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NBA 2K - ESPORTS TOURNAMENT OYATE C.C. | #414001 AGES: 10–17 Our Spring NBA 2K Tournament has arrived. Celebrate the beginning of the NBA Playoffs. Battle for the title of best NBA 2K player in Sioux Falls and leave with no doubts you gave it all on the virtual field. This tournament will consist of a double-elimination bracket that will crown the best of the best on one of the most popular sport video games of all time. Scheels gift card prize will be awarded to the champion. Registration required.

APR 10 | FRI | 11 A.M.–1 P.M. | $5 PER PERSON XTREME MULTISPORT MEMORIAL HOCKEY PEN AND FIELD | #413004 AGES: 10–12 Are you looking to challenge yourself? Are you interested in more than just the “normal” sports? Then Xtreme MultiSport is for you! This program will challenge you and your teammates through some of the most popular, strategic gym games being played today! You will get the opportunity to showcase your skills and ability through dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, and capture the flag. Registration required.


MAY 9 | SAT | 11 A.M.–12:30 P.M. | $5 PER PERSON

FLAG FOOTBALL #414003 AGES: 10–14 Are you missing being out on the football field scoring touchdowns with your friends? If so, gather your teammates and come play some flag football! Don’t have a team? No sweat; we will find a team for you to join, for this “pickup game” format. All are welcome! Registration required.

APR 18 | SAT | 1–2:30 P.M. | FREE | MORNINGSIDE PARK APR 25 | SAT | 1–2:30 P.M. | FREE | KUEHN PARK LOOKING FOR WEEKEND OPEN GYM TIMES? VISIT www.siouxfalls.org/community-centers


BOGA PARTIES MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER Our NEW “BOGA” Parties include one 30 minute Boga class for up to ten people. Package includes the use of the facility, one hour in a party room, and a 30 minute Boga class. This is ideal for youth birthday parties, bachelorette parties, or just a fun reason to get a group of friends together and try something new! Active wear over your swim wear recommended. Registration required. Call for booking and availability. 605-367-7665. $150 per party ($50 room rental, $100 Boga class)

WALKING PROGRAM MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #610000 AGES: 18+ Morningside Community Center’s walking program is a great way to stay healthy and active in a climate-controlled environment. Lap counters are available for checkout so you can log your daily progress!

JAN 2–MAY 8 | MON–FRI | 8–10 A.M. | FREE

AQUA BURST MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960044 AGES: 18+ Join us over your lunch hour for this fast-paced cardio workout. We will get your heart rate up as we swim multiple laps with fins and utilize the kickboards for a variety of different exercises. You are sure to sweat, but you don’t need to get your hair wet! Registration required.

FEB 24–MAR 25 | MON, WED | 12:05–12:45 P.M. | $45 PER SERIES MAR 30–APR 29 | MON, WED | 12:05–12:45 P.M. | $45 PER SERIES

ZUMBA FITNESS KUEHN C.C. | #450018 AGES: 18+ Zumba is a high-energy dance workout with a party-like atmosphere that does not disappoint. Zumba is proven to produce a large calorie burn without ever feeling like you are working out. Many different styles of music and dance are utilized. All skill levels are welcome. Each class is different. No equipment required, besides tennis shoes, so grab a friend and come join us! Registration required.

MAR 10–MAY 12 | TUE | 6-7 P.M. | $45 PER SERIES

WERQ KENNY ANDERSON C.C. | #450017 AGES: 18+ WERQ is the wildly addictive cardio dance class based on the hottest pop and hip-hop music. The workout is nonstop with repetitive, athletic moves and fresh dance steps, so you get the best sweat. Each week, a couple of new routines are introduced, so you get to WERQ the routines you know and challenge yourself with ones you are learning. No dance experience necessary. Ready to WERQ? Registration required.

MAR 3–MAY 5 | TUE | 9–10 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES MAR 5–APR 23 | THU | 9–10 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES SNOWSHOE HIKE UPPER TUTHILL PARK | #410012 AGES: 18+ Are you looking to get outside in the winter months? Snowshoeing is a great way to enjoy the outdoors in the winter and you can even burn up to 1,000 calories per hour! Participants will learn the basics of snowshoeing before going on a group snowshoe walk throughout the park. Please meet at the upper Tuthill Park shelter. Registration required.

MAR 10 | TUE | 7–8 P.M. | FREE

BUNCO MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #640007 AGES: 18+ Bunco is a parlor game played in teams with three dice. When you roll “three of a kind” of the number you are currently rolling, this is a Bunco. Come out and learn how to play this fast-paced dice game and enjoy the socialization of the evening. Registration required.

MAR 11 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | FREE APR 8 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | FREE MAY 13 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | FREE

AQUA KICK MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960001 AGES: 18+ Submerge yourself into the new intensity of kickboxing in the water. This fun and unique workout combines a variety of kicks, jabs, core exercises and more! You are sure to sweat, but you don’t need to get your hair wet! Registration required.

MAR 13–MAY 1 | FRI | 12 NOON–12:45 P.M. | $35 PER SERIES

STAY STRONG MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960020 AGES: 18+ You are sure to “Stay Strong” in this fun 45-minute warm water class! This is a light to moderate intensity class that will keep you on your toes with the variety of moves for a full body workout. Registration required.

MAR 16–APR 15 | MON, WED | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES APR 20–MAY 20 | MON, WED | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES MAY 25–JUN 24 | MON, WED | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES

MOVE IT OR LOSE IT! MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960031 AGES: 18+ This 45-minute warm water class will get you moving! This light-tomoderate intensity class will engage your entire body using the water and equipment for resistance. Registration required.

MAR 17–APR 16 | TUE, THU | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES APR 21–MAY 21 | TUE, THU | 9–9:45 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES

WATER AEROBICS MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960030 AGES: 18+ Join us in the shallow end of the Sanford Health 50 Meter Pool for this medium to high intensity workout! This class will jumpstart your day with a combination of exercises that will work your entire body. You are sure to sweat, but you don’t need to get your hair wet! Registration required.

MAR 23–MAY 25 | MON | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES

DEEP WATER AEROBICS MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960029 AGES: 18+ With this high-intensity workout, you can expect to sweat! This fun challenging class meant for ALL age groups will build your muscular, cardio, and respiratory endurance! This class isn’t complete without our 10-minute non-stop ab workout. A flotation belt will be worn by all participants. You are sure to sweat, but you don’t need to get your hair wet! Registration required.

MAR 24–APR 23 | TUE, THU | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES APR 28–MAY 28 | TUE, THU | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES

BIRDING HIKE GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK | #470002 AGES: 18+ Birds are a piece of nature that are always around us. Through every season, in your backyard, at the lake, or even in the city, birds are all around you. If you’ve always wanted to learn more about the birds that you see every day, join us on our hike and you can learn how to spot and identify these flying creatures. On our hike you can take in all that nature has to offer while enjoying the sights and sounds of some of South Dakota’s wildlife. Registration required.

MAR 24 | TUE | 5–6 P.M. | FREE BOGA FIT MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960034 AGES: 18+ Float your fitness with this NEW water workout that will challenge core muscles and balance. This mat floats on top of the water and allows you to get a full body workout on an unstable surface. Active wear over your swim wear recommended. Be ready to get wet! Registration required.

MAR 24–MAY 12 | TUE | 6–6:45 P.M. | $35 PER SERIES APR 5–MAY 31 | SUN | 12:15–1 P.M. | $35 PER SERIES *NO CLASS APR 12 APR 25–JUNE 13 | SAT | 8–8:45 A.M. | $35 PER SERIES

HYDRORIDERS MIDCO® AQUATIC CENTER | #960026 AGES: 18+ Spin your wheels in the water! We’re talking about cycling on a water bike. This music driven cardio ride will be sure to challenge you as we incorporate upper body strength training for a total body workout. Water shoes or socks recommended. Registration required.

MAR 25–APR 24 | WED, FRI | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES APR 29–MAY 29 | WED, FRI | 5:45–6:30 A.M. | $45 PER SERIES

FARKLE FUN NIGHT MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #410013 AGES: 18+ Farkle is the classic dice-rolling, risk-taking game. Socialize while rolling the dice, hoping for scoring combinations. Be safe and take your points, or keep rolling for more and risk losing them all in Farkle. Registration required.

MAR 25 | WED | 6–8 P.M. | FREE

CANVAS 3D SPRING TREE OYATE C.C. | #410014 AGES: 18+ A canvas, along with some paint and paper, can make for a beautiful Spring 3D print using paper, paint and a canvas. Come explore your creative side and leave with a project that you can display with pride. All supplies provided. Registration required.

APR 19 | SUN | 1–3 P.M. | $16 PER PERSON

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR PREGNANCY, BIRTH & BABY MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #416019 AGES: 18+ Our instructor’s motto is, “cautious, not fearful” and that definitely rings true when using essential oils during pregnancy, birth and with your sweet new baby. While there are certain oils that should be avoided during this season of new life, there are plenty of powerful options that can safely be used on both mom and baby. They are a powerful tool to help support all the hormone highs and lows during pregnancy and post-partum, effective for healing post-labor, and great tools to use on your baby. Come and learn the best oils to use during this sweet time in your life. Registration required.

MAY 4 | MON | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | $8 PER PERSON

STOP THE BLEED AWARENESS MONTH—TRAINING #450031 AGES: 15+ Stop the Bleed training was developed to teach members of the public to quickly respond to someone bleeding, which can be a lifethreatening situation. This class takes approximately 45 minutes. Skills learned to stop bleeding are as important as CPR when a person’s heart stops and to Stop, Drop and Roll in a fire. In this training, you will gain the ability to: recognize life-threatening bleeding; provide immediate response to bleeding (direct pressure, wound packing, proper tourniquet use); demonstrate ways to stop the bleeding. This class is in partnership with Sanford Health. Registration required.

MAY 7 | THU | 7 P.M. | FREE | MORNINGSIDE C.C. MAY 12 | TUE | 7 P.M. | FREE | KUEHN C.C. MAY 19 | TUE | 7 P.M. | FREE | MORNINGSIDE C.C. MAY 28 | THU | 7 P.M. | FREE | KUEHN C.C.

MEAL PREP 101 MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #450023 AGES: 18+ Meal Prepping 101 made easy. Each participant will learn how to meal prep for the week, and discover options they can make from the comfort of their home. Each participant will take home brand new containers to make meal prepping easier. Participants younger than 16 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Registration required.

MAY 5 | TUE | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | $10 PER PERSON

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR HEALTHY, HAPPY KIDS MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #416020 AGES: 18+ Empowering kids with essential oils is a beautiful thing. They are amazing tools to help calm emotions, support immune and respiratory systems, promote sleep, and everything in-between. Learn the best oils to use with kiddos and walk away with some fun DIYs to either make for your kiddos or make with them. Registration required.

MAY 6 | WED | 6:30–7:30 P.M. | $8 PER PERSON

ESSENTIAL OILS FOR THE GREAT OUTDOORS MORNINGSIDE C.C. | #416021 AGES: 18+ The weather will be warming up soon, which means more time outside - awesome! The bugs, burns and bites that come with being outside - not awesome. Learn how to incorporate natural solutions into your outdoor adventures this spring and summer to avoid the bugs, heal the burns, and stop the itch/sting of any bites that may happen. Registration required.

INTRO TO GEOCACHING HIKE GREAT BEAR RECREATION PARK | #470001 AGES: 18+ Geocaching is a fun and exciting way to integrate technology into our outdoor pursuits. You’ll embark on a scavenger hunt for a cache hidden by other geocachers. You will navigate the hike using a GPS unit. On this hike you will learn how to operate a GPS unit and you will have the opportunity to use it while hiding a cache to mark its location and to search for a hidden cache. Registration required.

MAY 21 | THU | 5:30–6:30 P.M. | $5 PER PERSON

ORIENTEERING 101 ARROWHEAD PARK | #470000 AGES: 18+ Cell phones can be very useful in helping you find your way if you are lost, but would you know how to navigate without one? The ability to use a map and compass can be extremely helpful if you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. After an introductory lesson to map reading skills and compass use, participants will test their skills on a preset self–guided orienteering course using nothing but a map and compass to find their way. Registration required.

MAY 30 | SAT | 3:30–4:30 P.M. | $8 PER PERSON

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