NavNews March 2010

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Training programmes for the Navigator student ministries

“Are you KLIP-ing?” Whee Khee: “Hey, are you KLIP-ing?” Student: “Yay yay… I am KLIP-ing!!”

Peter conducting the KLIP training session


simple answer like this just makes my day! Many students are making the effort to adjust their busy schedule so that they can KLIP and get serious with God,” said Lee Whee Khee, staff trainee, National University of Singapore (NUS) Navigators. KLIP (Kingdom Labourers in Progress) aims to help students grow in their walk with Christ and learn to share their faith, establishing them in Christ and discipling them. Twelve students, twice the number they expected, signed up and committed themselves to having a regular quiet time, keeping a prayer journal, memorising 24 Topical Memory System (TMS) verses, meeting with fellow KLIPer(s) for an hour weekly, witnessing for Christ, developing an Evangelism

Whee Khee (centre) hanging out with the guys

Practising to share the Gospel using “the Bridge” illustration

Prayer List, and learning different ways of evangelism. “It is a step of faith for our NUS students because they have heavy study loads. One of them is in third year medicine. It is exciting for us to see their desire to obey God

and want to grow in their walk with Christ by making themselves available and wanting to be used by God!” Peter Yim, NUS Navigator Director, said. The KLIP-ers will even go beyond the shores of Singapore. The team will go to the Philippines for a three-week Summer Training Program in May this year. They will be getting more training in spiritual disciplines and evangelism, character development, and serving alongside the Philippine Navigators in the slum communities of Los Baños. “Being away from home allows the students to stay focused as we increase the tempo of KLIP, helping them to develop world vision and a heart for people beyond Singapore,” Whee Khee said. v

Joshua Team


e felt inadequate and intimidated about sharing the gospel. He knew he wasn’t living fully and powerfully for God. His lack of understanding the Scripture led to lack of trust in God, and inevitably lack of direction in life. All of that started to change when Jevon Ng, a student from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Navigators, signed up for the “Joshua Team,” a group that committed to ten weeks of having daily quiet time, writing a prayer journal, memorising 24 key Bible

verses, learning how to witness, and actually going out and doing it on select Tuesdays and Saturdays. Each student is paired with and mentored by a staff member or one of the NTU volunteer labourers (NTU graduates now in the business world who help with the ministry). Shannon Sandquist, an American leading our ministry at NTU said that previously most students seem to be happy to come for weekly meeting, perhaps a Bible study, but that’s about it. Recently he shared with the students how God

Next Generation


hirteen young labourers in their early twenties decided to stay and join us in our harvest for souls of other teenagers. Most of them were with us in a fouryear training programme that stretched back to 2006. They went through basic topics like the Christian walk, commitment, character, conviction and contentment. I believe these 13 form the backbone of our next generation of labourers. v – Robert Yeun, The NavTeens Director

by Aurelia L. Castro commanded Joshua to be “strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6-9). He challenged them to join the “Joshua Team” where they would learn to be “strong” in their walk and intimacy with Jesus, and “courageous” in sharing their faith with others. Nine students signed up. The team began their training last 15 January 2010. “I saw the Joshua Team as an opportunity to grow in my faith. My quiet time with God has been so much richer; I’m learning new things everyday and trusting him more. I think the biggest thing the Joshua Team has provided for me up till now is an accountability partner who I’ve always wanted but never really got. I didn’t quite know how someone else could be accountable to me or me to someone else. It was hard to decide what to expect of the other person and what to expect of myself. Perhaps fear of offending a friend or the fear of feeling unnecessary guilt kept me from starting one in the past. Shannon kept asking me about my quiet time with God. It made me realise how much God was teaching me and also when I’ve neglected to seek him.” v

Alumni & Friends


by Aurelia L. Castro Can Dry Bones Live Again? – Reclaiming Isaiah 43:4 Navigator Alumni gathering

The Navigator DNA “Alumni Labouring”, the publicity brochure boldly declares. “We are praying for 100 labourers in two years – literally believing God to raise that army from the alumni. God can breathe life into that army of alumni to reclaim Isaiah 43:4, influencing and impacting the harvest with more labourers.”


our DNA determines the shape of your face, body, hair colour, and skin tone. Any characteristics you see in a person, you can trace it to their DNA, said National Director Doug Erdmann during the Navigator Alumni Gathering last 6 March 2010. “Anyone who has been involved with the Navs has been implanted with a certain DNA. That is why whether a person is a full-time staff, a labourer working directly with us, or an alumnus ministering in a context totally unrelated to the Navs, we consider him a Navigator. We share the same DNA,” he told almost 300 Navigator alumni, labourers and staff who came for the gathering. A Navigator labourer is motivated by the love of God and the command of God – the Great Commission. His mindset is that of an initiator who makes things happen and takes risks. The method he uses is blessing the many, and investing in a few. “Are you obeying Jesus’ command and motivated by his heart to make disciples? Are you initiating, making things happen for the Gospel? What is the risk that God is asking you to take?” “Could it be to initiate a relationship with your neighbour with the hope of bringing them Christ? Invest in one man or woman?

Could it be to connect with some of your fellow Nav alumni to have your labouring batteries recharged? Volunteer to be a link person to bring that group together? To be actively involved as a volunteer with one of our Navigator ministries? Or perhaps, ‘cast down your nets’ – as the first disciples did, leave your job to come full-time to serve God either in Singapore or overseas?”

Navigator DNA-carriers


an Wee, a successful businessman said, “The Navigators have laid a tremendous foundation in my life. In the early days, we wouldn’t hesitate to meet at 5 am for quiet time, even if it’s Monday to Friday. Later as I struggled in life, I realised I needed to make a living. So I decided to give my best shot in the market place. I’ve managed to keep a good balance. But after I suddenly lost my younger brother, Dave Wee, I realised the brevity of our life. It caused me to rethink... I have to give

my life in exchange of something bigger than myself. The Navigators gave me that opportunity. I have this natural call to become part of men and women who are singing the song of disciplemaking and wanting to multiply the life of many other lives. I used principles from the Navigators in my work – I think more than anything else, I learned the impact of creating a significant influence to the next generation.”


ai Jit Meng has been with the military for the last 24 years. He and his wife, Yoke Mei, are in their early 40s and have never stopped making disciples even though they have left the mainstream Navigator ministry. One of their key desires is to invest time in individuals and small groups of people. “I came in contact with the Navigators through my Bible Study leader, who introduced me to the poly Navigators. When I went to the army, I came to know Kim Meng, Raja, and many others... all in all I spent 15 years in the military ministry. In 2000, my wife and I moved back to church and led a youth ministry for about seven years. I’ve had the privilege to work with a group of young adults and help them do the ministry together. I see the need of investing time with the younger ones.” v

Will you be a part of that 100?

Let me tell you what I believe the need of the hour is. Maybe I should call it the answer to the need of the hour. I believe it is an army of soldiers, dedicated to Jesus Christ, who believe not only that he is God, but that he can fulfill every promise he has ever made, and that there isn’t anything too hard for him. It is the only way we can accomplish the thing that is on his heart – getting the Gospel to every creature. – Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators Could God be calling you to be part of that army?

Next Steps

“100 alumni who are not currently labouring to begin labouring”

Three broad categories of ministry opportunities are available for friends and alumni of the Navigators 1. The Adventures of Discipling Others You have a heart for discipling others, but for various reasons, may not be currently doing so. Would you like to begin again investing in the life of another? “The Adventure of Discipling Others”(ADO) is a 12-lesson course taught in the context of a small group. With practical help from the group leader and curriculum, participants actually recruit and begin to disciple another person. We want to set up ADO groups for interested alumni. The groups will meet 12 times, normally over a nine-month period. Indicate your desire to participate and we will work to place you in a group that fits your schedule. The ADO book is also available for purchase from NavMedia. 2. Missions Opportunities and Local Ministries We have alumni who are serving with us in the mission fields. We encourage visits to Tianjin and Kunming and possible long term partnership in this respect. There are also opportunities to be involved with the local ministry at the various Tertiary Institutions (Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University), The NavTeens (Secondary and Junior Colleges), Institute of Technical Education, as well as the Church Discipleship Ministry and Community Ministries. 3. Link Persons and NavAlumni Retreat 2011 We know that alumni enjoy getting together with previous ministry peers. To help facilitate this connecting we would like to identify “Link Persons” (LP) who would periodically gather together a group of people from their previous ministry. We foresee these groups meeting twice a year, and we would enjoy joining your groups to share, encourage and meet the needs of those in the groups. We are also considering a Navigator Alumni Retreat 2011, possibly in March 12-13 (Saturday–Sunday), for the various groups to gather together. v For more information, please email Yap Kim Meng at

One Hundred in Two by Doug Erdmann, National Director


he Singapore Navigator ministry to students has been very fruitful over the years. Indeed, I am told that at one point the number of students involved in the Singapore Nav ministries was second only to those involved in the U.S. Nav ministries, which is particularly amazing in light of Singapore’s size relative to the rest of the world. These students, about 10,000 of them over the years (according to former national director Jim Chew), have now graduated and are living and working primarily in Singapore. Our goal for these students while in school has always been to reach, disciple and equip them so that, when they graduate, they can do the same with others. However, for many of them, the pressures and busyness of life begin to crowd out the time needed to do this. I know. I was one of them (albeit a U.S. alumnus)! Busy in law practice, busy with my family, busy even with church activities, but little time to personally invest in the life of another. Having to lead a disciple-making course at my church changed that. The course (“The Adventure of Discipling Others”, available from NavMedia) required me to find a younger Christian and begin to disciple him. What a joy it was seeing this man take steps to grow! Knowing that there are many of our alumni who would like to experience this same joy, our Alumni ministry has set a goal of, in the next two years, helping one hundred alumni not currently labouring to begin to labour again (Matthew 9:37). The Alumni Gathering described in this issue of NavNews was our first step towards meeting this strategic goal. v

asia and beyond by Aurelia L. Castro

Charged to lead

Who, me? H

e doubted he could raise enough funds for his first mission trip. “Trust God,” his Navigator mentor said. And so he did. He couldn’t see himself leading a team. But his leader could, and so put him in charge. And so he led. Beyond his dreams William Tew is now a missionary to the Philippines. He found a wife there, too. “I became a leader and am motivated because my Navigator leaders in Singapore gave me a chance to lead. I’m still growing and learning.” “Wency dela Viña (former Philippine Navigator National Director) supervises me here. He lets me lead, makes me think, and empowers me. He comes alongside me,” William shared.

Originally from Malaysia, William is a Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences graduate from the National University of Singapore (NUS). He went through Sending Equipped Navigator Disciples

(SEND) programme in October 2005 with the NUS ministry for two years and three months. He later extended it for another year to have cross-cultural ministry exposure with the Philippine Navigators. In May 2009 the Singapore Navigators commissioned him to the Philippines after his wedding. “I lead a new high school ministry, reaching out to students aged 13 to 18 with more than 50 of them currently connecting with us. My wife Jonalyn and I are committed to establish the work among high school students to raise up new generations of labourers. I am also exposed to the community ministry – learning to live and disciple among the lost and to establish SBCs (Small Biblical Communities).” “When we started the high school work, only 10 to 20 students would visit our ministry centre. There was a time when not a single student came for a couple of weeks. I learned to trust God and not give up. Now many young people visit us every week.” “I invite students to my home. Filipinos build relationships at homes over meals, chats, and basically hanging out together.” Working with two other young Filipino men staff and volunteers, William conducts Bible studies with the students at the centre, hosts and leads short-term student missionaries

from the US, Japan, and Singapore (volunteers, students, labourers), and participates in weekly feeding programme to the poor. “Besides discussing the Scripture, we also organise board games and youth nights, set up a mini library, offer tuition, and started a music band for the youth.” Being in a foreign land, pioneering a new ministry, starting up his own family, experiencing cultural differences, unpredictable weather, and occasional skin infections are challenges he has to trust God for. “I learned to accept these differences. Now I enjoy working with the locals. Being disciplined and having a good working attitude are things I learned in Singapore that really help me here.” The apartment rented by the couple almost flooded when the Typhoon Ondoy ravaged the country and claimed hundreds of lives last year. “I had to move some of our electronic devices on the sofa. I experienced big storms in Malaysia but never a typhoon. It was eyeopening and quite an experience.” “I am encouraged by the Filipinos who are very relational. The Navigator staff and labourers encourage and love one another. I am impressed that even the older ones are very teachable and humble. They teach me humility and patience.” v The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: Doug Erdmann • Editor / Design & Layout: Angeline Koh • Writer: Aurelia L. Castro 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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