia, Communications Executive

Christmas cheer is upon us once again! For some in Singapore, Christmas is another public holiday where we get a day off work or studies. For others, it is a time to celebrate by having family gatherings, spending time with loved ones and exchanging presents. Did you know that these acts are also found in the Bible?

The Navigators Staff Christmas Party saw staff and their families gathering to give thanks for all that God has done. From left: Adrian Ho, Pow Phek Tin, Robert Goh, Pearlyn Pang with Hannah, Roger Yeo with Joshua, Diong Siew Siew and Robert Yeun

The Act of Gathering Together

The Act of Giving Gifts

Seeking the salvation of our families is important to Jesus. He instructed the demon-possessed man to “return home and tell how much God has done for you (Luke 8:39a).” In Acts 16:31,32, Paul and Silas ministered to their jailer who was on the verge of suicide. They urged him and his whole household to believe in Christ and be saved. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Peter went to Cornelius’ house to preach the Good News and Cornelius called together his relatives and close friends in anticipation of Peter’s important message (see Acts 10:24). Christmas presents us with wonderful opportunities to testify of Christ’s love, as we spend quality time with those dearest to our hearts.

Gift-giving originated with God. He laid His Beloved in a manger of dried grass—the gift of salvation for all mankind sleeping on prickly hay. For it is by grace we are saved: this is the gift of God (see Ephesians 2:8). Since “freely you have received, freely give (see Matthew 10:8b).”

Similarly, celebrating God’s gift of Jesus with our spiritual family is important too. The early church gathered daily to spur and encourage each other towards love and good deeds (see Hebrews 3:13, 10:24,25). God’s family was reported as close-knit during a time of persecution, and their love for one another is certainly one that we can emulate.

The Act of Giving Thanks As the psalmist says, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever (Psalm 107:1).” Giving thanks helps us appreciate all that our God has done for us. Thanking God also helps us remember the source of our everything. The Navigators Singapore has much to thank God for this festive season. We wish you and yours a most blessed Christmas!

Here, some Navigator staff share their thanksgiving and prayers for the new year:

Adrian Ho, RP-NYP Navigators I thank God for His mercy and grace despite my many shortcomings this past year. For the new year, I resolve to know God’s heart deeper, in order to live out His heart.

Diong Siew Siew, RP-NYP Navigators Thank God for helping me grow in my intimacy with Him through my prayer life and by allowing me to go through various challenges this year. My prayer for the new year is to see the fourth generation of spiritual multiplication in the ministry.

Robert and Phek Tin Goh, missionaries Our Christmas desire is for the world to experience peace, love and joy from God. We give thanks to Christ for opening doors for us to boldly share Christ to many non-Christian students this year. Many of them have become our good friends.

Roger and Pearlyn Yeo, NavTech Roger: I remain thankful to Jesus that He loves me and that the joy of the Lord is our family’s strength! In 2019, I hope to see labourers rise up from among those I disciple and that more lives will turn to Jesus.

This new year, we pray for God to make ready the hearts of some Navigator labourers to go into the mission field. For personal resolutions, we will continue to persevere to bring the Good News to those who live in darkness and deception.

Pearlyn: Thank God for His sovereign provision and His grace and love demonstrated through our family of believers. My hope is for all to know the Lord. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).”

Robert Yeun, Director of The Navigators Twenties-Thirties (NTT) Blessed Christmas! God gave us the reason (For God so loved the world) He gave us His gift (That He gave His one and only Son) All we now need to do is to respond to Jesus (That whoever believes in Him) All we ever need will be given (Shall not perish but have eternal life). Happy New Year! As we live life, I wish Jesus to be the centre of your life. As you continue to live, I wish Him to be formed more and more in you.

Robert Yeun (right) with his wife Yik Kwong.



his year, churches all over the world celebrate the season of Advent from 2-24 December. “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, meaning “arrival” or “coming”. Advent is a time for remembering and reflecting, while anticipating Jesus’ arrival at Christmas and His second coming. How apt it was that we had our Staff Christmas Party on the first Sunday of this year’s Advent. About 90 staff and their family members had a meaningful time of worship and fellowship over food. This year, instead of exchanging gifts amongst ourselves, we gave financially to the Advent Christmas Tree Project. A Prison Fellowship Singapore initiative, this project brings the hearts of inmates and their loved ones together in the spirit of Christmas. I first encountered this programme in the early ‘90s, while doing my seminary studies in the United States. At the shopping mall, my family and I saw a Christmas tree that Prison Fellowship had put up. Hanging on its branches were paper angel tags that held the wishes of inmates which volunteers had painstakingly written on their behalf. There were requests for gifts like a pair of new shoes, school bags and toys for their children. These tags were quickly picked up by shoppers and participating churches. All they needed to do was contribute a gift sum for the purchase of presents to be distributed to the children. This project provides inmates a means of bridging the gap with their children at Christmas. It is a simple way for parents to express their love, despite their absence.

Giving to the Advent Christmas Tree Project is a means for our staff to pay it forward.

Singapore Polytechnic Navigator staff Abner Yee on the guitar, with our office staff leading everyone in worship with “Heed the Call” during the Staff Christmas Party.

What better way to serve the needy than by reaching out to them with the love of Christ this Christmas? To further do so, our various ministries will be having their own Christmas outreach throughout this month, sharing with friends and family the hope Christ’s birth has given us. We are filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for God’s enabling and empowering for the past year, both in our lives and ministries. Surely the first advent—the birth of Jesus—will continue to thrill our souls because it is the very reason for which we live and move and have our being (see Acts 17:28).



hroughout June to August, 11 youths from our various campus ministries went on mission trips to Bangkok, Thailand. These youths spent varying lengths of time there—some for one week and others two months. They visited universities to reach out to the locals and also studied the Bible with them. Four of these youths share with us their reflections:

Chua Zheng Kang, NUS Navigators Our host shared that he was very much encouraged by our support and teamwork.We had multiplied his efforts a hundred-fold, as compared to when he was alone. As a team, we followed up with individuals by sharing our different testimonies and answering their doubts. One youth said he had a change of heart towards Jesus after meeting us because he saw the love of Christ in our interactions with one another and with him.This is the power of fellowship (see John 13:34,35)! Naw Blessing, SP Navigators Our team frequently shared the gospel while claiming God’s promises and praying for the locals. These daily spiritual exercises helped me to experience labouring in the harvest field and also developed in me a heart for the lost. I was reminded that God has never stopped pursuing me and He is continually pursuing those who have yet to come to Him. I will continue to labour in Singapore Polytechnic (SP), where God has placed me—sharing the gospel and helping others find Jesus.

Everyone fellowshipping and enjoying dinner at a missionary’s apartment. (Image credit: Sukyu Lee)

Ng Chee Shuen, NUS Navigators Once, while listening to a sister share the gospel, I dozed off. When I awoke with a startle, everyone turned to look at me. It was truly a struggle to witness on some days, because I was physically tired from sharing the gospel on campus twice a day. However, whenever I obeyed and went, the joy of the LORD welled up from within. My fatigue disappeared when I shared. Through this, I understood what Jesus meant in John 4:34 when He said, “My food … is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”

Nicholas Chan, NP-SIM-TP Navigators Romans 15:15,16 “… because of the grace God gave me to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles with the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” This mission trip gave me insight into this passage on the passion and perseverance for God’s work. It also sharpened my vision of God’s heart for the world and the call to labour for the lost.

Some of our youths having fun while fellowshipping with their host at a park. (Image credit: Sukyu Lee)


Contributed by Loo Bee Eng, Nav-Community Ministry staff

Emcee Anthony Low sharing his personal testimony during the NCM Evangelistic Lunch event. (Image credit: Yap Beow Kheng)


very Tuesday, Anthony Low, a member of the Nav-Community Ministry (NCM), and his “kopi kakis”, a local slang for coffee buddies, meet to share Quiet Time thoughts. Their love for God and music eventually saw this group of friends forming their very own jamming group, String Praise, consisting of ukuleles and guitars. For them, “String” is an acronym for “String Instrument . Transformation . Revitalise . Inspiration . New Strength . Good News”.

On 3 November, the “kopi kakis” organised an evangelistic lunch event, while String Praise sang and praised the Lord with their music (see Psalm 27:6). Anthony and Nav Associate Staff Mok Chok Sun testified of God’s grace in their lives. Titled “When Christ Met Cancer”, Mok’s uplifting sharing focused on the God who heals, as he recounted his two-time battle with cancer. NCM staff Jane Ng also provided tips on pain management and graceful aging. We thank God that the 50 attendees heard the gospel message and many were receptive, asking to be invited to the next such event.


Contributed by Oliver Kelly, The NavTeens staff


or Oliver Kelly, a youth worker with The NavTeens (TNT), every activity he does with his Boys’ Brigade (BB) members from Christ Church Secondary School is an opportunity to sow into the lives of the boys. Recently, Oliver led Bible study for 30 teens, where they explored 1 and 2 Samuel over three months. This was in preparation for a BB National Character Quest Competition in September, which involved close to 700 boys across Singapore. “The test questions were tricky, like how many stones David used to kill Goliath,” shared Oliver. “It was the perfect platform to share devotions and the gospel. We delved into David’s life, character, and his communion with God despite running for his life.”

Oliver (standing, 2nd from right) and his boys at the BB Character Quest 2018. (Image credit: Oliver Kelly)

To everyone’s delight, the team won gold, but their celebration and rejoicing was beyond this victory. The greater prize won was being able to share Christ with the boys. “Studying the Bible softened their hearts toward the Word. My Bible study group, an eclectic mix of youths from three different faiths, is one such example,” Oliver explained. “Praise God that during a training camp a week prior to the Character Quest Competition, nine teens responded to the gospel!” Will you pray for their spiritual growth? @SingaporeNavigators The Navigators Singapore, 117 Lor K, Teluk Kurau, Singapore 425758 Tel: (65) 6344 4133 Email: The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. All Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version® Copyright © 1984, unless otherwise stated.

National Director: Yap Kim Meng Editor: Kylie Chia Writer: Sophie Sim-Lawrence Printer: Seng Lee Press © 2018 by The Navigators Singapore

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