Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine - Fall 2015

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please take one

Fall 2015                        1

Issue 5 Sep - Oct - Nov 2015 magazine

A Welcome Note from the publisher Founder & Publisher

SIRENA JOHNSON Graphic Designer | Art Director


Guest Writers




Happy one year anniversary Paw Print Magazine! What a blessed year it has been, connecting with many kind and big-hearted souls along the way. What wonderful people animal lovers are! To start out its second year, I made the decision to change the magazine’s quarterly publication months. This decision was made for a few advantageous reasons, but primarily to publish along with proper seasonal quarters, which I was unable to do at the start, back in July. With each issue, our mission is to gradually extend the magazine’s reach to neighboring counties in the Hudson Valley. Made possible by the support of contributing businesses through advertising, I aim to increase the volume of the magazine itself; providing more and more content and local stories. I am so excited to continue on this amazing journey and I thank everyone for their continued support and readership! Love for the animals!

© 2015 Hudson Valley Paw Print P.O. Box 246 Athens, NY 12015 518.567.5707

Sirena Johnson Founder & Publisher

All articles and content in this magazine are copyrighted by Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine. Any material, in whole or in part may not be reproduced unless prior written consent is given by publisher. While we strive to feature highly reputable companies and organizations, we are not liable for any claims made by such.

2   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015


Fall 2015 local tales

“Please Pet Me, I’m Working”

special feature

8, 9

Coming Full Circle


Kitty Litter Box

the K9 kind

Rules of Recall

5, 6

11 12 -14

rescue spotlight

Helpers 4 Shelters     15

what’s up dog?

Pet Events Calendar

pet resources


Helpful Contact Information


Magazine not in your area yet? Subscribe for only $25/year & get Paw Print delivered directly to your mailbox! Details on

Hudson Valley Paw Print Magazine 2015  |  Fall 2015

Trusted Veterinary Care for dogs, cats, birds, pocket pets and exotics.

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845-255-5055 • 230 Main Street New Paltz,NY 12561 •

The Story Tree Pet Portraits & Family Trees by Tammy Liu-Haller *Portion of sales go to animal rescues. See website for details. 4   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015

local tales

“Please Pet Me, I’m Working!”


By Jen DuBois

“Bringer of joy,” thy name is Thabiso. Beau does a great job too, “as long as you keep petting him.” So lovingly jokes Beau’s handler, Allison Smith. Smith and her husband Tom McManus currently bring the two handsome yellow labs (although Beau is a bit more fair-furred) to visits in local schools, libraries, homeless shelters, and assisted living facilities in our area. Simply put, they work together to make people feel better.

community at large. Families traveling around with small children absolutely need to teach them how to be safe, thoughtful, and respectful around animals they meet along the way.

With the “Tail Waggin’ Tutors” program, the dogs began with visits to Heermance Memorial Library in Coxsackie and have expanded to include visits to us at the Catskill Public Library and Palenville Branch Library as well as visiting Catskill Youth Services D.R. Everts Library in Librarian Jesse O’Dunne Athens, where the dogs Much of the dogs’ roles on the and I recently met with offer support to those the four at Purrfect Tails struggling with reading. job include sitting patiently, of Catskill for our Catskill In the case of Follow allowing people to stroke their Public Library traveling That Book, most of the fur, hug them, and sometimes story hour program, children aren’t yet able “Follow That Book!” to read anything at even use them as a pillow. This program is geared all, but with Beau and toward preschool-aged Thabiso there, they are children and their grown-ups, offering them a more than happy to try! (Check the libraries’ chance every other Wednesday morning to calendars, websites and Facebook pages for encounter different settings and beings (primarily scheduling details, as each dog has his own off-hours, in a sort of “social training wheels” schedule with his handler.) The duo of Labrador program with lots of books related to each Retrievers worked with Allison and Tom to visit) and to learn about what goes on in our become certified as handler/dog teams through ▲

continues on the next page


Therapy Dogs International. Unlike service dogs, who normally work with one human, trained to assist that person in daily functions affected by a difference in ability or a condition of health, therapy dogs visit many different people in many types of environments and offer support as a warm physical body and calming emotional presence. Many people have seen a blind person with a seeing-eye dog, and may not realize that a service dog might instead be trained to hear a baby making noise and notify her Deaf parents, or alert someone to a potential oncoming seizure. One thing these service dogs would have in common while out in public would be perhaps a vest that says “please don’t pet me, I’m working.” Not so for Thabiso and Beau, and other certified therapy dogs making visits to people of varying ages, stages, and abilities. One major difference is in fact the petting. Much of the dogs’ roles on the job include sitting patiently, allowing people to stroke their fur, hug them, and sometimes even use them as a pillow. Beau loves this part of the job, but feels it in his joints sometimes and needs breaks now and again like all of us do. For Thabiso, who suffers from digestion issues, this kind of enthusiastic snuggling can be uncomfortable, but Allison says he would never let you know it. If a child reading a story wants to lean on him, he will be there, steadfast and stoic. His training requires it, and his personality and patience shine through. His people will be there to ensure his comfort and now prepare a special diet for him after years of trying to get to the bottom of his food allergies. He now eats special meals and feels much better for it! Something therapy dogs and service dogs have in common is the number of potential distractions and dangers to them on the job, something Allison and Tom take very seriously and guard against with vigilance. Pet them, but please, please don’t offer treats! We practiced this at Follow That Book, keeping people snacks 6   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015

away from the pups and making a big deal about this to the kids. They are well-trained, but thoughtfulness and removal of those temptations is always best. Therapy dogs need training and to pass a test for certification, but above all things, they need to have the demeanor to do the job. The couple each got certified to do visits with Thabiso in 2011, and then did the same with Beau in 2013. While Beau adores people, and is kind, gentle, and sweet, Allison admits he is less intuitive than Thabiso is in his role as a therapy dog. Thabiso will usually choose the person who needs him most that day, and has even gone so far as to insist that they stop and take note, even when a person has shown no interest in being visited that day. Thabiso seems to recognize the elderly patient mourning the loss of a recently deceased friend, the child struggling with a home situation, or the need for a little extra help reading or talking through something difficult. There is no shortage of people who could use a little help and support to feel better. Thabiso and Beau quietly and effectively remind us that what matter most are our gestures of loyalty and friendship, time spent with intention and love, and just being there.

Human Meds Vet Approved  The following list can be very useful if you cannot reach a veterinarian immediately.

canine dosage

feline dosage

Benedryl Treats allergies, itching, etc 25-50 mg Every 12 hours based on severity Dogs under 25 lb 12.5 mg

12.5 mg Every 12 hours based on severity

Buffered Aspirin Pain relief/anti-inflammatory 5 mg per lb Every 12 hours


Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) Used to induce vomiting after accidental ingestion of poisons 10-20 ml by mouth 5-10 ml by mouth Every 15 minutes Every 15 minutes Kaopectate relieves diarrhea 1 ml per lb Every 2 hours

1 ml per lb Every 2 hours

Pepto Bismol Diarrhea, anti-vomiting, gas 1 ml per 10 lbs Every 12 hours


Mineral Oil to alleviate constipation Up to 4 tbs Daily

Up to 2 tbs Daily

Dramamine reduces car sickness Up to 50 mg Every 8 hours

Up to 10 mg Every 8 hours Tylenol



Coming Full Circle HOW DO I KNOW IF IT IS TIME?

Dr. Michelle Rocque

8   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015

special feature


or any of us that have been animal lovers our entire lives, at one time or another we have been faced with the heartbreaking reality of our furry children having a lifespan much shorter than we want it to be. We all hope and pray that when it is their time to depart this earth, they take that journey peacefully and on their own.

Dr. Michelle Rocque practices integrative veterinary medicine at Full Circle Veterinary Hospital in Wappingers Falls. Her passion in medicine lies especially in nutrition and alternative modalities such as nutraceuticals, homeopathy, and herbal medicine for dogs, cats, birds, and pocket pets. She believes that integrating conventional and holistic medicine offers her clients more options for the treatment of their beloved furry family members.

More often than not, however, we are faced with the agonizingly difficult decision of whether to proceed with euthanasia or not. One of the most common questions I am asked as a veterinarian in these situations is, “How do I know if it is time?” I approach the answer to this question delicately, because there is no right or wrong response. I usually tell my clients that they know their beloved pet better than I ever will and trusting their instincts on coming to this decision is the best guidance. However, we often question our instincts when it is such a pivotal choice we must make. Our pets do offer indicators that I attempt to point out to my clients, such as when activities or actions that have always elicited a positive response are no longer able to do so. For example, if a certain type of food or treat has always been a favorite and now there is no interest, or if taking the leash out has never failed to inspire excitement over a walk and that has disappeared. These are what I call Quality of Life indicators and are helpful in knowing if our pets need help in their journey to leave our sides. There are no words or actions that can make the decision to euthanize a furry member of the family any easier, but talking through these issues can often alleviate the understandable guilt that can rise with the ability to choose. Euthanasia is a very controversial topic in human medicine and what I tell everyone in this situation is that it is both a blessing and a curse that we can choose in veterinary medicine. In many ways, we afford a greater amount of respect to our pets in our efforts to relieve their suffering than we do for our own species. Many clients ask me what to expect during the actual euthanasia. My protocol is to administer a sedative first so the pet is relaxed during the procedure. Once sedated, the clients have the ability to spend some quiet time with their pet if desired. Once the pet parents are ready, I administer an overdose of an anesthetic that stops the heart. It is very peaceful and my patients do not feel anything. I do discuss with my clients that pets do not close their eyes once the injection is given so they are prepared for this occurrence. What I have come to understand is that there is no set way to proceed. It has to be what offers the most peace to each individual moving forward. When you reach this crossroads in your pet’s life it is important to talk with your veterinarian and make decisions together for both you and your pet.


10   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015


Do It Yourself

Easy pee-zy

kitty litter box ! Not only simple to make and cuts down on litter tracking, but also keeps nosy little dogs from looking for litter biscuits ( TMI...I know...but if you have both, you know it’s the truth! )

What you will need: 1. Storage tote

3. Plate

2. Box cutter

4. Dry erase marker

❸ Step 1 Place the plate ( or something to trace a circle big enough for your cat to go through ) on one side of the tote’s lid and trace the outline. Step 2 Cut the hole out using the box cutter. (You may want to use a file if there are rough edges) Step 3 Fill with cat litter!

PawTip Put double-sided tape on surfaces where you don’t want your cat to scratch or jump up on. Let’s go back to your second life and explore more into why you started peeing in the laundry basket.



Does your dog come to you when you call? We asked for help from two local trainers and here are their “Rules of Recall” Polly Kaplan

Sirius Play Dog Training So… your dog doesn’t come when called? Join the club. You are hardly alone in this complaint. The majority of prospective training clients who contact me complain their dog doesn’t come when called. You tell me he’s disobedient, dominant, stubborn or he doesn’t listen. I nod and smile. Well, it’s time to ask yourself a few questions before we start working on a recall (or coming when called): What element in the environment are you competing with for your dog’s attention? What do you have to offer that is more enticing than that element that has him so interested? And what have you done prior to this moment­­­- days, weeks, months, years to ­­­ reward your dog when he does come to you? 12   Hudson Valley Paw Print 2015

Learn more about Polly and her training techniques on her website,

Have you paid him with treats and praise or have you scolded him? Would you come running to a friend who beckons you with an ice cream cone or scolds you because you’re too slow? If you would like to build a great recall with your dog, start by rewarding him with his favorite treat for looking at you when you pleasantly say his name. Dogs respond enthusiastically to happy, smiling owners. Practice this game when your dog is hungry. You can even use his regular food with higher value treats mixed in. Build the foundation of recall in an indoor, distraction ­free environment and then slowly add distractions by moving to different areas, and eventually outside. Keep your dog on a leash

the K9 kind or long line and pay him for checking in with you. If you practice consistently and patiently, you will be paid back with a brilliant recall. Here are a few more vital elements to a great recall:


NEVER call your dog to you for something he doesn’t like. If he hates getting a bath or having his nails trimmed, go get him. Don’t call his name. He’ll associate his name with something he doesn’t like and may not come the next time you call him.

2. Do not scold him when he does finally come to you. I’ll be the first to admit

that it is very frustrating when my dog doesn’t come to me right away. But pretend you must, and pretend you will, that coming to you is the best thing your dog has ever done. Throw a party!

3. If you call your dog and he doesn’t come to you, go get him! He will not hear his name if you overuse it.

4. Make your dog’s recall into a game. Make it fun by using silly voices, jumping

up and down, running away from him. Dogs love games and fun. Don’t be proud. Be fun. Be rewarding. Your dog will love you and want to be with you. Put yourself in your dog’s paws. Would you want to come to you?

Josh Jacobson

Fearless K9 Dog Training When teaching and training a dog, recall is one of the most important elements for success. If one can teach recall, a leave it command, and a down command, almost all situations can be effectively dealt with. Recall can be life saving and so it has to be a first priority in the training of any dog. Dogs need to have instant recall in any circumstance and with any distractions. Where recall is concerned, I use The Premack Principle. This theory states, “High-probability behaviors (those performed frequently under conditions of free choice) can be used to reinforce low-probability behaviors.” In other words, to get your dog to do what you want instead of what he wants, you must first figure out how much he values his choices. For instance, if you want your dog to drop a ball

Learn more about Josh and his training techniques on his website,

at your feet, he must learn that you will not throw it until he drops it. His preferred behavior is to chase a ball. Now he has made the connection between his less desirable behavior, dropping the ball, with his preferred behavior, chasing the ball. Making sure the dog wants to be in close proximity to its owner is key in this technique. Dogs should not be overly corrected, or have negative commands until the recall is completely understood and successful for both dog and owner. Even after the training is a success, I continue with escape training. Usually a long flexi or line and minimal correction is used to keep the dog’s focus and to reinforce the importance of the dog following the recall process. I have added two additional elements to the teaching of recall. One, I ▲

continues on the next page


Call Us Today! 845.234.4417 Specializing In Intergrated Holisitic Medicine ✔ Comprehensive preventative wellness program customized to your pet ✔ Animal medical services for diagnosing and treating health conditions ✔ Pet surgery including spay and neuter ✔ Pet dental cleanings and treatment to avoid serious dental diseases and many more

Tender Loving Care & More! Dr. Rocque Welcomes You!

1609 Route 9, Wappingers Falls, NY continues from the page 13

LOCAL FARE - NY WINE Craft brews 2014 Best Restaurant in Greene County 2014 World Beer Cup Winner

praise the dog as soon as he returns to me. I have found the dog not only responds with more confidence but they are also more focused under high distraction situations. Secondly, I ensure the dog is taught to stay in close proximity to their owner until they are given the release command. All of these techniques allow the dog to be more focused and therefore more safe in its surroundings. If the dog is trained properly, they will be less apt to run after cars or stray from their owner without returning immediately upon hearing the recall command.

PawTip 21 second street athens, ny

Got worms? Feeding your dog raw pumpkin seeds has been known to work as an effective deworming agent!

rescue spotlight Helpers 4 Shelters

HOW TO DONATE Kindly contact: Roxanne Fiorillo at 845.344.4046 Drop off location: 1897 Goshen Tpk Middletown, NY 10941

is a volunteer based, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that gives aid and support to shelter groups of every denomination who offer their services to homeless people and pets. Their mission is to improve the lives of animals and people through advocacy, education and support. Their vision is to see a world in which animals and people are treated with compassion and respect and where resources are readily available to those who are in need. By raising funds through private donations, they distribute to local shelters who are in need of materials and/or funding to help maintain daily operation.

 Please call first to find out what items they take and to make an appointment for dropping off.

Helpers 4 Shelters also seeks to provide for the homeless by meeting the physical needs of people and pets in crisis. To find out more, follow them on Facebook or go to:


There are over 80 different animal rescues and shelters in the Hudson Valley. Adopt. Don't shop!

13 Reasons to adopt a black cat 1.

Black cats are just as loving & loyal as other cats.

2. They look like little panthers.

3. Black is very slimming holding your cat will make you look extra-slender.

4. Black cats will match

any decor.

5. They don’t show dirt. 6. They are easy to find in

the snow.

7. They are always sleek,

stylish & elegant looking

8. Black is the new black! 9. Black fur doesn’t show

up on dark clothes.

10. A black cat is a great accessory to any outfit they go with everything!

11. Love knows no color! 12. They will be the most

grateful to be adopted since they are the ones in shelters the longest.

13. Due to superstition,


they are the least likely to be adopted - They need your love the most. 15

“what’s up dog ?” Pet Events Calendar for Autumn 2015 For further info on these and other events, please visit our website:

11am-2pm Sat

Sep 12 th 10am-4pm Sun

Sep 13 rd 12-4pm Sat

Sep 13 th 1-4pm Sun

Sep 13 th 11am-4pm Sat

Sep 19 th 8-11am Sun

Sep 20 th 10am-3pm Sun

Sep 20 th 7pm Sat

Sep 26 th 9-10am Sun

Sep 27 th 9am-12pm Sun

Sep 27 th 3-9pm Sun

Sep 27 th 11am-3pm Sat

Oct 3 rd 12-4pm Sun

Oct 4 th

Blessing of the Animals Riverside Park – Coxsackie, NY Faith leaders from local churches will perform blessings. Low cost rabies ($10) & distemper ($15) vaccinations & free nail trimming. Hannah's Bark-BQ Algonquin Park – Newburgh, NY 3rd annual event to benefit Hannah’s Haven Animal Rescue. Vendors, music & food. Whiskers Wags & Wine Bashakill Vineyards – Wurtsboro, NY Wine tasting event to benefit the Middletown Humane Society and the Port Jervis Humane Society. Paws for a Cause With Pints for Paws Newburgh Brewing Co – Newburgh, NY Join the volunteers of Precious Paws for a great afternoon of music & raffles! 8th annual Pet Fair Adoption Day Benson’s Pet Center - Clifton Park, NY Adopt a new furry family member! 5K4Paws Fundraiser Glenmere Ave - Florida, NY 4th annual run to benefit the Warwick Humane Society.


National Pet Memorial Day

PUPPYUP! New Paltz Dog Walk Adair Vineyards – New Paltz, NY A fun walk to fundraise for cancer research to benefit both pets and people. Vendors, raffles & demonstrations! Fundraiser at the Headless Horseman The Headless Horseman - Ulster Park, NY Check out the scariest hayride in the Northeast and support the UCSPCA while you’re at it! Pardees Golf Tournament Rip Van Winkle Country Club - Palenville, NY Proceeds to benefit the Ulster County SPCA! Primos Pit Puppy Poker Run Primos Bar & Restaurant - Clintondale, NY Bike (or no bike) poker run to support Orange County Barkers. Catoberfest The Hop - Beacon, NY 4th annual celebration with food, refreshments & music to help support Mid Hudson Animal Aid DCSPCA 21st Annual Pet Walk & Canine Carnival Bowdoin County Park – Wappingers Falls, NY A special walk, vendors, demonstrations, contests & prizes, to benefit the DCSPCA HV Paw Print Magazine 1 Year in Publication Celebration Happy Jake’s at the Stewart House – Athens, NY Join us with your pet as we celebrate! Animal rescues, dog treat stations, ask the trainer & more! continues on page 18


Sep 14 th

National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

brought to you by

Boundaries For Pets

800-732-3181 ©2015 Invisible Fence, Inc. All rights reserved.

B4Pets_1_5x2_5_JUN2015_Pawprint.indd 6/1/20151 8:10:32 AM

Poochini’s Pet Salon

pussyfoot lodge

Your Pet Will Leave Happy, Feeling Good, and Most Importantly Looking Great!!! Located at Copake Lake, Craryville NY

518-325-4150 518-821-3959 Accepting Most Major Credit Cards Fully Insured A Member of PSI and ASPCA Email: Web:


Local Art for Sale

518 943 PURR (7877) 358 Main Street Catskill , NY 12414

Purrfect Loving Cat Care without cages A Unique Bed & Breakfast for felines Each cat has their own private room with window! Less expensive than caged boarding.

845 687 0330


Copake, NY

Quality Care Pet Sitting in my safe, comfortable home

518 329 4675

Vet Recommended | 15 Years Experience No cages or kennels Dogs participate in family lifestyle 1/2 acre fenced in exercise yard A creek to swim in

Fully insured & member of NAPPS

(National Association of Professional Pet-Sitters)



845 246 PAWS (7297)


●Bathing ●Trimming ●Breed Cuts ●Holistic Food & Treats ●Dental Hygene & Nail Clips "Your pet's individual needs are our main concern."

224 Ulster Ave Saugerties, NY (across from Saugerties Lumber Co.)

10am-3pm Sat

Oct 10 th 5:30-8:30pm Thu

Oct 15 th 12-5pm Sat

Oct 17 th

1-4pm Sun

Oct 18 th

10am-2pm Sat

Oct 24 th

10am-4pm Sat

Oct 24 th

National Cat Day!

Oct 29 th



4th Annual Pets Alive Tail Wagger Dog Walk Circleville Park - Circleville A day of fun for you, your dog and the whole family to help raise money for the animals at Pets Alive. 11th annual Art Saves Animals Arts Center - Troy, NY Proceeds will benefit Mohawk-Hudson Humane Society’s Safe Haven Program. Furry Friends Annual HOWL-O-WEEN event! East Fishkill Community Center - Hopewell Junction, NY Vendors, raffles, food, adoptable dogs, and a fun time for the family. Will Spay Pets Inc. Benefit Auction & Raffle Maybrook Senior Center Maybrook, NY Silent, live auction, raffles and 50/50. $15 admission includes lunch Mystic Krewe of Barkus Pet Parade & Festival 7th & Warren St Hudson, NY Pet parade and costume contest to benefit the United Way of Columbia & Greene counties. PITTIE-PALOOZA Mohawk Hudson Humane Society - Menands, NY A celebration of Pit Bulls with vendors, contests, raffles & more.

pet resources EMERGENCY ANIMAL HOSPITALS & POISON CONTROL Animal Emergency Clinic-Poughkeepsie.......... ����������������������������������������������������������������845 471 8242 Animal Emergency Clinic-Kingston �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 336 0713 VetMedics Veterinary Emergency Transport Paramedics ��������������������������������������������845 202 7200 Orange County Animal Emergency Service ��������������������������������������������������������������������845 692 0260 Capital District Animal Emergency Clinic-Latham ���������������������������������������������������������518 785 1094 ASPCA Poison Control Center | ����������������������������������������������������������888 426 4435 To report adverse food & drug effects in pets �����������������������������������������������������������������888 FDA VETS


Columbia Greene Humane Society | ��������������������������������������������������������������518 828 6044 Mohawk Hudson Humane Society | ��������������������������������������518 434 8128 Dutchess County SPCA | ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 452 7722 Ulster County SPCA | �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������845 331 5377 Hudson Valley SPCA | �����������������������������������������������������������845 564 6810 Humane Society of Walden | ���������������������������������������������������� 845 778 5115 Middletown Humane Society | ����������������������� 845 361 1861 Putnam Humane Society | �������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 225 7777 Putnam County SPCA | ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 520 6915 ● To find an animal shelter or rescue group near you: or ● To adopt a pet (specific breed, gender, age, etc.): or ● For low cost spay/neuter services or certificates: or ●  For a list of local wildlife rehabilitators: ●  To find a local T-N-R program for feral cats:


Safe Haven Thrift Shop & Pet Food Pantry ����������������������������������������������������������������������� 845 448 Rte 376 Hopewell Junction Coxsackie Pet Food Pantry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 518 16 Washington Ave Coxsackie Four Paws Food Pantry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 845 1765 Rte 212 Saugerties Pet Chow Pantry ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 845 363 Derby Rd. Middletown Hudson Valley Pet Food Pantry ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 914 White Plains, NY 10602

392 5300 478 5414 679 0339 386 9738 907 3487

PETS-LOST & FOUND WEBSITES or For additional resources, please visit our website: 19

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