Why and How WAH ! - Sino Associates Robert Gold

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Why and How WAH !

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Robert Gold

For over 30 years Robert has served as a consultant and instructor of innovation and creativity for Fortune 500 companies, small and medium size enterprises as well as US government agencies and the US military. Robert’s insights into innovation and creativity processes have led to him to the forefront of his field. He has written a textbook “EUREKA” and produced a CD-ROM “The IDEA ENGINE” which were used by industry and universities to facilitate innovation. “THE IDEA ENGINE” is the world’s 1st interactive Idea development system on CD-ROM and it also won two top awards at “Creativity In America” a national Conference co-sponsored by the US Patent and Trademark Office and Universal Studios in California. As an instructor Robert has created his own four part workshop series known as the Innovation Wave™ Series. In addition to this standardized series Robert also provides customized workshops to his clients that match their specific creativity and innovation needs. His consulting services bring fresh eyes and ideas to his clients’ innovation processes. 作者简介: Robert 担任顾问和导师 30 年来,为世界 500 强公司,中小型企业,以及美国政府部门和美国军队均 提供过服务。 他对发明创新的深刻洞察力使他走在了创新领域的前沿。他编著的课本 EUREKA 及发明的 CD-ROM “The IDEA ENGINE”被行业及大学用于促进创新的发展。同时,“THE IDEA ENGINE”获得了“创新 在美国”(一个由美国专利商标局及加州环球影城共同发起的全国性联盟)的两项最高荣誉。 作为导师,Robert 独创了一套名为“the Innovation Wave”的系列研讨会。另外,Robert 还针对不同 客户的创新需求,为其提供量身定制的研讨会课题。他的顾问服务总能给他的客户带去新鲜的视角 和灵感,助力客户创新之路。

Copyright © 2013 Robert J Gold. All rights reserved

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apoleon once said "Why and How are words so important, they can never be used too often". In Innovation WHY And HOW (WAH) are the focal points of energy and the essence at the core of every project. WAH exists in every stage of planning, as it is, in reality, "Strategy" (the "Why") and Tactics ("the How"). WAH is the reason that Sun Tzu's Art of War is a bedrock component of many serious business school courses. Understanding Why you're attempting to attain an innovation goal (your Strategy) and how to go about doing it (your Tactics) allow any project to begin. Without asking WAH at every step you quickly lose focus and, with it, momentum. Both Why and How are individual compendiums of thought that can delineate entire spectrums of inquiry regarding any specific innovation. They leave the proverbial "Who, Where, and When" as needed

破仑曾这样说过:“为什么 和怎么做是如此重要的词, 我们再怎么使用它们都不为过。” “为什么 (WHY) 和怎么做 (HOW)” ( 用英语字母可简称为 WAH) 是创 新过程中所有能量的焦点,也是 每个项目的核心精髓。计划的每 一阶段都少不了“为什么和怎么 做”(WAH),它们恰恰代表着“谋略” ( 为什么 ) 和“战术” ( 怎么做 ) 。 也正是这个原因,让《孙子兵法》 成为众多商学院的必读教材。

只有弄清楚了你为什么希望实现 一项创新(你的谋略)以及具体 怎么做(你的战术),你才能真 正落实一个项目。每走一步都追 问为什么和怎么做,你就可以集 中精力,保持势头。

“为什么”和“怎么做”可以称 为一个人的对于某项创新的思考 梗概,可以勾勒出其探索的全貌。 “时间, 地点, 人物”三要素 虽然必不可 少, 但 与“ 为 什么和怎么做 (WAH)”相比, 却显得黯然失 色 。 WA H 就 如一支矛上的

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but pale by comparison. WAH is the Tip of the Spear and the Aim behind it!

矛尖以及其 要投向的目 标。

The Why of using WAH is now obvious... Because without WAH we have no plan of attack, no logistics to support the effort, no reason to allocate resources, and no concept of the dangers and opportunities that await us on a particular venture. WAH opens our eyes as no other questions can. Their use is demanded, expected, needed and without question a part of every phase of any innovation effort.

为 什 么 要 使 用 WAH 其 实 非 常 明 了 …… 因 为 没 有 WAH 就 意 味 着 我们没有前行计划,没有支撑付 出的后勤设计,也没有资源分配 的准则,对未来特定的商业冒险 上的危险和机遇更是毫无概念。 WAH 比其他任何问题都更能让你 睁开眼睛,看清现状。这两个词 的使用是必须也是必要的,并且 无疑是每一项创新中任一阶段里 不可或缺的一环。

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那我们具体怎么使用 WAH? “怎 么做 (How)”也就是在“怎么”之 后填充一组基本的宾语。我们怎 么开始……,寻找……,获得……, 创造……,管理……,分配……, 优化……这组宾语可简可繁,与 你为这个项目罗列的每一个“为 什么 (Why)”相对应。

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So, How (ha!) do we use WAH? The "How" is as simple as placing the word in combination with a basic list of objectives. How do we begin…, find..., source..., create...., manage..., allocate..., optimize..., The list can be as concise or as long as needed for each particular "Why" goal you've laid out for the project.

Copyright © 2013 Robert J Gold. All rights reserved www.sino-associates.com


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to use the "WAH" at every juncture is the real trick! Once you become accustomed to asking "Why and How" about everything you come in contact with, the thought processes that spawn from these simple but dynamic duo of words is often the precursor to amazing new ideas. It surprises me how often people don't ask these simple questions. They are door-openers that allow the floodgates of our subconscious to release a thousand possibilities that can then be explored.

将 WAH 运 用 到 每 一 个 接 合 点 才 是真正的诀窍!一旦追问“为什 么和怎么做”成为了你接触新事 物的习惯性做法,从这两个简单 有力的词语中迸发出来的思维火 花,将成为你奇思妙想的先导。 但让我惊讶的是,人们往往忽略 了这些简单问题的作用。其实这 两个问题就像开门器一样,能够 如泄洪般释放我们潜意识里的 千千万万的可能,从而让人得以 进一步思考。

Coming upon any problem... an immediate "Why has this particular thing happened? Why Now?, Why is this a problem?" to envision a plan forward from that point, and "How can I use this to my advantage? How can I optimize this situation?" will adjust your point of view, and often shift the probability of a successful conclusion in your favor.

常思考为什么将调整你的视角, 使你胜券在握。

Not long ago a client was developing a new product and had arrived at a bottleneck in product development. This new product was being engineered to be lighter than comparative products and

前不久 , 我的一位客户在开发新品 时走到了瓶颈期。这个新产品需 要设计得比其同类产品重量更轻、 成本更低。其中一个零件,一直 以来都是使用金属原料,在这个 项目里正是大大影响了产品的重

Adjust your point of view, shift the probability of a successful conclusion in your future.

不论遇到什么问题……马上问问 “为什么会发生这样的问题?为 什么在这个时间发生?它为什么 是个问题?”可以让你预见此后 的计划,接下来的“怎么能将它 利用起来?怎么发挥现状的最大 效益?”将让你调整视角,胜券 在握。

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cheaper to come in under budget. One particular piece in the design had always been made of metal, which in the current plans both impacted weight and cost! The use of WAH during this project’s development resolved this sore point for the project team.

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正如刚刚提到的,这个零件原料 首选是金属,但重量和成本是其 问题所在。为了维持产品在高强 度使用下的尺寸稳定性,这个零 件一直是采用金属制成的,从没 用过其它材料。当用了 WAH 来过 滤一番后,该怎么做就一目了然 了。团队成员们问:“为什么 (Why) 会产生这些问题?”他们发现把 机械加工的成本计算在内时,金 属提高了他们的成本投入——可 塑料未必足够结实,如果要控制 成本,就未必能够维持尺寸稳定 性。他们继续问:“怎么做 (How) 才能在成本控制内维持产品的强 度和稳定性?有多少 (How many) 塑料可以尝试?怎么 (How) 重新 设计可以充分利用这些塑料的不 同强度?制造模具的成本平均到 第一批一万个零件里的平均成本

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As mentioned, metal was preferred, but weight and costs were a major problem. This part had never been made from anything but metal, in other iterations of the product, because it had to maintain a dimensional stability under extreme use. When viewed through the lens of WAH it became clearer what needed to be done. Team members asked, “Why was this such a problem?” They found metal was too expensive when the machining was factored into the cost – but injection molding the part in plastic was might not be strong enough and maintain its dimensional stability at a reasonable price. They then asked, “How could we attain the strength and stability need at the cost desired? How many plastic options could do the job, maintain their physical stability under use and be cost effective? How can we re-designed the part to utilize the dynamics of the plastic

量和成本的因素!此时,通过我 们对 WAH 的运用,使这个项目突 破了障碍。

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possibilities to attain the target model? How much is the mold amortized over the 1st 10,000 parts? In the end, the team redesigned the part specifically for plastic construction with a specific fiber reinforced high strength plastic. By using a computer design ribbing structure to maintain strength and physical stability the redesign cut out 45% of the weight, cut the per part cost by 25% and gave them an option to modify the part for a secondary product iteration via mold plug-in’s which altered its structure without rebuilding an entire new mold! This example of WAH is generic and somewhat simplistic, yet shows how asking the right questions can often lead our thinking into new avenues which have answers we had not explored before. That is the beauty and reasoning behind the use of the WAH in all basic decisions. Not as a “be all – end all” tool of decision, but as a perception bender and mind spectrum enhancer that opens us up to new possibilities. But be warned, there is a "dark side" to WAH. For it is far too easy to ask negative WAH. "Why me?

是多少 (How much)? A perception bender and mind spectrum enhancer that opens us up to a new possibilities. WAH 作为认知和思维的延展器, 将为我们揭示新的可能。 最终,他们重新对这个部分进行 了塑料构造设计,通过一种特殊 纤维来提高塑料强度。重新设计 后,计算机设计的罗纹结构不仅 维持了强度和稳定性,还使新产 品降低了 45% 的重量和 25% 的成 本;另外,只要对这个部分稍加 修改,就可以把这个部分变成其 插件式的二级产品,从而避免了 重新制造一整个新模具!也许这 个使用 WAH 的例子很普通也极其 简单,但是它告诉我们,对的问 题往往能够使我们豁然开朗,从 而得到一个崭新的解决办法。这 就是在做每一个基本决策之前, 使 用 WAH 的 妙 处 所 在。WAH 并 非衡量一切决策的标准,而是作 为认知和思维的延展器,为我们 揭示新的可能。

但是你也要提高警惕,WAH 也存 在它的“阴暗面”。因为我们极 易提出消极式的“为什么和怎么

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Why can't I ever get a break?... How am I ever going to get through this? etc, are easy mental deal-breakers that fall back on self-pity and "Why can't someone help me" mind sets. Using WAH effectively requires optimism and a forward looking view of any situation, and life in general

做”。“为什么是我?为什么不 能我让我喘口气?……我怎么才 能熬出头?”等等,它们就像意 志破坏分子一样,让我们陷入“为 什么没人帮我一把?”的怨天尤 人的境地。要想有效利用 WAH, 我们就得保持积极乐观的心态, 时刻向前看。

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的是每一次失败留给他的实验数 据都是一项“又发现了一种不适 合做灯丝材料”的积极发现!他 对理想坚持不懈的追求,最终使

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A famous example of the “positive over the negative” power of WAH is the story of Edison’s search for the perfect filament for the light bulb. The story is often quoted, with a number as high as 6000 failures, in the search for that perfect mixture of materials to provide light and lifespan. Regardless of the number of times he failed in his quest – his mindset was not asking “Why” or “How” 爱迪生为了制造电灯泡寻找合适 his quest for the perfect material 灯丝的故事,很好的诠释了 WAH was leading him to failure so many 能够带来“战胜消极力量的积极 times – only that each attempt 力量”。为了找到既可以发光还 was providing him more data and another positive way “not to make 能长久使用的材料,爱迪生经历 了 6000 次失败。尽管他失败了那 a light bulb”! His perseverance in seeking the ideal way to produce 么多次——他一次也没有问自己 his product would eventually “为什么 (Why)”或“怎么会 (How) change the world by becoming a ”在追求完美灯丝材料的过程中 true “disruptive technology”. 失败那么多次——相反,他思考

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他的“颠覆性技术”获得成功, 进而改变了整个世界。

Today, WOW of great magnitude is a concept known as "Disruptive" - as in Disruptive technology (like Edison’s bulb). 今天,意义重大的“哇”往往被形容为“颠覆性” 概念,就像颠覆性技术(爱迪生的灯泡)。


– the meaning of its pronunciation in Chinese is "WOW". Super Thought Leader and Business Guru, Tom Peters, says "WOW!" represents the essence of innovation thought, and an innovator’s primary goal is attaining the “WOW Factor” in all that they seek to accomplish. WOW is not always a singular Idea that goes against the tide of "the Status Quo" and "the commonplace" –or even an idea that can change the “playing field”, but it certainly can be WOW, (using WAH) can be a process of your incrementally attaining small leaps forward in a world that is not ready for your forward thinking ideas. Today, WOW of great magnitude is a concept known as "Disruptive" - as in Disruptive technology (like Edison’s bulb). Your small WOW steps, even if they are unsuccessful, can sometimes create a big step that


的发音与中文中 的“ 哇!” 发 音


Tom Peters 说 “ 哇 !” 象 征 创 新 思想的真谛,得到“哇元素”是 所有创新者的首要目标。“哇!” 想法不总是与“当前现状”或“一 贯做法”相悖——或完全改变当 前的局面,但它一定能让人感觉 “哇”。当大家还接受不了你超 前的想法时,使用 WAH (为什么 和怎么做) 可以帮助你逐步实现 你的目标。今天,意义重大的“哇” 往往被形容为“颠覆性”概念, 就像颠覆性技术(爱迪生的灯泡)。 你向“哇!”迈出的小小的一步 也许并不成功,但这一小步有时恰 恰是通往“颠覆性”水平的一大步, 并可能永远改变整个行业的局面。 要了解 WAH 的真实作用,需要理 解“哇”的涵义,即颠覆陈旧、 发展个性 !

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attains the level of “disruptive” and it can change the playing field forever. To learn the true power of WAH is to understand the meaning of "WOW", the concept of being Disruptive and the power of Individuality!

很多人来说,“哇”在 WAH 思路 里代表的意义有些可怕。发展个 性和挑战制度的观念从早教中就 被抹去其实不仅仅是亚洲的区域 性现象,而是全球范围现象。一 代又一代的家长都在教育孩子“守 规矩”,“服从领导”以及 “不 要质疑上级”。在科技飞速发展的 今天,意识形态和创新精神亟需 拥有思想自由的思考者,即与陈 旧的学习模式对立的、敢想的人。 学习和实践 WAH,在你所有的目 辟蹊径、独占先机。只有真正的 创新发明者才能抓住那机遇的指





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For some people the thought of "WOW" in its many WAH iterations is a frightening prospect. This is not just true in Asia where individuality and bucking the system is often erased from people during early schooling but globally due to generations of parenting that told its children to "stay in line", "follow the leader" and "don't ask questions of superiors". Today's world of rapidly changing technologies, ideologies and innovations needs free thinkers who are the exact opposite of these past learning models. Understanding and embracing a mindset of "WAH", and seeking the “WOW” in all that you hope to accomplish, will create a path un-walked by others and unparalleled in opportunities which the true new innovators will find as a guide to an amazing personal sand business future.

Copyright © 2013 Robert J Gold. All rights reserved www.sino-associates.com


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