NavNews Sep 2011

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Cover design by Chong Ching Ching

A FEW GOO Jake Combs: Training men Jake and Vera Combs were among the pioneers of Navigator work in Singapore, working alongside Roy Robertson from 1963 to 1967. Among the men he discipled were Wong Kim Tok and Tom Lee* who eventually led the local work in various capacities. NavNews caught up with Jake who was in Singapore, a man whom John Crawford1 once described as “a man of God [for whom] the Lord and the Word came ¿UVW ´2 NN: You count as one of the earliest Navigators. Has the work changed between then and now? Well, Trotman, he was primarily a man of the Word, of prayer, of vision and action. He got direction from God and he was a pioneer. If you read Trotman’s life, there were different phases that he went through but the one thing that kept coming through was “TRAIN MEN”. And that has continued. The present international director, Mike Treneer, is very strong on that. The question [then and now] remains, “Where is your man?” NN: What quality of men do you look for when making disciples? 1 Cor 4:2 says “Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” We used to call them FAT—Faithful, Available and Teachable. As long as a person keeps responding, I will keep helping him. Jack Mayhall used the illustration of a train with different stations. Some people get off after conversion, some after bible-­reading, others after scripture memory...a person can choose how far he wants to go. What we [as Navigators] want to do, as in Colossians 1:28, is to present everyone perfect or mature in Christ.

Background and photos: Patricia Lian Caption photos source:

NN: As a long-­time Navigator, do you have a word of encouragement for us? Joshua 1:8 “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth;; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. So, if God’s Word is my treasure, that’s where my heart is going to be. Then, with His Word guarding my heart, I will be able to walk with Him. New Zealand Navigators Country Leader from 1974 to 1979 Asia Legacy II (p.90), Sandy Fairservice, NavMedia Singapore, 2008 *amendment to the print version which says “Toh Kai Hua”

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There’s been a passing of guard at the min

Timothy, chapter 4, reveberates, “I give you this c patience and careful instruction...keep your head

NavNews meets the new leaders and puts Roger Yeo, The NavTeens What are the important “must-do”s in TNT as you influence the teens for Christ?

“TNT always emphasizes the need for disciples to maintain their basic disciplines. Consistent devotional time with the Lord is vital, without which, disciples Ryo will, at best, have a shallow relationship of S with God and their understanding will be based on what others tell them rather than the Word of God. Our priority for staff, volunteers and for the teens is always to get our relationship right with God. Mark 8:35, 36 says, ’For whoever wants to He spe save his life will lose it, but whoever and Ya loses his life for me and for the NUS un gospel will save it. What good ministrie is it for a man to gain the whole says of h world, yet forfeit his soul?’ It is what the also important to be faithful with they are v the little or much that He has disciples.” given us in this work of making Of the mini disciples for Him." the impo genuine frie people come community. group of gu quality. Man campus are v but these stude something genu authentic and he Commissioning prayer for Roger Jesus.”



- a new generation of ministry leaders

nistries in NUS, NP-SIM, SP and The NavTeens. Amidst the changes, Paul’s exhortation to Timothy in 2

charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great d in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.”

some questions to them.

Viloane Ko, Ngee Ann PolytechnicSingapore Institute of Management What are the challenges of doing evangelism on campus among today’s youths?

“John 4:34-35 records, ‘My food,’ “One family in the Lord” - NP-SIM, SP said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him Xue Yang Kui, Singapore Polytechnic oo Jae Kwan, National University who sent me and Singapore to finish his work. Do you Yang Kui underwent, not say, ‘Four months more almost literally, a fire Jae Kwan returns to helm and then the harvest’? I tell of baptism one week the ministry at NUS you, open your eyes and look after taking over the where he first began at the fields! They are ripe for leadership at SP. On 7 when he arrived 11 harvest.’ July, he was grievously years ago from Korea. We have seen quite an amazing injured in a chemical explosion that ent 10 years training Viloane number of students come to faith warranted a 9-hour operation to save ang Kui from their days as in Christ through evangelism on his life. By God’s mercy, he has made ndergraduates to subsequent campus. The biggest challenge is remarkable progress and even joins es in NP-SIM and SP. He the lack of Christians in the SP ministry while still his key men,”They know who have the faith healing. He shares what God ey are supposed to do; to bring the message has taught him: very clear about raising of Christ to the “God showed me what it ” youths around them, means to do ministry for istry at NUS, he identifies and faithfulness in Him. Through the accident, rtance of building reaching out to them. I realize I am so fragile that endships, “When new The young people unless He works in me, I cannot e, they like this [Nav] today are deeply in do anything for Him. At the heart They see that this Home training need of believing in the message of ministry is LOVE. I want to work uys has a different of Jesus Christ and of seeing living and closely with God and my mentor Jae ny CCA groups on walking examples of faith around them. Kwan, and to love those within the very professional, Besides ‘doing’ evangelism in faith, ministry. Home training and raising ents are looking for ‘being’ an evangelist who follows Jesus the 2nd generation of leaders will be uine. We have to be and the Bible is important." key priorities." elp them to enjoy

Alumni & Friends C O N N E C T I O N S Frogs, Toads and Little Boys

By Ming Hock and Dawn Lim

Our NUS Nav alumni group went on a mission exposure trip to the Philippines in June, in tandem with the NUS/NTU Vacation Training Programme. This trip allowed the group, and our boys who went along, to learn about and participate in God’s work among the Filipinos in the slum areas as well as the university. Ee-Ruey (2), Ee-Khai (5) and Ee-Hsien (7) enjoying God’s creatures--FROGS!w

The trip also taught us that God enables. In His knowledge, He filled the gaps and prepared our boys far better than we could. Prior to the trip, our sons ‘incidentally’ learnt origami, enabling them to be engaged meaningfully in making souvenirs at an outreach event.

In His timing, we met a New Zealander family working with Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. The testimony of the family’s love for their adopted Filipino son and their willingness to exchange comfort for a home in the squatters in order to reach out to the poor prepared our boys for the visits to the slums. No amount of reading is as powerful as being able to associate a situation with a face they know personally. While we focused on teaching the boys to serve, God lovingly gave them pleasure through His creation. They had plentiful opportunities to observe ants and termites, chase (and catch!) frogs, toads, chickens and sheep, play with dogs and even ride horses. Indeed, God truly enables His people for His work. May your heart be encouraged to serve God together with your family. (Ming Hock, a volunteer with The Navigators, disciples a group of young professionals formerly from NUS Nav.)

Better with age!

said, “Together with my colleague, I have always been involved in reaching the lost.” After leaving the NPC, he was faithful to apply the things learnt. What a faithful man.

by Royston Koh

No, we are not talking about vintage wine but Navigator alumni. Along with the years, one becomes wiser through experience, skilful through practice and more Christ-like through life’s adversities. With maturity, each person can then be like a polished arrow in the hands of God. Towards that end, the Navigators Alumni Ministry is inviting a hundred alumni to co-labour with us once again. Last April, several alumni from the former Navigator Professional Circle (NPC) met together for the first time after 30 years. NPC was one of earliest Navigator community

Our alumni group

Roger, Benedict, Edwin, Royston and Choong Fook NPC Alumni from the 70s.

ministry in the 1970s which at one time had more than a hundred members. Evidently, the past labour was not in vain as many continued to walk with and serve God over these many years. Recently, I asked an NPC alumnus about his plans to reach the lost at his work place. He looked at me, puzzled, and

Benedict Lee who owns an architectural firm, has oversight over five cell groups in his church. Edwin Tham, a senior executive with a major airline, is leading a discipleship group. Choong Fook and Roger are both busy at work and active in church. Pray for God to once again ignite the passion for disciple- making and that we will be effective in reaching the lost wherever they are.

Doug Erdmann National Director

I’ve heard it said that there are two resources necessary for ministry to happen...people and funds. I’ve also heard it said that it’s easier to trust God to provide the latter than the former! Not sure if that’s true, but you may recall me mentioning in our March NavNews that we’ve been asking God to provide us with more full-­time staff. He has answered! Chris and Pat Lian joined last month. Chris was a lecturer at St. Andrews J.C. Previously he was a volunteer with our teen ministry and headed the post-­secondary ministry. Along with serving as a

deacon at his church, he and Pat currently enjoy a fruitful ministry in their church among young adults and families.

Chris will be taking over our ministry at NTU next year, and Pat already serves as our Communications Executive. This is a big step for them, leaving a good salary to come on support with three young children. In our June NavNews, I mentioned that Viloane and Patricia Ko would be taking over our ministry at NP. The plan was for them to be volunteer leaders.

After I wrote, Viloane decided he was enjoying ministry too much to do it on a part-­time basis. Leaving his A*STAR job at NUS, he and Pat also joined our full-­ time staff last month. This is after a number of years of faithful ministry by both of them at NP and SP.

We prayed and God answered. As with the early disciples, Jesus still calls some to “cast down their nets” and follow Him. Is He calling you? If so, what a privilege to be “set apart for the gospel of God.” (Romans 1:1)

Next year will be the 50th Anniversary of the The Singapore Navigators. We are publishing a commemorative book of pictures and memories of those in our ministries over the years. Send in your story of how you were impacted by the Singapore Navigators, together with an accompanying photo. It may get in our book, and if judged the best, you will win an iPad3*! Email your story and photo1 to contest@navigators. with the title NavMemories Contest or Mail to NavMemories Contest, 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, S(425758)2. Your contest entry should include: a. A short description of how you were impacted by the Singapore Navigators (not more than 300 words) b. A favourite photo of you and The Navigators c. Your name d. Your contact no. and address e. Your Facebook Username (optional)

Photos via email should be in jpeg format, at least 300dpi, less than 1MB. 2 Please include a stamped self-addressed envelope if you wish to have your photo returned. 1

All contest entries must reach us by 29 Feb 2012. The winner will be announced in the June 2012 issue of NavNews and notified by post. Full contest details at: *kindly sponsored by friends of The Navigators Singapore

asia and beyond

by Yap Kim Meng and Royston Koh

Shanghai. China’s bastion of commerce and finance. Home to the world’s busiest container port and birthplace of the first commercial high speed magnetic levitation train line in the world. With a topspeed of 431km/h, the Shanghai Maglev Train is faster than any production automobile, Formula One car, or MotoGP super bikes. Several of our staff from Singapore travelled to that remarkable city in May for a conference held every two years. While there, we were astounded at the rate of development in Shanghai; China’s leading city for just about everything. The conference assembled those who are involved in disciplemaking ministries in China. The work is unnamed and the workers without formal affiliation to The Navigators. Several have been there for more than a decade, learning the language and living among the lost. Many are intentional tentmakers, advancing the gospel while holding legitimate jobs. Now we are hearing reports of their labours. They are like knights in shining armour because of their commitment. They, with their families, are willing to pay the price of living out their faith in a foreign land, and they do so with a joyous hope that the gospel will bear fruit.

MINISTRY HAPPENINGS NavITE Youth Hub@t-Junction Baking Course, 2, 30 Sept, 14, 28 Oct, 11, 25 Nov, 9 Dec, 2.30–5pm; Friday Movie, 2nd and 4th Fridays, 2.30–4.30pm; Youth Fellowship, 4th Fridays, 7.30-9pm; Christmas party, 23 Dec

A story out of Shanghai: BC* was trained by The Navigators in a 2:7 discipleship group in the late 80s. He found the training most valuable wherever he went. For over 20 years, the 2:7 books travelled with him on overseas postings. Some time ago, he and his wife moved to Shanghai. While working in a bank, he got an opportunity to share Christ, and several colleagues joined his 2:7 classes after work. These people grew spiritually by leaps and bounds. One person remarked that the materials were as good as gold. Word got out to friends and colleagues, and the original group members ended up becoming 2:7 group leaders leading these new members. There are more waiting in the wings to join them and there is a need for more trained leaders.

NP-SIM Nav Vacation Training Program - “God’s Young Men Arrayed in Holy Splendor” 3 Sep15 Oct @NP; Christmas Dinner Party @ NP Alumni House, 24 Dec The NavTeens, Captain’s Ball Meet, 15 Oct, 26 Nov; TNT Camp 5-9 Dec, St Hilda’s Secondary School.

*name withheld for confidentiality

MINISTRY REPORT We thank Robert Yeun for 12 years of faithful leadership in The NavTeens. Roger Yeo took over as Director of TNT on 6 Aug. Robert The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE National Director: K. Douglas Erdmann Editor/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 Tel: (65) 6344 4133 Fax: (65) 6344 0975 E-mail: Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd


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