NavNews June 2013

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Telling someone the Gospel

is essential to them becoming a Christian, but the best way to tell the Gospel can vary depending upon the hearer. Some need only to be shown just a simple Gospel illustration. Others need time to study the life of Christ and his claims. For many, a friendship with one or more Christians is helpful so that, along with being told the words of the Gospel, they also get to hear the “music” of the Gospel. In our ministries, we use all kinds of methods to tell people the Gospel. We see fruit coming from each. Here are some recent stories of people who were told the Gospel in different ways, but the result was the same … new life in Christ.

FAITH comes from

hearing the message, and

Cold Contact Evangelism & Investigative Bible-study We met Samo through cold contact evangelism and although she did not make a decision after hearing the gospel presentation, she was keen to find out more. Bok Ja (centre in photo), a volunteer with NTU Navs, began an Investigative Bible-study with Samo (right). They explored and discussed the Bible and the claims of Christ. Denise (left) sat in every session so that she could learn how to conduct an Investigative Bible-study. After 9 months of exploring the Bible and asking questions, Samo accepted Christ in April this year. Bok Ja and Denise continue to meet her for follow-up, helping her grow in her faith, and praying with her as she transits into working life upon graduation.

Bible Reading through John’s gospel

the message is heard through the word about

Nicholas, an undergrad, meets Zhoukun weekly in NUS to read through the gospel of John. He explains how this is done:

Romans 10:17

“The personal experience of reading the Bible is important for the seeker to know Jesus and experience being touched by God’s Word in his life.


We read chapter by chapter. We usually start by reading the passage aloud, taking turns to read two verses each. After that, I’ll pray and we’ll spend the next 20 minutes meditating on that chapter.

Bible-reading with Nicholas (right) gives Zhoukun an opportunity to discover Jesus

Then, I’ll ask him what he has learnt from the passage. For example, has any verse caught his attention, or has he read something about Jesus that interests him. After he shares what he has learnt, I will also share what I learnt from the chapter, centering the discussion on salvation in Christ.”

Making connections at work

Go beyond the PRESENTATION into CONVERSATION. God is the one who works in hearts, so our part is to Offer

When his colleague found out that he was interested to know more about God, Russell found himself introduced to Sau Bing, a finance consultant and a mentor with our 20s-30s ministry. “After our first meeting, I invited Sau Bing (left) and Russell Russel to join me in church the next day. After the service, I had a strong sense that he was ready for the gospel message and I shared it, with an invitation to receive Christ as his Lord and Saviour. I had to recall the sinner’s prayer since it had been years since I last brought someone to Christ!” Sau Bing recalls with a laugh. Sau Bing commenced follow-up with Russell within 24 hours. “I have to give time, I have to make time in order to do what 2 Timothy 2:2 says.” Russell is growing strong in his faith today. He wants to be baptized, to see his whole family come to Christ and is open to missions.

opportunities for others to discover Christ by Starting

spiritual conversations. Pray for discernment from the Holy Spirit as you E ngage senstively and Listen actively. Recommended resource: The Complete Evangelism Guidebook1 features practical advice and wisdom from evangelism experts like Rick Warren, Luis Palau, Josh McDowell and others. 1 Baker Books, 2008

Friendship and Fun Shi Shan (left) with her mother

Sharing life, sharing Christ When Shi Shan came to know Christ in October last year through the Singapore Polytechnic Navigators, she quickly called her parents in China to tell them the wonderful news. From then on, she often told them of how she was growing in her faith. “It began naturally as I made video calls home and shared about what’s happening in my life. But when you are saved, of course you want the people closest to you to also be saved. During one video call home, I shared the Bridge to Life illustration with my mother, and she accepted Christ!”

Samantha and Jacelyn are volleyball players in a Secondary School. Their coach is a Nav staff who has been reaching out to students in this school for almost 2 decades. Friends and fun are important to teens like Sam and Jacelyn. The NavTeens encourage teenagers to bring their fr iends to regular fun activities and themed events where friendships can be built and the gospel shared. Jacelyn recently received Christ Jacelyn (left) and Sam, at a Good Friday friends and now sisters in Christ outreach event “The Running Man” which attracted more than 130 participants. Sam is doing followup with her under the guidance of their coach.

EVANGELISM EXPLOSION: EAST ASIA A team of six comprising 2 staff and 4 working adults visited the work among university students in a southern city in East Asia in March. The work here is seeing a tremendous harvest with new believers eager to share about the new life and joy they find in Jesus. They are leading others to Christ at an exponential rate. They urgently need more workers. Our team came back encouraged and challenged by the advancement of the gospel in East Asia. They were also a blessing during their time there, and were urged to return and be a part of the ministry.

qThe team members share what excited them:

Photo: Yap Kim Meng


is a young believer who makes an effort to tell everyone she knows about Jesus. The CONSTANT JOY that she has, despite the challenges of life, attracted her roommate to seek Christ. Her roommate became a believer and also actively reached out to others. Recently, her roommate led two others to Christ. Today, Jan is already a spiritual grandmother and is leading a bible-study group! Jan mentions that whenever she is unhappy, she will tell others about Jesus. In so doing, she chooses to turn her attention to Christ and Christ is able to bring back her JOY. And when asked what she does when she is HAPPY, her reply is also to share the gospel as it will double her happiness. In helping others to grow in Christ, Jan finds that she herself will also benefit and grow in the Lord. - by Ho Swee Ming and Ng Wei Yee

“When I feel unhappy, I will SHARE THE GOSPEL to others as this will make me happy. When I am happy, I will also SHARE THE GOSPEL to others as this will double the joy.”

p Our volunteers - Rainer, Swee Ming, Wei Yee (1st, 3rd and 6th from left) - learning about the ministry from local volunteers. Photos on the wall show the numerous ministries that have sprouted across various campuses in the city.


“How to be human”

At the dinner table, Mr Xi and his wife constantly ask the undergrads and working adults how things are going in their lives. After listening to them share, Mr Xi responds by quoting bible verses and drawing principles from them to encourage the group, sometimes throwing in thought-provoking questions. Life is very competitive here in EA. Many face pressure to forget their “humanity” as God had created and intended, and give themselves to pursuit of material pleasures and power. Consequently, Mr Xi’s goal is, simply put, to teach them “how to be human.” The believers here guard their hearts well by knowing God’s Word, committing not just verses but entire passages to memory. They obey and practise God’s Word into their lives and from its wellspring, draw insight to teach others. - by Rainer Tan and Ong See Guan

* Some names of persons and places in East Asia have been changed for confidentiality.

that affect us, whether big plans or small. Not surprising then that this interest extends to the biggest plan of all … God’s plan for the world. Doug Erdmann National Director

When I worked as a systems analyst, I had a colleague who would ask the same question every day. As he put it, “What’s the lunch-time story?” This fellow enjoyed eating, so it was quite important to him to know where the analysts were going to eat each day! Truth be known, each of us want to know about the plans

Below you’ll see an announcement for our National Conference, entitled “God’s Plan, Our Privilege.” I don’t know exactly what our speaker (who, by the way, is excellent) will share about God’s plan, but I won’t be surprised if he draws from Colossians 1:18-20, “…that in everything he (Jesus) might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things… making peace through his blood,

Speaker MIKE JORDAHL Mike Jordahl serves as the Director of ‘City Life,’ a Navigator ministry that helps recent college grads across the US walk with God and excel in their profession as they live and disciple among those who don’t know Christ. Prior to this, Mike oversaw all university ministries for the US Navigators. A popular and engaging communicator, Mike lives with his wife Nancy in Colorado Springs. They have 3 boys.

shed on the cross.” Simply put, God’s plan is that Jesus would be supreme, and that through Jesus’ death, the whole world could come back into a right relationship with God. It is true that, when some hear of this plan, they choose to not believe. But many have never even heard. That is why the stories in this edition of NavNews are so encouraging. Here are people who have never heard God’s plan, and people who are willing to tell it. May God lead each of us to people who have never heard, and give each of us the courage to be willing to tell! v


God’s Plan For the World Obstacles to Obeying God How Can I Be Involved Registration at



Alex Matthew is 50 and married with 3 children. Last year, he felt compelled to be more intentional in leading his family to grow spiritually. He got in touch with The Navigators. Yap Kim Meng, who directs our AlumniCommunity Ministry, met up with him. “He was genuinely keen and had a learner’s heart. It’s never too late to want to grow spiritually.” They started off with simple devotions and prayer. Alex went home and got his family doing the same. Soon the family was exploring the Christcentred life and got started on memorising scripture. In December, Alex and his family visited India. As a Singaporean Permanent Resident who owns a HDB flat and works in a MNC, his visit was greeted with much fanfare in his hometown. At every given opportunity, he taught in churches, small groups and oneon-one sessions, teaching others the basics of Christian growth using discipleship tools like the Wheel, the Word hand, Personal Devotions, and Scripture Memory. Kim Meng says, “It was thrilling to hear his report. It was just like when the disciples returned to Jesus In Luke 9 with stories of what they saw and how God blessed their ventures to teach of the Kingdom of God.” v

Ministry Happenings University Vacation Training Programme: NUS Theme: One God and One Man 17-31 May, 23 June-9 Aug NTU Every Tues and Thurs, 3-6pm, 21 May-30 July t-Junction, 392 Race Course Rd Aaron 98638816 Malar 93807093 NavTeens Rally You, Your friends and the Gospel 17 Aug (Sat), 3pm t-Junction, 392 Race Course Road

The Passing of a Pioneer Jake Combs (1928-2013) entered into glory on T hu r s d a y , M a y 9 , 2 0 1 3 . Jake and his wife Vera were missionary pioneers of The Navigators to Asia. He discipled many in Singapore and across the Causeway who would continue the work of evangelism and discipleship throughout Asia. He was known for his grasp of the Bible and for sharing insights that helped others apply the Bible in daily life. Read the tribute to Jake at The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: K. Douglas Erdmann • Editor/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: • Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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