NavNews December 2010

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Before joining Navs, I didn’t see the importance of Quiet Time. One sister challenged me that if I do not let God have the opportunity to talk to me, I will not be able to hear Him. I was told that ‘first comes diligence, second comes desire.’ And it’s true! As I build the habit of doing QT, I am more and more excited to meet God and see what I can learn from the passage I am reading. The Navs can really help me grow; I am very glad I joined them—no regrets! -

Although he grew up in a Christian home, Jermyn didn’t treat the bible as God’s Word. “To me, it was just another book.” He got invited once to go ‘bible-reading’ and has not looked back since. For an hour everyday, the group gathers after QT to read and meditate on a bible passage. “One time, as I was reading Luke 21, verse 33 jumped out at me— Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. It gave me the confidence to put my trust in His Word. Kimberly, Yr 1, Bible-reading, to me, Business Studies is a joy.” -

“When I was a new believer, See Guan brought me along to observe how he shared the gospel. One day, he challenged me to share. Whenever I faltered, he stepped in to help. We share about Jesus together so that the younger ones can learn.” Nicholas overcame his fear of talking to pre-believers as he tried and tried again. “God entrusted His gospel to me. I saw some who did not believe the gospel the first time, but accepted Christ upon subsequent sharing and went on to become faithful men. Recently, God gave me the encouragement of giving me a person who Jermyn, Yr 3, made a decision for ECE Christ.” -

Story and Photo by Patricia Lian

Nicholas, Yr 3, EE

“Lunch fellowhip refreshes both the body and soul. As we share laughter and stories over food, I can catch the concerns and needs of the other sisters. That gives me insight when I pray for them or share from God’s Word. Man-toman time becomes more effective too.” Like a few other labourers, Swee Ming made a deliberate decision to work on campus, in order to be ‘right here and available’ for the students. “When I meet with the sisters, it reminds me of my identity in Christ. Even in the midst of busy work, it is a reminder that I am living for a vision—of making disciples for Christ.” -

Swee Ming, Labourer

I have experienced the truth in Hebrews 10:24-25 through the weekly dinner fellowship. I was spurred on by the warm love shown in the preparation of food by sisters, the good deeds of brothers who prepared the dinner tables, and the encouragement received through the open sharing of lives by fellow brothers and sisters. I am inspired as I see them serve with their hearts. Though there is no feast at the dinner, a simple meal prepared with love will always be better than any other food in the world.

See Guan, Labourer

Jennifer used to follow her mother to church. She tried reading the Chinese bible but did not know how to study it and eventually stopped. Now, besides daily bible-reading, she comes on Saturdays to do Bible Discussion whereby young Christians are taught the rudiments of bible-study. “At first, I was not used to reading the bible every day. I needed to give up meeting Korean idols in shopping centres and watching Korean dramas! BD helps me to live my life practically and moulds my character. I used to be easily influenced by friends. Now, they comment on the changes in me and I even share the gospel with them. When I share the gospel, it glorifies God and people can see me doing what I believe in.” -

Jennifer, Yr 1, Business IT

After he received Christ through hearing the gospel from a Nav brother, Zhen Yang started reading the gospels and joining the daily Lunch Fellowship. He also attends Bible-Study (Studies in Christian Living or chapter study) weekly. “I discovered a lot of truths that impacted me.” In a recent study of Romans 4, he was impressed with the distinction between the facts of life and the truth of God. He gives an example, “Fact: I dislocated my arm twice. I expect my arm to be weak BUT the truth is that God can give me strength.” He enjoys studying the bible with believers who really share their lives. “We feel very close to, and are open with each other.”

Zhen Yang, Yr 2, Business IT

The NP-SIM Navs eat together very often. Breakfast. Lunch. Daily. Every evening, different ones enjoy cozy fellowship at *Jae Kwan and Chan Hye’s table. The food is lovingly prepared, the conversation lively, the atmosphere restful. Hebrews 10:2425 is being lived out here and it is seen in the authenticity in sharing.and strong accountability. On Saturdays, the men play soccer, while the ladies fellowship. On Bible-study days, they come together for more fellowship, laugh and cry though skits and testimonies. The ease with which they refer to bible verses in their conversations shows God’s Word at work. It is natural, not pretentious. It is a mark left by consistent and regular QT, scripture memory, biblereading, bible-study and intentional disciplemaking 7 days a week. They walk the talk. They share about Jesus in their daily living. Working labourers come after work to help pre-believers know Christ, as well as spend personal time with believers in NP, SIM and sometimes, other campuses. Spend a morning with them and you will be touched by the sincerity, simplicity and discipline of the NP-SIM Navs.

*Jae Kwan and Chan Hye lead the ministry. Their desire is to prepare students to live as lifelong disciples of Christ while walking with them through the different stages of their life journey.


Very happy to meet the old boys again. The Navs gave me a strong foundation and committed vision. ~Loy Yang Teow, NP

More than 500 people attended a grand NavAlumni reunion at Hilton Hotel on 13 November. Over a sumptuous Chinese lunch, t he y ha d a g re a t t i m e catching up with many whom they had not seen for ages. Hugs and namecards were exchanged in a sea of smiles. Praise God for those who signed up for “Adventure of Discipling Others” biblestudy groups and mission trips, and who indicated interest to be Link Persons and to labour again! We rejoice at the many responses and will meet again at: NavAlumni Retreat 12-13 March 2011 Pulai Springs Resort (JB)



Many made appointments ReLIVE the vision DISCIPLE-MAKING to of catch up again. Many could recall how they were helped and had helped others but had gotten stalled along the way when life became busier and priorities shifted. The book “Our Alumni, Your Stories”, a collection of stories featuring twenty alumni currently labouring, was given to everyone and will be a lingering reminder that others have taken steps to continue with the task of disciplemaking and that we too, can

right where we are. - Yap Kim Meng restart

Focused. Impactful. Inclusive. All glory to God. Thanks for raising the trumpet call to recapture the Lord’s mission. ~ Henry Teo, SP

Photos by Patricia Lian and Roger Yap


My heart was, and is, with the work that the Navs introduced in my life--disciple making. Dave Dawson used to speak at our camps and challenge us with Matt 28:19 - 20. Today I feel it again in my heart. I feel the need to get involved. I feel the need to do more. ~ Thanam , TNT

It was a meaningful time for many of us. Kim Meng’s sharing was a strong, useful and encouraging reminder. ~ Jit Meng & Youk Mei, Mil

Free copies of “Our Alumni, Your Stories” are available for all alumni & friends. Please collect from Navigators Headquarters or contact for more details.

If you are asked to fill a one-gallon, wide-necked Mason jar with several big rocks, a bucket of gravel, a bucket of sand and a pitcher of water, how do you make sure the big rocks get in? Answer: By putting the rocks in first! The above illustration is often used by management strategists to make the point that for any work that we do, we need to do the critical things first. Or else we may never get them done! by Doug Erdmann National Director


This year we identified and worked hard at getting them in the jar first! 1. Staff recruiting. There are many ministry 4. University ministries. Our staff are opportunities before us and we need staff to cover them. So, as Jesus did with a few fishermen, we asked several this year to “cast down their nets” and join us as full-time staff. Two excellent young men responded--one now ministers to university students at NUS, and another will begin ministering to secondary school students in February. There are others who are seriously considering the possibility. Please thank God for these two men, and pray that many more will join us!

2. Staff training. New staff, of course, need to

be trained. With the help of Singaporean Toh Kai Hua (one of our missionary associates in East Asia), we now have new staff training objectives and a new curriculum. When implementing anything new, there are things to be learnt. Please pray that we will implement these new objectives and curriculum aggressively, and modify appropriately.

Photo by Patricia Lian

3. Staff funding. At the beginning of this year

most of our staff were under budget. Together, we studied what the Scripture has to say about the funding of missionaries and learnt how to practically invite people to financially partner in our ministries. Applying the Scriptures and these practical skills, almost all our staff are now up to budget. Praise God for their hard work and His provision.

working hard at three universities, but fruit is challenging, especially among Singaporean students (as opposed to internationals). Also, Christian students who join us are often not strong in spiritual disciplines, and don’t know how to bring another to faith and disciple them. So, among other things, we instituted our first-ever combined Vacation Training Programme for NUS and NTU students. Students and staff spent three weeks in the Philippines doing in-depth Bible study, practising spiritual disciplines and sharing the Gospel with Filipinos. The programme was such a success we plan to do it again next year.

5. Alumni ministry. It is estimated that we have had 10,000 students involved in our ministries over the years. Many of these alumni still have a heart for making disciples, but just need a little help and encouragement to do so. Our goal is, in the next two years, to help 100 of these alumni to labour again. We have held two large alumni events this year directed at that. At the most recent event, which over 500 attended, many agreed to join “Adventure of Discipling Others” small groups, to link fellow alumni together for ministry purposes, or to visit one of our overseas missionaries. We are well on our way to our goal of 100 restarted labourers!

Thank God with us for the progress made on these five big rocks! Homegoing. Long-time Navigator Ruth Myers went home to the Lord on 8 Nov 2010, aged 82. Ruth and her husband, the late Warren Myers, were based in Singapore from 1970 to 1983. “Warren and Ruth were a great example of what it means to work hard in the ministry. They were a great source of comfort and strength to those in the field. She was faithful in prayer. Her books on Prayer and Praise continue to be much sought after. She has been a wonderful wife, mother and Christian leader. What a legacy and what a blessing.” --Mogan Mannar Read more at

asia and beyond South Africa

A Vision for the World

Photo by Chong Ching Ching

The third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization took place in Cape Town, South Africa from October 16-25. It brought together some 4,200 evangelical Christians from 198 countries to learn new and innovative ways to spread the gospel. Chong Ching Ching who represented the Singapore Navigators at the Conference recalls the excitement and vision, “It was an immeasurable privilege to worship God with His people from many nations, immerse ourselves in God’s truth and listen to His heartbeat. He is calling each of us to to live out the gospel in an authentic lifestyle modelled after His son Jesus. We are called to partner with Him and with each other in Humility, Integrity and Simplicity, to reach ALL nations in His grand cosmic plan centered in His son Jesus Christ. What an awesome and mighty God we worship! “ v East Asia NEW ZEALAND

A Heart for the Individual

We arrived at a shop-house and entered a small room where an 87 year-old grandmother stayed. After the usual greetings, my wife chatted with her and proceeded to explain the gospel to her. The strong and vibrant old lady was very adamant and expressed her reservations about believing in Jesus. What kept her from accepting Christ was the fear that her siblings would object, in addition to a host of other reasons. However, she assured us that she would think over what was presented. We told her grandson, James, that only the Holy Spirit can work a miracle in her life to remove all fears and hindrances and God was just using us as tools to share His love with her. Praise God! An email received a week after our return to Singapore reported that the old lady, who loves life and wants to live it to its fullest, has made her decision to follow Christ. This glorious news has given great encouragement to James and his wife. They have seen God at work, God answering prayers and God loving them. This love extends to their grandma in His plan of salvation. - by Robert Goh and Phek Tin v

Photo from

Xue Li came to New Zealand as an international student, met Christians who shared the gospel with her and was baptized in 2006. She now works for a non-profit organization in Auckland. “Praise be to God! Since I came to New Zealand, my family has noticed the changes in me. I often write letters to tell them about my struggles, and what God has done for me. Sometime in the past six years, my sister and brother-in-law came to the Lord Jesus! I give thanks and praise for His immeasurable kindness! He is just eager to give His children the best! It is challenging to walk with God daily, but I am encouraged by His goodness and faithfulness! May all of us be strengthened in Him and know Him more in the year of 2011!” - by Xue Li v The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: Doug Erdmann • Editor-Writer/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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