Two days ago Beijing gave the green light for the merger between German containerline Hapag-Lloyd
Habben Jansen is one of more than 20 shipowners covered in the latest issue of the magazine. The packed final issue of 2014 also takes a look at the advent of Google Cars and muses whether shipping should be doing more to harness the power of information technology in an especially spicy Executive Debate.
The magazine contains regular snapshots of the world’s leading economies, a stellar cast of analysts providing unique statistics and predictions for the various shipping sectors as well as our lighter side of the magazine at the back, the Lifestyle section, which this time includes a guide to Christmas wines, a high-tech beer home brewing kit, golf, yachting and a guide to Seattle.
On the back page of the magazine are the results of the latest MarPoll, our online survey, which this edition garnered a remarkable 721 votes and some very interesting points of view on topical issues.