NavNews Dec 2012

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This year, in our annual NavTeens Training Camp, 89 teenagers learnt about the extent of God’s love for them in Christ Jesus, and how they could live out this love powerfully as God intends us to. Through messages, bible discussions, games, and a day where they hit the streets rendering “acts of love”, they discovered what it takes to be Christ’s ambassadors by loving others intentionally and in ways that are relevant to their needs.

Love turns Challenges into Opportunities

The conflicting academic schedules of the polytechnics, universities and schools resulted in a greatly reduced taskforce for this year’s camp. Yet, God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, and as our volunteers allowed themselves to be used by God, He used them to illustrate the camp’s theme powerfully to the campers. Chloe, a final-year student at NUS, was in charge of training the team leaders prior to the camp, and was a key helper during the camp. Her exams fell during this period and one of her papers was on the Tuesday right between the Leaders’ Training Camp and the main NavTeens Camp. She set aside her revision to train the team leaders, went back on Monday night to study (“but slept because I was so tired!”), sat for the paper on Tuesday and returned immediately to the camp. When asked if she was worried that the decision to serve God through the camp would adversely affect her grades, she replied, “Since I was in Secondary School, God has seen me through the major exams. I have found that once this pattern of faith and obedience is established in my life, there is nothing I need worry about.”

Ting Ling and Geok Choo, were compelled by God’s love to serve, even with babes in slings! Ting Ling (top right) with her husband, King San, took leave from work to serve on the Games and Worship teams respectively. Geok Choo (bottom right) faithfully served meals in the days while her husband, Junhao, came after work each night to help in the programme.

We thank God for these faithful men and women, and others like them, who lived out God’s love in this year’s camp. They saw the opportunities to help our teens grow in Christian character and to also bring the gospel message to the 26 non-Christians who joined us. By the end of the camp, 4 had received Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord. For the others who have yet to make that decision, they came away with the seed of the gospel planted in their lives. “I have gained one step closer in knowing Christ.” says Jonathan. We continue to pray for these seeds to be watered, to grow and to be ready for harvest in the time God desires.

Photographers: Charlene Teh, Chew King Mun, Jacky Thng, Li Junhao, Patricia Lian, Joanna Tee

Love in Action

The teens hit the streets on the third day of the camp with this challenge: “Show love to strangers in ways that are relevant to their needs.” Overcoming their initial shyness and embarassment, the teens became alert to the needs of the people they met, and found resources with which to show love and acts of kindness. They gave apples away to tired workers cutting grass in the hot sun, dug tissues out of their bags for customers at hawker centres, washed dishes and cleared tables for astonished cleaners, dumped rubbish, helped the elderly carry heavy bags... once they started, the opportunities were endless! Here were some lessons they learnt about loving our neighbours:

“Today’s activity gave me a whole new perspective on what it means to love my neighbours. I have always thought of neighbours as people I know; now I think of them as people with needs to be met.” - Matthew Lim


“This is my first time doing something like this. It’s quite cool.” - Matthew Tan

“When we gave away our apples, many wanted to pay us for them. They were very surprised when we told them we are not selling or taking donations. It was interesting to them that we were doing this out of love.” - Mei Sie

“I learnt that there is something in me that I can give to make someone else’s day.” - Iqbal



“I have always just walked by (the foreign workers). Today, I saw that working in the sun is very hot for them. I gave them apples, to refresh them and to give them a break.” - Ajay

CALEB: “This was my first NavTeens Camp and it was by far the most enriching one of all the camps I had attended. I got the most out of the speakers’ powerful messages about loving God and loving others which were delivered effectively over four short sessions. Over the four days, I came to see the many shortcomings in my Christian life. Since I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I had focused on other things, rather than loving others and serving God. From now on, I will devote more time to loving others, even those I find hard to love, and will try my best to put Christ’s teachings into practice. I was also touched by the warmth and friendliness of my fellow group members. The highlight of the camp for me was the “Hungry Games”. I had a lot of fun going out and doing random acts of kindness, showing God’s love to our fellow neighbors. Although my team did not do very well, the whole team enjoyed themselves.

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by Caleb Low and Elisabeth Lian

This camp gave me time to have fun during the December holidays with friends, and at the same time, to learn more about God. Therefore, I would like to urge those who missed this year’s camp to come for the next one as I, too, am looking forward to it.” v

Caleb victorious after a game

ELISABETH: “‘...Huh?’ I said for the fourth time over the span of five minutes since arriving at camp. Immediately, Valerie proceeded to explain the rules of the game again. One would expect that at least some of my team members to be either rolling their eyes or sighing at my apparent lack of hearing, but they weren’t doing that at all. This was one of the things I really loved about the camp. Everyone was really nice, and that could possibly be an understatement. For example, others always insisted on washing dishes for me. They could, even while brushing their teeth next to me, a first-time camper, find some ways to strike up a conversation. On the third day, we had to travel to several places in our teams. When one of my team members discovered that he did not have his EZ-link card, other members did not hesitate to help him purchase the necessary tickets. The messages were very meaningful, and I appreciated the message reflection time afterwards. My team members were really genuine in their answers, and that made me feel more assured to know that I wasn’t the only one with such complications in my life as a Christian.

Elisabeth during a game, “hiding from the big white ball!”

While all of the above mentioned were already great, the games and fun made it even better. There were a few...surprises too. Such as during the Hunger Games (which were awesome, by the way) when I finally thought I’d made it through the games sector “safely”, it was revealed that the winning teams got to hurl water bombs at us! Yes, I definitely think I’ll be present next year. I do hope that you will be too."v

The 50th Anniversary Fund To raise up new staff, new student ministries, and new missionaries, First Local we are raising funds for 3 Key Projects over the next 3 years! National Director Feb/Mar 2013

Jim and Selene Chew In the last decade, the U.S. Navigators has seen their staff numbers explode due to a very effective new staff program known as EDGE Corps. We want to send 6 of our campus staff leaders to visit two U.S. campuses where EDGE Corps recruiting and training have been especially successful, with the objective to implement the program locally. Need: $51,000. 2013-2015 Mission leaders in two East Asian cities have asked us to partner with them in their ministries. Our plan for 2013 is to send one senior staff with 2-4 students/grads for week-long exploratory trips to each of these cities. Then, for the next two years, two grads selected from the first two trips will lead two 6-week-long missions trips to each of these cities. These 6 missions trips will be a very effective way to plant a heart for cross-cultural ministry in young people. Need: $50,000. 2013-2015 Although largely unseen, our administrative and communications teams are vital to the work of the staff and their ministries. Among other things, they make sure finances are kept track off, salaries are paid, donors are receipted, and NavNews is printed. Currently, 9% of our staffs’ budget helps pay for these services and other needs. But that contribution only covers part of the administrative expense. An additional $143,000 is needed yearly. To avoid charging the staff more, we want to raise funds to cover that expense for the next three years. Need: $429,000.

We would value your help with these 3 key projects. Would you prayerfully consider giving to The Navigators in a special way this Jubilee Year? Email us for a fundraising package to be sent to you today! All who give will receive a complimentary copy of our 50th Anniversary book, “With Eyes Singled To His Glory.” Many have been blessed by the stories within, and we know you will be too. This gift will be posted with the receipt of your financial gift.

Doug Erdmann National Director

This has been quite a year for the Singapore Navigators … our 50th Anniversary! You would think that being so “old” we would have taken it easy. On the contrary, it was fullspeed ahead. We launched two new ministries … one at Republic Polytechnic, and one to 20 and 30 year-olds. We hosted a firsttime-ever Navigator conference for students from around Asia, with over 300 coming from 8 countries. Of course, we had some special anniversary events as well: • a Topical Memory System

Challenge (completed by 46 who were each able to repeat the 60 verses of the TMS word-perfect, at one session) • a prayer walk across the “length” of Singapore (where 130 completed the promise of Genesis 13:17, given to our founder Roy Robertson, who walked the “breadth of the land” 50 years ago), • t h e p u b l i c a t i o n o f o u r anniversary commemorative book, “With Eyes Singled to His Glory” (containing heart-warming stories of God’s faithfulness for the past 50 years) • a celebratory dinner with almost 800 attending (including past missionaries, staff, and volunteers, and many clergy and marketplace leaders who have been discipled by our ministries)

Thank you for your partnership these last 50 years. May you experience the angels’ promise of “great joy,” as well as our sincerest appreciation, this Christmas. (Luke 2:10)

Celebrating God’s faithfulness at our Jubilee dinner!

Polytechnic Ministries

University Ministries

Ai Hong, a volunteer staff, quit her job to devote herself to a period of spiritual refreshment. During that time, God gave her a heart for the lost and she began sharing the gospel almost every day. She led Sheila to Christ, and helped 2 others in Evangelistic Bible-Study. These 2 ladies have since received Christ. She is now discipling 5 ladies. This is one story among many in our Poly ministries of lives transformed by God. We have faithful disciples in our Polytechnic ministries who desire to grow deep in their walk with God and grow in obedience. Having started a new ministry in Republic Polytechnic (RP) this year, we are looking to Nanyang Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic for new pioneering work. We are thankful that students continue to be open to hear the gospel. We now have an apartment for training key girls, in addition to Rejoice House (training apartment for key men) in our Singapore Polytechnic ministry. Home training continues at NP-SIM Navs.

The CDM team has started the Intentional Disciplemaking Church Process with another church which will continue into the next two years. The team also had the opportunity to share about discipleship and disciple-making with 85 pastors and church leaders from 7 Lutheran churches, and 180 pastors and church leaders from the Brethren Network Fellowship in 2 separate Forums. The Equipping Asian Leaders Training (EAL) is now into its 3rd year. This year, the team trained and mentored 11 pastors and leaders from 2 countries in a 4-day conference.

Recruitment is the buzzword for our fledgling 20s-30s Ministry. We have now 7 mentors for the program to help working adults in their 20s-30s be effective disciple-makers. 6 groups meet regularly for discipleship training, and come together monthly for mutual encouragement and team building.

20s-30s Ministry

Our university ministries have grown stronger this year with clear ministry goals and training. Our staff are deeply encouraged by the step up in commitment to the ministry work by our volunteers, and also by the depth of spiritual growth among our key students. With a strong emphasis on evangelism, our university ministries have seen increased numbers of both contacts and converts. At NTU Navs, we have seen a record number of Bible-Study groups and Investigative BibleStudy groups being formed this year. We need more workers in the harvest! From 13-16 Dec, key leaders and students are headed for a silent retreat where they desire to grow deeper in God’s Word so that they may go further in God’s work. NUS Navs continue to build committed student disciples through Nav Home Training, strong accountability and deeply relational communities. Staff and students are consistent in their spiritual disciplines, and faithful in prayer and evangelism.

Church Discipleship Ministry

spotlight on ministries The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: K. Douglas Erdmann • Editor/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: • Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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