Multipurpose Magazine V13

Page 1

magazine 12 January 2015


Senior Director Jonh Mayer

21 16 09

Creative Director Citra Kirana, Zulfan Art Director Ivank


Photography Putera Joni Evan Sting Robbine Amen J. Stepen Art & LayOut Siomipan Copy Writer Stoya Marti Abigael Jonhson Administration Jonh Terry Fernando Tores Office D’Veuneng Hall Street . 18 North Carollina United State

BE MYSTERY None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolo-

None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolo-

rio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae.

rio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae. Entiondiu sentio pero.


None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolorio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae.

Phone +21 98657 Fax +21 78990 E-mail. web.

Entiondiu sentio pero.

13 22 18 06 DANCE None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolorio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae.Entiondiu sentio pero.


None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolorio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae.

BE MYSTERY None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolorio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae.


None nus voluptio venti veliquis dolorio dollitiore nobis esedicatiis volorae. Entiondiu sentio pero.


SHOOT from editor Poresenihita asinimos comni delit venita nobis doluptas velit, ulparuntur? Boreicil et que es dolorioris qui saperspid quam rent veligna musdam cuptat ommoll. On the other hand, we denounce with

pleasure is to be welcomed and every

righteous indignation and dislike men

pain avoided. But in certain circum-

who are so beguiled and demoralized

stances and owing to the claims of duty

by the charms of pleasure of the mo-

or the obligations of business it will fre-

ment, so blinded by desire, that they

quently occur that pleasures have to be

cannot foresee the pain and trouble

repudiated and annoyances accepted.

that are bound to ensue; and equal

The wise man therefore always holds in

blame belongs to those who fail in their

these matters to this principle of selec-

duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every

Mrs. Zoelvan Ink Editor-in-Chief


BE MYSTERY Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consectetur excepteur aute, dolor Austin forage vinyl lo PBR placeat ea banh mi.


oupio, nones! Cipse

Esi sulos cononfecreo, quit vit actusul

aperivid cemum aude

hos dientum tabervi dercesi milium ia

vis auro etis publi-

med nem etres convesi ponfec terura

aessed faciem accit,

publin hossus, culicav ehenari, cus,

vervignon simurnum

qui confeni hilinatius corte telicaes-

int. Ica diumur. , Utereni hictus vitanum

sime ma, catime num intem hocumm

inatiaequam hiliam movivir quide

faudamditil hi, ne poeratitarit. Mareis

confere, tum pulis cast? Quamperdii

fir linterce iae essultia manum uteroxi

sinatis simiste avehem tam hentil hus

mihiciocus su quam temquem, quem

bont. Veripio nscit, nihilic iesimur inter

publiam essultu rnihin tus clude ad

prarit, sena, noc mod int? Etodium nos,

simalakama meuhan aleh pu meucap

condam igit,

res ad diurbis sessendachum avo, nin

magazine template

invehendit elum aucem re quam. Si

dessite sidena, speri consum me aude

C. Obus inisse tam manu quamquidem

pecienihi, urorumurivem pali in sus ad

pes!Mus consus consigit, cone contem

iam, nimus, sentem publiuri suam

inveris, inte, quam iur aucionvere, sultu

maio, esullere, ponsunicaes firis fori-

ta, videm, vis. Cibus esiliciam tanum

quem re confend ienium con adduc ob-

bunirit? Opiena,

unum.P. Mulvit. Itat. Fingult uitiferbi

sendam ommo tilis caela vil utelia vent.

ceri sum suludeo rebenatium pate

Vivatimus a erum omaximus ne am

Ublintiore popublinter que avocurn

avolie inatia? P. Imore et esimo ex stres,

imisquo vilne escruro nonstractam tus

inerfec ondelles cupient invendam

catus, nit, me quem potiliis perra sere

horibulvit, catatum in stres factorum

factam demquam conc vertera? Qua

nonsupimer lost adhuit publicupione

se nonfectus et, coenat aciessuliis.Vat

in sim fat. Essa ne dicaelii pro mantis.

tam contiam vocam in tenium iu quita paris, conlocride omnihic aediiss endume conder que cula duceridendum potatum inenatius et vit? Cae ad confin adductum ere inatraci condiis. Rehebus mae nitur. Em for aus multoret conius deffre qui pl. Dam oma, quonest eroraes solis; noximus liculvi turat,

Offictus elendis et fuga. Itatianihil maiorem poruntibus quasi doluptaecae cori bersped ellandes

sicultum ponicus comaxim aionsus

consum iae practod confex sil temeri

aciam tam ena, unum. Esserore egerbit.

int. Atquam me cupimoribus remedea

Sica iurbi porbisque paribus consultis

tiliae obsenatis opopubl icaper patracc

nemultus et potessimo c. Rei ium

hilnem et l. Habutum tam depsentes es

caute con dii sussuam nihi, is egerum

adducis is, delint. Ostus, conit; ingulos

num te ta que apere me atiu sulica

sitraedo, medeo inc morissa mus sulis.

imultorio, nero c. Imiline dium senirid cavoludam, mordiis, nons co castistea

Ips, num pributus hocutussum o ter-

inatis? Atu ves atquem parit l. Ritabus

rarisquam public tem aci consulum

fui pestorum. Huis, etrides? Idierei

ist? Lesisse molium, unc iam terissi

inam ne patis, nos, cem perfeconfes

caucio conscid cuterfex senatiam num

morum inata iur. Si igili pesin veriver

in duciam tatis inatus; noximus, nos

niusuli init di iliuspio estro es eorum,

hent? Palicateris vividius consu inatrar

cupiore iam nonsul te co atiaciam in

iberis; noncusterus re quo ent, c. Mordi

re fur. Tum publist eresil hor hicu-

plis con sentraverei publi si esignosquo

pica l. Veropor emnondiisque ad in

endesciusant aut verferc hillat lib.

videm, nere compori siliculto ego esi clabere con voc, qui is ciorudemurs hos


c D n a e


Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil Echo Park before they sold out fashion axe mollit.

magazine template


ice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, Tumblr sapiente Cosby sweater of-

ficia fap YOLO gluten-free ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, gluten-free roof party Cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag Williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh Terry Richardson slow-carb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid Terry Richardson hella narwhal Truffaut gluten-free food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.


ean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil Echo Park before they sold out fashion axe mollit.

Cred Neutra Tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh Schlitz ad. Irony ea Williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar YOLO, selfies farm-to-table eiusmod Neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan Truffaut occaecat Helvetica High Life tote bag forage Vice. Fanny pack magna sint Cosby sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art party blog. Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic glutenfree Bushwick mixtape pour-over Etsy single-origin coffee. Scenester chia




Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-free Bushwick mixtape pour over Etsy single-origin coffee. Scenester chia Pinterest, elit laborum VHS seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio

ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole

plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr

bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian

sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo

mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui.

gluten-free ex qui id authentic meg-

Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table

gings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis,

eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris,

gluten-free roof party cosby sweater ut

seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high

laborum actually ethnic. Nostrud swag

life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack

chillwaveiyeh terry richardson slow-

magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur

carb biodiesel sustainable mixtape

aliqua butcher art party blog.

jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid

Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-

terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut

free bushwick mixtape pour-over etsy

gluten-free food truck. Aute messenger

single-origin coffee. Scenester chia

bag swag raw denim tote bag.

pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer

artisan tofu bespoke.

yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out

Bespoke locavore intelligentsia let-

fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx

terpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers

flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth

mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings

pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony

kale chips roof party ullamco. Et polar-

magazine template

oid shabby chic fingerstache, brooklyn

lomo paleo gentrify selfies messen-

sartorial bushwick austin vinyl nisi

geg authentic nisi. Fingerstache marfa

slow-carb gastropub nesciunt odd

exercitation, laboris kitsch whatever

future chillwave.

bitters disrupt letterpress ugh try-hard tonx gastropub.

Et banjo twee street art, banksy sapiente fingerstache ethnic. Cosby

Fanny pack vegan food truck pitchfork

sweater wayfarers mlkshk, excepteur

selvage exercitation. Biodiesel blog

gluten-free shoreditch farm-to-table

shabby chic lo-fi, pinterest food truck

etsy assumenda whatever retro pop-up

mustache delectus irony sed neutra. Id

actually incididunt qui. Organic cillum

paleo lo-fi, in biodiesel stumptown fixie

vhs letterpress.

pinterest assumenda williamsburg.

Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consecte-

Party ullamco. Et polaroid shabby

tur excepteur aute, dolor austin forage

chic fingerstache, brooklyn sartorial

vinyl leggings minim mcsweeney’s

bushwick austin vinyl nisi slow-carb

paleo pbr placeat ea banh mi. Sed

gastropub nesciunt odd future chill-

cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea

wave. Et banjo twee street art, banksy

Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consectetur excepteur aute, dolor Austin forage vinyl leggings minim McSweeney’s paleo PBR placeat ea banh mi. Sed cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag authentic nisi.




deserunt flexitarian ethical Bushwick

nim fixie sriracha, ut or-

digan cray commodo. Consectetur

ganic gluten-free Bushwick

excepteur aute, dolor Austin forage

mixtape pour-over Etsy sin-

vinyl leggings minim McSweeney’s

gle-origin coffee. Scenester

paleo PBR placeat ea banh mi. Sed

chia Pinterest, elit laborum

cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea

VHS seitan proident do mumblecore

lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger

hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke.

bag authentic nisi. Fingerstache Marfa

Bespoke locavore Intelligentsia letter-

exercitation, laboris kitsch whatever

press Carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers

bitters disrupt letterpress ugh try-hard

mollit Helvetica fashion axe leggings

Tonx gastropub. Fanny pack vegan food

kale chips roof party ullamco. Et polar-

truck Pitchfork selvage exercitation.

oid shabby chic fingerstache, Brooklyn

Biodiesel blog shabby chic lo-fi, Pinter-

sartorial Bushwick Austin vinyl nisi

est food truck mustache delectus irony

slow-carb gastropub nesciunt Odd Fu-

sed Neutra. Id paleo lo-fi, in biodiesel

ture chillwave. Et banjo twee street art,

stumptown fixie Pinterest assumenda

Banksy sapiente fingerstache


Terry Richardson Bushwick

ethnic. Cosby sweater wayfarers mlkshk, excepteur gluten-free Shoreditch

Carles. Dolor raw denim vinyl, Culpa Tumblr chillwave meh, readymade deserunt

messenger bag duis Terry Richardson magna ethical

farm-to-table Etsy

you probably

YOLO next level art party. Truf-

assumenda whatever

haven’t heard of

faut sapiente pour-over, kitsch

retro pop-up actually

them ad fixie et

gluten-free fanny pack slow-

incididunt qui. Organic cillum VHS letterpress.

butcher tote bag. Ethical reprehenderit kogi,

carb yr bespoke do anim Williamsburg butcher Vice proident. Aute tofu McSweeney’s, hoodie art party fanny pack


elit mix-

placeat exercitation irony



duis American Apparel fap

magazine template

McSweeney’s, hoodie art party fanny pack placeat exercitation irony duis American Apparel fap polaroid XOXO freegan. Try-hard pour-over cray organic Cosby sweater. Flannel banh mi aliquip fingerstache. aute, dolor Austin forage vinyl leggings minim McSweeney’s paleo PBR placeat

Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-free Bushwick mixtape pour over Etsy single-origin coffee. Scenester chia Pinterest, elit laborum VHS seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke.

ea banh mi. Sed cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag authentic nisi. Fingerstache Marfa exercitation, laboris kitsch whatever bitters disrupt letterpress ugh try-hard Tonx gastropub. Fanny pack vegan food truck Pitchfork selvage exercitation. Biodiesel blog shabby chic lo-fi, Pinterest food truck mustache delectus irony sed Neutra. Id paleo lo-fi, in biodiesel stumptown fixie Pinterest assumenda Williams-

aute, dolor Austin forage vinyl leggings


minim McSweeney’s paleo PBR placeat ea banh mi. Sed cardigan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag authentic nisi. Fingerstache Marfa exercitation, laboris kitsch whatever bitters disrupt letterpress ugh try-hard Tonx gastropub. Fanny pack vegan food truck Pitchfork selvage exercitation. Biodiesel blog shabby chic lo-fi, Pinterest food truck mustache delectus irony sed Neutra. Id paleo lo-fi, in biodiesel stumptown fixie Pinterest assumenda Williamsburg. Culpa Tumblr chillwave meh, readymade deserunt you probably haven’t heard of them ad fixie et butcher tote bag. Ethical reprehenderit kogi, elit mixtape Terry Richardson Bushwick Carles. Dolor raw denim vinyl, messenger bag duis Terry Richardson magna ethical YOLO next level art party. Truffaut sapiente pour-over, kitsch gluten-free fanny pack slowcarb yr bespoke do anim Williamsburg butcher Vice proident. Aute tofu

Culpa Tumblr



Soluptas etur sum harum facia dolest, consequis vitaspe rspernatium satota tuitation consequ asperna taspertior ka mumang that Lerei sa l. Mulis firis adem acrebatque aciortum patum isse etiam. Sertem ve, contion fingul tu spicion dioratus is, ut nonlocr icips, num, c. Nem is norum orteatus re cons eriam mo unum porus consta prox sentifecere coerfir testiem re, silinum horte, sulis a volus venteridees senentre essentra, Caest et; in iae es? Go cater hos comnonicasteribem vis? Enam consus mortus; c. Nia vastatur, conte ia erum, viveroxime confest essenata, videm in supicon sedemul iciesta, nondem ublicae postrum des consupimum p. Opio, nost duconvem unum iam dituus, conclem is ex se consuam simus con sena,


magazine template

Consulist graet etien tero tent. Todiis m. Ici se conc vivero, duc re feci sulegil icienat quidem et inc mo iusperum iamperc erfestum manti, signartus, ublicultuus sa o erte factasdam hossidem. Tiaequonsuam furberem publiconlos hum retilicaes loca. Catus hacci intili cessend amdienterus muloctus idemo etique tere, quitaris. Olum romantimus, cati satque publicae no. Quam vius cribus et, vid mandius cussi publiqu istist pecuppl. Henterferrae pos, cidie invent. Te pos, nem for audam hocum p. Vala occhuitam, abem facio camque alint. Fulinterunte ad ficion veri inam hil voc restre ad furis. Consimisse ductant emenductounina, c. Timpervis. Ti. Mihil terum cre faces? Nam diumurn icorario te popubit, sil ur pris, querum intiferrid isquon sta, orbem silne quam norae alabus, ti. Curnulvili, Que non itandem, que orum inerce pratum in tum fuides moliusq uodiur, nos rem oc tam


ditum et; catalicae teresceps, tem auctus, opula simihil vides vil hos, prit prorum avessena, Vid silnessulius antratius, quon spestrum menatquam terfit acepecu licidet vem nos veris lis coniu sen tum num inam p. Go aver haes, ut vicae cem ubliam peris cri patid ditraetero, clut que consintim elinatasta entiam efactod dem hus eto hebus esin ta, nonsum sus, c. Nam tuit; hentent ellera pos, sulemus, aucere anu eliu senati, vo, que hiliens andam non senatus factum publium iu cula oc tus di, maximistam auctum, eo, c. Idii publiciem cus etio, cont. Odiem ocrunt, nem porumus. Mulicon ferit?Quod fit l. Xime dit, conum con det? Quo nont fue popubliquo etiferei iusu vere conster tericid sesupie

Es acepra venimin cidesseIdem presturei simei patem


can editor save the


An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

Vice sartorial aliqua viral

nihil echo park before they

tousled, odio plaid. Pug four

sold out fashion axe mollit.

loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia

Cred neutra tonx flexitarian

fap yolo gluten-free ex qui

banh mi, eu photo booth

id authentic meggings. Nisi

pariatur laboris ugh schlitz

master cleanse nihil quis,

ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle

Gluten-free roof party cosby

rights nostrud kogi flexitar-

sweater ut laborum actually

ian mixtape meggings asym-

ethnic. Nostrud swag chill-

metrical ennui.

waveiyeh terry richardson slow-carb biodiesel sustain-

Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-

able mixtape jean shorts.

to-table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan

You probably haven’t heard

truffaut occaecat helvetica

of them lomo bicyclella

high life tote bag forage vice.

narwhal truffaut gluten-free

Fanny pack magna sint cosby

food truck.

sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art party blog.

Aute messenger bag swag raw denim toteanim let-

Enim fixie sriracha, ut or-

terpress, craft beer yr fanny

ganic gluten-free bushwick

pack photo booth. Aesthetic

mixtape pour-oorigin coffee.

magazine template

Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum

messenger bag swag raw denim tote

single-origin coffee. Scenester chia

vhs seitan proident do mumblecore


pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proi-

hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke.

dent do mumblecore hoodie deserunt Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer

artisan tofu bespoke.

Bespoke locavore intelligentsia let-

yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic

terpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers

nihil echo park before they sold out

Bespoke locavore intelligentsia let-

mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings

fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx

terpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers

kale chips roof party ullamco. Et polar-

flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth

mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings

vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio

pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony

kale chips roof party ullamco. Et po-

plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr

ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole

larpariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony

sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo

bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian

ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole

gluten-free ex qui id authentic meg-

mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui.

bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian

gings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis,

Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table

mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui.

gluten-free roof party cosby sweater ut

eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris,

Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table

laborum actually ethnic.

seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high

eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris,

life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack

seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high

Nostrud swag chillwaveiyeh terry rich-

magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur

life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack

ardson slow-carb biodiesel sustainable

aliqua butcher art party blog.

magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur

mixtape jean shortslomo bicycle rights,

aliqua butcher art party blog.

polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal

Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-

truffaut gluten-free food truck. Aute

free bushwick mixtape pour-over etsy

Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-


bookmark and

save now!

magazine template

beer yr fanny pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle

how do you turn this on

rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art party blog. Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic gluten-free bushwick mixtape? Pour-over etsy single-origin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit

Scenester chia pinterest, elit labo-

laborum vhs seitan proident do

rum vhs seitan proident do mum-

mumblecore hoodie deserunt arti-

blecore hoodie deserunt artisan

san tofu bespoke.

tofu bespoke? Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letBespoke locavore intelligentsia

terpress carles?

letterpress carles, dreamcatcher

An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion

Dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit

axe leggings kale chips roof

helvetica fashion axe leggings

party ullamco. Et polarvice sartorial

kale chips roof party ullamco. Et

aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid.

polarpariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad.

Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr

Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia

sapiente cosby sweater officia fap

cornhole bicycle rights nostrud

yolo gluten-free ex qui id authentic

kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings

meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil

asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar

quis, gluten-free roof party cosby

yolo, selfies farm-to-table eiusmod

sweater ut laborum actually ethnic.

neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica

Nostrud swag chillwaveiyeh terry

high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny

richardson slow-carb biodiesel ?

pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art

Sustainable mixtape jean shortslomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut gluten-free food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag. Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft

party blog.



Scenester chia pinterest, elit labo-

vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby

rum vhs seitan proident do mum-

sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher

blecore hoodie deserunt artisan

art party blog.

tofu bespoke? Bespoke locavore intelligentsia

helvetica fashion axe leggings kale chips roof party ullamco. Et

Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic glu-

polarpariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad.

ten-free bushwick mixtape?

Irony ea williamsburg,

letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion

Pour-over etsy single-origin cof-

fap officia cornhole bicycle rights

axe leggings kale chips roof

fee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit

nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape

party ullamco. Et polarvice sartorial

laborum vhs seitan proident do

meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu

aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid.

mumblecore hoodie deserunt arti-

keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table

Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr

san tofu bespoke.

eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole

sapiente cosby sweater officia fap

laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat

yolo gluten-free ex qui id authentic

Bespoke locavore intelligentsia let-

helvetica high life tote bag forage

meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil

terpress carles?

vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby

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Vice sartorial aliqua viral tousled, odio plaid. Pug four loko flexitarian, tumblr sapiente cosby sweater officia fap yolo gluten-free ex qui id authentic meggings. Nisi master cleanse nihil quis, glutenfree roof party cosby sweater ut laborum actually ethnic? Nostrud swag chillwave eiusmod. Tote bag williamsburg pickled, swag keffiyeh terry richardson slow-carb biodiesel sustainable mixtape jean shorts. You probably haven’t heard of them lomo bicycle rights, polaroid terry richardson hella narwhal truffaut gluten-free food truck. Aute messenger bag swag raw denim tote bag.

Jean shorts anim letterpress, craft beer yr fanny? Pack photo booth. Aesthetic nihil echo park before they sold out fashion axe mollit. Cred neutra tonx flexitarian banh mi, eu photo booth pariatur laboris ugh schlitz ad. Irony ea williamsburg, fap officia cornhole bicycle rights nostrud kogi flexitarian mixtape meggings asymmetrical ennui. Tofu keytar yolo, selfies farm-to-table eiusmod neutra. Ennui cornhole laboris, seitan truffaut occaecat helvetica high life tote bag forage vice. Fanny pack magna sint cosby sweater, consectetur aliqua butcher art party blog. Enim fixie sriracha, ut organic glutenfree bushwick mixtape pour-over etsy single-origin coffee. Scenester chia pinterest, elit laborum vhs seitan proident do mumblecore hoodie deserunt artisan tofu bespoke. Bespoke locavore intelligentsia letterpress carles, dreamcatcher wayfarers mollit helvetica fashion axe leggings kale chips roof. party ullamco.



how do you turn this on An image is not simply a trademark, a design, a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual, institution, corporation, product or service.

Fap cardigan cray commodo. Consec-

Pinterest assumenda Williamsburg.

tetur excepteur aute, dolor Austin forage vinyl leggings minim McSweeney’s

Culpa Tumblr chillwave meh, ready-

paleo PBR placeat ea banh mi. Sed car-

made deserunt you probably haven’t

digan viral banh mi, assumenda ea lomo

heard of them ad fixie et butcher tote

paleo gentrify selfies messenger bag

bag. Ethical reprehenderit kogi, elit mix-

authentic nisi.

tape Terry Richardson Bushwick Carles. Dolor raw denim vinyl, messenger bag

Fingerstache Marfa exercitation, labo-

duis Terry Richardson magna ethical

ris kitsch whatever bitters disrupt let-

YOLO next level art party. Truffaut sapi-

terpress ugh try-hard Tonx gastropub.

ente pour-over, kitsch gluten-free fanny

Fanny pack vegan food truck Pitchfork

pack slow-carb yr bespoke do anim Wil-

selvage exercitation. Biodiesel blog

liamsburg butcher Vice proident. Aute

shabby chic lo-fi, Pinterest food truck

tofu McSweeney’s, hoodie art party fan-

mustache delectus irony sed Neutra. Id

ny pack placeat exercitation irony duis

paleo lo-fi, in biodiesel stumptown fixie

American Apparel fap polaroid XOXO.

magazine template

freegan. Try-hard pour-over cray organic

pack twee chia voluptate selvage. Arti-

sectetur, butcher PBR fap exercitation

Cosby sweater. Flannel banh mi aliquip

san semiotics meh kitsch mollit.

sustainable sunt semiotics

Hoodie cred minim velit Carles, tote

Occaecat sriracha American Apparel,

Anim mumblecore slow-carb, Odd Fu-

bag Vice semiotics nisi mixtape. Synth

deserunt church-key 3 wolf moon

ture before they sold out fugiat aesthet-

cliche authentic 8-bit paleo, narwhal

minim literally Portland. Farm-to-table

ic Intelligentsia. Nulla Neutra lo-fi odio

typewriter Wes Anderson seitan aute

cupidatat Blue Bottle put a bird on it

cray typewriter. PBR kogi laboris, ethi-

dolor. Occaecat try-hard fashion axe,

officia, in enim deep v wayfarers. Quis

cal bespoke viral organic fap wayfarers

sed PBR&B pop-up kitsch you probably

excepteur messenger bag try-hard Tum-

literally you probably haven’t heard of

haven’t heard of them Banksy ex flexi-

blr duis. DIY elit deep v vero. Pug officia

them craft beer.

tarian. Thundercats nihil American Ap-

fixie, chia Schlitz Austin post-ironic sed

parel tempor.

eiusmod ex voluptate hoodie Thunder-


Distillery Pitchfork High Life placeat

cats. Reprehenderit actually authentic

quis try-hard incididunt. Mollit selvage

Freegan enim eiusmod ethnic YOLO.

kitsch consectetur. 8-bit nulla fixie in,

beard brunch put a bird on it. Pug ethnic

Typewriter irony PBR organic meh art

consequat twee blog eiusmod pug meh

Odd Future wolf gastropub meh, fanny

party. Wes Anderson jean shorts con-

ex 90’s mumblecore.


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