Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine - Spring 2016

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CASTLE waiting for adoption


Issue 7 Mar - Apr - May


A Welcome Note from the publisher Founder & Publisher

SIRENA JOHNSON Graphic Designer | Art Director


Guest Writers



of Printz Photography


Happy Spring Paw Print Readers! With Spring, comes growth; so it is only fitting that this issue has increased by four pages! This growth is made possible by the businesses who advertise and I cannot articulate enough, how grateful I am for their support. This issue's cover is also very special because our cover model is available for adoption! It was an absolute honor to work with HeARTs Speak, who’s photographers capture images of shelter animals in a light that they deserve. Please continue reading the description below of Cover Dog Castle, written by his current foster mom. Thank you for your readership ! Love for the animals~

of Tischman Pets Photography


of Reflective Photos Cover photo by


of Valerie Bruder Photography HeARTs Speak Instructor & Member Photographer Special Thanks

RUSS FOWLER MARLENE SKELLY © 2016 Hudson Valley Paw Print P.O. Box 246, Athens, NY 12015 518.567.5707

Sirena Johnson Founder & Publisher ON THE COVER Castle, also affectionately referred to as "the bull" because of his energy level and his lack of awareness of his size & strength. He's 2 years old, but he really acts like a toddler trapped in a big body... Very silly & playful, and totally the comic relief in the house. Oh and did I mention he doesn't walk the stairs, yet hops 3 stairs at a time?! But don't be fooled by his silly antics, because he is a smart boy! And how can you not love his face? With a black spot above his right eye, affectionately called his "prison tat" and the other side of his face looks like he rolled in black paint. And he totally rocks the "head tilt"! This handsome dude is magnificent from head to toe and truly meant to be the king of your castle!

All articles and content in this magazine are copyrighted by Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine. Any material, in whole or in part may not be reproduced unless prior written consent is given by publisher. While we strive to feature highly reputable companies and organizations, we are not liable for any claims made by such.

2   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016


Spring 2016 local tales HeARTs Speak & the Perfect Exposure Project  4 - 7

the dinner dish Adding Some Healthy Zip to Your Dog’s Meal Time  8 - 13

DIY Healthy Recipes for Your Dog  14 - 15

pet health & wellness Overdosage of Vaccines? - Dangerous and Common  16,14

rescue spotlight Animal Farm Foundation, Inc  18 - 21

what's up dog? Pet Events Calendar  20

pet resources Helpful Contact Information  23

Magazine not in your area yet? Subscribe for only $25/year & get Paw Print delivered directly to your mailbox! Details on Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine  |  Spring 2016

local tales




HeARTs Speak & the Perfect Exposure Project A Global Gem Based Right Here in the Hudson Valley We recently caught up with Lisa Prince Fishler, the founder, Executive Director and Vice President of the Board of Directors, of HeARTs Speak so we could learn more about this global network of c​reative professionals​ and visionary initiative. PP: Please tell us about the Perfect Exposure Project. LPF: One of HeARTs Speak’s primary initiatives is the Perfect Exposure Project (PEP). HeARTs Speak artist members provide pro bono creative services to nearly one-third of the 10,500 shelters in the United States. We believe that knowledge is for sharing, as, by doing so we can expand our reach even further. It is with this in mind that the idea for PEP was born. 4   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016


PEP is a two-day positive pet promotion workshop that is donated to animal shelters. In addition to hands-on training covering photography basics, positive marketing and language choice, and social media use, we also donate a DSLR camera and a complete studio set up, which includes lights and backdrops. PEP is unique because the two-day curriculum ensures extended time for hands-on training with experts in the field of shelter photography and promotion. We offer tips and inspiration for creative, engaging marketing while laying the foundation for a sustainable and team-based photography program that each shelter can then build upon. This format not only addresses the immediate needs of animals currently in the shelter system, but also influences long-term change through positive promotion and dissolution of shelter pet stereotypes. PP: Please tell us about one of your most​meaningful moments as a result of the work you’ve done with the Perfect Exposure Project. LPF: There is definitely no shortage of meaningful moments at PEPs, but one does stand out for me. This past fall we met an incredible woman named Edie. She’s a volunteer at the Palm Springs Animal Shelter and every member of our team was moved by her kindness and genuinely warm heart . At the close of our workshop, she brought us a gift she had made,​ to show her gratitude: A ​ beautiful container made from a gourd she dried and carved the design of a cat into. She somewhat timidly shared that she was reconnecting with her creative self, and wanted to give this particular gourd to us, as it was her favorite, and also appropriately, a cat. We have named the gourd, “Edie Cat,” and it traveled with us to the remaining PEPs last year, and will continue traveling with us to all future PEPs.


What is HeARTs Speak? HeARTs Speak is a global network of photographers, writers, graphic designers, sculptors, painters, illustrators, m​arketing professionals​ and animal advocates who provide time and professional services, pro-bono to animal welfare organizations in communities across the world.


ADOPTABLE DOGS Adopt 'Kirk' [photo 1]

PP: How can people living in the Hudson Valley get involved in this national initiative and why should they care about it?

Adopt 'Scarlet' [photo 2]

LPF: While the seed of appreciation for animal welfare may be planted in a small, enlightened community such as our own, awareness can only blossom if we’re collaborating with likeminded individuals, both close to home and far beyond.  Teamwork is the foundation on which HeARTs Speak was built, and one we believe is transformative for any cause. Communities that form a united presence in the face of challenge have the power to exponentially broaden their reach – and that means lives saved.

For information on adopting Kirk, Scarlet, Panda or Castle (on cover), contact

By being an active voice for homeless pets in our direct area, we’re positively impacting the welfare of companion animals everywhere. If you’re interested in getting a better grasp on photographing and promoting shelter animals, you can get your own copy of our Shelter Photography Field Guide — the official side kick to the PEP here: ▲

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Adopt 'Panda' [photo 3]

Help HeARTs Speak help more animals!

5 In addition, through simple actions such as highlighting the HeARTs Speak mission via social media, donating to our efforts to empower animal shelters across the country with marketing knowledge, or supporting the work of our individual member artists, Hudson Valley residents can contribute to an innovative, Hudson Valley-born solution to a national problem — and enjoy a seat at the forefront of arts, culture, and community. PP: If you were telling a friend about the great work you’ve done, what would you say about how this project has made you feel? LPF: I started HeARTs Speak because I was looking for camaraderie, and I believed the only way to make a seismic shift that animals and communities needed was for people to come together and be willing to put their egos to the side. I am consistently moved by the teamwork and support that HeARTs Speak members show one another and the communities they serve. The same holds true for the volunteers and staff we’ve met at high intake shelters via the PEP. Seeing people acting as kind, giving, selfless human beings, makes every day, and every interaction amazing. 6   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016

PP: What’s the best part about the next steps you are taking with PEP and HeARTs Speak? LPF: The most exciting things we have in the works for PEP are plans to provide direct training to even more shelters this year! Through some very generous grants, we are able to triple the number of shelters who will receive PEPs in 2016. This means that not only will more shelters be given tools to help them succeed, but also more animals will be given the opportunity to shine in front of the cameras and ultimately, in someone's home! The same holds true for HeARTs Speak, as a whole, as we will focus on bringing more tools and resources to animal shelters (and their local communities) in an effort to continue to broaden the impact of marketing and photography on adoptions, outreach and overall lifesaving. We have so many plans for 2016, and at the heart of it all is our members, who help to keep us informed, grounded and incredibly grateful for the good work that they do — so of course we're enthusiastic about bringing them new networking opportunities and tools!


PHOTOGRAPHERS Photography by Lisa Prince Fishler Printz Photography HS Founder & Executive Director PEP Instructor Adoptable Dogs on page 4 by Geoff Tischman [photos 1,3] Tischman Pets Photography HS Member Photographer PEP Instructor Rebekah Nemethy [photo 2] Reflective Photos HS Member Photographer

PP: This type of work can be challenging – why do you continue to do it? LPF: At the core of what motivates me is the reason I got into it: My love of animals. But as you’ve noted, sheltering and rescue work can be difficult, and I’ve also developed a deep respect for the people in this field as well — from direct caregivers, to administrators, to volunteers — for all that they do. I’m continually moved by one of HeARTs Speak’s main goals of contributing to a global shift in the way shelter animals are viewed, so that adoption becomes the first option for anyone seeking a new pet. I’m heartened by all of the advances being made in animal sheltering to reach into communities and affect change at a deeper level. And, I am proud to say HeARTs Speak is committed to the evolving nature of this work – acknowledging shifts is what defines “progression” and the way we contribute to this cause is something we always keep at the forefront. We look forward, as an organization, to building upon new developments and exploring how we can continue to help other animal centric organizations achieve their missions through art.

sUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUsUs Written by Laura Betti Freelance Writer



Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. ~ Confucius

PawFact A female cat may mate with more than one male, when she is in heat, meaning different kittens in a litter may have different fathers. 7

the dinner dish

Adding Some Healthy Zip to Your Dog’s Meal Time By Dorothy Wills-Raftery

Imagine eating the same exact thing, day after day—how boring! The same can be said about our canine companions and their appetites and interest in food. A bowl of dry kibble, no matter how high quality, will turn away a nose if that’s all that is ever poured into the dog dish. Tempted to add a little of your own food? While we have all heard the talk that people food is not good for our dogs, in actuality, there are plenty of people foods that are really good for our dog’s heath.

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HUMAN FOOD: GOOD OR BAD It is important to realize that a dog’s digestive system is not the same as a human’s. While we can feed our cravings with chocolate, enjoy eating that bowl of grapes, love sipping a favorite cup of coffee or glass of wine, or like onions in our meatloaf, these foods can be toxic to dogs, and, yes, even cause death. But that leafy green bunch of kale, those green beans, the can of pumpkin puree or container of plain Greek-style yogurt you purchased, can certainly be enjoyed by you and your dog! And there are lots more human goodies dogs can eat, including coconut oil, omega oil, cottage cheese, veggies, fruits, fish, and cooked meats! As with anything new being introduced to your dog’s diet, please always consult with your veterinarian first. When you have the okay, introduce the foods one at a time in small amounts to be sure your dog is not allergic and can tolerate it. Whenever possible, always feed your dog natural organic foods to avoid preservatives and pesticides, which can cause other health issues, including seizures.

COCONUT OIL While coconut oil seems to be all the rage these days, it’s really been around for quite some time. It is not only a tasty additive to a dog’s food, it’s a healthy one. According to Carrie Andress, M.S., L.Ac. of Andress Acu-

puncture in Ulster County (, and a former Alaskan sled dog parent, “The great thing about someone who is trying to clean up their own or their pet's diet by incorporating organic coconut oil, is that it works down to the cellular level and has a positive effect on overall body health. Benefits seen could include weight loss, improved fungal and candida issues, improved skin disorders such as sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, etc., and improved gastrointestinal issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome and colitis." Andress also recommends whipping up a healthy “green smoothie” for your dog and serve straight up or pour over kibble.

PURE PUMPKIN PUREE Pure pumpkin puree (which contains no sugar, only pumpkin, and is not to be confused with pumpkin pie filling, which is NOT good for dogs) is very tasty to most dogs, and is a wonderful source of fiber, aids in digestion, and can help alleviate both constipation and diarrhea in dogs. And if your dog needs a little help in the losing weight department, adding pumpkin puree can really help. There are also some delicious pumpkin dog cookie and treat recipes available to tempt your dog’s palate and make for great dry food toppers! Check out Canine Cooking Corner on the FiveSibes You Tube channel for a Maple Pumpkin Cookies recipe.

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Dorothy Wills-Raftery is a Siberian Husky/Canine blogger and host of “The Sibe Vibe” Dog Works Radio Show based out of the Hudson Valley and Alaska, and a lifelong resident of the Hudson Valley. Blog: Facebook: FiveSibes: Siberian Husky K9 News & Reviews 9

WHAT DO EXPERTS SAY ROSALYN ACERO Golden Woofs: Sugar the Golden Retriever Adding treats, veggies, and soft dog food to a dog’s food is a great way to encourage them to the bowl. Rosalyn Acero, of the very popular website Golden Woofs: Sugar the Golden Retriever, features many amazing and healthy recipes on her site. Her dog treat recipes have been featured in Dog Fancy and Family Circle magazines, and she is currently working on a canine treat cookbook to be published this fall. Acero’s Golden Retriever, Sugar, has allergies, which is why she started to make her own dog treats, and she has a few tricks in her apron pocket. “Adding soft food definitely added some zip on Sugar’s regular kibble,” she says. “I rotate three brands of soft food, her favorite is (a) dog stew for dogs. On her morning meal, I add fish oil and green vegetable, such as broccoli (known to help prevent cancer) or kale. On her evening meal, I add coconut oil…and soft boiled carrots.” Acero has also just started adding beets, which are a source of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, and dogs really seem to love them.

DEBBY MARTIN Author & Canine Nutrition Blogger The Canine Chef Cookbook Kirby the Dorkie Debby Martin, author of The Canine Chef Cookbook and canine nutrition blogger at Kirby the Dorkie knows all too well about picky eaters. “We've had trouble in the past with fosters refusing to eat…so I have to transition them to only kibble…I start by mixing in some warmed bone broth or chicken stock - I make these all the time so I usually have a fresh jar in the fridge, but frozen cubes melted in the microwave would work just as well.” According to Dogs Naturally, in addition to enticing a dog to eat his kibble, the many health benefits of bone broth include being good for dogs’ joints, helps to detoxify the liver, helps create a healthy intestinal tract or “gut,” and is packed with nutrients for ailing dogs. 10   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016

Martin also notes that, “Different add-ins can be as simple as a few spoonsful of low-fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, pumpkin puree, applesauce, or even a few mashed up sardines. It takes a little more work, but chopped fruit, finely chopped veggies, or even chopped boiled eggs are all healthy additions” as toppers notes Martin. “It's all about finding the foods your dog likes that are dog safe.” Another great tip she mentions in her book is to follow a “rotation diet.” Martin says, “Varying wholesome real foods on a regular basis lessens the chance of developing food allergies…also rotating meats and vegetables exposes him to a healthier range of nutrient sources and inhibits the boredom factor.”

NANETTE WILLIS Owner And Baker Sassy’s Goodies After losing one of her dogs to diabetes, Nanette Willis, owner and baker of Sassy’s Goodies, a canine bakery based in Missouri began making homemade food and treats for her dogs in an effort to give them a more healthy diet. Willis likes to add in blueberries, pumpkin, and applesauce to her dogs’ food because, she says, “They have lots of vitamins and dogs love the taste.” She also notes that treats can be very healthy and easy to prepare. “A fun, easy treat is dried apples or bananas.” Willis notes, “It's very important to know what your dog is eating, both in food, as well as treats. So many store dog food and treats are full of bad or harmful ingredients that make your dog sick more often, and have a short lifespan.” Willis says she cooks for her dogs using “real meat and vegetables, and they have better coats, cleaner teeth, and have fewer health problems. That's also how we make our treats, with fewer, better ingredients, no fillers or preservatives. A healthy dog is a happy dog, and they live longer for us to love on more.”

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KEN SCHLEGEL & RALF LA BELLE Owners And Bakers House Woof Dog Biscuits Ken Schlegel and Ralf La Belle, the owners and bakers at House Woof Dog Biscuits, a national online bakery based out of Vermont, were first inspired to create wholesome recipes for their own Siberian Huskies. Past experiences with canine health issues such as liver cancer, diabetes, hypothyroidism, onset Cushing’s disease and degenerative myelitis, had them researching and creating healthier diets and treats for their dogs. Schlegel’s medical background as a Registered Nurse led to his extensive research into food ingredients that benefit a canine’s health, while chef La Belle whips up their recipes in their bakery’s kitchen. While advocates for raw feeding, to add some healthy zip to prepared dog food, they recommend several add-ins, and topping their list to make kibble even better is sardines. “Sardines are full of proteins, provide good support for joint and bones, an excellent source of B12 to help promote cardiac health, and the Omega-3's have been shown to inhibit tumor formation and metastasizing,” explains Schlegel. Trusted Veterinary Care for dogs, cats, birds, pocket pets and exotics.

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“Sardines in water (no salt) are wonderful for the northern breeds in helping with preventing, and or those who have, ZRD (zinc responsive dermatitis) due to the high amount of zinc they contain. Sardines are also beneficial for dogs who are epileptic due to the amount of Omega's packed within the sardine.” Schlegel and La Belle also suggest adding eggs, veggies and berries, “especially blueberries,” adds La Belle, “as they are packed with antioxidants.” For more recipes and healthy food tips, visit the photo section of Schlegel also recommends, “Keeping the amount of add-ins small, or decreasing the amount of commercial food your canine gets so that you don’t increase the total number of calories you feed, which can lead to an unhealthy weight gain.” And always “look up foods not recommended for your canines.”

HOW DO YOU KNOW IF A HUMAN FOOD IS SAFE FOR YOUR DOG? Check with your own veterinarian and refer to the Humane Society of the United States “Foods Poisonous to Pets” list at

No ! I have NOT been fed !

LOCAL FARE - NY WINE Craft brews 2014 Best Restaurant in Greene County 2014 World Beer Cup Winner 21 second street athens, ny

DIY Do It Yourself

Banana Coconut

Dog Pancakes Complimentary recipes to serve individually or add as toppers to your dog’s food. Ingredients: 1 medium ripe banana 1 tablespoon of coconut flour 1 egg 1 teaspoon honey (optional) coconut oil to coat pan Makes about 4 Bone Dog Pancakes depending on the thickness Instructions: 1. In a bowl, break up the banana into chunks. Using a fork, thoroughly mash the banana until almost smooth. 2. Whisk the egg then pour over the banana. Stir until the egg is completely combined. 3. Add the coconut flour and honey. Stir until semi-smooth batter. 4. Heat coconut oil over medium heat and place the batter inside a bone shaped cookie cutter. 5. Cook each side 1-2 minutes (depending on the thickness)

Topping Plain yogurt and berries (blueberries & strawberries)

Tips 1. Don’t over mash the banana. You can leave some small banana chunks. 2. Use a stainless steel cookie cutter and grease inside (use coconut oil) © Golden Woofs: Sugar the Golden Retriever. Reprinted with Permission


Beet chips Ingredients: Organic or fresh beets, washed, rinsed and sliced to ¼" thick.

Sniff us out at 10 East Market Street in Red Hook

Instructions: Preheat oven to 350°F. Rub sliced beets with olive oil and place onto parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Bake for 35 minutes. Turn oven off and let them stay in oven for 10 minutes. Cool completely. These chewy dog treats will last for up to three weeks in the refrigerator and four months in the freezer.

Pause is under new ownership! New Products, New Prices, Plus All Your Old Favorites...

© House Woof Dog Biscuits. Reprinted with permission.


Blueberry Blend Smoothie Ingredients: 1 cup organic blueberries 1/2 organic banana
 2 cups organic kale

Nestled in the Catskill Mountains, a state of the art resort, run by Professionals to care for your special friend.

Directions: Blend on high until smooth. Serve up for pups and self!

© Carrie Andress/Andress Acupuncture for FiveSibes. Reprinted with permission. Photo by Dorothy Wills-Raftery. “Wolf” of the FiveSibes waiting for a strawberry!

“While you’re gone, let them vacation with us.” 4568 Route 32 • Catskill, NY 12414 Tel (518) 678-0800 • Fax (518) 678-0808 Email website www. 15



Nowhere in medicine is a prescription drug given independent of dose - except for vaccines. Overdosing and underdosing is bad medicine. It’s malpractice. Yet, I suspect it is done every day – with vaccines. "


overdosing of vaccines a common problem in veterinary medicine? The problem has recently been highlighted by the latest official vaccination guidelines published by AAHA, the American Animal Hospital Association. AAHA’s parameters are considered the gold standard in veterinary medicine. They have concern that the incidence of documented adverse vaccine reactions is statistically highest in small dogs, especially when multiple vaccines are given simultaneously. AAHA infers this is likely due to the quantity of the dose relative to the body size of the patient, and that the risk could be mitigated with smaller doses. That certainly seems self evident, even to a lay person. Every dose of vaccine must suffice for the largest possible patient to be effective as stated by the manufacturer. When a small dog receives the full dose of any vaccine, he/she is getting a dose that is intended for the maximal sized dog. That PawTip means every time vaccines are given to Safely remove a a little 2 lb. Chihuahua puppy, he/she is tick off your pet. Apply a glob of getting a dose meant to suffice a 140 lb. liquid soap to a Mastiff. That is a 70 fold difference! cotton ball. Cover the tick with The problem exists for cats, too, but would seem to be less severe. The differ- the soap-soaked cotton ball and swab it for 20-30 seconds. The tick ence between a 2 lb. kitten and a 20 lb. will come out on its own and be adult cat is only 10 fold. Still, smaller cats stuck to the cotton ball when you and kittens are being overdosed as well. lift it away.

16   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016

pet health & wellness

Vaccines have been characterized as benign for decades in both human and veterinary medicine. So it would seem harmless to manufacture doses proportionate to the largest possible patient. We now know better. Vaccines are an elective medical procedure and they are not benign. The multitude of tragic cases of Vaccine Related Fibrosarcoma is just one of the most obvious examples of that. It is worthwhile to discuss this with your veterinarian, prior to vaccinating. The techs and the receptionists at most practices are not likely to be able to have an informed discourse on this subject. The veterinarian may not either! You should ask whether he/she will consider what I term a “size appropriate” dose, when you next need your pet vaccinated. Many thoughtful, progressive veterinarians are already separating the different vaccines so as not to give them all on one day. This reasonable precaution is just an extension of that level of professional care. In conventional medicine (for pets and for people), adverse vaccine reactions are usually thought of as acute reactions, anything that happens within 48 hrs of a vaccine. This is an arbitrary, short sighted, archaic, and very dangerous definition. Chronic

vaccine related disease is called vaccinosis and is extremely common, though it is not acknowledged in the conventional medical community. Practitioners in the holistic, natural, alternative medical community can compare by clinical observation the two different populations. Those pets who have been vaccinated by the outdated standards (all vaccines, all at once, full dose) compared to those pets who have never received a vaccine or who have been vaccinated more conservatively, by the newer, progressive standards of dosing. The difference is obvious to us.

Dr. Michele Yasson

was one of the early students of noted veterinary homeopath Dr. Richard Pitcairn. She is considered a pioneering elder in the field of holistic veterinary medicine. Using a holistic approach, she has had remarkable success treating cancer, diabetes, behavioral problems, and many other chronic disease issues, mostly considered incurable. © Dr. Michele Yasson, 2016 | 845.338.3300 Healing the World, Four Paws at a Time. 17

Animal Farm Foundation, Inc. Animal Farm Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation, which has been rescuing and re-homing animals, as well as making grants to other humane organizations, since the mid-1980s. Animal Farm Foundation’s mission is to secure equal treatment and opportunity for "pit bull" dogs. Animal Farm Foundation’s mission work consists of several programs that feature sheltered and rescued “pit bull” dogs in roles that help people and communities, such as the Detection Dog Program – where rescued “pit bull” dogs are trained for law enforcement – and the Assistance Dog Training Program – where rescued “pit bull” dogs are trained to be service dogs. These programs encourage the public to think of each dog (labeled “pit bull” or not) as an individual, and treat them as such. While some dogs have what it takes to become service dogs, and others shine in the police force, some are simply at their best at home as beloved family pets. Animal Farm Foundation places “pit bull” dogs in need of homes with adoptive families. Animal Farm Foundation rescues, trains and re-homes "pit bull" dogs through the shelter in Dutchess County, New York, and hosts visitors of all ages and interests to meet the dogs and experience the organization’s mission firsthand. The dogs come from animal care and controls, shelters, rescues and animal cruelty cases. All dogs are spayed/neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. Animal Farm Foundation does not charge an adoption fee, however donations are always welcome. 18

rescue spotlight HOW TO DONATE FUNDS AND/OR TIME The generous support of community members helps Animal Farm Foundation meet its mission of securing equal treatment and opportunity for “pit bull” dogs. Donations help to provide shelter for dogs in need, offer free education and internships to shelter professionals, assist programs on a national level through grant programs and so much more.

by shelter dogs. If they receive items that are not needed at that time by the dogs at Animal Farm Foundation, they deliver the items to other shelters and rescues in the area. Your donation will make a difference!

Animal Farm Foundation happily accepts donations of items most often needed

For more information on how to donate to Animal Farm Foundation, please visit:

Every donation contributes to a brighter future for “pit bull” dogs. No amount is too small and every donation is appreciated.

continues on page 21

Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016  19

what's up dog? Pet Events Calendar for Mar - Apr - May 2016 Beacon Barks! 2015

6pm-8pm Sat

Mar 12 th Sun

Mar 13 th 5:30pm Sat

Apr 9 th 6pm-10pm Sat


5:30pm Thu

Apr 21 st 10am-3pm


(please check website)

9am-12pm Sun

May 1 st 10am-12pm Sat

May 14 th 9am-2pm Sun

May 15 th 11am Sat

May 21 st 11am-6pm Sun

May 22 nd


Paws for a Cause East Fishkill Community Center, Hopewell Junction, NY Fundraiser: Silent auction, 50/50 raffle, hors d’oeuvres / dessert. All proceeds benefit Safe Haven Animal & Wildlife Center’s Building Fund. K9 Veterans Day A day to honor all military and working dogs for their service and sacrifice for our nation. Fur Ball Diamond Mills Hotel, Saugerties, NY 17th annual ball to benefit Ulster County SPCA - silent and live auctions, cocktails and dinner. Around the World for 80 Strays Gala Albany Marriott, Albany, NY 9th annual gala to benefit Mohawk Hudson Humane Society - cocktail hour, sit-down dinner, silent and live auctions, music and dancing. Tails by Twilight Gala - Spring Fling Glen Sanders Mansion, Scotia, NY A magical evening in support of the Animal Protective Foundation. Beacon Barks! Parade & Street Festival Main St. Beacon, NY 10th annual animal shelter appreciation day. Festivities, food and fun for the whole family, including the four-legged kind! Pets Alive 5K Run/Walk Fancher Davidge Park, Middletown, NY 1st annual run/walk to benefit Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary. High Falls Pet Show High Falls Community Church, High Falls, NY An annual event where ALL pets are welcome and EVERYONE is a winner! HVPPM’s own Sirena Johnson will be a guest judge! Bark for Life of Ulster Kiwanis Ice Arena, Saugerties, NY A noncompetitive walk event for dogs and their owners to raise funds and awareness for the American Cancer Society's fight against cancer. Safe Haven’s Pet & Wildlife Expo East Fishkill Community Center, Hopewell Junction, NY Shop pet-related vendors, adopt a new friend from an animal rescue group, and get free samples and giveaways. Rain date is May 22nd. Woof N’ Wine Benmarl Winery, Marlboro, NY 7th annual event to benefit shelter dogs. Wine tasting, raffles and strolls through the vineyard with your best friend! For further info on these and other events in our area, see our calendar on

20   Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016

s! 2015

Beacon Bark

continued from page 19

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES If you are interested in volunteering at Animal Farm Foundation, they can certainly use your help. From hands-on work with the dogs to administrative tasks in the offices, some of the most popular volunteer activities include: Working directly with the dogs to provide exercise and socialization Preparing enrichment tools by stuffing Kongs, cutting treats and creating “busy buckets” Assisting with office work, community events and hanging posters Animal Farm Foundation is committed to helping volunteers become knowledgeable dog handlers. As a volunteer you can participate in formal learning opportunities such as basic dog training classes and educational presentations. For more information on how to volunteer at Animal Farm Foundation, please visit:

PawFact Since “pit bull” isn’t a breed and because there is no agreed upon definition of what makes a dog a “pit bull”, there are many dogs that are labeled pit bull. In fact, less than 1% of a dog’s genes determine its physical appearance. What’s most important to know is that even though many dogs are assigned the label “pit bull”, it doesn’t mean they are genetically or behaviorally similar or that you can predict a dog’s behavior based on that label.

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Local Art for Sale

518 943 PURR (7877) 358 Main Street Catskill , NY 12414 22               Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2016

pet resources EMERGENCY ANIMAL HOSPITALS & HOTLINES Animal Emergency Clinic-Poughkeepsie �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 471 8242 Animal Emergency Clinic-Kingston ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 336 0713 VCA Animal Specialty & Emergency Hospital - Wappingers Falls ����������������������������������������������������845 632 3200 VetMedics Veterinary Emergency Transport Paramedics �������������������������������������������������������������������845 202 7200 Orange County Animal Emergency Service ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 692 0260 Capital District Animal Emergency Clinic-Latham ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������518 785 1094 ASPCA Poison Control Center | ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������888 426 4435 To report adverse food & drug effects in pets ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������888 FDA VETS To anonymously report dogfighting �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������877 TIP HSUS To anonymously report a puppy mill ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 877 MILL TIP


Columbia Greene Humane Society | ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������518 828 6044 Mohawk Hudson Humane Society | ������������������������������������������������������������� 518 434 8128 Dutchess County SPCA | ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 452 7722 Ulster County SPCA | ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 331 5377 Hudson Valley SPCA | ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 564 6810

To find an animal shelter or rescue group near you: or To adopt a pet (specific breed, gender, age, etc.): or For low cost spay/neuter services or certificates: or For a list of local wildlife rehabilitators: “ I’m sorry, you can’t count your litter box as a deduction even though you do your business there.”


To find a local T-N-R program for feral cats:

Safe Haven Thrift Shop & Pet Food Pantry ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 448 Rte 376 Hopewell Junction Coxsackie Pet Food Pantry ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 518 16 Washington Ave Coxsackie Four Paws Food Pantry ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 1765 Rte 212 Saugerties Pet Chow Pantry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 845 363 Derby Rd. Middletown Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 914 White Plains, NY 10602

392 5300 478 5414 679 0339 386 9738 907 3487




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