Floating Device
Sinqobile Dakile Industrial & Interior Masters 1 Florence Design Academy
Floating Device Scenario The floatng device I have designed can be used for recreational purposes. It can be used as a stand up paddle boat with a sail. The user stands on the device and uses a paddle to guide and move the device. The sail functions to increase the speed of the deice.
Materials - Cork An important property found in cork is it’s low density and light weight, this allows it to float on water. Other properties are - temperature insulation, noise insulation, fire retardant, flexible and highly resilient.
Sinqobile Dakile Industrial & Interior Masters 1 Florence Design Academy
- Fibre Rope
Properties are, tensile strength, surface abrasion, resistance to sunlight, low stretch, surface abrasion resistance, light weight.
- Paper Paper is a thin sheet material produced by mechanically and/or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water, draining the water through fine mesh leaving the fibre evenly distributed on the surface, followed by pressing and drying.
- Tooth Picks A toothpick is a small thin stick of wood, plastic, bamboo, metal, bone or other substance with at least one and sometimes two pointed ends to insert between teeth to remove detritus, usually after a meal. Toothpicks are also used for festive occasions to hold or spear small appetizers (like cheese cubes or olives) or as a cocktail stick, and can be decorated with plastic frills or small paper umbrellas or flags.
- Duct Tape Duct tape is a cloth or scrim-backed pressure-sensitive tape, often coated with polyethylene. There are a variety of constructions using different backings and adhesives, and the term ‘duct tape’ is often used to refer to all sorts of different cloth tapes of differing purposes.
Experiece I was already familiar with most of the materials I used, so I was confident about using then. I had a great experience designing and creating this floating device. The rope and tooth picks were used to tie and hold the corks togther. The paper was used as a sail and attached to the cork with toothpick. The tape was used to tie the tooth picks.
Link& Images https://www.dropbox.com/s/w5wtgfkj1lyfuyt/IMG_7903.mov?dl=0