Role Playing in Learning Jesse Covner Jesse has had a life long passion for role-playing and has served as the CEO for international gaming company EOS-SAMA since 2010. EOS-SAMA makes roll-playing games, board-games, and training simulation games. Before founding and leading EOS-SAMA Jesse worked in the booming tech industry in Silicon Valley and later the management consulting field in China.
Copyright © Sino Associates & Jesse Covner 2012-2022. All Rights Reserved.
这篇文章将探索一些关于在中国 This article explores some of the issues with using role-playing and role-playing 使用角色扮演游戏作为学习工具的问 games as learning tools in China, as well 题,同时还会提供一些让角色扮演更 as provide some useful techniques to 有成效的实用技巧。 make role-playing more effective. What is Role-Playing? It is the practice of assuming an identity, which is not your own, like in improvisational acting, within the context of a training exercise, coaching session, or recreational game. When do we role-play? You’ve probably been role-playing since you were a child and you first played a game of cops and robbers using your imagination. As adults some people Role-play for enjoyment, as when they play “Role Playing Games” (RPG).
“It is the practice of assuming an identity, which is not your own, like in improvisational acting, within the context of a training exercise, coaching session, or recreational game 它是在培训、辅导练习或休 闲游戏的情境中,呈现的一 种非自我身份的实践,像是 在即兴表演”
什么是角色扮演?它是在培训、 辅导练习或休闲游戏的情境中,呈现 In the work environment, role-playing 的一种非自我身份的实践,像是在即 can be used as practice in preparing 兴表演。 for specific tasks, such as a when a sales-woman role-plays possible client 我们什么时候进行角色扮演?从 interactions with a colleague who plays 小你可能就已经试过扮演某些角色, the part of a customer. Role-playing can 用想象力玩过警察抓小偷的游戏。当 also be used as a very effective tool to 某些成年人在玩角色扮演游戏的时 facilitate learning and development in a 候,扮演角色是为了享受乐趣。 variety of skill categories. In brief it can 在工作环境中,角色扮演可被用 be a Role-playing can be an impactful, 作为特定任务的事前准备练习,例如 interactive, social learning technique. 销售人员会让同事扮演顾客,从而练 How do we use role-playing in learning? 习如何与顾客沟通交流。角色扮演还
可以作为一种促进学习和提高多 As a learning tool, it requires participants to “learn by doing;” it is an experiential 种技能的非常有效的工具。简而言之, technique that puts participants within 角色扮演是一种有效的、互动的、社 an interactive role and has several 会性的学习技巧。 advantages: 我们怎么把角色扮演运用到学习 中?作为一项学习工具,它要求参与 Fun 者“从操作中学习”,让参与者在一 Role-playing produces interesting and 个互动的环境里体验角色。这种体验 exciting interactions between participants, 型技巧 具有若干优势: thus increasing the energy level of the participants 好玩 角色扮演能让参与者之间产生有 趣且兴奋的互动,从而提高参与者的 Often role-playing requires the 活力。 participants to put themselves within a real-world “frame” or story-setting in 体验性 which they must use there knowledge, 角色扮演往往要求参与者把自己 skills, and critical thinking abilities to solve problems, thus making the results more 放进一个真实世界的“框架”或设定 的故事情境中,通过利用自身的知识、 relevant to the participants. 技能和批判性思考能力来解决问题, Social 因此能让结果与参与者更相关。
Most role-playing involves interactions between multiple players. These 社交性 interactions provide opportunities 大多数角色扮演需要多个扮演者 for emotional involvement within the 的互动。这些互动能让参与者亲身体 training, which increases relevance and 会相关情感,进而增强关联性和记忆。 memory retention.
Empathy Role-playing requires learners to take
移情性 角色扮演需要学员担任一个角
on a role... that means take on and “play” a different identity. This can help participants learn how to see issues from different angles, thus encouraging understanding and awareness of the feelings, beliefs, and logic structures of others. Role-playing can be used for many different types of learning points. High school teachers have used it to explain the effects of slavery in the United States before the Civil War. History teachers have used role-playing to simulate the challenges faced by historical figures. Sales managers in much of the world use role-playing to teach awareness of the customer’s needs. English-as-SecondLanguage teachers often use role-playing to give students practice at real-life application of language studies. Coaches and Managers use role-playing to better prepare their coachee to handle difficult interactions. Although role-playing is often used within learning events and programs throughout China, many role-playing facilitators encounter several implementation problems, of which some are specific to Chinese culture. Problems may include the following:
“take on and ‘play’ a different identity. This can help participants learn how to see issues from different angles, thus encouraging understanding and awareness of the feelings, beliefs, and logic structures of others 承担和‘演绎’一个不一样的 身份。这能帮助参与者学习如 何从不同的角度看待问题,从 而促进他对其他人的感受、信 念和逻辑结构的理解和认知” 色。这意味着承担和“演绎”一个不 一样的身份。这能帮助参与者学习如 何从不同的角度看待问题,从而促进 他对其他人的感受、信念和逻辑结构 的理解和认知。 角色扮演可以用来学习许多不同 类型的知识。高中老师可以用它来解 释在南北战争前,农奴制对美国的影 响。历史老师可以用它来模拟历史人 物所面对的挑战。大多数销售经理会 用它来传授对顾客需求的理解。教英 语的外语老师经常用角色扮演来让学 生在模拟真实生活的情境下练习使用 英语。教练和管理人员会用角色扮演 这种方式来帮助他们的学员或下属学 习如何处理人际互动方面的挑战。
在中国,虽然角色扮演被广泛地 使用在学习活动和培训项目当中,但 Role-playing requires participants attempt 许多角色扮演引导师经常会在执行时 to see things from another person›s point 遇到难题,以下是一些常见的问题: of view, which is difficult for some people. This kind of “acting ” does not come 对公开表演的恐惧 naturally to many people perhaps even 角色扮演要求参与者尝试用他人 most people. To risk a generalization, 的身份看待事情,但对某些人来说, many Chinese employees have little 这是比较困难的。因为,对于许多人, experience with acting as a part of their 甚至可能是大多数人来说,难以自然 formal education background. 地进行这种“表演”。冒着以偏概全 Getting participants to role-play involves 的风险来说,许多员工所经历的中国 encouraging the participants to expand 正式教育里并不包含表演。 beyond their comfort zones - to “break 为了让参与者扮演角色,培训师 the box”, which is challenging for both 需要鼓励他们勇敢闯出他们的舒适 participant and facilitator. 区,甚至要让他们打破陈规,这对参 与者和培训师都是一项挑战。 Disassociation and narration
Fear of acting/public performance
We o f t e n f i n d C h i n e s e r o l e - p l a y 脱离角色与表述 participants who do not have experience with role-playi ng wi ll di sassociate 我们经常发现那些没有角色扮演 themselves from the role they play, often 经验的中国参与者往往是在表述其行 by narrating actions rather than playing 为,而不是扮演其角色,这样常让他 the role. 们无法进入角色。 For example, during a simulated coaching session with an employee, the roleplaying manager should say something like; “Hi Mr. Wang.... let’s talk about your performance. What accomplishment do you feel most proud of from last
比如说,在一个模拟的辅导过程 中,扮演管理者的人本可以这样说: “王先生你好……现在我们来谈谈你 的工作表现吧。自上一个季度结束以 来,有没有哪些地方你觉得你做得特 别好?”然而,该名扮演者却这么说:
quarter?”. But instead, the manager will say; “I will ask the employee to sit down. Then I will ask him to talk about what he did last year”. Disassociation does not diminish the planning and thought that went into the role-play, but it does diminish the experiential and emotional benefits of the exercise.
Inadequate inference and extrapolation
“我会叫那个员工坐下,然后我会让 他谈谈上一年他做了些什么。”脱离 角色虽然并不会减少扮演者对角色的 计划和思考,但却会减少表演中的体 验和情感的效益。
不充分的推敲 当扮演着现实生活中的情景,参 与者经常无法深思他们角色行为的结
果。因为他们觉得这个模拟表演是“不 真实的”,所以他们无法应用合适的 When role-playing real-life situations, 常识或逻辑能力,进而无法运用真实 participants often fail to contemplate the 生活中的勤奋和期待。 results of their role-played actions. They 以下是一些处理和改善以上问题 fail to apply appropriate common sense and/or logic skills because they regard 的方法: the role-play simulation as “not real”, and hence, fail to apply real-world diligence and/or expectations. There are many ways to deal-with and ameliorate these problems. Below are some suggestions:
Colorful and detailed prepared roles The more “frame” the participant has, the easier it is to visualize the role he/she should play. Giving a detailed description of a character’s motivations - even if many of the motivations are not relevant to the game-play or learning points -
富有色彩的和详细准备的角色 有越多的画面和框架,参与者越 容易把所要演的角色形象化。给参与 者提供详细的角色动机描述——即使 很多动机与游戏或学习目标并不相 关——这将帮助参与者把角色展现出 来。此外,创造一些华丽的或突出的 角色性格能为如何演好这个角色提供 明显的提示。这将会给参与者带来更 多的乐趣。
表现管理技巧 大多数参与者的工作就是要被测
helps the participants act-out the part. Furthermore, creating flamboyant or outstanding character traits gives obvious clues as to how the character should be played. This will make role-playing more fun for the participants.
Performance management techniques Most participants already work in an environment where their work output is measured and evaluated. Hence, by incorporating performance measurement systems, such as competitive game elements and point-systems, the roleplay facilitator can focus the participants’ attention on the quality of their role play. Role-play acting judging (and rewards) can be used to increase the quality of acting, and thus increase the quality of participant involvement. Let participants know their logic and reasoning will be assessed and debriefed at the end of the role-play session.
“Adversaries” and “Non-Player Character”
“incorporating performance measurement systems, such as competitive game elements and point systems, the role-play facilitator can focus the participants’ attention on the quality of their role play 引入表现评价系统,例如竞争 比赛的元素和计分机制,角色 扮演引导师能让参与者集中精 力关注他们角色扮演的质量” 量和评估的。因此,通过引入表现评 价系统,例如竞争比赛的元素和计分 机制,角色扮演引导师能让参与者集 中精力关注他们角色扮演的质量。角 色扮演评价(和奖励)可以用来提高 表演的质量,从而提高参与者的投入 程度。让参与者知道在角色扮演的结 束部分,他们的逻辑推理将需要被评 估和汇报。
当有机会,让部分参与者扮演“敌 When possible, give some participants 对”的角色。而非玩家角色是一种专 “adversary ” roles. The non-player 门为阻碍其他玩家进度而设计的角 character (NPC) - is a participant who plays 色,它能引发一些创造性的压力并增 a role designed to impede the progress of 加参与者的情感投入。
the other players, which causes creative tension and increasing player emotional involvement.
在模拟角色扮演结束之前,进行 几次活动回顾往往是有帮助的。这些 回顾反思的中期休息机会能帮助参与 Mid-activity debriefs 者重新关注他们的目标和所扮演的角 Often it is helpful to conduct activity 色。 debriefs several times before the entire 对于高冲击力的学习活动和日常 role-play simulation is completed. These debrief “breaks” can be used to re-focus 辅导,角色扮演是一种很好的体验型 the participants on their goals and the 工具。但是为了让角色扮演学习活动 的效益最大化,尤其在中国,辅导员 roles they play. 必须明白使用这些技巧可能带来的困 Role-playing can be a great experiential 难。通过使用竞争比赛元素、鲜明有 tool for high-impact learning activities as 趣的角色,模拟对手和多次回顾的组 well as everyday coaching. But in order to 合方法,培训师能通过这些工具为中 get the most out of a role-playing learning 国学员创造一个高效的学习体验。 activity, the facilitator must understand the potential difficulties in using these “using a combination techniques, especially in China. By using of competitive game a combination of competitive game elements, vivid fun roles, elements, vivid fun roles, in-simulation in-simulation adversaries, adversaries, and frequent debriefs, a and frequent debriefs facilitator can use role playing techniques 使用竞争比赛元素、鲜明有 to create high-impact learning experiences 趣的角色,模拟对手和多次 for the Chinese participants. 回顾的组合方法”
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