Presentation Ceremony November 27, 2021
Presenting Sponsor
現金津貼 (交房後回贈)
Park George 位於素里市中心的交通樞紐和“大溫矽谷”核心地段,是大溫哥華地區少數集新科技與高端設施為一體的智能大樓。 WiFi 全覆蓋的共享空間、冷凍儲物室、智能冷暖控溫,外加���,���平方英尺的頂級康娛設施,為創客群體提供一個宜於工作、社交及成長的 高質生活環境,全方位為未來做好準備。置身協平世博於素里市中心最精心規劃的大型綜合社區,我的未來我做主!
PARKGEORGE.COM 604-583-9866
9908 King George Blvd., Surrey 每日上午��點至下午�點開放 (建議提前預約)
截止日期 ����年��月��日 掃碼了解更多詳情
*Promotional Offer For 1 Bedroom Homes (the “incentive”) is valid until December 31, 2021 and is only applicable to new purchases in Park George. Certain limitations and conditions apply. One incentive per purchase and cannot be applied with any other purchase incentive. All illustrations reflect the artist's and architect's interpretation of the project and do not take into account the neighbouring buildings, physical structures, streets and landscape. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering can only be made with the applicable offer to purchase and agreement of sale, and disclosure statement. Concord Park George Limited Partnership E.& O.E.
天車沿線尚品佳苑 | 列治文全新規劃社區
GALLERIA 全新大型社區位於列治文與溫哥華交匯的黃金地段,毗鄰未來擬建的天車站, 優美公園,藝術中心與成熟商圈,為生活提供無限便利和靈感。 結合藝術與科技的設計理念,配備精心策劃的悠閒設施,再加上新穎舒適的智能家居, 讓您在充滿藝術氣息的新型社區中悠然體驗藝品生活。
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12,800 sq.ft. 兒童藝術中心
KOHLER®Veil 超感智能座廁
CONCORDGALLERIA.COM 列治文展銷中心: L� 時代坊(中央大堂噴泉旁) 開放時間: 每日 ��:�� AM - �:�� PM 服務熱線: ��� ��� ����
All renderings reflect the artists’ interpretation of the project only and do not take into account the neighbourhood buildings, physical structures, streets, and landscapes. The developer reserves the right to make modifications, substitutions, changes brands, sizes, colours, layouts, materials, ceiling heights, features, finishes, and other specifications without prior notification. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offer may only be made with the applicable disclosure statement and agreement of purchase and sale. Concord Galleria Limited Partnership. E & O.E.
Miele 高級家電組合
November 27, 2021
Dear Friends: I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone taking part in the 5th annual Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards. This event brings the community together to pay tribute to outstanding young Canadians who have made significant contributions towards academics, arts and performance, sportsmanship, community service, and leadership. I would like to congratulate this year’s award recipients and wish them every future success. It continues to be a challenging time for planning and hosting events. That is why I would like to thank the organizers for making this year’s ceremony virtual so that it could still take place. You can take pride in your commitment to supporting young people in your community. Please accept my best wishes for a successful event. Sincerely,
The Rt. Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada
6406 Victoria Drive Vancouver, British Columbia V5P 3X7 604-775-5323
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 Confederation Building, Suite 607 613-995-7052
Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South
I am proud to send my congratulations to the nominees and winners of the 2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards organized by VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and Sing Tao Daily which will again be a virtual format to ensure everyone is safe. I am always amazed in the young talent we have in BC and their enormous, creative, and selfless contribution to the community in their short lives, which is making a difference for so many. Their significant achievements and contributions are being recognized not just for excelling in Academics but also their distinguished accomplishments in the Arts & Performance, Sportsmanship, Community Service, and Leadership. These are our future influencers and leaders. I am looking forward to following their careers achievements and watching for their future community endeavors. As well as being an opportunity to feature these exceptional youth, I am pleased that the funds raised thru this annual event will be benefitting the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s constant drive for innovation and sustainable health care which supports Vancouver Coastal Health's vital care services as well as funding critical research to change the trajectory of disease. So keep challenging yourself and reaching for your inspirational goals and dreams. Thank you for your selfless contribution in our community. Know you are making an important difference! Sincerely,
Hon. Harjit S. Sajjan Member of Parliament Vancouver South
November 27, 2021
A Message from the Mayor On behalf of my colleagues on Vancouver City Council, I am pleased to offer congratulations to Sing Tao Daily and the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation for organizing the 2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards in support of the Foundation's "Most Urgent Needs". This annual event recognizes distinguished youth who have contributed to the BC Community. The awards are to honour outstanding contributions in the categories of Academics, Arts & Performance, Sportsmanship, Community Service, and Leadership. As Mayor, I want to congratulate each and every one of you for your commitment to make a difference in your community. Although it requires hard work and dedication, I assure you the rewards are well worth it. I hope you all continue to be involved in your community and together we can reap the rewards. Sincerely,
Mayor Kennedy Stewart
September 2018
November 2021
孔子曰:「三十而立。」人到了三十五歲,對於人生的目標不再動搖。同樣地,《星島 日報》(卑詩版) 出版踏入第三十五個年頭,多年來與卑詩省華人同甘共苦,努力紮根, 開拓一片新土地。
It is四十年前,加拿大星島傳媒集團由開始時出版 with great pleasure that I congratulate 《星島日報》 the recipients of 2021 Outstanding 至今,已經發展成為全國 Young Ambassadors Awards on receiving this special recognition.
出多個平台的傳媒集團,業務範圍亦擴展至廣播電台和數碼化層面,除了營運網上媒介 This milestone serves as a reminder of the countless and significant
contributions you have made. You have 《星島》 demonstrated leadership not only in 外,現也進軍微信、facebook等社交媒體、開發 手機應用程式,以及自家製作電 academic but also community services that enrich the lives of others. You are 台網上直播及本地視頻等,以多元化媒介配合華人社會各階層的生活習慣,每天提供可 not only the leaders of today, but also the leaders of tomorrow.
加拿大星島傳媒集團能得到今日的成就,全靠各員工努力和眾客戶支持。往後的日 子,我們將會秉持 的態度,站穩新聞崗位,堅定地繼續與大家肩並肩,齊步 Please accept my「三十而立」 warmest regards, 邁進,為讀者帶來更豐富的資訊,為客戶提供更多元化的推廣平台。
加拿大星島傳媒集團能得到今日的成就,全靠各員工努力和眾客戶支持。往後的日 加拿大星島傳媒集團總裁 子,我們將會秉持「三十而立」的態度,站穩新聞崗位,堅定地繼續與大家肩並肩,齊步
邁進,為讀者帶來更豐富的資訊,為客戶提供更多元化的推廣平台。 加拿大星島傳媒集團總裁
黃敬強 Wong Calvin
President and CEO Sing Tao Media Group Canada
Calvin Wong
President Sing Tao Media Group Canada
November 2021
I’m pleased to extend my warmest congratulations to the recipients of 2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards. This year, the nominees were selected based on their distinct achievements in one of these five categories – Academics, Arts & Literature, Community Services, Sportsmanship, and Leadership. I’m impressed by the great works that these young people have demonstrated. Your dedication and contribution has profoundly impacted your community, and you have shown that you are capable of doing great things. Without a doubt, you will continue to have success in all areas. Please accept my warmest regards,
Andrew Lai Carol Peddie General Manager Sing Tao Daily
Message from Angela Chapman On behalf of VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, I extend my warmest thanks to Sing Tao Daily for your generous support of the Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards. We are honoured to take part in this event in 2021 and for your support in driving innovation to transform health care for all British Columbians. Every day health care needs didn’t pause during the pandemic, and neither did the VGH greeting - Angela Chapman dedicatedExecutive Vancouver Coastal Health staff who provide care for all of us every day. They need your support to advance health care in BC. Donations made today are an investment in the future of our healthcare system, ensuring that we can continue to fund vital research, recruit and train world-class health care workers, and equip them with the tools they need to save and improve lives.
Today’s event highlights the power of community and the change that is possible when people come together with a shared vision. We are proud to partner with leaders like you to ensure that our healthcare system continues to evolve and meet the changing needs of everyone in our province. Thank you again for your generous support this evening. Enjoy the program and please know that you are playing a vital role in transforming health care and saving lives. Most sincerely,
Angela Chapman President & CEO, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
SING TAO DAILY No other media knows more about the Chinese Canadians in Vancouver than the Sing Tao Daily. For the past 38 years, Sing Tao has been the largest and best-known Chinese language newspaper in Canada. Sing Tao Canada was established in Toronto on August 1, 1978, expanded to Vancouver in 1983 then Calgary in 1988. Since April 1998, Sing Tao Canada has been affiliated with the Toronto Star, the largest newspaper in Canada. In August 1997, with generous support from Sing Tao, the UBC Graduate School of Journalism building was named the Sing Tao building. Sing Tao Daily leads the way in editorial quality and in-depth reporting. It was awarded many times the prestigious Jack Webster Award and News Photographers Association of Canada award. Sing Tao also collaborated with the University of British Columbia, and Simon Fraser University to offer certificate courses in Business Management.
Sing Tao Daily’s advertising power is ranked No.1*. Besides publishing seven days a week, 365 days a year, it provides three different weekly magazine supplements and over ten annual featured publications targeting various types of audiences. EliteGen, a leading English-Chinese bi-lingual lifestyle magazine has just celebrated her 6th Anniversary. The Canadian City Post reaches out to immigrants from Mainland China in Simplified Chinese. We are also dedicated to expand into the digital media with 3 websites which cater to different segments of the local Chinese audience as well as a sophisticated mobile app and various social media platforms to achieve the maximum penetration. Sing Tao Daily undoubtedly provides the best and most comprehensive advertising solutions for all advertisers. 082_1,#2
卑 詩 版 VOL.1010
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2021 月月 26 3日日 2020年年7 12 iOS iOS
20余年經驗 美國名校MBA 師 注冊審計師會計
外國人出租房 上市公司財報 商業計劃書
湯怡 麥秋成
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辛丑年六月十七 庚子年十月十九
Android Android
出紙 張半 出紙4 4疊疊1112 張半 低陸平原$1連稅 低陸平原$1連稅 亞省$1.25連稅 亞省$1.25連稅
刊 A9
Tue Jan 29 2019
日系品牌SUV佔8款 見A8 疫情嚴峻 卑詩剎停成人室內體育活動 中華文化節百花齊放 少林武術展多元魅力 疫下奧運雖影響觀賽 市民仍關注健兒表現見A5見A4l l加國10大偷車排行榜 見A8
反對黨施壓 東京奧運
新冠 肺炎
周 三 批 准 輝 瑞星島綜合報道 這是本國在東京奧運的第一金。 的新冠疫苗後,保守黨向杜魯多政
2021年7月16日 第779期 逢周五出版 增刊 “教育特刊”31
轟渥京沒時間表 華裔放異采 穿金戴銀
PG,LA20180432,#1 PG,LA20131230,#1
Fri Dec 04 2020 13:11:35 GMT-0800 放飛自我露營去 ! 8
11:56:04 GMT-0800
女飛魚東奧摘加國首金 英批准輝瑞疫苗 加將完成審查
加國華裔女飛魚也是世界冠軍的麥克尼爾(Maggie MacNeil),周一(日本東京時間)再為本國爭光。她繼於 星島綜合報道 星期日在東京奧運與3位隊友,合力贏得4x100米女子 英國政府 自由式接力賽銀牌後,奪得女子個人100米蝶泳金牌,
教您睇風水 睇樓王
2019 年 9 月 19 日 逢星 星期 期四 四出 出版 版 逢 隨星 星島 島日 日報 報附 附送 送 隨
Sing Sing Tao Tao Property Property Guide Guide
容 索 引
利率表 按揭錦囊 物業詐騙 嫣紅花卉 花色品種豐富非洲菊四季常開 大溫哥華個人總銷量 房屋醫生 冀2015房市更上層樓 舒適家居 酒不醉人
64 95
56 66 68 70 89
Mon Mar 18 2019 12:36:15 GMT-0700
府施加更大壓力,敦促渥京盡快拿 出新冠疫苗分發明確時間表。聯邦 衛生部長凱杜(Patty Hajdu)則表 示,英國的消息令人鼓舞,加拿大 對輝瑞疫苗的審批有望很快完成。 CCP,AW20210117,#2
借殼無牌經營 假文件扮搞簽證 揭香港蠱惑外傭中介掠水招
Tue Jul 13 2021 18:31:32 GMT-0700
亞裔遇襲案暴升七倍 加拿大急撥款遏種族歧視
■輝瑞的新冠疫苗周三已獲 使用。
英國政府批准 資料圖片
英國成為世界上第一個批准使用新冠疫苗的 國家,保守黨黨領奧圖爾(Erin O'Toole)
Tue Jul 13 2021 12:04:29 GMT-0700
在一份聲明中質疑為何加拿大動作不快一點。 則表示,加拿大的行動速度不夠快,當盟國的 體和一線工作人員有望成為第一批接種者。 他說,英國計劃在幾天或幾周內就向國民提供 人民獲得疫苗時,卻無法確保加拿大人接種疫 聯邦衛生部長凱杜周三在一條推文中表 疫苗,但加拿大總理沒有計劃也沒有時間表。 ■麥克尼爾贏得冠軍。 苗。他說,英國將開始為人們接種疫苗,但自 示,輝瑞疫苗獲得英國審批的消息令人鼓舞, 由黨的承諾是到第一季度末,我們才有600萬支 加拿大衛生部正在對輝瑞疫苗進行審查,有望 疫苗,相當於300萬劑。 很快完成。 他說:「我們全球的盟國都計劃向他們的 但是,杜魯多和其政府最近一直都在反駁 首批400萬劑明年首季運到 這些說法,並指加拿大已經預先訂了數億劑疫 苗。輝瑞疫苗是獲得批准的首批疫苗之一,加 衛生部副部長高級醫學顧問沙瑪(Supriya 她說自己很享受參加游泳競賽,也喜歡 為本國贏得東奧第一金的麥克尼爾來自 拿大也已確保可從莫德納公司(Moderna)獲得第 Sharma)上周表示,加拿大與美國和歐洲有「相 安省倫敦市,根據加拿大奧委會的資料,她 交朋友和旅遊。這也是她一直堅持這項運動 一輪疫苗。 似的時間表」來批准輝瑞和德國生物科技藥廠
疫苗需接種兩劑,中間還要相隔三周。輝 瑞公司上個月表示,其臨床試驗的結果表明, 加拿大奧運隊網頁 該疫苗有效率為95%,且沒有嚴重副作用,可以 保護長者。 加拿大已與輝瑞簽約購買至少2000萬劑疫 苗,首批400萬劑定於1月至3月到達加拿大。這 一協議還允許加拿大可以選擇再購買5600萬劑 疫苗。加拿大是繼美國、英國和日本之後第四 個與輝瑞簽約的國家。 加拿大人口只有3,800萬,這意味著已經簽 在2000年2月26日出生於中國江西省九江市, 的原因。「就在北京奧運會之後,我開始認真 官員表示,他們預計將與美國和歐盟在大 署的協議,最終將確保有足夠的疫苗為加拿大 BioNTech研發的疫苗。她說,她可以提供的最 而據加拿大國際廣播 (RCI)報道,她在一歲時 去游泳,更想進一步達到更高境界。但不知 約同一時間批准新冠疫苗,這有可能會在幾天 四分之一的人口接種,並且還可以購買足夠的 佳時間表是,最快本月獲得監管部門批准,然 道這條路有多遠,因為我認為只有不到1%的 被加拿大倫敦市一個家庭收養,養父麥克尼 內發生。首批疫苗可能會在1月初提供,弱勢群 疫苗為剩下的人接種。 後在明年1月份有限量地供應疫苗。 爾(Ed MacNeil)是一名老師,養母麥克奈爾 運動員有資格參加奧運會。所以,鑒於這種 (Susan McNair)是家庭醫生,她還有一位妹 可能性,我並不以為自己能夠做到,但現在 真的做到了。」 妹,同樣也是在中國被領養。 同樣地,她的媽媽也沒有想到自己的女 麥克尼爾現時於美國密芝根大學唸書, 她在光州世錦賽創出55.83秒的最佳成績, 兒會成為世界冠軍並躋身奧運,她接受加拿 同時刷新了加拿大及美國的紀錄,麥克尼爾 大廣播公司的訪問時稱:「我沒有料到自己的 峰這樣寶貴的人才回到中國。 加拿大國籍。但他們在2009年於中國天津創立 」 現時也是美國全國大學體育協會 (National 孩子會去參加奧運會。 ■麥克尼爾一直很努力。 Global News聯繫宇學峰,但沒有獲得回 了康希諾。 麥克尼爾沒有忘記父母對她的支持: 「在 Collegiate Athletic Association,NCAA)的紀錄 IG@Maggie MacNeil 應。但在中國起家的新聞網《第六聲》2017年5月 我的職業生涯中,我的父母一直做得很好, 保持者。中國 「千人計劃」被指涉諜 介紹宇學峰時稱他為「本土華人的光輝榜樣」 他們總是盡可能來參加我的比賽。 」當她在韓 , 成立康希諾後,宇學峰仍常往返於加拿大 媽媽沒想過女兒躋身奧運 說「這些華裔在國外鍛造了職業生涯,現在被吸 國世錦賽勝出時,鏡頭也拍到她的父母在觀 和中國,還是加中生物醫藥科技發展協會的董 引回中國發展。」宇學峰在文中提到被選入「千人 她在接受體育網頁sportsnet.ca採訪時,回 眾席上拿著加拿大旗激動相擁,而當時身在 事會成員,一度擔任會長。 計劃」而回中國貢獻,他說:「我覺得這是一項 憶游泳之路時說:「我們一家搬入了一間有游 加拿大的舅父就將決賽的那一幕看了25次。 ■康希諾於2009年在中國天津創立。 康希諾獲得中國中央和地方各級政府的資 義務。」 泳池的屋,我媽媽是個醫生,她非常重視水 而媽媽也曾對傳媒說,無論大小比賽,每當 網上圖片 金支持,公司紀錄顯示,其天津實驗室於2016 上安全,也開始教我們游泳,我想這就是我 孩子勝出時,爸爸都會熱淚盈眶。 辯稱疫苗樣品無法運加為中方阻撓 年啟動了一項中美人才招聘計劃,該計劃由中 西,卻終止疫苗運送,這消磨了加拿大參與開 所有的冠軍背後都不只是一個人的努 和妹妹都喜歡游泳的原因。後來我上游泳課 國統戰部轄下的「海外中國事務」辦公室提供支 早前加拿大疫苗學研究中心主任哈爾珀林 發疫苗的能力。」 的地方有一個類似游泳隊的組織,所以我就 力,這麼多年都是爸爸陪著她去訓練,他們 援。 (Scott Halperin) 曾提到,應該是中國政府出於地 Global News報道,CSIS發言人湯森(John 朝這個方向發展,當達到那個項目的最高水 經常在早上5時起床,在Tim Hortons 喝杯咖 加拿大專家說,「千人計劃」與中國廣泛的 緣政治原因干預了康希諾和加拿大的合作。他 Townsend)並未說明是否考慮到康希諾研發涉及 平後,他們就建議我參加倫敦市游泳俱樂部 啡後,就在倫敦市的體育館前等待游泳池開 間諜活動緊密地交織在一起,統戰部藉此操控 說,聯邦政府已經與他的研究中心聯繫,討論 加拿大國家安全的問題,但他說,CSIS已通知 美聯社 星島綜合報道 ■麥克尼爾來自安省倫敦市。 門。 的比賽。」 很多情報蒐集活動。CSIS前主管埃爾科克(Ward 外國行為者和與新冠狀病毒研究有關的安全威 加拿大參與新冠狀病毒疫苗研究的機構,提醒 Elcock)說:「中國人長期以來就有一個吸塵器蒐 脅。但他說:「關於中國招募和顛覆加拿大研究 「千人計劃」是中國獲取敏感加拿大技術和專業 集戰略,每個人在每個地方都可以蒐集東西。 人員的問題並未在討論之列。」 知識的管道之一。他也說:「千人計劃是一個例 在很多情況下,中國學者都在北美收集情報。 早前宇學峰曾對Global News表示,是因為 子,多個敵對國家都在利用學術人才計劃達到 中國人抓住一切機會,千人計劃是其中的機會 中國官員的優柔寡斷,才導致康希諾無法將疫 目的。」 之一,而且顯然是情報收集的載體。」 苗樣品運往加拿大。 「習近平上台千人計劃變得危險」 是超級令人失望。 東京奧運,本國在日本東京時間周一的 Global News報道,有專家稱,「千人計劃」 卡朱雅表示,NRC與中國合作已多次出現 成第7位奪得奧運金牌泳手 成績除了贏得一面金牌之外,也在另外兩項 有時會聘請西方學者與中國機構合作,進行可 本國來自安省怡陶碧谷(Etobicoke)、年 問題,其中涉及重大間諜活動和黑客案件,因 麥凱格·約翰斯頓(Margaret McCuaig在周一的奧運決賽裏,斯約斯特羅姆也 僅14歲的女泳手麥金托什(Summer McIntosh) 賽事裏得 「梗頸四」,與獎項擦身而過,不過 能使合同隱性地偏向中國的交易。例如,有些 而損失了知識產權,但至今仍未汲取教訓。 Johnston)曾大力支持加中兩國的科技合作,但 有參加,最終以56.91秒排第七。 本有機會贏得好400米自由式銅牌,不過最 本國14歲女泳手刷新本國的紀錄。 在北美任教的教授秘密地從中國大學領取薪 舉一個例子,2014年NRC遭到中國網絡 她說自2012年習近平上台以來,千人計劃變得 憑 藉 此 次 贏 得 金 牌 , 麥 克 尼 爾 成 第六聲 為 後以4分2秒42得第四名,與獎牌擦身而過。 在男子4x100自由式接力賽,在最後50 ■宇學峰2017年在康希諾實驗室。 水,使薪水翻了一番。這樣,即使他們的研究 攻擊,據估計該攻擊造成加拿大數億元損失, 越來越危險,「他的領導下,讓北美技術不斷被 本國第七個獲得奧運金牌的泳手。其他6 Titmus)在此項 米,本國泳手一度在三甲之內,可惜最終被 大部分是由北美納稅人資助的,中國也能夠從 澳洲選手提摩斯(Ariarne 並丟失大量數據,但渥太華未透露細節。另一 帶到中國實驗室。」 人分別是奧萊克夏克、圖克斯伯里(Mark 賽事裏奪得金牌,美國選手萊德基(Kathleen 澳洲隊伍追上,只得第四,未能取得獎牌。 其所支付的研究者那裡廉價地獲得研究和專利。 宗案件中,一名本來在麥基爾大學任教、並在 她說,中國統戰部極盡撒錢的能力,「一 Tewksbury)、奧滕布里特(Anne Ottenbrite)、 Ledecky)得銀牌,而中國選手李冰潔在最後 此項賽事金牌得主是美國隊,時間是3 加拿大安全情報局前官員說,千人計劃都 魁省開設科技公司的石怡祥(Ishiang Shih)也和 位加拿大人工智能教授曾對我說,他受千人計 戴維斯(Victor Davis),以及鮑曼(Alex 階段超過麥金托什,贏得銅牌。 分8秒97;銀牌得主是意大利隊,時間是3分 是網羅那些出生成長在中國,後來到西方接受 NRC、加拿大航天局和加拿大陸軍合作研究項 劃邀請,中方稱除了他可保有加拿大大學薪水 Baumann) 和霍格森(George Hodgson)。 良好教育培訓和工作經驗者,他們被認為是在 儘管未能得到獎牌,但是她的4分2秒 目,但石怡祥被指控涉嫌將機密技術轉移到中 10秒11;銅牌得主是澳洲隊,時間是3分10 外,還會給予他更豐厚的薪水。」 本國目前在東京奧運上獲得的3枚獎 西方收集信息的潛在資產。 國,如今案件還在調查中。 41成績打破了本國在女子400米自由式的全 秒22。 澳洲戰略政策研究所國際網路政策中心8月 牌,均屬於游泳類別。 根據美國參議院2019年11月的報告,中國 卡朱雅表示,渥太華缺乏協調一致的計劃 國紀錄。之前的記錄由麥克萊恩 (Brittany 另外,本國女泳手馬西(Kylie Masse)在 發表中共全球招募計劃研究報告,主題為《獵 截至目前為止,麥克尼爾是女子100米 鼓勵這些研究員向中國傳播他們的知識,「以換 來應對與中國建立夥伴關係的風險。最近有國 MacLean) 所取得,時間為4分3秒43。 100米背泳準決賽中獲得第一名,使她可以 鳳:中共對全球科技與人才之搜羅》,報告顯 蝶泳有史以來第二快的女泳手,僅次於55.48 取薪水、研究經費、實驗室空間和其他激勵措 作為本國最年輕的運動員之一,麥金托 會議員提出了類似的批評,呼籲政府必須要審 取得此項比賽的決賽入場券。 示,加拿大是中國人才招聘計劃針對的最大國 秒瑞典的斯約斯特羅姆。後者是上屆2016年 施。 」 查與中國公司簽訂的合同是否有國家安全風險。 ■前麥基爾大學教授、JYS Technologies公 什是霍斯特德(Jill Horstead)的女兒,後者曾 在男子三項鐵人賽裏,本國選手米斯拉 家之一,加拿大有47個中國人才招聘站,這些 CSIS前亞太區服務台代理人卡朱雅 (Michel 卡朱雅稱,這不是第一次中國竊取加拿大 里約奧運中游得此項時間。 司董事石怡祥被指涉嫌洩密給中國,暫未被 朱克(Tyler 在1984年奧運會上為本國出賽。 Mislawchuk) 比賽期間抽筋,影響 站點通常由已經在西方城市的華人社區中建立 ■麥金托什得第四。 美聯社 Juneau Katsuya)表示,統戰部會積極招聘像宇學 相關東奧新聞見A9 知識產權,「他們從加拿大那裡得到了所需的東 起訴。 網上圖片 成績,最終只得第15名。賽後,他形容結果 星島綜合報道 星島綜合報道 的統戰部分支管理。
■麥 克 尼 爾 為 本 國 取 得 東 京 奧 運 第 一 金。 奧圖爾轟小杜沒明確計劃 美聯社
56.56秒的成績在準決賽得第三名及總 國民提供疫苗,而總理杜魯多卻沒有時間表, 以 成績第六名躋身決賽的麥克尼爾,在 也沒有派發計劃,沒計劃誰先接種。加拿大人
決賽游第7線,在50米時她排名第七,但轉 應該有確定的答案。」 身後發力,最終以55.59秒首個衝線,以0.05 保守黨國會議員格拉杜(Marilyn Gladu)表 秒優勢擊敗中國選手張雨霏奪得金牌,張雨 示讚同,她說,可惜自由黨缺乏計劃,導致加 霏得銀牌(55.64秒),澳洲選手麥基恩(Emma 拿大人要推遲數月。 McKeon)獲得銅牌(55.72秒),比美國選手哈 保守黨國會議員巴雷特(Michael Barrett) 士奇(Torri Huske)快百分之一秒。 迄今為止,本國在此項奧運賽事中僅 取得兩面獎牌,分別是奧萊克夏克( Penny Oleksiak)在2016年里約奧運會上,贏得銀 牌,以及麥克尼爾在今屆奪得金牌。這也是 本國連續兩屆奧運在這個項目中得到獎牌。 加拿大國家研究委員會(NRC)和中國公司 初段落後憑後勁取勝 康希諾(CanSino Biologics)今年5月簽訂疫苗合 約,但最終遭中國當局阻撓而破局的事件,不 此外,這是21歲的麥克尼爾在今屆奧運 僅成為國會上批評檢討的焦點,也早已在加拿 中取得的第二枚獎牌,她在星期日與3個隊 大安全情報局(CSIS)的雷達網關注中,因為有 友奪得4x100 米自由式接力賽銀牌。 情報局前官員稱,康希諾的科學家在加拿大受 還有,55.56秒既是麥克尼爾個人的100 教育,他們是否被中共情報部門吸收利用值得 米蝶泳最佳成績,並打破本國和美洲紀錄。 留意。 來自安省倫敦市的麥克尼爾在贏得金牌 Global News報道,康希諾的董事長宇學峰 後表示,她聽到有人叫她的名字,所以她相 和首席科學官朱濤,都是中國「千人計劃」的成 信自己做得很好,然後她轉身去看記分牌, 員,這是中國共產黨從2008年起執行的招募戰 才知道自己獲勝。 略。宇學峰、朱濤、邱東旭、毛慧華4人是康希 在過去的比賽中,麥克尼爾也遇過初段 諾的核心股東,4人在公司成立前已於加拿大相 落後,其後獲勝的情況。 識多年,除了朱濤是中國國籍外,其他3人都是 2019年世錦賽是麥克尼爾的第一場國際 高級賽事,她在決賽中與瑞典好手斯約斯 特羅姆(Sarah Sjostrom)正面交鋒,後者是該 賽事的世界紀錄保持者,也是2016年奧運金 牌得主。最後,麥克尼爾擊敗對方,得到冠 軍。
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VGH & UBC HOSPITAL FOUNDATION VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation is Vancouver Coastal Health’s philanthropic partner, raising funds for specialized adult health services and research for all British Columbians. We partner with donors to drive innovation and sustainable health care at VGH, UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehab Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, and Vancouver Community Health Services.
Contact Information
Solutions to health care’s greatest challenges won’t come from one idea or person. They will come from a community of innovators and investors, using their time, talent, and financial support to have far-reaching impact. As one of BC’s largest health care foundations, we are uniquely placed to propel system-wide change in our health care system.
Kitty Cheung
Candice Tsang Vice President, Leadership Giving Direct: 604 875 5194 Email:
Associate Director, Asian Strategy Direct: 604 875 8233 Email:
YOUR SUPPORT IS VITAL You can ensure our experts have the tools and resources they need to provide vital care and move research forward to support the future of BC’s health care system. From complex cancer and transplant surgeries to world-leading research, VGH and UBC Hospital treat some of the most complex cases in BC, including 60% of all adult trauma surgeries. Donor funding supports a constellation of hospitals and health care centres: VGH, UBC Hospital, GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, Vancouver Community Health Services and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute. The pandemic challenged all of us like never before. No one more so than our health care stars, who have been there for our community every day, providing life-saving care to both COVID-19 patients and to the tens of thousands of other patients who access our hospitals and health care centres every year. Every day health care needs didn’t pause during the pandemic, and neither did they. Your gifts supported our healthcare heroes throughout it all, providing vital funds to equip front line health care workers with the equipment, tools, and technology they need to provide world-class care at our hospitals and health care centres.
VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation and Sing Tao Daily are pleased to present the 2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards. The Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards recognizes those who enhance the philanthropic leadership of youth while making a difference in health care and demonstrating community leadership. Since the inception of this event in 2016, the young winners have transcended themselves and matured into young adults, constantly impressing not only us but themselves. These five core categories represent the pillars of the diverse values and skills that shape today’s society: Outstanding Community Service Award Outstanding Arts & Performance Award Outstanding Sportsmanship Award Outstanding Academic Award Outstanding Leadership Award We are thrilled to celebrate this year’s Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards with you. Please join us to honour the exemplary contributions that young British Columbians have made to the community!
2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards Honourary Judge Panel
Dr. Kendall Ho
Mr. Grant Murray
Mr. Baldwin Wong
Mr. Chris Chan
Board Member, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation & Professor, Faculty of Medicine
Senior Vice President, Sales, Concord Pacific
Senior Social Planner, City of Vancouver
Board Member, St. Mark’s College, University of British Columbia
Mr. Andrew Lai
Mrs. Candice Tsang
General Manager Sing Tao Daily (Vancouver)
Vice President VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
Award Recipients
Arts & Performance Award Recipient
countless lessons about business or maybe even life I have encountered. When I first started sharing my passion, I started a cooking class. I wanted for the next generation to be involved in cooking as well. But when the pandemic hit, I could not host them anymore. So we started to make take out for anyone who needed it. We have donated many of our earnings to the B.C.C.H.
Jack Fan Hi, I’m a Jack Fan, and I’m 15 years old. I am the founder of J.J Kitchen, a youth cloud kitchen, we make Japanese cuisine for takeout. I started J.J Kitchen because I have a passion for culinary arts. I think cooking and serving food to people is the best way to bring happiness to them. Throughout exploring my passion for culinary arts, I have made many contributions to the community. Not to mention the
Arts & Performance Award Recipient
Miranda Qu My name is Miranda Qu and I am a second-year student studying Economics at UC Berkeley. Contemporary and traditional Chinese dancing has been one of my prime movers since kindergarten. In the past years, I have traveled to seven countries, including Canada, the US, China, Japan, etc, for competitions and performances representing Canada. I have won 32 gold medals. Sixteen years of competitive
training and these competition experiences gave me the opportunities to work through nerves and focus under the stage lights. Top prizes won in national and international dance competitions have given me confidence to continue to explore my creative side and to share it with others. The awards I received were invariably tied to charities and good causes. Dancing became a gift I could give of myself as the money I raised benefitted good causes. With tremendous practice, I earned a dance teacher certificate. I am also a passionate piano and flute musician. I excelled in my studies in music theory courses in the Royal Conservatory of Music and have been teaching young children part-time for the last 6 years. Dancing and music are the indelible parts of who I am and where I see myself moving forward.
Arts & Performance Award Recipient
As a Latin ballroom dancer for her ninth year, she has performed for many local charity events, senior homes, and non-profit festivals whilst pursuing competitive competitions and this year preparing for her last medal examination—the Supreme Award. Moreover, she is passionate about building her communication skills through pursuing two Associate Communication Diplomas from The London College of Music and Trinity College of London which she has been awarded Distinction in both. She uses her skills to better learn about herself and others around her and advocate for voices that want to be heard. Moon looks forward to more learning and more growth to be a part of her community’s bright future.
Moon Liu Moon Liu is a 12th grade student at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary in the International Baccalaureate. She positively influences her peers and her school community to enjoy the process of learning to make change. She is currently Co-President of a Champions of Change Club(Social Justice), Treasurer of a Rotary Interact Club, and Co-President of the 33rd Kerrisdale Scout Group all of which build her vision towards the making of a better world and better people.
Sportsmanship Award Recipient
Athena Yu Athena Yu is currently a student at Magee Secondary’s SPARTS program for high performance athletes and artists. Along with being a competitive squash player, Athena has been awarded numerous Gold Awards in emceeing, is the founder of 5 community clubs, has been voted for 2 consecutive years as the grade representative on the student council, and is the Canada Sunshine Foundation’s Sports Ambassador.
Athena is a firm believer in the power of small actions and the value of every individual. Her aspirations include revolutionizing the world to be a better place starting from communities on the small-scale. As an athlete, she is dedicated to promoting the true Olympic spirit-excellence, respect, and friendshipamongst individuals in the community and across the world. She strives to be a leader in uniting youth around the world to exercise the power of many cultures to make contributions to the world.
Sportsmanship Award Recipient
to teaching kids the basic skating skills while offering mental support to help them overcome fear and discomfort. Next year, at the age of 16, Bella will receive her coaching qualifications, hoping to be more actively engaged in the sports events and carry more trophies to our home , BC. She also wishes to continue her journey as “ a young outstanding skating ambassador” to promote ice skating , inspiring more youths to join the figure skating family and shine their talents. Aside from skating, Bella is also deeply inspired with art. In the future she hopes to become an artist. To combine the artistries of both together and further inspire others with the idea of not giving up what you started.
Bella Han Bella is a Grade 10 student from Lord Byng Arts Mini school. She started figure skating at the age of six,and received awards as the top female skater under 14 in BC. Her dream is to become national champion and the most important thing learned from figure skating is that it is more than physical exercise, which carries the power of stamina, consistency and passion. Apart from daily training, Bella also devoted herself
Sportsmanship Award Recipient
In 2019, Caiden won a gold and silver medal at Canada’s National Track and Field Championships, along with four gold and two silver medals in BC’s Championships. In his club, Caiden has been a leader for years, as one that his teammates have relied on, year after year, for guidance and improvement.
Caiden Lee Caiden Lee is a senior student and athlete at Semiahmoo Secondary studying in the IB Programme. With his club, Ocean Athletics, Caiden has been running track and field and cross country for over 11 years. This past year in 2021, Caiden set a new national record in the mile and won gold in both BC’s Cross Country Championships and Track and Field Championships.
Out of his running, Caiden volunteers as both an online tutor for kids around BC and a coach for young and aspiring athletes. Through many years of endless support and care from his teachers and coaches, Caiden believes that the best way to give back was to show the same support and commitment as was shown to him.Caiden looks forward to growing as both an athlete and leader, with hopes of both competing at the international level and one day improving the world.
Academic Award Recipient
Aaron Lu Aaron Lu is a grade 12 student at West Point Grey Academy. As an aspiring entrepreneur, he is always challenging his creativity and making data-driven decisions. In school, Aaron has challenged 14 AP courses, utilising his knowledge to host Engineering month. At the business club, he recently won the CSSC national case competition and is currently guiding younger teams in other events and pioneering WPGA’s inaugural provincial business conference.
Outside of the classroom, Aaron is fascinated by finance and policy-making. Working with UC Berkeley Professor Omri Even-Tov, Aaron’s papers on company valuations and public policy were published at the International Social Science Conference for Youth. He also co-founded a startup, selling wooden phone cases with laserimprinted indigenous artwork. However, Aaron understands that academics is not just about personal achievement and actively engages with the community. After earning a 4.0 GPA at a Computer Science course at Columbia University, Aaron applied his skills by developing software to encourage physical activity at the Crofton Manor Senior Home. Additionally, Aaron founded the Canadian High School STEM Journal and organized the Canadian RCS French-Speaking Competition. Aaron also distilled his business and programming knowledge into a curriculum, hosting workshops for over 100 students. Aaron eagerly anticipates diving deeper into his passions and further inspiring the innovations of the next generation.
Academic Award Recipient
Gabriella Wang My name is Gabriella Yi Ran Wang and I recently graduated from the University of British Columbia with a bachelor’s degree in Integrated Sciences. I studied Immunology, Physiology, Public Health and Special Education. In February 2022, I will be starting the next part of my academic journey as a medical student at the University of Melbourne.
As a learner, I consistently demonstrate a high academic standing. In May 2020, I was recognized as a Science Scholar and awarded the Charles and Jane Banks Scholarship at UBC. Outside of school, I have been involved in multiple leadership and volunteer positions. One of which that I appreciate most is being a volunteer at the Emergency department at VGH where I get to give back to my community while learning from patients’ stories. As a scientist, I also take part in research studies at VGH and the Genome Sciences Centre. One of my most rewarding projects is the canine detection of a superbug at VGH. This study uses world-first innovative strategies that ties basic science to patient safety. It is humbling to be able to contribute to the community via evidence-based knowledge as the second author of this publication. As a future physician, I will strive to create equal and equitable care for my patients, advance the medical field by contributing to evidence-based knowledge, educate the next generation by being a mentor and improve myself by being a life-long learner.
Academic Award Recipient
the Ross Program in Mathematics this summer, a prestigious 6-week math camp taught by professors and mentors from Ivy League schools on number theory. Outside of academics, Ivy is very involved in her community. She is the co-founder and president of GoGivers Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to providing monthly care packages. Monumental milestones include distributing over 4,000 care packages in total, collecting over $5,000 in funds, and donating $2,000 to ISSofBC in support of Afghan refugees. Ivy is also the vice president of the Canada Sunshine Foundation, boasting over 100 members, which has donated $22,650 to the VGH Foundation. In her school community, she is the vice president of two clubs - Nutrikin and Global Network, each composed of over 80 members, and a coach for her school’s award-winning Math Club.
Ivy Qin Ivy Qin is a junior at RC Palmer Secondary. An avid learner, she aims to achieve personal excellence while also helping her community as much as she can. She has received numerous national and international awards in math and science. In addition, she has taken 8 AP courses, including AP Calculus BC in Grade 8, receiving a 5, and has taken a second year level math course at UBC in ninth grade. As a result, she attended
Community Service Award Recipient
healthcare improvement, access to health resources, substance abuse, and youth in the justice system. She is also a founding president of Youth Leaders in Law (YLL), a national non-profit organization partnered with the Canadian Bar Association Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee that seeks to encourage young people from diverse backgrounds to pursue career opportunities in the legal sector. Since 2018, YLL has grown to include over 40 team members in 5 chapters around Canada, and has reached over 1,000 people in 11 countries. Jolie is the recipient of the Diana Award, the most prestigious award a young person can win for their social work globally, the TD Scholarship for Community Leadership, and has been named as one of Canada’s Top 50 Women of Inspiration.
Jolie Gan Jolie is a current first-year student at the University of Toronto, Trinity College intending to study Health and Political Science who hopes to work in the fields of health policy and law. Over the past five years, she has worked extensively with organizations such as the United Nations General Assembly, UNICEF, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to advise policymakers, medical professionals, politicians, and more on a multitude of topics, particularly around
Community Service Award Recipient
Michael has always been driven by a belief in the importance of generosity and giving back to one’s community. He believes that the true meaning of life lies in giving happiness to others while following your own ambitions at the same time. In keeping with this spirit, he devotes most of his free time to managing and volunteering at Fair For All, a nonprofit organization founded by himself. To combat the negative influence brought by Covid-19, he collected second-hand computers and then donated to families in need, so their kids can continue online education during Covid-19. Michael also organizes fund-raising activities and use the fund to give free online classes to elementary students and offer free online music concerts to seniors. Michael hopes his project will expand further to benefit more students for affordable education.
Michael Chen Michael Chen is a G12 student. He likes reading history books, cooking, drawing, and playing piano. Having been born and grown up in Canada, with parents from China, his multicultural background gives him an internationally diverse outlook. Michael desires to pursue both economics and psychology at university stems from his interest in understanding the incredible pace of change in the world.
Community Service Award Recipient
communicates with various departments, ensuring that all service events are successful. Understanding that service work is a fundamental responsibility of all community members, Michelle endeavours to grasp every opportunity to support those around her, even those in need who live on the other side of the globe. The highlights of Michelle’s service contributions include: teaching English to children in Guatemala and Peru, distributing food in the Downtown Eastside, and treating different injuries at school as a First Responder. Michelle leads by example, showing the immense positive impact that small acts of service can make! She looks forward to contributing further not only as a community member but also as a global citizen.
Michelle Lin Michelle Lin is a junior at West Point Grey Academy and firmly believes in using her abilities and resources to help those who are less fortunate; no matter where they are in the world, she is always willing to make an effort to ameliorate their lives! As an executive member of Project Hastings, a studentled non-profit organization that strives to help the homeless population downtown, Michelle effectively
Leadership Award Recipient
Cynthia shared that as the leader of the foundation, she is grateful for the help and support of each and everyone part of the team, and thankful for everyone’s experience and motivation to make the foundation successful. She is willing to share the leadership experience she has accumulated with the team, and use her actions to work hard to help the society with love.
Cynthia Yu Cynthia is the Vice president of Canada Sunshine Foundation, founder of 6 clubs, with over 600 people. She hopes to lead this team and work hard with the goal of serving the community and contributing to the society.She hopes that everyone will do their best to convey kindness and love, and make the world a better place.
Leadership Award Recipient
He organized the 2019 Vancouver Earth Day Celebration—where approximately 1000 community members gathered together—to bridge individuals in our city with our local ecosystem to incite collective climate action. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Matthew spearheaded a project to create 200 Harm Reduction Support Kits for individuals with an opioiduse disorder. Moreover, Matthew recognizes that the best leaders lead from the bottom up and provide space for others to share their voices. As a founder of Climate Education Reform BC, he works alongside a passionate team of students to lead a grassroots campaign for interdisciplinary climate change education in British Columbia. Matthew is excited to continue building a platform for others and himself to raise their voices and pave a pathway towards a brighter future.
Matthew Huang Matthew Huang is an incoming first-year student at the University of Toronto studying Environmental Science. He is the recipient of the prestigious UofT National Scholarship—a full scholarship awarded to 15 Canadian students every year. Matthew firmly believes that we all have a responsibility, as citizens, to help improve and create a more sustainable community.
Leadership Award Recipient
Recognizing the need for young people to lead, Sarah has initiated several fundraisers, donation events and public speeches. Sarah believes in transactional leadership. For her, leadership is a progress that should actively seek to involve all actors and promote transparency. When Sarah is leading her projects, she ensures that all involved actors’ voices are heard, especially those from the community she is working to support. Sarah anticipates a future where she is able to use her leadership skills to make access to education more possible for children all over the world. She looks forward to becoming a better leader and building a community of enthusiastic youth working to better social climate and accessibility globally.
Sarah Lin Sarah Lin is an eleventh grade student in the International Baccalaureate program at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary. She envisions a future where all youth are educated on social issues and initiate action. Sarah’s firm beliefs on the importance of education led her to take on the leadership position as a coclub president for the Hot Potato Initiative club, a non-profit working to educate and engage Canadian youth on homelessness.
Presentation Ceremony November 27, 2021 Premiere at Sing Tao Vancouver Facebook and Sing Tao Vancouver Youtube Channel
Manica Ng Master of Ceremony Manica Ng is a radio and TV host at Fairchild Radio and Fairchild Television respectively. She entered into the local media industry through joining the “Backwave” DJ Training, and later competed in the Radio Idol Competition in 2014. Currently, she is hosting a regular radio program, “The Morning Show With Manica”, aired every Sunday morning from 6am – 7am on FM96.1. Aside from her radio music show, she is also one of the hosts of a new TV show called “Snapshots”. Other TV shows that she has participated include: VANtastic, Missy Missy, Food Buzzing, Young And Restless - Vancouver, and What’s On. In addition to her on-screen experiences, she has also emceed for 2018 Little Sunshine Competition, 2019 Sunshine Nation Talent Show, as well as the Charity Dinner for Alzheimers 2019. Through participating in various charitable events, Manica hopes to give back and spread love to the community that she grew up in. And along with your help, she is confident that we’ll be able to make a positive impact in our community, one step at a time.
Program Master of Ceremony Ms. Manica Ng -◊Welcoming Remarks Mr. Andrew Lai, General Manager, Sing Tao Daily (Vancouver) -◊Message from Beneficiary Ms. Angela Chapman , President & CEO, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation -◊Greetings from Presenting Sponsor Mr. Grant Murray, Senior Vice-President, Sales, Concord Pacific Developments
Introduction of 2021 Outstanding Young Ambassadors Awards -◊Award Presentation Outstanding Sportsmanship Award Outstanding Arts & Performance Award Outstanding Academic Award Outstanding Community Service Award Outstanding Leadership Award -◊Vote of Thanks
Presenting Sponsor
Award Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
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