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Farewell Adieu

Four Ways To Sleigh Your Way To Healthy Holidays

Story & photos by Ashley Sornsin

The holidays are coming, which can often be a challenge to stay healthy. Yet, this nutritionally challenging and tempting time is also a great opportunity to find balance to fully enjoy the holiday season! Checkout these four ways to help you ‘sleigh’ your way to making this year your best and healthiest holiday season!

PLAN AHEAD: Continue to plan your meals weekly as you normally would and plan your parties and events into the week’s agenda. Don’t skip a meal to save up all your calories, but rather arrives, you won’t be tempted to devour everything in sight. Stay hydrated throughout the day to minimize your thirst cues sending mixed messages to your brain (drink at least half your bodyweight in ounces of water each day).

GO PREPARED: If you’re attending an event, this is a great opportunity for you to make a healthy swap for one of your favorite holiday dishes. Chances are, you’re not alone in wanting a healthier holiday and many others will greatly appreciate you for bringing a healthy option! This way you’re guaranteed to have a dish that you know you can feel good about eating. Make sure to bring a copy of the recipe so you can share with others! BALANCE & MODERATION: Choose a Goldilocks-sized plate and a portion that matches. Instead of getting a large plate where you’ll be inclined to fill it up or a tiny plate, where you’ll need seconds, go for a moderate sized plate so you get just the right sized portion. Make sure that everything on your plate is something you love and enjoy. Choose foods that make you feel good, after all it is the holidays. If there’s something you really

make good, healthy choices during the day, so when the party want, have some, but then move on. It can be a huge temptation to have holiday indulgences around, so make sure you keep it out of sight and out of mind.

TIME IT RIGHT: Aim to keep your eating window to no more than 12 hours. To your brain/stomach, this means your body has 12 hours to rest and digest, and the other 12 hours can be broken up into meal times. So many things are working behind the scenes when you allow your body time to rest, repair, digest and rebalance. 7am to 7pm is a good place to start, but if your event or party is going later, think about delaying your breakfast until a few hours later than normal.

Approach the holidays feeling confident about staying healthy. By planning ahead, going prepared, practicing balance and moderation and timing it right, this will not only be your healthiest holiday season, but your most enjoyable one as well! n

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