NavNews September 2010

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A vision for the world, a heart for the individual

NavNews MICA (P) 185/06/2010

A newsletter of The Navigators Singapore

Inaugural Vacation Training Programme Inside: iCDM team in Vietnam iLeading a cow to pasture iA passion for God’s word

September 2010


National Unive

Lessons and Blessings I realized that God yearns for me to grow more and more in his likeness and that a change in my attitude is essential for this to happen. What amazed me most about this trip was the friendship, love and trust fostered between team members within just 20 days. Ronald Ooi, 2nd year Engineering student, NUS

“I think we foolishly went there thinking that the people needed our materia l blessings and our love. But we were sorely mistaken—it was rath er us who needed their love and th e in lessons they had to teac valuable h us.”

Patrick Khor, 3rd year Psychology student, NTU

Courageous Faith

Los Baños, The Philippines

Staff and key students from the two campuses spent three intensive weeks in a Vacation Training Programme (VTP), fostering an intimate walk with God through the spiritual disciplines of Quiet Time, Scripture Memory and Bible-study and putting faith into action through bi-weekly evangelism and service projects.


the was It ing tanned and compact young lady sitt had I . eye on the grass who caught my listic a rather difficult first day of evange next outreach. Impulsively, I sat down tor visi a as self to her, and introduced my ted nec to The Philippines. We con and as she shared about her studies h wit y pra to me business and allowed e driv her her. I pray that Joni, with all the and dreams, will come to know nt. God of all success and contentme Business Suanne Chan, 4th year Literature and Management student, NUS

Encountering God, Trusting His People Understanding and accepting myself before God was a breath of fresh air from the self-condemnation that I was so used to. It helped me to be more honest about my faults and weaknesses and to realize that I must fall upon Him to change my values, my beliefs and ultimately my thoughts. Accountability networks which we established are helping me in a very real way, especially in dealing with the besetting sin I’ve struggled with for years. Jevon Ng, 3rd year Chemistry student, NTU

Pause and Pray: • Pray for the advancement of the gospel on campuses • Pray for strong bonds to be forged between our students • Ask God to raise the next generation of leaders for The Singapore Navigators

ersity of SingaporekNanyang Technological University What is the significance of the VTP for both campus ministries? Ministry Leaders Shannon Sandquist (NTU) and Peter Yim (NUS) share their thoughts:

Shannon: One significant thing is the partnership between NTU and NUS ministries to build community. This threeweek VTP has helped prepare us to move out to reach our campus for Christ through a more loving and caring student community. Peter:

The VTP is an excellent avenue of leadership training. Ministry happens when there are relationships. The intensive training and close bonding that take place during a VTP forge a common calling and passion. .v


hen I was a college student, I was invited to my first Navigator “vacation training programme.” For 9 weeks, I lived with 30 other Navigator students in a fraternity house in Boston. We were put into teams with a team leader. During the day we worked at regular jobs. At night and on the weekends, we did Bible study, heard messages, did evangelism and had fun team activities. It was amazing—the positive changes that took place in my character and walk with God over those 9 weeks …all because I was exposed to a training environment.

The key significance will be that in the years to come , we will see successive generations of “bands of brothers and sisters” with the passion to advance the gospel and make disciples. Our thanks to The Philippines Navigators, for hosting us! Read the full report at

James Ong, our new SENDer James joins our NUS Navs ministry team, undergoing training as a SENDer. He joined the NUS Navs in 2004, and served in the Executive Committee as Prayer Chairperson. In his third year, while on an exchange programme with the University of California, Irvine, James volunteered for 3 weeks at Glen Eyre, the U.S. Navs Headquarters. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.” (John 15:6a) . v Read the inspiring story of how God led him to this step at

The Apostle Paul would not have been surprised at these changes. He knew that spiritual transformation doesn’t just happen. The Holy Spirit helps, but we have a part to play as well…engaging in the spiritual disciplines, getting close enough to others so that character flaws can be observed and addressed. Indeed, Paul tells Timothy, “train yourself to be godly.” (1 Tim. 4:7) The article on the left describes our recent university ministry vacation training programme. This was the first university training programme we have held for a long time. It was such a success that we plan to do one each year! Our mission as Navigators is to raise labourers. I think these vacation training programmes will play a vital part in seeing that mission accomplished. v

Let me tell you what I believe the need of the hour is. Maybe I should call it the answer to the need of the hour. I believe it is an army of soldiers, dedicated to Jesus Christ, who believe not only that he is God, but that he can fulfill every promise he has ever made, and Patricia that there Lian, Communications Executive isn’t anything too hard for him. It is the only way we can accomplish the I was born thehis year of–the Ox,the at Gospel 5.58 am when the Wasn’t God good to give me this sign in assurance thing thatinis on heart getting to every creature. day’s work was aboutfounder to begin. As such, I was deemed that it was His will all along but He wanted me to put – Dawson Trotman, of The Navigators a “hardworking cow. As a diligent cow, I did well my heart right first? academically, ambitious. Then Godofcorralled Couldand Godwas be calling you to be part that army?A GATE OPENS; A SURPRISE PASTURE me with Psalm 16:5-8, with v.5-6 below: I love writing. I love the power of stories. I also love 5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; to hear of how God can work mightily in the most you have made my lot secure. ordinary of lives.

Bringing a Cow to Pasture

6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

These verses guided me to various pastures: teaching, church ministries, The NavTeens and 10 years as a stay-home mom. But through it all, I deeply desired to pursue a Master degree. Finally, in July this year, I was to start on an MA. THE SHEPHERD CLOSES A GATE The words “Psalm 24” flashed in my mind. As on other occasions when God directed me with sudden visions of a verse reference, I quickly grabbed my bible. My eyes fell on the following: 3 Who may ascend the hill of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.

I refused to meditate on it. 2 weeks later, my husband opened his bible to Psalm 37 and said, “I believe this is what God is telling you.” It read: Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Hot on the heels of my surrender came a recommendation for the post of Communications Executive with The Singapore Navigators. It was a job I was not looking for, but one that I always wanted to do--to write for God. I had reservations due to numerous constraints but there was also a deep sense of peace and certainty that I could not fathom. Caught between the two, I waited on God for a clear direction. I also sought counsel from a long-time Navigator staff who knows me and my family situation well. On 5th June, I was offered the position. By then, it did not come as a surprise but as a relief and confirmation that indeed God was leading in this. Twelve years ago, I was asked what I thought of the man who was to be my husband. My answer was, “God, in his wisdom, has chosen for me far better than what I would have chosen for myself.” Once again, He has done that! So, here I am. Humbled by God’s grace, astounded by His impeccable timing, excited by His work.v With you in the joy of our Lord,



Photo by Christopher Lian

I slammed the bible closed. My heart knew what God was saying. I refused to respond. I had asked God to search my heart to ensure that I was not doing the MA out of selfish ambition and pride. He did and unveiled the dream that had become an idol. He wanted a glad surrender. I pleaded with Him but when God speaks clearly, only obedience is needed. It was extremely hard because I was certain that this time, to give up did not mean to defer but to not ever think of doing the MA again. A week after I surrendered, the university emailed me to say that my acceptance in March was never processed because of an oversight.

Pat is an ex-teacher who formerly served with The NavTeens. She leads a Mothers Fellowship group and teaches the pre-schoolers sunday class in her church. She co-leads a caregroup of young parents with her husband Chris. and volunteers with Calvary Community Care in their Literacy Programme.

Elisabeth, Pat, Aidan, Chris, Eliot

Alumni & Friends C O N N E C T I O N S

2 SP NavAlumni share their

Passion for God’s Word... I came to know the Lord through the Singapore Polytechnic Chinese Ministry in 1982, and my spiritual growth began with the Study on Christian Living. It was through those years with The Navigators that I developed strong convictions on the importance of following up with young believers. Since then, I have had opportunities to help younger believers through one-to-one bible studies. I view the one-to-one followup method as an effective way to build up relationships as well as to help young Christians to grow. My desire to learn biblical Greek prompted me in 1993 to start theological studies in Chinese at Singapore Bible College (SBC). I was joyful when I could interpret the actual meaning of a Greek word in the bible. I attended evening classes in the Open University from 2000 in pursuit of a BA in English--a great challenge for me as my first language was then Chinese. The studies in Open University laid a foundation for my theological studies (in English) with the Biblical Graduate School of Theology (BGST) which I started in 2001. It took me ten years to complete the Graduate Diploma in

Christian Studies, followed by a Master in Christian Studies, and eventually a Master of Divinity. The years spent studying theology were tough, taking up most of my time after work. There were even times when I struggled to keep personal time with God because there were so many assignments. Yet they were joyful times as I studied Biblical Greek as well as Biblical Hebrew. The studies have strengthened my conviction of the need to interpret the word of God accurately. The studies also help me to grow in my faith through knowing God more. Recently, several experiences reminded me of the need to lead people out of the darkness and into the light of God by sharing the good news. God has been patient with me, but I also need to do my part to respond to His calling. The opportunity arose last year in an East Asian country. I conducted an intensive 3-day course on discipleship training for 46 participants from home churches and I was thankful for their very encouraging feedback. I realized the importance of interpreting the word of God accurately based on context. One thing I ask of God is that He continues to help me to be a worker who is not ashamed in interpreting the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). I hope to have more opportunities to follow up young believers and may God help me to be disciplined in studying His word--the word of truth, and to be faithful in interpreting it accurately. v-by Tan Siew Goh

For 5 years, Supramaniam (fondly known as Sup) has been sending book gifts to our NaVenture donors in appreciation of their partnership. This year, there was a slight delay in one instance...but this delay became meaningful to Foo Teck Chen who was with us at Singapore Polytechnic about 30 years ago. Here’s her response to the gift:

Dear Supra, Thank you for the book When You Cross Cultures by Jim Chew.

We have a Date!

Join us

I take it as a confirmation from God that when I make a decision to be posted to *M__* to teach for 5 months, I am in His will. This morning, I prayed, “God, show me your plan for my community and *M__*. What is my part in it?” The answer is in this book I received 10 minutes ago. It has always been my desire to proclaim Christ. (Romans 1:16)

NavAlumni Lunch

Thank you. Your book came just in time. I will spend time reading it and preparing myself for this opportunity to serve God.

12 noon-3 pm

Pray for me not to be distracted but to be single-minded to share the gospel with love. Thanking God always, Teck Chen

13 November 2010 Hilton Hotel Email: desmond@

asia and beyond Hãy Ngợi Khen Ðức ! - Praise The Lord! Mogan Mannar and Royston Koh from the Church Disciplemaking Ministry (CDM) had the privilege of casting a vision for discipleship to 50 pastors and church leaders in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from 6-9 June.

We were cramped in a small room with these dear saints, who came from Ho Chi Minh City, the villages and highlands. The Lord enabled us to passionately preach the urgency of raising disciples and labourers for the great harvest in Vietnam, and to teach disciple-making tools using the 2:7 series. Here are three wonderful testimonies shared: A lady pastor working in North Vietnam and Laos shared about the great harvest in her region. She is eager to start training the ladies under her and she appealed to the men present to help train the men in her church. A pastor who admitted that he had let the urgent demands of church activities overshadow the important ministry of producing disciples, was determined to start discipling men in his church. Another brother prayed before the training that God would touch his heart. He said, “I have taught 6 people basic doctrines, after which, I don’t know what else to do.” He was delighted to see that he could use the Wheel illustration to train men in these fundamental disciplines. After the training, he felt that he could now move ahead in the right direction. We praise God that the Holy Spirit was at work to bring many to conviction. v

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Names have been kept confidential.

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as rch leaders u ch e th . 1 the disciplethey begin e cess in th making pro es; house-church e vers to com ie el b re o m e 2. ction and b under convi e es th y ained b willing to be tr h leaders; urc pastors and ch mber team in Septe 3. the CDM o ll for fo w-up as they return training. The calling of The Navigators is to advance the gospel of Jesus and his kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of labourers living and discipling among the lost. Views expressed in published articles are those of the individual writers and may not necessarily be the views of The Navigators Singapore. THE NAVIGATORS SINGAPORE • National Director: Doug Erdmann • Editor/ Design & Layout: Patricia Lian 117 Lorong K, Telok Kurau, Singapore 425758 • Tel: (65) 6344 4133 • Fax: (65) 6344 0975 • E-mail: Printed by Seng Lee Press Pte Ltd

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