A Citizens Charter For Older People

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1916 - 2016 Sinn FĂŠin, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. Tel: 01 8726100 Email: admin@sinnfein.ie Web: www.sinnfein.ie

A Citizens Charter for Older People Sinn FĂŠin believe that an equal society is possible. We want to bring the realisation of a fair society for all citizens, young and old and at all levels of society. For that to happen we need a major change in how politics is done. We have started a debate about the future, about what sort of a country and society we want to live in, a country proud of its past and confident in its future and a society based on equality, respect and dignity for all citizens. We want to change attitudes, not just policies. We want to change how people are viewed by government.

We want to ensure our older citizens are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. Sinn FĂŠin is bringing forward a Citizens Charter for older people, in which we will commit to fight for fairness and decency. We are taking this conversation to every county in Ireland in the lead up to the 100th Anniversary of the 1916 Rising, raising the ideals of the Proclamation and asking for and listening to the views, needs and aspirations of people all over the country. It is a fitting tribute too to the memory of those selfless men and women of that period, whose children today face deprivation, poverty, homelessness and an absence of rights.

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