NavNews December 2011

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Jere Xue Yang Kui on lessons learned when life hung by a thread

“God did an important thing for me through this accident:

He protected my life even as He allowed the accident to happen. I had two arteries severed, and if t would have been cut too and I am not sure I would have survived.

I now understand that I am so fragile that I am, in fact, not able to do anything for Him. In contrast, wh I was thinking of what great work I wanted to do.

I was very excited about leading the ministry in SP, but just one week later, I ended up in hospital! stop the ministry work in order to look after me! To make things more interesting, the ministry was g quality young disciples! I’ve come to understand that doing ministry is not so much about me helpin who He is and how He can bring me through an amazing journey of knowing His power and wisdo

Jere (center front) with SP ministry friends

Jere came to Singapore 11 years ago as an international student. Today, he is a permanent resident, working as a research assistant in NUS. He accepted Christ as an NUS freshman and trained under Jae Kwan, a Navigator staff. After 6 months, he started to help another person to follow Christ. That was the turning point for him. “I realized that the Christian life can be dynamic and exciting when it’s not just about myself.” He began to pray for people, even those in other countries.

w Jere assuring his friends that he was recovering well. v far left, accident report in The Straits Times

the glass shard on my neck had been a bit closer, that artery

hen I was thinking of serving God through the SP Navigators,

I was not able to do any ministry, while my friends had to growing, and new friends joined us. They are now our high ng God to advance the Kingdom, but for God to help me see om.” v

He trained ten years under Jae Kwan, receiving much love and care, as well as rebukes and corrections. “At some point in my training, Jae Kwan asked me not to be ambitious about worldly things. That made me miserable! I questioned why being a Christian seemed so restrictive. I mean, I didn’t mind doing the “extras”scripture memory, bible-study, witnessing and all that – but I couldn’t even aim to be ‘successful’?” That was hard, but Jere came to understand that half-heartedness would not help him win others for the Lord. On the other hand, a simple life could be used in a powerful way by God. About his near-death experience, he says, “It has weakened me physically, but strengthened me all the more in spirit! It has given me wisdom and clarity in serving God. Romans 8:28 sums it up for me: ‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose.’ “ v

by Yap Kim Meng

In 2010, we re-started the Alumni Ministry with the aim that in 2 years we would have 100 alumni labouring again. We are at various stages in that journey. At the end of 2011, we have at least 100 alumni re-engaged with us. Many are doing the study, ‘The Adventure Of Discipling Others’ (AODO) and seeking to disciple others. We are excited to see a fresh wave of the 3 Es taking place - Evangelizing, Establishing, Equipping - among older alumni with a renewed sense of conviction.

AODO group meetings

There are currently eight AODO groups, comprising professionals from their 20s to 50s. Contact us at to join an AODO group, or to find out how you can help another person know Christ and grow in Him.

Disciples in Action Florence and her husband, Wing Kong, were with the former Military Navs ministry. When the Alumni Ministry was re-launched, they enthusiastically joined in an AODO study. As a receptionist at a MNC, Florence asked the Lord to show her how to respond to her environment. With her winning and willing disposition, she made friends easily and served others with joy. Soon she began to pray for those ladies who stopped by her counter. Over time she started Bible Studies with various ones, even getting a significant number to attend a seminar she helped organize. She is helping others grow in the Lord. Her example is contagious and a great model to follow. Nancy found time on her hand when her daughters became teenagers. She desired to get back to making disciples for Christ but found the inertia difficult to overcome. When the Alumni Ministry was re-launched, she and her husband, Raymond, joined an AODO study group. They are reaching out to help others grow in Christ again. v

TMS Challenge 2012

Alumni Ministry

Alumni & Friends C O N N E C T I O N S Have you ACQUIRED the 60 verses in the Topical Memory System? The TMS Challenge is on! Recite the 60 verses

At one sitting, Correctly Quoted, Unassisted, Including References, Eliminating Doubt to a Navigator staff anytime from 1st Jan to 31st Dec 2012 to win this challenge, and most importantly, to keep God’s Word in your heart! Successful challengers will receive a signed cerificate from Mike Treneer, International President of The Navigators, and a choice from 3 gift options.

The Topical Memory System is available from NavMedia Bookstore,

Doug Erdmann National Director

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus tells us that “the harvest is truly plenteous, but the labourers are few.” In the verse following, He asks people to pray for labourers.

Bernard Chan teaching spiritual disciplines to RI boys from NavTeens, mid-1970s. Robert Yeun who sent in this story, was the one taking the photo.

I owe my eternity in a sense to guys who persevered to show me the gospel, to teach and train me to do likewise. I still remember those spiritual disciplines that we were taught and “made to practice.” We had a “spiritual check-list” in which we had to record the number of times we did QT and how many verses we memorized weekly. It was helpful then, though by now, I am aware that it is the Spirit of God working through the Word of God that should be my focus in doing all these. My leaders taught me to “Come and that I can live.” (John 12:24). Death literally knocked at my door in early 2011 when I was diagnosed with cancer. “Come and die” took on a new meaning. I no longer see this verse as only having spiritual meaning. Today, I am living proof of the grace and love of God in that He chooses to use an earthen and broken vessel like me to accomplish His purposes. The Navigator motto, “to know Christ and to make Him known and to help another to do the same” is to me, the best way to live a fruitful life.

Singapore Navigators turn 50 in 2012! We want to

remember God’s faithfulness and all of you who have been on this journey with us in a commemorative book. We invite YOU to send in your story of how you were impacted by the Singapore Navigators, together with an accompanying photo. Send us your photo and story now to

Full contest details at:

We have an iPad (latest edition) to give away for the most impactful story. Prize is kindly sponsored by friends of the Navigators.

As Navigators, we do pray for labourers. Indeed, we not only pray for them, we work hard at producing them, building young Christians up to be disciples, and then giving them the skills and vision to minister to others. But if we stop there, we really are not accomplishing what Jesus sought. Jesus not only wanted labourers to be raised up, but for them to be “sent forth into His harvest.” Harvesting has to do with giving the incredible gift of eternal life to people. As Jesus says in John 4:36, “Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life.” I am writing to you from Kuala Lumpur where I am attending a conference of Navigator national directors from the Asia-Pacific region. Our regional director, Alan Ch’ng, reminded us of the above... that raising up labourers is not an end in itself, but merely the means to the all important end of reaping God’s harvest. The needs in Singapore are large. The needs are even larger in the Asia Pacific, home to 97% of the world’s unreached people. Who will reach them? Those who have not only been trained to labour, but those who, like Isaiah, have said, “Here am I. Send me.” Have you said that? v

Ministry Report: Vacation Training Program Our Polytechnic ministries held our Vacation Training Programs in September and October. We praise God for the students who faithfully came to join our six-week VTPs and we thank Him because many students, especially those who have just joined us recently, are enjoying fellowship, devotional time, memorizing scriptures, bible study, prayer and reaching out to others!

Making and Flying Kites during VTP

“I have really changed from a person who plays and slacks a lot to someone who memorizes scriptures, goes for fellowship meetings and reads the Bible. Before VTP, I prayed and asked God to transform me from the inside out so that I would never want to be the same again and God assured me that He would do it. A Christian brother prayed for me to continue dwelling in God’s Word even after the VTP. VTP has ended, but my walk with God never ends, so I am looking forward to how God will continue to change my life.” ~ Gervais Chong, NP

I had difficulties memorizing two verses a day. At first I thought “Aiya, two verses only, shouldn’t be too difficult,” but I was wrong. Memorizing two verses in one day might be easy, but doing it day after day was tiring. However, my friends and leader kept encouraging and helping me to review. There were times I felt irritated and a voice in my head kept saying “Hey, now is your holiday, you are supposed to be relaxing. Just drop the verses and chill.” I was tempted, but I prayed, had a cold shower and went on memorizing and reviewing. I learned that as long as I decide to obey God, His presence and peace will be there to keep me from temptation and to enjoy the process of scripture memory. ~ Robin Low, SP

Christmas motifs photo source:


An insightful and vivid portrait of The NavTeens, TNT Camp 5-9 Dec, St Hilda’s Secondary School; s t Moses that examines ! Christmas Celebrations, 26 Dec. gif mas t t a the inner strength of s e Nav ITE Youth Hub@t-Junction, Christmas Party, 23 Dec Gr Chri this man known for r fo his obedience to NUS Nav Vacation Training Program, 5 Dec-8 Jan; Christmas God. By Wong Kim Fellowship, 24 Dec; New Year Retreat, 31 Dec-2 Jan Tok, this booklet is a gift for yourself NP-SIM Nav Christmas Dinner Party @ NP Alumni House, 24 Dec; and to slip alongside your Christmas Labourers New Year Retreat 2012 @ Nav HQ, 31 Dec-2 Jan; Vacation presents! $2.50 Training Program, 27 Feb- 15 Apr SP Nav Christmas party with Children Aid Society, 17 Dec; Vacation A daily reminder of Training Program, 10 Dec-2 Jan living life with Christ as the center. Navigator Connect Conference 2012 (24-27 May 2012) brings together student Wheel magnet $6.00 leaders and staff across the Asia-Pacific to learn disciplemaking skills from key Christian leaders. Contact for Both available at NavMedia Bookstore. info.

The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: K. Douglas Erdmann • Editor/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: • Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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