gourmand yearbook 2008

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S.P.A GOURMAND Pintor Rosales, 50 - 4ºC 28008 Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 91 541 67 68 Fax: + 34 91 541 68 21 E-mail: icr@virtualsw.es www.cookbookfair.com

“Gourmand Awards as I understand it, is not only a serious international awarding body for books, but it is also about friendship. The Gourmand Awards unites around the theme of food many cultures, beliefs and religions. Therefore its message is not only a message of recognition through the awards it delivers, but it is also a message of peace and tolerance.”


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Chef Ramzi, Lebanon

Gourmand Yearbook 2008

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 Volume 1

The Cookbook Year

“Gourmand Awards as I understand it, is not only a serious international awarding body for books, but it is also about friendship. The Gourmand Awards unites around the theme of food many cultures, beliefs and religions. Therefore its message is not only a message of recognition through the awards it delivers, but it is also a message of peace and tolerance.” Chef Ramzi, Lebanon

Gourmand Yearbook 2008

S.P.A GOURMAND Pintor Rosales, 50 - 4ºC 28008 Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 91 541 67 68 Fax: + 34 91 541 68 21 E-mail: icr@virtualsw.es www.cookbookfair.com

Pepe Nilsson Food Photographer, Sweden www.pepe.se

For me, this is not only a job, it is a way of life. The meeting between people who are professional in what they do is the essential.

The purpose

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 Cooking and Drinking with Words The Best in the World Cookbooks 13th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2007 Editorial Director: Edouard Cointreau Editor: Bo Masser, Pilar Gutiérrez Coordinator: Edouard Cointreau Müller Librarian: Óscar Yáñez Articles: Bruno Boidron, Ulf Buxrud, Edouard Cointreau, Bengt-Göran Kronstam, Laura Gosalbo, Sherrie S. McLeRoy, Bo Masser, Kate McGhie, Henri-Pierre Millescamps, Roy E. Renfro, Jr., Ph.D., Anne Schapiro-Niel Design & Artwork: Sislavia Group Comunicación Design Manager: Txema S. González (Sislavia) Art Coordination: Ana Sánchez (CMYK Publicidad) Art Director: Victor/Belén (i-dos) Printed in March 2008 in Valencia by: Valenciana de Gráficas ISBN.-13: 978-84-89131-45-3 ISBN.-10: 84-89131-45-7 Copyright: Gourmand 2008

� GourmandYearbook ‘08

GENERAL Gourmand Yearbook 2008 Foreword: The World is a kitchen.................................................................11 Gourmand 13 years....................................................................12 Bewitching Beijing by Kate McGhie..........................................................................17 The GOURMAND Family The “Thank You” messages..................23 Beijing International Book City.....................................................35 Portraits on Cookbook Covers......................................................37 Wine Appreciation Guild..............................................................38 Beijing 2007, Gourmand winners................................................40 Alain Ducasse Publishing, by Emmanuel Jirou Najou...........................................................44 A Cookbook That Changes Lives by Richard Grausman.................................................................46 Les Editions de L’homme - Quebec: Celebrating 50 Years of Practical Books......................................50 Editions Feret, Wine Publishing...................................................54 Le Cordon Bleu Education through Publications...................................................58 Cookbooks at Marabout The Market Leader in France......................................................62 Shibata Shoten Growing with the Food Service Industry.......................................64 Oldways The Food Think Tank..................................................................67 Old Wine Books by Henri Pierre Millescamps........................................................68 Ten Speed Press • Celestial Arts. The Crossing Press • Tricycle Press....................70 The Carlo Cambi publishing house..............................................72 Vefa Alexiadou The first lady of Greek Cuisine..............................74 Gourmand award: Grape Man of Texas....................................................................78 “The magic began in Beijing” by Bengt-Göran Kronstam...........................................................79 Rare Malts by Ulf Buxrud.............................................................................82 Have your cake and eat it! by Laura Gosalbo........................................................................83 Cookbooks and Foreign Rights....................................................85 CHLIP Number One China Cookbook Publisher......................................88 CHINA Book retail prices........................................................................89 Cookbook Trends........................................................................90 Wine Book Trends.......................................................................91 HALL OF FAME...........................................................................92 The best Publishers in the world Cookbooks................................94 The best Publishers in the world Wine Books...............................95 Categories...................................................................................96 13th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2007............................97

COOKBOOKS by Categories 01 Chef.......................................................................................99 02 Desserts...............................................................................105 03 Single Subject......................................................................109 04 Fish and Seafood.................................................................115 05 Health and Nutrition.............................................................117 06 Children and Family.............................................................123 07 Innovative............................................................................127 08 Easy Recipes.......................................................................133 09 Foreign Cookery...................................................................141 10 Local Cookery......................................................................145 11 Special Awards....................................................................149 12 Television.............................................................................153 13 Woman Chef........................................................................157 14 French Cuisine.....................................................................159 15 Italian Cuisine......................................................................163 16 Latino Cuisine......................................................................167 17 Mediterranean Cuisine.........................................................169 18 Asian Cuisine.......................................................................173 18-A Chinese Cuisine................................................................177 18-B Arab Cuisine.....................................................................179 19 Entertaining.........................................................................181 20 Vegetarian............................................................................185 21-A Photography.....................................................................187 21-B Illustrations.......................................................................193 22 Design.................................................................................197 23 Culinary History....................................................................201 24 Chocolate.............................................................................205 25 Bread..................................................................................207 26 Barbecue.............................................................................209 27 Food Literature.....................................................................211 28 For Food Professionals.........................................................215 29 Series..................................................................................219 30 Cheese................................................................................223 31 Cover...................................................................................225 32 Guides.................................................................................229 33 Food Sector Corporate..........................................................231 34 First Cookbook.....................................................................233 35 Culinary Travel Guide...........................................................237 36 Best Cookbook in the World.................................................241 37 Translations.........................................................................243 38 Juices non alcoholics drinks.................................................247 39 Tea......................................................................................249 WINE BOOKS by Categories 01 Best Wine Book in the World................................................253 02 Drinks History......................................................................255 03 Chef Book on French Wine...................................................257 04 European Wine, (outside France )........................................259 05 New World Wines.................................................................261 06 Matching Food and Wine.....................................................263 07 Cooking with Wine, Beer or Spirits........................................265 08 Wine Guides........................................................................267 09 Drink (other than wine)........................................................271 10 Wine Literature.....................................................................273 11 Wine and Spirits Photography / Illustration............................275 12 Wine Book for Professionals.................................................277 13 Wine Atlas / Tourism............................................................279 14 Wine Education....................................................................281 15 Wine and Health..................................................................283 16 Best Beer book....................................................................285

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 Foreword: The World is a kitchen.................................................................11 Gourmand 13 years....................................................................12 Bewitching Beijing by Kate McGhie..........................................................................17 The GOURMAND Family The “Thank You” messages..................23 Beijing International Book City.....................................................35 Portraits on Cookbook Covers......................................................37 Wine Appreciation Guild..............................................................38 Vefa Alexiadou The first lady of Greek Cuisine..............................74 Beijing 2007, Gourmand winners................................................40 Alain Ducasse Publishing, by Emmanuel Jirou Najou...........................................................44 A Cookbook That Changes Lives by Richard Grausman.................................................................46 Les Editions de L’homme - Quebec: Celebrating 50 Years of Practical Books......................................50 Editions Feret, Wine Publishing...................................................54 Le Cordon Bleu Education through Publications...................................................58 Cookbooks at Marabout The Market Leader in France......................................................62 Shibata Shoten Growing with the Food Service Industry.......................................64

Gourmand award: Grape Man of Texas....................................................................78 “The magic began in Beijing” by Bengt-Göran Kronstam...........................................................79 Rare Malts by Ulf Buxrud.............................................................................82 Have your cake and eat it! by Laura Gosalbo........................................................................83 Cookbooks and Foreign Rights....................................................85 CHLIP Number One China Cookbook Publisher......................................88 CHINA Book retail prices........................................................................89 Cookbook Trends........................................................................90

Oldways The Food Think Tank..................................................................67 Old Wine Books by Henri Pierre Millescamps........................................................68

Wine Book Trends.......................................................................91 HALL OF FAME...........................................................................93 The best Publishers in the world Cookbooks................................94

Ten Speed Press • Celestial Arts. The Crossing Press • Tricycle Press....................70

The best Publishers in the world Wine Books...............................95

The Carlo Cambi publishing house..............................................72

13th Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2007............................97

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

Foreword The World is a kitchen

The objective of the Yearbook is to show year after year how the culinary books are rising to new heights. Culinary culture increases, thanks to the work of food and wine authors and publishers in a healthy cookbook and wine book market. You can fight for your piece of the cake or make the cake bigger. The new edition of the Gourmand Yearbook 2008 tries to make the cake bigger for everyone by sharing information. Smaller publishers and authors will now have useful practical contacts to expand. Big publishers might now better realize the scope of the global market in food and wine books. Cooking Lamb Chops. As Claudia Roden says much better in her speeches, you cannot cook a lamb chop by itself, it needs the flavor and the warm help of others, to be cooked all at the same time. In the same way, you need the help of many to write and publish a book. This Yearbook could no exist without the help of the Gourmand team, with (Mrs) Pilar Gutiérrez, Ana Medina, Oscar Yañez, Bo Masser, Txema Sánchez, Thierry Bertman, Sylvain Ouchik, and my marvellous son Edouard. Half Full and Half Empty. The Yearbook this year is certainly full of information about the various helps that food and wine get from many sectors. It has taken some 15 years to find much of it, as we started our first bibliography Le Cordon Bleu Book of Cookbooks in 1993. With internet, it has become easier to receive thousands of pages of facts, but also more difficult to structure in a useful practical way. The Yearbook is also half empty, first because many that should be there are not yet included, and second, because there are too many errors, as it is to be expected in any first listing. It exists, it is its main quality, but it needs much work, and help from the readers. I welcome and need all suggestions for corrections, additions and improvement. I ask the readers to understand and forgive all mistakes. With your help, I hope to publish a much better Yearbook next year.

Edouard Cointreau

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1995 Frankfurt

1996 Frankfurt

1997 Paris

Cookbooks are difficult to find at the Frankfurt Book Fair. To give them respect and honours, Edouard Cointreau decides with a small group of friends and international publishers to create the World Cookbook Awards. It is sponsored by ICR-The International Cookbook Revue, launched with a printing of 15000 at the 1995 Frankfurt Book Fair. It follows the “Le Cordon Bleu Book of Cookbooks”, international bibliographies of cookbooks in 4 languages.

The Australian Murdoch Books is our cookbook publisher of the year, starting a revolution in the design and the concept of books worldwide. Our book of the year is the “Vineyards of Saint Colombe”, by french best selling author Christian Signol. It is a “terroir” book, by big french publisher Albin Michel. Our international book is “Tukka”, by Jean Paul Bruneteau (Harper Collins Australia). The awards are proclaimed at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Thanks to the sponsoring of Cognac Frapin, the awards take place at the “Astor” restaurant in Paris, advised by Joel Robuchon. It is our first Awards Gala, with Baronesses Nadine and Ariane de Rothschild, star publisher Pierre Marchand, Anne Willan, Philip Clark, Allison Cathie, Wini Brugger from Hong Kong, NHK Books from Japan, Monique Janet Hooker from the US and many others. The Awards become a world event

12 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Gourmand 13 years

The history of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards is parallel to the history of cookbook publishing in the past 13 years. The years correspond to the year of the publishing of the books involved in a competition, while the awards event takes place between December and the following May.




1998 Perigueux

1999 Versailles

2000 Perigueux

The event takes place for the first time in parallel with the Perigueux Salon International du Livre Gourmand. It is presided by Alain Ducasse, with guest of honour Chuck Williams. Albert Àdria is the star with his pastry book and his chocolate limited edition gift to the guests. We also reward Anneke Ammerlaan, Vefa Alexiadou, Margaret Dickenson and others. The Awards are not only an international event, but also a meeting place and a food discovery. We start the concept of linking international and local, through a “Tasting Perigord” tour.

It is the year of Claudia Roden, Ruth Ozeki, Michael Ginor, and the French Laundry. We have the first American Foie Gras tasting in France, at the INRA French National Agricultural Research Institute, with Andre Daguin. And the day of the Gala Dinner in this Royal setting, there is a national strike of waiters and firemen in all Republican France = international star chefs led by Andrés Madrigal of Spain volunteer to serve as waiters to help.

On November 11, 2000 the German Dieter Müller receives the top international award, and Alain Dutournier the French one. This is quite a peaceful symbol. Anne Dolamore of Grub Street is there as best publisher of the year. The Special Award of the Millenium is given for his wine book “Les Vins du Siècle” to Philippe Faure Brac. Chef Wan of Malaysia is the star, with his show of a royal wedding banquet at the Malay Court.The guest of honour is Richard Grausman, of the US C-CAP organization, Carreers for the Culinary Arts Professionals

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The event takes place for the first time in Sorges – Capital of the Truffles of Perigord. We organize a dinner with 22 kilogs of black truffles du Perigord, a World Record. The Awards are renamed “The Gourmand World Cookbook Awards”, and the Gala Dinner becomes a music and lights show like the “oscars”. Several televisions film. The stars are Elisabeth Luard, Anne Willan, Emi Kazuko, Dr. Miguel Sánchez Romera, Gilles and Laurence Laurendon, Julie Biuso and many others. The wine stars are Richard Juhlin, and Bruno Boidron of Feret.

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Loire Valley

Chateau de Brissac, Loire Valley . The Marquis de Brissac hosted the event, with many star chefs and friends, including Edouard Carlier of Beauvilliers in Paris. Chef Wan was back, following a new trend of past event stars coming back to a yearly event of friendship, fun and business. The book of the year was “Essential Cuisine” by Michel Bras. The wine star was Rene Renou, President of INAO and member of the Gourmand French jury. This was a very elegant and glamorous event that set the awards apart from all other events of the sector. The Australian Ambassador to France was there, with Maurice de Rohan, Agent General for South Australia, the perfect gentleman and friend, who did not miss any Gourmand events.

2003 Barcelona Gourmand comes to the new capital of innovative cuisine. Star chefs come from everywhere: Heston Blumenthal gets his Third Michelin Star the same week as he is rewarded for the Best Book of the Year. Some of the other chefs are Fatema Hal, Lea Linster, Roland Mazère, Le Divellec, Paco Torreblanca. The wine stars are Michael Broadbent, Miguel Torres, the Marqués de Vargas. The guest of honour is Dun Gifford, of Oldways. There are twelve Ambassadors, plus chef Wan, the food ambassador of Malaysia.

Gourmand 13 years




2004 Grythyttan

2005 Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia.

2006 Beijing

Grythyttan, Province of Orebro, Sweden. Sweden is the country that buys the highest number of cookbooks per person. Gourmand guests visited the best cookbook Museum and Library in Europe, in Grythyttan, and the food sites of this region, 200 kilometres west of Stockholm. The star was Harumi Kurihara of Japan, who won Best Cookbook of the Year. The Award ceremony was celebrated with a Symphony Orchestra in the Orebro theater. The Award Dinner was “The new Swedish Smörgåsbord” by star chefs Mathias Dhalgren, and Stefan Karlsson. Leif Pagrotsky, Minister of Culture and Education of Sweden, presided the event. There were eight televisions filming, including shows for BBC, Fuji, Gambero Rosso, etc.

After 10 years in Europe, Gourmand went to Asia. The focus in Malaysia was food media and tourism: food is one of the keys to tourism today. Malaysia is “truly Asia”, with Malay, Chinese, Indian, Arab, Thai and Western cuisine. The Prime Minister hosted a dinner feast for 500 guests at his private residence. The awards event was very glamorous. Tom Victor Gausdal of Norway won Best Book of the Year, and Young Mo Kim, President of the Bakers Association of Korea won “Best Pastry Book”. Twenty six ambassadors came to dinner, plus chef Wan, the food ambassador of Malaysia.

Beijing, China, Dragon Springs Hotel. The focus in Beijing is professional, with conferences by printers, Chinese publishers, superb diners, and much entertaining. There is much Dragon Seals Chinese wine, and even Thibetan wine. The Chinese Food Network filmed all the event, with a special show broadcast all over China. There were many stars, including Chef Ramzi filming for Future Television. Chef Wan, Vefa Alexiadou, Julie Biuso, Annabel Lanbein, Art Smith with family and friends, Marlena Spieler, Vangelis Driskas, Mrs. Jigyasa Giri and Dr. Pratibha Jain from India, Edmon Ho from Singapore. Our friend Chef Du was present everywhere, as well as our friends from Hainan. The awards show was the most glamorous ever, with fashion show, Kung fu, Chinese singing, filmed live for television.

Photo: Harumi Kurihara and Husband.

Photo: Young Mo Kim from Korea.

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www.cognac-frapin.com YEARBOOK XO 07.indd 1

2/03/07 9:58:11

Bewitching Beijing by Kate McGhie

迷 惑 的 北 京

Beijing was the host city chosen by Gourmand in April 2007 to stage its annual cookbook awards. The gathering brought together more than 250 international, and 150 Chinese guests including stellar chefs, TV personalities, globally acclaimed authors, journalists and photographers from 30 countries. China is emerging as a dominant power in cook book publishing and today leads the world, ahead of the United States, for the number of titles of cookbooks, with a steady increase between 20 - 30%, per year for the past five years. As China says, cook books are now recognised as one of the important sectors of the book business. The Chinese bestseller “1288” sold 3 million copies before receiving its Gourmand award in April 2007. Its success persists spawning four new titles and staying on 10 bestsellers lists for months. The setting for the conference was The Dragon Spring Hotel, at the foot of Jiu Long mountain by the Yong Ding River. Resembling a small summer palace complete with tranquil gardens, small lakes, carved stone bridges, water fowl and ducks, traditional weeping willows and budding magnolia trees added the touch of authenticity to the picture. In careful imitation of Beijing’s Summer Palace, intricately crafted walkways connected the accommodation pavilions. Anyone visiting Beijing must expect excitement. It’s a city that contradicts and glorifies its amazing history and extraordinary march into the future. It is one of the rare mosaics where ancient and future share the same space with that mystical Chinese feeling that ‘it works’. Mr Edouard Cointreau and his team including his delightful children, hosted the welcome dinner at the Dragon Spring river restaurant where guests enjoyed regional specialities in the convivial atmosphere.

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Being some distance from the glitz and bustle of down-town, we were able to explore the local neighbourhood. A clutch of simple restaurants, including one with the delightful name of Refinement Restaurant, organised by Gourmand, was a short stroll from the hotel. It lived up to its name with fresh, fabulous and inexpensive offerings that included hotpot dishes, seafood, vegetables and duck. Discovering the local market, - and its sights, sounds and mysterious smells - was a joy that gave us a glimpse into daily neighbourhood life. On the streets were old men playing checkers: housewives selecting poultry and vegetables: children scrambling for sweet treats, and food vendors selling exotic tastes such as fried locusts. There were shops that sold all manner of Chinese cooking equipment. A visit to the great wall was a dream realised. The sight of this ancient fortress stretching into the distance like a giant dragon weaving through an endless jumble of mountains – all 5660 km long, left an indelible impression. Taking 2000 years to complete, The Great Wall is a symbol of the indomitable spirit and wisdom of the Chinese nation. The wall changes in height, width and building materials according to the terrain, with guard towers on top every 500 metres. In places it is almost eight metres high and the top is wide enough for five horses or 10 people walking abreast. Another excursion was to the Forbidden City where the timeless face of Chairman Mao Tse Dong dominates the huge Tiananmen Gate of Heavenly Peace at the entrance to the Forbidden City.

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With around 900 buildings, temples and assembly squares, the imperial Palace, seems more like an ‘Imperial City’ It is aweinspiring. The home of the Last Emperor, the protected space where lavish privilege was almost grotesque in its proportion.

on a sumptuous banquet based on exotic dishes served at the royal court, including famous delicacies such as ‘Buddha Jumps Over the Wall’ - a fragrant soup with more than 20 ingredients, ‘Phoenix in the nest’, mandarin fish and lotus prawns.

Dinners were lavish, spectacular, and in many ways, incomparable. One of these was at the Huguang Guild Hall presided over by Master Chef Du whose award winning book will be published in Arabic – the first in 20 years for a Chinese cookbook.

Music and the delicate and complex ritual of the tea making ceremony were likewise, utterly unforgettable.

The Guild Hall, with its magnificent principal opera building, lofty pavilions and side courts and halls, is one of the oldest restaurant and meeting places in Beijing. Built in 1807, it is a restaurant of choice for politicians and civil servants. We were privileged to attend a performance of the Beijing opera at the Guild Hall. For more than 200 years this art form has been dazzling audiences with its elaborate costumes, and a vibrant mixture of arias, martial arts, mime, poetry, dancing and traditional music. Another standout dinner was at the Royal restaurant, specialising in Imperial Court cuisine which originates from royal kitchens where over the centuries, dishes and food were only cooked for the royal family by the finest chefs, the best of whom could be given the rank of minister. The restaurant was breathtakingly beautiful, staffed by men and women clad in spectacular imperial court uniform. We feasted

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The Gourmand program offered many tantalising choices that were as interesting as they were varied. From the irrepressible Swedish chef Sven Mills came handmade artisan products, including a cow’s milk blue cheese that end up on the King’s table, to an overview of the publishing industry in China, to Slovenian, Cyprus and Chinese wines, to the history of the Peruvian drink Pisco, to Greek, Nonya, and Chinese regional food, to Spanish foods, to chocolate, to Orrefors glass testing, to Cognac and a special Le Cordon Bleu demonstration, there was always something to entice, amuse or enlighten. With generous sampling along the way, dinner hardly seemed an option, but it always was. Mr Cointreau conducted a riveting key session on cookbook and wine book trends. He gave an overview of the last 15 years, highlighting the significant challenges and changes facing the industry, including the economy of books, competition of electronic formats, production costs, distribution and smaller margins which have all contributed to the promotional responsibility of authors. Interestingly, he revealed that a third of all books are sponsored, only three per cent are reviewed and that blogs and self-publishing are on the rise.

A personal highlight of the event was the presentation by acclaimed chef and esteemed brain surgeon, Dr Miguel Sanches Romera who also has a Michelin rating restaurant near Barcelona. Acknowledged as one of the world’s most innovative chefs, Dr Romera talked on the theory and pleasure of eating. Dr Romera holds a philosophy on food that is unique. He regards cooking as both an emotional and spiritual experience; that it has to be linked to the heart, and understanding brain activity as he does, he considers surprise not the best motivation to the brain for pleasurable eating. He believes that cooking is the registration of sensitive and social emotional memory, like art.

In this amazing city where super-cool modernity co-exists with an older world of ancient traditions, lifetime memories were forged. The Gourmand philosophy of being a bridge linking different cultures, all of which congregate to break bread in peace, tolerance, respect and friendship, was well and truly reaffirmed in Beijing.

On the last night for the televised awards presentation the Dragon Spring Theatre was all glamour and glitz, Hollywood style. The excitement and anticipation was palpable as the presentations were interspersed with Chinese theatrical and artistic performances of music, dancing, acrobatics and singing. Recipients, me included, were thrilled and joyous. Somehow the world seemed smaller thanks to Gourmand, the custodian of gastronomy, and all of us as participants felt spiritually and intellectually nourished by the books around us. After a long night of revelry and celebration, I managed a stroll through the serene gardens once more in the pre-dawn light. The magnificent magnolias were now in full bloom; to my fanciful mind symbolic of the friendships and joy of being part of the Gourmand Global Family.

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Let’s go for a cook popular and cool with Yvan’s workshop, cooking for all This is the new style on french popular food with a few world-cooking recipes discovered on his travels. Third prinTing ;

About the cultures with Yvan’s workshop, cooking with the wok Far eastern cooking with the french touch ! Easy and fun ! March 2007 ;

And innovative with Yvan’s workshop, fruits and vegetables prepared with the juice machine 40 originals healthy and funky recipes, a great way to combine vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. This is the new style on french May 2007 ;


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Yvan has performed his art around the world in 14 countries. Celebrity chef, he’s passionate about the world and the french popular food. He has hosted close to 200 TV shows in U.K and France : « Ready Steady Cook » and « Food and Drink » (BBC 2), « Really good food » (itv), « La Tribu » et « La balade du marché » (CuisineTV), « Le breton gourmand » (TV Breizh, Gourmet TV, Odyssée).

GdbV^c EV\Zh wY^i^dch lll#gdbV^c"eV\Zh#Xdb XdciVXi [dgZ^\c g^\]i / ZhiZaaZ5gdbV^c"eV\Zh#Xdb


YVAN : the french cook and show man !


The Gourmand Family The “Thank You” messages The “Thank You” messages keep coming. There are more and better than last year. Up to now seven have used the words “The Gourmand Family”. This gave me the idea to group comments by chapters: •

General Concepts

1.- The Best Event 2.-The Awards Competition 3.- The World Gourmand Network •

The Event – Operations•

Conferences – Presentations Cookbook Business Gala Awards Evening Dinners Hotel


The Gourmand Family Our Children The Organization Culture

The Future

13.- Promotion After the Event 14.- Next Year 15.- The Yearbook The photos and DVD videos show how the event happened and looked. The messages tell how people feel, and this event is great in feelings!

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 23

1.- THE BEST EVENT The trip to Peking was the best in many years. Anne Katrin Sura – Germany It was indeed a unique experience in Beijing. Mohana Gill – Malaysia It was a wonderful event in a fascinating city Philippa Cheifitz – South Africa

SUMMARY This was/is the most happy moment in our professional life. Last week my publisher sold 1.000 copies, thanks to the impact of the award . Bengt-Göran Kronstam Honorary Chairman, Swedish Wine Writers Association Editor, Swedish Wine Magazine

Fueron jornadas inolvidables. Todo fue maravilloso. They were unforgetable days. Everything was marvellous Emilio Ubieto – Spain Fue realmente fantástico It really was fantastic Miguel Sánchez Romera Once more the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards have been an enormous success. Marion Michels – La Tavola

Your Gala Awards Ceremony in Beijing was truly an “Academy Awards” (Oscars) celebrations. Margaret Dickenson – Canada

Beijing was magic: the conference and awards gathering as well as the country and a glimpse into its rich and varied culture. This was a trip that was life changing, some how there was the Alan and Marlena before China, and A and M afterwards. Thank you for all you have done to make this event so incredibly special. Marlena and Allan Spieler - UK Marlena is the author of 54 cookbooks.

Quel pays….si les gens savaient!.... What a country.....if people knew!.... Catherine Baschet Le Cordon Bleu - France

I heard it was a very big success. Congratulations. I wish I’d been there. I’ve only just got back from Chicago Rose Marie Barron – IACP - UK

This was a trip that was life changing, somehow there was the Allan and Marlena before China, and A and M afterwards . Marlena and Allan Spieler – UK

Congratulations on the enormous success. You two must be thrilled! As are we and all those who attended the magic of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. The Beijing venue will forever make the entire experience an exotic thrilling memory – perhaps not easily attainable in a more “westernized” location. Bravo! You knew what you were doing! Margaret and Larry Dickenson


Nice to meet the world. Lotte Hammeken – Denmark

I congratulate you to have built such a prestigious competition. You thus put in evidence and stimulate a whole sector of world publishing. All authors of wine and food books should be grateful. J’en profite pour vous feliciter pour avoir mis sur pied un si prestigieux concours. Ce faisant vous mettez en valeur et stimulez tout un pan de l’edition mondiale. Tous les auteurs de livres consacrés au vin et à la gastronomie doivent vous en être reconnaissants. Michel Phaneuf – Canada Its Fabulous! We are the Champion with our Gold Medal! On est super heureux car la pression fut si intense. Il y a eu beaucoup de prix, et dans certaines catégories il y a eu une récompense de Bronze, d’Argent et d’Or. Nathalie Beauvais – France Un tres bel évènement très émouvant. A very beautiful, very moving event. Christine Bauden – France Merci d’avoir rendu ma mère très heureuse. Thank you for making my mother very happy. Elise Collet Soravito – France I was happy to be nominated, and I feel very privileged to win and award. Anne Katrin Sura – Germany Then to win an award. What Bliss! I am so proud and happy. Philippa Cheifitz – South Africa I wish to express how much we value the award. This was/is the most happy moment in our professional life. Bengt-Göran Kronstam – Sweden It is hard to find words for the happiness and pride, we are very thankful to have received our Gourmand Award in Beijing. Lotte Hammeken – Denmark

Bravo for this feast to bring together 250 persons from the whole world in Beijing Bravo pour cette provesse de rassembler 250 personnes du monde entier à Pékin. Anne Schapiro-Niel – Hachette Livre Merci pour la possibilité d’echanger avec des personnes du monde entier cela a été tres enrichissant . Thank you for the opportunity to exchange with people from the whole world, it was very fruitful. Christine Bauden – France Now Gourmand is in full swing. Gourmand is now on another level. I’m not sure you are fully aware of its impact! People are coming into it for the first time and are aware that it has a 10 year history and think it has always been this great, this big this international. Its your dream, and you have worked so hard for it, and now it is a living, breathing, moving thing. Julie Biuso – New Zealand Thank you so much for recognizing and honouring our book. It fills us with so much optimism and a greater vision for the future. Jigyasa and Pratibha – India Well I am still suffering from shock! I feel that by winning this award I have put not only Barbados on the map but the entire Caribbean. Seriously how does one express the gratitude but to say one more Thank you for the honour bestowed upon me. LaurelAnn Morley Restaurant The Cove – Barbados The time I spent with you in Beijing has been one of the highlights of my career. And of course winning my book award added to the joy of it all. Kate McGhie

Bravo pour cet exploit international! Bravo for this international success! Trish Deseine – France It was good to see so many people, and each one was interesting in his or her own way. For some people it is a long way to come and something very different from Europe. Mohana Gill – Malaysia Gracias por dar la oportunidad de conocer mundos, seres diferentes. Thanks for the opportunity of meeting different worlds and people. Sergio Zapata – USMP – Peru Meeting such fabulous people from all over the world. Philippa Cheifitz – South Africa Punto de encuentro que nos permite conocer los mejores profesionales y los mejores libros de todo el mundo. Meeting point which allow us to meet the best professionals and the best books from the whole world. Luis Tolosa - Spain There was an impressive mix of celebrated global foodies in a charming setting with worthwhile programs and splendid meals plus brilliant organization of the event. Joan Peterson – USA

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4.- CONFERENCES – PRESENTATIONS The whole program was wonderful to promote exchanges between the foreign food and wine writing professionals and the Chinese ones. I am glad to have an opportunity to learn the new trends in the field. Wei Ping – China Thank you to give us this opportunity to present our group and company to our European friends. Emily Zhang – China Merci pour la presentation des produits que nous avons pu organiser. Thank you for the product presentation we could organize. Christine Bauden – Demarle - France I have gained more inside and acquired valuable information about the cookery book business in general, some that confirms my own perception, and some that force me to rethink my future strategy. Ragnar Fridriksson – Iceland/France Some of the books were truly amazing, and the quality and content quite remarquable. Mohana Gill – Malaysia Realmente asistir a este evento me ha permitido conocer a un grupo muy interesante de personas que compartimos la pasión por la gastronomía y que a pesar de ser muy famosos algunos de ellos, o muy buenos en su metier...conservan la sencillez y eso es muy valioso y nos habla de su calidad humana!! Participating in this event really enabled me to meet a very interesting group of people who share the passion for gastronomy. In spite of some being very famous or very good in their trade, they remain simple, and this is very valuable, and tells us about their human value. Maria Rosa Arrarte - Peru I really like this event because all the connections between people is so great, I have met many people now. Nils Masser - Sweden

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Thanks most particularly for your concise and incisive appreciation of culinary publishing. It wonderfully crystallised exactly what I suspected and had broadly planned for the follow up to my book Real Flavours. Glynn Christian – UK Conferences Passionnantes. Catherine Baschet – Le Cordon Bleu Worthwhile programs. Joan Peterson – USA The programme was diverse as it was fascinating and each had its unique story. But none as riveting as the session where Dr.Miguel Sanchez shared his incredible knowledge, philosophy and personal journey. That gathering alone was worth the long journey - a heartfelt and humbling experience for all who attended. Kate McGhie

5.- COOKBOOK BUSINESS De nombreux contacts et échanges de cartes de visite. Emmanuel Levallois part à Londres ayant repéré des livres qui l’interessent. Numerous contacts and exchanges of business cards. Emmanuel Levallois goes to London after finding books which he is interested in. Anne Schapiro-Niel – Hachette Livre Des nombreux contacts et projets ont déjà commencé à prendre corps. Merci pour votre efficacité. Numerous contacts and projects have started to take form. Thanks for your efficiency! H.P.Millescamps – France A meeting point that allows us to meet and know the best professionals and the best books from the whole world. Punto de encuentro que nos permite conocer los mejores profesionales, y los mejores libros de todo el mundo. Luis Tolosa – Spain Estos dias en Beijing han sido muy intensos para todos por la gran carga de trabajo, pero el resultado compensa. These days in Beijing have been very intense with a great work load for all, but the results make it worth it. Laura Gosalbo – Spain The gathering of food writers, (television) performers and publishers from all over the world was marvelous: old friends and new from the world of television, veteran authors as well as first time ones, photographers and publishers, all enjoying each other. Marlena and Allan Spieler – UK Thanks most particularly for your concise and incisive appreciation of culinary publishing in your conference address. Glynn Christian – UK Nombreux contacts interessants Catherine Baschet – Le Cordon Bleu

6.- GALA AWARDS EVENING Your Gala Awards ceremony in Beijing was truly an “Academy Awards” presentation. Fabulous Gala evening. The Awards Gala ceremony was truly amazing. We loved every moment of it. Margaret Dickenson – Canada The Awards ceremony was successful. Wei Ping – China We enjoyed the quality of the Gala evening which was followed by many contacts with exchanges of business cards. Nous avons apprécié la qualité de la soirée de Gala qui fut suivie de nombreux contacts et échanges de cartes de visite. Anne Schapiro-Niel – Hachette Livre Super Gourmand Awards HP Millescamps – France The Awards ceremony presentation was stunning, the perfect balance of unique and excellent entertainment as well as presenting the Awards. Marlena and Allan Spieler – UK The ceremony and dinner on the final night were the highlight of our time there! Amy Cyrex Sins - USA Especial mención merece la cena Imperial y la Ceremonia de Premiación!! Qué bonito se veía todo! Qué buenos los espectáculos... cortitos, variados y de gran calidad!! María Rosa Arrarte – Peru Special mention to the Imperial Dinner and the Awards Ceremony! How nice was everything! How good the entertainment….short, different, and with great quality! María Rosa Arrarte – Peru

“Gracias por el DVD, es un recuerdo inolvidable, y tenerlo grabado es una pasada!” “Thanks for the DVD, it is an unforgettable souvenir, and to have it taped is a dream!” Luis Tolosa Planet

7.- Banquets – Dinners The amazing banquets, of course! Philippa Cheifitz-South Africa

“Thank you very much for the CDs that I received for the Gourmand Awards. They are beautiful and a very happy reminder of the lovely time that was had by all in Beijing”. Mohana Gill “Firstly let me congratulate you on the wonderful Beijing event. I thought the program was wonderful and the gala evening spectacular. When an event appears to be staged so effortlessly, it is true recognition of the result of all the hard work, planning and people behind the scenes. Well done and congratulations to all. Of course I was so thrilled to receive an award and was quite overwhelmed when on stage”. Kate McGhie Pty

The Imperial Dinner at the Royal Restaurant and Chef Du’s dinner with the Beijing Opera were utterly unforgettable. The food in China was at times mysterious, at times exotic, and always exciting. I don’t know when or where I’ve so looked forward to my next meal. So creatively stimulating, as delicious as the food was, it spoke of traditions and history and culture which gave each dish even more than simple flavour. Marlena Spieler – UK Inoubliables soirées Unforgetable evenings Catherine Baschet – France Splendid meals Joan Peterson – USA

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9.- THE GOURMAND FAMILY A nice family that you have created for the good of many across the world. Linda familia que usted ha creado para bien de muchos en el mundo. Yamir Pelegrino – Cuba A Pékin, dans votre groupe, j’ai trouvé des gens comme je les aime, je veux dire des gens passionnés. In Beijing, in your group, I found people the way I love them, I mean passionate people. Jean Pierre Giraud, Tonnellerie Taransaud – Cognac I had many great human encounters Ragnar Friedricksson – Iceland/ France Gourmand nos dió felicidad a todos y nosotros a nuestros lectores, al menos es lo que deseamos. Gourmand gave us all happiness, and we gave it to our readers, at least it is what we mean to do. Guillermo Toro-Lira – USA/Peru Gracias a vosotros por haber creado esta magnífica familia Gourmand. Thank you for creating this magnificent Gourmand family. Luis Tolosa – Spain Fueron jornadas inolvidables, determinadas por ese mismo incremento de felicidad que nombra el fabuloso Conrad. They were unforgetable days, determined by this increase of happiness named by the fabulous Conrad. Emilio Ubieto-Spain

8.- HOTEL The Dragon Springs Hotel was enchanting: as much as we loved the boom-town and classy glitz of downtown Beijing, we very much enjoyed coming back to the traditional design and calm feeling of the Dragon Spring and discovering the neighbourhood around it. The local restaurant which Gourmand organized was fantastic. Marlena and Allan Spieler - UK

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I really appreciate your generosity and efforts to keep such a noble idea working. We enjoyed every minute to be a part of the Gourmand family. Tibor Bárány – Sweden I really hope to have new chances to take part in the Gourmand family. Marta Lenzi – Switzerland Everything was very nice and I felt myself happy in Beijing. It is always a great honor for me to be a part of Gourmand family. Sahrap Soysal – Turkey

Thank you for all you have done to make this event so indredibly special and for making the Gourmand world more than an awards presentation, but more like a family (and speaking of family, your children are so delightful and helped so much to make everyone feel so welcome) Marlena Spieler - UK I thank you for including me in such a wonderful community….. Randi Levin –The Muffin Lady– USA “So this is to say that I am happy to say I have begun to feel part of the Gourmand family (Gal Tibor is the mad uncle !...do you have his email ?) and really appreciated all the effort (and sturm and drang) that goes into an important international event!! Complimenti vivissimi !! June di Schino - Italy “I’m so happy that the awards went so well in China. It is great to be part of the family”. Claudia Roden


Thank you for looking after your visitors so lavishly. You have extraordinary vision in developing a global fraternity of food and drink writers bringing us all together for sharing knowledge and ideas. The world becomes smaller by these interactions and larger for opportunity. Kate McGhie

Merci encore pour votre efficacité et toute la gentillesse déployée par toute l’équipe des Gourmands. Thank you for the efficiency and the sweet Gourmand team. HP Millescamps – France

10.- OUR CHILDREN Dear Bo Masser, the short glimpse we had of your son was a pleasure. He seemed so friendly and charming. You must be a proud dad. Jigyasa and Pratibha – India Dear Edouard, your children are so delightful and helped so much to make everyone feel so welcome. Marlena and Allan Spieler – UK Your children and your team are adorable and efficient. Angel Muro – Spain I just loved to see all the teenagers attending, and will make a real effort next year to bring one or maybe both of mine. Your son Edouard is extremely mature, responsible, and was always charming, and your daughter so smiling and complimenting Julie Biuso – New Zealand You have such beautiful children and they are such a delight so helpful and so efficient. Mohana Gill - Malaysia

Pilar, definitivamente una ganadora y no hay que dudarlo el corazón de los premios Gourmand. Pilar, definitely you are a winner, and without doubt the heart of the Gourmand Awards. Yamir Pelegrino – Cuba Superbe organisation C.Bauden – Demarle Your staff is very efficient and very friendly, special thanks to Pilar who was always there for us. Anne Katrin Sura – Germany Muchisimas gracias a los amigos de su equipo. Han sido ustedes no solo eficaces y afectuosos. Un fuerte abrazo. You have been not only efficient but warm. A big hug. Miguel Ángel Muro – Spain Brilliant organization Joan Peterson – USA Dear Edouard and Bo and beautiful eyes Pilar, thank you for your effort, kindness and hospitality. Sahrap Soysal – Turkey Congratulations for such a magnificent event which I can only imagine how difficult it was to organize. Marlena and Allan Spieler – UK

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Un évènement exceptionnel que vous avez choisi de monter en Chine, ce qui était un choix terriblement attractif et neanmoins difficile. Un très grand bravo pour cette mise en scène quotidienne et magique. Vos enfants et toute votre équipe sont adorables et éfficaces. An exceptional event which you chose to organize in China, a choice both very attractive and nevertheless difficult. Great congratulations for a magic daily production. Your children and your team are adorable and efficient. Catherine Baschet – Le Cordon Bleu - France Dear Mr.Cointreau Your friendliness and warmth shall always stay with us. For us Beijing was a truly memorable experience, we felt well taken care of, and found all of you to be so helpful. Jigyasa and Pratibha - India Dear Pilar, We truly appreciate all your efforts and can imagine what a herculean task it must have been to keep everything under control. Jigyasa and Pratibha - India “Firstly, a big thank you to you an your team for the hard work you put into making the congress such a success. It was lovely to meet you and the kindness of everyone who attended was heart-warming. I feel I’ve made lasting friends among the delegates. And of course, receiving the Best in the World Award was the greatest experience ever”. Jos Baker – South Africa “Ante todo MIL GRACIAS por todas sus atenciones en Beijing. Verdaderamente la organización del evento fue impecable! Pero lo más grato fue tener el placer de conocerlos a ustedes!!! Realmente ha sido un gusto inmenso!!! FELICITACIONES por la buena labor que desplegan!! María Rosa Arrarte – Peru

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12.- CULTURE Gracias por dirigir un evento que valora la gastronomía, gracias por dar la oportunidad de conocer mundos y seres diferentes, en fin muchas gracias por crear cultura que se puede compartir y disfrutar. Thank you for running an event that values gastronomy, thank you for giving the opportunity of meeting different world and people, finally thank you for creating culture that can be shared and enjoyed. Serigo Zapata – USMP – Peru Beijing was magic, with a glimpse in its rich and varied culture. The backdrop of an ancient world that is now steaming forward at a breath takingly fast pace. Marlena and Allan Spieler-UK What a country…..it people knew!... Quel pays! Si les gens savaient!... Catherine Baschet - France Thanks Gourmand for a great event in China, It has been very good experience. I have gained a lot of inspiration, I was really amazed about the kitchens. So small but so many chefs. The Great Wall is one of my milestones in life, it was so fun to see that. Nils Masser – Sweden

“Je suis ravi d’avoir pu participer à certaines activités organisées à l’occasion de World Cookbook Awards à Pékin en compagnie de notre ami belge Raymond Buren. C’est grâce à votre aimable invitation qui j’ai eu grand plaisir de passer des moments agréables lors de cet événement et d’apprécier le travail que vous faites pour développer les échanges entre les peuples à travers la gastronomie qui est le bien de l’humanité”. “I am very pleased to have participated in some World Cookbook Awards activities in Beijing with our Belgian friend Raymond Buren. It is thanks to your invitation that I had the great pleasure of spending a pleasant time at that event, and to appreciate the work you do to develop the exchanges between the people through gastronomy which is the good of mankind”. WANG Bingdong, Professeur à l’Université des Langues Etrangères de Pékin, specialiste de literature francophone Belge. With virtual communication now part of daily lives, books are the last form of organic communication. As is for wine and recipes, books too have their own terroir. Books preserve gastronomy and in this regard you are a preservationist just as gastronomers preserve seeds, ingredients and dishes to keep a cuisine alive. Kate McGhie

13.-PROMOTION AFTER THE EVENT We made a lot of promotion for Gourmand in Denmark and we will continue. Soon all bookstores in Denmark will receive a newsletter from us telling about Gourmand. Lotte Hanneken – Denmark J’ai longuement parlé ce matin de cette manifestation à une journaliste des Echos qui refecha à un angle de papier sur l’internationalisation du livre culinaire. Les medias Atmospheres, Glamour et Jasma ont l’intention de commenter ce prix obtenu par Trish Deseine. Anne Schapiro-Niel – Hachette Livre We will be celebrating with Michel Roux next week in London. I sent out a press release about our win to about 500 press/PR/Industry contacts in South Africa and overseas. Lannice Snyman – South Africa The media coverage in Sweden, benefitting also to the Gourmand organization, has been outstanding. We sent a picture immediately to our publisher and only some twenty minutes later I was interviewed by TT, the nationwide news agency. One hour after the ceremony the news was flashing the web site of Dagens Nyheter, and the award was also head-lighted on Swedish national text-tv. We returned on Sunday, and were the next day interviewed in the morning show of TV4. Googling on “Vinets magi Peking” gives a tremendous result, showing that media all over the country has recognised that “Sweden won the world championship for wine books”. On www.dn.se you can read all about it, and there is also reading from the book to be tempted by. More is found on www.alltomvin.se as well as www. alltommat.se. The media impact of this is unbeleivable, and Gourmand Awards is mentioned through-out the media. More is to come, so congratulations to both us and you! Bengt G Kronstam Honorary Chairman, Swedish Wine Writers Association

Last week my publisher sold 1000 copies thanks to the impact of the award. In the April 19 issue of Dagens Nyheter (1 million readers) there is an interview with me (three pages with huge photos) where of course Gourmand World Cookbook Awards is also mentioned. The article can be read on www.dn.se under kultur or at www.dn.se/dnet/jsp/polopoly. jsp?d=570 Bengt G Kronstam Honorary Chairman, Swedish Wine Writers Association The latest news from Sweden is that the GOURMAND AWARDS are the latest news on the SFF- Association of Swedish Professional Photographers website. Both Claes Löfgren and I are the biggest news today. http://www.sfoto.se/sff_start/nyheter. asp?ID=493&onPage=&sokord= I made a special website about the GOURMAND NEWS, for marketing purposes: http://www.pixtravel.net/pixtravel_ press/pixtravel_news.html Tibor Bárány Once more the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards have been an enormous success and have created a worldwide feedback. Marion Michels – Switzerland The value of the Special Award of the Jury has already been invaluable. I did a press release on wednesday when I got back and among nice compliments received I discovered Slow Food has distributed the core of the release. Fantastic. Glynn Christian – Great Britain Attached is the press release New Holland has prepared. This has gone out to all the book stores in New Zealand, and all the media outlets. Radio, television, magazines and newspapers. Julie Biuso – New Zeland

Aún estoy disfrutando de este mágico mundo Gourmand que habéis creado, y ahora ya viendo la realidad, con algunos medios interesándose por el premio que hemos ganado. Muchas Gracias. I am still enjoying the magic world you have created with Gourmand, and now I am living the reality, with some media interested in the awards we have won. Thank you. Luis Tolosa – Spain The felecitations events and press meetings are happening from April 18 onwards. There are five events, 3 in Chennai and 2 in Mumbai as of now. Pratibha and Jigyasa – India I have googled for Gourmand World Cookbook Awards and have read some wonderful news pieces about the fabulous event in Beijing. There is a crescendo of wonderful publicity about the competition and the event. I even added to it! Joan Peterson – Ginkgo Press - USA Félicitations pour Chef DU. Content de savoir que tu te reposes un peu et savoure enfin les merveilles Pékinoises. Je pars Mercredi pour l’Argentine faire la promotion de la version espagnole et signer un acte de jumelage entre mon Ecole Hôtelière et une autre là-bas. Je passe ensuite au Brasil pour une semaine. Dans les 2 pays, je tourne aussi des épisodes culinaires. A mon retour, c’est confirmé, vers le 16 Mai, je passe au journal de 20 heures. Quand aux épisodes, après la saison morte de l’été et au début du Ramadan, nous lançons « Les voyages de Chef Ramzi » avec le Chine (GOURMAND) en ouverture. A très bientôt, After the dead summer season and at the beginning of the Ramadan, we will launch on television the travels of Chef Ramzi with China Gourmand as the first episode. Chef Ramzi - Lebanon

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The Gourmand sticker to every book of my new print editions. They also gave big advertisements to the big newspapers a baut my Gourmand award. On the other hand I had very nice interviews at Many TV Channels like; CNN TÜRK, NTV, CHANNEL TÜRK, CHANNET D, STAR TV. Believe me that everybody knows Gourmand name very well in Turkey. Next week I’ll meet our Culture Minister to talk about the Turkish culinary culture and the Gourmand awards. Everthing goes very well. Give my greeting to all Gourmand friends. Sahrap Soysal The award has already generated press in Canada as well. More is to come as I head out on a book tour of key cities. Here is a brief snapshot: (A) This week’s food section of the Ottawa Citizen carried an article on my award in Beijing. More press will follow. (B) Confirmed TV appearances: CTV’s Canada AM on 29 May (national breakfast time broadcast); CTV Calgary; Breakfast TV in both Calgary and Ottawa; “City Cooks”, City TV in Vancouver where I will do 4 segments; Rogers Cable TV “Day Time” in Ottawa. Others will follow. (C) E-mail from President of Retired Heads of Mission Association (i.e., retired Ambassadors and their spouses) to 200 members. (D) Award prompted the President of the University of Guelph (our Alma Mater) to invite Larry and I to CoEmcee the Alumni weekend Dinner Party in June. Magaret and Larry Dickenson “I have spoken to Gambero Rosso who wull do a program with me in May as my contact is away till then and will let you have both my pieces for the review” June di Schino - Italy “I want to inform you that 7 slovenian newspapers and reviews published articles about Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Beijing. I was also a special guest on one radio and one TV emmision« Prof.dr. Janez Bogataj Ljubljana – Slovenia

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“MIL GRACIAS nuevamente por el premio que nos han concedido! Todo el equipo está feliz y la repercución de todos los galardones obtenidos por el Perú en esta edición de Gourmand ha sido muy buena!! Maria Rosa Arrarte - Peru “Excelente artículo el de Metrópoli! Y la verdad, un orgullo estar en la lista de estos 12 premiados. La verdad, os agradezco mucho todo lo que habéis hecho, y cómo habéis valorado mi trabajo. He estado 10 días en Rioja de promoción. He firmado libros en la principal librería de Logroño, he participado en dos programas de radio, contraportada en El Correo de La Rioja, página entera en el Diario de La Rioja, entrevista en directo en ETV, he participado en un programa de gastronomía en TVRioja, y las ventas han repuntado inmediatamente, para mi, 200 libros en 15 días sólo en Rioja es un buen salto. Pronto os haré una visita, gracias una vez más! Un fuerte abrazo, Luis Tolosa Planet - Spain “The following is a sample of the invitation for the felicitation of our book which took place on May 6th last sunday. Elise Collet Sovarito, as you can see in email below was here with us, as a guest of honour on stage. It was a very powerful presentation and Gourmand Awards are now becoming more popular in India as more reviews and write-ups are appearing. Thank you for validating our book, and thank you for Elise. The audience loved her. She is truly a wonderful and genuine person. “ Pratibha & Jigyasa

We are just in the printing phase of the 2 pages Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in our La Tavola Magazine, See attached pages and are missing your high resolution LOGO as shown on the first page. Could you please send it to us in a min. resolution for printing of 300 dpi as soon as possible? Once the magazine is out on 1st of june we will send you copies of it for your documentation. Thanking you in advance I wish you a very nice weekend Kindest regards from the Lago Adelheid Rollinson – La Tavola

14.- NEXT YEAR No dude en contactarme, siempre que pueda, claro que asistiré. Don’t doubt in contacting me, I will of course always participate if I can come. Yamir Pelegrino – Cuba Looking forward to the next Gourmand Awards Philippa Cheifitz – South Africa Para la siguiente edición, efectivamente con libro o sin el viajaremos a Peru, si se confirma alli o a cualquier otro lugar del mundo donde se desarrolle este magnífico evento sobre libros culinarios. For the next edition, in fact, with a book or without it, we will travel to Peru. If it is confirmed there. Or to whatever other place in the world where this magnificent event happens with culinary books. Emilio Ubieto – Spain I’il always come to Gourmand activities whenever in the world, because I feel myself as a Gourmand friend. Sahrap Soysal – Turkey And now, the word is on everyone’s lips: where is the next one to be? We happily await the answer. Marlena Spieler It is nearly a reason to write a cookbook every year to experience that again. Seamus Egan – Switzerland Perhaps Sweden should be considered for another award ceremony, even if you were here only two years ago? Bengt G.Kronstam – Sweden We hope that some day you will all make a visit to India. We are extremely happy about your interest in bringing Gourmand to India. Jigyasa and Pratibha - India

15.- THE YEARBOOK Thank you for producing such a brilliant state of the art yearbook. Everybody here loves it. The layout, the design and the text are all brilliant. Like a newborn baby, it is never left alone. Always finding itself being cradeled by someone or the other. Adults as well as children so much so, that we have now laminated it with a cover so as to keep its pristine whiteness intact. We must congratulate Mr.Txema for his role in it. If it was a cookbook , it would have won best cover. Page 3 on opening, the one just before the index is a masterpiece. We are so honoured to have our book featured in it. In fact, we are thinking of blowing up pages from it for the events here. Pratibha and Jigyasa - India “thank you so much for sending me the Gourmand Yearbook - it is beautiful, I like the layout and the content. what a motivation for cookbook publishers to give their best! Christine Messer Hausch – OPT ART Lizenz AG - Switzerland “Absolutely beautiful! What a wonderful book which tributes so many wonderful cookbooks. After flipping through the yearbook, I can’t imagine not owning all of the books inside! Thanks, Amy Sins - USA

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C H I n A

Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer · Cai Yulan

HAINAN - TROPICAL PARADISE Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer


Vinothek Verlag

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C H I n A

Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer · Cai Yulan

۸ऻ̴‫ ͍˚ٴ‬

C H I n A

The Beijing International Book City was inaugurated on November 8, 2007, with music, fireworks and speeches by the Government authorities and the book trade. It is designed to be the place where book dealers from all over China will visit and purchase domestic and foreign publications, and that foreign publishers will use as a showroom to promote their publications to the trade. For the inauguration, the most important international partners of the showroom were present, including Penguin, with Jo Lusby, and the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, with Edouard Cointreau

Beijing International Book City Bigger, Better, Beautiful, Beijing Bookstore by Edouard Cointreau November 8, 2007

The Beijing International Book City has the biggest book trade buildings and showrooms in China, and Asia and maybe the world. It is also open to the public, making it one of the biggest bookstores in the world. It is located 25 kilomneters from the center of Beijing, 40 minutes to 1 hour by car, in the “Tai Hu” industry park, Tongzhou district, just outside Beijing, in the countryside. There are 3 main buildings for the book trade visitor, the 87.500 m2 book showroom, the 125.000 m2 book distribution and the service center, and the new Beifa Hotel, which has restaurants, entertainment center, and conference center. There will be library conferences, book launches, and press conferences. The trade showroom and bookshop is organized like an all year round book fair,with stands shelves by publishers over 500.000 books are exhibited. There are 539 domestic Chinese publishers, on the ground floor to the right when you go in, and above on the right. On the second floor, there are very interesting old and rare books, some very valuable which form a book culture museum. There are also special discount areas, from 40% to 70% discount. On the third floor there are music and videos.

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The new Beijing International Book City is not only huge, with 3000 employees, it is truly beautifully designed and decorated, as well as ideal for business. It will be on the schedule of all book trade visitors to Beijing who can find there everything they need under one roof. At the inauguration, Edouard Cointreau, President of Gourmand said: “This is the most advanced center for the book trade in the world. I believe it is unique in concept, magnitude and efficiency. It shows the world how much China respects books and culture. I am proud to have cookbooks honoured in this world-class exhibition”. There are 48 international publishers, located immediately to the left when you go in, representing 300 imprints. The winners of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards from last year are exhibited in international area 10 in the “Gourmand Cookbook Exhibition”, with a wonderful opportunity for many small cookbook publishers to show and sell their books in China. There are also special international areas for children books, and for tourism, with large displays by Michelin and Lonely Planet. Chinese booksellers and the public are invited to buy the books there. The biggest international stands are for Penguin, Harper Collins, Random House, Scholastic. There is a large international copyright center for foreign rights, fully equipped for comfortable business. The international publishers exhibition is organized by Beijing Publications Import and Export Company, which is part of the Beijing Publications Group, which built and operates this Beijing International Book City. Next to the back of the showroom building, there is a larger book logististics center, separated in two sections, one for the 124 chain bookstores belonging to the Beijing Publications Group, which include most of the largest book buildings in Beijing and other cities, and the second for the other publishers and bookstores. The logistic service is planned to reduce 30% to 40% of each publisher’s logistic expense.

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Among the other foreigners there, Jo Lusby of Penguin, one of the biggest exhibitor said: “We are very pleased for this permanent showroom for the Chinese publishing and bookselling trade, and the public. It will create much new business for China”. More information: *Edouard Cointreau Gourmand Email:icr@virtualsw.es www.cookbookfair.com *On Line Chinese Book Center www.beifabook.com It includes some photos of the inaugurated buildings * Beifa Hotel *BPIEC Beijing Publications Import and Export Corporation Li Xiaoqin – Marketing Manager marketing@bpiec.com.cn The offices are located on Wangfujing, On top of the Foreign Languages Bookstore

Portraits on Cookbook Covers Gourmand There are many questions about cookbook covers. But the main interrogation for publishers and authors seems to be to put a portrait of the author or not on the cover. We analyzed the cookbooks winners 2007 too find what is being done, category by category. Categories with most portraits on cover Television Celebrity Chefs Women Chefs Men Chefs Innovative

86% 50% 39% 37%

International Cookery Books Chinese Cuisine Italian Cuisine French Cuisine Arab Cuisine

55% 28% 14% 0%

For Chinese Cuisine, China books are not included, nor France books for French Cuisine, nor Italy books for Italian Cuisine. Categories with least portraits. Desserts Single Subjects Series

3% 4% 3%

Around the world, nearly one cookbook out of five now has a portrait on the cover, close to 17% up from 13% two years ago. Often it is not a portrait of the author = for instance 29% of children cookbooks have photos of children on the cover. Our conclusion is that there is a clear increase in the use of people photos and portraits on cookbook covers. It gives more credibility to the cookbooks, which try to connect more quickly with the buyer.

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Wine Appreciation Guild For 35 years, America’s leading publisher and distributor of wine literature. Winner: Best Wine Publisher in the World, Gourmand Award 2003

Wine Appreciation Guild Best Wine Book for Professionals U.S. (2003) Icon: Art of the Wine Label Jeffery Caldewey, Chuck House $95; Wine Appreciation Guild The revolutionary works of wine label designers Jeffery Caldewey and Chuck House. Each is presented in its in-life, 750 ml proportions. They’re big and vivid and as close to the real thing as a picture can get. Also included are descriptions of the design process, from start to finish, for each label.

Best Wine Book for Professionals (2004) Wine Investment for Portfolio Diversification Mahesh Kumar $45; Wine Appreciation Guild Exposes the gaps in conventional academic thinking regarding wine investment and shows empirically that fine wine has higher expected returns related to its overall contribution to risk than do stocks and bonds. Which means adding the right wines to a portfolio of equity holdings, increases returns with no increase to volatility. The book also instructs the reader in the simple but effective use of “relative value analysis,” which can identify wines/vintages that are under or over-valued. This method enhances returns by minimizing over-exposure to specific wines.

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Best Wine Science Book (2003) Science of Healthy Drinking Gene Ford 29.95; Wine Appreciation Guild The Science of Healthy Drinking presents the latest scientific findings supporting the value of moderate alcohol consumption for 30 of the world’s most persistent maladies, including high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, breast cancer, poor cognition, the common cold, stress and obesity. Best Wine Book for Professionals (2007) Wine Marketing and Sales: Success Strategies for a Saturated Market Paul Wagner, Liz Thach, Ph.D., Janeen Olsen, Ph.D. $69.95; Wine Appreciation Guild Puts new, practical, and powerful strategies in the hands of veteran brand managers and marketing professionals, and the vast bank of the marketing knowledge of professionals and academics within reach of the beginning winery owner “It’s crucial to understand how to make a winery stand out from the crowd and yet fit into people’s lifestyles in an enjoyable, meaningful way. This book does all of that and more. It is both credible and authoritative and very, very useful.”--Robert Mondavi

Spring 2008 books

Making Sense of Wine Tasting, 5th Edition Alan Young TASTING $39.95; Wine Appreciation Guild Alan Young Miguel Torres This new and completely updated edition, by one of the wine world’s greatest authorities, sets out to teach you that wine, like anything ... The ultimate wine book... else that gives us pleasure, Completely updated can be enjoyed more fully 5th international by those who have taken the SPEED READ edition trouble to learn something about it, and who have tried to develop their individual sensory systems. With the tools given in this book, wine’s myriad sensory cues of quality become discernible, and the distinct and deep pleasure of wine accessible.

Making Sense of


Your Essential Guide to Enjoying Wine

Foreword by


“Brilliant…an underrated book from an Australian who has clearly given an exceptional amount of thought to the process of tasting wine. This classic has remained undiscovered by much of the world’s wine press.”—Robert Parker, Jr.

Napa Wine: A History from Mission days to Present Charles Sullivan $45; Wine Appreciation Guild This newly updated edition to Charles Sullivan’s classic book brings the biography of Napa wine to the present, making this the only single, comprehensive text of Valley history available. “Sullivan has given us, in gripping detail, a history of wine in the state. The story of Napa has been shaped by dramatic events and by personalities made to their measure. Napa Wine makes a rich and exciting contribution to our understanding of who Americans are —and why.”—Gerald Asher, Gourmet Magazine



Biodynamic Wine, Demystified Nicholas Joly $29.95; Wine Appreciation Guild


Joly shares the core philosophy behind biodynamic viticulture Nicholas Joly and why such practices result in wines of regional distinction. This process treats the vineyard as a self-perpetuating ecological whole influenced not only by terrestrial forces but those of the sun, moon and cosmos. He explains why the use of foreign substances like pesticides and fertilizers in the vineyard, and aromatic yeasts and enzymes in the cellar, as well as mechanisms like electric motors and pumps, disrupt this synergy and are ultimately counterproductive to a wine’s best, consistent expression.

Grape Man of Texas: Thomas Volney Munson and the Origins of American Viticulture Sherrie S. McLeRoy, Roy E. Renfro, Jr., Ph.D. $39.95; Wine Appreciation Guild This revised and updated edition to the Gourmand award-winning biography of Thomas Volney Munson brings invaluable insights to the evolving picture of U.S. viticultural history, and offers a new and tantalizing view of the life and times of this nineteenth century champion of American horticulture. This is a book for scholars and wine lovers alike.

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Beijing 2007 GOURMAND Winners

Beijing 2007 GOURMAND Winners

Alain Ducasse Publishing by Emmanuel Jirou Najou

Alain Ducasse started to write cookbooks as early as 1992 with “La Riviera d’Alain Ducasse”. He received his first “Best in the World Award” in 1998 for “Flavors of France”, first published in the United States in 1998. In 1999, after two years of work, he decided to publish the Bible of all his recipes to transmit his know-how, with “Le Grand Livre de Cuisine d’Alain Ducasse”. In his restaurant of Avenue Raymond Poincaré in Paris, housed in the Nobel mansion, he dedicated one room to photography, to record all his recipes when they are created. He showed his project to the main French and international cookbook publishers, who were invited at the restaurant, and showed the work in progress. They did not correspond to the vision of Alain Ducasse, who decided to publish his master work by himself.

The best chef in the world is also the best publisher in the world at the top end of the cookbook market

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His partner Laurent Plantier, General Manager of Groupe Alain Ducasse convinced his friend Emmanuel Jirou Najou and his publishing company LEC Editions to become part of Alain Ducasse during 2000. L.E.C. was created in 1993 by Jean Pierre and Emmanuel Jirou Najou. LEC was focusing on institional books. Before 2000, LEC published more than 30 titles. Since becoming part of Groupe Alain Ducasse, LEC is Les Editions Culinaires, and publishes only cookbooks. Les Editions Culinaires-LEC and Les Editions Alain Ducasse are the two imprints of Groupe Alain Ducasse. Today the new publishing house is the first specialized culinary publisher in the world for professionals and serious amateurs. The backlist now has over 50 titles. The collection of The Grand Livre de Cuisine brings together all the recipes of Alain Ducasse and his chefs. The four volumes of The Grand Livre de Cuisine d’Alain Ducasse all have been launched at more than 150 Euros retail. The first volume sold 24.000 copies at 215 Euros in its first 18 months! This had never been seen in the cookbook market. The fifth volume was published in November 2007, under the title Le Grand Livre de Cuisine Tour du Monde, Around the World in 26 Restaurants of Alain Ducasse.

Another collection, Livres de Chefs, includes “Toute l’année Gaspacho”, by Alberto Herraiz, Le Livre des Pâtes, by Francesco Berardinelli or best seller “La Cuisine de Ducasse par Sophie”. These books are translated worldwide. Since 2004, Editions Alain Ducasse have signed long term agreements in various countries with licence contracts for translation and distribution with first level partners. In May 2006, Les Editions Alain Ducasse received the “Gourmand Award” for “Best Cookbook Publisher in the World” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Les Editions Culinaires is the second imprint of the group, and develops cookery books for the general public. The books are practical, easy to use, at the service of the consumer. There are three collections at the moment. The first one is called Carrés des Marques, Square of the Brands. These books are created with reference brands which are recognized as leaders in quality by the public, such as Le Creuset, Krups, Barilla, Nestle. These books become users manuals for the products or utensils in the books. The second collection Leçon de Cuisine, Cooking Course, offers home cooking lessons with step by step explanations by the chefs of Alain Ducasse Cooking School. This new collection already has 15 titles, including one on US cakes. The titles in French are: Macarons, Foie Gras, Risotto, Cabillaud, Pate a Choux, Agneau, Tians, Sushi, Pomme, Saumon, Gateaux US, Couscous, Cocottes Sucrées, Cocottes Tendances, Confiseries et Charlottes. A third collection wants to be more fun: Drole de Cuisine, Funny Cooking. Its first title was “Elise et Ses 28 Delices”, which received in April 2007 in Beijing a “Best in the World Award for its Illustrations”. The exhibition of the painting of the illustrations of the book were a big success in Beijing. Elise second book was published in November 2007 in the same collection, with “Les Cocktails d’Elise”. Emmanuel Jirou Najou: lecedition@wanadoo.fr

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A Cookbook That Changes Lives by Richard Grausman

From 1969-1985 I had a wonderful time teaching the joys of French cooking to Americans as I traveled around the United States and Canada as the exclusive representative of Le Cordon Bleu de Paris. My “students” included Park Avenue socialites, Wall Street brokers, senator’s wives, college students, household help, young singles, cooks and Chefs, food writers, and individuals from a multitude of ethnic backgrounds and work experience. They all came to learn how to prepare French food as taught by the young American chef from the Paris Cordon Bleu school. I was thirty-one that first year, full of energy, enthusiasm, passion and a love for French food, cooking and the French way of life. I had been bitten by the same bug that bit Julia Child, and was lucky to have started at a time when she was beginning to make an impact on Public TV. I even met my wife as a result of my first series of classes which were given in Cleveland, OH. A few years later Gram Kerr made an even larger impact on people throughout the U.S. as the “Galloping Gourmet” on national TV. Because of the interest in home cooking created by these two personalities, my classes were always full. My classes were always given in a series, and I encouraged my students to go home and try out the recipes and techniques

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they had just learned on family and friends. What a thrill it was for me to have students return a day or two later to say that their children ate carrots for the first time because of what they had learned in class, or that their husbands loved them more because of the Tarte Tatin they made. As a teacher, no reward could be better! Over the years I have had the pleasure to come in contact with some of my early students and found that because of those classes they were inspired to take up food as a career. A few became well known food writers, while others went on to become chefs and restaurant owners. Others have told me that their lives were changed by the classes. Cooking became a serious hobby, new kitchens were built, old ones renovated, and special bread ovens purchased to prepare food at a much higher level of excellence. The current interest in high quality food, prepared with healthy fruits and vegetables, has its roots in the 1970’s and early 1980’s.Young chefs, inspired as Julia Child and I were by living and working in France, brought their excitement back to their restaurants here. Some in California, like Alice Walters in San Francisco and Michael McCarty in Los Angeles, started working with farmers to grow varieties of vegetables not seen here before. Out of these early connections has come the revival of Farmer’s markets,

organic farming, and a variety of fruits and vegetables never seen before in America. In 1985, my wife and I helped Madame Brassart, the owner of the Cordon Bleu from the early “40’s, sell the school to the Cointreau family. In 1986, I left the Cordon Bleu to write my cook book, At Home With The French Classics (Workman 1988). As a first time author I was fortunate to travel to sixteen cities on a promotional tour. From that tour, I learned a lot. While teaching for the Cordon Bleu, people who came to my classes knew about me and were interested in French cooking. On the other hand, those who came to my book signing events neither knew me nor were interested in learning French cooking themselves. They were simply interested in getting a free sample of the food I was demonstrating. Most of those I spoke to found French food too fattening, too difficult to cook and too difficult to pronounce. They were mostly “meat & potato eaters” and perhaps liked Italian food. Some were reluctant to taste what I was preparing because it was unfamiliar to them. From this I realized that the average American had a narrow palate, and in general, no desire to change their habits. As I traveled on the tour in 1989, I noticed the great number of fast food restaurants and the limited variety of healthy foods

that they offered. I was distressed by this, and wondered if there was a way to broaden the palates of the average American? I had hoped my book would help, but if the American public wasn’t interested in learning about French food, how could they become interested? The answer came to me one morning quite simply. I needed to get into schools and expose children to a much wider choice of foods and their preparation. Where to start? In elementary school, I reasoned, you could teach sensory evaluation while exposing children to a wide range of fruits and vegetables. At the same time you could start teaching them about good nutrition. In middle school, I thought, you could teach history, geography, and cultural differences by studying the foods of the world. By the time students reached High School, I thought students with a seasoned palate and a passion for good food might be interested in cooking as a career. Knowing that Home Economic classrooms and teachers could use some help, and thinking my book should be readable by high school students, I went to the New York City Board of Education, and proposed that I teach some of the culinary arts teaches some of the recipes in my book. Although the administration was responsive to the idea, they

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A Cookbook That Changes Lives

told me that they didn’t have any money, and in fact were finding it necessary to close some of their programs. Upon visiting one of the classrooms I saw for myself how bad the situation was. The classroom cupboards were bare, there were virtually no cooking supplies, and the teacher had used his own money that day to buy flour to make some bread with his students. If I was to help this teacher and his students, I was going to need help. Most of my classes for the Cordon Bleu were held in major department stores around the country, and I would advise them on what equipment and products they should have on hand to sell to those who attended the classes. As a result, I got to know many of the best equipment manufactures. When I called them to tell them my plan of starting with twelve New York City schools, and that I needed their help, they all offered assistance. As packages of equipment and products, ranging from quality knives to chocolate started to arrive around the end of the year, teachers told me that it was like Christmas and Hanukah all rolled into one.

jobs that could lead to stable careers in the food service industry. I needed more help. I needed a nonprofit organization to help raise money for these students, and went to several non-profits to have them join me in this effort. All declined. Although I never intended to form my own nonprofit, I had no other alternative, and Careers through Culinary Arts Program was born. The name came from the fact that I was trying to find careers for atrisk students through my involvement with the Culinary Arts Program in their schools. C-CAP, as many know us today, has grown into an organization that raises a bit over 2 millon dollars each year to run seven programs around the country. We work with about 250 teachers from 200 schools, and through the support of many culinary schools and colleges around the country, we have offered scholarships that have been valued at over 23 million dollars.

The next step was to bring the twelve teachers together for a cooking class. I spent the morning demonstrating some of the recipes from my book, teaching the staff about knife skills, sauces, omelets, pastry & desserts. That afternoon I watched them as they attempted to recreate what I had done. At that point I knew that they needed a lot of help.

The students that have gone on to college, and many others, are now working in the industry. Given that it takes about ten years of experience to reach the level of Chef, just a few of our graduates are working at that top level at leading restaurants and foodservice companies. Most are still working their way up the ladder. Others who started off wanting to be chefs, have chosen other paths, some in hospitality, and others in diverse fields. One young woman who went to Johnson & Wales University was inspired by a class in employment law to go on to study law and is now practicing in California.

With the start of the spring term, I arranged for the teachers to take an intensive course at The French Culinary Institute, while at the same time I visited each of their classrooms to work with their students. What I found was disturbing. The classes were filled with students that the school system had failed. The average grades of most were D, and some couldn’t read and were about to graduate. A handful of students at most were prepared for college, and most knew nothing about the opportunities for jobs in the hospitality industry. My original idea was to broaden the palates of the student. I now knew I needed to help these students find

In addition to changing the lives of many of our students, the book and program have had a dramatic effect on the lives of many of our teachers. At the time our program started, the future of Home Economic teachers and their programs in inner cities were in question. As a result of our work, their status has improved dramatically. Some have new kitchens, some have larger budgets, and most have earned greater respect form their principals and fellow teachers. Once their students started winning scholarships to attend college, interest in their programs grew. Some High Schools had never sent a student on to college with a scholarship, and

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Floyd Cardoz of Tabla

Daniel Coward of Asiate & Richard Grausman, President of C-CAP

now some students were going with full-tuition scholarships valued from $10-80,000. Where they had become accustomed to working with the students assigned to their classes by school counselors, many now found a waiting list of students wanting to get into their classes, and millions of dollars have been spent to transform their outdated and illequipped kitchens into state of the art teaching kitchens that are filled with the latest commercial equipment. I admit that this transformation has not come about solely due to my book and program. The national interest in fine food, restaurants, and celebrity chefs, and the exposure it receives from the press, TV, and now motion pictures has all helped, but I am told that without At Home With The French Classics, and the C-CAP program that followed, the opportunity for our inner-city students to participate in this growing industry at the level they do would never have happened. This knowledge has given me great satisfaction.

Kirk Johnson of Eleven Madison Park

C-CAP has become very much a family affair. My wife Susan is a member of the C-CAP Board and has played a major role in the success and strength of our organization. My daughters Jennifer and Deborah have always shown an interest in the lives and success of our students, and have, through a number of C-CAP Junior events, raised funds for students preparing for college. Currently Jennifer, a young filmmaker, is in the editing stage of a year long documentary that follows the lives of several Philadelphia students in CCAP classes and the effect their teacher and the C-CAP program has had on their lives. Look for Pressure Cooker to appear in 2008.

Richard Grausman C-CAP

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Les Editions de L’homme - Quebec Celebrating 50 Years of Practical Books History

Editions de l’Homme was founded in Montreal, Quebec in 1958 by Edgar Lesperance and Jacques Hebert. Pierre Lesperance is President since 1964, and continues as President after selling to Quebecor World in 2005. His highly experienced and dynamic team includes: Pierre Bourdon, Vice-President of the Groupe Homme, Erwan Leseul, Publisher, Linda Nantel, Editorial Director, as well as thirty publishing, production and communications professionals. Sales have reached millions of books, and the 2008 proud celebration for the 50 years of the company will be a feast. The publishing program includes 110 new titles every year, with 60% French authors, from Quebec, France, Belgium and Switzerland. There has been an office in Paris for more than thirty years, to promote the books to all the French speaking market. Thanks to many co-editions, there have been translations in more than 15 countries, creating a bridge between America and Europe. There are three main components in the catalogue: Human Sciences, Coffee Table Books, and Practical Books, where food and wine books are the most important.

Cookbook publishing –past bestsellers In Quebec, around 1960, it is the Encyclopaedia by Jehane Benoit, which is the reference, with other recipe books published by religious communities. A few years later, Editions de l’Homme decides to ask television celebrities to write recipe books that will coincide with the new life style in Quebec: reduced families, working woman, arrival of new products in the stores. Popular writers such as Suzanne Lapointe, Lizette Gervais, Juliette Huet and Sister Berthe are among the first to have bestsellers. The interest of readers for recipes books pushes the publishing house to make it a priority. These new authors start the opening to foreign cuisines, with La Cuisine Chinoise, by Lizette Gervais, in 1970, and to the new techniques, with La Cuisine Micro-Ondes, by Jehane

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Benoit, in 1978. Health issues and ingredients diversity become a concern, with the best seller Comment Nourrir Son Enfant de la Naissance à Six Ans, How to Feed Your Child from Birth to Six Years Old, by nutritionist Louise LambertLagace. This book has been published again in 2007 with a third revised edition, bringing total sales to 350.000 up to now. After 1980, and 1990, Les Editions de l’Homme continue publishing many bestsellers by authors from Quebec, while starting to publish translations to French by American authors in English. The many books by Weight Watchers are among the biggest sales of those decades. The books by Doctors Dean Omish and Barry Sears, as well as those by Louise Lambert Lagace demonstrate the demand of the general public for recipes that will imporve health and the quality of life. The presentation of the recipes are then changed, to answer the needs of the readers. Imperial measures are introduced in all recipes, as they are still used by many in Quebec, even though the metric system has been official in Canada for thirty years, and is used all over Europe. The cookbooks are thus published for all markets.

Current food and wine books

Since year 2000, the international trend favors specialized and regional cookbooks. Les Editions de l’Homme want to promote the Quebec chefs and products. Since 1996, there is an active partnership with Institut de Tourisme et d’Hotellerie du Quebec (ITHQ), which provides the hospitality sector in Quebec with the skilled human ressources needed. Jean-Paul Grappe, Professor and Chef at ITHQ from 1985 to 2005 publishes : Poissons, Mollusques et Crustacés (1997), Gibier à Poil et à Plume (2002), Basilic, Thym, Coriandre (2003), Petit Fruits (2005), Poissons (2006), Champignons (2007). In 2006, he directed the new revised edition of La Cuisine Traditionnelle du Quebec, the classic reference book on the regional cuisine of Quebec, first published ten years earlier. New design is introduced in all cookbooks. Layout artists create dynamic and modern pages to attract the big market of French speaking readers worldwide. The collection “Tout Un Plat”, All About One Dish, is created in 2002, and the collection “Tout Un Chef”, All About a Chef, in 2004. The first focuses on a single theme: Sushi, Smoked Salmon, Bacon, Prosciutto, Garlic, Juices, Burgers,

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Les Editions de L’homme - Quebec

Chocolates, etc., with 60 recipes and attractive color. Some 40 titles have been published, with the following by Quebec authors: Porc (2004), Agneau (2005), Huile d’Olive (2006), Pain (2006), Parmigiano Reggiano (2006), Poulet (2007). “Tout Un Chef” features famous Quebec chefs, with 60 recipes from the restaurant : Laurent Godbout with Chez l’Epicier (2004), Patrice Derers with Les Chèvres, and Le Chou (2005), Marie-Chantal Lepage, with Chateau Bonne Entente (2006), and Richard Bastien with Café Lemeac (2006). In the spring of 2002, Quebec discovered Steven Raichlen, the king of the grill. His American bestseller “How to Grill” became “Barbecue” in French, and sold no less than 100.000 copies in two years. As the author can speak french well, he has had a strong media launch in Quebec. He came back twice to Quebec to launch three other translations: Barbecue d’Interieur (2005), Côtes, Côtelettes et Côtes Levées (2007) and Poulet sur Canette de Bière (2007). Another huge best selling author is Brother Victor-Antoine d’Avila Latourrette, a Benedictine Monk in the State of New York. His simple easy recipes make his vegetarian cookery most comforting. The French translations of his English titles are: Les Bonnes Soupes du Monastère, Les Bons Legumes du Monastère, La Cuisine du Monastère, and Dans la Cuisine du Frère Victor-Antoine, with numerous reprints. Today, Editions de l’Homme is actively looking for the new trends, including non-allergic foods, contemporary vegetarian, and healthy cuisine. They look for innovative chefs, experienced nutritians, and health food specialists who can change habits, and improve this fascinating sector of publishing. Since 1981, Michel Phaneuf publishes his wine guide, le Guide du Vin, selling more than 800.000 copies over the years. He has been succesful in changing the wine market in Quebec in the past three decades. There are thousands of notes and comments in the guide, and starting in 2007, Nadia Fournier is helping him in this huge task.

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Jacques Orhon is a sommelier, professor and tireless world traveller. His charm and subtlety are much appreciated by the general public. He has published several titles with Editions de l’Homme, including Harmonisez Vins et Mets, winner of a Gourmand Best in the World Award in 2004. He is the founder of the Association Canadienne des Sommeliers Professionnels. In 2007, he offers Les Vins du Nouveau Monde, new world wines from South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The second volume covers America’s wines. Finally his Nouveau Guide des Vins d’Italie, The New Guide of Italian Wines was published at the end of 2007.

Awards and honours

Many national and international awards honour Les Editions de l’Homme, including the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. This shows the quality of the books published in Quebec, in a sector with much competition. Always looking towards the future, Editions de l’Homme are curious and enthusiastic, finding new gems in Quebec, Canada and the world to continue to nurture the genius of culinary culture.

Editions de l’Homme edhomme@sogides.com Rights: Galtieroussel@wanadoo.fr

Légendes des couvertures Les vins du nouveau monde Jacques Orhon 2007 Le guide du vin 2008 Michel Phaneuf 2007 La cuisine traditionnelle du Québec Sous la direction de Jean-Paul Grappe en collaboration avec l’ITHQ 2006 Richard Bastien. La cuisine bistrot du Leméac Richard Bastien 2006 La cuisine de la Nouvelle-France Stéphane Bradette et Martin Gauthier Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2006 Catégorie meilleur livre sur les cuisines locales

Voyageur du vin Michel Phaneuf Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2006 Catégorie meilleur livre de photographies sur le vin et les spiritueux Petits fruits Jean-Paul Grappe Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2005 Catégorie meilleur livre thématique Le guide du vin 2006 Michel Phaneuf Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2005 Catégorie meilleur guide des vins en langue française Harmonisez vins et mets Jacques Orhon Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2004 (catégorie meilleur livre sur les accords vins et mets en langue française)

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Editions Feret Wine Publishing

Publisher of the “Wine Bible”, Le Feret, Since 1850. The words and the heart of the wine world, 195 years of history and passion

The Feret family originated in Servigny, a small village close to Coutances, Manche, in the North West of France. In 1812, Jean Baptiste Feret (the older) founded a bookstore in Bordeaux, 195 years ago. He gets his licence in 1813. In 1821, he relocates at nº 30, rue des Fossés du Chapeau Rouge. He publishes history books. In 1822, one of his salesman is caught selling a book praising past Emperor Napoleon, and the King’s Justice puts him in jail. He could be condemned to the death penalty, but convinces the judge that he had not read the book. He gets one year in jail, loses his citizen’s rights, and has to leave town. His son Michel-É Feret, born in 1814, gets the booksellers licence in 1840, and comes back to Bordeaux in 1841. He opens a new bookstore with the name “Librairie Feret et Fils”, 2 Place Saint Remi. It becomes quickly a success. In 1845, he moves to 15, Fossés de l’Intendance. He is both a bookseller and a publisher. The big breakthrough as a publisher comes in 1850. Charles Cocks is an Englishman, with a doctorate, teaching in Bordeaux since 1840. He has a passion for Bordeaux, and publishes in 1846 in London “Bordeaux: its Wines and the Claret Country”, with 84 pages of observations and judgments on the vineyards and wines of Bordeaux. MichelÉ Feret offers to publish the book in French. In 1850 it is the first “Feret : Le Guide de l’Étranger à Bordeaux et dans la Gironde, Bordeaux, ses Environs et ses Vins Classés par Ordre de Mérite”. Charles Cocks dies in 1854. In 1868, his name is kept for the second Feret, “Bordeaux et Ses Vins, Classés par Ordre de Mérite”. This second edition is totally revised and increased by Edouard Feret, the son of Michel-É. Its success is immediate, and worldwide, as it is dedicated totally to the wines. Edouard Feret will publish six more editions, all revised and completed, with the same dedication to details. The book becomes known worldwide as the “Bible of Bordeaux Wines”. Or even as “The Feret”.

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In 1872, Michel-É Feret creates a partnership with his two sons, Edouard, born in 1844, mentioned above, and Émile, born in 1846. This partnership will last, with Emile leaving his shares to his brother and his nephews Felix and Charles. Edouard Feret becomes President of the booksellers of the Southwest of France, a founder of the Association of Archeology of Bordeaux, as well as of the Revue Historique de Bordeaux et du Sud Ouest. He is an enthusiastic member of the Société des Bibliophiles de Guyenne. Edouard Feret is a true publisher, with more than two hundred books published during his forty years of professional activity. Bordeaux et Ses Vins is the pillar of the publishing house, with international editions as well: three in English, one in German, and one in Norwegian. In 1912, after 68 years, Cours del’Intendance, Feret moves to the rehabilitated wine warehouse at 9 rue de Grassi, where it will stay even longer. In 1915, Charles Feret is alone at the helm, after the death of Felix. He publishes three editions of Bordeaux et Ses Vins (1922, 1929, 1949), as well as over 100 other books, until leaving the publishing house to his son Claude in 1953. Claude was a partner since 1928.

Michel-Édouard Féret

Édouard Féret

Claude continues the family tradition, with two more Editions of Bordeaux et Ses Vins (1969, 1982) in French, and one in English in 1986. He publishes in 1962 the Dictionnaire du Vin, by Yves Renvil, a reference book with many awards. In 1980, the bookstore is closed, because publishing takes all the time. Claude Feret falls ill, and for ten years son in law Marc-Henri Lemay runs the publishing house, first with Claude, then alone after 1990 the 14th Edition of “Le Feret” is published in 1991. To develop the publishing house, the new S.AR.L des Editions Feret is created in December 1992 with new partners. Patrice Geraudie, a passionate man becomes the main shareholder, and creates a team to continue the Feret labor

Claude Féret

Marc-Henri Lemay

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Editions Feret / Wine Publishing

with all the necessary means. More than 30 wine books by the best authors are published. The 15th edition of the Feret is launched in 1995. An English edition is published in 1998 with Wiley and Sons, and Hallwag. The XXI Century starts with a new edition of “Bordeaux et Ses Vins”. With an increased investment, there are more than twenty international contributors, with the processing of close to a million facts and data. The edition is sold out in 2 years, and a new edition is published in 2004 in French and English. In June 2003, Editions Feret was taken over by Schiffer Investissements, directed by M. Louis Negre, with M.Bruno Boidron as partner. Bruno Boidron becomes in 2003 General Manager of the publishing house, where he had been working for ten years. Created in 1987 Schiffer Investissements understands the world of wine as it used to own wine estates in Bordeaux. The new shareholders want to maintain the editorial line, and develop the massive wine data base.

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There are now five collections in the publishing house. 1.- La Collection des Ferets .It includes “Bordeaux et Ses Vins”. The backlist of previous editions is available to wine book collectors. One new book in the collection is “Champagne”. There will be one to two new “Feret” every three or four years. 2.- Les Usuels Feret de la Vigne et du Vin. This technical collection is for wine professionals and students. The books receive often awards from the jury of the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin. There are one or two books every year. Some titles: Manuel de Tonnellerie, Gestion de la Propriété Vitivinicole. Maladies Cryptogamiquus de la Vigne. 3.- Collection Regards et Decouvertes for the General Public, books often linked to wine tourism, with one or two every year.

Some titles: Les Quatre Saisons de la Vigne, Les Vins de Provence, Les Paysages Viticoles. 4.- Les Beaux Livres Feret. These coffee or wine table books are more expensive, with one to three books every year. Some titles: Le Vin et le Cigare, Le Vin et la Medecine, Le Vin et la Truffe, Une Année autour de Sancerre.

“Bordeaux and its Wines” is a unique story in wine publishing, with each new editions selling better and faster, and past editions stars at auctions. Some of the other Feret books of the new century will also become classics, as they are published to the same standard of quality and excellence. Bruno Boidron e.roger@feret.com

5.- Connaissance du Monde du Vin. Wine World Knowledge. They are reference books on special wine subjects. Some titles: Paroles de Vin, 1855 Histoire d’un Classement, le Vin sur le Divan, Journal de Voyage de Thomas Jefferson. Feret has received 5 “Gourmand Best in the World Awards” for wine books over the past 12 years. In 2001, it became “Best Wine Book Publisher in the World”. The bestseller

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Le Cordon Bleu Education through Publications

Welcome to the Le Cordon Bleu Education through Publications Founded in Paris by the journalist, Marthe Distel, in 1895, Le Cordon Bleu today encompasses 30 schools in 15 countries, training more than 27,000 students every year of more than 70 nationalities. The first class was held at the Palais Royal in Paris on January 1896. Thus, Le Cordon Bleu was established. Today, Le Cordon Bleu is one of the leading institutions in the fields of culinary education and hospitality, tourism and restaurant management. The Origins of Le Cordon Bleu and some samples of its main publications Synonymous with culinary excellence, the expression «cordon bleu» originates from the blue ribbon which held the cross of the Knights of the Order of the Holy Spirit, created in 1578 by Henri III, King of France. Le Cordon bleu has broadened it educational scope enormously through publications of Le Cordon Bleu books in collaboration with prominent publishers, and since its inception, Le Cordon Bleu has published cookbooks and magazines for professionals and aspiring chefs as well as for amateurs and the home cook. Le Cordon Bleu’s main publications have a specific audience in mind and cover a wide variety of topics and recipes styles.

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Its team of Master Chefs is still working today on different publishing projects as they did it during these past years creating and tasting and many recipes for most of the books published. In 1895, Marthe Distel published bi-weekly the magazine «La Cuisinière Cordon Bleu» then called «Le Cordon Bleu» which lasted 60 years. It had 25, 000 subscribers worldwide with a Spanish publication in Argentina during the period between World War I and World War II. Henri-Paul Pellaprat who taught as chef at Le Cordon Bleu for 32 years wrote numerous books including «l’Art Culinaire, La Bonne Table Française et Etrangère» in 1935, which was a famous gastronomic bible with 3,500 recipes and 48 menus. It was published in many languages and was awarded gold medals in 1936 during the Exhibitions of Paris at the Paris International Exhibition in 1937. He received many more in later years. In 1951, Rosemary Hume, principal of the Cordon Bleu School of Cooking in London published among many others: «Sweets and their Sauces». Dione Lucas, culinary writer, also worked with Rosemary Hume. By the end of the 60’s, the Le Cordon Bleu weekly magazine «Le Cordon Bleu Cookery Course» was so popular that over 100,000 copies were sold per week for 72 weeks; due to its success in the mid 1970’s, the magazine was reprinted 5 times and was distributed in the United Kingdom, Australia,

South Africa as well as in the United States and Canada under the name «Grand Diplôme».

Sabrina Soufflés Salés, Soufflés Sucrés», Le Cordon Bleu’s 11th book with Bunka Shupan was released.

«Le Cordon Bleu at Home» was the first Le Cordon Bleu book to be published in English in 1991 by William Morrow Inc. in the United States and by Ebury Press in the United Kingdom.

«Le Cordon Bleu Classic French Cookbook» was published by Dorling Kindersley in 1995 and sold of 120 000 copies during its first year of publication building a bridge between classical French Cuisine and the latest gastronomy from around the world.

In 1994 and 1995, Le Cordon Bleu launched in Japan the volumes of Cuisine I and Pastry I of the series «Le Rêve de Sabrina». These editions were also published in Korean by Cookhand and in Mandarin in Taiwan by TK Publishing. The name is based on the memorable 1954 film «Sabrina» starring Audrey Hepburn, in which a charming young American girl first learns how to crack an egg at the Le Cordon Bleu school in Paris, not unlike Julia Child who earned her toque there in 1951. Le Cordon Bleu received the prize of « Best Cookbook Series in Japanese» for «Le Rêve de Sabrina» at the Versailles World Gourmand Cookbook Fair in 1999, which was by then composed of a 5-book collection published by Bunka Shupan. Le Cordon Bleu partnered again with Bunka Shupan to produce a series of books that introduces Japanese readers to techniques of classical French recipes. «Le Cordon Bleu Pastry Base de Base» was released in December 2000 and «Le Cordon Bleu La Cuisine du Marché» followed in 2001. «Le Cordon Bleu, French Cuisine, Basics of the Basics» was awarded the First Prize as «the Best Cuisine Book in Japanese » at the Gourmand World Cookbook Award in February 2004. In September, 2006, «Les Recettes de

In October 1996, Cassell in the United Kingdom published the «Le Cordon Bleu Complete Cooking Techniques» which sold over 90 000 copies during the first three months on the market and was available shortly thereafter in 13 languages with Blume for the Spanish edition, William Morrow &Co Inc. for the US version, Marco Zero for the Brazilian version, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö in Sweden and Niola in Russia. Arab Scientific Publishers translated the book and also distributes this book in several Arabic countries. In October 1998, this book was awarded the Gold Medal by the German Academy at the Frankfurt Book Fair as the «Best Cookbook of the year» for the German version which was published by Christian Verlag. The French version was published by Hachette in 1997 under the name «Le Manuel Pratique de Cuisine». Carroll and Brown in the United Kingdom had been the packager at the origin of the book then became the publisher. It was then reprinted under the title “The Cook’s Bible” by Carroll and Brown in 2005.

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Le Cordon Bleu

In June 1997, «Le Bon Mangeur et Savoir-Faire» was published. This book is a supplement to the book entitled «Le Bon Mangeur - Connaissance et Plaisir» published by the French Federation of Cardiology and the French Society of Alimentary Hygiene. It features recipes revised by Le Cordon Bleu chefs in view of reducing sugar, salt, and fat to a minimum without sacrificing the flavour. Murdoch Books and Le Cordon Bleu launched in 1998, the « Le Cordon Bleu Home Collection » a series of 26 titles translated into 17 languages. Publishers were Könemman in Europe, Periplus Edition in the United States and distributed by Charles E. Tuttle and Merehurst Ltd. in the United Kingdom. Sales reached over 8 millions copies, with more than one million sold in French language. Australian publisher, Murdoch Books, matched Le Cordon Bleu’s need perfectly, holding and enviable reputation for producing concise and easy to follow cookbooks. Tuttle and Harper Collins later published the book in the United Kingdom and the United States. In 2002, a selection of the best recipes of this book was published in one complete volume titled “Le Cordon Bleu Complete Cookbook”. In July 1998: «Le Cordon Bleu Quick Classics», a repertoire of sophisticated food prepared in no time at all, was published by Cassell UK. Le Cordon Bleu collaborated with John Wiley and Sons Inc.

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in New York in 1998 on the Fourth edition of «Professional Cooking» with Wayne Gisslen. It continues to be the mainstay in colleges and technical schools specializing in Hotel Management and Culinary Arts. In 2003, the Fifth edition was n°2 in the top professional cookbooks. «Le Cordon Bleu Complete Cooking Step-by-Step», also published by Cassell, followed at the end of 1998. In 1999, Le Cordon Bleu launched «Le Cordon Bleu Dessert Techniques», with over 150 recipes by Cassell UK. Other publishers included the Instituto Geographica De Agostini and Mondo-Verlag of Switzerland in 2000 and Carroll and Brown in 2002 and Arab Scientific Publishers. In October 1999, the book «Cuisiner sans voir avec Le Cordon Bleu» (Cooking without seeing by Le Cordon Bleu) won the prize of «Most Innovative Book» at the Versailles 99 World Gourmand Cookbook Fair. This two-volume, 236 pages book in Braille is not merely a translation of an existing cookbook for the sighted, but the culmination of a 5-year project of recipe adaptation by the instructors of the blind and partially sighted cooks, the chefs of the Association Valentin Haüy, and the chefs of Le Cordon Bleu Paris. The Valentin Haüy Association is the oldest and most respected French Association serving the blind and the visually impaired. «Le Cordon Bleu Wine Essentials» published by John Wiley and Sons in 2000 was awarded «the Best In the World Wine

Education Book » during the Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2001 and also won in 2001 the coveted «Bronze Ladle» at the prestigious Jacob’s Creek World Food Media Awards in Australia. In December 2001, «1,2,3 La Cuisine en Français», an exquisitely photographed book, was published in Japanese by the editing house NH and won First Prize in the category of «the Best in the World French Cuisine Book» at the 2001 Gourmand World Cookbook Award. In 2003, Le Cordon Bleu Magazine, a bi-monthly publication, began distribution in Mexico. In May 2004, the book «De la Cueillette à la Recette» was published by Shibata Publishing. The same year, «Quick and Light» was launched by Cassell Illustrated. The American version, “Quick & Easy” was released by Thunder Bay Press. In May 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Le Cordon Bleu in partnership with the Agro Fishery Trade Corporation of Korea won a special Award of the Jury at the World Final for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. In 2005, The Ministry of Agriculture in Korea had asked Le Cordon Bleu to create “kimchi” recipes inspired by the repertoire of classical French cuisine to promote internationally this traditional Korean food product. The result was the cookbook «Korean Kimchi & Le Cordon Bleu: A Meeting of Flavors, Tastes and Cultures».

In 2006, «Kitchen Essentials» was presented by Carroll and Brown and in Spain with Blume. Le Cordon Bleu has been proud recipient of several awards from various organizations including the World Food for Media, the International Association of Culinary Professionals, the German Academy of Gastronomy, the International Cookbook Fair Gourmand and continues its development with new schools, new books and new restaurants.

Developments of Le Cordon Bleu have led to the establishment of Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Hospitality, Tourism and Restaurant Management in cooperation with international universities. Le Cordon Bleu has a tradition of excellence in the world of gastronomy and is committed to furthering the appreciation of fine food and the French art of living.

paris@cordonbleu.edu www.cordonbleu.edu

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Cookbooks at Marabout The Market Leader in France

Until 2000, Marabout was a non-fiction publisher best known for its text books, and specialized topics such as health, psychology and children. It decided at the turn of the century to publish illustrated books. Cookery would be the first targeted market, with collections of various formats, with carefully studied prices. The bet of the publisher was to innovate with modern graphics, and non specialized authors who would be close to home life, with trendy subjects. The care given to design and style of the books would become the signature of the publisher. Success is immediate for the Marabout Chef Collection in A4 size, and the Marie Claire titles. In 2001, Marabout started a creation policy with authors not yet known. In April 2001, Trish Deseine published her first book “Petits Plats Entre Amis”, a wonderful mix of her British roots, and her taste, even passion, for the French culinary traditions. This book was a success, recognized by The Laduree and Seb Awards. In April 2002, the second book by Trish “Je Veux du Chocolat” was published. It will be translated worldwide, selling 350.000 copies in France alone. Marabout increases then its creative policy, with new authors, to continue the success story of the brand.

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Julie Andrieu: Le Canard de Julie, Dico du Chocolat, Ma P’Tite Cuisine Laura Zavan: Little Italy Babette de Rozières: Festin Créoles Delphine de Montalier: Fish and Fish, Tates Maisons. Philippe Conticini: Tentations José Maréchal: Verrine, Petites Cuillères Cathy Ytak: Le Comptoir des Pains Kedda Black: Les Basiques Catherine Quevrement: La Cuisine de Provence Marianne Moreno: La Patisserie Stephane Reynaud: Cochon et Fils Many of these books will be translated. All were successful in sales and media. In September 2007, new books position Marabout as the leader: Stephane Reynaud: Ripailles Trish Deseine: Le Gout du Luxe, A Box with Six Books Kedda Black: La Boite à Gateaux, after “La Boite à Legumes, Tiramisu, Le Thon c’est Bon, Mousses Marabout is now the leader of the cookbook market in France. It continues to innovate and to correspond to the expectations of its readers, from the youngest to the most experienced ones.

In April 2007 in Beijing, the “Gourmand World Cookbook Awards” honoured Trish Deseine with a “Special Award” for all her books to reward her unique creativity in the cookbook market. The success of Marabout is the result of permanent research in design and editorial innovation, as well as constant interaction with all the participants in the book business. Marabout is now the first practical book publisher in France. It continues to answer the demands of the general public by maintaining a high level of quality for its books and a careful pricing policy. Anne Schapiro-Niel Aschapiro-niel@hachette-livre.fr

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Shibata Shoten: Growing with the Food Service Industry About Shibata’s publications

Founded in 1950, Shibata Shoten publishes for food professionals working in the Japanese restaurant, hotel and inn (ryokan) industries. We publish books covering cooking, culinary science and food culture, wine and spirits, coffee and tea shop business, and management and services for the restaurant and lodging industries. Presently, we offer books covering French and Italian cuisine (60 titles); Japanese cuisine (50); Asian, including Chinese, cuisine, (20); wine, liqueur, cocktails and sake (30); tea and coffee (15); cookbooks for non-professionals (50); management and services for restaurant and hotel industries (40); and others including culinary science and food culture. Some of our books are used as textbooks in colleges or culinary institutes. Nearly 30 new titles are brought out annually. Our culinary books range from those focused on culinary skills and techniques (with many photos), to “top chefs” cookbooks, to recipe collections from successful restaurants, (which are very practical for menu planners). Our editorial policy is to create practical books addressing the needs of the industry. However, the fact we have published many magazines since the inception of this company is not well known, even in Japan: •Gekkan Shokudo (Food Service Management) provides business information for restaurant industries. •Gekkan Hotel Ryokan (Hotel Ryokan Management) is a business magazine for the lodging industry •Gekkan Senmonryori (Professional Cooking) supports culinary professionals in improving their skills and techniques. All of these magazines started in the early sixties. Our most recent magazine, Café Sweets, is very popular and highly acclaimed in the industry. It has gained many general readers as well as professionals in the coffee and tea, confectionary and bakery industries since its launch in 2001.

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We also have some popular magazines published on an irregular basis, such as: • Soba Udon for restaurants offering the traditional Japanese noodle dishes, Soba and Udon • Izakaya for Japanese-style pubs offering alcoholic beverages and food • CAKEing aiming to support pâtissiers in improving their skills. We have always published magazines in line with times. And our books cover important developments and trends in the food arena. We have works (including translations) covering worldfamous and Michelin-three-star chefs. Examples include: • We collaborated with world-renowned Chef Tetsuya Wakuta, who runs ‘TETSUYA’, the hottest restaurant in Sydney, to publish Tetsuya: Sydney Tastes, later in 2005 brought out in a Japanese edition. • One of the most famous Japanese restaurants in the world, NOBU, published a cookbook with us in 2004, as well as a magazine called EL BULLI COLLECTION, which introduced its dishes, including presentations by another famous chef, Ferran Adriá. • In 2006 we came out with Nobu-Style Japanese Finger Foods to introduce casual dishes from NOBU. Other projects worth mentioning are: • Japanese versions of dictionaries, such as LAROUSSE DICTIONNAIRE DE LA CUISINE FRANÇAISE (selling now for more than 30 years). • In 2003, as Spanish cuisine became popular, we published a magazine called Can’t Help Without Spain. With these efforts as mentioned above, Shibata Shoten has established its reputation as a leading culinary book publisher. Why do we publish books specializing in food?

Our founder, Ryota Shibata, set his eyes on food service and lodging industries as soon as he started the company in 1950. He had been to Europe and the U.S. to view restaurants and hotels before he started to publish the magazines mentioned above in the 1960’s. He hoped to improve the position of restaurants, hotels and other lodging businesses, which at that time were considered less fashionable than other businesses. He also wanted to modernize the industry by publishing books and magazines, and started to organize management seminars for the industry. Many restaurant owners participated in the overseas study tours he planned. Some of those participants became management executives of leading companies today. Launching Professional Cooking led to start of ‘Shibata Traditional Japanese Food Meeting’ where prominent chefs of Japanese restaurants in Kyoto gather. Recipes of each Japanese restaurant had long been kept secret, but Ryota thought it wrong and encouraged chefs to disclose their culinary skills for the industry’s advancement. His strong will prompted the birth of this meeting and Professional Cooking began to introduce those chefs’ culinary skills. The spirit of the founding members of the meeting has not been lost and many seminars and activities for improving the industry have been conducted not only in Japan but also outside of the country, including France.

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Shibata Shoten

Why are we recognized as a unique publishing company specialized in food? It’s because Shibata Shoten has made great contributions to the restaurant and lodging industries by organizing various activities in addition to publishing. ‘Contributing to the food industry’ is the mindset that each of our company’s employees has taken from our predecessors, and is the basis for our books and magazine. We have a great number of publications corresponding to trends in the food service industry. As Professional Cooking from its inception ventured to get stories from Michelin-three-stars chefs, the book publishing department has come out with translations of many books of European cooking and confectionery. A pâtissier said that he decided to go to Vienna for training after reading our Vienna confectionery book. A senior chef of a French restaurant still praises our early works saying “at the time you had to read original books written in a foreign language if you wanted to learn foreign cooking or confectionery, Shibata’s books helped me so much.” These kinds of compliments from readers, interviewees and authors very much encourage us to work.

Long-selling books with beautiful photos ‘Long-selling’ is one of our books’ features. Selling for ten years or twenty years is not unusual, and we have books such as KOTSU NO KAGAKU (a culinary science book) which is still selling after 30 years. These books continue to sell because their contents are universal and always necessary to chefs, culinary professionals and students who wish to get jobs in the food service industry. Our books often win readers’ trust because the contents are practical for professionals. Our book editors have years of experience, know very much about the industry and culinary skills of professionals, and eat out in countless restaurants. They identify the most desired subjects for books and devote themselves to make them practical and reader-friendly. We believe that these efforts solidify our readers’ trust. Another source of acclaim for Shibata over the last dozen years is the beautiful photos in our publications, good book

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design, and easy-to-follow layout of our books. According to feedbacks from readers, our books ‘look delicious’ or ‘beautiful’. In books, we try to describe the delicious tastes and flavors of each dish as it is when served in restaurants, so we shoot freshly cooked dishes without unnecessary decoration. This is a common practice for editors of Shibata. We also demand that printing companies create a ‘reproduction of deliciousness’ when they print those photos. We even hope that those with no knowledge of Japanese will think our books ‘look delicious’ and ‘beautiful’. As our company has long been deeply involved in the everyday reality of the culinary field, it is natural that the first assignment for new editors is to eat at various restaurants to get to know food and the food service industry well. Although I belong to the Book Publishing Division now, I was first assigned to the editorial department of a magazine for coffee and tea shops at the time I was employed in 1977. My career started with eating out. I still remember that I used to drink coffee at ten or so coffee shops every day. Eat, collect information, search and write – our editors repeat these steps daily. Sometime they are surprised by the culinary skills of cooks or pâtissiers and sometimes they are impressed by the thoughts of restaurant or company owners. Thus our editors deepen their interest in food and learn the basic stance or spirit of Shibata Shoten automatically. That’s why the spirit of creating magazines and books born at the company’s foundation remains alive and well. Publishing for the food service industry and its needs is our continued goal. Sachiko Inomata Division Manager of Book Publishing Division

Oldways The Food Think Tank

Oldways is the widely-respected non-profit “food issues think tank” credited with successfully translating the complex details of nutrition science into the familiar language of food. It is best known for developing consumer-friendly healthpromotion tools, including the well-known Mediterranean Diet Pyramid. Oldways also creates and organizes a wide variety of other educational activities, conferences and materials about healthy eating, drinking, lifestyle and the traditional pleasures of the table. Its educational programs are for consumers, scientists, the food industry, health professionals, chefs, journalists and policy makers. Oldways initiatives include: The Whole Grains Council; The Latino Nutrition Coalition; The Med Mark Mediterranean Food Alliance Program; and The Managing Sweetness Program. In 2007 Oldways published, The Oldways Table, Essays & Recipes From the Culinary Think Tank, by K. Dun Gifford & Sara Baer-Sinnott with contributions from around the food world. You can learn more about Oldways at www.oldwayspt.org

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Old Wine Books by Henri Pierre Millescamps

The market for old wine books is totally different than the old cookbook market. Most wine book collectors have a few cookbooks, but very few cookbook collectors have wine books. The cellar is very similar to a good library. There has to be total order in the classification of bottles as well as books, well lined up on shelves. Both wines and books are afraid of inexperienced handling, noise, heat, humidity and light. The first edition Cocks and Feret is as much a treasure in the library as the old Haut Brion bottle in the cellar. The wine library can be as extensive as human knowledge, with technical books, including guides, essays, techniques, as well as literature. There are specialized books on wine, as well as classical works by authors such as Pliny or Columela, who are the latin authors giving the most details about wine. Chapter 14 of “Pliny Natural History” is totally dedicated to vineyards and wine. The numerous agriculture treaties by Cassianus Bassus are essential, including the XX books of Constantin Cesar, or Geoponica, from the third or fourth century. Auction and catalogue sales of rare wine books have developped worldwide. The price range is very wide, with numerous new collectors buying. Quality is essential. The Feret second edition will be sold for more than 1000 Euros in

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superb quality, but only half if it is not. The Feret on Bergerac Wines of 1903 is now 300 Euros to 400 Euros, it is as scarce as its older brother. Portugal Vinicole by Cincinato da Costa could be purchased 15 years ago for 1500 Euros, it is now at least twice as expensive. At the same time, more recent wine books at lower prices are now finding many clients, with prices rising. Public and University Libraries make room for more wine books, in various languages. Professionals and serious collectors look everywhere for information. Authors such as Andre L.Simon, The Wine Atlas by Hugh Johnson, new classics by Nicholas Faith are in demands internationnally. The books that are listed in famous bibliographies are the ones that are most wanted, with rising prices. There are three wine bibliographies which should be in all serious wine libraries. First, I recommend “Une Bibliothèque Bachique, Collection Kilian Fritsch”, with the impressive texts written by Gerard Oberlé. The other two basic bibliographies are Andre L.Simon masterpieces, “Bibliotheca Vinaria”, and “Bibliotheca Bacchica”. Millescamps.books@wanadoo.fr

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Ten Speed Press • Celestial Arts The Crossing Press • Tricycle Press

Ten Speed Press is an independently owned book and poster publisher located in Berkeley, California. The company was founded in 1971 by Philip Wood, who launched the company with the best-selling Anybody’s Bike Book. Legend has it that he kept the stock of the original edition in his bathtub. In 1983, Ten Speed acquired Celestial Arts, a poster and New Age books publisher. Celestial Arts’ food posters— ranging from fruits to fungus, hot sauces to donuts—can be found on the walls of restaurants, stores, wineries, and kitchens around the world. Tricycle Press, the littlest division of Ten Speed, pedaled along in 1993 with picture and activity books for children including cookbooks (Mollie Katzen’s Honest Pretzels), and the World Snacks board book series for toddlers. Although Ten Speed built its reputation on solid non-fiction books, like What Color Is Your Parachute?, it is especially proud of its wide range of wonderful cookbooks. We publish the whole gamut of subjects, including culinary classics, baking, ethnic, vegetarian, chef & restaurant cookbooks, food writing, regional American, California & Napa Valley, nutrition & healthy cooking, wine, and more.

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Some highlights include: • Books by star chefs like Charlie Trotter, Mark Miller, Gordon Ramsay, Elizabeth Falkner, James Peterson, Nancy Oakes, Martin Yan, Tetsuya, Cindy Pawlcyn, Charlie Palmer, Girardet, Douglas Rodriguez, Roy Yamaguchi, Joachim Splichal, Susur Lee, and Hiro Sone. • Mollie Katzen’s cookbooks, including Moosewood Cookbook have sold over 4 million copies • Unusual titles like White Trash Cooking (600,000 copies sold), The Twinkies Cookbook, and Man Eating Bugs: The Art and Science of Eating Insects • Award-winners such as: Wines of France by Jacqueline Friedrich Big Small Plates by Cindy Pawlcyn Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio Washoku by Elizabeth Andoh Rick Stein’s Complete Seafood Thai Food by David Thompson The Bread Baker’s Apprentice by Peter Reinhart Kitchen Sessions With Charlie Trotter by Charlie Trotter

•Our fantastic line-up of cookbooks for fall 2007, including: Cooking by James Peterson Elizabeth Falkner’s Demolition Desserts Peter Reinhart’s Whole Grain Breads Mollie Katzen’s Recipes: Soups The Pastry Queen Christmas by Rebecca Rather The Seventh Daughter by Cecilia Chiang The Story of Tea by Mary Lou and Robert J. Heiss Ten Speed’s books are sold worldwide through our international distribution partners and our Canadian office in Toronto. After 35 years in business, Ten Speed is one of the largest, bestselling independent publishers in the United States. The food books published under the company’s four imprints each year celebrate the spirit and imagination of indie publishing, inviting readers everywhere to Read Cook Eat. Ten Speed Press PO Box 7123 Berkeley, CA 94707 (800) 841-2665 www.tenspeed.com

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 71

The Carlo Cambi publishing house

The Carlo Cambi publishing house offers the Italian and international market high quality editions dealing in-depth with themes concerning our Region, Tuscany, but not only. We mainly work in the fields of food & wine and modern & contemporary art. For each project the house draws up a “global plan”, from ideation to graphics, from printing to binding, without neglecting distribution and promotion of the works. Wine&Food - Great Wines of Italy Series (Italian and English editions): For some years we have been outlining not only the best enological production in Italy but also dealing with those vine-dressers who, with their entrepreneurial choices, have drawn attention both nationally and worldwide. A journey started 7 years ago by Andrea Zanfi in the company of photographer Giò Martorana, whose wonderful images are a worthy corollary to the text. A great success in terms of sales and critical acclaim both national and international, including winning the competitions Libri da Gustare (International Book Fair in Turin - Italy) and the Gourmand

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Cookbook Awards. This series has created an important image around the world of Italian wine, giving a picture – to the joy of enthusiasts – of a historical moment in the enological production of the beginning of this century in the most outstanding winegrowing regions. Zanfi speaks with these people not in the usual way about the universe of wine or following the customary stereotypes of the viticulture world: he takes the human, personal and in some cases intimate approach to the manwinegrower, leading the reader on a virtual journey across the lands and wines of each region. A glance “behind” wine and its realization. Every 350-420 page volume can be read in two distinct ways: on the one hand the people who live in close contact with the vineyards and land, described and interpreted with personal touches of great vivacity and truth; and on the other hand vinification techniques and all necessary information about the wine produced. So with the first, more narrative interview-story part and the second more technical part a “balance” is created that will satisfy not only the curiosity of enthusiasts but also of experts.

A book to be read, consulted or “looked at” with great pleasure. An important part of the mosaic to give everyone a detailed picture of the human, personal and in some cases intimate aspect of vine-dressers, while at the same time taking the reader on a journey of discovery through Italian wines. Here are all the titles: - “iSupertuscans” - “Viaggio tra i grandi vini di Sicilia” – “Journey Among the Great Wines of Sicily” - “Friuli. Terre, uomini, vino” – “Friuli. Land, people, wine” - “Piemonte... la signora del vino” – “Piedmont... noblewoman of wine” - “Le Marche... l’orto del vino” – “Le Marche... kitchen-garden of wine” - “Il Veneto, noialtri e il vino” – “Veneto, we others and wine” - “Vivo è. I mercati del pesce in Sicilia” – “Vivo è. Fish Markets in Sicily” (a special Wine&Food publication which this time took Zanfi and Martorana to the fish markets of Sicily defined as “open air lecture rooms”). For further information: www.carlocambieditore.it info@carlocambieditore.it Editorial Department: Tel. 0039 0577 936580 - Fax 0039 0577 974147 Administration: Tel. 0039 0577 936134 - Fax 0039 0577 936390 Carlo Cambi Editore c/o TAP Grafiche S.p.A. Via San Gimignano snc 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena) - Italy

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Vefa Alexiadou

Vefa Alexiadou, the first lady of Greek cuisine, was born and brought up in Volos. She was 17 years old when her family moved to Thessaloniki, where she finished school and went on to study chemistry at Aristotle University. There she met her future husband, Constantinos Alexiades, a fellow chemistry student. They were married when she was 24. After graduation, she worked for 13 years for N. Krallis & Co., as a chemist and later as a commercial representative for scientific equipment. Then, as a licensed commercial representative, she became a member of the Greek Chamber of Commerce. But, her love of cooking, which had been an important part of her life from childhood, found her spending more and more hours in the kitchen, where she loved to improvise, try out new recipes and create special dishes. Anything she turned her hand to was not only delicious, it was also beautiful to look at, thanks to Vefa’s inborn flair for decorating food.

The first lady of Greek Cuisine

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Friends lucky enough to share them always said that her meals were true works of art and at their urging, she started writing her first book, “Invitation to Dinner”. When she published it herself in 1980, it was a pioneering work for that period in Greece. For the first time in a Greek cookbook, every recipe was accompanied by a color photograph and the ingredients were listed in international weights and measures. Twenty-seven years later, it continues to be a best seller in Greece and is now in its 21st printing! The great success of her first book pushed Vefa to write and publish another three books that cover the whole range of social occasions –“Invitation to a Children’s Party”,” Invitation to Tea”, and “Invitation to Cocktails”. These books proved immediately popular with the Greek public then and they still are.

Vefa’s innate gifts were enriched still further when, in 1984, on a visit to California, she attended courses at the University of California- Berkeley in dietetics as well as seminars in food decoration and presentation, photography and foreign cuisines, such as Indian, Chinese, Mexican and others. Vefa’s career as a writer/publisher continued in 1988 with her book, Greek Cuisine, followed two years later by Greek Pastries and Desserts. The success of these two books was and remains constant in Greece and abroad. They were translated into English and are still especially popular in the US, Australia and Canada. Greek Cuisine was also translated into German and is selling well in German-speaking countries. Vefa’s next book was “Festive Cuisine”, which was also translated into English and in 2000, she published the first volume of a vegetarian and seafood book, which she wrote with her daughter Alexia, and which received an award as the Best Mediterranean Cookbook in Greek from the Salon International Livre Gourmand of Perigueux, France. This book was published in the US and it is a best selling cookbook in USA, Canada and Australia. In 2004, in conjunction with the hosting of the Olympic Games in Athens, she published “The Best of Greek Cuisine”. Her initial thought was to create a sumptuously illustrated coffee-table edition devoted to Greek cuisine, but she rejected that idea as being too expensive and bulky. It was to have contained a large number of recipes, not all of which would have been of interest to foreigners. After considerable deliberation, she decided to proceed with the publication of a small book containing the most popular Greek recipes for dishes and desserts, that would be affordable and that could even be squeezed into a traveler’s full suitcase. The book was translated into seven languages and its phenomenal success during the Olympics has continued up today, particularly during the tourist season.

Vefa Alexiadou’s books have sold more than 5,000,000 copies in Greece and abroad, and her publishing house ranks among the 100 largest worldwide, in the specialized field of gastronomy. Every year Vefa takes part in the Frankfurt Book Fair, where she has her own stand. It was there in 1988 that she met Edouard Cointreau. Their mutual respect led to a firm friendship. In 1994, in his condensed version of Le Cordon Bleu, “The Book of Cookbooks”, he presented Vefa’s Greek Cuisine, Greek Pastries and Desserts and her “invitation” series: Invitation to Dinner, Invitation to a Children’s Party, Invitation to Tea and Invitation to Cocktails. In 1998, in his ICR-The International Cookbook Revue ran a superb, beautifully laid-out feature on her personality, work and particularly her book, Greek Cuisine, which Greeks everywhere consider the bible of Greek cooking. Vefa Alexiadou has never stopped writing and publishing cookbooks. But wishing to share her knowledge of food and cooking with a wider public, in 1990 she launched her television career, appearing on Morning Coffee, a program broadcast daily by one of Greece’s leading channels, Antenna (ANT-1). Over the years, through these programs, she guided Greek housewives in the proper use and measurement of ingredients, with a view to making dishes that would not only taste good but be nutritious and healthful. Satellite distribution has made her known throughout the world and since 2003 she has had her own daily, hour-long TV show. In 1997 and 1999 she was the official guest of the Australian government, along with other noted personalities in the field, at Tasting Australia. In 1999, her recipe for Silver Sardines from “Sunny Mediterranean Cuisine” won the Silver Award for its outstanding photography.

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Vefa Alexiadou

She has studied and cooked the foods of many cultures – Italian, French, Spanish, Polynesian, Indian, Chinese and Mexican. But her first and greatest love is the cuisine of her own country. She believes it to be the mother of the now famous Mediterranean Diet which so many scientists recognize as the healthiest way to eat that mankind has devised. Through her travels to various countries, her talks and presentations, she has managed to make Greek cuisine known not only in Europe, but on the other continents as well. Greeks abroad call her the ambassador of Greek cooking. In Greece itself, she has been given the title National Cook. Since 1998 she has been a member of the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) and takes part in its annual meeting every April. This gives her the opportunity to get in touch with personalities from the international world of gastronomy, to expand her expertise through seminars and to discuss her work and recipes in lectures and presentations. In 2003, in Minneapolis, she presented a seminar on fyllo pastry, which was a tremendous success. Each year, invited by the Greek Communities of America, she gives lectures and presentations to her fellow Greeks. In the early 90s, popular demand spurred her on to a new venture – that of bringing to the Greek market the various appliances and cooking equipment she uses in her own kitchen. In 1993 she opened her first shop, which offers the Greek housewife the latest kitchenware as well as the most modern electrical appliances that are by now indispensable in today’s kitchen. The public’s enthusiastic response crowned this effort too with enormous success. The business has grown rapidly through franchising and today constitutes a large chain which numbers 26 shops located all over Greece. Named “Vefa’s House”, the chain is expertly run by Vefa’s older daughter Angie Alexiadou

with her husband Yiannis Dodoros. They have managed to acquire an impressive share of the market in this particularly competitive area. In 1998 Vefa began her collaboration with Liberis Editions with the publication of a series of books on a special theme, entitled 20 Best Recipes for . . . That same year the series won a Gourmand World Cookbook Award as the best in the category “World’s Best Cookbooks Tied to Television.” After the successful publication of 40 monthly issues, each with a circulation of between 100,000 and 150,000 copies, the collaboration continued with the publication of “Vefa’s Tasty Trips” which involved culinary visits to ten countries and had a similarly warm reception. It was followed by Seasonal Cuisine, with recipes based on the 12 months of the year, while today the series Light Cooking is in progress. This series includes books on various themes with healthy recipes, containing limited calories and cholesterol; it, too, has been greeted enthusiastically by the Greek public. Meanwhile, programmed for October is the publication of a deluxe folder titled “Vefa’s Golden Recipes”, which will contain her favorite recipes in each category. It will take two years to complete. In 1999, still in collaboration with Liberis Editions, Vefa initiated an annual panhellenic competition in Greek cooking, which meets with increasing acclaim every year. The competition’s prize-winning recipes are printed in a special volume and every December the prizes are awarded at a formal gala event, in the presence of celebrities from Greek society as well as politicians. Vefa has received a number of international awards. In 2000, she was honored in Perigueux with the “Special Prize for Best Culinary Business Professional.” In October 2001 the Greek National Book Center recognized her work in the field of gastronomy, ranking her among the greatest

Greek writers. In April 2002 the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) made her a candidate for the Award of Excellence in the category of “Life-Time Achievement”; she was a finalist. In 2003 she was awarded by the Leaders of the Year Award as Business Woman of the Year. In 2004 and 2005 the readers of Life & Style chose her as the most successful Business Woman of the Year in the magazine’s annual poll. In 2005 the American Biographical Institute awarded her with the “Diploma of Expertise in Culinary Business” and with the “American Medal of Honor Recipient” and also in 2006 with the “Gold Medal for Greece recipient” in recognition to her outstanding contributions and expertise in the field of Culinary Business. In 1999 the Marquis Who’s Who Publication Board certified that Vefa Alexiadou is a subject of biographical record in Who’s Who in the World and in 2007, the Yorker International University prized her by “Honorary Doctorate” for her exceptional achievements. In September 2005, Vefa attended the Sial international exhibition in Paris as the official representative of “Kerasma”, which under the aegis of the “Greek Organization for the Promotion of Exports” (OPE) works to publicize Greek products round the world. In June 2007 she also traveled to Crete for the World Conference on Gastronomy, again as a spokesperson for Greek products. In the spring of 2002 the American journalist and writer Holly Rudin Braschi visited and interviewed Vefa in Thessaloniki for the American magazine “Select” (Sunset Publishing House). Ms Braschi wanted to spend several days in her company in order to get to know her daily routine and share her life. The result was an impressive feature article on Vefa and her recipes. Interviews with Vefa and articles about her have appeared in many magazines and newspapers in Greece and abroad. Several interviews by the journalist and cookbook writer Marlena Spieler have been appeared in San Francisco Chronicles, presenting

Vefa’s personality and denominating her as the Greek Julia Child. Vefa Alexiadou divides her time between Athens, where her work offices and publishing activities are located, and the Halkidiki peninsula, near Thessaloniki, where she has her beloved home right on the water. In her effort to overcome the loss of her husband in 2005, she has continued to devote herself to professional activities with undiminished energy. Among her immediate plans is the creation of an institute offering seminars on culinary skills that would help young chefs as well as experienced housewives to broaden their knowledge of the art of cooking. With the realization of this project she feels that her commitment to Greek society will be complete. Vefa is pleased to have nurtured a worthy successor. When she retires from professional life, she will pass the baton to her equally active daughter, Alexia Alexiadou, who also writes and publishes cookbooks as well as a pioneering Greek culinary magazine called Real Food. It has been the Greek family’s favorite food magazine for two years now, and contains articles that refer not only to cooking but to home economics, health and a woman’s various occupations around the house. She also feels the certitude that “Vefa’s House” chain is safely managed under the admirably lead of her capable older daughter Angie Alexiadou and her husband Yannis Dodoros.

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GOURMAND AWARD: Grape Man of Texas The Life of T. V. Munson Sherrie S. McLeRoy and Roy E. Renfro, Jr., Ph.D.



On an extremely cold day in February 2005, we arrived in Stockholm, Sweden, and after a very short flight, we arrived in beautiful Orëbro, Sweden to attend the World Gourmand Awards. The village was enchanting and with the snow on the landscape and frost on the trees, it was a winter wonderland. One day, we were treated to an outing to the mountain village of Grythyttan where we toured the magnificent Cookbook Library and Museum of Sweden. The University of Orëbro offers a hospitality program in the same building which includes a culinary theater, with three kitchens rising from below the stage, and another one coming down from above!

As a result of the Gourmand Award as “Best Wine History Book in English, in the United States” and further being selected by Gourmand as “Best Wine History Book in the World” for 2004 which was announced by Gourmand President Edouard Contreau at the awards ceremony in Orëbro, Sweden in February 2005, our book sales skyrocketed and the book sold out within months. That prompted us to do a reprint, and that printing sold out within a year.

ACCEPTANCE SPEECH In accepting the Gourmand Award as “Best Wine History Book in the World for 2004,” Dr. Roy Renfro related the following – “On behalf of Thomas Volney Munson, the “Grape Man of Texas,” thank you, Gourmand, for honoring this biography which introduces Munson’s legacy to the world. Grape Man of Texas was a labor of love and respect which will continue to serve as a tribute to his lifetime of contributions to the “World of Wine.” Texas grapevine rootstocks and their offspring continue to populate the world’s vineyards, for which I am sure Thomas Volney Munson is indeed grateful. His legacy lives on! Sherrie and I wish to thank the W. B. Munson Foundation, the T. V. Munson Viticulture and Enology Program at Grayson County College, and our most supportive families. Thank you, Gourmand!”

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The Gourmand Award allowed our book to receive international recognition by various wine and winegrowing organizations and publications. The Wine Appreciation Guild of San Francisco, California, a former Gourmand Award winner, asked permission to publish the second edition in 2007. This edition should be on the shelves of bookstores around the world in May 2008. The book has been revised and a new chapter has been added along with a very detailed index to assist readers and researchers to obtain information more easily. A detailed account of Munson’s historic home, Vinita, built in 1887 in Denison, Texas, is included along with the renovation project currently underway. Also included is a more detailed investigation of the Munson hybrid grapes and how they are currently being used around the world for wine production. The new second edition of Grape Man of Texas is scholarly and represents the most current information that is available on the life of Thomas Volney Munson and the origins of American viticulture. The Gourmand Award has made our biography of Thomas Volney Munson a major success and an international star!

“The magic began in Beijing” by Bengt-Göran Kronstam There is often a fine line between success and disaster. This is something photographer Claes Löfgren and I felt when we sat in the audience enjoying a fantastic awards presentation in Beijing in April of 2007. We were sitting on four nominations for our book Vinets Magi. Things felt good. We had already won double awards in the equivalent Swedish competition: as wine book of the year and as best gastronomic book in all categories. The first publication of 15,000 copies was underway and an additional print run was planned, which success at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards would guarantee. Possibilities existed. But our confidence diminished as the prizes were awarded. In the end, there was just one award remaining: the top prize of the evening. At that point, however, we had all but given up hope, something that further increased our delight when the name of our book was announced. Vinets Magi is a book about life’s most cherished drink, but from a country rarely associated with the beverage. The honor of the award therefore extends beyond my work as an author, and beyond all of the work of the other contributors. The award can be seen as an acknowledgment of Swedish wine expertise, and this attention proved to be beyond all of our expectations. Within ten minutes, before sitting down for the gala dinner, I had already been interviewed by an editor from Dagens Nyheter, Scandinavia’s largest daily newspaper. I had just hung up the phone when the TT news offices called. During the next hour, the news had been published on text television. Most of the other Swedish media outlets quickly followed suit, and when we stepped off the plane from China, we were ushered directly into a television studio. Today, a year later, the book is in its third print run. I am now busy with the follow-up, Smakens Magi, to be released in the fall as a direct continuation. Here, the different styles and types of wines will be categorized into a taste system, which I suggest, albeit tongue in cheek, will be of equal importance to wine lovers as the Linné classification system is to botanists.

The world is filled with fantastic books about food and beverages. To simply write another was not our point when we began work on Vinets Magi. The goal was to create something new and different, something attractive to both experts and amateurs. To verify information for the already versed has never interested me, as it is much more exciting for me when I am able to inspire a new wine lover. The same applies to food as well. It wasn’t until 1977 when the total amount of wine consumed in Sweden surpassed the amount of spirits. Since then, things have moved quickly. Seventy per cent of Swedes drink and enjoy wine on a regular basis. This per capita statistic is one that surpasses France, Italy, Spain and other wineproducing countries. More than half of the adult population in Sweden has an outspoken interest in wine, which is, among other measures, reflected in our wine journalism. I myself have a readership in Dagens Nyheter of upwards of eighty per cent, representing more than one-tenth of the country’s wine consumers. The periodical that I started ten years ago, Allt om Vin, today has a circulation of 113,000 -- this in a country with fewer than eight million adults. Nowhere else do wine journalists have the same influence as they do in Sweden.

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The interest in food and wine is also reflected in the publication of gastronomic literature. Sweden produces a cookbook a day, despite the small size of the country. Many of the books are stand-alone products of very high caliber, both when it comes to content and graphic quality. History of the modern wine book can be divided into several phases. First came the books that covered the entire process, from the origin of wines to their production. Hugh Johnson’s The World Atlas of Wines (Mitchell Beazley, 1971) is the most well-known example, and is one of the first wine books that I read when I entered the wine business thirty-five years ago. In the next generation of books, authors focused on wineproducing regions and districts. In the eighties, a step was taken towards producing books that focused on specific characteristics and wines. The best example, in my opinion, is Richard Olney’s Yquem (Flammarion, 1985), a book that was released in exclusive, numbered editions. Wine books became more and more specialized, with books like Jancis Robinson’s Vines, Grapes and Wines (Mitchell Beazley, 1986) serving as a highlight of my bookshelf. Another exceptional example within this genre is Stephen Brook’s Bordeaux - People, Power and Politics (Mitchell Beazley, 2001). My goal has been to cover all of these areas. More than ten years ago, I began a first synopsis, which I then consciously integrated into my writings so as to develop an extensive factual base with which to work. In the same caliber that Vinets Magi is a wine book, it is also a cookbook and a travel journal -- a book of experiences and enjoyment, if you will. The reader is taken on a journey through the world’s leading wine countries and districts, experiencing culinary nuances along the way. In recent years, the combination of food and wine has become an increasingly popular subject within the field of culinary literature. Resultingly, much in the world of wine has changed.

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Consumption is declining in wine-producing countries and is on the rise in countries that have new target groups. The US is expected to become the largest wine market in the world this year. Japan, China and India are still sleeping markets, despite showing huge potential. Consumption in northern Europe is rising in most areas, while declining to the south. Wine consumption in Sweden is rising by about five per cent annually, and in some areas even more. (Sales of Champagne increased by one fourth, elevating Sweden into a group of some 15 countries that consume more than one million bottles of Champagne annually.) These new customer groups have no inherited knowledge, no prejudices and no loyalties -- only expectations. We drink that which provides the most for the occasion, choose with care and are eager to try new things. Cost-effective wines are very attractive. This is something to which critics and authors must pay attention. Awakening interest requires much more than just school books and repetition. I see myself more as a journalist and author than a wine expert. This is an important point for me when I want to get my message across. No previous knowledge should be necessary in order to comprehend the text. That is not to say that factual information is not important. Quite the opposite is true: to be able to write understandably, one must have great knowledge of every detail of the subject. Literary ambition seldom lies with authors of gastronomic literature. Nonetheless, several lines of Hugh Johnson’s The World Atlas of Wines remain always in memory, so much so that every now and then I return to the description in the book of the nebbiolo grape. It is pure poetry to my ears. One of my favorite books that I re-read regularly is Joseph Wechsberg’s Blue Trout and Black Truffles: The Peregrinations of an Epicure (1953, later released in

facsimile), an absolutely boundless story that induces both appetite and laughter. Also among favorite inspirations is Edouard Kressmann’s The Wonder of Wine (Hastings House 1968), a wonderful collection of personal essays that deal with the magic of wine. My writing style has also been influenced by Hubrecht Duijker’s books, which are as cleverly presented in text as in form. Even packaging plays an important role in how information is conveyed. With Vinets Magi, the relationships between images and photos were key, partly because of my own college degree in photography, partly because of my twenty year relationship of travel and work with wine photographer Claes Löfgren. Additionally, the food photographer for the book, Björn Lindberg, is a long-time collaborator whom I deeply appreciate. In order to turn ambition into reality, it is necessary to have a publisher with both gut feeling and the courage to focus on every detail. Publishing house Max Ström is such a company. Specializing in exclusive books that place strong focus on the visual, both in form and illustration, they are essentially worthy of an entire presentation of their own. Designer Patric Leo is among the best in Sweden. For Vinets Magi, he created a unique protective sleeve that folds in an ingenious manner. The image material is extensive, the paper and printing of the highest quality. Above all, it is necessary that the publisher understands that book publishing is just as much about marketing and pre-sales as it is about production. Our work did not stop in Beijing. The triumph at the Gourmand World Cook Book Awards was, rather, the trigger of the starting gun. During the year, we have paid regular visits to both booksellers and consumers -- the personal meeting is a valuable tool. Never overrate the knowledge of your reader, but never underestimate his intelligence. This is a good basic principle

for those who set out to write fact-based texts, and also the motto upon which Vinets Magi is based. The book blends the large with the small as it amuses and teaches with the same helping hand. The text not only covers geography, grape varieties and history, but delves into culinary experiences in the countries visited along the way. The recipes are based on local ingredients, an obvious starting point for the relationship between what you have on your fork and what you have in your glass. Food and wine taste best in good company. Nothing new there, but few cookbooks have managed to further develop this important collaboration. Conversely, wine snobs have created gastronomic mathematics of it all, where rules and regulations are often thought of as being more important than actual taste experiences. It does not, however, need to be complicated -- as a rule, wine partners better with food than does any other other drink. That, above all, is the real magic of wine.

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Rare Malts by Ulf Buxrud The Rare Malts Selection (RMS) series is liquid history bottled for the whisky enthusiast looking for a time document as well as a pleasant encounter with traditions and artisanship. The foundation for the series is the remaining minimal stock of antique whisky – whisky that stems from now-demolished or mothballed distilleries, but also from old, venerable casks tucked away on the premises of ongoing operations. A decision made in 1994 lead to a launch of the longest consecutive series of single malt whiskies ever issued. Sadly, the series’ sustainability was lost in 2005 due to the speedy depletion of this non-renewable resource. United Distillers and Vintners Ltd. (UDV), the driving force behind the RMS, launched the series in 1995. A few years later, when Diageo was formed by mergers and acquisitions, the availability of the RMS series was broadened widely, from up-market retail shops to specialist shops nearly everywhere. RARE MALTS - a piece of Scotland and an industry segment of vast impotence for the local economy, and its historical roots. The research work for the book took me not only on a geographical journey to islands, glens and mountain slopes throughout Scotland but also to the ‘landscape of drams’ which had to be re-visited during the formative process of the work. My book was an endeavour to document (boring for some, fascinating for others) the facts of a formative segment of whisky history. It was also an attempt to mirror the pleasure and joy surrounding the rise of a cottage trade that became an industry. This book neither reflects common technical details, such as the general way of converting barleycorn to bottled nectar, nor is it a textbook for whisky-related chemistry. However, if there is an oddity or a rarely explained link to the facts, figures and other basics of whisky production mentioned among the distillery portraits it is dissected.

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The series is an historic illustration performed by a wide selection of very old malt whisky from distilleries that in the past constituted UDV’s realm and leadership in the world of malt whiskies. Several distilleries are long gone and lost forever; some are mothballed and others alive and well, still holding an archive of liquid records of past days. The constituents of the series were selected from a special window of time: the trade’s revolutionary period from 1969 to 1981. To reflect the characteristics of this period a diversity of whiskies spanning from 18 to 30 years old were carefully chosen. Altogether, 121 versions were released – a vast amount of expressions from this glorious era. Further, the intention of the book was not to serve as an epitaph for a halted series, but rather document its first half. It is my staunch belief that the curator of a legacy, cleverly manifested in the Rare Malts Selection series, has just taken time out. Hence, I assume Diageo will return to its role as a rightfully proud heir to a heritage, after a well-deserved intermission.

Have your cake and eat it! by Laura Gosalbo Thousands of cookbooks are renewed quickly in the new culinary sections of our bookshops; sales are increasing and the quality of publications too1, but, Why do we buy so many cookbooks?

I adore cookbooks since I was a child. My “first love” was a book of desserts full of tasty cakes that promised me magic sensations. Later, I learned to cook and gastronomy became my hobby and my passion. And I am not alone. Nowadays, gastronomic universe is in total effervescence: newspapers, magazines and TV of the whole world speak about it and some chefs are in the list of the most influential personalities or in the ranking of the major fortunes on earth. Culinary travel is growing also very quickly and even cinema fits the apron with the interesting Ratatouille, indicating us that the 21st century does love cuisine. Keys to this “gastro.boom”: 1. In the middle of the cyclical fluctuations that mark the economies of the developed countries, it is indisputable that we have reached a welfare state who allows us to think about food like leisure and not as need, and at home, when we have some time, we cook to have fun, only for pleasure, as therapy to relax from the stress of modern life; we cook to seduce, to surprise, to please our friends and relatives, to travel from our kitchens far to the most exotic destinations … in short, we cook for and to be happy. The interest for gastronomy runs close to our way of life. A growing sensibility has been generated combining cuisine, image, relations, reputation, care of body and mind. Cuisine is also intellectuality, because it is finally considered to be culture and art and the gastronomic patrimony of every country is valued, respected and it starts to be protected and recovered, inside the global market. Cookbooks show the development of

societies, their changes and evolution, their particular idiosyncrasy and they are a savoury recipe to taste a bit of history. And if we want to be trendy, we have to cook, we have to be foodies, not greedyguts; we have to educate our palates, and update our knowledge. And cookbooks are the manuals that every apprentice and every expert need, they are not only collections of recipes anymore, but real compendiums of cooking for everybody, agreements of “I also can do it” for people who enjoy intensely their life among saucepans and around the best tables. 2. Gastronomy has turned into a media phenomenon. The battle of audiences is being cooked in the kitchens. Celebrity chefs occupy television shows in every Channel, they are big communicators and current representatives of professional and social success, like in the ancient Greece, when professional cooks were compared to the most wise persons, with a social recognition similar to that of the highest

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Have your cake and eat it!

intellectual degrees of the Athenian elite. Not only programs, but thematic channels of cuisine, proliferate as one of the best formula of entertainment. With this way of promotion of high impact, Chef books turn easily into best-sellers. 3. We travel more and beyond. And in our trips, we discover other ways of understanding cuisine, we visit markets and restaurants … Gastronomic guides are, increasingly, the basis to organize the route and, once there, we buy books of local cuisine to prepare at home the flavours of our holidays or to know more about the products that we have tasted. 4. Though we do not practise as tourists, globalization is introducing, day after day, new products in our markets. Close to the daily products, we find exotic and attractive ingredients, and we need information about them and recipes to incorporate them into our diet. 5. Nouvelle cuisine buried old recipes from 19th century, but the great jump has been made with the arrival of Asian cuisines and the new applied technologies, producing an artistic and gustatory liberation, and a new creative revolution led from Roses. Feeling good “small cookers” we also do want to prepare tapas, sushis, foams… and fit everything into a “Chez Moi”Tasting Menu. 6. It seems a contradiction but the good moment of cookbooks happens in the age of Internet2 which provides us the access to thousands of recipes, (it’s undeniable that it is a quick and effective information searching tool, which publishers must not forget to find a formula of coexistence), but, to have a book in our hands continues being warmer, closer, more romantic. One book is an unconditional, irreplaceable mate. Many of them are great art works, with excellent photographs and elegant and vanguard designs: real objects of desire, tasty irresistible temptations that will be like a banner of our gourmand identity close to our cooking stoves and also in our library, as reading books, as “armchair” books. These photographs stimulate our vanity, we feel like big chefs in front of the possibility of making these elaborations or even

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with the audacity of proposing changes, adapting them to our own creations. In our society of the urgency, cookbooks are the perfect complement for people who do not have time to cook but, who enjoy reading about cuisine and collecting the best and/or more curious ones3. They are like travel books, you enjoy reading them and the pleasure continues and increases afterwards, when you put into practice what you learned in their pages. In addition they are a perfect gift, for experienced or for beginners, to cook as our grandmothers or to prepare a menu in only a few minutes, to elaborate delicious desserts or to take care of our body with healthy recipes and low calories … And back to economy, if ours is not very buoyant and we want to save, we also buy a cookbook, to stay at home and cooking instead of going out to eat4. At the end, cuisine is a trip, but we also can travel while sitting around our table.

1. The cookbook market has sustained a growth rate of 5 % annually since 1984 (Edouard Cointreau, Gourmand Cookbook Awards, Trendwire, October 18, 2004). 2. Also in Internet there is a gastronomic boom: recent new housings of cooking videos like Footube.net and TVCocina, and the fans’ most numerous blogs that show their tricks and recipes. 3. Jen Haller, the director of purchases of the bookshops Joseph-Beth (USA) 4. Publisher’s Weekly, July 28, 2003 Laura Gosalbo Doctor in Chemical Sciences Master in Food-processing Chemistry Laura Gosalbo Authoress of Locos por las Cerezas (Crazy about cherries), Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2005 “ Best Single Subject Cookbook in the Word “ She owns Gastronomía activa, for the practise of the art and science of gastronomy, she makes conferences, workshops, courses, tastings, exhibitions, articles, reports … on gastronomic topics. www.gastronomiaactiva.com info@gastronomiaactiva.com

Cookbooks and Foreign Rights October 23, 2007

Cookbooks foreign rights sell very well. This was one of the most obvious trends at the recent Frankfurt Book Fair, October 10-14, 2007. At the lower end of the market, there have been many foreign rights deals for the past 10 years between big publishers. The result is that in most western countries, cheap cookbooks now look very much the same, and are creating a global food book market. The long term social and cultural impact will be evaluated. For publishers and authors it is lucrative and positive. Some of the publishers that have benefited are Murdoch Books, Marabout, Graefe und Unzer and Zabert Sandmann, Arkaim, etc. The new fact is the increase in foreign rights deals at the middle and top of the market, not only for big publishers, but also for independent small (5 to 20 books a year) or very small publishers (1 to 5 books a year). There is an increasing and endless segmentation of the market. The worldwide demand for specialized and local cookbooks is a very strong trend. Local cookbooks become international thanks to tourism. The “Gourmand World Cookbook Awards” exhibited on their 130 m2 stand in Frankfurt the winners of the 2006 “Best in the World” competition. There were also a selection of cookbooks 2007 by very small publishers who would not have present on other stands at the fair. Among those, the most successful book was the “Fables of La Fontaine” cookbook two editions, English or French, the second book published by Editions Delirium (from Avignon, France), whose three partners are all under 30 years old. The photos are stunning, different from any other cookbook, the recipes are innovative and excellent, the design is trendy. Their 49 Euros book looks much more expensive, and attracted many foreign enquiries. The simplicity of the Chakall cookbook, published in Portugal worked well with the charisma and pleasant behaviour of celebrity chef Chakall, one of the two best known chefs in Portugal. For his first visit to the Frankfurt Book Fair, he

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Cookbooks and Foreign Rights bagged several translations, at least one food television show in a foreign country, and an invitation to do a demonstration on the new cookbook corner at the London International Book Fair, April 14-16, 2007. Independent celebrity chefs sell well. A 15 years veteran of Frankfurt, Annabel Langbein has published 14 cookbooks, which she publishes herself in New Zealand and sells to the world. This year she was very successful with “Fresh”, her latest cookbook, and with her next food television show. After the fair, her business stops in Paris, San Francisco and Sydney turned into celebrations, in spite of the all blacks defeat in the Rugby World Cup. Thanks to the new digital technologies, more and more excellent cookbooks are published by very small publishers. “Cherries” by Laura Gosalbo and Chef Gerard Solis was the first book they published. It received in Kuala Lumpur in May 2006 the Gourmand “Best in the World Awards” for Single Subject Cookbook. Laura then came to the Gourmand stand in Frankfurt in October 2006, and sold the rights for German to Leopold Stocker. On October 10, 2007, Laura and Gerard were in Frankfurt with Leopold Stocker to receive one of the 46 Awards from the German Academy of Gastronomy. They proceeded to initiate foreign rights deals for translation to English for various markets. Laura is now called “cherry” by her friends in publishing! Marc Baudoin from Montreal was another happy first time visitor to the Frankfurt Book Fair. He exhibited “The Pied de Cochon” cookbook, by Martin Picard, at the Gourmand stand. The book was published by the famous Montreal restaurant itself, with a provocative unique design with a comics format, in two editions in English or French. They did find the European distribution they wanted, with no previous appointments, as they decided to come one week before the fair. North American cookbooks in French or English face the same problem when they try to sell foreign rights: the recipes measurements have to be translated to the metric system, which is better done by experienced cookbook publishers. Anne Dolamore from Grub Street in London has pionneered

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for more than five years the concept that North American books should enter the international market through Great Britain to translate well the measurements so that the recipes work. Her unique understanding of the cookbook business is now rewarded after years of hand work with a 70% rise in sales with Amazon this year, mostly due to a strong backlist built with foreign rights. The shift from the West to the East in the cookbook foreign rights market was clear in Frankfurt. After the April 2007 Gourmand Awards in Beijing, many East-West deals were initiated, followed by new ones in Frankfurt in October. It will be obvious with cookbooks on the publishers stand when China is the guest of honour in Frankfurt in 2009. The deals in various languages are being done now. Much printing has been done for years in Asia, but very little had been done in import or export of foreign rights for content. This will change very rapidly. The publishers and authors who miss the boat now will find a difficult competitive situation in 2 or 3 years, while now it is very open. The Frankfurt Book Fair itself is going East, with Turkey (2008) and China (2009) Guests of Honour, and the management of the Abu Dhabi Book Fair every year. Foreign rights for future projects, were also very much in demand. Brain Doctor Chef Miguel Sánchez Romera announced the 2008 release of Total Cooking 2 (Ediciones Akal), as well as “Neurogastronomía” the following fundamental cookbook on the brain and cuisine. He announced at the same time in Frankfurt his event at the Moma Museum of Modern Art in New York in February 2008, and the opening of two new restaurants, in New York and London, along with an expansion of the cookbook library at his restaurant L’Esguard, 30 kilometers north of Barcelona. The Chefdoctor was the star of the Gourmand Awards in Beijing, and has much to say about Chinese high cuisine, the senses, and culture, explaining way it is so important today. Chef Vangelis Driskas from Greece was also both in Beijing and Frankfurt. He is the best restaurant critic in Greece and he has prepared a unique diary in English of his visit to Beijing restaurants and street foods for Olympic visitors and

C H I n A

Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer · Cai Yulan

HAINAN - TROPICAL PARADISE Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer


Vinothek Verlag

C H I n A

Siegmund Kahlbacher · Rudolf Lantschbauer · Cai Yulan

C H I n A

۸ऻ̴‫ ͍˚ٴ‬

۸ऻ̴‫ ͍˚ٴ‬

tourists, which was very interesting for Chinese foreign rights directors. His partner Andreas Efsthathiou is also a Beijing Gourmand Awards winner, and the director of the team of Olympics 2008 in Qing Dao, China. Vefa Alexiadou, the Lady of Greek mediterranean healthy cuisine, has been present at the Frankfurt Book Fair for 10 years, on Greek television for a longer time, and after new Frankfurt contacts she is working with foreign publishers on a new presentation of her 1000 reference recipes in English and other languages. She was present in Beijing, and at most of the Gourmand events of the past 10 years. Austrian publisher Rudolph Lantschbauer of Vinothek won a “Best in the World” Gourmand Award in Beijing with his superb Hainan Culinary Travel Book, with his co-author Siegmund Kahlbacher. With this success Rudolph marketed in Frankfurt to other foreign publishers the rights to simillar books in other provinces of China, starting with Sichuan and Shandong. He is also launching in 2008 the first international book with recipes on the most expensive food in the world, Information:

priced at twice gold, coming from the high mountains of China and Tibet, over 4000 meters. The most attractive book from a big publishers was “New Arabian Cuisine” by Chef Ingo Maass in Dubai and young chefs from Syria, Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries, published by Neuer Umschau from Germany, in English, German and Arabic. It truly was the star at the center of the Gourmand stand in Frankfurt, attracting professionals from both the west and the east. The foreign rights cookbook business is now truly international, with global products, as well as a rising interest in specialized and local products. Personal meetings have become increasingly important to initiate the deals. Gourmand events and book fairs have become the key to foreign rights deals. The publishers and authors have to meet to establish trust, agree on content, plan promotion, and build long term relationships. So there is a clear message: if you want to sell foreign rights, come to bookfairs in Frankfurt and London, and Godurmand Awards event.

Spain: Laura Gosalbo elemasgescp@yahoo.es

Austria: Rudolph Lantschbauer lantschbauer@utanet.at

Canada – Québec The Pied de Cochon –Martin Picard –Marc Beaudoin albumpdc@yahoo.ca

Greece: Vefa Alexiadou vefa@vefa.gr

France: The Fables of La Fontaine – Delirium Germain.derobert@ledelirium.net

Great Britain Grub Street – Anne Dolamore anne@grubstreet.co.uk

Germany: Neuer Umschau Stefanie.simon@ugn.de

Portugal: Chakall cozinhadivina@hotmail.com

Spain Dor. Miguel Sánchez Romera chefdoctor@miguelsanchezromera.com

Dubai: Ingo Maass Ingo.maass@marriotthotels.com

New Zealand: Annabel Langbein admin@annabel-langbein.com

Greece: Vangelis Driskas info@driskas.com

Edouard Cointreau, President Gourmand World Cookbook Awards icr@virtualsw.es Tel: +34 91 541 67 68

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CHLIP Number One China Cookbook Publisher CHINA LIGHT INDUSTRY PRESS (CHLIP) is the leader of Chinese cookbooks publishing .It was established in 1954 and enjoyes a good reputation at home and abroad. Its books can be very well exported on account of careful design and production. In 2006, first in China, and then as Best in the World, 3 books published by CHLIP gained the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, which are “Hunan Guangdong Special Private Dishes”, by Chef Du Gong Bei, “Beautiful Taste from China CCTV, with DVD from the television program”and “Quick Noodles for Working People” In 2007, the title of “1288 recipes” got the “Best in the World Award” for “easy recipes” in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. In China, the sales volume of “1288 recipes” reached 220,000 copies a year. In 2008, 5 books gained the honor of “The Best of China” by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.

中国轻工业出版社(简称CHLIP),建立于 1954年,是中国菜谱图书的先驱及佼佼者, 享誉海内外。所出图书拥有精美的设计及精 心的制作,极适合在境外出版发行。 在2006年的世界美食图书大赛上,轻工社有 三本图书获奖,分别是湖广私房菜,山西面 食,美味中国。 在2007年的大赛上,轻工出版的1288菜谱, 获得最简易操作菜谱奖。该书仅在2007年一 年时间里销售就达22万册。 2008年,轻工出版的茶书,酿酒的书及面包 烘焙的五本书分别获中国最美图书称号。

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CHINA: Book retail prices The book market in China is the number one in the world in volume, for the number of copies sold, the number of different titles published, and the number of bookstores. Everyday, 7 days a week, the bookstores are really crowded, with dozens of young readers in the aisles actually reading as if they were in a library. The retail prices are low. For instance, according to the Cultural Weekly newspaper, the following were the prices of the 10 best selling books for the week 12-10-07 to 12-1607:

Cookbook Retail Price are even lower. They have three price level: • Under 2,00 Euros each – The bulk of the sales • From 2 to 3,5 Euros – The bulk of the titles • Expensive books over 3,50 – Very few titles Wine books are usually in the expensive range.

- Average per book Fiction

2,85 Euros

Non Fiction

2,62 Euros

CONCLUSION.- In foreign rights sales, do not expect big revenues, even if the market seems big, for the retail price are 8 to 10 times lower than for similar books in western markets. Moreover, Chinese publishers are used to very small first printings to test the market, from 1000 to 6000. They prefer to reprint often.

- For Fiction top 10

For Non Fiction Top 10


2,20 Euros


2,00 Euros


2,50 Euros


2,20 Euros


2,70 Euros


2,40 Euros


3,20 Euros


2,50 Euros


2,60 Euros


2,80 Euros


2,90 Euros


3,20 Euros

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Cookbook Trends

1.- The establishment

2.- The rising trends in the short term

The same established categories of cookbooks can be found in most countries. These are the cookbooks that make up the sales from the backlists. Easy recipes that work are by far the most popular, well ahead of all others.

2.- Single Subject

Easy Recipes is carried clearly by a stronger and stronger demand. The development of tourism, the globalisation of food ingredients supply and distribution, and television push the demand for foreign cuisines cookbooks in second place. Health and nutrition remain a clear concern, with less short term anxiety, and more interest in long term changes in habits and behaviours. Innovative Cuisine is penetrating all markets.

3.- Health and Nutrition

1.- Easy Recipes

4.- Chef Books

2.- Foreign

5.- Desserts

3.- Health

6.- Foreign

4.- Innovative

7.- Regional

5.- Illustrated Food Books

8.- Children

6.- Bread

9.- Culinary History

7.- Vegetarian

10.- Entertaining

8.- Asian

These books are also the easiest to sell for foreign rights. This is global view, with differences country by country. Chef books are surprisingly strong in many countries. All books are stronger by a factor of 5 to 10 if they are backed by a television or a printed media.

9.- Culinary History

10.- Food Literature

1.- Easy Recipes

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This shows how trends are spreading from country to country. The cookbook market is becoming global

3.- Technical components


Our ranking of the factors that motivate cookbook buyers shows a decline in the strength of television as a single force. But of course it is still television that is nº 1 in establishing an author for the general public. All these factors interact differently for each book, once the book is in the hand of the potential buyer.

For the buyers of cookbooks, the recipes must work. Chefs books or television books will not sell in spite of fame and promotions if the potential buyer feels the recipes cannot be made at home. On the other hand, it is well known that most cookbooks are read, sometimes in bed, and not used in the kitchen. Photography and design have a major role in convincing the reader the recipes can be done. The reader buys the potential of the great recipes in the book, to have it for the future.

1.- The Author

2.- The Photography

3.- The Cover

4.- Television

5.- Illustrations

6.- Design

The reader, after the author, cooks with words, photos and illustrations. The rise of illustrated food books shows how strong conceptual cooking can be. More and more cookbooks are sold, while less and less cookbook readers really know how to cook at an advanced level. But more and more young and old, men and women are interested in learning. Cookbooks are responding to increasing social needs, for health, relationship, culture, comfort.

Price should be included. Up to now, it has not been considered in the awards, and we do not use it for comparisons, so it is not present here.

Wine Book Trends

The growth in the number of new wine consumers worldwide is very positive for wine books in general. Traditional consumers also sustain a lively demand. The most obvious trends: • Wine education books for new consumers are written by local authors, not translated. It is true in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Indonesia, Brasil, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Russia, etc. • Grobally drinks are considered as part of food. So books on matching food and wine, cooking with wine, and wine and health are in great demand. • The quality of wine books is increasing world wide. • There are many international opportunities for publishers and authors in this field. • Cocktails books are selling to new consumers, in many countries • There are more and more serious reference books on individual spirits.

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Hall of Fame Starting with the 21st Century, we have decided to reward the books that appear to be fundamental for the history of cookbook publishing.

Cookbooks 2001 Le Grand Livre d’Alain Ducasse

2003 Culinary World – Opt Art – Bruno Hausch

This book opened a new segment at the top level of prices for quality cookbooks. Alain Ducasse proved his vision was right, and that many others were blind.

Both books above have been influenced by Bruno Hausch. His eight books of the Culinary World will remain as the perfect series telling the story of the top chefs in the world.

2002 El Bulli 1983-2002

His achievement as an artist and a publisher will remain unchallenged in perfection, passion and experience. Many lost a friend when he died prematurely at 40 years old, the sector lost a guiding light, who had great plans and new ideas.

The restaurant and the books have been recognized as the Best in the World nearly every year since 2002. This is thanks to the generous genius of Ferran Adrià who does explain everything in the books, the wise Juli Soler who is one of the best publishers in the world, and the genius of Albert Àdria, the master of pastry and cooking techniques, who truly loves books.

2004 On Cooking – Harold McGhee For 20 years, Harold McGhee has influenced the scientific understanding on cooking. Without him the boom of laboratories in kitchens and “Molecular Cuisine” in the 21st Century would not have happened in the same way.

2005 PH10 – Pierre Hermé Pierre Hermé is the leading master of the pastry art in the world. His creativity makes him a true artist, very innovative while building on tradition. He is taking pastry to new heights.

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Wine books 2006 Larousse Gastronomique


Now published in many languages, it has become the cornerstone of all serious cookbook collections. It is practical, indispensable, and functional

Tom Stevenson and 43 international wine experts . The first wine book in the Hall of Fame could be no other than this yearly masterpiece that all wine professionals and amateurs should read. If you read one wine book, this is it.

2007 China – Healthy dishes for the Imperial Court How to cook for health in high cuisine. Chef Jiao Min Yao started this book in 2003. It is considered in China the most important cookbook of the last 10 years because the chef is a master both in cooking and health. Published by CHLIP

The Wine Report

2007 Bordeaux et Ses Vins – Edition nº 18 Bordeaux and its Wines. Bruno Boidron, Charles Cock Published by Editions Feret. The World Atlas of Wine – Edition nº 6 Hugh Johnson-Jancis Robinson. Pubished by Mitchell Beazley

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 93

The best Publishers in the world Cookbooks There are 5 small publishers who publish only cookbooks (1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005) and 7 big publishers with world class program of cookbooks.

1996 Murdoch Books – Australia

2002 Larousse – France

Murdoch Books has had a global impact on the world of cookbooks since 1995. Its distinctive style is still influencing publishers everywhere. It has been much copied, which is the sign of success.

Larousse is the leading publisher of cooking reference books in the world, with the Larousse Gastronomique of course, and many others, such as the Special Award of 2006 “Comme un Chef” , “Like a Chef”. It has won 1 “Best in the World Award”.

It has won 3 “Best in the World Awards”..

2003 Klett-Cotta – Germany

1997 Gräfe und Unzer – Germany GU is the power house of cookbook publishing in Germany, part of a group with Hallwag, leader in wine books, and the Feinschmecker magazine, leader in the sector in Europe. It has won 3 “Best in the World Awards”..

1998 Vefa Alexiadou – Greece Vefa is the “Grande Dame” of Greece cookbooks. She has retail stores, television programs and sells, her books worldwide, in English and Greek. She has won 1 “Best in the World Award”, and two Special Awards.

1999 Prisma – Sweden Prisma is a leading publisher in Scandinavia, active in the International Rights Market. It has won 1 “Best in the World Award”.

2000 Grub Street – Great Britain Anne Dolamore of Grub Street is one of the three best small specialized publishers in the world. She has a real passion for her work, and huge knowledge. He has won 1 “Best in the World Award”.

2001 La Val de Onsera – Spain Publisher José Maria Pisa is the herald of culinary history in Spain. He also runs with his son the outstanding on line cookbook retail store www.derecoquinaria.es

94 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Their Almanach is the best culinary history in German, every year. It is unfortunate it has not been translated. Michael Klett will never be thanked enough for this perfect publishers achievement.

2004 Universidad de San Martín de Porres – Perú Thanks to the leadership of the Dean, father Johan Leuridan, the Hospitality School has created over the years the best publishing program of cookbooks and culinary history from any University or School around the world.

2005 Les Éditions Alain Ducasse – France Les Éditions Alain Ducasse dominate the segment of quality cookbooks in France, with experienced publisher Emmanuel Jirou Najou at the helm. Their pursuit of excellence in publishing fits well the philosophy of Alain Ducasse. They have won 2 “Best in the World Awards”.

2006 CHLIP - China China Light Industry Press is the leading publisher of cookbooks in China, with over 15% market share. They are active in the international foreign rights market. They have won 3 “Best in the World Awards”.

2007 Ten Speed Press – US The highest quality of cookbook content is combined with the best independent cookbook distribution in the US. After winning 6 Best in the World awards, they rank third in the world of Gourmand publishers.

The best Publishers in the world Wine Books Five of these seven winning publishers publish mostly wine books.

1997 Websters – Great Britain Adrian Webster has been the publisher of many of the wine books that have given Great Britain the leadership of the sector at the end of the last century. He has won two “Best in the World Awards”.

2000 Hachette-Pratique – France Hachette – Pratique is a world leader both in cookbooks and wine books. It is very active in international foreign rights. It has won 5 “Best in the World Awards”.

2001 Editions Feret – France With publisher Bruno Boidron, Feret is now the biggest independent specialized publisher of wine books in the world. Its backlist is most impressive, and its bestseller for 140 years remains “Bordeaux and its Wines”. It has won 2 “Best in the World Awards”.

2003 Wine Appreciation Guild – US It clearly dominates the wine book market in the US, with the books it publishes, and the sales of wine books from others that it distributes.It is very active in the wine books foreign rights market. It has won 3 “Best in the World Awards”.

2004 Mitchell Beazley – Great Britain

2006 Dorling Kindersley – Great Britain

Today Mitchell Beazley, part of the Hachette Group of Great Britain, clearly dominates the output of wine books worldwide. It has won 8 “Best in the World Awards” for wine books, more than anyone.

DK is succesfull in bringing to the readers all the answers to the information they need in a clear, easy to understand books at a low price. The perfect example for wines is the “Wine Report” by Tom Stevenson and its team of 40 experts. DK has won 3 “Best in the World Awards”

2005 Carlo Cambi – Italy In very few years, it has created a reference collection of Italian wines books of the highest quality, in English and Italian.

2007 Dinastia Vivanco – Spain Year after year, their wine books are references. Visit their wine Museum in La Rioja province.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 95

All are cookbook categories, except W for wine and spirits. There are more entries than categories, for instance babies, children, family and parents are all category No. 6.

Arab——————————— Asian— ————————— Atlas-Wine— ——————— Babies—————————— Barbecue— ——————— Beer——————————— Best Book:— ——————— ———————————— Bread— ————————— Cheese— ———————— Chef——————————— Chinese— ———————— Chocolate— ——————— Cognac— ———————— Corporate— ——————— Cover— ————————— Culinary History—————— Design—————————— Desserts— ———————— Diet——————————— Easy——————————— Education-Wine—————— Entertaining— —————— Europe, Wine——————— Family—————————— Feasts—————————— First Book— ——————— Fish——————————— Foreign— ———————— French Cuisine— ————— Guides:— ———————— ———————————— ———————————— Health—————————— History:— ———————— ———————————— Illustrations———————— Innovative— ——————— Italian— ————————— Latino— ————————— Literature:— ——————— ———————————— Local— —————————

96 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

18B 18 W-13 6 26 W-16 Cookbook 36, Wine W-9 25 30 1, Women 13 18A 24 W- 9 33 31 23 22 2, Chocolate: 24 5 8 W- 14 19 W -4 6 19 34 4 9 14, Wine W - 3 Restaurants 32 Travel, Tourism 35 Wine W- 8 5 Culinary:23, Wine: W-2 21-B 7 15 16 Food:27, Wine: W-10 10

Matching Food and Wine— — Mediterranean— ————— Non alcoholic drink— ——— Parents— ———————— Parties—————————— Photography:— —————— ———————————— Recipes, Easy——————— Restaurants:— —————— ———————————— ———————————— Seafood— ———————— Series— ————————— Single Subjects— ————— Special Awards— ————— Spirits— ————————— Tea— —————————— Television— ——————— Tourism:————————— ———————————— Translation— ——————— Vegetarian— ——————— Women Chefs:— —————

W-6 17 38 6 19 Food: 21 A, Wine: W-11 8 Chefs: 1 Guides: 32 Women Chefs: 13 4 29 3 11 W-9 39 12 Guides: 35, Wine-13 37 20 13

Wine Atlas:— ————————— Beer——————————— Best Book:— ——————— Cooking with Wine————— Education— ——————— Europe————————— France—————————— Guides—————————— Health—————————— History—————————— Literature————————— Matching Food and Wine— — New World— ——————— Photography— —————— Tourism— ————————

W-13 W-16 W-1 W-7 W-4 W-14 W-3 W-8 W-15 W-2 W-10 W-6 W-5 W-11 W-13

COOKBOOKS 13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

The Best in the World

Cook Books

01 Chef.......................................................................................99 02 Desserts...............................................................................105 03 Single Subject......................................................................109 04 Fish and Seafood.................................................................115 05 Health and Nutrition.............................................................117 06 Children and Family.............................................................123 07 Innovative............................................................................127 08 Easy Recipes.......................................................................133 09 Foreign Cookery...................................................................141 10 Local Cookery......................................................................145 11 Special Awards....................................................................149 12 Television.............................................................................153 13 Woman Chef........................................................................157 14 French Cuisine.....................................................................159 15 Italian Cuisine......................................................................163 16 Latino Cuisine......................................................................167 17 Mediterranean Cuisine.........................................................169

20 Vegetarian............................................................................185 21-A Photography.....................................................................187 21-B Illustrations.......................................................................193 22 Design.................................................................................197 23 Culinary History....................................................................201 24 Chocolate.............................................................................205 25 Bread..................................................................................207 26 Barbecue.............................................................................209 27 Food Literature.....................................................................211 28 For Food Professionals.........................................................215 29 Series..................................................................................219 30 Cheese................................................................................223 31 Cover...................................................................................225 32 Guides.................................................................................229 33 Food Sector Corporate..........................................................231 34 First Cookbook.....................................................................233 35 Culinary Travel Guide...........................................................237

18 Asian Cuisine.......................................................................173 18-A Chinese Cuisine................................................................177

36 Best Cookbook in the World.................................................241 37 Translations.........................................................................243

18-B Arab Cuisine.....................................................................179 19 Entertaining.........................................................................181

38 Juices non alcoholics drinks.................................................247 39 Tea......................................................................................249

COOKBOOKS 13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

The Best in the World

Cook Books


Best ChefBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

US - Hubert Keller (Ten Speed) Hong Kong - Wini Brugger (John Wiley) US – Rick Bayless (Scribner) US – Thomas Keller (Artisan) France – Jacques Chibois (Flammarion) Spain – Andrés Madrigal (Santillana) France – Alain Dutournier (Albin Michel)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Germany – Jean Claude Bourgueil (Dumont) France – Regis Marcon (Editions Du Mirroir) Italy – Heinz Beck (Bibliotheca Culinaria) UK – Michel Roux (Quadrille) Switzerland – Philippe Rochat (Favre) France – Philippe Conticini (Marabout) China – Du Gong Bei (CHLIP) Japan – Yoshihiro Murata (Kodansha Intl.)

The quality of chefs books this year is outstanding, the best we have seen. There are 50 percent more countries competing this year in this category, with half outside Europe.

1 Australia

The Botanical Paul Wilson ISBN: 978 1740 663946 info@thebotanical.com.au jodiemartin@hardiegrant. com.au (Hardie Grant-Australia)

3 Belgium – Dutch

Ciel Bleu Eigenzinnige Franse Keuken Hotel Okura Amsterdam Onno Kokmeijer Jurriaan Geldermans Photos: Stephane Verheye, Olivier Chenoix, Joris Luyten

ISBN: 978 905856220-3 Karel.puype@stichtingkuntsboek.nl info@jorisluyten.be – info@stephaneverheye.be (Stichting Kunstboek) The star chef of Hotel Okura has a special personal view on french cookery.

4 Belgium – French

2 Austria

Der Brügger Die Indochine Küche des 21 Jahrhunderts Wini Brugger Photos Michael Inmann wbrugger@inode.at restaurant@indochine.at Restaurant Indochine 21 – Laurenzberg 2.

A-1010 Wien-Austria. Tel: 015137660 www.derbrugger.com ISBN: 978-3-200-00813-7 (Der Brugger-Austria) Wini Brugger won one of our first Best Chef Book awards, in 1997, for his Asian Fusion cookbook, published first by Pacific Century of Hong Kong, and by John Wiley. He came to receive his award at the Astor Restaurant, in Paris, which was then advised by Joel Robuchon. Wini Brugger is now back in Vienna, after many years in Southeast Asia. His new book is stunning, showing his personal achievement and progress in these last 10 years. He is one of the chefs that have decided to produce their own book, and it is a masterpiece: the text, the recipes, the design and the superb photography all are excellent.

Willy Slawinsky (1948-1992)

ISBN: 978 9077695463 info@homarus.be – www.homarus.be (Homarus Editions CulinairesBelgium)

The Chef Willy Slawinsky is still considered a pionneer of the best ideas and techniques that today are becoming recognized, on the same level as chefs Michel Bras or Pierre Gagnaire. A special limited edition of 2000 numbered copies gives a full tribute to Slawinsky, in 6 parts: * La Cuisine Refléchie – The Chef and his Ideas * The Restaurant of the Future * Testimonials * Inventive and audacious Recipes * Reproduction of some visionary menus * 10 Reproductions of Slawinsky personal documents. There has never been a publisher’s effort similar to this for any chef. You have to see it. It is a very significant part of culinary history. For those who want a taste of Slawinsky’s food, the best place is Patrick Devos Zilveren Pauwu in Bruges. See: www.patrickdevos.be – info@patrickdevos.be Ask for the Willy Slawinsky alliance menu.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 99

01 BestChefBook

Owner Chris Lucas and Chef Paul Wilson have kept the restaurant as one of the best, if not the best in Melbourne, across from the Royal Botanic Gardens, in the South Yarra district.

5 Canada – English

A Year at Les Fougeres Charles Part and Jennifer Warren-Part

ISBN: 978 0978160265 info@fougeres.com info@chelseabooks.ca (Chelsea Books)

Les Fougeres is one of the two best restaurants in Ottawa. Sommelier Veronique Rivest has been named International Femme du Vin of the Year 2007 in Paris. Chef Part was finalist for Chef of the Year 2006.

8 Denmark

01 BestChefBook

Isbn 9782980949845 www.restaurantaupieddecochon.ca albumpdc@yahoo.ca gaellec8@hotmail.com (Martin Picard – Canada)

Published for the fifth anniversary of the restaurant in Montreal. The book is different in many ways from other chef books. It is also full of professional tips.

ISBN 9788 764 101300 www.klematis.dk www.skagen-fiskerestaurant.dk info@skagen-fiskerestaurant.dk thomassen@hovsa.dk klematis@klematis.dk (Klematis)

Skagen Fish Restaurant Cookery by one of the best chefs in Denmark

6 Canada – French Au Pied de Cochon – L’Album Martin Picard

Skagen Fiske Restaurant Mad Og Mennesker Lars Thomassen, Jesper Winter

9 Finland

Tervetuloa meille! Welcome to our home! Jarmo Vähä-Savo Virve Hyykoski Anna Paljakka ISBN: 978-951-1-21907-1 oga@otava.fi hannu.arokko@royalravintolat.com (Otava)

From Bring-a- Dish-Party to Representative dinners. Michelin star rated restaurant G. W. Sundmans. The cookbook of year 2007 in Finland for the Societé des Gastronomes Finlandais.

7 China

10 France

Healthy Dishes for the Imperial Court By Chef Jiao Ming Yao, from Beijing restaurant Tian Xia Yi Jia The world is a family

Olivier Bellin – Carnet de Chefs Saveur Blé Noir en Finistère Foreword by Joel Robuchon Photos: Jean Pierre Duval

ISBN: 978 7 5019 5928 sheila@vip.sina.com bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (China Light Industry Press)

The chef started this book in 2003. With new design, the photography takes much space, showing beautiful famous dishes with style. Its most important aspect is to show the quality of the historical cuisine of yesterday that is available today, to transmit the knowledge, experience and skills.

100 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

jpduval@romain-pages.com ISBN: 978 2 84350 2668 (Romain Pages)

In Britanny, Chef Olivier Bellin is the star at Auberge des Glazicks,next to Quimper. The “Carnet de Chef” series also include Chef François Gagnaire, who won a Gourmand Award two years ago with his first cookbook with Puy en Velay products.

11 Germany Kunst und Magie in der Küche Harald Wohlfahrt Holger Mühlberger

Photos: Bjorn Kray Iversen ISBN: 978 386 5282767 Fax: 49 7442 492092 Stefanie.simon@ugn.de info@traube.de info@umschau-buchverlag.de bjorn.kray@t-online.de

bjorn@kray.no (Umschau) Harald Wohlfahrt is one of Europe’s top chefs, at Schwarzwalstube Restaurant in Traube Tonbach Hotel in the Black Forest.

12 Greece

A Scent of the Mediterranean Mihalis Dounetas Photos: Joerg Lehmann

15 Italy In.Gredienti Le Calandre Massimiliano e Raffaele Alajmo Photographs by Wolfgang Wesener-Wowe Art Director: Filippo Maglione English Edition Director: Faith Willinger Publishing Manager: Romina Savi


ISBN 9788890261305 wowe@wowe.it (Alajmo Edizione)

This book is available only at Le Calandre or on www.alajmo.it. It was printed in separate italian and english editions. It is a masterpiece, truly innovative, by the youngest 3 Michelin Stars chef in Italy. It succeeds in design, content, photography. The way the recipes are explained is truly innovative. The chefs do share their secrets in details with diagrams, illustrations and beautiful photography. You have to see this book!

ISBN: 978 960 8823853 Joerg.lehmann@club-internet.fr info@hotpepper.gr (Hot Pepper)

Modern mediterranean cuisine, by the leading Greek chef, in a beautifully designed book, with much insight, expert advice.

13 Hungary At Rosenstein’s Frank Júlia

ISBN: 978 9631 356434 corvina@lira.hu Porkolab.corvina@lira.hu (Corvina)

16 Japan

The Sauce Masaru Kamikakimoto Restaurant Huisten Bosch Hotel, Nagasaki Photos: Youhei Ohyama ISBN: 978 4388 060177 nabekura@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

Praised by many french chefs, the author has trained with Alain Chapel.

Available in English – Authentic hungarian food in the kitchen dining room of a great big family.

14 Ireland Eden Cookbook Eleanor Walsh and Michael Durkin

ISBN: 978 0717142293 ftobin@gillmacmillan.ie eden@edenrestaurant.ie sliddy@gillmacmillan.ie lraleigh@gillmacmillan.ie (Gill MacMillan)

Recipes from one of Dublin’s top restaurants, in the heart of Temple Bar.

17 Kuwait From Chef to Chef Karl Mittelberger ISBN: 978 99906372 KBS1935B@qualitynet.com kbs@ncc.moc.kw Fax: 965 2424266 kmittelberger@hyatt.com (Kuwait Bookshop) The author was the chef of the private club in Kuwait, owned by the Royal Family. He now is at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. This is an ideal book for any chef or advanced hobby cook.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 101

01 BestChefBook

18 Peru

21 Singapore

Nuestros Grandes Chefs

Sensations – A Tasting Menu of Chinese Inspired Flavours Sam Leong Photography: Edmond Ho

ISBN 978 9972217821 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

carolyntan@tunglok.com lydialeong@ sg.marshallcavendish.sg (Marshall Cavendish – Singapore)

One cookbook for each chef:

1.- Astrid Gutsche 2.- Alfredo Aramburu 3.- Rodrigo Conroy 4.- Toshiro Konishi 5.- Pedro Miguel Schiaffino 6.- Teresa Ocampo 7.- Cucho la Rosa 8.- Humberto Sato 9.- Rafael Piqueras 10.- Alan Chang 11.- Teresa Izquierdo 12.- Marisa Guilfo

Sam Leong is the director of kitchens for the great Tung Lok restaurant group. Although he is still quite young, he has joined the Singapore airlines international culinary panel.

22 Slovenia

01 BestChefBook

19 Philippines

(Anvil Publishing)

Going East, A Merging of Culinary Cultures. In English Gene R.González Illustrations: Arnold Ramos ISBN: 971 2718144 www.anvilpublishing.com pubdept@anvil.com.ph cafeysabel@mydestiny.net ramosarnold@yahoo.com K_bolasco@yahoo.com

Cubo Desserts Mate Uz Kmet Zare Kerin Photos: Janez Puksic

ISBN: 978 9612388591 Mateuz.druct@yahoo.com Zare.kerin@futura.si Ana.por@futura.si (Futura)

Only 500 printed. It is a masterpiece.

The author is the chef and president at Café Ysabel, and the chef instructor and chef at the Center for Asian Culinary Studies (CACS). He has written several books. Here he focuses on East meets East.

20 Portugal

Uma Paixão Feita de Sabores Lusitanos Aimé Barroyer, com Minnie Freudenthal Valle-Flor Restaurant, Hotel Pestana Palace


ISBN: 989 8028149 Paulo.dias@pestana.com Marta.abreu@primebooks.pt (Prime Books)

There are two editions, in Portuguese and in English. This hotel is part of Leading Hotels of the World. It is the place to stay in Lisbon, according to Conde Nast.

102 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

23 South Africa

The Edge of Fusion Chef Shane Sauvage La Pentola Restaurant-Pretoria Designed by Garth Walker of Orange Juice Design ISBN: 978 1770093102 bridget@jacana.co.za marketing@jacana.co.za www.lapentola.co.za (Jacana-South Africa)

International cuisine with South African flavors, in the international saucepan. The book is warm and delightful, just as the Pretoria restaurant.

24 Spain – Castellano

info@alexmugica.com ISBN: 978 8461137466

Reciclaje y Alta Cocina Álex Múgica, Chef of Restaurant Basakabi Coordination and Design: José Antonio Cruz Texts: Angel Maria Cobos Martínez Photos: José Luis Carrión, Enrique Pimoulier

(Basakabi Ediciones)

One more chef publishes his own cookbook, and creating a masterpiece. We love that book! There is nothing like it, because this chef’s book totally reflects the personnality of the chef, the star from Navarra.

27 Switzerland–German esther.rothacher@azag.ch

Hitzberger Benecke Große Küche Light Himmlisch-leichte Rezepte aus dem Paradies Eduard Hitzberger Boris Benecke Photos: Michael Wissing ISBN: 978 03800 3052 hitzbergerftan@bluewin.ch m.wissing@t-online.de (At Verlag)

One of the highest rated chef in Switzerland now has his cookbook, from Hotel Paradies, CH-7551 Ftan. Tel: +41 81 861 08 88

Further Adventures in Search of Perfection Heston Blumenthal Photography: Andy Sewell Design: Will Webb Published with the permission of BBC

25 Sweden Paris: från Chèvre chaud till couscous merguez Paris: from Chèvre chaud to couscous merguez Danyel Couets ISBN: 978-91-27-08820-7 www.nok.se www.f12.se event@fredsgatan12.com ulla.tammerman@nok.se (Natur & Kultur) Danyel Couet from Michelin star restaurant F12 in Stockholm takes you on an inspiring tour to Paris and his grandmother’s cuisine.


ISBN: 978 0 747594055 www.bloomsbury.com erica_jarnes@bloomsbury.com (Bloomsbury)

The chef received the same year his third Michelin star and the award for Best Children Cookbook in the World in 2004,at the Gourmand Barcelona event.

29 USA 26 Switzerland–French

Évolution Denis Martin

White House Chef Eleven years, two Presidents, one kitchen Walter Scheib and Andrew Friedman

ISBN: 978 828909680 www.editionsfavre.com edfavre@span.ch www.denismartin.tv www.denismartin.ch contact@denismartin.tv restaurantdenismartin@bluewin.ch (Favre)

The leader of molecular cuisine in Switzerland is the chef at restaurant Denis Martin in Vevey. He has two Michelin stars and Three Toques at Gault Millau with 18.

ISBN: 978-0-471-79842-2 www.wiley.com info@inkwellmanagement.com info@theamericanchef.com lingroita@wiley.com Editor at John Wiley: Linda Ingroita (Wiley)

The book is interesting for professionals as the chef explains his work at entertaining the presidents families and their guests. It is also highly entertaining, and revealing on the current american food culture. A great book

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 103

01 BestChefBook

28 UK




Page 1


Since its inception in 1895 in Paris, Le Cordon Bleu has published magazines, cookbooks and wine books for amateurs and professionals. Regularly receiving French and international awards, the publications have been translated into many languages and distributed worldwide. A number of Le Cordon Bleu books, are the official textbooks for the American culinary educational system. Le Cordon Bleu has expanded internationally to include 28 schools in 15 countries training over 20000 students from 70 countries per year. Developments in the Le Cordon Bleu curriculum have led to the establishment of Bachelors and Masters degrees in hospitality and tourism management in cooperation with international universities. Le Cordon Bleu continues its tradition of educational excellence and its commitment to furthering the appreciation of fine food and the French art of living.














Best DessertsBook 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Pierre Hermé (Montagud) Spain – Frederic Bau (Montagud) Albert Adria (Empuries) Italy – Luciana Polliotti (Mondadori) Spain – Oriol Balaguer (Montagud) US – Richard Leach (John Wiley)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

France – Alain Ducasse, Frederic Robert (Alain Ducasse) Japan – Yukiko Ohmori (Shibata) Spain – Paco Torreblanca (Vilbo) Italy – Luca Mannori (Chiriotti) Korea – Young Mo Kim (Dream Character) Spain – Torreblanca (Vilbo)

The demand for books from this category is very strong. We have 12 more books competing for “Best in the World” this year, with nearly half the books from outside Europe.

4 Austria

Gateaux Mesk El-Lil Beggah Lila

Lehrbuch der Backerei Manfred Stefan

info@tinert.com (Edition Dar El Hana) In french and arabic.

ISBN: 978 3854991847 office@trauner.at www.trauner.at (Trauner) Trauner is one of the five best specialized publishers for culinary professionals in Europe.

2 Argentina

Pastelería Base Osvaldo Gross Photos: Ariel Martin Gutraich

ISBN: 978 987 5880320 www.utilisima.com webmaster@utilisima.com.ar info@iag.com.ar ogross@ing.com.ar arielgutraich@fibertel.com.ar marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtoma1.com (Utilisima) The author is chef patissier of IAG, the Argentina Institute of Gastronomy.

3 Australia

Mix and Bake Belinda Jeffery Photography by Rodney Weidland

ISBN: 978-1-92098-953-8 belj@bigpond.com tammie.gay@au.penguingroup.com (Penguin-Lantern-Australia)

Belinda Jeffery has already published two other cookbook bestsellers.She says baking can be such a serene and peaceful thing to do.Both the preparation and results can help restore the body and soul like nothing else.

5 Belgium – French

Glaces-Delices et Fraicheurs Christophe Declercq Photos: Kris Vlegels ISBN 9789020969702 Declercq-chr@skynet.be Kris.vlegels@skynet.be Johan.ghysels@lannoo.be (Lannoo)

Absolutely everything about ice creams

6 Brazil Café Daniél Bríand – Candies Secrets André Ramos, Marta Moraes Photos: Martin Garcia ISBN: 978 8596694290 And.ramos@terra.com.br Marta.moraes@terra.com.br martinretratista@gmail.com editora@senacdf.com.br (Senac Brasilia) With the best café in Brasilia, pastry chef Daniel Briand, from Anjou, France,and his brasilian wife Luiza Venturella show the recipes for his famous chocolate bomb, and other candies.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 105

02 BestDessertsBook

1 Algeria

7 Canada – English

Indulge: 100 Perfect Desserts Claire Clark Foreword: Thomas Keller ISBN: 978-1552859094 tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap – Canada)

Claire Clark is the head pastry chef at the French Laundry. She is regarded as one of the three best pastry chefs in the world. The book was designed and produced by Absolute Press in the UK.

02 BestDessertsBook

11 Finland

PS – Perfect Sweets PS – Parasta Sokerista Hans Välimäki Vesa Parviainen Mikko Takala Photos: Sami Repo ISBN: 978 9511 198079 oga@otava.fi (Otava)

The star chef offers tasty light, playful and innovative desserts.

8 China

12 France

Zhong Guio Mian Dian Desserts of China Flour Pastries Zhang Rein Qing Food Cultural Books of China

Mon cours de cuisine La Pâtisserie 70 Recettes Illustrées pas à pas Marianne Magnier-Moreno Photos: Frederic Lucano

ISBN 978-7-5439-3122-0 Qisham5212@163.com www.ccswh.com (Shanghai Science and Technology)

A complete flour pastries course for professionals and serious amateurs. This private publisher focuses on cookbooks, with a backlist of 200 titles.

New design, for a new collection, for everyone, at a low price for high quality.This book is different, you have to see it.

13 Germany

9 Colombia

El Libro de Myriam Camhi Myriam Camhi Photos: Claudia Uribe Touri ISBN: 978 958 8177593 myriamcamhipostres@email.com curibet@mac.com czuluagap@cablenet.co (Ediciones Gamma)

The author and her daughter Denise have worked for 25 years in Bogotá on 700 pastry recipes.

ISBN: 978 2501051958 Marianne.cook@gmail.com Aschapiro-niel@hachette-livre.fr (Marabout)

Meine Patisserie Die Süßen Geheimnisse Der Traube Tonbach Pierre Lingelser ISBN: 978 3 865282910 ullabischoff@traube-tonbach.de stefanie.simon@ugn.de Info@umschau-buchverlag.de

(Umschau) French patisserie by the Alsatian star pastry chef, at Hotel Traube Tonbach in Baiersbronn.

14 Greece

10 Estonia

100 Best Desserts Recipes Giannis Gelnutis Photos: Konstantine Kafiris

Purukoogid Mari Ohrn Translated by Papp Kadri

ISBN: 978 9949142705 sinisukk@sinisukk.ee (Sinisukk)

ISBN: 978 96404427444 aastrinaki@ellinikagrammata.gr (Ellinika Grammata)

Great Greek Desserts.

Great desserts from northern Europe.

106 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

19 Norway

15 Iceland Bakad úr Spelti Frída Sophía Bödvarsdóttir ISBN 9979760958 webmaster@jontas.com (PP forlag) Creativity in Iceland.

Sunne Kaker Margaretha Gøransson Hamrin

ISBN: 978 0204 138699 www.damm.no pip.haleen@cappelen.no (Damm)

Beautiful cover,great content.

Cioccolato Idee per preparare torte, dolci al cucchiaio e mignon Food Editore ISBN 9788876829228 info@rusconilibri.it (Idea Libri-Rusconi)

20 Russia

Fantasy-Pastries Iryna Stepanova

ISBN: 5699 19608-0 kkoba@voliacable.com (Eksmo)

The author is from Ukraine.

The secrets of the best desserts with chocolate are well explained with step by step photography.

21 Singapore

17 Japan New Dessert Book

ISBN 978 4388060214 nagasawa@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

Desserts books are very much in demand in Japan. Readers have much knowledge.

ISBN 978 9953634882 info@malayin.com malayin@malayin.com sadouf@malayin.com sima@malayin.com (Dar-El-Ilm Lilmalayin-Lebanon) New updated edition of Halwayat.

ISBN: 978 981 261 2243 ariating@ sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

The Malaysian chef is the executive chef at the Academy Bistro.

22 Slovenia

18 Lebanon World Desserts at Your Home Sadouf Kamal – Sima Yassine

Bite: Tarts to Satisfy Every Craving Jimmy Chok

Cubo Desserts Mate Uz Kmet Zare Kerin Photos: Janez Puksic ISBN: 978 9612388591 Mateuz.druct@yahoo.com Zare.kerin@futura.si Ana.por@futura.si (Futura)

Only 500 printed. It is a masterpiece.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 107

02 BestDessertsBook

16 Italy

23 South Africa From my Oven Fay Lewis Photography : Neil Corder ISBN 978 1 7707 5641 neilcorder@lifestyleimages.c.za ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za Fay.lewis@usa.net (Struik) Hundreds of beautiful photographs and step by step instructions, with superb food styling.

27 UK

ISBN: 978 1 905400508 enquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk (National Trust)

The jacket of the book says food is at the heart of everything the National Trust does. The food historian author reveals the fascinating history of each recipe.

24 Spain – Catalan

28 USA

Els Mestres del Dolç Francesc Casas

The Sweet Spot: Asian Inspired Desserts By Pichet Ong, Genevieve Ko Photographer: Pete Eng

ISBN: 978 8496521391 angle@angleeditorial.com www.angleeditorial.com (Angle Editorial)

14 Pastry experts from Spain

02 BestDessertsBook

Good Old-Fashioned Puddings Sara Paston-Williams

25 Spain – Gallego

Historia da Dozaria Tradicional Galega Presentación: Alfredo Suárez Canal Conselleiro do Medio Rural ISBN: 84 45342649 (Xunta de Galicia)

History of the desserts in Galicia, in a beautiful complete book.

26 Sweden

Klassiska desserter på mitt vis Classic desserts my way Magnus Johansson ISBN: 978-91-534-2687-5 www.formapg.se/bok ingela.holm@formapg.se magnus.konditor@euromail.se (ICA bokförlag)

The member of the Swedish Culinary Team and the creator of several Nobel Prize dinner desserts, Magnus Johansson has published a personal and instructive book with all classic Swedish desserts.

108 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

genevieve@aya.yale.edu tengen@gmail.com stephanie.fraser@ harpercollins.com brendan.keating@

harpercollins.com snacktruck@aol.com ISBN: 978-0060857677 (Morrow Cookbooks) While this book is in English and published in America, the recipes are inspired by cuisines from around the globe and will appeal to all dessert lovers. The restaurant is nominated for a Time Out New York 2008 Eat Out Award, in the category “Best Pastry Chef-Run Restaurant”.


BestSingle SubjectBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Italy – E.Knamm (Bibliotheca Culinaria) US – Michael Ginor (John Wiley) France – A. Caron-Lambert/F.Colombey (Huitieme Jour) France – Gilles, Laurence Laurendon (Marabout) France – Dominique Bouchet (Agnes Vienot)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Canada – Quebec – C.Gauthier, JF Lacroix, P.Lambert (Gesti-Faune) US – Sharon Shipley (Running Press) Spain – Laura Gosalbo, Gerard Solis (Elemasge) Brazil – Culinária Caprina (Senac)

1 Algeria

4 Austria

Le Délice des Conserves et des Confitures Madame Haddad Houria Saïdoun

Zur Suppe! Andrea Karrer Photos: Luzia Ellert

info@tinert.com (Dar El Hana)

ISBN: 978 3701 730612 Andrea.karrer@aon.at e.ndz@residenzverlag.at s.franzke@residenzverlag.at h.bitsche@residenzverlag.at b.leputsch@residenzverlag.at (Residenz Verlag) Healing soups.

Preserves and jams.

5 Brazil

2 Argentina

La Vuelta al Mundo en Mil Ensaladas Leticia Rimola ISBN: 978 9507865411 leticiarimola@gmail.com veronica@editorialbiblos.com (Editorial Biblos)

One thousand salads from around the world. The author is a doctor in internal medicine and takes care of young adults in the private hospital of Mar del Plata. She is a true culinary investigator.

ISBN: 978 857359 5406 gilfelipe@uol.com.br fabianaf@sp.senac.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.sambruja@sp.senac.br (Senac-Sao Paulo) Monography on one of the basic foods of mankind by a prestigious botanist.

6 Canada – English

3 Australia

Garden Feast Melissa King ISBN: 978 07333 17644 White.liz@abc.net.au (ABC Books)

The author is a horticulturalist, gardening writer and television presenter.

Graos e Sementes: A Vida Encapsulada Gil Felippe Illustrations: Fabiana Fernandes, Maria Cecília Tomasi

Tomatoes – Recipes from Canada’s Best Chefs By Elaine Elliot – Virginia Lee jlorimer@formac.ca promotion@formac.ca ISBN: 088730-723-3 (Formac-Lorimer-Canada)

Tomatoes is one of the leading single subjects for cookbooks. This is a most interesting Canadian view of tomatoes, a universal favorite.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 109

03 BestSingleSubjectBook

Specialized cookbooks are in great demand everywhere. They translate and sell well. Potatoes, soups, tomatoes, meat, sauces, spices are all popular subjects this year.

7 Canada – French

11 France

La Cuisine et le Goût des Épices Philippe de Vienne et Ethné de Vienne

La Chataigne en Perigord, fruit des temps et des hommes Syndicat des producteurs de Chataignes et de Marrons du Perigord

ISBN: 978 2 895683520 Madeleine.berthelet@ groupelibrex.com (Trecarre)

The authors are spice merchants,at Olives et Epices, and at La Depense, Montreal. La Depense means pantry in old french.

8 China

1000 Soups Baibian Ying Yang Bozhou 1000 Yang

Chestnuts have been one pillar of the economy and food of Dordogne for centuries. This book is the new reference for the sector.

12 Germany

03 BestSingleSubjectBook

ISBN: 978-7-200-06690-6 www.tangmark.com Tangmark Publishing – Beijing www.bph.com.cn luoqi@bphc.com.cn (Beijing Publishing House Group)

Soups are very important for health and quality in good Chinese meals. This book shows how rich and diversified the soup culture is in China.

Das Grosse Buch von Wild Photos: Odette Teubner ISBN: 978 3 833806957 Esther.ulrich@graefe-und-unzer.de Dorothee.seelig@graefe-und-unzer.de (Gräfe und Unzer) New revised edition of the wild game classic.

9 Estonia Seeneraamat Lia Virkus Pille Enden

ISBN: 978-2352 490111 Mise en page: Roger Bourinet et Caroline Watelle Partenaires: Conseil General de Dordogne et Conseil Regional Aquitaine La.lauze@wanadoo.fr www.lalauze.com (La Lauze)

13 Hong Kong

Hot Tomatoes Angelo McDonnell ISBN: 978 988 9938710 angelo@igors.com (Elite Champ Ltd-KHL Printing)

ISBN: 978 9949 427574 Pille.enden@kirjastus.ee (Ajakirjade)


Second book in a series, nominated for two awards to date.

10 Finland

Maista maista makkaraa Ilkka Vuorikuru Graphic Design: Peteri Kiveras ISBN: 978-951-37-4822-7 www.edita.fi outi.karemaa@edita.fi peteri.kiveras@edita.fi ilkka.vuorikuru@gmail.com (Edita)

The history and production of sausages, with complete presentation of products from the industrial sector of cured meat.

110 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

14 India

Healthy Taste of Indian Culture Cooking with Yoghurt Viji Vara Darajan ISBN: 8190287621 vrnalini@gmail.com Vij51@yahoo.com (Orient Press) Cooking with yoghurt is an art and a tradition in India. These

are southern India recipes.

15 Italy

ISBN 978 8879061674 estero@edizionigribaudo.it redazione@edizionigribaudo.it info@edizionigribaudo.it www.patate-da-amare.it info@tamerice.it (Gribaudo)

Sixty potatoes recipes

19 Norway

mia.tonnessen@gyldendal.no anne.britt.granaas@gyldendal.no (Gyldendal)

16 Japan

Book of Potato Kono Masako ISBN: 978 4766 210840 www.graphsha.jp info@graphsha.jp (Graphsha) Mountain potatoes and sweet potatoes.


Rutas y Sabores del Cebiche Mariano Valderráma ISBN: 9972 541592 jleuridanhuys@yahoo.es (Universidad San Martin de Porres)

This 180 pages book could become the reference on the best loved and most representative food from Peru, with much detail on local traditions and history. The author is a social scientist (CEPES), and an expert on the gastronomy of Peru and its history.

21 Poland

Delices de Date Cuisine Marocaine Fax: 212 37201175 www.miloudinouiga.com (Editions Nouiga – Morocco)

18 Netherlands

ISBN: 978 205365537 Hanes@bajkal.org gnf@gyldendal.no kenneth@lovechild.com

20 Peru

17 Morocco

Eple Ikon, Myte, Mat Oivind Hanes Kenneth Hansen Photos: Knut Bry Designer: Anne C.Holm

United Wraps Ep Meijer ISBN: 978 9066118553 jvoskens@inmerc.nl www.epsstukjes.blogspot.com (Inmerc) Crepes in France,Tortilla in Mexico.

Zupy-Soups Barbara Jakimovicz-Klein Bertelsmann Media ISBN: 978 832470567-2 poczta@swiatksiazki.pl www.swiatksiazki.pl (Swiat Ksiazki) The author has already published many cookbooks.

22 Portugal

Cozinha das Especiarias Ana da Costa Cabral Illustrations: Luisa Flores

ISBN: 978 972 1058071 secretariado@europa-america.pt (Publicacoes Europa-America)

The cuisine of the spices

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 111

03 BestSingleSubjectBook

Patate da Amare Pia Passalacqua, Carlo Veschi

23 Romania

Marea Carte de Bucate Pentro Oameni Frumosi si Sanatosi Mircea Georgescu ISBN: 973 636 212 4 contact@antet.ro (Antet)

24 Singapore

03 BestSingleSubjectBook

27 Spain – Gallego

28 Sweden

ISBN: 978 981 2613356 ariating@sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

Rabarber Rubarb Ingar Nilsson ISBN: 978-91-27-35726-6 www.nok.se ulla.tammerman@nok.se (Natur & Kultur)

25 Spain – Castellano

Dirección Editorial: Raquel López Varela Coordinación Editorial: Ángeles Llamazares Diseño: David de Ramón y Blas Rico ISBN: 978 8424184858 nmayoral@everest.es milel.miren@telefonica.net (Everest) The new reference book on the best Spanish ham, with recipes by the best Spanish chefs. A treasure!!

26 Spain – Catalán

Cent Salses Josep M.Morell I Bitria Proleg de Josep Ramón Correal Photographies: Laurent Sansen ISBN: 978-84-9779-498-5 Ed.pages.editors@cambrescat.es www.pageseditors.com (Pages Editors)

Chef Morell celebrates his 50 years in the kitchen. He is already the author of four other cookbooks, about snails, pig, coffee, etc.

112 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 8444100135 www.everest.es nmayoral@everest.es (Everest)

The author has a restaurant in Orense. The photographer is the leading photo artist in Galicia. The book was helped by ACRUGA, the Cattle Association of Galicia. Published in Gallego or Castellano.

Classic Asian Noodles Lee Geok Boi

El Jamón Ibérico en la Gastronomía del Siglo XXI Academia Española de Gastronomía Presidente: Rafel Ansón Fotos: Mikel Alonso

Vacas Flavio Morganti Photos: Xurxo Lobato

The culinary history of rhubarbs is presented .Ingar Nilsson serves it with stews, fish, chicken and oysters.

29 Switzerland – French

Les 1001 Façons de l’Apprêter la Tomate. Lionel Lévy ISBN: 978 2 8289 09628 www.editionsfavre.com (Editions Favre) edfavre@span.ch

unetableausud@wanadoo.fr The author is the chef of the Marseille restaurant “Une Table au Sud”.

30 Switzerland – German

info@wewi.ch ISBN: 978-3-9522763-10 info@wewi2.ch (Verlag Wewi-Switzerland)

This is the second book by meat specialist Werner Wirth. He describes his new method of “Sanft Garen” meat. He says that his roast beef is so tender thatyou do not even need a knife. A book focused on the technique of preparing meat the best way - Very usefull for meat lovers. Not his first book on this technical topic, but surely one of the most complete

ISBN: 978 9750812767 Sevi.sonmez@ykykultur.com.tr cemal@cemalemden.com (Yapikredi) Turkey Yoghurt reference book, 375 pages.

ISBN: 978 1 904057604 belle@quillerbooks.com info@nicholafletcher.com www.nicholafletcher.com (Quiller Books)

The author is the world reference for deer farming and venison. She is a member of the Guild of Food Writers. She has a delightful french tower, La Tour, in Dordogne between Bergerac and Perigueux, available for holiday lets.

33 USA

31 Turkey Silivrim Kaymak! Turkiye’nin Yogurtlari Artun Ünsal Photos: Cemal Emdenen

Nichola Fletcher’s Ultimate Venison Cookery Nichola Fletcher

A Geography of Oysters: The Connoisseur’s Guide to Oyster Eating in North America Rowan Jacobsen ISBN: 978 1 59691 3257 Agent: Stephany Evans: Imprintagency@earthlink.net Publicity.adult@bloomsburyusa.com (Bloomsbury)

This will become the reference book on this subject.

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 113

03 BestSingleSubjectBook

32 UK

Gabelzart Fleisch “Sanft-Garen” macht’s möglich Werner Wirth


BestFish andSeafoodBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

US – Maguy Le Coze, Eric Rippert (Doubleday) US- Leslie Beal Bloom, Marcie Vurploeg (Scholastic) Portugal – Mario Varela Soares (Colares) UK – Rick Stein (BBC) Hungary – Cey-Bert Robert Gyula (Uhu Magyar Kunyuklub)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Spain – Andoni Luis Aduriz (Montagud) Belgium – Karel Puype (Stichting Kunstboek) Germany – Thomas Ruhl (Umschau) Switzerland – A. Wildeisen (At Verlag) Norway – A. Riddervold (Damm)

The top of this market was in 2005. In 2006 and 2007, fish and seafood books are staying at the same level. There are many environmental and supply questions that need answers.

Mariscos al Uso del Maestro de Cocina: Ariel Palacios

ISBN: 978 9500833707 sportorrico@atlantida.com.ar mbanyik@atlantida.com.ar (Atlántida-Argentina)

4 Croatia

5 Denmark

2 Canada – English

Halibut – The Cookbook By Karen Barnaby ISBN: 1552 85860X www.karenbarnaby.com tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap-Canada)

The author has been a chef for 25 years, most recently at the “Fish House” in Vancouver.

ISBN: 978-7-5436-4051-1 gaojimin@sina.com (Qingdao Publishing House) The Olympics sailing competition takes place in 2008 in Qingdao. The seafood in this city in the province of Shandong is famous all over China, and with the Olympics, around the world. Quing Dao Publishing is one of the 5 major cookbook publishers in China. They received a “Best in the World” award for television book at the “Beijing Gourmand Awards” in 2007.

Around Fish Restaurant Rudolf Mathis Puk Lyskjær Larsen Text: Anne Marie Rasmussen Photos: Evan Frederiksen ISBN: 978 8 799148530 puk@rudolf-mathis.dk frederik@reklamefotograferne.dk mail@kleart.dk (Kleart)

From one of the best fish restaurants in Denmark.

6 Germany

3 China Seafood, Fish, Shellfish Chef Zhang Shuyu, Quing Dao Airport Hotel Photographers: Zhouxiewu, Houxiliang, Gaoyude

ISBN: 978 9532570243 marina@planetopija.hr (Planetopija) Part of a series on vegan/macrobiotic healthy cookbooks.

The chef is extremely popular on television in Argentina, and now in Spain with “El Toque Ariel” on Antena 3 television. He trained at the best french cookery schools, with a Grand Diplome from Le Cordon Bleu and at Lenotre .

Alge-Seaweed Jadranka Boban Pejic

Fisch und Meeresfrüchte Bookazine nº 7 Der Feinschmecker Redaktion Chef Redakteurin: Madeleine Jakits Redaktion diese Ausgabe: Gabriele Heins Gabriele.heins@der-feinschmecker.de Madeleine.jakits@der-feinschmecker.de ISBN: 978-3-8342-8540-9 (Der Feinschmecker-Ganske

Verlagsgruppe) The bookazine concept is starting in Europe. It is very well established in Japan, where it is one of the fundamental pillar of publishing, for the food and wine sector and others. Once more Der Feinschmecker assumes its role as the European leader in quality and quantity.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 115

04 BestFishandSeafoodBook

1 Argentina

7 Japan

The Complete Book of Sashimi Photos: Fujio Takashima Book Design: Tomohiro Ishiyama

11 Switzerland – French

ISBN: 978 438 8060207 juns@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

Five famous restaurants cooperated to publish this reference book.

A new equilibrium thanks to sea weeds, with nutritionist expert Marine Sontag.

8 Spain – Castellano

04 BestFishandSeafoodBook

Cuisine et Saveur des Algues Marine Sontag

El Atún en Conserva, Un Alimento para Disfrutar Las 50 Mejores Recetas www.interatun.com info@interatun.com (Interatun)

Since 2002 Interatun and FROM organize a yearly competition in Spain for the best tuna recipes. Here are the best 10 of each year.

12 UK Channel Four Series.

9 Spain – Catalan

Peix, Marisc I Bacallà Un regal de l’aigua Mariona Quadrada Photographies by Josep Borrell cossetania@cossetania.com (Cossetania)

The author has published over 40 cookbooks, teaches cookery, and participates in television and radio programs. The photographer has worked in 31 countries and his photos were publishers in 11 books, plus magazines. He has had several exhibitions.

10 Sweden

Fiskarens kokbok The fishermans cookbook Jenkinson Charlotte ISBN: 978-91-46-21731-2 www.wwd.se anna-karin.korpi@wwd.se info@susannealmers.com (Wahlström & Widstrand)

Beautiful photos by Susanne Almers express this love of fishing.

116 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 2828909642 www.editionsfravre.com edfavre@span.ch (Editions Favre)

The River Cottage FISH Book Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Nick Fisher Photography: Simon Wheeler ISBN: 9780747588696 www.bloomsbury.com www.rivercottage.net marketing@rivercottage.net erica_jarnes@bloomsbury.com (Bloomsbury)

13 USA

The Summer Shack Cookbook Jasper White ISBN 978 0393052381 www.summershackrestaurant.com hpovec@shackfoods.com najma@wwnorton.co.uk (WW Norton) Four fish restaurants in the

Boston area.


BestHealth and NutritionBook 1999 2000 2001 2002

US – John Philip Carroll – Mayo Clinic (Time Life-Williams Sonoma) Canada – Pat Crocker – Susan Eagle (Robert Rose) China – Taiwan (Hilit) Germany – Gih. Wiedemann (Umschau)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Australia – Aine McAteer (Penguin-Viking) US – Carolyn O’Neil (Atria) US – Mireille Guiliano (Knopf) USA – Evelyn H. Lauder (Rodale)

1 Algeria

4 Belgium – French

Tinhinane 2 Les Galettes, les plats, les plantes medicinales Madame Haddad Karima et Houria

De Tout Coeur Belge Marie Claire Quittelier Photos: Tom Swalens

info@tinert.com ISBN: 978 12 9947986 (Dar El Hana)

Traditional medicine through cooking, transmitted through the family.

Also published in Dutch.

2 Argentina Sepa cómo hacer su propia dieta Marta Stahler Patricia Cooke ISBN: 978 950 768 5569 mtcarbano@imaginador.com.ar (Imaginador)

ISBN: 978 9085864325 Kathleen.borms@blonde.be Swalens@fulladsl.be (Food BAI Food)

5 Brazil

Know how to make your own diet.

Comer Bem e Com Saúde André Boccato ISBN: 85 368 0147 6 www.editoradcl.com.br dcl@editoradcl.com.br editora@boccato.com.br maira@boccato.com.br (Difusao Cultural do Livro)

Eating well for health, supported by the Fundaçao Abrino – Empresa amiga da Criança.

3 Australia

Gluten-Free Cooking Sue Shepherd ISBN: 978 0670 071135 www.coeliac.com.au Tammie.gay@ au.penguingroup.com (Penguin)

This is the third book by this author.

6 Canada – English

The Chocolate Therapist Julie Pech ISBN: 978 1412047425 www.trafford.com julie@thechocolatetherapist.com (Trafford) Chocolate remedies for a world of ailments.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 117

05 BestHealthandNutritionBook

In past years, the focus was on food safety and healthy lifestyle. There is a new trend for food as medicine, a positive approach. It is global, influenced by Asian food culture.

7 China Medicine Food Chang Jian Bing: Siji Yangsheng Yaoshang Quanshu Peng Bingquan

11 India

ISBN: 7-80194-607-3) wangran@pmmp.com.cn www.pmmp.com.cn huzhongquing@pmmp.com.cn (People’s Military Medical Press) For people who are often sick, eating can be helpful, adapting food to each season.

05 BestHealthandNutritionBook

ISBN 978 953 2570618 Jadranka Boban Pejic marina@planetopija.hr (Planetopija)

The author is the famous croatian author of healthy vegan/macrobiotic cookbooks and the first who introduced this concept of cooking in Croatia 20 years ago. Seaweed, spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Nain Me Keitamme This is How we Cook Dr.Antti Heikkilä Photos: Ofer Amir ISBN: 978 952 5421 378 Antti.heikkila@ppb.inet.fi offer@oferamir.com info@rasalas.fi maarit.heikkila@rasalas.fi (Rasalas)

The model of the recipes is the french way of eating. The doctor is an orthopaedic surgeon and a pain doctor who has successfully treated pain patients by changing their diet. He has published 3 previous diet related bestsellers.

Un Po’ di Vino, Tanta Salute Giuseppe Sicheri ISBN: 978-88-7447-460-1 info@red-edizioni.it mstella@red-edizioni.it www.red-edizioni.it (Red Edizioni)

The author is the president of Doce Docg, Scientific Director of Il Sommellier Magazine. He received the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin Award in 1988, and the National Ottavi Award in 1997.

14 Japan

Lecker Essen Mit Joachim Luger WDR

Food Cure – The Chinese 3000 Years Intelligence ISBN: 978 406274494 aa@kodansha.co.uk (Kodansha)

118 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 9780717142484 info@unislim.com ftobin@gillmacmillan.ie lraleigh@gillmacmillan.ie (Gill MacMillan-Ireland)

13 Italy

10 Germany

ISBN: 978 3 899937343 rheinlaender@schluetersche.de (Schlütersche)

Unislim – Recipes for Success Fiona Gratzer

Unislim has 500 classes all over Ireland. It was created by Fiona Gratzer’s mother, Agnes McCourt.

9 Finland

Cooking with yoghurt is an art and a tradition in India. These are

12 Ireland

Ljeto - Summer

ISBN: 8190287621 vrnalini@gmail.com Vij51@yahoo.com (Orient Press)

southern India recipes.

8 Croatia

Healthy Taste of Indian Culture Cooking with Yoghurt Viji Varadarajan

15 Lebanon

academia@dm.net.lb www.carla4diet.com ISBN: 978 9953373706 (Academia-Lebanon)

19 Peru Nutrición para todos

Nutrition for everyone.

Lots of mouth watering recipes, with great photos, it includes the best from both Arabic and international sweets.

20 Philippines

16 Mexico Alimentación para Adolescentes Embarazadas Una estrategia para proteger la vida. Curso –Taller Luz Elena Salas Gómez María del Carmen Iñarritu Pérez Reyna Flores Reséndiz Eduardo Huarte Rodríguez Hiromi Yajima Editor: Dr. Javier Cabral Soto Jcabrals01@salud.gob.mx (Unam – Comunicación Social del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social)

ISBN: 978 9972021404 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

Cooking 1,2,3 (3 Volumes) Favorite Family Recipes Made Healthy. In English Cris C.Abiva Luz Felicidad S. Callanta, RND Illustrations: Arnold Ramos

ISBN: 971 2718915 Cris_c_abiva@yahoo.com ramosarnold@yahoo.com pubdept@anvil.com.ph (Anvil Publishing) Kitchen tastes series for teachers, and students in nutrition and diet. Anvil received in 2006 the Philippines National Award for best publisher.

The editor is director of prevention and social participation.

21 Poland

17 Netherlands

Cucina Catharina Cees van Casteren, Frank Gerrits Photos: Xander Tielbeek ISBN: 978 906611 8638 info@ceesvancasteren.com a.tielbeek@chello.nl (Inmerc)

100 Róslin, W Twojej Kuchini Maria Szustakowska-Chojnacka ISBN 9788320033090 promocja@pzwl.pl (Wydawnictwo Lekarskie Pzwl) The publisher specializes in health books.

Recipes from Catharina Hospital in Eindhoven.

22 Portugal

18 Norway

Frisk, Mett og Glad Per Lauritz Lien Photos: Tove K.Breastein

ISBN 978820537357 perlauritz@gmail.com tbkimages@yahoo.com guro.usterud@gyldendal.no (Gyldendal Fakta) Healthy recipes with GI-COOKING.

for health.

Ervas & Mezinhas Na Cozinha e Na Saúde M. Margarida Pereira-Müller Préfacio: Prof. Angelo Lucas ISBN: 978 9727 821020 pereiramuller@mail.telepac.pt colareseditora@sapo.pt (Colares) Traditional portuguese herbal cures

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 119

05 BestHealthandNutritionBook

Halawiyat Anahid Al Shahiya Anahid Dontguian

23 Russia

26 Spain – Castellano

Beauty Recipes, 3 Volumes 1.- Slimming Menus 2.- Anti Stress 3.- Nutrition of Hair and Skin Marina Vasilyeva and Alyona Makhankova Scientific consultant: Lyudmila Potyomkina Cover photographed by Valery Velikov, and Igor Ashmarin Designed by Valentina Chemyakina

No te comas el Coco – Consejos Cerebrosaludables Dr.Gurutz Linazasoro Martín Berasategui Diseño – Sonia Uribe

ISBN: 978 5 8029 16391 978 5 8029 16940 978 5 8029 6193 3 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim)

This very useful book was the result of the work of many including the association of Parkinson of Gipuzkoa (Aspargui), and Glaxo Smith Kline, with the enthusiasm of Martin Berasategui and David de Jorge. Thank you! It is very attractive, simple and efficient. It should be translated.

05 BestHealthandNutritionBook

24 Singapore

Naturally Speaking: Indian Recipes and Home Remedies Devagi Sanmugam ISBN: 978 9812327154 www.devagi.com devagi@epicureanworld.com.sg ariating@sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

The author is known as the spice queen of Singapore. She has written 12 cookbooks.

27 Spain – Catalan

Menjar Ràpid, Sa i Bo Margalida Munar Munar info@hiperdimensional.com ISBN: 9788493530921 (Hiperdimensional Dimensiens)

Eating quickly, healthy and good in less than 15 minutes is the objective of the recipes in the book. Most come from Mallorca. They are rated in 5, 15, and 30 minutes.

25 South Africa

28 Sweden

The South African Diabetes Cookbook Amanda Jeffrey and La-Rentia Marx

Den hemlige kocken The secret chef Mats-Eric Nilsson

ISBN: 978 8493385361 info@gourmandia.es hariadna@euskalnet.net su@soniauribe.com (Gourmand-Hariadna Editorial)

ISBN: 978 1770073654 larentia@earthlink.net ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

The recipes are creatives, tasty and uncomplicated. Every recipe includes a nutritional analysis.

120 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978-91-703-7315-2 www.ordfront.se forlaget@ordfront.se mats-eric.nilsson@svd.se (Ordfront förlag) What are we really eating? Do you dare to know? The author is editor of Svenska Dagbladet, the leading newspaper.

31 USA

29 Switzerland – Germany

Gesund Abnehmen Nach Dem Stoffwechseltyp Metabolic Typing – Mit 60 Rezepten By Ursula Wetter Photos: Aria Gambino

m.gambino@datacomm.ch Urs.hunziker@azag.ch Esther.rothacher@azag.ch – Ursula.wetter@bluewin.ch ISBN: 978 3 03800-296-3 (At Verlag-Switzerland)

All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook Jackie Newgent ISBN: 978 1580402750 www.jackienewgent.com ranthony@diabetes.org hfalek@diabetes.org (American Diabetes Association)

Absolutely no ingredients in the book are artificial. The author is Chef instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education. She was national media spokesperson of the Diabetes Association.

Metabolic typing, based on William Wolcott research.

Lighten Up – A Healthy New Way to Cook Jill Dupleix ISBN: 978 184400 4898 clare@quadrille.co.uk www.jilldupleix.com info@jilldupleix.com (Quadrille)

32 Vietnam

150 Thuc Don An Sáng By Bs.Nguyen Thi Kim Hung mongliennguyen@xunhasaba. com.vn xunhasaba@hn.vnn.vn (NHA Xuai Ban Phu Nu) Exhibited at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The australian author has written 14 cookbooks. She lives in London with her husband Terry Durack.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 121

05 BestHealthandNutritionBook

30 UK

This groundbreaking book features over 100 recipes, 90 food articles, and the very first published collection from the archives of Oldways, a unique think tank that promotes food choices based on nutrition, tradition, and sustainability. ! # Â’ VO`RQ]dS` && ^OUSa Â’ & f Q]Z]` bV`]cUV]cb 7A0< ( #& & "' % 7A0< !( '%& #& & "'

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°BVS =ZReOga BOPZS Wa ]\S ]T bVS []ab W[^`SaaWdS SfQWbW\U Q][^`SVS\aWdS O\R W[^]`bO\b P]]Ya ]\ bVS acPXSQb ]T T]]R O\R OU`WQcZbc`S SdS` ^cPZWaVSR ± ¯8/A>3@ E67B3 OeO`R eW\\W\U QVST


°=ZReOga ^W]\SS`SR bVS P`WZZWO\b Q]\QS^b ]T X]W\W\U VWUV ZSdSZ \cb`WbW]\ aQWS\QS SdWRS\QS eWbV QVST _cOZWbg `SQW^Sa O\R [SOZa ± ¯4@/<9 A/19A [R >`]TSaa]` ]T <cb`WbW]\ O\R ;SRWQW\S 6O`dO`R AQV]]Z ]T >cPZWQ 6SOZbV O\R 6O`dO`R ;SRWQOZ AQV]]Z

°7T 7 eS`S OaYSR b] \O[S bVS ]\S U`]c^ bVOb VOa []ab W\¼ cS\QSR bVS eOg eS SOb b]ROg [g O\aeS` e]cZR PS =ZReOga ± ¯8344@3G AB37<5/@B3< D]UcS T]]R Q]Zc[\Wab



BestChildren and FamilyCookbook 1998 1999 2000 2001

US – Chuck Williams (Williams Sonoma) Australia – Gabriel Gaté, Joan Van Loon (Five Mile Press) Sweden – ICA France – Jacques Puisais (Flammarion) Australia – Gabriel Gaté, Joan Van Loon (Allen and Unwin)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Spain – Tatiana Suarez, Jr.Zueco (Imaginarium) UK – Heston Blumenthal (Michael-Joseph-Penguin) US – Art Smith (Hyperion) Germany – Tim Mälzer (GU) Spain – Fundación Dieta Mediterránea (Argis)

1 Argentina

3 Canada – French

Cocina para Bebés con Barney Flaviana Carosella Lucrecia Cutler Luz Machinandiarena Photos: Ariel Martin Gutraich

Dinde Recherche Farce Desesperement! Collection Clafoutine Nadia Bazinet Nancy Belanger Catherine Sevigny

ISBN: 978 987 5880306 flaviana1998@hotmail.com lucutler@hotmail.com luzmachi@hotmail.com marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtoma1.com

(Utilísima) Recipes mothers and children an do together ,fom the television program.

ISBN: 978 2923194585 aprovencher@lapresse.ca (La Presse)

6 Volumes for kids 4 to 8, include a song to learn and easy recipes.

2 Austria

4 China

Das Kind geht aus dem Haus Kochbuch Überleben ohne Mama Renate Wagner Wittula Kurt Michael Westermann Photos: Kurt Michael Westermann

Ertong Ying Yang Baotian Quanshu Yang Sheng Tang editorial board

Gerda.schaffelhofer@ verlagsgruppestyria.at ISBN: 978 3854314325 (Pichler Verlag) The children leave the house book.

ISBN: 7-5366-8385-5 www.rzbook.com sales@alpha-books.com dxbq@cqph.com (Chongquing Press)

A wonderful complete book about all the care a child needs. It includes much traditional Chinese medicine information, with clear easy to understand diagrams and illustrations, for instance for acupuncture. This book should be translated, it would be very helpful outside China.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 123

06 BestChildrenandFamilyCookbook

There is a very strong increase in the number of cookbooks for children and the family all around the world. It is a healthy part of children book publishing. More and more of these books focus on cooking for the whole family, giving guidance to good food for kids as well as the family.

5 Croatia

9 France

ZA Bebe i Djecu For babies and Toddlers Jadranka Boban Bejie

Au Jardin Potager Danièle Schulthess et Frédéric Lisak avec l’aide du Potager du Roi à Versailles.

ISBN: 978 9532570595 Marina@planetopija.hr (Planetopija)

The author is the director of Makroova, and of the school of natural cooking.

6 Czech

06 BestChildrenandFamilyCookbook

Varíme Detem Chutne A Zadrave Peter Horan Pavla Momcilová ISBN: 8085936089 momcilova@volny.cz (Medica Publishing)

ISBN: 978-2-915810-12-5 contact@plumedecarotte.com (Plume de Carotte) A guide for children and the family for the food from the “potager”, the vegetable and fruits garden, from the Kings Orchard in Versailles Castle.

10 Germany

7 Denmark Heibergs Bornedessertcirkus Dessertcircus for Kids Morten Heiberg

Export Manager: Maj Brit Gertsen mb@dessertcirkus.dk (Politikens Forlag)

ISBN: 978 875 6775 328 www.dessertcirkus.dk lise.ringhof@ippol.dk heibergs@dessertcirkus.dk

11 Italy

ISBN: 978 951 03198 71 Sari.tammikari@elisanet.fi www.wsoy.fi (WSOY)

La Mia Cucina Ricette fra Mamma e Bambino Donatella Lippi Guglielmo Mazzolini ISBN 88476 2051 1 Donatella.lippi@unifi.it aandreini@bonechi.it (Bonechi) Recipes for mother and child.

8 Finland Lasten Kanssa Keittiössä Sari Tamikari Minna Nevalainen Photos: Sari Tammikari

ISBN: 9783833806490 Claudia.krauss@graefe-undunzer.de Info@dagmarvoncramm.de (GU)

The big babies and toddlers cookbook, by an author who has sold over 3 million cookbooks since 1995.

Published in November 2006 in time for Christmas, this book follows four best sellers. The author was in charge of all desserts at the Royal Wedding in May 2004. He is a regular on Danish

Das Grosse Gu Kochbuch Für Für Babys und Kleinkinder Dagmar von Cramm Photos: Jörn Rynio

12 Mexico

La Recien Casada en la Cocina y en la Mesa Laura B. de Caraza Campos

ISBN: 970 24 09810 lcaraza@yahoo.com claudia.orozco@editorialpatria. com.mx (Editorial Patria)

This is a book for newlywed bride.

Beautiful practical book for children food.

124 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

17 Puerto Rico

Ernst Robbie en de rest kookboek Joyce Huisman

Petit Chef Recetas Divertidas, Nutritivas y Educativas Bernice Guzman de Padial Fotógrafo: Mariela Alvarez Artista: Rita Campos

ISBN: 978 9066117150 jvoskens@inmerc.nl www.ernstbobbie.com info@trendmedia.nl (Inmerc)

The author has published more than eight cookbooks.

14 New Zealand

Active Kids Cookbook: Healthy Recipes for Active Young Cooks Jeni Pearce

ISBN:9781869780036 www.healthydiet.co.nz www.reed.co.nz – info@reed.co.nz – tgarnett@reed.co.nz ally.mcdonald@eis2win.co.uk (Reed Publishing NZ)

ISBN 0979065100 rpadial@yahoo.com xalomako@mac.com ritacampos@adelphia.net – www.petit-chef.com (Culinary Entertainment-Puerto Rico) This is an outstanding book, bursting with energy, creativity, enthusiasm and happiness. It is also very serious, taking into account health, costs, work, learning, all mixed with fun for children. It is unusual to see a book for children which takes care of all aspects of eating in such a balanced and accomplished way. Congratulations!

18 Russia

Nutrition plans across a range of sports.

15 Norway

Mat for Barn Margit Vea Lise Galaasen Photos: Fritz Knott, Oystein Westlie ISBN: 978 8202 247812 www.cappelen.no margit@barnemat.com lise.galaasen@cappelen.no anne.soyland@cappelen.no (Cappelen)

Well balanced, healthy food for families with children under 12. Margit Vea is with the Norwegian Church in Sydney, Australia.

ISBN: 978 5699218226 www.eksmo.ru info@eksmo.ru (Eksmo)

Creative appetizers for children.

19 Souh Africa

16 Portugal

Crescer para Cima: Como Prevenir o Tratar a Obesidade da Criansa Maria Antonia Pecas Carla Rego Illustrations: Catarina Cardoso ISBN: 978 972 8494612 obrasencurso@netcabo.pt (Obras en Curso/101 Noites)

This book was written to help families and children to relate better to food to prevent and core obesity.

Sedobnyj Goroskop Stepanova I.V.

Easy Meals for Babies and Toddlers Deirdre Randall ISBN: 978 1770073906 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za www.deirdrerandall.com (Struik)

The revised edition of the 1988 classic meals for toddlers, which was already updated in 1998 as meals for babies and toddlers.

20 Spain – Castellano

Aprende a Cocinar en Familia 50 Recetas de Pescado larija@argiscongress.es (Argis Congress – Fundación Dieta Mediterráneo)

Fish recipes for children from the mediterranean diet.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 125

06 BestChildrenandFamilyCookbook

13 Netherlands

21 Spain – Catalan

23 UK

La Filomena els Fogons Remena Cuina Natural per a pares I fills Josefina Llargués Illustrations: Amadeu Casas

Children’s Healthy and Fun Cookbook Nicola Graimes

www.cossetania.com jllargues@uoc.edu cossetania@cossetania.com ISBN: 84 9791 2648 (El Globus-Cossetània)

Experienced author of 18 titles, she already won 2 Gourmand Awards, in 2002 and 2004.

06 BestChildrenandFamilyCookbook

Let the food be your medicine. Based on ovolactovegetarian recipes, this children cookbook offers natural cooking for parents and children. It has amusing illustrations to colour by children.

24 USA

22 Sweden

Smak Start!: om småbarn, föräldrar och mat Start tasting!. About small children, parents and food Lena Jordebo m.fl.

ISBN: 91-501-0683-x www.alfabeta.se christina@alfabeta.se lena@alfamedia.se (Alfabeta bokförlag)

ISBN: 978 1405319096 www.dk.com susannah.pendrey@ uk.penguingroup.com (DK Publishing)

The Art of Ratatouille By Karen Paik, Foreword: John Lasseter Introduction: Brad Bird

ISBN: 978 811858342 bill_leblond@chroniclebooks.com publicity@chroniclebooks.com frontdesk@chroniclebooks.com www.pixar.com – www.chronicle.com (Chronicle Books) This books explains how the film communicates so well the art of cookery to children and their family.

This is modern home cooking for parents with very young children in a fun and informative way.

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

126 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestInnovative FoodBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Australia – Jean Paul Bruneteau (Harper Collins) Hong Kong – Wini Brugger (John Wiley) The Netherlands – Anneke Ammerlaan (Albert Heijn) France – Harold Izrael, Le Cordon Bleu® (Valentin Haüy) France – Alain Bernard (PLB) Spain – Dr.Miguel Sánchez Romera (Planeta)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Peter Kaminsky, Gray Kunz (Little Brown) Spain – Lourdes Soriano (C.C. P. Canaria) The Netherlands – Angelique Schmeinck (Kosmos) The Netherlands – Hanbuckers (Lannoo) Sweden – Mathias Dahlgren (Prisma) Brazil – J.I.Moraes, Wellington Reis (Wellington Reis) Brazil – Morena Leite (Boccato) Spain – S. Azagra

In 2007, innovation is now accepted worldwide in cookbooks, and it is a major interest of the general public, not only for chefs or foodies. We have 38 books competing here for “Best in the World”, against 19 in 2006 and 18 in 2005.

4 Belgium – French

Tallados Decorativos Silvia Barredo Photos: Ariel Martin Gutraich ISBN: 978 9876130158 barredo@ciudad.com.ar marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtroma1.com (Utilísima)

ISBN 9789020971088 Jan.vanparijs@vitaya.be Wout.hendrickx@telenet.be Stefanie.deblaere@lannoo.be Johan.ghysels@lannoo.be Redactie@vitaliteit.tv (Lannoo) The author is a medical journalist,wee known for the vitaya program, and launching digital vitaliteit.

2 Australia

The Matthew Hayden Cookbook 2 Matthew Hayden Photographers: Andre Martin, Hamish Blair, Justin Levitt

ISBN: 978 0733319938 White.liz@abc.net.au andremartinphoto@bigpond.au (ABC Adult Books-Australia)

The author is Australia’s gourmet cricketer, and was Batsman for the Australia Cricket team at Ashes 2007.

5 Brazil

ISBN: 978 370 1730 421 b.leputsch@residenzverlag.at h.bitsche@residenzverlag.at andrea.karrer@aon.at e.ndz@residenzverlag.at www.residenzverlag.at (Residenz Verlag) The author is the Ambassador of Austrian culinary traditions.

O Cinema Vai À Mesa Rubens Ewald Filho ISBN: 978 8506050996 rtrevisan@melhoramentos.com.br blerner@melhoramentos.com.br www.cinemacomrubens.com.br www.editoramelhoramentos.com.br (Melhoramentos)

Cinema goes to the table, by the most respected film critic in Brazil.

3 Austria AB Ins Glas, Marmelade, Chutney und Pikante Genüsse Andrea Karrer

Sur un Lit d’Amour Jan van Parijs Photos: Wout Hendrickx

6 Canada – English

Deconstructing the Dish David Adjey ISBN: 978 1 552858974 Cris6137@davidajeycuisine.com tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap)

The celebrity chef on television is an artist, who cooks for celebrities (Dan Ackroyd), with a special inspired sense for colors, tastes and textures and aromas.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 127

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

1 Argentina

7 Canada – French

Entre Cuisine et Quincaillerie Stefano Faita ISBN: 978 2 895683223 Michelle.berthelet@groupelibrex.com Fax 15142710675 (Trécarré)

First book, with great style.Visit Quincaillerie Dante in Montreal. Very clever design for backcover barcode, you have to see it.!

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

11 France

Cuisine Inspirée Ingrid Astier Photographies: Hervé Nègre ISBN: 978 29 14645935 Presse-aveditions@orange.fr Agnesvienot-editions@wanadoo.fr (Agnes Vienot Editions)

25 Top french chefs explain the status of inspired french cookery today.

8 China

12 Germany

Jiu Zai Yan Se Li, Ying Yang Equilibrium and Good Health Through the 5 Colours of Food. By Mr.Zhang Ren Qing and Mrs. Wang Jiang Mei Food Culture Books of China

Fingerfood – Die Krönung Der Kulinarischen Kunst Heiko Antoniewicz Photos: Ralf Müller Photo Design

ISBN: 978-7-5087-1332-8 Contact: qishan5212@163.com www.ccswh.com (China Social Press) This is a study of how to improve your health throught the colours of food. Food culture books has a backlist of 200 cookbooks, and publishes 20 cookbooks a year. They participated in the April 2007 Beijin Gourmand Cookbook Exhibition.

9 Denmark

Mit Fynske Kokken Chef Thomas Pasfall, Photographer: Kirsten Stigsgaard Journalist: Lars Thomassen

ISBN: 978 8764 101324 www.munkebokro.dk munkebokro@pasfall.dk thomassen@hovsa.dk – thomas@pasfall.dk klematis@klematis.dk (Klematis) The chef for Munkebo Kro is brilliant in this new book, with great photography.

ISBN: 978-3-87515-015-5 ha@antonniewicz.org b.thiemeyer@matthaes.de k.hereld@matthaes.de ralf.mueller@rmtb.de (Matthaes-Germany) This fantastic book leads the way for molecular cuisine in contemporary small dishes such as soups, etc.

13 Hong Kong

TeamKitchen Janna Wahlberg Pia Wahlberg Sally Ahlblad ISBN 952-92-0366-7 www.teamkitchen.fi (Teamkitchen)

teamkitchen@teamkitchen.fi You can tear out the pages from this bilingual cookbook and bring the page to the food market and put it back when cooking.

128 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Chinese ISBN: 978 988 9987725 English ISBN: 978 9889987718 annleong@netvigator.com celina@annieandfriends.com www.annieandfriends.com (Annie and Friends)

The classic recipes for the home cook are fully illustrated in the step by step format. The chef author lays bare her cooking soul and shares her secrets.

14 Israel

10 Finland

Look and Cook with Annie Annie Leong

Book of New Israeli Food, A Culinary Journey Janna Gur Photos: Eilon Paz

ISBN: 978 965727904 www.hashulchan.co.il www.eilonpaz.com www.tasteofisrael.com limor@haschulchan.co.il janna@haschulchan.co.il (Hashulchan-Ivrit) The author is the editor of Haschulan,On The Table,the gastronomy monthly.

15 Italy

lalinguanelpiatto@libero.it www.mursia.com (Golosia-mursia)

This is an innovative concept for a cookbook, teaching English and to understand the British through British recipes for Italians.

19 Malaysia

ISBN: 978 983 3845095 (Marshall Cavendish) Mytable8@yahoo.com bonnieyap@gmail.com abdulrahim@my.marshallcavendish.com yychang@my.marshallcavendish.com cassychan@my.marshallcavendish.com The chef is a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu.He is the menu planning specialist for Saudi Airlines. It is his first book.

16 Japan Loving Maekawa ISBN: 978 4056048285 ing@gakken.co.jp y.numata@mmf.gakken.co.jp n.kamimura@mmf.gakken.co.jp (Gakken) Gakken is a leading publisher of quality consumer magazines and books.

20 Netherlands

21 New Zealand

The Kazakh National Cuisine By Seit Kenzheakmetuly ISBN: 9965 248656 alkitap@asdc.kz (Too)

The author is a widely known writer ethnographer. The book will become the classic reference of Khazak Dastarkhan National cuisine, its delicatessen and peculiarities.

ISBN: 9984 31121X maris@zemgalietis.lv jrensink@authorhouse.com (Madris) Astrology signs cookery. See the English version. (Author House) In USA ISBN: 978 1425964566.

Eat Fresh Cooking through the seasons Annabel Langbein Photos: Aaron McLean ISBN: 978 0958 262978 al@annabel-langbein.com admin@annabel-langbein.com (International Culinary Institute Press)

Annabel is one of the few international stars in the world of cookbook writing . Her style, class and intelligence form also a unique combination with her writers talent and a great heart.

18 Latvia Astrologija Virtuve Maija Dambe Kollinsa Photos: Maris Zemgalietis

Melting Pot Een Ontdekkingreis Door, De Nieuwe Nederlandse Keuken Paula Yuen Lie Sie Iris de Ridder Photos: Bram Belloni

ISBN: 978 9066116566 jvoskens@inmerc.nl www.inmerc.nl (Inmerc) The new Netherlands cookery is a melting pot.

17 Kazakhstan

Dining for Two Chef Asri Sahari Photos: Bonnie Yap Design: Abdul Rahim Johar

22 Norway

Tapas pa Norsk Helena Neraal Photos: Stian Andersen

ISBN: 978 8251 64282 helena@vita-algen.com vebjorn.rogne@ schibstedforlagene.no mail@stianandersen.com anne.fieldberg@ schibstedforlagene.no – Ank.imsgard@schibsted.no (Schibsted) Great tapas made from Scandinavian ingredients.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 129

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

La Lingua nel Piatto Le Ricette per Imparare A Capire l’Inglese (e gli inglesi) Renata Beltrami Silvia Mazzola

23 Peru La Revolución Gastronómica Peruana Mirko Lauer Vera Lauer

ISBN: 9972 54 1576 jleuridanhuys@yahoo.es (Universidad San Martin de Porres)

26 Portugal

Cozinha Divina By Chakall Photos: Artur ISBN 978985555274 Cozinhadivina@hotmail.com chakall@cozinhadivina.com rossio11@oficinadolivro.pt (oficina do Livro – Editorial Noticias)

Twenty years of culinary revolution, a conference in Peru. Chakall is said to be one of the two most interesting chefs in Portugal.He is now on television in various countries.

27 Russia

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

24 Philippines

The Pulutan Cookbook From the Soldiers Kitchen Elmer D. Cruz Emerson Rosales

ISBN: 5699 19608-0 kkoba@voliacable.com (Eksmo)

The author is from Ukraine.

Ellentordesillas@gmail.com pubdept@anvil.com.ph bonchua@pldtdsl.net k_bolasco@yahoo.com anvil.pubdept@yahoo.com www.anvilpublishing.com

28 Singapore

(Anvil Publishing) Two Navy officers in jail after a failed coup in 2003 have written a cookbook, showing resilience and a new motivation for cookbooks.See in 21B-Illustrations, the german cookbook from the Hamburg jail.

Fantasy-Pastries Iryna Stepanova

Food Art Annabel Jackson Chef Bobby and Chef Donovan Cooke, HK Jockey Club Photos: Jörg Sundermann

ISBN: 981 4155969 Ajackson49860064@aol.com – membership@hkjc.org.hk i@jorgsundermann.com – melisateo@edmbooks.com.sg (Didier Millet Editions)

25 Poland

Annabel Jackson is based in Hong Kong, and the author of at least nine books, including Taste of Macao.

Nowo_ci na Talerzu New in Food in Talerzu Barbara Adamczewska

29 Slovenia The 15 Tastes of Rokus

wydawnictwo@nowy-swiat.pl ISBN: 83 73862307(Nowy Swiat)

Nowy Swiat is one of the 5 biggest cookbook publishers in Poland. Barbara and her husband Piotr write dozens of cookbooks. In this one, consumers from Poland discover in their supermakets new foreign ingredients to include in their cooking. She explains their taste and how to use them into Polish cuisine.

130 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Sonja.rutar@rokus-klett.sl www.rokus.com (Rokus Klett-Heart Edition) The employees of the publishing company all provide their favorite recipes.

30 South Africa

33 Sweden

ZHOOZSH Jeremy and Jacqui Mansfield Foreword by Billy Gallagher, Honorary President of South African Chefs Association. Foreword by Terry Volkwyn Editor: Cecilia Barfield Publisher: Linda de Villiers

På en låga – On one flame Karin Sundqvist

A unique cookbook, fun, and excellent recipes, with mouth watering stories. One author is the most succesful radio presenter in the country and the other is a best-selling author. The unusual title shows how different the book is. Jeremy is Nelson Mandela’s Honorary Grandson.

31 Spain – Castellano

Tabula 35 mm Photos: Enter Comunicación Visual

The closest you can come to High Cuisine cooking when sailing, trekking, camping and just have one small portable gas stove.

34 Switzerland – French Evolution – Denis Martin

The leader of molecular cuisine in Switzerland is the chef at restaurant Denis Martin in Vevey. He has two Michelin stars and Three Toques at Gault Millau with 18.

ISBN: 978 8493531027 enter@enterdesigns.com cristina@navarrorumtabula.com www.navarrorumtabula.com (Tabula, Monográficos de Cultura y Gastronomía)

Based on films. 45 chefs participated in the book. The website home page is great. It will have information about Luis Andoni Aduriz, Santos Bregaña and Edorta Agirre.

35 Switzerland – German

32 Spain – Catalan

Festival 11 Cuiners Joves de Lleida Ramon Rubinat Parellada Photos: Oriol Rosell Illustrations: Lorens Rosanes Rrubinat@hotmail.com www.oriolrosell.com (Turisme de Lleida-Institut Municipal d’Accio Cultural de Lleida)

The text is both in Catalan and Spanish in the book. It shows the innovative spirit of the chef and the author. It also has great design and photography.

ISBN: 978 828909680 www.editionsfavre.com edfavre@span.ch www.denismartin.tv www.denismartin.ch contact@denismartin.tv (Favre)

Sterne Köchinnen Die Besten Küchenchefinnen und Ihre Rezepte Elsbeth Hobmeier Photos: Michael Wissing ISBN: 978 3038003250 ehobeier@freesurf.ch m.wissing@t-online.de esther.rothacher@azag.ch (At Verlag)

The 16 best women chefs of Austria, Germany and Switzerland in one cookbook.

36 Thailand

Cooking Cards – Volume 1 Thai Food Collection Fax: +662 2495415 (2 A Book Publishing)

17 Menus on cards and video clips by the head chef of a top class hotel in Thailand.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 131

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

ISBN: 9781770074545 ceciliab@struik.co.za – lindadv@struik.co.za raw@highveld.co.za – (Struik)

ISBN: 978-91-976090-1-2 www.barkingdp.se karin@laki.se karin.sundqvist@privat-utfors.se (Barking Dog Publishing)

37 UK

38 USA

The Wild Gourmets Guy Grieve, Thomasina Miers

Elizabeth Falkner’s Demolition Desserts: Recipes from Citizen Cake With Ann Krueger Spivack Photography: Frankie Frankeny Illustrations: Ryan Falkner

ISBN: 978-0747591573 rights@bloomsbury.com kathleen.farrar@bloomsbury.com (Blomsbury)

07 BestInnovativeFoodBook

“Call of the Wild” was published in 2006 to tell his Alaska odissey. “The Wild Gourmets” are much happier in Great Britain, eating whatever they can find from north to south. Thomasina Miers is the winner of BBC2 2005 Masterchef competition. She also is coauthor of the Little Book of Soup.

132 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 1 580087810 elizabeth@citizencake.com aaron@tenspeed.com kristin@tenspeed.com erika@tenspeed.com (Ten Speed) Bon Appetit Pastry chef of the Year 2006.Le Cordon Bleu Students award at the Gourmand France Awards in Paris.


BestEasy RecipesBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

UK – Eric Treuille, Jeni Wright (Cassell) UK – Anne Willan (Quadrille) US – Rombauer-Becker, Weldon Owen (Scribner) France – Alain Ducasse, Françoise Bernard (Hachette) Japan – Keiko Hayashi (Shufunotomo) UK – John Campbell (Conran Octopus)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Sandra Lee (Talk-Miramax) UK – Terence and V. Conran (Conran Octopus) US – Anne Roberts, Margit Biever (Ten Speed) Belgium – Filip Verheyden, Tony Le Duc (Homarus) New Zealand – Annabel Langbein (A.Langbein) China – Li Rui Fang (CHLIP)

This is the best category to find the books in greatest demand in each country, and globally. We also have here our first participants from Antigua, Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Falkland, Kazakhstan, North Korea-DPRK, Kuwait, Palau. The demand for easy recipes that can work at home are clearly the strongest longterm motivation for cookbook buyers.

4 Austria

Cool Caribbean Cookery Book Text and Illustrations: Gilly Gobinet gobinet@candw.ag coolcaribbeanbooks@gmail.com www.originalcaribbeanart.com (Caribbean Art) Paradise painter Gobinet is a famous watercolor artist, and also a great cook participating often in food festivals.

Fund raising cookbook with easy

5 Bangladesh

101 Tartas Dulces y Saladas Emi Pechar

ISBN: 950 083435 sportorrico@atlantida.com.ar mbanyik@atlantida.com.ar www.libreriapaidos.com (Libreria Paidos-Argentina)

ISBN: 978 0733322457 White.liz@abc.net.au delicious@newsmagazines. com.au askvalli@fpc.com.au (ABC Books)

The author is the food editor of Delicious, the popular award winning magazine.

ISBN: 984 464 1985 ankur@agnionline.com www.ankur-prakashani.com (Ankur Prakashani)

6 Belgium – Dutch

3 Australia

Recipe Collection By Rowshan Ara Ahmed

The author and publisher Mesbahuddin Ahmed visited the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2007 with great success.

Argentina is famous for its desserts.

Delicious – 5 Nights a Week Valli Little

www.neunerhaus.at verein@neunerhaus.at hwk@buchagentur.at ISBN: 978 390 2532114 (Krenn-Austria)

cheap recipes.

2 Argentina

Noch mehr Haubenküche 5 – Euro-Rezepte Von Österreichs Besten Köchen

Gastronomie in Belgie Frans van Meeuwen, Herlinda de Clerck Foreword Steve Stevaert, Governor of Limburg

frans@fransvanmeeuwen.at herlindadeclerck@hotmail.com meeuwennest@scarlet.be ISBN: 978 9081008235 (F. Van Meeuwen)

77 restaurants, thirty producers,very interesting recipes.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 133

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

1 Antigua

7 Belgium – French

La Cuisine des Étudiants Marie Claire Quittelier Photos: Tom Swalens ISBN: 978 9085864172 Kathleen.borms@blonde.be Swalens@fulladsl.be (Food BAI Food) Also published in Dutch.

10 Cabo Verde

Cozinha Da Avó Josefina Benchimol Duarte Photos: Cesar Silva Texto: Cesaltina (Terra Sabi –Opal-Pebe)

Our first book from Cabo Verde, from 2005, 83 pages the second edition was launched by the author, Dona Cesalina as everyone calls her in June 2006 in Lisboa.

11 Canada – English 8 Benin

Saveurs du Benin et de la Sous Region Tome 2 Valerie Vinakpon Photos: Valerie Vinakpon, Fortuné Gbaguidi

Simply Summer Angela Tunner ISBN: 978 0978356101 info@angelatunner.com info@eatlikeamillionaire.com www.angelatunner.com (Eat Like A Millionaire Omnimedia)

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

(STAR Editions)

saveursdubenin@yahoo.fr www.saveursdafrique.com star_editions@yahoo.fr www.afrilivres.com

12 China

The author is the region’s expert, and this book is now a classic Volume 3 was published in April 2007. Volume 1 sold 10.000, Volume II reached 15.000. This could be the only reference cookbook on Benin. The author has done intenssive research in all regions of her country.

9 Botswana

The Renaissance Gourmet offers tips and recipes that are easy enough for a beginner and engaging enough for the serious amateur.

My Grandmother’s Cookbook By Mrs.Roshan Ara Khan, Shamshad Ahmad Khan Illustrations: Fatema Khan Foreword in English by his Excellency the President of Botswana, His Excellency F.G.Mogae

ISBN: 99912 89097 fatema@itibots.com www.mygrandmotherscookbook.com (Zahraa-Naaz Children’s Fund)

134 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978-7-80221-207-7 Contact: qishan5212@163.com www.ccswh.com (China Contemporary Economy Press)

Food Culture Books publish their cookbooks through several different state publishing companies. They have a backlist of 200 cookbooks, with 20 new titles every year.

13 Cyprus

A book to be handed down as a family heirloom. Cookbook published to make a positive difference in children’s lives, in memory of Zahraa-Naaz Hussain, who passed away in a car accident.

The Best Recipes of the Best Chefs in China. Each Chef presents his best recipe For Cooking School Training Food Culture Books of China

Our Cookbook Patrick Skinner ISBN: 9963932606 s.patrick@cytanet.com.cy (Paslskinner) From the Cyprus Donkey Sanctuary The author is a talented restaurant critic and cookbook writer.

18 Falkland – Malvinas

14 Denmark

Aftensmad – Til Hverdag Og Fest Bo Christiansen ISBN: 8791933102 Mellemgaard9@hotmail.com (Mellemgaard)

Taste of the Falklands Julie Bellhouse Chef Alex Olmedo Foreword: Baroness Thatcher

15 Ecuador

www.52degrees.biz – www.atasteofthe falklands.com julie@atasteofthefalklands.com – jellybean@horizon.co.fk ISBN: 0955553806 (Studio 52) Julie continually explores the Falklands. She has opened a galerie and photostudio in Stanley. The book is a joint venture with Stanley Restaurant, the Falkland Brasserie.

Quito Gourmet Irene María Cobo Diseño: Alejandra Camacho Introducción: Alfonso Reece ISBN: 9978 324 100 info@latinweb.com.ec info@latinaeditorial.com www.latinweb.com.ec (Latinweb)

19 Finland

Northern Flavours – Food from Finland Anna-Maija Tanttu ISBN: 978 9511207542 amtanttu@kolumbus.fi oga@otava.fi (Otava) Recommended in the cookbook of the year 2007 competition of la Societe des Gastronomes

The recipes from the best Quito restaurants. Finlandais. In English.

16 Egypt

Modern Egyptian Cooking Mehdawy Magda ISBN: 977 1735918 Matbakh_gedety@hotmail.com Amehussein27@hotmail.com (Hussein AMR) The book is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and German.

20 France

ISBN: 9789949427529 Anni@eppmaria.ee Janari.lage@kijastus.ee (Ajakirjade)

Bilingual, with English-Estonian. Very personal summer home recipes.

ISBN: 978 2737342493 presse@edilarge.fr dmenn@edilarge.fr www.auberge-bretonne.com (Ouest France)

Easy Recipes from cheap ingredients by the Michelin Two Stars chef of l’Auberge Bretonne, La Roche Bernard, Morbihan.

21 Germany

17 Estonia Sepamaa Talu Kook – The Kitchen of Sepamaa Talu Anni Arro

Trop Bon et Pas Cher Jacques Thorel Photos: Didier Benaouda

Einfach Köstlich (Band 3) Kochbuch Empfehlungen Aus Mama’s Küche Elisabeth Bähr Photos: Manuela BaehrJanzen

ISBN: 978 36850338 webaehr@web.de Fax: +49 5232990501 (Lichtzeigen Verlag) Bestseller, 13.000 sold in first 6 weeks.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 135

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

The author has published over 7 books in the last 3 years.

22 Ghana

26 Israel

Aromas from Ghana Cynthia Aba Agbozo

Book of New Israeli Food, A Culinary Journey Janna Gur Photos: Eilon Paz

ISBN 9787501957491 www.aromasfromghana.com henry@daysprings-publishing.com (Daysprings Publishing)

The author was born in the UK, brought up in Ghana, and now lives in Vancouver, Canada.

ISBN: 978 965727904 www.hashulchan.co.il www.eilonpaz.com www.tasteofisrael.com limor@haschulchan.co.il janna@haschulchan.co.il

(Hashulchan-Ivrit) The author is the editor of the leading food magazine in Israel.

23 Greenland

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

27 Italy

Igassat Anne Sofie Hardenberg ISBN: 8755818803 www.atuakkiorfik.gl Fax: 299322500 ansohardenberg@greennet.gl (Atuakkiorfik) Hardenberg operates a greenlandic food take out in Nuuk.


Codice della Cucina Autentica di Asti 700 Specialita Gastronomiche Create nelle cucine della provincia di Asti Elio Archimede (Sagittario Editore)

The recipes were contributed by 126 cooks and researchers. Each recipe is signed by its author, with his location in the province. This is a wonderful and useful reference book.

24 Hong Kong

Look and Cook with Annie Annie Leong Chinese ISBN: 978 988 9987725 English ISBN: 978 9889987718 annleong@netvigator.com celina@annieandfriends.com www.annieandfriends.com (Annie and Friends)

28 Japan

25 India

ISBN: 978 81 84241234 printdiv@alliedpublishers.com (Allied Publishers)

The energy of the Indian culinary star shines through the ample diversity of Indian recipes in the book.

136 ďż˝ GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 462 1078402 webmaster@maruzen.co.jp (Maruzen) Food as medicine, in 3 parts, drugs, health foods, chinese medicine.

The classic recipes for the home cook are fully illustrated in the step by step format. The chef author lays bare her cooking soul and shares her secrets.

Zaike Ka Safar 100 Best of Jiggs Kalra By Pushpesh Pant and Zorawar Kalra

Kenkou Shokuhin Chuudoku Hyakka Naitou Hiroshi

29 Kazakhstan

The Kazakh National Cuisine By Seit Kenzheakmetuly ISBN: 9965 248656 alkitap@asdc.kz (Too)

The author is a widely known writer ethnographer. The book will become the classic reference of Khazak Dastarkhan National cuisine, its delicatessen and peculiarities.

30 Korea -dprk -north Korea

34 Mexico

Best Recipes of Pyongyang

info@north-korea-books.com (Cooks Association of the DPRK) Soft cover book of 24 pages, featuring the best recipes of the capital of North Korea. This is the only DPRK cookbook available currently.

31 Korea-ROK-SouthKorea

35 Netherlands

In Korean. Published in English in

the US by Dream Character.

ISBN: 970 2216850 aliangel@prodigy.net.mx giorgio@avantel.net.mx picogil@prodigy.net.mx tgarcia@larousse.com.mx (Larousse)

Larousse expert reference publishing in Mexico.

Favorite restaurant recipes, for home cooking. Allisa Park Illustrations and photos Yoon Yeom ISBN 9788995935275 allisa@dreamcharacter.com (Giraffe Publishing)

Larousse de la Cocina Mexicana Alicia Gironella de‘Angeli Giorgio de‘Angeli Photos: Federico Gil Baptista

Koken in McDonald’s Kitchen Andy McDonald ISBN: 978 9021511122 sschapendonk@ kosmosuitgevers.nl mschurink@kosmoszk.nl (Kosmos) TV chef McDonald uses typical dutch product from the seasons

32 Kuwait

for great vegetarian meals.

From Chef to Chef Karl Mittelberger ISBN: 978 99906372 KBS1935B@qualitynet.com kbs@ncc.moc.kw Fax: 965 2424266 kmittelberger@hyatt.com (Kuwait Bookshop)

36 New Zealand

The author was the chef of the private club in Kuwait, owned by the Royal Family. He now is at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. This is an ideal book for any chef or advanced hobby cook.

The Confident Cook Lauraine Jacobs ISBN: 1869418239 jacobs@ihug.co.nz nlegat@randomhouse.co.nz (Random House) The author is an international star food writer and journalist.

She is past Pesident of IACP.

33 Lithuania

Piatti Tradizionali Lituani Lithuanian Traditional Foods Birute Imbrasiene Translation to Italian: Anna Karpic

37 Norway

English ISBN: 978 9955230953 agne@baltoslankos.lt leidykla@baltoslankos.lt

(Baltos Lankos) Traditional Lithuanian recipes with many illustrations.

Lettvint Middag Marit-Rottingsnes Westlie Photos: Oystein Westlie ISBN: 978 8202268121 marit@mrw.no lise.galaasen@cappelen.no Pip.haleen@cappelen.no www.cappelendamm.no (Cappelen)

Everyday dinner made easy in one pot.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 137

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

38 Palau

A Taste of Rainbow’s End Tova Harel-Bornovski Photos/Illustrations: Albert Labrador/Navot Bornovski

42 Poland

Cooking with Jozia Kuchnia Wysmienita Czyli Gotujemy z babcia jozia By Katarzyna Laniewska

tova@oceanhunter.com info@fishnfins.com (Tova Harel Bornovski)

It is the first cookbook we receive from Palau, published in November 2005.

passa@passa.media.pl m.iwon@publicat.pl (Publicat)

Publicat is one of the 5 biggest cookbook publishers in Poland, with beautiful cookbooks. The author is a very famous film and theater actress.

43 Romania 39 Panama

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

Rumba Gourmet, La Nueva Cocina Panameña Cuquita Arias Calvo ISBN: 9962 02 9619 cuquita@calvo.org prod.cuquita@cableonda.net www.alestilocuquita.com (Al Estilo de Cuquita)

ISBN 978 9734701049 www.edituraparalela45.ro vlasie@edituraparalela45.ro pricop@edituraparalela45.ro (Editura Paralela)

Complete Romanian Cuisine.

This is the third cookbook of the

44 Russia


40 Peru

Flora’s Peruvian Recipes Flor Arcaya de Beliot

ISBN: 997259162x Flor1peruvianrecipes@hotmail.com (Flor Deliot)

41 Philippines

ISBN: 971 271682 diego@philtrustbank.com k_bolasco@yahoo.com anvil.pubdept@yahoo.com (Anvil Publishing) Rich Spanish Hidalgo Heritage.

138 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 5 373005363 nikitina@olmamediagroup.ru (Olma Media Group)

45 Scotland

Potluck – Hidalgo Bonding A Family Heritage Cookbook Jaime C.Laya Illustrations: Paolo Y. Lim

Zdorovoe Pitanie-Zdorovay Jizn Poskryobysheva Galina Illustrations: Goryinov Anatoly

Healthy food, healthy life.

Although publisher in February 2006, the jury decided to include this well printed book with good recipes, in English.

Marea Carte de Bucate Bucataria Romanesca Maria Cristea Soimu

MAW Broon’s Cookbook Editor: Eleanor Abraham Consultant Editor and Spokes Person for the Broons Family: David Donaldson

ISBN 978 1902 407456 eleanor@geddeandgrosset.co.uk ddonaldson@dcthomson.co.uk ron@gandg.sol.co.uk mike@gandg.sol.co.uk www.waverleybooks.com – info@waverleybooks.com (Waverley) Clever innovative design for the cookbook of Scotland first family, from the Sunday Post cartoons, started in 1936. The previous annual sold 100.000 copies. Maw Broon is fair chuffed that her book o’cordon Broon recipes is gan doon sae weel.

46 Serbia

50 Spain – Catalan

Janjin Prakticni Kuvar Mirko Janjic

La Cuina de L’Aviram Receptes amb pollastres, perdius, anecs galls dindis, colomins I altres aus de corral. Francesc Murgadas

ISBN: 978 8683611935 prodaja@malemaistorije.com (Computer Books)

Printing of 3000 for this reference book.

47 Slovenia

This experienced writer of several cookbooks offers recipes for the meat of poultry in Catalan cookery.

ISBN 9789616531399 darila@darila.com (Rokus-National Geographic)

51 Spain – Gallego Amigos da Cocina Galega

ISBN: 84 4534322x (Turgalicia)

Friends of Galicia cuisine. Classical Recipes.

The ultimate key to the culinary treasures of the various regions of Slovenia, which is becoming a leading food tourism destination in Europe.

52 Sweden

48 South Africa

Fabulous Food Lynn Bedford-Hall

En god sommar A good summer Malin Landqvist

ISBN: 978 1770073647 info@showcook.co.za joyclack@telkomsa.net lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

ISBN: 978-91-7126-078-9 www.maxstrom.se info@maxstrom.se malinsmat@telia.com (Bokförlaget Max Ström)

The author’s previous book “Fig Jam and Foxtrot” illustrated by Tony Grogan, won a Gourmand Best in the World Award in 2003.

When you just want to lay in the shadow reading a good book on a hot summer day, this is the inspiration to also do some easy cooking.

49 Spain – Castellano

Julius, 22 Minutos Recetas Rápidas y Faciles para Jóvenes, Solteros y Gente con Prisa Julio Bienert – Canal Cocina

ISBN: 978 8484406321 Fax: +34 914230309 www.canalcocina.es www. temasdehoy.es (Temas de Hoy) How to cook in 22 minutes an excellent meal, by the youngest new star on Canal Cocina Spanish food television. The viewers chose his program as the Best of 2007. He trained at Escuela Ayala of Karlos Arguiñano.

53 UK

Time to Eat Gary Rhodes Photos: Lottie Davies, Colin Bell ISBN: 978 0 718153144 Abby.johnston@abby.johnston.com Lindsey.evans@uk.penguingroup.com Betaan.oconnor@uk.penguingroup.com www.lottiedavies.com lottie@lottiedavies.com

(Michael Joseph) A great chef, known for his charm and kindness, with great photography.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 139

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

Taste Slovenia Janez Bogataj Photos Tome Jesenicnik Cover photo Janez Puksic Design Zare Kerin Layout Rok Bogataj,Bostjan Brecelj

ISBN: 84-9791-232-2 cossetania@cossetania.com (Cossetania)

54 U.A.E.

56 Venezuela

A Taste of Arabia Jessie Kirkness Parker Food Photography: Trevor Vaughan

Tocar Fuego, 45 Recetas de Puño y Letra Rafael Gullén, Francisco Abenante Design: Ricardo Limongi Foreword: Profesor José Rafael Lovera

ISBN: 978 9948 431138 jessiekp@yahoo.com www.jerboabooks.com (Jerboa Books)

Recipes from Arabia and beyond. The author has 25 years experience in the Middle East as a writer and stylist.

55 USA

08 BestEasyRecipesBook

(Ten Speed)

Cooking 600 Recipes, 1500 Photographs, One Kitchen Education James Peterson

ISBN: 980 12 21682 imagocreativo@cantu.net tocarfuego@hotmail.com rafaelguillenfoto@gmail.com (Rafael Guillen Photo-Venezuela)

Fifteen of the best chefs in Venezuela got together for these forty five recipes “written by hand”. The great recipes, design and photography are a tribute to the new excellence of Venezuela cookery.

57 Vietnam 555 Mon An Vietnam

ISBN: 978 1 580084816 jim@jimcooks.com lorena@tenspeed.com kristin@tenspeed.com erika@tenspeed.com

The definitive all-inclusive learn to cook reference by the best selling cooking authority professor.

140 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

xunhasaba@hn.vnn.vn mongliennguyen@xunhasaba.com.vn (NHA Xuai Ban Thong Ke)

555 Recipes from Vietnam


BestForeign CookeryBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Germany – U.Holsten (Gräfe und Unzer) US – Padma Lakshmi (Miramax Hyperion) Spain – Salah Jamal (Zendrera Zariquiey) Australia – (Murdoch Books) Australia – David Thompson (Penguin-Viking)

2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Arthur L.Meyer, Jon M.Vann (John Wiley) Austria – Florian Harm, Lutz Jäkel (Christian Brandstätter) France – Fatema Hal (Hachette Pratique) Germany – L. Jäkel, I. Maass (Umschau)

There is a strong increase in the number of books in this category worldwide, another sign of the positive and open basic trends in the cookbook market. Tourism and travel are the forces behind these cookbooks.

ISBN: 978 9507865411 veronica@editorialbiblos.com (Editorial Biblos)

Swalens@fulladsl.be ISBN: 978 9085864134 Kathleen.borms@blonde.be (Food BAI Food)

Recipes from 27 countries. Also published in Dutch.

One thousand salads from around the world. The author is a doctor in internal medicine and takes care of young adults in the private hospital of Mar del Plata. She is a true culinary investigator.

2 Australia

4 Belgium – French

La Vuelta al Mundo en Mil Ensaladas Leticia Rimola

Italian Country Cooking: The Secrets of Cucina Povera Loukie Werle Photos: Alan Benson

ISBN: 9781876624699 M21@media21.com (ACP Publishing Pty, Ltd)

Humble food in a great book!

5 Brazil (Senac-Sao Paulo)

Os Sabores du Alentejo: História, Vinhos e Receitas Aguinaldo Záckia Albert Illustrations: Fabiana Fernandes ISBN: 8573595043 zackialbert@uol.com.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.sambruja@sp.senac.br editora@sp.senac.br fabianaf@sp.senac.br

The southern region of Portugal has a culinary treasures.d The book includes restaurants museums, historical sites.

3 Austria

6 Canada – English

Español para la Gastronomía, l a Hostelería y el Turismo Fr.Mag.Dr.Elisabeth WeitzPolydoros

Balls! Round the world meat balls fare for all occasions Angela Murrills

Bon Appétit L’Europe Marie Claire Quittelier Photos: Tom Swalens

ISBN: 978 3854991083 Ew243@yahoo.com www.trauner.at office@trauner.at (Trauner)

Spanish for the tourism industry in german.

ISBN: 1552858677 angelamurrills@telus.net tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap)

The author and her husband artist Peter Matthews have spent much time in Languedoc, France.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 141

09 BestForeignCookeryBook

1 Argentina

7 China Knives, Forks and Chopsticks: Cultural Comparison of Chinese and Western Diet – Kuaizi Yu Daocha By Duli, Sun Junxxiu, High Haiwei ISBN: 978-7 536461970 Yx177@hotmail.com (Sichuan Science and Technology Publishing) Du Li has published other recent books on Chinese Food Culture (Tourism Education Press, Oct 2005) and Western Food Culture (CHLIP; May 2006).

8 Denmark Latinoamérica Smag Behag Latinoamérica Sabores Saberes Ana Piazzetta Photos: Leonardo Liberman

09 BestForeignCookeryBook

ISBN: 978 8792064011 camilla@skjoedtforlag.dk libermanleo@gmail.com (Skjoerdt) Bilingual in Danish and Spanish.

11 Germany

Brasillianisch Feiern Festa Brasileira Monika Graff Dr.Michael Koeminski Photos: Chris Meier, BFF ISBN: 978 377 5004411 Sabine.bruder@haedecke-verlag.de cm@chrismeier.de

(Walter Hädecke Verlag) Brasilians are world famous for their partying.

12 Italy

La Cucina Ebraica Tripolina Linda Guetta Hassan Fotografie di Wichy Hassan Prefazione: Homos Guetta ISBN: 978 8888 716 824 www.galluccieditore.com info@galluccieditore.com (Gallucci)

The author left Libya in 1967 and lives in Rome. She has 4 grandchildren to whom she dedicated the book. This is a rare and unusal book on the recipes of Lybia jews, beautifully illustrated.

9 Finland

Viisaan Syömisen Lähteillä Merja Tuominen-Gialitaki

13 Japan Enjoying American Beef

ISBN: 978 9513125417 merga@kolumbus.fi sinikka.partanen@tammi.fi (Tammi)

ISBN: 978 4822222604 www.nikkeibp.com Japan Shiroyama Group (Nikei BP Books)

The Crete healthy recipes from Greece.

10 France

La Cuisine Arménienne Nathalie Maryam Baravian Illustrations de Remy Sirope, Martiros Sarian Préface: Alaa El-Aswany

ISBN: 978-2-7427-6672-7 contact@actes-sud.fr accueil.paris@actes-sud.fr n.baravian@actes-sud.fr (Actes Sud) The foreword is written by the Egyptian author of the Yacoubian Building. He says “ this book is more than a recipe book, it brings us closer to the Armenian soul”. It is also a cultural and historical study, with a touching photography, by the press relations manager of Actes Sud publisher.

142 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

14 Latvia

Ramesa Receptes Ramesh Recipes Sresta Ramesh Shrestha

ISBN: 978 9984 331881 Dace.arina@versija.lv info@petergailis.lv (Petergailis) Asian recipes.

15 Netherlands

19 Russia

Indonesisch Koken, Het Basiskoookboek Lonny Gerungan ISBN: 978 9059562035 info@fontaineuitgevers.nl (Fontaine)

Practical Encyclopedia of World Cookery Svetlana Pershina, Irina Roitenberg Styled by Elena Bryukhina Art Design by Valentina Chemyakina

celebrity chef.

ISBN: 978 582916537 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim) With offices in Moscow and Chelyabinsk, Arkaim is the specialized cookbook publisher.

20 Singapore

16 Norway

Smak av Krydder Andreas Viestad Andreas.viestad@chello.no Photos: Mette Randem

ISBN: 978 8252566635 Anne.soyland@cappelen.no Mette.randem@dagbladet.no (Cappelen)

Travel with Taste – Podróze ze Smakiem Anna Kwiatkowska Tomasz Rudomino

21 Slovenia

Travelling while reading. A beautiful book.

Rossio11@oficinadolivro.pt (Oficina do Livro) This book is inspired by Africa, by the Sao Tome and Principe Islands, with a corresponding program on Rtp Africa.

Sonja.rutar@rokus-klett.sl (Rokus) Private edition, very personal choices and experieces, by the two stars of Slovenia culinary publishing.

22 Spain – Castellano

18 Portugal Facam o Favor de Ser Felizes Joao Carlos Silva Photos: Adriana Freire

Around the world in 80 restaurants Selected by Janez Bogataj and Rok Kvaternik

ISBN: 837 163 541 9 book@wkts.pl (Twoj Styl)

ISBN: 978 981 2614421 ariating@sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish) Terry Tan is an award winning experienced writer.

Thailand, Zanzibar, India, South Africa, Oman, Iran, Malaysia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, La Reunion, Pakistan, Mozambique.

17 Poland

The Thai Table – A Celebration of Culinary Treasures Terry Tan

Los Secretos de la Cocina del Vaticano. La Cocina Mediterránea más Internacional y Exquisita del Mundo. Eva Celada Photos: Alberto Campuzano

ISBN: 978 8408 069799 evacelada@yahoo.es – alberto@cocinartescm.com dfigueras@planeta.es (Editorial Planeta) Eva Celada has won Gourmand Awards in 2002, 2004 and 2005. Her new book on Vatican cooking is very complete and interesting.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 143

09 BestForeignCookeryBook

Great basic cookbook of Indonesian cookery, with 350 step by step photos.The author is a television

23 Sweden

25 UK

Ditt nya skafferi Your new larder Lisa Förare Winbladh

Street Food: Recreating the World’s Most Authentic Tastes Tom Kime

ISBN: 978-91-7351-109-4 www.damm.se christina.nemell@formapg.se lisa@matkaravan.nu www.matkaravan.nu (Damm Förlag AB) After tremendous success with the Food Caravan, taking people to ethnic food stores, food columnist Lisa Förare Winblad now presents products from all over the world with great recipes.

Tom Kime is a celebrity chef with much knowledge of Eastern food. He has published several cookbooks.

26 USA

24 Thailand Food and Travel Laos Suthipong Suriya Vandara Amphayphone

ISBN: 974 9304497 Karbstyle@yahoo.com (Baan Phra-Arthit Publications)

09 BestForeignCookeryBook

Luang Pradang lao food. In english and thai.

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

144 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978-1405315807 press@uk.dk.com internationalsalesadjut@uk.dk.com www.tomkimechef.com (Dorling Kindersley)

The Taste of Nepal Jyoti Pathak ISBN: 978 07181121 pgress@hippocrenebooks.com abishek@stny.rr.com jyotirgamoy@gmail.com tliaw@hippocrenebooks.com (Hippocrene)

The author was born and trained in Nepal. She now lives in New York.


BestLocal CookeryBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

US – Teresa Barrenechea (Harvard Common Press) US – Sam Choy (Hyperion) UK – Heather Hay Ffrench (Quiller Press) Australia – Maggie Beer (Penguin-Viking) Germany – R. Kissel, U. Triep (Bouvier)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Austria – L. Hechenblaikner, K. Longriva, C. Wagner (Brandstetter) Turkey – Sahrap Soysal (Dogan Kitap) Turkey – Selin Kutucular (S. Kutucular) France – Nathalie Beauvais (N. Beauvais)

1 Austria

4 Canada – French

Die Oberösterreichische Küche 520 Klassische Rezepte Ingrid Pernkopf Christoph Wagner

Les Producteurs Toqués de l’Île d’Orléans – Farmers in chefs hats Linda Arsenault – In French and English

ISBN: 978 3701200320 Medien-ag@styria.com Gruenberg@vpn.at (Edition Oberosterreich)

Upper Austria. Pernkopf is at Gasthof Gruenberg in Gmunden.

ISBN 9782980972102 info@producteurstoques.com larsenault01@sympatico.ca www.producteurstoques.com (Producteurs Toqués-Canada) Bilingual book with beautiful recipes, which were all tested by Chef Philippe who runs l’Auberge Le Canard Huppé on the Orleans island.

2 Belgium – French

Carnet de Cuisine Produits du Terroir de la Hesbaye Christian Denis, Jan van Hemeledonck

ISBN: 978 90209 69689 lannoo@lannoo.be www.closstdenis.com info@closstdenis.be (Racine)

Restaurant Clos Saint Denis, Kortessem

3 Canada – English Where People Feast: An Indigenous People’s Cookbook Dolly and Annie Watts – Liliget Feast House, Vancouver ISBN: 978-1551 522210 marketing@arsenalpulp.com shyla@arsenalpulp.com info@wherepeoplefeast.com pjbethel@gmail.com www.liliget.com (Arsenal Pulp Press – Canada) The authors are a mother and daughter team. This is a team effort! Dolly and Annie are from the Gitksan first nation in British Colombia.

5 China Shanghai Dish Collection Editor in Chief: Jing Zong Zhang Assistant Editor in Chief: Liming Jin, Guoxiang Xin, Xiangle Chen Cuisine Consultant: Beron G Zi Honorary Editor in Chief: Mingwei Song, Defeng Ren, Linghua Zeng Dishes Cooking: Shanghai Classical Hotel (Beijing) Foreword: Su Qiu Cheng (President of Chinese Cuisine Association) Foreword: Jiin Zong Zhang (General Manager of Shanghai Classical Hotel) Foreword: Wang Zhi

luodaqing2002@yahoo.com ISBN: 978 7535743801 www.hnstp.com (Hunan Science and Technology) The Shanghai Classical Hotel was founded in 1895. It is the birthplace of Shanghai local dishes.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 145

10 BestLocalCookeryBook

There is a worldwide boom in local or regional cookbooks, which sell well, the more specialized the better. Their public is both local and international, with a big support from sales to international food tourists.

6 Falkland – Malvinas Taste of the Falklands Julie Bellhouse Chef Alex Olmedo Foreword: Baroness Thatcher

10 India

Festival Samayal Viji Varadarajan ISBN: 8190287605 Vij51@yahoo.com (Orient Enterprises)

www.52degrees.biz www.atasteofthe falklands.com julie@atasteofthefalklands.com – jellybean@horizon.co.fk ISBN: 0955553806 (Studio 52) Julie continually explores the Falklands. She has opened a galerie and photostudio in Stanley. The book is a joint venture with Stanley Restaurant, the Falkland Brasserie.

7 Finland

10 BestLocalCookeryBook

Skandimania Scandinavia Antti and Visa wild to the north Visa Nurmi Antti Vahtera ISBN: 978-951-0-32722-7 Visa.nurmi@kaufmann.fi (WSOY)

For ten years Visa Nurmi and Antti Vahtera have written cookbooks. Now they have written a book about Scandinavian food. The trip goes from Livonsaari to islands Alyreyh and to Björneborg. Great photos by Seilo Ristimäki.

The culinary offerings to the gods in the author’s second book on vegetarian cooking. Tamilnadu local cookery.

11 Italy

ISBN: 978 887016 5562 flipot@flipot.com info@claudiana.it www.claudiana.it (Claudiana) This book is a masterpiece of local cookery. The authors are the sommelier and cook of the restaurant Flipot of Torre Pellice since 1981. They reinterpreted the local recipes, starting from the 18th centruy writing of Madame Jahier-Munston. Bruna Frache teaches french, and wrote an excellent study of the local cookery. The photography and design are so good you want to go and visit. A great team work!.

12 Japan

8 France Toques d’Auvergne Luc Olivier

The Slow Food of the Beach The Food Culture of the Japanese Coast

ISBN: 978 2951920262 Luc-olivier@wanadoo.fr Hauteur.d.homme@orange.fr (Hauteur d’Homme) From the best chefs in the heart of France, by the leading publisher.

La Cucina Valdese Gisella Pizzardi e Walter Eynard Introduzione di Gianni Gentri Testi di Bruna Frache Fotografie di Ernesto e Stefano Corsani

ISBN: 978 4885 365676 Masakazu Akagi info@divenet.jp (Hanging Human Corporation) Wisdom of sea people diet.

9 Germany

13 Mexico

Spezialitäten aus Bayern Barbara, Hans Oltzen

Mexico Handcrafted Art Central Region Mexico Hecho a Mano, Centro

ISBN: 319 88 05700 k.michelberger@heel-verlag.de (Heel)

Excellent book by an experienced duo of culinary writers who have published many cookbooks. Support of the Bayer Staatsministerium fur Landwirtschaft und for Sten.

146 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 9709726817 www.ameditores.com adelarosa@ameditores.com edaniel@ameditores.com (AM Editores)

Beautiful photography book, including the best of Mexico in textiles, architecture, food, etc.

18 South Africa

Market Day: A Taste of Life at New Zealand Farmers Markets By Vicki and Terry Winn

The Cape Malay Illustrated Cookbook Faldela Williams Illustrations: Liz Mills

ISBN: 978 1 869661618 www.terrywinn.co.nz terry@terrywinn.co.nz bcooke@nhp.co.nz (New Holland NZ)

In this book, photographer Terry Winn is the co-author.

15 Peru

postmast@manuela.org.pe info@jpmurrugarra.net (Movimiento Manuela Ramos)

The author and publisher is an ngo for peruvian women, celebrating its 30 years in 2008. This book shows the enormous cultural wealth of the tropical forest of Peru in the culinary areas. It focuses on Moyobamba, Tarapoto in San Martin region, and Pucallpa in Ucayali region.

ISBN: 978 1770074057 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

The author combines traditional knowledge with modern practicality and convenience. The beautiful illustrations highlight both the beauty of Malay food and the culture itself.

De la Selva, Su Cocina Movimiento Manuela Ramos Photos: Juan Pablo Murrugarra Chávez

19 Spain – Castellano

La Rioja – Paisajes Gastronómicos 13 Chefs ISBN: 84 81252794 (Gobierno de la Rioja) comunicacion@lariojacalidad.org csomalo@diariolarioja.com publicaciones@larioja.org

A reference book on the current creativity of chefs in La Rioja.

20 Spain – Catalan 16 Poland

Mysliw_kie Specjaty Zofia Sokulska, Barbara Kokoryn Bauer Weltbild Media www.kdc.pl ISBN: 978 837404637-4 serwis@kdc.pl (Agencia Fotograficzno, Mazury)

21 Spain – Gallego Amigos da Cocina Galega

centralivros@centralivros.pt (livros e livros) Madeira is a magical destination, with great food. This is the second cookbook of the author on Madeira food.

cossetania@cossetania.com www.cossetania.com ISBN: 978 8497 912860 (Cossetania)

The recipes all have won an award in the local culinary competition from 1992 to 2006. There is also a presentation of local culinary history and products, focusing on the products, with an excellent report on the local wines, which are excellent.

17 Portugal Gastronomia da Madeira Júlio Pereira Photos: Alexandre Serra

La Cuina Empordanesa de les Mestresses de Peralada Salvador Garcia-Arbós

ISBN: 84 453 43238 ISBN: 84 453 43246 cii.dxt.secretaria@xunta.es (Dirección Xeral de Turismo) Friends of the Cuisine of Galicia, available in Spanish or English.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 147

10 BestLocalCookeryBook

14 New Zealand

22 Sweden Saltstänkt: mat och människor i gamla tiders Bohuslän A splash of salt- food and people in old Bohuslän Kenneth Gustafson Birgitta Arkenback ISBN: 91-88848-08-6 christer.pershow@bok-co.se (YC Bokförlag) Histories on food and eating from the upper Swedish west coast told in an entertaining way.

24 UK

10 BestLocalCookeryBook


soysalsahrap@yahoo.com koray@koraypekozkay.com tgokce@dogankitap.com.tr (Dogan Egmont)

According to Sufism, every phase of the meal is not just an action but a life doctrin. The book explans in 115 recipes and unique photography everything about Sufi cuisine.

148 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 184 1585604 www.the-castle-hotel.com reception@the-castle-hotel.com amy@birlinn.co.uk (Birlinn)

The chef of the Castle Hotel in Somerset is a star on UK TV Food. The book focuses on local foods and products.

23 Turkey Dervis Sofralari Dervish’s Table – The Culinary Culture and Customs in Sufizim Sahrap Soysal Photos: Koray Peközkay

Jam with Lamb Seasonal West Country Cooking Richard Guest Foreword by Rosie Boycott

25 USA

The Boston Chef Table Clara Silverstein ISBN: 978 0762745142 www.clarasilverstein.com clara@clarasilverstein.com info@globepequot.com (Globe Pequot)

17 Million tourists dine in these restaurant every year. The best chefs in Boston have given their recipes to the author, who is the founding member of the “Ladies who Lunch” group of Boston food writers.


Arkaim . ................................ 2006 Christine Autran..................... 2006 Miguel Azaola........................ 1996 Joséphine Bacon................... 2004 Orazio Bagnasco.................... 2000 Julie Biuso............................. 2006 Janez Bogataj........................ 2005 Bouillon....................... 2003, 2006 Elizabeth Brayne.................... 1997 Gino Cao................................ 2005 José Carlos Capel................... 2006 Rafael Cartay......................... 2005 C and C Printing Hong Kong... 2006 Eva Celada............................. 2005 Julia Child.............................. 2001 Jacques Chirac...................... 2006 Glynn Christian...................... 2006 Cookand - Korea.................... 2005 Patrick Coudert...................... 2006 Celie Dehaene........................ 2005 Trish Deseine......................... 2006 Nicolas Despagne.................. 2006 Duchy Originals...................... 2006 El Ajilbe................................. 2004 Editions Epure........................ 2006 Lill Forsman........................... 2006 Morgan Freeman................... 2006 Ragnar Fridriksson................. 2006 Rafael Garcia Santos.............. 2006 Dun Gifford.................. 2003, 2006 Mohana Gill........................... 2006 Alex González........................ 2000

Carl Jan Granqvist.................. 2003 Richard Grausman................. 2000 Hainan Tropical Paradise....... 2006 Fatema Hal............................ 2003 Nobvo Hapada....................... 2006 Harumi Kurihara.................... 2005 Donna Hay............................. 2005 Ingela Holm........................... 2006 Hot Pepper............................ 2006 Nicola Humble....................... 2005 Madhur Jaffrey....................... 2005 Sophie Jayet Palomares......... 2004 Augusto Jurado...................... 2004 Siegmund Kahlbacher............ 2006 Armin Karrer.......................... 2001 Evert Kornmayer.................... 2005 Koch Schätzen 24.................. 2006 Aglaia Kremezi....................... 2005 Krenn.......................... 2004, 2006 Dr.Tran Ky.............................. 2006 Sara Labensky....................... 2005 Rudolf Lantschbauer.............. 2006 Larousse................................ 2006 Le Divellec............................. 2005 Le Cordon Bleu...................... 2005 Lee Chin Koon....................... 2003 Elizabeth Luard...................... 2006 Liz McGrath........................... 2003 Roland Mazere....................... 2003 Michelin................................. 2006 Migros................................... 2001 Ingrid Nilsson......................... 2002

Michel Oliver.......................... 2005 Sri Owen................................ 2005 Ruth Ozeki............................. 1999 Peru Mucho Gusto................. 2006 Lourdes Plana........................ 2006 Camila Plum.......................... 2006 Lionel Poilane........................ 2004 Port Culinaire......................... 2006 Claudia Roden............. 1999, 2005 Robert Rose........................... 2006 Sala Boi - Cambodia............... 2005 Javier Salas Salas................... 2006 Dr. Sánchez Romera.............. 2005 Sigloch................................... 2006 Amy Cyrex Sims..................... 2006 Art Smith..................... 2001, 2006 Marlena Spieler...................... 2002 Jeffrey Steingarten................. 1998 Klaus Styrbaek....................... 2006 Taunton Press........................ 2006 Temasek Business School...... 2003 Hervé This............................. 2006 Jorge Vale.............................. 2000 Vichy Catalan......................... 2004 Vinothek................................ 2006 V. Snaer Volundarsson............ 2006 Chef Wan..................... 2000, 2005 Chuck Williams...................... 1998 Johann Willsberger................. 2006 Paula Wolffert........................ 1998 Eve Marie Zizza...................... 2005

Each national jury can give one or more Special Awards of the Jury. Less than a third of the national competitions give out Special Awards. The winners do not compete again, and they are sure to be honoured on the stage if they come to the Best in the World yearly event. Each year, the International Jury also gives very few Special Awards for their career to authors, publishers and others.

1 Australia

2 Benin

A Frog in the Billabong Marie Paule Leroux

Saveurs du Benin et de la Sous Region. Tome 2 Valerie Vinakpon Photos: Valerie Vinakpon, Fortuné Gbaguidi

mariepauleleroux@our.net.au www.tasmania-conquest.com (Littlefox Press-Australia)

It is a funny book about 12 years in Tasmania by a french woman, the many faux-pas her husband and her did, the culture shock, the many encounters, the food and wine industry, her business in gourmet foods “Exquisite Flavors”. Above all it is a touching and well written testimony to the love of the author for Tasmania.

saveursdubenin@yahoo.fr www.saveursdafrique.com star_editions@yahoo.fr www.afrilivres.com (STAR Editions) The author is the region’s expert, and this book is now a classic. Volume 3 was published in April 2007. Volume 1 sold 10.000, Volume II reached 15.000. This could be the only reference cookbook on Benin. The author has done intenssive research in all regions of her country.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 149

11 SpecialAwardsoftheJury

Special AwardsoftheJury

3 Canada – English Aromas from Ghana An introduction to Ghanaian Cuisine Cynthia Agbozo ISBN: 978 0 973934281 henry@daysprings-publishing.com cythia@daysprings-publishing.com www.daysprings-publishing.com (Daysprings Publishing) Agbozo was born in the UK, brought up in Ghana, and lives now in Vancouver, Canada.

4 China

ISBN: 978-7-5019-5749-1 sheila@vip.sina.com bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (CHLIP)

11 SpecialAwardsoftheJury

In English and Chinese, delicious and healthy recipes from the father of Karen Mok, the Chinese star singer. It includes sections on recipes for nourishing, for beauty, for clearing heat, and recommendations for friends.


Les Secrets de Cuisine des Soeurs Scotto Michèle Carles Marianne Comolli Élisabeth Scotto Photographies: Édouard Sicot Stylisme: Marie-France Michalon

ISBN: 978 2842775933 HMAURICE@hachette-livre.fr (Le Chêne)

French cuisine today would not be the same without the three Scotto sisters and their very positive influence.

Selected Recipes for my Karen Alan Morris (Mok Tin Chi)


À Table, avec Moïse, Jésus et Mahomet 50 Recettes pour Partager le Pain et la Paix Jacques Le Divellec et Le Père Alain de la Morandais Avec la collaboration du Rabbin Haïm Korsia et de Malek Chebel


ISBN: 978 1 580087810 elizabeth@citizencake.com aaron@tenspeed.com kristin@tenspeed.com erika@tenspeed.com (Ten Speed) Bon Appetit Pastry chef of the Year 2006.

6 Germany

ISBN: 978 2 263041532 Contribution Litteraire: Gilles Dusouchet Mise au Point des Recettes: Sophie Brissaud Corrections: Anne Claire Juramie maitlandtj@aol.com Abraham@direct8.net Florence.bisch@placedesediteurs.com (Solar) Father de la Morandais is on French television Direct 8 with Rabbin Haïm Korsia and Malek Chebel for the talk show “The Children of Abraham – With Michelin Two Stars Chef Le Divellec, they have published this book to share bread and peace.

150 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Elizabeth Falkner’s Demolition Desserts: Recipes from Citizen Cake With Ann Krueger Spivack Photography: Frankie Frankeny Illustrations: Ryan Falkner

-Typisch Deutsch Jean Claude Bourgueil Photographer-Creative Director: Thomas Ruhl

ISBN: 978 3771643386 hauffg@vemag-medien.de info@ruhl-studios.de restaurant.imschiffchen@ t-online.de restaurant@im-schiffchen.de

(Fackeltrager) Three star restaurant Im Schiffchen, Dusseldorf.

8 Japan

-Küchenbibel Enzykopädie der Kulinaristik Hans-Joachim Rose ISBN: 978 3937963419 Info@tretorri.de Rosc-kastl@t-online.de www.tretorri.de (Tre Torri)

Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art, 25th Anniversary Edition, Revised by Shizuo Tsuji

The definitive kitchen bible.

Ms. Katharina Toebben Neuer Umschau Publishers Special Award of the Jury as Publisher of the Year Stefanie.simon@ugn.de

Thanks to Katharina Toebben, Umschau is ranked number 7 in the world as a culinary publisher, as can be seen in the lists of the Gourmand Yearbook 2008 (April 2008).Neuer Umschau is also the German publisher that has seen the greatest progress in quality.

The reference book on the technique and philosophy of Japanese cookery.

9 Norway

Entre hornos y recotos Blanca Chávez ISBN 9789972541711 jleuridanhuys@yahoo.es (Universidad San Martin de Porres) Local foods of Arequipa.

7 Italy

www.cadjamis.it www.libridagustare.it info@libridagustare.it www.arabafenicelibri.it secreteria@arabafenicelibri.it (Araba Fenice) The best historical recipes for black truffles are reproduced from old cookbooks on one page. On the next page, a very detailed modern recipe adapts the old one. These are some of the best written recipes we have ever seen. Congratulations!

ISBN: 9788205374058 (Gyldendal)

10 Peru

ISBN 978300235207 Tiziana.deidda @web.de www.parade-der-kulturen.de (Skyline Medien) 73 recipes from 34 countries.Over 700 pupils and 32 multicultural associations from Frankfurt participated.

Ingrids Matminner Ingrid Espelid Hovig Ingrid.hovig@gyldendal.no

The lady of Norway cookery is a best selling author.

Frankfurter kochbuch der kulturen

A Tavola con il Tartufo Nero Giovanna Ruo Berchera Coordinamento Editoriales: Claudia Ferraresi In collaborazione con el Centro Nazionale Studi Tartufo

ISBN: 978-4-7700-3049-8 Foreword by Ruth Reichl Préface by Yoshiki Tsuji cooking@tec-tsuji.com aa@kodansha.co.uk matsuno@kodansha-intl.co.jp (Kodansha International)

11 Poland

Grill Dishes Grill Show – DVD Maciej Kuron redakeja@kuron.com.pl wcala@ecgroup.com.pl www.kuron.com.pl www.kuzniapr.pl (Kuznia)

He is a television star, author of numerous cookbooks. He is a barbecue specialist, and has published 4 books on the art of the grill. He graduated from the Culinary Institute of America. His father is the highly respected Jacek Kuron, famous in Solidarnosc time, and created restaurants for people in need, creating the Kuroniowka Soup. The son is respected as a culinary expert, and presides many culinary juries.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 151

11 SpecialAwardsoftheJury

12 Spain – Castellano

14 USA

Semblanza de un Maestro: Don José María Busca Isusi, Anécdotas y Recetas Autor: Juan José Lapitz

The Silver Palate – 25th Anniversary Edition Full Color Julee Rosso and Sheila Lukins With Michael McLaughlin

fecoga@hotmail.com (Federación de Cofradias Gastronomicas-Fecoga) The President of Honor Juan José Lapitz of Fecoga has written this touching tribute to the great doctor and culinary expert D.José María Busca Isusi.

Cocinar a Ciegas Escuela de Hosteria de Leoia

ISBN: 978 07611 4597 4 ron@workman.com (Workman)

“Bravo Sheila and Julee”, Daniel Boulud “The Classic Standard”, Danny Meyer “This cookbook should be in every kitchen”, Eric Rippert “Julee and Sheila changed the cookbook world forever”, Ina Garten “Constant Inspiration”, Thomas Keller

11 SpecialAwardsoftheJury

ISBN: 978 8424171094 nmayoral@everest.es pcul@once.es rprensa-dircoi@once.es www.once.es (Everest) Sponsored by La ONCE, Basque Government, and Hospitality School of Leoia, Cooking for the Blind.

The Iraqi Family Cookbook From Mosul to America Kay Karim ISBN: 1424 3088 60 info@iraqifamilycookbook.com (Iraqi Family Cookbook) This is the first regional cookbook from Mosul.

La Dehesa de los Pedroches y el Cerdo Ibérico Gonzalo Sol Gasol1@comerenmadrid.com tiendapozoblanco@covap.es (Covap) Published by Cooperativa Andaluza Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches Córdoba.

13 United Arab Emirates

as a fundraiser.

The Goodwill Cookbook A Fund Raiser for the victims of the Indian Ocean Tsunami Brian O’Flynn Printed by International Printing Press (Zayed University-Dubai) brianoflynn@gmail.com This book was created in 2 weeks

152 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Delights from the Garden of Eden Nawal Nasrallah ISBN: 978 1403347930 nnasrallah@iraqicookbook.com (Author House) The author also translated into english the world famous annals of the Caliph’s Kitchen. See categories 18B-Arab and 37-Translations.


BestTelevision CelebrityCoobook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Greece – Vefa Alexiadou UK – Delia Smith (BBC) Japan – Katsuyo Kobayashi (Kodansha Intl.) UK – Jamie Oliver (Michel Joseph) Sweden – Markus Samuelsson (TV4)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Sweden – Tina Nordström (Natur Och Kultur) France – Babette-E.de Rozieres (Didier Carpentier) China – CCTV (CHLIP) China – China Food Network (Qing Dao Publishing)

1 Argentina

4 Canada – English

Mariscos al Uso del Maestro de Cocina Ariel Palacios

Pure Food. How to shop, cook and have fun in your kitchen everyday Christine Cushing

ISBN: 978 9500833707 sportorrico@atlantida.com.ar mbanyik@atlantida.com.ar (Atlántida-Argentina)

The chef is extremely popular on television in Argentina, and now in Spain with “El Toque Ariel” on Antena 3 television. He trained at the best french cookery schools, with a Grand Diplome from Le Cordon Bleu, and at Lenotre.

The author is the star of the Canadian Food Network.

2 Australia

Garden Feast Melissa King ISBN: 978 07333 17644 White.liz@abc.net.au (ABC Books) The author is a horticulturalist, gardening writer and television presenter.

ISBN: 978 1552859018 cclive@rogers.com tarynb@whitecap.ca www.christinecushing.com (Whitecap)

5 Canada – French

Pasta et Cetera À La Di Stasio Josée di Stasio Photos: Jean Longpre ISBN: 978 2 890773301 Josee.distasio@sympatico.ca longprephoto@videotron.ca lloiselle@flammarion.qc.ca (Flammarion Quebec)

The author offers the best souvenirs of Italy filming for her shows, with simple and pleasure recipes.

3 Brazil Santas Receitas Sonia Abrao ISBN: 978 857 3125368 camila@editoragente.com.br gente@editoragente.com.br claudia@editoragente.com.br www.editoragente.com.br www.uol.com.br/Soniaabrao (Gente) There are dozens of recipes with Saints names, with much traditional Brasilian cookery. The author is a famous host of Brazilian Rede-TV. With each recipe, there is the corresponding prayer: this is the first time worldwide we see it.

6 Chile

Cocina Dulce Carlo von Mühlenbrock ISBN: 956 1218186 cvonm@med.puc.cl www.zigzag.cl (Editorial Zigzag-Chile) The leading celebrity chef in Chile.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 153

12 BestTelevisionCelebrityCookbook

We have here 24 books competing, against 14 in 2006 and 15 in 2005. Cookbooks are now published for most television food shows, which are more and more numerous worldwide.

7 China

11 Greenland

Lin Yi Lun Cookbook (Century-Wave)

ISBN: 7-121-03484-0 zlts@phei.com.cn dbqq@phei.com.cn sjb@phei.com.cn www.century-wave.com www.linyilun.com

A Fashion cookbook by a film and television star, for young trendy cookbook buyers, it was already featured as an illustration of new Chinese cookbook trends on page 37 of the Gourmand Yearbook 2007.

Kokkaa vartissa Cook in 15 minutes Sami Garam

12 BestTelevisionCelebrityCookbook

ISBN: 978-952-492-081-0 www.minervakustannus.fi jorma.mahlanen@ minervakustannus.fi (Minerva Kustannus)

Les P’tits Plats de Babette à la téle Babette de Rozieres Butin Photos: Alexandre Rety

10 Germany

Lafer! Lichter! Lecker! Die Etwas Andere Kochschule

Zaike Ka Safar 100 Best of Jiggs Kalra By Pushpesh Pant and Zorawar Kalra ISBN: 978 81 84241234 printdiv@alliedpublishers.com (Allied Publishers)

The energy of the Indian culinary star shines through the ample diversity of Indian recipes in the book.

13 Netherlands

Bereik én Behoud Je Ideale Gewicht! Sonja Bakker Illustrations: L.Heijn, P.Janswaard

ISBN: 978 2 841675210 tabledebabette@wanadoo.fr P_Moyse@club-internet.fr editions@editions-carpentier.com (Didier Carpentier) She now has the prestige restaurant La Table de Babette, at the same location of the previous Jamin of Joel Robuchon.

Hardenberg operates a greenlandic food take out in Nuuk.

Easy recipes for busy family, or singles by the television and radio chef Sami Garam.

9 France

ISBN: 8755818803 www.atuakkiorfik.gl Fax: 299322500 ansohardenberg@greennet.gl (Atuakkiorfik)

12 India

8 Finland

Igassat Anne Sophie Hardenberg

ISBN: 978 9078211006 www.sonjabakker.nl info@sonjabakker.nl (Zonnestraal)

Total sales of the 3 books of the author are over 500.000 since May 2005.

14 Norway

Smak av Krydder Andreas Viestad Andreas.viestad@chello.no Photos: Mette Randem

ISBN: 978 3898831505 reissaus@zsverlag.de bruenink@zsverlag.de (Zabert Sandmann) Most interesting layout.

154 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


ISBN: 978 8252566635 Anne.soyland@cappelen.no Mette.randem@dagbladet.no (Cappelen)

Thailand, Zanzibar, India, South Africa, Oman, Iran, Malaysia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, La Reunion, Pakistan, Mozambique.

15 Panama

18 Spain – Castellano

Rumba Gourmet, La Nueva Cocina Panameña Cuquita Arias de Calvo

Cocina Cada Dia con Corazón. Todas las recetas del programa RTVE. Por la mañana. Inés Ballester

ISBN: 9962 02 9619 cuquita@calvo.org prod.cuquita@cableonda.net www.alestilocuquita.com (Al Estilo de Cuquita) This is the third cookbook of the author.

www.temasdehoy.es rgonzalez@temasdehoy.es ISBN: 978 8484606376 (Temas de Hoy) This thick book of 638 pages has all the recipes of the television morning show hosted by Inés Ballester, a star in Spain.

19 Spain – Catalan

The Table with Unbroken Legs Stol z niepowylamywanymi Nogami Piotr Bikont, Robert Maklowicz

ISBN 9788324008025 www.kuchnia.mckornik.com www.maklowicz.tvp.pl – szczurek@znak.com.pl (Znak)

published three cookbook.

20 Sweden Solens smak: nya matresor till Italien The taste of sun: new Italian foodtravels Bo Hagström Peter Anders Rudelius www.damm.se christina.nemell@formapg.se bo.hagstrom@vxu.se (Damm Förlag AB)

17 South Africa

ISBN: 9781770074545 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za – raw@highveld.co.za (Struik) A unique cookbook, fun, and excellent recipes, with mouth watering stories. One author is the most succesful radio presenter in the country and the other is a best-selling author. The unusual title shows how the book is. Jeremy is Nelson Mandela’s Honorary Grandson.

ISBN: 84-7871 8095 Egoixens.s.@tv3.cat www.tv3.cat (La Magrana) The young star chef of Catalan television TV3 has already

Robert Maklowicz is a television celebrity, a famous food writer and promoter of Slow Food. His series “culinary journeys” is a success.

ZHOOZSH Jeremy and Jacqui Mansfield Foreword by Billy Gallagher, Honorary President of South African Chefs Association. Foreword by Terry Volkwyn Editor: Cecilia Barfield Publisher: Linda de Villiers

La Cuina de l’Isma Els Menus Clàssics Isma Prados

Bo Hagström has transformed his charming television program into a lively book.

21 Switzerland – German

So koche ich jeden Tag Meine schönsten neuen TVRezepte Anne Marie Wildeisen Photos:Andreas Fahmi

ISBN: 978-3-03800-338-0 a.wildeisen@koch-magazin.ch fahrniandreas@bluewin.ch Urs.hunziker@azag.ch Esther.rothacher@azag.ch ISBN: 978-3-03800-296-3 (At Verlag-Switzerland)

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 155

12 BestTelevisionCelebrityCookbook

16 Poland

22 UK

24 USA

Great British Village Show Cookbook James Martin

Tangy, Tart, Hot and Sweet: A World of Recipes for Every Day Padma Lakshmi

ISBN: 978 1405320801 www.jamesmartinchef.co.uk limelight.management@virgin.net press@uk.dk.com (Dorling Kindersley)

The sights and sounds of a traditional English summer, from a BBC Prime time series started in April 2007, for eight weeks.

23 United Arab Emirates

12 BestTelevisionCelebrityCookbook

(Park Lane Publishers)

Super indian Cookbook IV, Starters, Salads, Snacks Rakesh Puri Photos: Anish Pandya Foreword by Chef Uwe Micheel President, Emirates Culinary Guild epsllc@emirates.net.ae info@Parklanedubai.com geeshah@gmail.com telelife@eim.ae

Extremely popular book in Dubai, with several editions. The author is a noted food connoisseur. He has hosted cookery shows on Zee TV and ARY.

156 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 1602660063 info@padmalakshmi.com (Weinstein Books)

The author won in 1999 a World Cookbook Award in Versailles for her first book “Easy Exotic”. She is now host of TV top chef, with great success. This book is very personal, which was part of the appeal of the first one.


BestWoman ChefBook 2003 Luxembourg – Lea Linster 2004 France – Anne Sophie Pic 2005 Canada – Diane Tremblay (Le Privilège)

2006 Austria – Joahanna Meier (Collection Rolf Heyne) Barbados – Laurel Ann Morley (Morley)

There is a slow increase in the number of star women chefs. It is most interesting to compare their books to men chefs books. The women books take usually obvious care of the reader.

1 Austria

4 Germany

Das Essen Zum Wein Lisl Wagner-Bacher

Das Grosse Sarah Wiener Kochbuch

ISBN: 978 3902 469090 office@d-r.at info@landhaus-bacher.at (Edition A La Carte-D+R Verlagsges)

The chef from Wachau has two Michelin stars.

ISBN: 978 3426643631 www.sarahwieners.de info@sarahwiener.de lammertz@sarahwiener.de (Droemer Knaur) The Berlin star at Das Speisezimmer,

2 Cayman Cook’in Little Cayman Gladys B. Howard eglitcay@candw.ky www.islandslife.com (Pirate’s Point) Charity cookbook for the National Trust, by the impresario/owner of Pirate’s Point Ressort.

5 Greenland

Igassat Anne Sophie Hardenberg ISBN: 8755818803 www.atuakkiorfik.gl Fax: 299322500 ansohardenberg@greennet.gl (Atuakkiorfik) Hardenberg operates a greenlandic food take out in Nuuk.

6 India 3 France

Mangez Breizh Nathalie Beauvais Accords Mets et Vins Arnaud Beauvais Photos: Pierre Pelletier ISBN: 978 2952809818 jardingourmandlorient@yahoo.fr (Editions Nathalie Beauvais)

Her previous book won the Gourmand Best in the World Award for local cuisine, again for Brittany-Breizh.

Feast of Love: 50 Classic Menus Bhicoo Manekshaw ISBN: 0670999393 look@aschishchawla.com jo.lusby@cn.penguingroup.com (Penguin India)

The celebrity chef is now with Basil and Thyme, the well known restaurant in Delhi where she creates and supervises the cuisine. The book is about her life stories, with great home and entertaining recipes. The author is now in her eighties, and full of creative energy.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 157

13 BestWomanChefBook

and Hamburger Bahnhof.

13 BestWomanChefBook

7 Peru

10 UK

Astrid Gutsche Nuestro Grande Chef

Angela Hartnett’s Cucina: Three generations of Italian family cooking

ISBN: 978 9972217821 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

Restaurants Astrid-Gaston and T’Anta, she may be the most creative chef in Peru.

11 USA Out of the Frying Pan: A Chef’s Memoir of Hot Kitchens, Single Motherhod, and the Family Meal Gillian Clark

9 Switzerland – German

esther.rothacher@azag.ch ISBN: 978 3 03800 296 3 (AT Verlag)

The author is one of the very few British women who won a Michelin star, at Menu at the Connaught Hotel in 2004. She opened Cielo Restaurant in Boca Raton in 2007. She filmed for BBC TV in 2007.

Karin Franssons sju årstider Seven Seasons of Karin Fransson Karin Fransson

Karin Fransson is one of the six Leading Ladies of World Cuisine, her restaurant is among the best in Sweden, every week on national radio. She runs a countryside hotel with a great restaurant and an inspiring herbs garden.

egriffiths@randomhouse.co.uk stownsend@randomhouse.co.uk ISBN: 978 00919 10273 (Ebury)

8 Sweden

ISBN: 978-91-518-4744-3 www.prismabok.se susanna.romanus@norstedts.se info@hotellborgholm.com (Prisma)

Tanja Grandits Aroma Pur Meine Leichte Weltküche Photos: Michael Wissing ISBN: 978 3 03800324 3 m.wissing@t-online.de tanja.grandits@thurtal.ch info@thurtal.ch urs.hunziker@azag.ch www.thurtal.ch

The author is the chef at restaurant Thurtal in Eschikofen. The book gives the best of 15 years of healthy cookery. The Women Cook of the year 2006 (Gault-Millau). Seasons recipes from different cultures .

158 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 0312 366933 Dori.weintraub@stmartins.com Erin.brown@stmartins.com (Thomas Dunne Books)

The nationally known chef runs the Colorado kitchen restaurant in Washington, DC. Tel: 12025458280


BestFrench CuisineBook 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Le Cordon Bleu ® US – Maguy Le Coze – Eric Rippert (Doubleday) US – Patricia Wells (Workman) UK – New Zealand – David Burton (Faber and Faber) Japan – Le Cordon Bleu ® (NHK Publishing)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Australia – Stephanie Alexander (Penguin-Viking) Japan – Le Cordon Bleu ® (Bunka) Germany – Jörg Zipprick, Joerg Lehmann (Gräfe und Unzer) Australia – Shannon Bennett (Simon Schuster) Spain – Andre Bonaire (Montagud)

French Cookery has been succesful in building its image and convincing it can be both classic and modern, with healthy techniques and products, appealing to the global palate, thanks to great high cuisine, regional and new recipes. A very small minority of these books are written by french writers residing outside France, most are written by non-french.

Pastelería Base Osvaldo Gross ISBN: 978 987 5880320 www.utilisima.com webmaster@utilisima.com.ar info@iag.com.ar (Utilisima) The author is chef patissier of IAG, the Argentina Institute of Gastronomy.

3 Belgium – Dutch

Ciel Bleu Eigenzinnige Franse Keuken Hotel Okura Amsterdam Onno Kokmeijer Jurriaan Geldermans Photos: Stephane Verheye, Olivier Chenoix, Joris Luyten

ISBN: 978 905856220-3 Karel.puype@stichtingkuntsboek.nl info@jorisluyten.be info@stephaneverheye.be (Stichting Kunstboek) The star chef of Hotel Okura has a special personal view on french cookery.

2 Australia

4 Brazil

Paris on a Plate A Gastronomic Diary Stephen Downes

Diccionario de Termos de Gastronomia Francés-Portugués Helen Helene Preface de Laurent Suaudeau

ISBN: 978-1740 458818 downes@swiftdsl.com.au jacquis@murdochbooks.com.au (Murdoch Books-Australia)

An honest account of 12 days in Paris, underlining the strength and weakness of Parisian foods, the high cuisine and the bistrot,the fun and the surprises.

ISBN: 85 7555 112 4 editora@boccato.com.br maira@boccato.com.br opiniao@laurent.com.br livro@laurent.com.br (Editora Boccato-Editora Gaia)

Dictionary of culinary words in Portuguese and French, including wines.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 159

14 BestFrenchCuisineBook

1 Argentina

5 Canada – English New World Provence Modern French Cooking for Friends and Family Alessandra and Jean François Quaglia Photos: Hamid Attie

ISBN: 978 1 551522234 hamidattie@shaw.ca shyla@arsenalpulp.ca (Arsenal Pulp)

8 Iceland

Saelkeraferd um Frakkland 135 Uppskriffir ad Haming Junni A Franska Visu Edafar af Sigridur Gunnardsdóttor Myndadar af Silja Sallé ISBN: 978 9979 768944 Karim.dahmane@free.fr (Salka)

France food and tourism by an icelandic woman living in France for thirty years.

Two restaurants in Vancouver.

14 BestFrenchCuisineBook

6 Finland

9 Japan

Näin Me Keitämme This is How we Cook Dr.Antti Heikkila Photos: Ofer Amir

La Cuisine Française – Expression de Légèreté Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Chef at Koube Kitano Hotel, Koube Photos: Takeharu Hioki

ISBN: 978 952 5421 378 Antti.heikkila@ppb.inet.fi offer@oferamir.com info@rasalas.fi (Rasalas)

The model of the recipes is the french way of eating. The doctor is an orthopaedic surgeon and a pain doctor who has successfully treated pain patients by changing their diet. He has published 3 previous diet related bestsellers.

Light french cooking, by a great chef who trained with Bernard Loiseau.

7 German

À Table! Die Wunderbaren Rezepte Meiner Französischen Familie Murielle Rousseau Illustrations: Martin Vian Photography: Horst Hamann

ISBN: 978-3-8067-2959-7 Roussm1@aol.com post@mtamdiect.net Katrin.heinen@gerstenberg-verlag.de Ina.feist@gerstenberg-verlag.de (Gerstenberg) The author has her own public relations company for publishers. Her French family was from Segonzac, capital of Grande Champagne of Cognac, where cognac Frapin has its headquarters. For the author her French grandmother was “the best cook in the world”! The 75 recipes come from her French father and grandmother, in a delightful book. Extremly well illustrated and designed. The book will come out in Poland (Propaganda Publishers) and in English. It sells very well in German. Volume 2 on desserts and sweets will come out in 2008.

160 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 9784 388060245 nabekura@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

10 Peru Cocina Novoandina: Quinua

ISBN: 997 2269736 adalmau@cordonbleuperu. edu.pe informes@cordonbleuperu. edu.pe creativa.central@gmail.com www.cordonbleuperu.edu.pe (Le Cordon Bleu – Peru)

This is the first of a series of books applying french culinary techniques to the national products of Peru. Le Cordon Bleu also published in Korea in 2005 a cookbook about Kimchi with the same concept.

11 Singapore

13 UK

French Classics Modern Kitchen Aun Koh Chef Julien Bompard Photos: Jörg Sundermann

Chocolate and Zucchini Clotilde Dusoulier ISBN: 978 0714531403 catheryn@marionboyars.com www.chocolateandzucchini.com (Broadway-US, Marion Boyars-UK)

ISBN: 978 9814155953 aun@atemedia.com i@jorgsundermann.com melisateo@edmbooks.com.sg joanna@edmbooks.com.sg (Editions Didier Millet)

Daily adventures in a parisian kitchen, the 2007 bestseller. The world best food blog, according to the Observer Food monthly.

Restaurant Saint Julien in Singapore made famous Julien Bompard. He trained with Alain Dutournier at Carre des Feuillants, 14 rue de Castiglione, 75001 Paris.Tel.33142868282. One of 5 best in Paris in 2008.

Långkok Slow cooking Jens Linder ISBN: 978-91-0-011209-7 www.albertbonniersforlag.se sara.nystrom@abforlag. bonnier.se jens.linder@vattnet.com (Albert Bonniers Förlag)

There are two cooking techniques; the Chinese and the French. This is a masterpiece in the French tradition of slow cooking.

14 USA

The Country Cooking of France Anne Willan Photographs: France Ruffenach ISBN: 978 0 8118 46462 mail@lavarenne.com france@franceruffenach.com publicity@chroniclebooks.com bill_leblond@chroniclebooks.com (Chronicle)

This is a masterpiece. For french cookbooks expertize, see books consulted page 391.

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 161

14 BestFrenchCuisineBook

12 Sweden



15:40 Uhr

Seite 1


Poster collection

Culinary books

Edition Port Culinaire by Thomas Ruhl info@port-culinaire.de • www.port-culinaire.de


BestItalian CuisineBook 1999 2000 2001 2002

US – (MacMillan) Germany – Manuela Zardo, Helmut Zwecker (Hugendubel) Switzerland-Armin Röttele (At Verlag) US – Mario Batali (Clarkson Potter)

2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Gennaro Contaldo (Headline) Austria – Emanuela Stramana (Seehamer) Argentina – Donato de Santis (Bonum) UK – Giorgio Locatelli (Harper Collins)

The international publishing of Italian cookbooks is strongly expanding again. Approximately half of these books are written by writers of italian origin residing abroad.

Soffritto: A Delicious Ligurian Memoir By Lucio Galletto, David Dale Photos: Paul Green ISBN: 978 1 74175 0768 ritz@bigpond.net.au lucios@bigpond.com pgphoto@bigpond.net.au lisab@allenandunwin.com (Allen and Unwin)

4 Canada – French

Pasta et Cetera A La Di Stasio Josée di Stasio Photos: Jean Longpre ISBN: 978 2 890773301 Josee.distasio@sympatico.ca longprephoto@videotron.ca lloiselle@flammarion.qc.ca (Flammarion Québec)

The author offers the best souvenirs of Italy filming for her shows, with simple and pleasure recipes.

From the restaurant in Paddington, Sydney to the culinary roots in Italy in the undiscovered region in Liguria.

2 Brazil

A la Napolitana Depoimento de Antonio Buonerba Da Cantina Jardim de Napoli

ISBN: 85 7555 1191 editora@boccato.com.br jnapoli@hipernet.com.br maira@boccato.com.br (Editora Boccato – Editora Gaia) A great book about one of the best italian restaurants in Brazil.

5 Denmark

6 Estonia

ISBN: 978 155 3652519 Kim.mancini@douglasmcintyre.com pino@cioppinosyaletown.com (Douglas McIntyre)

ISBN: 9788741364827 lhc@kroghsforlag.dk rieboberg@versilia.toscana.it www.rieboberg.it (Thaning Appel)

The author has been for many years living in Tuscany. She has written two other books on Italian cheeses, and olive oil.

3 Canada – English Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill Pino Posterano Foreword by Gerard Boyer

Mit Toscana Rie Boberg

Dolce Vita Anneli Viik ISBN: 978 9949138890 anneli@anneliviik.ee (Manfred) Italian food is very attractive as a symbol of a sweet life.

Vancouver Restaurant.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 163

15 BestItalianCuisineBook

1 Australia

7 Finland Aglio-Olio Saku Tuominen ISBN: 978 9513140618 saku@broadcasters.fi sinikka.partanen@tammi.fi (Tammi)

11 Netherlands

Cucina della Mamma Simme Moeders Koken Italiana Clara ten Houte de Lange ISBN: 978 9043910088 tirion@tirionuitgevers.nl (Tirion)

Pasta driven book, with Chez Dominique.

12 Poland 8 Germany

15 BestItalianCuisineBook

Kulturgeschichte der italienische Küche Peter Peter

The author is a teacher in Livorno Italy, at the Instituto Technico di Hotel Manager. He has been a chef for 25 years, including 5 in Poland.

9 Japan

13 Spain – Castellano

Non Solo Italiano Taeko Fortunati

Las Mejores Pizzas del Mundo Fabián Martín Photos: Carlos González Armesto

ISBN: 978 4861912542 www.byakuya-shobo.co.jp tfortunati.exblog.jp (Byakuya Shobo)

info@fabian-martin.com carlosgonzalezarmesto@ hotmail.com higueras@planeta.es ISBN: 978 8408071051 (Planeta)

Northern Italy table.Ultra popular blog topic.

10 Malaysia

Miriano’s Cooking Kuchnia Miriano By Miriano Baldacci tilosz@compinet.pl anix@baobab.net.pl hurt@olesiejuk.pl www.baobab.home.pl ISBN: 83 8964260-3 (Baobab)

ISBN: 3406550630 Raimund.bezold@beck.de pietropietro@web.de (CH Becks)

The history of the Italian cooking seen by a very Italian angle. Pleasant layout with lots of illustrations, a reference book.

Pasta from my Italy Chef Federico Michieletto Illustrations: Joanne Lee Ya Chern Photos: Suan I Lim

ISBN: 978 9833318407 (Marshall Cavendish) federico@ttrb.com.my suanlim@pc.jaring.my joannelee@my.marshallcavendish.com manjula@my.marshallcavendish.com cassychan@my.marshallcavendish.com The best italian chef in Malaysia is vice president of the Chef Association of Malaysia, and executive chef at Sunway Lagoon Avanti’s Restaurant.

164 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

The Chef has won the World Greatest Pizza Award. His atelier-restaurant is the best pizza restaurant in Spain for PMQ Magazine.

14 Sweden Mina fastrars mat The food of my aunts Paolo Roberto

ISBN: 978-91-0-011087-1 www.albertbonniersforlag.se sara.nystrom@abforlag.bonnier.se (Albert Bonniers Förlag)

Former professional boxer and television host Paulo Roberto expresses his love to the Italian part of his family.

16 USA

Fantastico! Modern Italian Food Gino D’Acampo

Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen Gina DePalma Foreword: Mario Batali

ISBN: 978 1856 267441 Michelle.rowley@kyle-cathie.com www.ginodacampo.com www.jeremyhicks.com (Kyle Cathie) Easy Everyday Italian.

ISBN: 978 0393061000 office@wwnorton.co.uk (Norton) American Italian desserts at their best, from the great New York restaurant.

15 BestItalianCuisineBook

15 UK

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 165

ALAIN DUTOURNIER “My Cusine” published by Albin Michel

Le Carré des Feuillants Restaurant Relais Gourmands 14 rue de Castiglione 75001 Paris Tel: +33 1 42868282 Pinxo Restaurant Rue d’Alger – Angle de la rue Mont Thabor 75001 Paris

With memories and respect for elegant traditions, this work brings us new sensations through masterful innovation. Taking us through a world of beauty and quality, Alain Dutournier enriches his recipes with personal anecdotes, declaring his passion for fine dining, conviviality and the love of his origins. With his experienced palate of reference, he solidifies each dish with a justified and often unexpected choise of wine.

Wine cellars Les Caves de Marly 29 bis Route de Versailles 78560 Port-Marly France

Alain Dutournier As a child from the pyrenean mountain torrents and the river Adour, I learnt from an early age to respect an appreciate The authenticity of products. The Pyrénées, the ocean and the forest have given to me this passion for genuine “flavour picker” And the vocation for cookery. If tradition is my first source of inspiration, The simple idea of making you happy Is certainly the second.


BestLatino CuisineBook 2000 2001 2002 2003

US – Douglas Rodriguez (Ten Speed) US – Guillermo Pernot (Running Press) US – Richard Sandoval (Stewart, Tabori, Chang) US – Maria Baez Kijac (Harvard Common Press)

2004 US – Josefa Gonzalez Hastings (U. Press of Florida) 2005 US – Daisy Martinez (Hyperion) 2006 US – Deborah Schneider (Rodale)

Latino cuisine is not expanding outside the US, except maybe in North-Western Europe. There were great expectations at the end of last century, which are yet to be fulfilled.

Latinoamerica Smag Behag Latinoamerica Sabores Saberes Ana Piazzetta Photos: Leonardo Liberman ISBN: 978 8792064011 camilla@skjoedtforlag.dk libermanleo@gmail.com ana.piazetta@gmail.com

3 Spain – Castellano

Sabores de Ensueño Martha Chapa ISBN: 978 8424184834 www.marthachapa.net estudiodemartachapa@prodigy. net.mx nmayoral@everest.es publicaciones@everest.es (Everest)

info@schavelzon.com (Skjørdt) Bilingual in Danish and Spanish.

2 Netherlands


Cantina, de Mexicaanse Keuken Monique van Esch, Jean-Pierre Vincken

Mexican Light Kris Rudolph English and Spanish

ISBN: 978 9076218694 info@millerbooks.nl www.millerbooks.nl (Miller Books)

ISBN: 97815744121185 culadv@unisong.net.mx www.unt.edu rchrisman@unt.edu

(University of North Texas Press) Mexican Cookery. Kris Rudolf gives cooking classes “La Cocina Cooking School”. She owns “El Buen Café” in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She has written 2 cookbooks.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 167

16 BestLatinoCuisineBook

1 Denmark


BestMediterranean CuisineBook 2000 2001 2002 2003

France – Alain Ducasse, François Simon (Assouline) Spain – Jose Carlos Capel (Spam) France – Mourad Mazouz (Marabout) Greece – Mirsini Lambraki (Ellinika Grammata) Turkey – Engin Akin (S.Bank) UK – Claudia Roden (BBC Books) US – Nancy Harmon Jenkins (Harper Collins)

2004 France – Alain Ducasse (Alain Ducasse) 2005 Spain – Nova Cuina Catalana (Buffet Ambigu) 2006 The Netherlands – V. Besançon (Terra)

The mediterranean diet has won. The general public seems to want to differentiate between the different areas of the Mediterranean, with more local or regional books in demand.

frieder.blickle@t-online.de (Folio Verlag)

Meine Südtiroler Küche Alpin-Mediterrane Genüsse Herbert Hintner Photos: Frieder Blickle ISBN: 978 385256 3718 www.folioverlag.com righi@folioverlag.com ruedisser@folioverlag.com augschoell@folioverlag.com info@zur-rose.com – thurner@folioverlag.com

3 Canada – English

Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill Pino Posterano Foreword by Gerard Boyer ISBN: 978 155 3652519 Kim.mancini@douglasmcintyre.com pino@cioppinosyaletown.com (Douglas McIntyre)

Vancouver Restaurant.

Alpine-Mediterranean cuisine from the German speaking area of Italy mountains, by a star chef.

2 Brazil

Brasil A Dois: Encontro da Gastronomia Catalã com a Brasileira Author: Javier and Sergio Torres Martínez Photos: Cláudio Wakahara, Antonio Carcos de Ângelo

ISBN: 85 73595124 cocinatorres@yahoo.es aangelo@sp.senac.br claudio@julioabe.com.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.alambuja@sp.senac.br (Senac-São Paulo)

4 France

La Mediterranée des Saveurs Touria Agourram Françoise Gallo Photos: Philippe Asset ISBN: 978 2226169617 Touria.agourram@free.fr Françoise.gallo@free.fr Phil.asset@wanadoo.fr Laure.paoli@albin-michel.fr Bruno.giraud-heraud@

wanadoo.fr (Albin Michel) Foreword by Bruno Giraud-Heraut, Delegué Géneral du Conservatoire International des Cuisines Mediterraneennes.

The twin catalan brothers worked in the kitchen of the Senac University Centre to bring together in this book 7 of their original recipes, 20 traditional catalan recipes, 25 brasilian recipes.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 169

17 BestMediterraneanCuisineBook

1 Austria

5 Greece Mediterranean and Eponymous Giorgos Panagiotidis Panagiotis Beltzinitis

9 Poland

ISBN 8389642603 tilosz@compinet.pl anix@baobab.net.pl hurt@olesiejuk.pl www.baobab.home.pl (Baobab)

ISBN: 978 9604429790 aastrinaki@ ellinikagrammata.gr (Ellinika Grammata) A beautiful coffee table reference book with the best of modern Greek chefs.

6 Italy

17 BestMediterraneanCuisineBook

The author is a teacher in Livorno Italy, at the Instituto Technico di Hotel Manager. He has been a chef for 25 years, including 5 in Poland.

La Cucina Ebraica Tripolina Linda Guetta Hassan Fotografie di Wichy Hassan Prefazione: Homos Guetta

ISBN: 978 8888 716 824 www.galluccieditore.com info@galluccieditore.com (Gallucci)

10 Spain – Castellano Los Aceites de Oliva en la Gastronomía del Siglo XXI Academia Española de Gastronomía Presidente: Rafael Ansón Dirección Editorial: Raquel López Varela Coordinación Editorial: Ángeles Llamazares Álvarez Fotografías: Mikel Alonso

The author left Libya in 1967 and lives in Rome. She has 4 grandchildrem to whom she dedicated the book. This is a rare and an unusal book on the jewish recipes of Lybia, beautifully illustrated.

7 Lebanon

Miriano’s Cooking Kuchnia Miriano By Miriano Baldacci

Anahid’s Gourmet Cookbook Mrs. Anahid Doniguian academia@dm.net.lb www.carla4diet.com ISBN: 9953373477 (Academia-Lebanon)

ISBN: 84-241 84 84-x comunicación@everest.es info@academiagrastronomia.com www.academiagastronomia.com (Everest) This is a reference book with recipes by the most famous chefs in Spain, plus all information about olive oil. A masterpiece.

Also available in English. More than 800 recipes.

11 Spain – Catalan 8 Netherlands

Pesto – Tapenade Heerlijke Gerechten Met Een Mediterraan Titje Francis van Arkel

ISBN: 978 905 920 5499 info@veltman-uitgevers.nl (Veltman Uitgevers)

Mediterranean ingredients.

170 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

La Cuina Empordanesa de les Mestresses de Peralada Salvador Garcia-Arbós cossetania@cossetania.com www.cossetania.com ISBN: 978 8497 912860 (Cossetania)

The recipes all have won an award in the local culinary competition from 1992 to 2006. There is also a presentation of local culinary history and products, focusing on the products, with an excellent report on the local wines, which are excellent.

16 USA

12 Sweden Afrodites Skafferi The kitchen of Afrodite Inger Svanborg

ISBN: 978-91-518-4735-1 www.prismabok.se susanna.romanus@ norstedts.se (Prisma)

From Crete and other Greek islands, Inger Swanborg brings you the best of Greece cuisine.

The Lebanese Kitchen Monique Bassila Zaarour ISBN: 978 1566566421 info@moniquebassilazaarour.com www.interlinkbooks.com info@interlinkbooks.com michel@interlinkbooks.com (Interlink)

The author is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, a writer, nutritionist and expert on healthy eating.

13 Switzerland – French Les 1001 Façons de l’Apprêter la Tomate. Lionel Lévy

17 BestMediterraneanCuisineBook

ISBN: 978 2 8289 09628 www.editionsfavre.com (Editions Favre) edfavre@span.ch


The author is the chef of the Marseille restaurant “Une Table au Sud”.

14 UK Modern Mezze Anissa Helou

ISBN: 978 184400461 4 clare@quadrille.co.uk ah@anissas.com (Quadrille)

More than a cookbook, it offers a fascinating insight into this style of eating that is becoming increasingly popular in the west.

15 United Arab Emirates

A Taste of Arabia Jessie Kirkness Parker Food Photography: Trevor Vaughan

ISBN: 978 9948 431138 jessiekp@yahoo.com www.jerboabooks.com

(Jerboa Books) Recipes from Arabia and beyond. The author has 25 years experience in the Middle East as a writer and stylist.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 171

LET YOUR BOOK STAND OUT!! Promote your award Join the stars

The same selfadhesive sticker is used to increase immediate recognition by the public. It is a label of quality. You benefit from belonging to the family of star books which have won in the past. Gourmand makes selfadhesive stickers available in sheets of 15. Minimum order is 100, which is useful for author signings, gifts and souvenirs. Cost goes down with quantity. Many orders come quickly after the awards to sell the remaining books on the strongth of the media attention when the book wins. It is also possible to buy a license for a flat fee to use the Gourmand logo. This is recommended for reprints and new printings. This is the easiest and most cost–efficient way to use the Gourmand winner logo.


BestAsian CuisineBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

China (Electronics Industry Publishing House) CD-Rom Japan – (NHK Publishing) UK – Ken Hom, Karine Ash (BBC) US – Martin Yan (Bay Books) US – Corinne Trang (Simon Schuster)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Emi Kazuko, Yasuko Fukuoka (Lorenz) UK – Sri Owen (Quadrille) UK – Terri Tan (Jacqui Small) Vietnam – Didier Corlou (Sofitel) Singapore – Christophe Megel (Periplus) China – R. Lantschbauer, S. Kahlbacher (Vinothek)

Asian cuisine is the fastest growing of all cuisines, offering cheap, easy recipes with much diversity. It can be as hot as latino cuisine, and high cuisine as the French. It is considered as healthier than most. See also categories 18A-Chinese and 18B-Arab.

4 Belgium – Dutch

Cocine con Wok Lee T.Furikake Photos: Fernando Ansotegui ISBN: 987 950 768 5705 mtcarbano@imaginador.com.ar (Imaginador)

ISBN: 978 9020970036 Toni.deconinck@uit.be Leduc.studio44@pandora.be Stefanie.deblaere@lannoo.be Johan.ghysels@lannoo.be lannoo@lannoo.be – brussels@blueelephant.co (Lannoo) Restaurant La Porte des Indes, Brussels.

5 China

2 Australia

The Complete Book of Modern Asian Australian Women’s Weekly

ISBN: 978 1863965934 random@randomhouse.com.au media@randomhouse.com.au (Random House Australia)

A Definitive reference book.

Puur India John Hellon Photo: Tony Leduc


Shoujie Quan Guo Zhong Can Jineng Chuangxin Dasai Huojiang Zuopin Jijin Competition Dishes ISBN: 7-5436-3910-6 (Qing Dao Publishing House)

The Chinese Cuisine Association Competition brings together the best of Chinese chefs. Over 600 dishes are photographed, showing beautiful styling.

3 Austria

6 Dubai

Die Asiatische Küche Die 350 Besten Rezepte Zwischen Orient und Fernost Sohyi Kim – Christoph Wagner Fotografiert: Luzia Ellert

Superindian Cookbook IV, Starters, Salads, Snacks Rakesh Puri Photos: Anish Pandya Foreword by Chef Uwe Micheel President, Emirates Culinary Guild

restaurant@kimkocht.at ellert@ellert-fotografie.at www.kimkocht.at www.pichlerverlag.at office@styriapitcher.at ISBN: 9783 854314318 (Pichler-Austria) At the best Asian restaurant Kim Kocht (Kim Cook) in Vienna, the chef is the woman chef star of South Korea in Europe.

epsllc@emirates.net.ae info@Parklanedubai.com geeshah@gmail.com telelife@eim.ae (Park Lane Publishers) Extremely popular book in Dubai, with several editions. The author is a noted food connoisseur. He has hosted cookery shows on Zee TV and ARY.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 173

18 BestAsianCuisineBook

1 Argentina

7 Finland Kasvisruoka Aasiasta Marianne Kiskola

ISBN: 978 9513138264 Marianne.kislola@fairmary.fi Sinikka.partanen@tammi.fi (Tammi)

Asian Cookery.

11 Netherlands

De keuken van Melati Anny Tissot-van Patot

ISBN: 978 9059205 796 info@veltman-uitgevers.nl (Veltman Uitgevers)

Sout East Asian Cookery.

12 Norway 8 France

18 BestAsianCuisineBook

La Cuisine des Philippines: La Cuisine Maison de Maman Margarita Marquis

ISBN: 978-2-7483-3506-4 auteur@publibook.com marilyne@publibook.com www.publibook.com (Publibook.com)

13 Peru

Lunch für Zwei. Euro-Asiatische Rezepte Mirco Frentzel Hanjo Seissier Photos: Mirco Frentzel

ISBN: 978 3775005098 info@haedecke-verlag.de info@annahotel.de (Walter Hädecke Verlag) Lunch for two, with euro-asiatic recipes. The young chef is becoming a star at Anna restaurant in Munich.

10 Japan Food Cure – The Chinese 3000 Years Intelligence ISBN: 978 406274494 aa@kodansha.co.uk (Kodansha)

174 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 8252566635 (Cappellen) Southern Asia travelogue.

The author was born in the Philippines, now lives in France with her children.

9 Germany

Smak av Krydder Andreas Viestad Andreas.viestad@chello.no Photos: Mette Randem

Humberto Sato Nuestros Grandes Chefs ISBN: hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio) Restaurant Costanera 700, the most elegant in Lima. The master of Nobu, who trained in Peru.

14 Philippines

Foodlore and Flavors – Inside the South East Asian Kitchen Tan Su – Lyn Photos: Neal Oshima ISBN: 978 971 9317050 melody@artpostasia.com sulyn@starhub.net.sg (Artpostasia-Philippines)

80 recipes from 10 southeast Asian nations, by the most respected food writers and experts. Sri Owen, Julie Wong, Chef Wan, Ma Thanegi, Michala Fenix, Reda Jasmine Abdul, Rahman Taib, Somsavouk Mixay, Christopher Tan, etc.

15 Singapore

17 UK

Thai Cooking Classics: A step by step cookbook Forest Leong

Wild, Wild East Recipes and Stories from Vietnam Bobby Chinn Photography: Jason Lowe

ISBN 978 9812613301 shermayes@yahoo.com.sg ariating@ sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall CavendishSingapore) The author grew up in Thailand.She is married to Singapore celebrity chef Sam Leong.She teaches at Shermay’s cooking school.

ISBN: 978 1840914450 info@bobbychinn.com priya.assanand@octopuspublishing.co.uk (Conran Octopus) Bobby Chinn is a star chef in Hanoi. He is originally from New Zealand, born from two unusual parents, Egyptian and Chinese.

16 Sweden

ISBN: 978-91-534-2735-3 www.formapg.se ingela.holm@formapg.se

dag@matkaravan.nu (ICA Förlag)

18 USA

Cradle of Flavor James Oseland ISBN: 978 0393054774 najma@wwnorton.co.uk james.oseland@hotmail.com (WW Norton) Southeast Asian Cuisines, by the editor of Saveur.

This book is very instructive and beautiful on cooking sushi and sashimi at home with good photos and nice design.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 175

18 BestAsianCuisineBook

Sushi & Sashimi- lättlagat hemma Sushi & Sashimi- easy to do at home Pelle Svanberg Dag Hermelin

18 a

BestChinese CuisineBook

For the first time we have separated Chinese cookery from the rest of Asia. China is the first publisher in the world in the number of cookbooks. There are more and more cookbooks on Chinese cuisine published outside China. Extremely few are translated.

1 Australia

4 Japan

Kylie Kwong: My China A Feast for all the Senses Photos: Simon Griffiths

The Basic Technique of Chinese Cuisine Katsumi Yoshioka, Professor of Chinese Cooking, Tsuji Cooking School Photos: Gozen Koshi Go39gozen@yahoo.co.jp yoshioka@tsuji.ac.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp cooking@tec-tsuji.com (Shibata)

ISBN: 978 1 920989354 Tammie.gay@au.penguingroup.com Jo.lusby@cn.penguingroup.com (Penguin) Travel with the television star through China. This is her fourth book.

2 Greece

Beijing Culinary Diary 2008 Vangelis Driskas Photos: Andreas Efsthatiou ISBN: 978 901626642 info@driskas.com Andreas-efsthatiou@yahoo.gr anna@patakis.gr vasgia@patakis.gr (Patakis)

Photos and text were started in April 2007 during the Gourmand Award event in Beijing restaurants street food, food tourism. The authors have received three previous Gourmand Awards.

5 Malaysia

A Touch of Nyonya and other Delights Chef Mavin Yong Photos: Suan I Lim Designer: Azlan Abd Aziz

ISBN 9789833318476 suanlim@pc.jaring.my azlanaziz@ my.marshallcavendish.com manjula@my.marshallcavendish.com cassychan@my.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

Nyonya Cuisine is centuries old traditional Chinese cuisine from the Malacca straits.

3 Hong Kong

Look and Cook with Annie Annie Leong Chinese ISBN: 978 988 9987725 English ISBN: 978 9889987718 annleong@netvigator.com celina@annieandfriends.com www.annieandfriends.com (Annie and Friends)

6 Peru

The classic recipes for the home cook are fully illustrated in the step by step format. The chef author lays bare her cooking soul and shares her secrets.

Alan Chang Nuestro Grande Chef ISBN: 978 9972 217913 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio) Walok restaurant, one of the best Chifa in Peru.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 ďż˝ 177

18a BestChineseCuisineBook

The design and photos make the excellent teaching text easy to understand.

7 Sweden 44 små rätter 44 little dishes Inger Jiang

ISBN: 978-91-27-02696-4 www.nok.se ulla.tammerman@nok.se (Natur & Kultur) Chinese Chef Inger Jiang shows real Chinese food in Sweden.

8 UK

18a BestChineseCuisineBook

Yan-Kit’s Classic Chinese Cookbook Yan-Kit S0 Foreword by Claudia Roden ISBN: 978 1405316941 Susannah.pendrey@ uk.publishingroup.com www.dk.com (DK)

Essentials of classic Chinese cooking by the late Chinese high cuisine expert.

178 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


The Last Chinese Chef Nicole Mones ISBN: 978 0618619665 www.nicolemones.com trade.publicity@hmco.com (Houghton Mifflin) The discovery of Chinese high cuisine by the american experienced author of “Lost in Translation”.

BestArab CuisineBook

18 b

At Arab Book Fairs, cookbooks are the first category of books selling after religion. This year for the first time we have separated Arab cuisine books. We are impressed by the quality of the books in this first selection.

ISBN: 97 450505079612 Cheframzi@cheframzi.com.lb (Bonum Argentina)

Chef Ramzi visited Argentina and filmed a show for his Ramadan

ssalmawy@shorouk.com ISBN: 977 092007 X

2008 television series.

2 Bangladesh

4 Egypt

El Patrimonio Culinario del Líbano Ramzi Choueiri

The author and publisher Mesbahuddin Ahmed visited the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2007 with great success.

5 France (Editions Albin Michel)

3 Botswana

My Grandmother’s Cookbook By Mrs.Roshan Ara Khan, Shamshad Ahmad Khan Illustrations: Fatema Khan Foreword in English by his Excellency the President of Botswana, His Excellency F.G.Mogae

ISBN: 99912 89097 fatema@itibots.com www.mygrandmotherscookbook.com (Zahraa-Naaz Children’s Fund) A book to be handed down as a family heirloom. Cookbook published to make a positive difference in children’s lives, in memory of Zahraa-Naaz Hussain, who passed away in a car accident.

www.wasfasahla.com aliaa@wasfasahla.com dar@shorouk.com (Dar El Shorouk-Egypt)

This book is one of the few books in the Arabic languages for which original pictures were taken. It includes healthy recipes that can be done quickly.

Recipe Collection By Rowshan Ara Ahmed ISBN: 984 464 1985 ankur@agnionline.com www.ankur-prakashani.com (Ankur Prakashani)

Wagabat Jarea Quick Recipes Ms.Aliaa Al Sawi – Wasfa Sahla Photos: Mr.Sherif Tamim Editor: Seif Salmawy

La Cuisine Libanaise d’Hier et d’Aujourd’hui Andrée Maalouf Karim Haïdar Préface: Amin Maalouf Stylisme: Sabine Paris Photos: Caroline Faccioli ISBN: 978 2226169310 cfaccioli@dmstudio.fr www.albin-michel.fr

Andrée Maalouf is an expert on Lebanese culture. Karim Haidar is the inspired chef of restaurant Liza, next to the bourse in Paris. He is the host of a world cookery tour on Cuisine – TV.

6 Iraq

The Iraqui Family Cookbook – From Mosoul to America Kay Karim ISBN 1424 308860 www.iraqifamilycookbook.com info@iraqifamilycookbook.com (Iraqi Family Cookbook)

80 Recipes handed own from many generations, 60 photos, tested for the American kitchen, using common ingredients available in American supermarkets.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 179

18b BestArabCuisineBook

1 Argentina

7 Lebanon Soufra Daymeh Maria Khalife Photo: Haig Tatarian

www.haigtatarian.com haigtatarian@yahoo.com (Soufra Daymeh Magazine)

Professional photography and graphic design.

8 Morocco

18b BestArabCuisineBook

La Cuisine du Ramadan Fatema Hal Photographies: Erick Bonnier halfatema@yahoo.fr a.errakmi@wafabank.co.ma www.attijariwafabank.com (Agnès Viénot éditions)

10 Spain – Castellano

El Cocinero de Damasco Cocina, Cultura y Recetas Jordi Colobrans, Salem Khabbaz (Editorial Zendrera Zariquiey)

The University author has worked for 10 years to write this book, “The Cook of Damascus”, with an introduction on Arab cuisine cookbooks, chapters on where to eat , (at home, the baths, arab restaurants in the West) health and Arab cuisine, eating well (Ramadan and other feasts, eating with fingers, etc), the master chef, the art of arab cookery, and many recies. The bibliography reference list is very complete. The family of Chef Salem Khabazz is famous for its Syrian restaurants. He now resides in Spa.

11 United Arab Emirates

Free gift cookbook offered for Ramadan 2007 by the bank. Foreword by A.Errakhmi, Administrator Director General of the Bank in Europe. It has 30 pages. The original book was published by Agnes Vienot in France, in 2006, ISBN: 978 2353260140.

Kalima www.kalima.ae kalimat@ws4.emirates.net.ae Non profit initiative seeded with a grant from the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage to fund the translation, publication and distribution from other languages into arabic.

9 Netherlands

Annals of the Caliphs’ Kitchens English translation with introduction and glossary by Nawal Nasrallah. In English ISBN: 978 90 04 158672 rights@brill.nl (Brill, Leiden and Boston)

This english translation of Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq’s 10th century Baghdadi cookbook offers a unique glimpse into the culinary culture of medieval Islam. Hundreds of recipes, anecdotes and poems, with an extensive introduction, a glossary, an appendix and 30 color illustrations. 944 pages.

180 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

12 USA

Medieval Cuisine of the Islamic World Lilia Zaouali, Translated by M.B.Debevoise Foreword by Charles Perry English: ISBN 9780520247833 lois@upccp.demon.co.uk (California University Press – Laterza Publishers)

Concise summary, with 174 recipes, also published in Italian by Laterza Publishers.


Best EntertainingBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Canada – Margaret Dickenson (Random House) – Japan – LCM (NHK Publishing) The Netherlands – Amy Weldon (Het Spectrum) France – C.Gouvion, A.Sirot (Le Rouergue)

2003 2004 2005 2006

New Zealand – Annabel Langbein (Intl.Culinary Inst.) Denmark – Arild Sandgren (Ashehoug) UK – Peggy Porschen (Quadrille) Canada –Margaret Dickenson (M.Dickenson)

1 Argentina

4 Canada – English

Tallados Decorativos Frutas – Verduras – Quesos Silvia Barredo

Dish Entertains Trish Magwood Photos: Brandon Barre, Erin Riley

ISBN: 978 9876130158 barredo@ciudad.com.ar marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtoma1.com (Gargola Ediciones)

ISBN: 978 0002007726 trish@dishcookingstudio.com kirsten.hanson@harpercollins.com debra.anderson@harpercollins.com brandon@brandonbarre.com erin@lifeoriley.com (Harper Collins Canada) The Food Network star is a successful food entrepreneur, business owner, IACP member and chef.

2 Australia

5 China

Madison Entertains Briget Palmer ISBN: 978 1863967921 random@randomhouse.com.au lbamford@acpuk.com media@randomhouse.com.au (Random House Australia)

The author is the food editor of Madison Magazine.

1001 Dishes for Feast Chen Han Yu ISBN: 978-7-5386-2188-4 Contact: chenming0322@yahoo.com.cn (Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House) The Chinese eat out nearly every day. So their feasts have to be very special. The diversity of recipes in

this book is stunning.

3 Brazil

6 Estonia

Banquetes Diet Myrian Abicair do Sete Voltas SPA Resort Fotografias: Tuca Reinés

Eesti Perepeod: Estonian Family Celebrations Harri Ilves, Lia Virkus, Tina Väljaste

ISBN: 85 7555 1183 editora@boccato.com.br reservas@stevoltas.com.br tucareines@tucareines.com.br

ISBN: 978 9949 427 369 Javari.lage@kirjastus.ee (Ajakirjade Kirjastus)

(Editora Boccato-Editora Gaia)

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 181

19 BestEntertainingBook

There is a new demand for books on entertaining. After 9-11, the Iraqui war, and the food safety and health scares, the market has recovered.

7 Finland

Flaming Ice – Fantasy Food Palava Jäädyke – Fantasia Ruokia Annina Holmberg Photos: Ulla-Maija Hänninen

11 Mexico El Sabor de las Fiestas Elias Salas Correa Photos: Juan Carlos Equihua Barragan

ISBN: 978 951 1215622 oga@otava.fi annina.holmberg@kolumbus.fi (Otava)

ISBN: 970 957390X esalas@mecatering.com cequihua@sproketpt.com

msouza@mecatering.com (Elias Salas Correa Ediciones)

From a spring party for fairies to a menu for the Gourmet Vampire.

8 Germany

12 Morocco

Homemade Regina Schneider , Birgit Hackl Illustrations: Miriam Koch

Ramadan, Feasts and Occasions Delices du Ramadan, Fêtes et Occasions. Recettes du Foutour Collection Rachida Amhouche In Arabic and French

ISBN: 978 3836927509 kochmiriam@gmx.de b.hackl@gmx.de schneider@gspr.de andrea.deyerling-baier@ gerstenberg-verlag.de (Gerstenberg) As usual with Gerstenberg, a very pleasant layout and illustrations. Many recipes of small apetizers to be brought as present for all occasions.

19 BestEntertainingBook

www.editionschaaraoui.com cnajim@menara.ma (Chaaraoui – Morocco)

The Foutour is when the fast stops, and the feast starts. The book is beautifully illustrated, the most ambitious in this best selling collection. Feasts for family and friends in a beautifully illustrated book.

9 India

Feast of Love: 50 Classic Menus Bhicoo Manekshaw ISBN: 0670999393 look@aschishchawla.com jo.lusby@cn.penguingroup.com (Penguin India)

The celebrity chef is now with Basil and Thyme, the well known restaurant in Delhi where she creates and supervises the cuisine. The book is about her life stories, with great home and entertaining recipes. The author is now in her eighties, and full of creative energy.

13 Norway

www.bluedizioni.it info@bluedizioni.it (Blu Edizioni) ISBN: 978 88 7904024-2 The 2 authors have travelled and lived in many countries, and have much experience in entertaining.

182 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 9788202253592 erik@eggbacon.no anne.soyland@cappelen.no Pip.haleen@cappelen.no www.cappelendamm.no (Cappelen) Sailors’feast.

10 Italy Una Noce di Burro. 100 Menu per 1000 Occasioni Diverse Carla Pejrone Simonetta Vanni d’Archirafi Presentazione: Ernesto Ferrero, Paolo Pejrone

Batmat Erik Roed

14 Peru

Marisa Guiulfo Nuestros Grandes Chefs

ISBN: 978 9972217937 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

Restaurant La Bombonniere.

15 Poland

19 Spain – Castellano El Gran Libro de la Navidad

sklep@najlepszyprezent.pl office@publicat.pl ISBN: 978 8324510245 (Publicat)

Traditional Spanish Christmas Book.

Bozena is a very famous film and television star in Poland. Her numerous cookbooks include some interesting ones about pastry.

16 Romania

Sare in Bucate Retete Culinaire Inedite Cristina Stamate

www.edituranational.com office@edituranational.com (Editura National)

Easy Recipes,by a famous actress.

20 Sweden

ISBN: 978 58029 19361 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim)

Marias persiska bufféer Persian buffét by Maria Maria Masoomi ISBN: 978-91-534-2746-9 www.formapg.se ingela.holm@formapg.se maria@masoomi.se (ICA Förlag)

Persian food cooked in Sweden. Maria Masoomi declares cooking is enjoyed with big families and friends with pleasure of the food.

17 Russia Optimistic Mistress’s Culinary Notes Natlia Kharitonova Photography: Konstantin Schevnik Syled by Elena Bryukhina

ISBN: 978 848459 5069 bcostales@edicionesnobel.com (Nobel)

21 Switzerland – German

Himmlische Küchengelüste Daniel Girsberger Illustrations: Michaela Maria Drux ISBN: info@eltipico.ch www.eltipico.ch druxache@hispeed.ch buchamkochen@eltipico.ch (El Tipico)

There always is an occasion to celebrate, never give up.

Beautifully designed and illustrated simpatico book.

22 USA

18 South Africa

Party Fun! Jenny Dodd Illustrations: Janine Danon ISBN: 978 1 770073999 joyclack@telkomsa.net lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

After 30 years working in a busy pathology laboratory, the author is now retired, and helps mothers in planning the most important day of a child’s year. She is the author of party ideas.

The Berghoff Family Cookbook From our table to yours, celebrating a century of entertaining Carlyn Berghoff and Jan Berghoff With Nancy Ross Ryan cberghoff@cbcaters.com sgarrett@amuniversal.com (Andrews McMeel)

After 107 years, the Berghoff Restaurant closed. Now “artistic events by Carlyn Berghoff Catering” operates from the same address and space in Chicago.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 183

19 BestEntertainingBook

Good Entertaining with Bozena Udane Przyjecia Bozena Dykiel By Ewa Aszkiewicz, Romana Chojnacka



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Best VegetarianBook 1997 2000 2001 2002

US – Mollie Katzen (Hyperion) UK – Orlando Murrin (BBC Books) UK – Julia Ponsoby (Green Books) India – Asha Khatau (Zaika)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Ireland – Denis Cotter (Atrium Press) Switzerland – Ralf Kabelitz (At Verlag) India – Rashmi Uday Singh (India Book House) India – Jigyasa Giri – Dr.Pratihba Jain (Pritya)

Vegetarian food is now accepted worldwide as an option, similar to Asian, Italian or French. It is also accepted in nearly all restaurants. It is a global worldwide market, with a new positive strength, and a less aggressive posture with non vegetarians. The books try to appeal to a wide audience.

1 Brazil

Ljeto - Summer

ISBN: 9788590152743 anacurcelli@gmail.com (Culinaria Vegetariana)

Cooking without cruelty.

The author is the famous croatian author of healthy vegan/macrobiotic cookbooks and the first who introduced this concept of cooking in Croatia 20 years ago. Seaweed, spring, summer, autumn, winter.

ISBN 978 953 2570618 Jadranka Boban Pejic marina@planetopija.hr (Planetopija)

2 Canada – English

V Cuisine: The Art of new Vegan Cooking Angeline Linardis ISBN: 978 1552859032 alinardis@shaw.ca tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap)

The author is passionate about making Vegan cooking accessible and apetacing to everyone. She makes regular television appearances, and teaches vegan cooking classes.

5 Germany

Vegetarisch Geniessen Dagmar von Cramm Martin Kintrup ISBN: 978 3 833804793 info@dagmarvoncramm.de claudia.krauss@graefer-und-unzer.de www.gu-online.de (GU)

One of 5 best selling vegetarian books at Amazon Germany.

3 China

1000 Styles Vegetarian Bribian Ying Yang Sushi luoqi@bphg.com.cn www.bph.com.cn ISBN: 978-7-200-06676-0 (Beijing Publishing House)

6 India

The bestseller of vegetarian cookbooks in 2007 in China has 250 pages packed with information. Usually cookbooks in Chinese have 30% more information on a page than western cookbooks. Sushi, in the tittle, means vegetarian in Chinese.

Samayal – The Pleasures of South Indian Vegetarian Cooking Viji Varadarajan ISBN: 817 5251743 vrnalini@gmail.com Vij51@yahoo.com urnalint@gmail.com (Orient Enterprises) Healthy vegetables traditional


GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 185

20 BestVegetarianBook

4 Croatia

Tofu Mágico Ana Maria Curcelli

7 Malaysia

12 Sweden

Vegemania! For Healthy Living, Longevity and Wellness, Mohana Gil

Peace, love and food Renée Voltaire

ISBN: 978-91-633-0166-7 www.reneevoltaire.se lotta@reneevoltaire.se (Renée Voltaire AB)

ISBN: 983-3698-15-8 mphpublishing@mph.com.my (MPH) Last year Fruitastic received a Special Award of the jury in Beijing. Vegemania! Is very convincing and offers very exciting recipes in a brilliant design and format. It is also an inspiring book full of wisdom about cuisine, culture, and life.

Raw food is also included in this organic food book.

8 Netherlands

De zon oop je bord! Jolande Burg Photo Erik Spaans

13 Switzerland – German

ISBN: 978 9066118751 jvoskens@inmerc.nl (Inmerc)

ISBN: 978 3038003359 Juergen.guthmann@flweihenstephan.de Urs.hunziker@azag.ch info@essbare-wildpflanzen.de (At Verlag)

20 BestVegetarianBook

The sun on your plate.

9 Norway

Med Natur pa Menyen Eating with the seasons Charlotte Mohn Photos: Nina and Jim Hensley

epaker@epaker.no drey-hen@online.no anne.britt.granaas@gyldendal.no ISBN: 978 8205370647 (Gyldendal) There are meat, eggs, fish in a few recipes. Many vegetarians recipes.

10 Portugal

After their published encyclopedia published in 2003, this year’s wild plants book handles the 200 more common ones, with more detailed information.

14 UK

O Verde, Cozinha Vegetariana Olivia Santos Photos: Filipe Braga Prefacio: Dr.Viriato Ferreira

La Filomena els Fogons Remena. Cuina Natural per a pares I fills Josefina Llargues Illustrations: Amadeu Casas

jllargues@uoc.edu cossetania@cossetania.com www.cossetania.com ISBN: 84 9791 2648 (El Globus-Cossetania) Let the food be your medicine.

186 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Wild Garlic, Gooseberries….and Me Denis Cotter ISBN: 978 0007251971 info@cafeparadiso.ie www.collins.co.uk (Harper Collins) Gourmand Best in the World Award 2003 for vegetarian cookbook.

ISBN 9789898100009 edicoescaixotim@mail.telepac.pt Livraria.caixotim@caixotim.pt (Ediciones Caixotim)

11 Spain – Catalan

Essbare Wildpflanzen Steffen Guido Fleichhauer Jürgen Guthmann

15 USA

Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Easy Delectable Living Foods Recipes Ani Phyo

ISBN: 978-1 60094-000-2 (Avalon) Anne.sullivan@avalonpub.com Aniphyo@yahoo.com Lissa.warren@perseusbooks.com Renee.sedliar@avalonpub.com The author is the founder of Smartmonkey Foods, and an expert in uncooked foods. She lives in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

21 a

BestCookbook Photography 1998 France – JB Naudin (Le Chêne) 1999 Switzerland – Bruno Hausch (Opt Art) 2000 New Zealand – Kieran Scott 2001 Germany – Christian Teubner (Teubner) 2002 France – Patrick Rougereau (Ouest France)

2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Tessa Traeger (Stewart, Tabori, Chang) Denmark – Jes Buusmann (Ashehoug) Japan – Koshida Gozen (Miho Museum) Singapore – Edmond Ho (Marshall Cavendish)

The photographer is now often the highest paid author of a cookbook. Photography is also winning the battle against text for the space. This was obvious for Lord Kindersley or for Pierre Marchand, but it is only now clear in cookbooks as a definitive trend. However, there are fewer than 10% cookbooks that credit photographers on the front cover, as they are not yet known by the public, and do not sell books by their name. The photos speak for themselves!

1 Australia

ISBN: 978 0733318184 eat@batherspavilion.com.au white.liz@abc.net.au info@michelekarpe.com (ABC Books-Australia)

4 Brazil Novas Receitas Light Myriam Abicair, Do Ste Voltas SPA Resort Fotografias de Tuca Reines, André Boccato

ISBN: 85 7555 117 5 gaia@editoragaia.com.br editora@boccato.com.br tucareines@tucareines.com.br

(Editora Gaia-Editora Boccato)

Over 180 recipes, with great photography. His restaurant is worldclass, in Sydney, on Balmoral beach.

2 Austria

Friaul Kochbuch Christoph Wagner ISBN: 978 3853786192 office@verlagsgruppestyria.at (Carinthia Verlag) Friuli cookbook,150 recipes from the Alps to the Adriatic.

5 Canada – French

ISBN: 978 90 209 67 364 www.lannoo.com erickverdonck@pandora.be stefanie.deblaede@lannoo.be johan.ghysels@lannoo.be

(Lannoo) Belgium Flemish pastry chefs.

ISBN: 978 2 890773301 Josee.distasio@sympatico.ca longprephoto@videotron.ca lloiselle@flammarion.qc.ca (Flammarion Quebec)

The author offers the best souvenirs of Italy filming for her shows, with simple and fun recipes.

3 Belgium – French Patisserie Séduisante 12 Chefs Patissiers de Eurobanketring de Flandres Photos: Bart van Leuven Auteur: Erik Verdonck

Pasta et Cetera A La Di Stasio Josée di Stasio Photos: Jean Longpre

6 China

How to use dry products Changyong Ganliao Fazhijifa Photo: Feiz Hao ISBN: 978 7 5381 48800 Feizhao82@hotmail.com www.lnkj.cn Dy_sto@mail.lnpgc.com.cn (Liaoning Science and Technology Press)

This is a good example of how step by step photography becomes very often a major ingredient of cookbooks in China.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 187

21a BestCookbookPhotography

The Bathers’ Pavilion Menus and Recipes Serge Dansereau Photographer: William Meppem

11 Falkland – Malvinas

7 Colombia

El Libro de Myriam Camhi Myriam Camhi Photos: Claudia Uribe ISBN: 978 958 8177593 myriamcamhipostres@email.com curibet@mac.com czuluagap@cablenet.co (Ediciones Gamma)

The author and her daughter Denise have worked for 25 years in Bogotá on 700 pastry recipes.

8 Denmark

21a BestCookbookPhotography

ISBN: 978 879914139 casper@normik.dk www.bentchristensen.com info@booksforcooks.dk (Books for Cooks-DK)

The 5 best restaurants in Denmark according to Gudme Raaschou Spiseguide 2008.

9 Egypt Wagabat Jarea Quick Recipes Ms.Aliaa Al Sawi – Wasfa Sahla Photos: Mr.Sherif Tamim Editor: Seif Salmawy

www.wasfasahla.com aliaa@wasfasahla.com ssalmawy@shorouk.com – info@stamim.com ISBN: 977 092007 X (Dar El Shorouk-Egypt) This book is one of the few books in the Arabic languages for which original pictures were taken. Photos by the best interior and black and white photographer in Egypt ,trained as an architect.

10 Estonia

www.52degrees.biz www.atasteofthe falklands.com julie@atasteofthefalklands.com – ISBN: 0955553806 (Studio 52)

Anna-Liisa Kokaraamat 2 Annalisa ja Lia Virkus Photos: Jaan Heinmaa ISBN: 978 998 5 980507 Lia.virkus@kirjastus.ee Janari.lage@kirjastus.ee stuudio@digifoto.ee (Ajakirjade)

188 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


Julie continually explores the Falklands. She has opened a galerie and photostudio in Stanley. The book is a joint venture with Stanley Restaurant, the Falkland Brasserie.

12 Finland

Danmarks Bedste Restauranter 08 Bent Christensen Photos: Claes Bech-Poulsen

Taste of the Falklands Julie Bellhouse Chef Alex Olmedo Foreword: Baroness Thatcher

Skandimania Scandinavia Antti and Visa wild to the north Visa Nurmi Antti Vahtera ISBN: 978-951-0-32722-7 Visa.nurmi@kaufmann.fi (WSOY)

For ten years Visa Nurmi and Antti Vahtera have written cookbooks. Now they have written a book about Scandinavian food. The trip goes from Livonsaari to islands Alyreyh and to Björneborg. Great photos by Seilo Ristimäki.

13 France Cinq Produits – Cinq Continents Atelier de photographie culinaire du Lycée Hotellier Guillaume-Tirel, Paris. Photographe: Isabelle Rozenbaum Production Culinaire: Herve Lhermet Expression et Culture Générale: Colette Hinzelin Marketing: Colette Bourguignon-Geneste ISBN: 978 2352 550235 contact@epure-editions.com lhermet.herve@wanadoo.fr colette.geneste@wanadoo.fr isabelle@rozenbaumcom colette.hinzelin@wanadoo.fr www.rozenbaum.com (Editions de l’Epure) This book is the result of introducing photography in the class room hospitality shcools. This Lycée is very rapidly becoming recognized as a leader.

14 Germany

18 Japan

Kochen Mit Liebe! Lea Linster Susanne Mersman, Burgunde Uhlig Photos: Thomas Neckermann Art Direction: Christiane Kapaun Food Styling: Uschi Hussmann-Dilger

The Basic Technique of Chinese Cuisine Katsumi Yoshioka, Professor of Chinese Cooking, Tsuji Cooking School Photos: Gozen Koshida Go39gozen@yahoo.co.jp yoshioka@tsuji.ac.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

ISBN: 978 3453285101 info@lealinster.lu www.lealinster.lu www.diana-verlag.de (Brigitte Buch Im Diana Verlag)

The design and photos make the excellent teaching text easy to understand.

15 Greece

19 Korea

Mediterranean and Eponymous Giorgos Panagiotidis Panagiotis Beltzinitis

Favorite restaurant recipes for home cooks Allisa Park Photos Yoon Yeom

ISBN: 978 9604429790 aastrinaki@ ellinikagrammata.gr

ISBN9788995735275 Yoon@dreamcharacter.com (Giraffe)

(Ellinika Grammata) A beautiful coffee table reference book with the best of modern Greek chefs. Traditional Cookery from the author’s native island.

16 Hong Kong

Naturally Peninsula Tea Flavours Project Coordinator: Lisa Lum Peninsula Merchandising Ltd Photos: Edmond Ho ISBN: 978 9812615145 www.peninsula.com lisalum@peninsula.com (MCIA)

20 Lebanon

A Perfect Book from Peninsula Hotels .Edmond Ho won the Best in the World Gourmand Award for photography in Beijing in April 2007.

www.haigtatarian haigtatarian@yahoo.com (Soufra Daymeh Magazine) Professional photography and graphic design.

21 Mexico

17 Italy Alta Cucina in Alto Adige Ingeborg Lanthaler Johann Waldner

Soufra Daymeh Maria Khalife Photo: Haig Tatarian

Mexico Handcrafted Art Central Region Mexico Hecho a Mano, Centro Photos Carlos Hahn

ISBN: 978 8882664350 info@idealit.com johann.waldner@idealit.com www.premio-godio.it (Ideal – Athesia)

Two editions, in Italian and in German. High cuisine.

ISBN: 978 8441323391 www.editores.com (AM Editores)

Beautiful photography book, including the best of Mexico in textiles, architecture, food, etc.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 189

21a BestCookbookPhotography

The star chef from Frissange, Luxembourg has a new oustanding book. It radiates energy, happiness and love, with shining quality and value.

22 Netherlands

Het Fijne van Vlees En Recepten van Nederlands Beste Chefs Jan Lagrouw Kees Hageman Hans Brouwer Loek de Leeuw

26 Poland

ISBN: 978 9066117358 publish@inmerc.nl (Inmerc) 24 chefs give their best meat recipes.

23 New Zealand

21a BestCookbookPhotography

27 Portugal

McCredie is the co-author.

24 Norway

Facam o Favor de Ser Felizes Joao Carlos Silva Photos: Adriana Freire Rossio11@oficinadolivro.pt (Oficina do Livro) This book is inspired by Africa, by the Sao Tome and Principe Islands, with a corresponding program on Rtp Africa.

In this book photographer Paul

Copernicus@relaischateaux.com Roch.barelkowski@edipresse.pl kontakt@fotopolis.pl ISBN: 83-74770872 (Edipresse)

The author is a specialist of Italian culture and writings . She is the owner of several restaurants, including the famous Copernicus, in Krakow.

It’s My Turn to Cook Margaret Brooker Paul McCredie ISBN: 978 1869661694 margaretbrooker@xtra.co.nz paulmccredie@paradise.net.nz bcooke@nhp.co.nz (New Holland NZ)

The Best Cooking under the Sun Kuchnia Najlepsza pod Sloncem Katarzyna Likus Design: Barbara Deren-Marzec Photos: Jakusa Pajewskiego

28 Serbia

Plukk Ville Matvekster Beate Slipher

Ljubavni Zalogaji

ISBN 978 8276834253 www.slipher.org beate.slipher@chello.no (Boksenteret)

ISBN: 868 3611751 prodaja@malemajsforije.com (Computer Books)

The author is a freelance journalist and photographer, who did both photos and text for this book.

25 Peru Las Cocinas del Peru Gastón Acurio Edición Hirka Roca Rey Diseño: Ana Lozada Fotógrafo: José Cáceres ISBN: 9972217493 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio) Collection of 10 Volumes: 1.- La Cocina Criolla 2.- La Cocina de las Cebicherias 3.- La Cocina de los Chifas 4.- La Cocina Nikkei 5.- La Cocina Casera

190 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

6.- La Cocina de la Calle 7.- La Cocina Norteña 8.- La Cocina del Sur 9.- La Cocina Novoandina 10.- Las Cocinas del Futuro

29 Singapore

Food Art Annabel Jackson Chef Bobby and Chef Donovan Cooke, HK Jockey Club Photos: Jörg Sundermann

ISBN: 981 4155969 Ajackson49860064@aol.com – membership@hkjc.org.hk i@jorgsundermann.com – melisateo@edmbooks.com.sg (Didier Millet Editions) Annabel Jackson is based in Hong Kong, and the author of at least nine books, including Taste of Macao.

30 Slovenia

33 Sweden

Cubo Desserts Mate Uz Kmet Zare Kerin Photos: Janez Puksic

Med mycket grönt A lot of green Markus Aujalay Photographer: Matilda Lindeblad

Mateuz.druct@yahoo.com Zare.kerin@futura.si Ana.por@futura.si (Futura)

ISBN: 978-91-27-35727-3 www.nok.se ulla.tammerman@nok.se www.matildalindeblad.com matilda@matildalindeblad.com (Natur & Kultur)

Only 500 printed. It is a masterpiece.

31 South Africa

34 Turkey

Day to Day Philippa Cheifitz Photos: Craig Fraser

Dervis Sofralari Dervish’s Table – The Culinary Culture and Customs in Sufizim Sahrap Soysal Photos: Koray Peközkay

ISBN: 978 1770072077 cheifitz@mweb.co.za ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za colettes@imagesofafrica.co.za (Struik)

Philippa Cheifitz is an experienced food writer who won an award in the Gourmand Best in the World event in Beijing in April 2007. Her recipes are blissfully easy to follow and the results absolutely delicious to eat. The photography of Craig Fraser is superb.

tgokce@dogankitap.com.tr akirpiksiz@dogankitap.com.tr (Dogan Egmont)

ISBN 9789759915414 soysalsahrap@yahoo.com koray@koraypekozkay.com

According to Sufism, every phase of the meal is not just an action but a life doctrin. The book explains in 115 recipes and unique photography everything about Sufi cuisine.

32 Spain – Castellano

35 UK

Flores y Sabores de Andalucía Director del proyecto y fotógrafo: Eduardo Grund Prólogo: Pedro Javier Diaz Cano Fotos: Eduardo Grund Coordinación: Thekla Kurpjuweit

My Last Supper – The 50 World’s Greatest Chefs and their final Feasts Melanie Dunea Introduction by Anthony Bourdain

ISBN: 978 8461152247 egrund@telefonica.net www.floresysabores.es (Flores y Sabores)

ISBN: 0747594112 melaniedunea@gmail.com Erica_jarnes@bloomsbury.com gitlin@bloomsburyusa.com

(Bloomsbury) 50 recipes by 29 prestigious chefs. The author of this book is one of the best magazine photographers in the world.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 191

21a BestCookbookPhotography

Being a television star Markus Aujalay puts great effort in the visual part of cooking and presenting food, with excellent photos by Matilda Lindeblad.

36 U.A.E.

38 Venezuela

A Taste of Arabia Jessie Kirkness Parker Food Photography: Trevor Vaughan

Tocar Fuego, 45 Recetas de Puño y Letra Rafael Gullén, Francisco Abenante Design: Ricardo Limongi Foreword: Profesor José Rafael Lovera

ISBN: 978 9948 431138 jessiekp@yahoo.com www.jerboabooks.com (Jerboa Books)

Recipes from Arabia and beyond. The author has 25 years experience in the Middle East as a writer and stylist.

37 USA

The New Intercourses= an aphrodisiac cookbook Martha Hopkins, Randall Lockridge

ISBN: 980 12 21682 imagocreativo@cantu.net tocarfuego@hotmail.com rafaelguillenfoto@gmail.com (Rafael Guillen Photo-Venezuela)

Fifteen of the best chefs in Venezuela got together for these forty five recipes “written by hand”. The great recipes, design and photography are a tribute to the new excellence of Venezuela cookery.

21a BestCookbookPhotography

ISBN: 978 0965327527 polleidssg@aol.com (Terrace Publishing)

New edition of the 1997 classic. Martha Lockridge has worked on more than 27 cookbooks, mostly at the Wimmer companies in Memphis, TN.

International Association of Culinary Professionals Join today and discover what thousands of people in the food world already know! • •

• •

IACP members network with nearly 4,000 culinary professionals worldwide. Members are active in every aspect of the culinary industry including: cooking teachers, chefs and restaurateurs, food writers and cookbook authors, food stylists and photographers, television personalities, recipe developers and many others with a special interest in the culinary arts. Professional development opportunities including newsletters, Web forums and monthly “teleforums” - conference calls featuring speakers of profession interest. Face-to-face opportunities include the exciting IACP International Conference, as well as IACP Culinary Experiences - culinary tours that feature lectures and tastings of local cuisines. Member-driven local events include everything from cocktails at a local restaurant to all-day educational events. Member-to-member discounts offer significant cost-savings on everything from cookware to travel.

Visit www.iacp.com today to learn more and join. Questions, contact iacp@hqtrs.com or call (001) 502-581-9786

192 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

21 b

BestCookbook Illustrations 2002 France – David Burton (Hachette) 2003 South Africa – Tony Grugan (Struik) 2004 Singapore – Serge Benbouge (Editions du Pacifique)

2005 The Netherlands – Marnix Rieb (Tirion) 2006 France – Elise Collet Soravito (Lec)

More and more publishers trust illustrations for their cookbooks. Part of it is due to the success of illustrations for children books, which is now resulting in more illustrated cookbooks, for children and adults. Another factor is that food photography dates a cookbook far more than illustrations. Illustrations may make a cookbook more personal, as well as more international.

3 Brazil

Cool Caribbean Cookery Book Text and Illustrations: Gilly Gobinet

Graos e Sementes: A Vida Encapsulada Gil Felipe Illustrations: Fabiana Fernandes, Maria Cecilia Tomasi

gobinet@candw.ag www.originalcaribbeanart.com (Caribbean Art) The paradise painter Gobinet, the renowed watercolor artist is also a great cook particpating often in food festivals.

(Senac-Sao Paulo)

ISBN: 978 857359 5406 gilfelipe@uol.com.br fabianaf@sp.senac.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.sambruja@sp.senac.br

Monography on one of the basic foods of mankind by a prestigious botanist.

2 Australia

Seasonal Fare For Family and Friends Susan Johnston Illustrations by Catherine Pilgrim

Cathpilgrim@yahoo.co.uk stephanie@wakefieldpress.com.au ISBN: 1-862546932 (Wakefield Press-Australia)

Farm related recipes from 50 years of serious happy cooking, inspired by Australia mostly, but also by Italy, Switzerland,, the UK and the United States. The author is passionate about food, Wakefield Press is a passionate independent publisher: they give us a marvellous book.

4 China

Histoire de Chef Sabatina ISBN: 7-5000-75642-2 Sa8@ringierasia.com saba@vip.sohu.net www.ecph.com.cn aquke@ecph.com.cn (Encyclopedia of China Publishing House)

Beautiful illustrations enhance the story of a chef in the kitchen.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 193

21b BestCookbookIllustrations

1 Antigua

5 Finland The Engineers Cookbook Kari Ojala Illustrations: Helena von Alfthan

ISBN: 978 952 9959310 Helena.von.alfthan@iki.fi etukeno@etukeno.fi kari.ojala@etukeno.fi


In English. An exhilarating insight into the inner life of the engineer.

8 Italy

Galateo a Test Giochi e Curiosità per Divertirsi E mettersi alla Prova Fabio Cesare, Roberta Mascheroni Illustrations: Giovanni Vannini Scrivi-a-gio@libero.it ISBN: 978-88-483-0846-5 (Alpha Test)

Learning etiquette can be fun, with entertaining comic illustrations by an excellent artist.

9 Japan

21b BestCookbookIllustrations

6 France Hot Dog – Ou Comment Cuisiner Les Animaux de tout Poele – Roman Cuisine Elise Milicevic Illustrations: Daniel Egneus Chef: Jerome Lefevre

ISBN: 978 2952589314 emili@free.fr daniel@danielegneus.com contact@1973.fr – www.1973.fr (1973-Concept Book Factory) Food novel, with 12 short stories and 25 recipes. It is most creative, and beautiful.

Mibu – El Bulli Hiroshi Ishida Naomi Takaka Illustrations: Dai Ochi Vzk02162@nifty.com Ochiai.dai@bell24.co.jp yoshida@sodatsu.com yqb04470@nifty.com (K.K.Fantasy Co.)

The manga of the historic visit of Master Chef Hiroshi Ishida from restaurant Mibu in Tokyo to El Bulli, Spain in March 2003.

10 Korea

Favorite Restaurant Recipes for Home Cooking Allisa Park Illustrations and photos: Yoon Yeom

7 Germany Huhn in Handschellen Kreative Zellen Santafu Illustrations: Sven Brauer Text: Holger Güssefeld Graphic Art: Josef Schewe ISBN: 978 3 861088998 Santa-fu-produkte@justiz. hamburg.de info@edition-temmen.de www.santa-fu.de (Temmen) Chicken in handcuffs. The recipes were written in jail in Hamburg,with humor. Part of the proceeds go to the fund to commpensate crime victims. Published with the Justice Authority of the City of Hamburg. See in 7-Innovative the Pulutan jail book from the Philippines.

194 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 8995735282 allisa@dreamcharacter.com yoon@dreamcharacter.com (Giraffe Publishing)

Published in the United States by Dream Character. In Korean by Giraffe.

11 Netherlands

Koken met karin Kleine Moeite, Groot Effect Karin Luiten ISBN: 978 902 3011972 Info@kokenmetkarin.nl www.kokenmetkarin.nl www.koken.blogo.nl (Becht’s Uitgevers-

Maatschappij, HJW) The success of the recipes comes from the big effect they give.

12 New Zealand

15 South Africa

Papa’s Donut Kate Moetaua Illustrated by Bruce Potter

The Cape Malay Illustrated Cookbook Faldela Williams Illustrations: Liz Mills

ISBN 97818698484361 info@reed.co.nz tracy@icanmodels.nz (Reed Publishing) Nika is a little kiwi girl with a Cook Island dad who makes the best

donut in the world.

ISBN: 978 1770074057 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

The author combines traditional knowledge with modern practicality and convenience. The beautiful illustrations highlight both the beauty of Malay food and the culture itself.

16 Spain – Castellano

In the Artist’s Kitchen In English, German and Portuguese By 38 artists from 13 nationalities

ISBN: 978 8403506572 angelitaalfaro@retena.net mikel@kukuxumusu.com (El País Aguilar)

ISBN: 978-9899532809 Email: ccsl@iol.pt www.centroculturalsaolourenco.com (Centro Cultural Sao Lourenço)

The artist lives in New York. The talented and experienced author has won several past Gourmand Awards.

The Centro Cultural was founded in 1981 by Marie Hubert and her husband Volker who died 3 years ago. The gallery promotes contemporary art. The cookbook is a special project where the artists had a lo of pleasure realizing the book.

17 Spain – Catalan

14 Puerto Rico

Petit Chef Recetas Divertidas, Nutritivas y Educativas Bernice Guzman de Padial Fotógrafo: Mariela Alvarez Artista: Rita Campos

ISBN 0979065100 rpadial@yahoo.com xalomako@mac.com ritacampos@adelphia.net www.petit-chef.com (Culinary Entertainment-Puerto Rico) This is an outstanding book, bursting with energy, creativity, enthusiasm and happiness. It is also very serious, taking into account health, costs, work, learning, all mixed with fun for children. It is unusual to see a book for children with all aspects of eating in such a balanced and accomplished way.

Este compró un Huevito Recetas para Niños Angelita Alfaro Illustrations: Mikel Urmeneta

La Filomena els Fogons Remena. Cuina Natural per a pares I fills Josefina Llargues Illustrations: Amadeu Casas

cossetania@cossetania.com www.cossetania.com ISBN: 84 9791 2648 (El Globus-Cossetania)

18 Sweden

Mauds bästa tårtor och pajer The best cakes of Maud Maud Onnermark ISBN: 978-91-518-4756-6 www.prismabok.se susanna.romanus@norstedts.se monica.l.johansson@comhen.se (Prisma)

The illustrations that physically lift these lovely cakes to higher experiences are all expressive and outstanding plates made of ceramics by artist Monica Johansson.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 195

21b BestCookbookIllustrations

13 Portugal

21 UK

19 Switzerland – French A vos Fourneaux! Les Meilleures recettes des copains d’Adrienne Adrienne Barman ISBN: 2-88258-2-74-5 Contact: La Joie de Lire. Chemin Neuf, nº 5. CH-1207 Geneve-Suisse Fax: 4122285090 www.lajoiedelire.ch – Info@lajoiedelire.ch (La Joie de Lire-Switzerland)

22 USA

21b BestCookbookIllustrations

20 Switzerland – German

Himmlische Küchengelüste Daniel Girsberger Illustrations: Michaela Maria Drux

ISBN: info@eltipico.ch www.eltipico.ch druxache@hispeed.ch buchamkochen@eltipico.ch (El Tipico)

Beautifully designed and illustrated simpatico book.

196 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 07148 44671 www.phaidon.com grosell@phaidon.com javier@mariscal.com (Phaidon)

The Spanish home cooking classic has been redesigned by Phaidon. It is a beautiful masterpiece of creativity. It becomes a very young, happy book, and most useful in all kitchen.

These recipes were published in comic format in the daily independent newspaper “Le Courrier” in Switzerland.

1080 Recipes Simone and Inés Ortega Illustrations: Javier Mariscal Foreword: Ferran Adria

ISBN: 978-0-7566-2645-7 (Dorling Kindersley)

The Ethnic Paris Cookbook Bringing the French melting Put into your Kitchen Charlotte Puckette and Olivia Kiang-Snaije Illustrated by Dinah Diwan etnicparis@gmail.com ddiwan@noos.fr cpuckette@yahoo.com oliviasnaije@yahoo.com

Praised by Claudia Roden and Jacques Pepin, this book really shows the hotest new trends in Paris.


BestCookbook Design 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

France – Emile Herscher (Albin Michel) Switzerland – Bruno Hausch (OPT Art) Australia – Donna Hay (Murdoch Books) Australia – Visnja Brdar (New Holland) US – Weldon Owen (Scribner) France – Alberto Bali (Staub-Nomar)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Australia – Donna Hay (Harper Collins) Sweden – Patric Leo (TV4) Sweden – Pontus Frithiof (Atlantis) China – CHLIP DenmarK – Soren Damstedt (Aschehoug)

The strength of the cookbook market has allowed publishers to invest in design. The quality is getting better and better. Cookbooks today do look different from five years ago. The least affected by the changes is the US, which lives in superb isolation in many ways, except for some obvious exceptions.

Au Pied de Cochon – L’Album Martin Picard Isbn 9782980949845 www.restaurantaupieddecochon.com albumpdc@yahoo.ca gaellec8@hotmail.com (Martin Picard – Canada)

Published for the fifth anniversary of the restaurant in Montreal. The book is different in many ways from other chef books. It is also full of professional tips.

4 Ecuador

Quito Gourmet Irene María Cobo Diseño: Alejandra Camacho Introducción: Alfonso Reece ISBN: 9978 324 100 info@latinweb.com.ec info@latinaeditorial.com www.latinweb.com.ec (Latinweb)

The recipes from the best Quito restaurants.

2 China Recipes of the Sui Yan Period

5 Estonia

ISBN: 7-80741-099-X/Z-001 ISBN: 978 7807410997 Binding Company Metis Tel: 86 1085983452 jiyuan@wxot.com.cn www.whbooks.com.cn (Wen Hui Press-Shanghai)

Anna-Liisa Kokaraamat 2 Annalisa ja Lia Virkus Photos: Jaan Heinmaa ISBN: 978 998 5 980507 Lia.virkus@kirjastus.ee Janari.lage@kirjastus.ee (Ajakirjade)

This is a soft cover old style printing and binding of the translation of a poet recipes of the Sui Yan period. The cost is only 5 Euros, for a book that feels hand made, with many color photos. It is a most interesting example of the potential of Chinese printers.

3 Czech

6 Finland

Design Cookbook Collection Coz Takle Datsi….. Banan, Salat Piticka, Lilek

Menestyksen Reseptit Ilsa Strand Ja Arno Kotro

ISBN: 978 80903644 93 978 8090364486 – 978 8090 364479 – 978 8090 364462 lenka@zapalena-kucharka.cz www.zapalena-kucharka.cz/en (Ootb Solutions) 50 Recipes, young energizing humor taste, imagination. Each focusing on one great tasting ingredient.

ISBN: 978 9511216315 oga@otava.fi (Otava) Finland celebrities offer recipes in a simple book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 197

22 BestCookbookDesign

1 Canada – French

7 Germany

11 Peru

Weder Fisch Noch Fleisch Neither Fish nor Fowl Annette Flach Annette.flach@gmx.de (Manuscript)

Las Cocinas del Peru Gastón Acurio Edición Hirka Roca Rey Diseño: Ana Lozada Fotógrafo: José Cáceres

The author works in industrial graphic design. It is very graphic , artistic , practical. The recipes and the book are enjoyable and entertaining, with a good sense of humor.One of the best offers at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2007.

8 Italy In.Gredienti Le Calandre Massimiliano e Raffaele Alajmo Photographs by Wolfgang Wesener-Wowe Art Director: Filippo Maglione English Edition Director: Faith Willinger Publishing Manager: Romina Savi alajmo@alajmo.it (Alajmo Edizione) This book is available only at Le Calandre or on www.alajmo. it. It was printed in separete italian and english editions. It is a masterpiece, truly innovative, by the youngest 3 Michelin Stars chef in Italy. It succeeds in design, content, photography. The way the recipes are explained is truly innovative. The chefs do share their secrets in details with diagrams, illustrations and beautiful photography. You have to see this book!

22 BestCookbookDesign

ISBN: 9972217493 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio) Collection of 10 Volumes: 1.- La Cocina Criolla 2.- La Cocina de las Cebicherias 3.- La Cocina de los Chifas 4.- La Cocina Nikkei 5.- La Cocina Casera

12 Philippines

ISBN: 97890 87240165 c.eversdijk@miller-books.com (Miller Books) All about pasta.

The Governor – General’s Kitchen Philipines Culinary Vignettes and Period Recipes 1521-1935. In English Felice Prudente Sta.Maria felicestamaria@yahoo.com Design: Guillermo Ramos, Ige Ramos Design Studio

Ige.ramos@gmail.com K_bolasco@yahoo.com ISBN: 971 2716961 pubdept@anvil.com.ph (Anvil) The book received the 2006 National Book Award for cookbooks.

13 Poland

9 Netherlands Alles Over Pasta Stefano Manti

6.- La Cocina de la Calle 7.- La Cocina Norteña 8.- La Cocina del Sur 9.- La Cocina Novoandina 10.- Las Cocinas del Futuro

The Best Cooking under the Sun Kuchnia Najlepsza pod Stoncem Katarzyna Likus Design: Barbara Deren-Marzel Photos: Jakub Pa Jewski

ISBN 8374770872 Copernicus@relaischateaux.com (Edipresse)

The author is a specialist of Italian culture and writing . She is the owner of several restaurants, including the famous Copernicus, in Krakow.

10 Norway

14 Russia

Middagen er I Boks Tove Valmot Illustrations Jo Michael

Practical Encyclopedia of World Cookery Svetlana Pershina, Irina Roitenberg Styled by Elena Bryukhina Art Design by Valentina Chemyakina

Great illustrations.

198 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 8205 375918 m@jomichael.no gnf@gyldendal.no guro.usterud@gyldendal.no (Gyldendal Fakta)

ISBN: 978 582916537 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim)

15 Scotland

19 Switzerland – French

ISBN: 978-2-8289-0938-3 sdehaller@atelier109.ch www.editionsfavre.com edfavre@span.ch

ISBN 978 1902 407456 eleanor@geddeandgrosset.co.uk ddonaldson@dcthomson.co.uk ron@gandg.sol.co.uk mike@gandg.sol.co.uk – www.waverleybooks.com info@waverleybooks.com (Waverley) Clever innovative design for the cookbook of Scotland first family, from the Sunday Post cartoons, started in 1936. The previous annual sold 100.000 copies. Maw Broon is fair chuffed that her book o’cordon Broon recipes is gan doon sae weel.

16 South Africa

Life’s A Beach Cottage Neil Roake Photography: Sean Laurenz

ISBN: 9780620392004 neil@modernmuseum.co.za (Modern Museum Publishing) The author is House and Leisure magazine food editor.

(Favre Suisse) Innovative design by a talented artist.

20 UK

1080 Recipes Simone and Inés Ortega Illustrations: Javier Mariscal Foreword: Ferran Adria

ISBN: 978 07148 44671 www.phaidon.com javier@mariscal.com grosell@phaidon.com (Phaidon) The Spanish home cooking classic has been redesigned by Phaidon. It is a beautiful masterpiece of creativity. It becomes a very young, happy book, and most useful in all kitchen.

21 USA

17 Spain – Castellano

Mise en Bouche Annick Jeanmairet Graphiste Sebastien de Haller

Williams-Sonoma Tools and Techniques Chuck Williams Foreword: Thomas Keller Photos: Tucker Hossler

Aloña – Sólo Pintxos Editor: Javier Urroz Chef: J.Ramón Elizondo

ISBN: 978 8461135479 gastromapa@euskalnet.net (Crecom)

ISBN: 1 934533033 amyk@weldonowen.com www.williams-sonoma.com (Gold St.Press) Comprehensive evaluation of both classic and contemporary equipment, with over 300 cooking techniques. A Williams-Sonoma exclusive.

A very carefully done books where design, paper, photography give weight to the traditional and new pintxos from the basque area.

18 Sweden

22 Venezuela

Märta Stures Hushållsbok i två delar Book of housekeeping by Märta Sture bearbetad av Kersti Wikström

Tocar Fuego, 45 Recetas de Puño y Letra Rafael Gullén, Francisco Abenante Design: Ricardo Limongi Foreword: Prof. José Rafael Lovera

ISBN: 978-91-7108-513-9 www.nordiskamuseet.se christina.westergren@ nordiskamuseet.se kersti.wikstrom@nordiskamuseet.se (Nordiska Museets Förlag) Two books come in one package, equally beautiful. The first is a replica of the handwritten original from 1739 and the other a modern presentation and transcription.

ISBN: 980 12 21682 imagocreativo@cantu.net tocarfuego@hotmail.com rafaelguillenfoto@gmail.com (Rafael Guillen Photo-Venezuela)

Fifteen of the best chefs in Venezuela got together for these forty five recipes “written by hand”. The great recipes, design and photography are a tribute to the new excellence of Venezuela cookery.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 199

22 BestCookbookDesign

MAW Broon’s Cookbook Editor: Eleanor Abraham Consultant Editor and Spokes Person for the Broons Family: David Donaldson

HORS SÉRIE au n° 159 - avril 2008 - 5 €

couverture gya08 12/03/08 17:32 Page 1


BestCulinary HistoryBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Australia – Jean Paul Bruneteau (Harper Collins) France – Anthony Rowley (Hachette) France – J. L. Flandrin, C. Lambert (Imprimerie Nationale) UK – Alan Davidson (Oxford University Press) Sweden- Carl Jan Granqvist Ingrid Nilsson (Färgspelet)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Elisabeth Luard (MQP) UK – Colin Spencer (Grub Street) Australia – C. Murphy (Wakefield Press) France – G. Fumey, O. Etxeberria (Autrement) Europe – Dara Goldstein, Kathrin Merkle (Council of Europe) South Africa – A.Trapido, C.Fathi (Gwynne Conlyn)

1 Australia

4 Canada – French

The Meat Game A History of the Gepps Cross Abattoirs and Livestock Markets Richard Maurovic

Les Producteurs Toqués de l’Ile d’Orleans – Farmers in chefs hats Linda Arsenault – In French and English

ISBN: 9781862547261 stephanie@wakefieldpress.com.au (Wakefield Press) An intelligent study of where our

(Producteurs Toqués-Canada)

info@producteurstoques.com larsenault01@sympatico.ca www.producteurstoques.com

food comes from.

2 Austria

Süsses Aus Dem Sacher Christoph Wagner ISBN 978 3854 314400 wien@sacher.com www.pichlerverlag.at (Pichler) The most famous cake in the world, since 1832.Celebrating 175 years in 2007.

3 Brazil


Très beau livre bilingue, avec de bonnes photos, et des recettes appetissantes.Beautiful bilingual book,with good photos,and great recipes.

Arte de Cozinha – Alimentaçao e Dietética em Portugal e no Brasil (séculos XVII-XIX) Cristiana Couto Illustrations: Fabiana Fernandes

5 China

Classic Recipes of the Qian LongSui Yuan Period By Wen Yan ISBN: 978-7-5304-3452-9 Email: bjkspress@163.com www.bkjpress.com (Beijing Science and Technology Press)

This massive hardcover is the reference book of extremely well written recipes of the period, with many dishes now in Imperial Cuisine.

ISBN: 978 857 3595840 vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.azambuja@sp.senac.br criscouto@brasilia.com.br (Senac Sao Paulo)

Many traditional recipes, in a good book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 201

23 BestCulinaryHistoryBook

Demand for culinary history books is worldwide. Food is now part of culture, and culinary history is very much respected. There is a return to the classics, as well as a focus on special local or regional culinary history. Much has happened in the last thirty years, with many quick changes, and culinary historians try to understand and record the past and the present.

6 Colombia

9 France

Fogón de Negros Cocina y Cultura en una Región Latinoamericana German Patiño Ossa

L’Alimentation des équipages dans la Marine. Esquisse Historique Lucien Fournier

ISBN: 978 958 698 2184 www.cab.int.co angelm@cab.int.co (Convenio Andrés Bello)

Afro-American Cooking in Latin America, winner of “Andrés Bello Award” in the Essay Category.

ISBN: 978-2-84265-483-2 Tel: 0546 016043 ladecouvrance@orange.fr www.ladecouvrance.com (La Découvrance Editions)

The food on board the ships of the French Navy is described for the centuries from 1600 to 1900. It is clear, easy reading with strong research.

10 Germany 7 Denmark

23 BestCulinaryHistoryBook

Danish cookbooks: Domesticity and National Identity 1616-1901 By Carol Gold, History Professor at the University of Alaska

Die F.A.Z. Gourmet Vision Jürgen Dollase ISBN: 978 3 937963594 info@tretorri.de (Tre Torri)

ISBN: 978 0295986821 ISBN: 978 8763506083 uwpress@u.washington.edu cath2@u.washington.edu info@mtp.dk e@mtp.dk www.washington.edu/uwpress

Tel: 4535329135 (Museum Tusculanum Press- University of Copenhagen University of Washington Press) The book explores how cooking contributed to identity as a nation. It is copublished with University of Washington Press in the USA which has the largest Scandinavian studies department in North America.

Star food critic Dollase writes about 15 great chefs.

11 Italy

Il Piccolo Libro dei Cibi Giorgio Taborelli ISBN: 978 88 7928-9122-2 www.ponteallegrazie.it info@ponteallegrazie.it (Ponte alle Grazie) A delightful well written book, rich in history and culinary culture

8 Estonia

Eesti Talurahva Vanem Toit Aliise Moora Illustrations: Mari Ainso ISBN: 978 9985772126 ilmamaa@ilmamaa.ee (Ilmamaa) Culinary history reference book (2007) edition) by ethnography expert, who died in 1996.

202 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

12 Japan

50 Years of Japanese Food Cultural Changes Ziosuke ISBN: 978 4022 731 593 www.book.asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun) The refrigerator was a war crime for Japanese food culture destruction.

17 Singapore

Seminario Historia de la Cocina Peruana Maritza Villavicencio

The Food of Love: Four Centuries of East-West Cuisine Wendy Hutton

Mvillavicencio@terra.com.pe ggarcia@turismo.usmp.edu.pe (Universidad San Martin de Porres-Peru)

ISBN: 978 981 2614568 ariating@sg.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

Eurasian Recipes and History.

The author is a historian and the director of the Museum of the Peruvian Woman. Lima Seminar of April 2005 on the culinary history of Peru.

18 South Africa

14 Philippines

The Governor – General Kitchen Philippines Culinary Vignettes and Period Recipes 1521-1935. In English Felice Prudente Sta.Maria

felicestamaria@yahoo.com Design: Guillermo Ramos, Ige Ramos Design Studio Ige.ramos@gmail.com K_bolasco@yahoo.com ISBN: 971 2716961 pubdept@anvil.com.ph (Anvil)

Traditional South African Cooking Magdalena Van Wyk Pat Barton ISBN: 978 1770074071 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za (Struik)

The book features interesting stories about the origins of South African cuisine, which is a unique blend of dutch, french, german, british cuisines as well as malay from the east..

The book received the 2006 National Book Award for cookbooks.

19 Spain – Castellano

15 Pitcairn

Taste of Pitcairn Meralda Warren maimiti@pitcairn.pn We waived the yeardate requirement for this interesting cookbook. The author says it is the first Pitcairn cookbook

Cocina y Alimentación en los Siglos XVI y XVII Julio Valles Garcia Photos: Oronoz Fotografía Digital ISBN: 978 849718 4113 (Junta de Castilla y Leon) This is a masterpiece which will become the culinary history reference for this Golden Age of

Spanish power.

16 Portugal Sabores Intemporais Renato Costa Photos: Dina Adao

20 Spain – Catalan

ISBN 9789898010452 caleidoscopio@caleidoscopio.net (Caleidoscopio)

ISBN: 978 8493497255 (CIM Edicions) cimedicins@menta.net

Cuinar i Menjar a Barcelona (1850-1900)

This is a publisher of many cookbooks. The recipes here are from the Algarve.Fifth culinary history book by this author.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 203

23 BestCulinaryHistoryBook

13 Peru

21 Sweden

23 UK

Nostalgiboken om godis & glass Annica Triberg, Eva Kallhed Photo: Albert Håkansson

Taste, The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking Kate Colquhoun

ISBN: 91-85329-42-8

ISBN: 978 0 747585763 Erica_jarnes@bloomsbury.com www.bloomsbury.com (Bloomsbury)

(Grenadine Bokförlag AB)

22 Turkey

23 BestCulinaryHistoryBook

Social history of Britain through its food, from Roman times to the age of the celebrity chef.

Dervis Sofralari Dervish’s Table – The Culinary Culture and Customs in Sufizim Sahrap Soysal Photos: Koray Peközkay

ISBN 9789759915414 soysalsahrap@yahoo.com koray@koraypekozkay.com tgokce@dogankitap.com.tr akirpiksiz@dogankitap.com.tr (Do an Kitap)

24 USA

According to Sufism, every phase of the meal is not just an action but a life doctrin. The book explains in 115 recipes and unique photography everything about Sufi cuisine.

204 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Food Edited by John Knechtel ISBN: 978 0262 113090 atwiselton@hup-mitpress.co.uk director@alphabet-city.org (Mit Press) The author is director of Alphabet City Media in Toronto.


Best ChocolateBook 2000 2001 2002 2003

France – Christian Constant (Ramsay) US – Pierre Herme (Little Brown) France – Trish Deseine (Marabout) UK – Green and Black – C.Jeremy (Kyle Cathie)

2004 France – Laurent Schott (Hachette) 2005 Belgium – Jean Pierre Wybaum (Lannoo) 2006 France – Marc Cluizel (Michel Cluizel)

Chocolate demand is rising everywhere. What is most unusual, is the shift by consumers to quality. While the media and the industry thought that consumers would go for substitutes and sugar, the demand is going, slowly but surely, the other way to quality real chocolate. This is parallel to the demand in serious chocolate books.

Tentaciones con Chocolate Paula Pollono Photos: Luciano Bacchi ISBN: 978 987 5880337 paulapollono@hotmail.com lucianobacchi@yahoo.com.ar marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtroma1.com (Utilisima)

4 Germany

Schokolade-Süsses Gold Birgit Damer Photos: Elmar Schwarze

ISBN: 978 3775004596 info@birgit-damer.de Sabine.bruder@haedecke-verlag.de (Walter Hädecke Verlag)

Sweet Gold is an excellent title.

Temptations with chocolate.

5 Italy 2 Canada – English

Wild Sweets – Chocolate Savory-Sweet-Bites-Drinks From the Atelier of Dominique and Cindy Duby Foreword by Charlie T rotter ISBN: 978 1 552 859100 dcduby@dcduby.com tarynb@whitecap.ca www.whitecap.ca (Whitecap)

The chocolate experts of Canada.

Photography: Mauro Raffini Mauro.raffini@fastwebnet.it www.danielapiazzaeditore.com info@danielapiazzaeditore.com daniela.piazza@tiscalinet.it (Daniela Piazza Editore) The author is a journalits and host on television, in charge of culture at RAI of Torino. The photographer is world famous, with photos in museums and foundations. The beautiful book tells the story of Masters of chocolate in the Piemonte region.It is available in English and distributed in the USA.

3 Estonia

Sokolaadi Raamat Maire Suitsu, Lia Virkus, Angeelika Kang

ISBN. 9985 953649 javarilage@kirjastus.ee (Ajarkide Kirjastus)

Cioccolato e Cicolaté Maestri e botteghe del cioccolato in Piemonte Orlando Perera

6 New Zealand

Passion Chocolat Christelle Le Ru Photography: Vanessa Jones ISBN: 978 0473 113568 christelle@christelle-leru.com www.christelle-leru.com

(Christelle Leru Books-New Zealand) Decadent yet easy recipes in this new book of past Gourmand author Christelle.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 205

24 BestChocolateBook

1 Argentina

7 Norway

9 Sweden

Smaken av Sjokolade Aase Dotterud Photos: Astrid Hals

Lakrits, mint & choklad Liquorice, mint and chocolate Elisabeth Johansson

ISBN: 978 8292577202 Aase.dotterud@allers.no post@emblaforlag.no bjorg.vollan@emblatorlag.no (Embla)

ISBN: 978-91-27-02577-6 www.nok.se ulla.tammerman@nok.se (Natur & Kultur)

From muffins to cake.

8 Spain – Castellano

Chocolate Ramón Morató Photographs: Francesc Guillamet

24 BestChocolateBook

info@ramonmorato.com –

The chocolate shows the way in this trendy book and brings mint and liquorice to tempting delicious product you can make at home.

ISBN: 978 8492244362 In English and Spanish jordi@vilbo.com info@francescguillamet.com aula@chocovic.es www.ramonmorato.com (Vilbo)

The author is now in charge of Aula Chocovic, a leading chocolate company school in Catalunya.

206 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

10 UK

Divine Heavenly Chocolate Recipes with a Heart Linda Collister ISBN: 978 1904573739 Jon.croft@absolutepress.co.uk (Absolute Press) Chocolate made from the Cocoa Beans supplied by the Kuapa Kokoo Farmers of Ghana.


Best BreadBook US – Mary Ann Esposito (William Morrow) Italy – Massari, Zoia (Pavoni) France – Christine Armengaud (La Martinière) US – Peter Reinhart (Ten Speed) US – Rose Levy Beranbaum (WW Norton) France – Erk Kayser, JC Ribaut (Solar)

2004 France – Frederic Lalose (Editions de L’If) 2005 Japan – Philippe Bigot (Shibata) 2006 Israel (Israeli Museum)

1 China

116 Kinds of Bread Making Li Nan ISBN: 978 7 50195886 3 sheila@vip.sina.com www.chlip.com.cn bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (CHLIP) Li Nan trained for breadmaking in Japan and came back to China.

4 Netherlands

Brood Clara ten Houte de Lange

ISBN: 978 906611 8256 clar@tenhoutedelange.com info@cameron-studio.nl publish@inmerc.nl (Inmerc)

Dutch Bread.

2 Italy

5 Peru

Profumo di Pane – Mulini, Forni e Panetterie del Pinerolese Universita della Terza eta Piscina

Panes del Perú El Encuentro del Maíz y del Trigo Andrés Ugaz Cruz

ISBN: 88 8170 3041 Tel: 0121 322657 Fax: 0121 393195 alzani@alzani.it (Alzani Editore)

ISBN: 978 9972585692 ggarcia@turismo.usmp.edu.pe

This is a historical study of the mills, ovens and bakeries of the Pinerolo area of Torino, with many illustrations.

(Universidad San Martin de Porres) The meeting of corn and wheat in 12regions. This chef is an expert on peruvian local foods.

6 Sweden

3 Japan The Bread Book Levain and Sour Dough Included Katsuei Shiga ISBN: 978 4388060160 minokoshi@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata Publishing Company) 7 kinds of levain yeast and 45 kinds of breads.

Glutenfria bröd och bakverk för hela familjen Bread free of gluten – for the whole family Charlotte Andersson ISBN: 978-91-534-2787-2 www.formapg.se ingela.holm@formapg.se (ICA Förlag)

To suffer from gluten intolerance becomes a bit easier with this happy bread book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 207

25 BestBreadBook

1998 2000 2001 2002 2003

7 UK


Crust: Bread to get your Teeth into. Richard Bertinet Photos: Jean Cazals

Local Breads, Sourdough and Whole Grain Recipes from Europe’s Best Artisan Bakers. Daniel Leader

ISBN: 978 1856267205 info@jeancazals.net www.thebertinetkitchen.com michelle.rowley@kyle-cathie.com info@thebertinetkitchen.com (Kyle Cathie)

25 BestBreadBook

Step by Step photos and DVD. Cooking-Learning-Eating.

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

208 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 039050554 www.breadalone.com info@breadalone.com najma@wwnorton.co.uk (WW Norton)

Second book of the owner of the “Bread Alone Bakery” in Boiceville, New York.


Best BarbecueBook 2001 UK – Matthew Brennan, Weber (MQP) 2002 US – William Rubel (Ten Speed) 2003 Germany – Rainer Mitze (Umschau)

2004 UK – Scott Givot (MQP) 2005 Finland – Hans Välimäki (Otava) 2006 France – Raymond Buren (JP Rocher, Editeur)

Barbecue is today the first step in cooking for many young people. It is very important to measure that it is a world phenomenon, which is a return to the fundamentals of food for mankind, including fun, friendship, meat as much as vegetables.

Recetario Especial para Horno de Barro Rosaura L.Ibarra ISBN 978 9508 380890 mtcarbano@imaginador.com.ar (Imaginador)

4 Norway

2 Australia

The Great Aussie Barbie Cookbook Kim Terakes ISBN: 978 0670071470 tammie.gay@ au.penguingroup.com www.aussiebarbie.com (Penguin Australia)

Mat pa Hytta Anders Jahrmann Photos: Evy Andersen ISBN: 9788292 489734 tinagent@tinagent.no post@vegaforlag.no presse@vegaforlag.no www.bokklubben.no (Vega Forlag)

5 Peru Parrilla para Todos

ISBN: 9972021386 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

The author started Boys Can Cook Cooking School and is an experienced food writer.

3 China

Mutton – Hot Pot Zhang Rein Qing Food Cultural Books of China ISBN: 978 7509112625 Qisham5212@163.com www.pmmp.com.cn wanglan@pmmp.com.cn (People’s Military Medical Press)

6 Poland Potrawy a Grill a Ewa Aszkiewicz

office@publicat.pl sklep@najilepszyprezent.pl ISBN: 978 83245 1249-2 (Publicat) Really interesting grill book from Poland.

The Beijing fondue is very popular with Chinese and tourists, historically coming from the plains north of the capital.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 209

26 BestBarbecueBook

1 Argentina

7 South Africa


Life’s A Beach Cottage Neil Roake Photography: Sean Laurenz

Mastering the Grill: The Owner’s Manual for Outdoor Cooking Andrew Schloss and David Joachim Photographer: Alison Miksch

ISBN: 9780620392004 neil@modernmuseum.co.za (Modern Museum Publishing)

ISBN: 978 08118-4964-7 Aschloss@comcast.net Alison@alisonmiksch.com blog@chroniclebooks.com www.chroniclebooks.com (Chronicle)

The author is House and Leisure magazine food editor.

8 Switzerland – German

26 BestBarbecueBook

Urlaubsküche Katharina Bodenstein Photos: Jutta Schneider ISBN: 978 3038002956 Katharina.bodenstein@freenet.de Schneider-will@t-online.de Urs.hunziker@azag.ch www.urlaubsküche.com www.phoenix-edition.de (At Verlag)

The book to take with you in mobile home, camping and trekking.

210 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Great tips, clearly explained, a reference master book.


BestFood LiteratureBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

US – Jeffrey Steingarten (Random House) Australia – Stephanie Alexander (Viking) France – Muriel Barbery (Gallimard) New Zealand – Julie Biuso (New Holland) France - Senegal– Aminato Sow Fall (F. Truffaut)

2003 2004 2005 2006

France – Guy Martin, Henri Gougaud (Le Seuil) India – Vir Sanghui (Penguin) Sweden – Lennart Jarnhammar (HRF) UK – Jake Tilson (Weidenfeld)

Publishers have found that food helps sell any kind of books. A new kind of reader has been created by the growth of the cookbook market, pulled by television. These readers like food literature with travel, biography, history, crime, comics, children text books, dictionaires, text books, in summary food in all fiction and non fiction.

1 Australia

ISBN: 978-1740 458818 downes@swiftdsl.com.au jacquis@murdochbooks.com.au (Murdoch Books-Australia)

An honest account of 12 days in Paris, underlining the strengths and weakness of Parisian foods, the high cuisine and the bistrot,the fun and the surprises.

3 Brazil

Millionen Kochen Ein Mira-Valensky-Krimi Eva Rossmann ISBN: 978 3 85256-3787 www.folioverlag.com hacklaender-pr@t-online.de thurner@folioverlag.com widmair@folioverlag.com krimis@evarossmann.at (Folio Verlag)

Crime story with food background. There is also a new cookbook Mira Kocht (ISBN: 978 3852563589)

ISBN: 978 86 73595185 drsergio@spsantos.com.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.sambruja@sp.senac.br (Senac-Sao Paulo)

The author is a doctor from the University of Sao Paulo, wll known writer and member of many culinary societies around the world.

2 Austria

Memórias de Adega e Cozinha Sergio de Paula Santos Illustrations: Mateus de Paula Santos, Marcello Righini

4 Chile

Memorias de una Golosa Pilar Hurtado Larrain ISBN: 956 2394557 andreav@santillana.cl info@santillana.cl donoso@santillana.cl www.pilarhurtado.blogspot.com (Epicentro Aguilar-Editorial Santillana)

Although published in July 2006, this book is so interesting the Jury waived the deadline.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 211

27 BestFoodLiteratureBook

Paris on a Plate A Gastronomic Diary Stephen Downes

5 China

Satisfying the World: Both the Department of Culture and History By Zhang Xinmin

ISBN: 978-7-80713-413-8 www.hbcbs.com.cn hbcb@sdpress.com.cn styanruyu@hotmail.com www.yanruyu.com/chaocai newtime_tom@21cn.com www.slswcc.com (Shandong Pictorial Publishing House)

27 BestFoodLiteratureBook

The author of this book is Shantou City Food Institute Secretary General. This book is derived from his columns in the Shantou City News column called “Watch the Chaoshan”. Chaoshan is a region of 10 million people, next to Guangdong, quite different from the rest of China.

6 Colombia

Fogón de Negros: Cocina y Cultura en la región Latinoamericana Germán Patiño Ossa ISBN: 978 9586982184 gpatio@hotmail.com jcarbonell@cab.int.co (Convenio Andrés Bello)

Winner of the award “Premio Andrés Bello de Pensamiento Iberoamericano” for the essay category, for 12 spanish speaking countries.

7 France

8 Germany

Teller – Gerichte Torben Klausa Olaf Plotke Foreword: Dr.Erik Ansgar Schwedt

ISBN 9783938173398 plotke@t-online.de ek@kornmayer-verlag.de (Kornmayer) Thirty satirical philosophical stories.

9 Greece

Art Cuisine Albert Arouh

ISBN 9608796814 alar@hol.gr skinti@imako.gr (Imako Media)

Food in modern restaurants has evolved to being created or perceived as a work of art, from a philosophical, aesthetic and historical point of view. Great complete English text in a separate book.

10 Italy

Editions Virgile) 27 authors for the wine alphabet get the reader drunk with happy, funny, serious, deep words, published by the french Gourmand Libraries Association.

212 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 88 87549 591 morgantieditori@morgantieditori.it www.morgantieditori.it www.lucionocentini.com (Morganti Editori)

The author has published 7 books since 1999. This one is an entertaining thriller based on Sherlock Holmes in a criminal investigation based on food. This book should be translated.

Abecedaire Liquidophile Préface de Régine Deforges Gravure couleur de Richard Texier Illustrations de Daniel Maja ISBN 2914481209 bibliothequesgourmandes@villedijon.fr jprf@free.fr (Bibliothèques Gourmandes-

Alimentare, Watson! Lucio Nocentini

11 Japan It is life Oishu Gozaimasu by Asako Kishi

ISBN: 978 4766210811 info@graphsha.jp www.graphsha.jp (Graph Sha) Culinary journalist half a century history, with much sense of humor.

16 El Salvador

Met Gort de Boer op Ilja Gort – Jonnie Boer

Mesas y Escenas de El Salvador Jacqueline Laffite Bloch In English and Spanish

ISBN: 978 9043910569 tirion@tirionuitgevers.nl www.iljagort.blogo.nl info@librije.com (Tirion)

Humorous adventures in the Netherlands culinary world, with the chef from the famous Librije Restaurant (Michelin Star) in Zwolle.

13 New Zealand

www.tinmarin.org info@tinmarin.org Tel: 22715110 (Fondo Patrimonial del Tin Marin-Amuni-Museo de los Niños) To the benefit of the Children Museum of El Salvador. The author is a Honduran journalist, widow of Federico Bloch Macias, a hero and CEO of Taca Group Airline in El Salvador.

Papa’s Donut Kate Moetaua Illustrated by Bruce Potter

17 Spain – Castellano

ISBN 97818698484361 info@reed.co.nz tracy@icanmodels.nz (Reed Publishing)

Nika is a little kiwi girl with a Cook Island dad who makes the best donut in the world.

ISBN: 978 9712718779 cbrainard@aol.com palh@aol.com marilyo@yahoo.com K_Bolasco@yahoo.com anvilpublishing@yahoo.com www.anvilpublishing.com www.pahlbooks.com (Anvil) A collection of 25 stories and recipes that reveals filipino culture in a unique way.

ISBN: 84 206 5134 7 rmgarcia@anaya.es (Alianza Editorial) European culinary masterpiece.

14 Philippines A La Carte: Food and Fiction Edited by Cecilia Manguera Brainard and Marily Orosa 25 Authors Illustrations: Ice de Leon

El Goloso Una Historia Européa de la Buena Mesa Conde de Sert

Vocabulari de Cuina I Taules Taules de Mesura Núria Bàguena Glòria Baliu

ISBN: 84 93537739 samaranchdis@sct.ictnet.es (SD Edicions)

A-Z of Catalan kitchen vocabulary.

19 Sweden

A Poesia é para Comer Seleciao de poemas Ana Vidal Receitas Culinarias – Casa de Cozinha.com

Tyst hav Silent sea Isabella Lövin

These are original poems, with corresponding recipes.


18 Spain – Catalan

15 Portugal

ISBN 9789899525108 anavidal@netcabo.pt anavidal7@gmail.com www.anavidal.com (DG Edicoes)


ISBN: 978-91-7037-278-0 www.isabellalovin.se www.ordfront.se forlaget@ordfront.se isabella.lovin@telia.com (Ordfront förlag) Journalist Isabella Lövin is convinced we need to change our habits on fishing .

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 213

27 BestFoodLiteratureBook

12 Netherlands

20 UK

The Camel Trail Judy Jackon ISBN: 978 0951722022 Judy.jackson@pobox.com (Marsons)

27 BestFoodLiteratureBook

The author has published seven cookbooks. In her first novel, English and Jewish food have an important role in the four generations saga of the Levy family.

214 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

21 USA

The Zen of Fish The Story of Sushi, from Samurai to supermarket Trevor Corson trevor@trevorcorson.com hugh.van.dusen@harpercollins.com brendan.keating@harpercollins.com ISBN: 978-0-06-088350-8 (Harper Collins)

An in-depth look at the culture of Sushi by a japanese-speaking expert on the behavior of sea creatures. After the “Secret Life of Lobsters”, this new book is expected by many fans of the author. His style is unique, with strong content and research.


BestBookFor FoodProfessionals 1998 1999 2000 2001

US – Wayne Gisslen (John Wiley) US – Culinary Institute of America US – Cia Knife Kit (John Wiley) US – Barbara Gibbs Ostmann, Jane L.Baker (John Wiley)

2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Caroline Waldegrave-Leith (Bloomsbury) Italy – Heinz Beck (Bibliotheca Culinaria) Cuba – Yamir Pelegrino (Intergráfica) France (Demarle)

There are now books for food professionals in all countries. Publishers are usually specialized. These books also appeal to the sophisticated public beyond professionals.

Tallados Decorativos Frutas – Verduras – Quesos Silvia Barredo ISBN: 978 9876130158 barredo@ciudad.com.ar marialaura.fiordelisi@foxtoma1.com (Gargola Ediciones)

4 Brazil

Alquimia Dos Alimentos Wilma M.C.Araújo Nancy de Pilla Montebello Raquel B.A.Botelho Luis António Borgo Photos: Aurelia Valentin Gomes Prefacio: Hervé This

Wilma.araujo@terra.com.br – raquelbotelho@terra.com.br borgo@unb.br – aureliav@terra.com.br mariabh@senacdf.com.br (Senac Brasilia)

2 Austria Küche: Management, Organisation Eduard Mitsche, Johann Reisinger, Dieter Kranzl, Peter Fischer, Manfred Buchinger

This is the second volume in the serie food and drinks. Senac Brasilia publishes 25 books a year.

5 China

ISBN: 978 3844879312 k.gollowtsch@trauner.at www.trauner.at (Trauner)

3 Belgium – Dutch

Basistechnieken Eenvoudige Gastronomie Met_Hotelschool Spermalie Walter Lanckmans Photos: Bart van Leuven

ISBN: 978 9058562319 info@spermalie.be bart.van.leuven@pandora.be (Stichting Kuntsboek) karel.puype@stichtingkunstboek.com

How The Maitre or the Waiter Should take the Order from a Guest, Including Chinese and Western Cuisine By Xu Bao Liang and Zhu Yong Song ISBN: 978-7-80218-195-3 Contact: sumin8184@sina.com (China Astronautic Publishing House) Ordering food in a restaurant in China is an art that shows your culture, status, and caring for your guests. This book is very important for the Maitre and waiters.

Hospitality school with 55 years of history.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 215

28 BestBookforFoodProfessionals

1 Argentina

6 France

10 Norway

Grand Livre de Cuisine d’Alain Ducasse Tour du Monde 35 Chefs Photos: Thomas Duval

Himmelske Kombinasjoner Geir Salvesen, Nancy Bundt, Nina Bohn ISBN: 978 8251624176 Geir.salvesen@aftenposten.no Nina.bohn@telez.no anne.fjeldberg@schibstedforlagene.no Vebjorn.rogne@schibstedforlagene.no (Schibsted)

ISBN: 978 2848440392 lecedition@wanadoo.fr presse@alain-ducasse.com (Alain Ducasse Edition)

500 Recipes from the Alain Ducasse restaurants around the world. Focus: cookery is for 60% the product and 40% the technique.

How to make heavenly combinations by matching food and wine.

11 Peru

7 Germany

28 BestBookforFoodProfessionals

ISBN: 978 3937963594 info@tretorri.de vilgis@mpip-mainz.mpg.de (Tre Torri)

Molecular cuisine. The cookbook from a professor at Max Planck Institut fur Polymerforschung.

com ISBN: 88-84710618

ISBN: 997 2269736 www.cordonbleuperu.edu.pe fchac@cordonbleuperu.edu.pe (Le Cordon Bleu – Peru)

This is the first of a series of books applying french culinary techniques to the national products of Peru. Le Cordon Bleu also published in Korea in 2005 a cookbook about Kimchi with the same concept.

8 Italy

12 Philippines

Il Buffet – Secondo l’Etoile Caldo e Freddo Collaborazione: 12 chefs Instituto Etoile Fotografia: Giovanni Panarotto

Managing a Food Safe Kitchen. A Guide on Sanitation for Food Service Professionals. In English. Maya Kitchen Culinary Arts Center Illustrations: Ibarra Crisostomo

giovannipanicotto@mac.com www.institutoetoile.com informazioni@institutoetoile. (Edizioni Boscolo Etoile)

Cocina Novoandina: Quinua

Molekular Küche – Das Kochbuch Prof.Thomas Vilgis

The reference masterpiece published by the reference school for professinals in Italy.

ISBN: 971 2718748 mkitchen@ultimate.info.com.ph alakalakan@yahoo.com k_bolasco@yahoo.com pubdept@anvil.com.ph (Anvil Publishing) Food flow, hazard analysis, critical control points and much more.

9 Japan

88 Best Shapes and their Variations Hirosi Nagashima Photos: Toshi Yuki Ebihara

ISBN: 978 4388 060085 Yokoyama-s@eva.hi-hi.ne.jp Ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata) The basic 88 Japanese carvings of vegetables by the grand chef of the Shisui Restaurant at Tsukiji in Tokyo.

216 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

13 Portugal

Saberes de Sabor Herdado Joaquim António Janeiro ISBN: 978 972641 5572 secretariado@europa-america.pt (Publicaçoes Europa – America) Posthumous publication of the fourth book by a leading hospitality professor.

14 Spain – Castellano

18 USA

Cocina y Repostería, Recetario Federico Benítez – Alahija Sánchez

Knife Skills Illustrated: A User’s Manual By Peter Hertzmann Illustrations: Alan Witschonke

ISBN: 84 9732 5176 ficobas@yahoo.es marketing@paraninfo.es www.thomsonparaninfo.es (Thomson-Paraninfo)

This is a good textbook for students and professionals who seriously want to cook.

15 Spain – Catalan

Vocabulari de Cuina I Taules Taules de Mesura Núria Bàguena Glòria Baliu

ISBN: 84 93537739 samaranchdis@sct.ictnet.es (SD Edicions)

A-Z of Catalan kitchen vocabulary.

ISBN: 978 0393061789 alanwits@comcast.net najma@wwnorton.co.uk www.hertzmann.com (WW Norton)

The author amassed one of the largest collections of English language China cookbooks. Then he became passionate about french food, after a one week stay in Sorges, Dordogne,with its Eco-Musee de la Truffe and the Auberge de la Truffe.We had a magnificent awards event there thanks to Jean Jacques Ratier and Alain Robert in 2001.This book is unique in the research and experience in knife skills for both right and left hand chefs. The illustrations are great.

28 BestBookforFoodProfessionals

16 Sweden

Gör Sverige Godare Make Sweden tastier Svenska Kocklandslaget Evert Bränd Krister Dahl www.foodfriends.se www.kocklandslaget.se evert.brand@kocklandslaget.se (Svenska Kockaandlaget)

This book is made for the public market by the Swedish Culinary Team. The group of influent chefs sets a new standard.

17 UK

Edible Wild Plants and Herbs, A Compendium of Recipes and Remedies Pamela Michael Printings by Christabel King ISBN: 978 1904943730 www.grubstreet.co.uk anne@grubstreet.co.uk (Grub Street)

Reference Book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 217




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private functions, dinner dances, breakfasts, garden parties, and conferences.


BestSeries ofFoodBooks 1997 Germany – (Grafe und Unzer) 1998 Australia – Le Cordon Bleu (Murdoch Books) 1999 US – (Williams Sonoma – Weldon Owen) 2000 US – Paulette Mitchell (IDG) 2001 Germany (Zabert Sandmann)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Australia (Lonely Planet) Italy (Il Leone Verde) US (Wiliams Sonoma – Oxmoor House) Russia – Million Menus (Arkaim) Greece –Alexia Alexiadou (Alba)

Cookbook series are very important for publishers who want continuing success over a long time. Many try to build it through the authors, while others focus on the format. The world bestsellers are probably the Williams Sonoma books, or the Marie Claire – Donna Hay cookbooks from Australia. Other successful series are the cookbooks of Japan Trading Publications or Marshall Cavendish from Singapore. Some publishers have built empires on their series, such as Hachette-Pratique and Marabout in France, Zabert Sandmann and GU in Germany, Arkaim in Russia, Everest in Spain, Murdoch Books in Australia. Series are the real test of the craft of a publisher.

Saveurs du Benin et de la Sous Region Tome 3 Valerie Vinakpon Photos: Valerie Vinakpon, Fortuné Gbaguidi

(STAR Editions)

saveursdubenin@yahoo.fr www.saveursdafrique.com star_editions@yahoo.fr www.afrilivres.com

The author is the region’s expert, and this book is now a classic. Volume 3 was published in April 2007. Volume 1 sold 10.000, Volume 2 reached 15.000. This could be the only reference cookbook on Benin. The author has done intenssive research in all regions of her country.

3 China

1 – ISBN: 978-7-5064-4115-5 2 – ISBN: 978-7-5064-417-9 3 – ISBN: 978-7-5064-4116-2 Contact: copyright@c-textilep.com Contact: Li Jing, Rights Director Jing_lg@163.com www.c-textilep.com (China Textile and Apparel Press)

Textile Press is one of the top 5 cookbook publishers in China. They participated in the April 2007 Beijing Gourmand Cookbook exhibition. Their books sell well because they are innovative, well designed, practical, at a reasonable cost. The photography is especially well done in this series.

2 Canada – French

Poulet Monique Daigneault ISBN: 978 27619 21206 mdaigneault@fpvq.qc.ca chlengelle@groupehomme.com (Editions de L’Homme) Series with poulet, mushroom,


Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers 3 Volumes of Food Sculptures Du Le Photographer: Xu Bao Yun

4 Croatia Ljeto - Summer

ISBN 978 953 2570618 Jadranka Boban Pejic marina@planetopija.hr (Planetopija)

The author is the famous croatian author of healthy vegan/ macrobiotic cookbooks and the first who introduced this concept of cooking in Croatia 20 years ago. Seaweed, spring, summer, autumn, winter.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 219

29 BestSeriesofFoodBooks

1 Benin

5 Czech

9 Peru

Design Cookbook Collection Coz Takle Datsi….. Banan, Salat Piticka, Lilek Lenka Požárová

Las Cocinas del Peru Gastón Acurio Edición Hirka Roca Rey Diseño: Ana Lozada Fotógrafo: José Cáceres

ISBN: 978 80903644 93 978 8090364486 – 978 8090 364479 – 978 8090 364462 lenka@zapalena-kucharka.cz www.zapalena-kucharka.cz/en (Ootb Solutions) 50 Recipes, young energizing humor taste, imagination. Each focusing on one great tasting ingredient.

6 France Dix Façons de le Preparer Gaspacho, Empanada, Croquetas, Bocadillo, Piquillo, Tortilla, Alberto Herraiz

29 BestSeriesofFoodBooks

ISBN: 9972217493 hrocarey@comercio.com.pe (El Comercio)

Collection of 10 Volumes: 1.- La Cocina Criolla 2.- La Cocina de las Cebicherias 3.- La Cocina de los Chifas 4.- La Cocina Nikkei 5.- La Cocina Casera

10 Philippines

contact@epure-editions.com (Editions de l’Epure) The box combines the 10 titles published by star chef Alberto Herraiz of El Fogón in Paris, the best Spanish food restaurant in Paris, and one of the 10 best Spanish chefs in the world.

7 Greece

Todays Light Cooking Vefa Alexiadou ISBN vefa@vefa.gr (Vefa Alexiadou)

6.- La Cocina de la Calle 7.- La Cocina Norteña 8.- La Cocina del Sur 9.- La Cocina Novoandina 10.- Las Cocinas del Futuro

Cooking 1,2,3 (3 Volumes) Favorite Family Recipes Made Healthy. In English Cris C.Abiva Luz Felicidad S. Callanta, RND Illustrations: Arnold Ramos ISBN: 971 2718915 Cris_c_abiva@yahoo.com ramosarnold@yahoo.com pubdept@anvil.com.ph (Anvil Publishing)

Kitchen tastes series for teachers, and students in nutrition and diet. Anvil received in 2006 the Philippines National Award for best publisher.

Healthy recipes, limited calories and cholesterol. Vefa is world famous, a great lady, a scientist, writer, business woman, and television star.

8 Italy Il Quaderno delle Ricette: Vicenza, Verona, etc.

ISBN: 978 8876113154 978 887611 3711 www.pizziguella.com info@pizziguella.com www.arsenale.it arsenale@arsenale.it (Mulino Don Chisciotte di Silvano Pizziguella)

Beautifully designed local recipes series.

220 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

11 Portugal

111 Recetas com - Ervas Aromáticas - Cardiacos ISBN: 978 972 1057890 secretariado@europa-america.pt (Publicaçoes Europa-America) 111 Recipes with aromatic herbs, and for the heart.

15 Sweden

National Food 1.- Tomatoes 2.- Cabbage 3.- Carrot 4.- Blueberries Lyudmila Potyomkina Designed by Vitaly

Monikas bästa menyer – för våren The best menus of Spring by Monica Monika Ahlberg

Chervinsky, Valentina Chemyakina ISBN: 978 5 8029 1778 7 978 5 8029 1771-8 978 5 80209 1780 0 978 5 80209 1770 1 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim)

ISBN: 978-91-518-4837-2 www.prismabok.se susanna.romanus@norstedts.se monika.ahlberg@telia.se (Prisma)

Monika Ahlberg created a new standard for Swedish cookbooks. Now she is running an ambitious project on a series of cookbook with menus, all done with Monika’s characteristic and charismatic profile.

The author is an expert in dietetics.

13 Spain – Castellano 5 Historias con Receta, 5 Vol. Author and Photographer: Yuri Millares Martin yurimillares@gmail.com (Pella Gofio Ediciones) * Tertulia, Arte y Salud, con Vinos Canarios * De la Pesca * Fuerteventura a Camello * Quesos y Ganados de Gran Canaria * De la Tierra Canariona

16 Vietnam

An Uong Chua Benh Cac Chung Vegia Lang Xuong By Vo Mai L_ xunhasaba@hn.vnn.vn mongliennguyen@ xunhasaba.com.vn

(NHA Xuai Ban Thong Ke) These books were exhibited at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2007.

The books are a compilation of 5 stories each published in the daily press of the Canary Islands. The design is great, clear and simple. With beautiful photos. It is great reading, with great recipes from the local Canary Islands.

14 Spain – Catalan El Julivert, La Tofona, L’Ou, L’Esparrec Blanc, com Prepararlo 10 Vegades David Solé i Torné, Oriol Rovira Prat, Ramon Freixa Riera. Jane Fisher Hellmich Illustrations: Lluisa Jover ISBN 9788493537715 info@elracodenfreixa.com elscasals@tinet.org – samaranchdis@sct.ictnet.es (SD Edicions) Ten ways to prepare it.Same concept as editions de l’Epure bestsellers in France.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 221

29 BestSeriesofFoodBooks

12 Russia


Best CheeseBook 2003 Belgium – Michel Van Tricht (Lannoo) 2004 Finland – Jukka Sinivirta (Otava)

2005 Switzerland – Didier Schmutz (Infolio) 2006 Spain – José Manuel Escorial (ICEX)

There are more and more cheese books, with a clear increase worldwide this year. Cheese is developing its own worldwide global culture, as wine did for decades. It will take time for cheese to reach the same level as wine, but it is on the way.

3 China

Die Käsekenner Andrea Krieger

Appreciation of World Cheese Culture In English and Chinese M.Y.Dong, F.Z.Ren

ISBN: 978 3 85499 1625 office@trauner.at www.trauner.at andrea.krieger@sift-seitenstten.at (Trauner) The author is a professor at the Wassermanngasse Tourism School

in Vienna.

2 Canada – English

The Definitive Guide to Canadian Artisanal and Fine Cheese By Gurth Pretty Tony Aspler

ISBN: 978-155 285 7601 gpretty@epicureanexpeditions.com tony.aspler@sympatico.ca tarynb@whitecap.ca www.epicureanexpeditions.com www.tonyaspler.com www.whitecap.ca (Whitecap)

Gurth Pretty is the Adventurous Chef, with international experience, and a cheese expert. Tony Aspler is one of the world’s wine authorities.

ISBN: 7-5025-6189-7 www.cip.com.cn wg@cip.com.cn (Chemical Industry Press)

The fundamental reference book on cheese was published in November 2004. It is included in our Yearbook as it is a very special book reviewing from a Chinese point of view the production and sonsumption of cheese in the world, country by country. The China, Mongolia and Japan chapters are most interesting for Western readers. The 78 colour photos of cheeses in the beginning are excellent.

4 France

Le Camembert, Mythe Français Pierre Boisard ISBN: 978 2 7381 1988-9 Cecile.a@odilejacob.fr www.odilejacob.fr (Odile Jacob)

How did Camembert become the most famous French cheese? Sociologist Pierre Botsard tells the story, starting in the 1920’s with an American promoting the story. Revised new 2007 edition. The first was published by U.California Press ISBN 9780520225503

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 223

30 BestCheeseBook

1 Austria

5 Greece

ISBN: 978 960 3683902 sophia@erevnites.gr (Erevnites)

Traditional Greek and Mediterranean cuisine as well as creative innovative recipes.

6 Japan Expert Cheese Service in Restaurant Keiko Kubata Photos: Toshiyuk Ebihara

ISBN: 978 4388060092 amimoto@shibatashoten.co.jp ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata)

30 BestCheeseBook

many photos.

Beautifully designed book, including

7 The Netherlands Passie Voor Kaas Betty Koster M.M.V. Sonja van de Rhoer Photos: Group van Damme – Joris Luyton ISBN: 978 90 5856 209-8 info@GGVD.com info@lamuse.nl info@jorisluyten.be (Stichting Kunsboek) karel.puype@stichtingkunstboek.com Lamuse cheese shop in Holland.

8 Turkey


120 Recipes with Feta Cheese Chef Giannis Geldis Photographs: Constantinos Kafiris

Silivrim Kaymak! Turkiye’nin Yogurtlari Artun Ünsal Photos: Cemal Emden ISBN: 978 9750812767 Sevi.sonmez@ykykultur.com.tr (Yapikredi) Turkey Yoghurt reference book, 375 pages.

224 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

The Cheese Lover’s Companion Sharon Tyler and Ron Herbst ISBN: 978 0060537043 stherbst@monitor.net james_houston@harpercollins.com ronherbst@comcast.net (William Morrow) This is the last book published by star writer Sharon Tyler.


Best CookbookCover 2003 Spain – Miquel Barcelo (Zendrera Zariquiey) 2004 Switzerland – Melanie Brugger (Orell Fussly)

2005 Japan – Yonemura (Superedition) 2006 Sweden – Eisenman,Hagström (Forum)

Book covers are art and marketing, and numbers may help. The cover weighs 40% in the buying decision of the cookbook buyer. Photos are used on 83% of the covers, including 13% for portraits. Portraits of men chefs are on 32% of their books, with only 15% for women chefs. For food television books, 70% have a portrait on the cover. The dominating colours on the covers are red with 43%, blue with 18,5%, green with 11%. Only 8% of the authors have their name bigger than the title. The title has one to three words for 57% of cookbooks. Few add a subtitle. Only 5% of photographers names get on the front cover. But 61% of publishers put their name on the front cover. These are some results of our 2006 study of cookbooks cover published in the Gourmand Yearbook 2007 last year.

Maggie’s Harvest Maggie Beer ISBN: 978 1920989-54-5 farmshop@maggiebeer.com.au peg.mccoll@au.penguingroup.com www.maggiebeer.com.au tammie.gay@au.penguingroup.com (Penguin Australia)

4 Canada – English

The world famous author from the Barossa Valley has published ten books.

Fresh Seasonal Recipes Made with local foods John Bishop Dennis Green Dawne Gourley ISBN: 978 1 553652458 Kim.mancini@douglas-mcintyre.com inquire@bishopsonline.com (Douglas McIntyre)

Bishop’s Restaurant, Vancouver.

2 Austria

Wildkräuter Delikatessen Susanne Till Photos: Ulrike Köb ISBN: 978 3701730438 Susanne.till@univie.ac.at studio@koeb.at e.ndz@residenzverlag.at (Residenz Verlag)

3 Brazil

Receitas Saborosas con Carne André Boccato ISBN: 85 7555 1205 editora@boccato.com.br gaia@editoragaia.com.br maira@boccato.com.br (Editora Gaia-Editora

5 China

Dangers of Food – What not to eat, when not to eat, dangerous combinations. What to stop doing, and what to do. Zhang Ren Quing Zhen Xian Min Food Cultural Books of China

ISBN: 978-7-5032-3072-1 Qisham5212@163.com Editor: Linxin619@hotmail.com cttp@cnta.gov.cn – www.cttp.net.cn (China Travel and Tourism Press) The striking innovative cover is quite appropriate to explain all the dangers of eating for health. It is also a well designed book, with many illustrations. The contemporary new ways of eating are well considered.


GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 225

31 BestCookbookCover

1 Australia

6 Estonia Sepamaa Talu Kook – The Kitchen of Sepamaa Talu Anni Arro

10 Greece

ISBN: 978 9604427437 foreignrights: Lisa Koytsoudaki

ISBN: 9789949427529 Janari.lage@kijastus.ee (Ajakirjade)

Fasting with Taste Nostimon Nistisimon Alexandros Giotis

(Ellinika Grammata) Bilingual, with EnglishEstonian. Very personal summer home recipes.

aastrinaki@ellinikagrammata.gr – lkoytsoudaki@ellinikagrammata.gr Nice useful and practical book.

7 Finland Arkkitehtien Piparkakkutalot Jari Jetsonen Sirkkaliisa Jetsonen

ISBN: 978 9513140403 jetsonen@helsinki.fi sinikka.partanen@tammi.fi (Tammi)

31 BestCookbookCover

11 Hong Kong

Sophisticated architecture with chocolate cookies.

Hot Tomatoes Angelo McDonnell ISBN: 978 988 9938710 angelo@igors.com (Elite Champ Ltd-KHL Printing) Second book in the series, nominated for two awards to date.

8 France

12 Italy

Cuisine Inspirée Ingrid Astier Photographies: Hervé Nègre

Veneto in Tavola Ricette e Sapori Tipici della Tradizione Texts: 10 authors Photos: Cristiano Bulegato Introduction: Luca Zaia, Vice President of the Giunta Regionale del Veneto (Terra Ferma)

ISBN: 978 29 14645935 Presse-aveditions@orange.fr Agnesvienot-editions@ wanadoo.fr (Agnes Vienot Editions)

25 Top french chefs explain the status of inspired french cookery today.

9 Germany

Oui, Chef! Meine Neue, Leichte Französische Küche Michaela Peters Anna Cavelius Photos: Jorg Lehmann

ISBN: 978 3 8338 09361 Joerg.lehmann@club-internet.fr Claudia.krauss@graefe-undunzer.de reservations@grand-hotel-bristol.com (GU) One Michelin star German chef working in Alsace. At le Rendez vous de Chasse in ColmarGrand Hotel Bristol.150 great photos.

226 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 88 89846476 cbstudiopd@libero.it – www.terra.ferma.it info@terra-ferma.it – giulia@terra-ferma.it The excellent texts are really enhanced by the great photographs. There are recipes from the 24 denominations of origin and 3 Docg. The province of Veneto is the first region for food exports, with 25%. They have excellent wines, with big sales in volume, but also with high quality wines.

13 Japan

Delicate Sugarcraft from Japan Naomi Yamamoto Photos: Fumihiko Watanabe ISBN: 978 4 388060184 Ino-s@shibatashoten.co.jp www.shibatashoten.co.jp (Shibata) The world famous author published one of the most reference beautiful books on this subject.

18 Poland

Herman! Herman den Blijker, Jaap van Rijn

Breakfast in Bed, Pleasure about Food Sniadanie w tózku, I inne rozkosze….kulinarne By Agnieszka Perepeczko

ISBN: 978 902 151 5342 info@engelgroep.com sschapendonk@ kosmosuitgevers.nl (Kosmos)

The book stands out by photography and design, and the impressive TV Chef. He is passionate in his quest for quality. The stories are moving and beautiful. All the best ingredients for a great book.

The author emigrated in 1981 to Australia where she was a model,an actress and a photographer. She came back after 20 years, and is now a telented food writer. Her first book in 1997 was “Indian Summer”.

15 New Zealand

The author is an international star food writer and journalist. She is past President of IACP.

16 Norway

Himmelske Kombinasjoner Salvesen, Bundt, Bohn

by matching food and wine.

17 Philippines


Foodlore and Flavors – Inside the South East Asian Kitchen Tan Su – Lyn Photos: Neal Oshima ISBN: 978 971 9317050 info@nealoshima.com melody@artpostasia.com sulyn@starhub.net.sg

In the Artist’s Kitchen In English, German and Portuguese By 38 artists from 13 nationalities

ISBN: 978-9899532809 Email: ccsl@iol.pt www.centroculturalsaolourenco.com (Centro Cultural Sao Lourenço)

The Centro Cultural was founded in 1981 by Marie Hubert and her husband Volker who died 3 years ago. The gallery promotes contemporary art. The cookbook is a special project where the artists had a lo of pleasure realizing the book.

ISBN: 978 8251624176 Geir.salvesen@aftenposten.no Nina.bohn@telez.no Anne.fieldberg@schibstedforlagene.no Vebjorn.rogne@schibstedforlagene.no (Schibsted) How to make heavenly combinations

19 Portugal

The Confident Cook Lauraine Jacobs ISBN: 1869418239 jacobs@ihug.co.nz nlegat@randomhouse.co.nz (Random House)

ISBN 9788373862128 wydawnictwo@nowy-swiat.pl www.nowy-swiat.pl (Nowy Swiat)

20 Puerto Rico

Petit Chef Recetas Divertidas, Nutritivas y Educativas Bernice Guzmán de Padial Fotógrafo: Mariela Alvarez Artista: Rita Campos

ISBN 0979065100 rpadial@yahoo.com xalomako@mac.com ritacampos@adelphia.net www.petit-chef.com (Culinary Entertainment-Puerto Rico) This is an outstanding book, bursting with energy, creativity, enthusiasm and happiness. It is also very serious, taking into account health, costs, work, learning, all mixed with fun for children. It is unusual to see a book for children which takes care of all aspects of eating in such a balanced and accomplished way. Congratulations!

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 227

31 BestCookbookCover

14 Netherlands

21 Russia

Beauty Recipes, 3 Volumes 1.- Slimming Menus 2.- Anti Stress 3.- Nutrition of Hair and Skin Marina Vasilyeva and Alyona Makhankova Scientific consultant: Lyudmila Potyomkina Cover photographed by Valery Velikov, and Igor Ashmarin Designed by Valentina

Chemyakina ISBN: 978 5 8029 16391 – 978 5 8029 16940 978 5 8029 6193 3 margarita@arkaim.biz (Arkaim)

25 Spain – Catalan

Rrubinat@hotmail.com www.oriolrosell.com (Turisme de Lleida-Institut Municipal d’Accio Cultural de Lleida) The text is both in Catalan and Spanish in the book. It shows the innovative spirit of the chef and the author. It also has great design and photography.

22 Serbia

26 Sweden

Ljubavni Zalogaji

Under valnötsträdet Under the walnut tree Anna Bergenström Photos: Fanny Bergenström

31 BestCookbookCover

Festival 11 Cuiners Joves de Lleida Ramon Rubinat Parellada Photos: Oriol Rosell Illustrations: Lorens Rosanes

ISBN: 868 3611751 prodaja@malemajsforije.com (Computer Books)

ISBN: 91-976279-0-9 www.trioforlag.se roberto.jequier@trioforlag.se info@artaskagency.com (Trio förlag)

23 South Africa

Mother and daughter, have produced a book with a cover that expresses all the love, knowledge and passion they share on good food.

Life’s A Beach Cottage Neil Roake Photography: Sean Laurenz

27 UK

ISBN: 9780620392004 neil@modernmuseum.co.za (Modern Museum Publishing)

The author is House and

Leisure magazine food editor.

24 Spain – Castellano

The author has a restaurant in Orense. The photographer is the leading photo artist in Galicia. The book was helped by ACRUGA, the Cattle Association of Galicia.

228 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 1 405322102 www.dk.com susannah.pendrey@ uk.penguingroup.com (DK)

Delicious regional food, with BBC Two Series.

Vacas Flavio Morganti Phtos: Xurxo Lobato ISBN: 978 8444100135 www.everest.es nmayoral@everest.es rubia@acruga.com info@restaurantegalileo.com (Everest)

Great British Menu Cookbook New Recipes, Top Chefs, Local Food as seen on BBC Optomen Television

28 USA

Honga’s Lotus Petal: Pan-Asian Cuisine Im Hopgood – Lisa Waring

ISBN: 978 1 586858933 hopgood@earthlink.net lisawaring@yahoo.com jgrillone@gibbs-smith.com printern@gibbs-smith.com (Gibbs-Smith) From the famous restaurant in Telluride, Colorado.


Best Guides 2003 Sweden – Sweden Gourmet Guide (Millhouse) 2004 Austria – A La Carte 2005 (D+R Verlag)

2005 US – New York (Michelin) 2006 Peru – (Comunica 2)

Guides are an excellent complement to cookbooks for a publisher. They are repetitive, reach new readers, have higher printing runs, and lower printing costs. But their research cost may be high. There is a direct link between the investment in research, the quality of the guide, and the long term life of the effort.

1 Belize

San Pedro Cool Lan Sluder

ISBN 9780967048840 Lansluder@gmail.com www.belizefirst.com (Belize First)

4 Germany

Der Feinschmecker Hotel Restaurant Guide 2008 ISBN 978 3834202642 (Feinschmecker)

2 Chile

5 Italy

Guia Gastronómica de Valparaiso Carlos Reyes

Identit a Golose – Guida ai Ristoranti d’Autore d’Italia, Europa e Mondo Paolo Marchi Preface: Emmanuela Audisio

ISBN: 978 9568507022 info@planetavino.com lorocoiron-valparaiso@gmail.com www.unocome.blogspot.com (Editorial Planetavino) In English and Spanish, beautiful illustrations, prologue by Rosario Valdés Chadwick.

ISBN: 1970-8602 paolomarchi@identitagolose.it (Magenta Bureau)

Guide to creative authors restaurants in Italy, Europe and the world.

3 China

6 Mexico

Delicacy in Shanghai, Enjoy Shanghai, by Li Juan

Good food in Mexico City Nicholas Gilman

ISBN: 7-114-06234-6 whw@ccpress.com.cn www.ccpress.com.cn (China Communications Press)

ISBN: 9780595443468 nickarte@hotmail.com (iuniverse) English or French editions.

A wonderful, useful, practical guide.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 229

32 BestGuides

Ebook, by the author of Belize’s Best Hotels and Restaurants, and Fodor’s Belize 2008.

7 Slovenia

11 USA

Around the world in 80 restaurants Selected by Janez Bogataj and Rok Kvaternik

Sonja.rutar@rokus-klett.sl (Rokus)

Café Wisconsin Cookbook Joanne Raetz Stuttgen ISBN: 0299 222748 kadushin@wisc.edu tallen@gdinet.com vfreedman@wisc.edu stuttgen@insightbb.com publicity@uwpress.wisc.edu (University of Wisconsin Press)

Real food from small towns in the center of America.

8 Spain – Castellano

32 BestGuides

Gourmetour 2008-09 Grupo Gourmets reyes@gourmets.net (Progourmet) Thirty years celebration for this guide to culinary Spain.

9 Spain – Catalan

Mallorca Restaurants 121 Anthony de Souza Astrid Kauffmann ISBN: 978 8461 161324 anthony@restaurants-121.com (www.mallorca-restaurants-121.com) Great travelogue website and blog.Stop there on your way to Mallorca.Second edition of the guide.

10 Sweden Café Gotland Eva Månsson ISBN: 978-91-7694-739-5 Café Stockholm Erik Olofson, Charlotte Gawell ISBN: 978-91-7694-740-1 Café Gothenburg Catrin Westman ISBN: 978-91-7694-696-1 catrin@isaberg.nu – info@isaberg.nu (Isaberg Förlag) The café guides in three volumes covering Stockholm, Gothenburg and Gotland are driven by true passion.

230 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestFoodSector CorporateBook 2004 Spain – Pío Caro Baroja, Ada Simón (Viena Capellanes)

2005 Germany – BASF (Umschau) 2006 Switzerland – Swiss Re (La Tavola)

We estimate that up to a third of the cookbooks published are now financed directly or indirectly by corporations, with advanced sales, product placement or sponsoring. Most big publishers have busy special departments for these books. Even though some media will not review them, they are important for authors and publishers. These books are often excellent as they are produced with adequate means, and the sales show that readers accept them if they are good in quality, and well distributed. Some of these good cookbooks never appear in bookstores.

4 Germany

The Crabapple Bakery Cupcake Cookbook Jennifer Graham

Kleine Küche-Grosser Geschmack Small Kitchen-Big Taste Made by Holger Stromberg and the Derag Team

ISBN: 978 014 3004943 www.crabapplecupcakebakery. com.au peg.mccoll@au.penguingroup.com (Penguin)

2 China

www.deraghotels.de johannwolfgang@deraghotels.de (Derag Hotels) The recipes are by chef Holger Stromberg of the „Jungen Wild“, the young wild celebrity chefs of Germany, and from the staff of Derag Hotels. Their hotel rooms have small kitchens. There are sixteen recipes, all with 2 pages and photos, in English and German.

Heinz Olympic –Feast for Champion 18 Chefs

5 Italy

liuyungw@126.com Michael.yeomans@us.hjheinz.com (Heinz China)

Parma, a Capital of Italian Gastronomy Giulano Bugialli’s Photos: Andy Ryan

This book was launched in Heinz Western Restaurant of the National Sports Training Center, at Beijing Finance Street Intercontinental Hotel. The event was filmed by the China Food Network, and broadcasted all over China by CCTV2 and Beijing TC1. The printing of the book was limited to 2008, and it is not for sale, but given to great chefs, Gourmand and Olympic VIPS. It includes Chef Byron Brady-USA, Zheng Yiusheng, Executive Chef of Olympic Service Division.

3 France

Henaff – 100 Ans d’Histoire Gerard Alle Caroline.crohem@glenat.com www.henaff.fr Caroline Crohem L’Abri du Marin 29200 Bolarvenez Tel: 02 98927501 (Chasse – Marée))

The blue box of paté Henaff from Bretagne is now world famous (1907-2007).

ISBN: 15889317 bugialli@aol.com www.bugialli.com academia@barilla-usa.com info@academiabarilla.com (Academia Barilla) This is the first book published by Academia Barilla for Parma, culinary capital. In English.

6 Morocco

La Cuisine du Ramadan Fatema Hal Photographies: Erick Bonnier halfatema@yahoo.fr a.errakmi@wafabank.co.ma www.attijariwafabank.com (agnès viénot éditions)

Free gift cookbook offered for Ramadan 2007 by the bank. Foreword by A.Errakhmi, Administrator Director General of the Bank in Europe. It has 30 pages. The original book was published by Agnes Vienot in France, in 2006, ISBN: 978 2353260140.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 231

33 BestFoodSectorCorporateBook

1 Australia

7 New Zealand

11 Sweden

Go Wild! Monteith’s Brewing Co. Foreword: Terry Tyack

Kära små kakor Beloved small cookies Anna Sjögren Malin Söderström Photos: Daniel Hertzell

ISBN: 978 07900 11455 Hailey.bloore@monteiths.co.nz tgarnett@reed.co.nz www.monteiths.co.uk (Reed NZ) Official Book of the Monteith’s Annual Wild Food Challenge.

8 Slovenia

The 15 Tastes of Rokus Sonja.rutar@rokus-klett.sl www.rokus.com (Rokus Klett-Heart Edition)

ISBN 978-91-631-9206-7 daniel@hertzell.com Kristofer.myrevik@ svenskmjolk.se www.svenskasmor.se anna@asjogren.com (Svenska Mjolk) Luxury is time and to bake your own small cookies with real butter is one the best gifts you could give. Old and new recipes in fresh presentation by chef Malin Söderström and Anna Sjögren, produced by Swedish Butter.

33 BestFoodSectorCorporateBook

The Employers of the publishing company all provide their favorite recipes.

9 Spain – Castellano

La Neurogastronomia La Inteligencia Emocional Culinaria Dr.Sánchez Romera

chefdoctor@miguelsanchezromera.com www.miguelsanchezromera.com (Lundbeck) This is a free research publication, published as a gift for professional neuro scientists by Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck. This company specialized in products for the brain. The book published in November 2007 was written in Spanish in 2007 by the Chef Doctor of L’Esguard, a Michelin star restaurant near Barcelona who also is a neurophysician working as a doctor the other half of the week. The new book updates the theories of the chef doctor published in the cookbook “Totalcooking” (Akal). It gives all the scientific background for the brain experts to understand gastronomy.

10 Spain – Catalan

L’Oli Antara a la Cuina Olles, Cassoles I Tupins Els Fogons a la Selva del Camp

coselva@tinet.fut.es cossetania@cossetania.com www.cossetania.com ISBN: 978 8497912778 (Cossetania-Coselva) The Coselva cooperative produces the Antara olive oil which received awards twice in the competition for the best olive oil from Spain. These are the local recipes where this extra virgin olive oil is used.

232 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

12 UK Meena Pathak Celebrates Indian Cooking Anjali Pathak

ISBN: 978 1 845377052 clares@nhpub.co.uk lorraine@nhpub.co.uk www.pataks.co.uk (New Holland)

Pathak Head Oficce is in the UK, with products distributed to over 40 countries. Meena’s first book Flavours of India won the Gourmand Award in 2002 for “Best First Cookbook”. This third book is co-written with her daughter Anjali.

13 USA


The Earthbound Organic Farm Cookbook – Food to Live By Myra Goodman with Linda Holland and Pamela McKinstry Photos by Patrick Tregenza myra@ebfarm.com suzanne@workman.com ron@workman.com (Workman)

“Earthbound Farms is changing the way America eats”,People Magazine


Best FirstCookbook 2001 US – Lovern Root King (Rocket-E-Books) 2002 UK – Meena Pathak (New Holland) 2003 US – Anna Maria Volpi (Volpi Publishing)

2004 US – Randi Lee Levin (The Muffin Lady) 2005 Finland – Sara La Fountain (Otava) 2006 Australia – Kate McGhie (Hardie Grant)

For any author, the most difficult is to be published for the first time. We encourage publishers to take the risk to publish new authors. They are the bestsellers of the future.

4 Chile

Gourmet Raffinessen Orientalisch Inspiriert Mansur Memarian

ISBN: 978 3854455011 Monika.koch@kochint.at office@der-pavillon.at (Edition Koch)

The young star chef was born in Teheran. First star chef from Iran in Europe.

Memorias de una Golosa Pilar Hurtado Larrain ISBN: 956 2394557 andreav@santillana.cl info@santillana.cl donoso@santillana.cl www.pilarhurtado.blogspot.com (Epicentro Aguilar-Editorial Santillana)

Although published in July 2006, this book is so interesting the Jury waived the deadline.

2 Bangladesh

5 China

Recipe Collection By Rowshan Ara Ahmed ISBN: 984 464 1985 ankur@agnionline.com www.ankur-prakashani.com (Ankur Prakashani) The author and publisher Mesbahuddin Ahmed visited the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2007 with great success.

Chinese Home Food Lu Lu Liu ISBN: 7-5062-8504-5 vivienshi@hotmail.com Lululiu777@hotmail.com www.wpcsh.com.cn (Shanghai World Publishing) In English and Chinese, for foreigners

This book could completely change the way you cook and eat Chinese cuisine.

3 Canada – English

Campcooking: The Black Feather Guide, Eating Well in the Wild Wendy Grater, Mark Scriver, Joanna Baker

6 Cuba

ISBN: 978 1896980317 info@blacfeather.com joanna.baker@servicecanada.gc.ca – scriver@synapse.net r_sandiford@yahoo.com – amy@helipress.com (Heliconia Press) This is the authors and Heliconia’s first attempt at a cookbook. It could compete in Easy Recipes, Photography, Design, Cover and Guides.

Kubanishe Küche – Cocina Cubana Evelio Guevara Pérez ISBN: 978 959 2097513 info@cuban-artists.de editora@uneac.co.cu (Ediciones Union-Cuba)

Cuban cuisine, in German and in Spanish. The author is the Ambassador of Cuban cuisine in Germany, where he introduced the mojito cocktail. He is a very talented writer, gastronome, and cultural events organizer.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 233

34 BestFirstCookbook– 233

1 Austria

7 Denmark

Danish Cookbooks Carol Gold Profesor of History University of Alaska Fairbanks

10 Italy

ISBN 9780295986821 ISBN 9788763506083 (Museum Tusculanum Press University of Copenhagen) Cookbooks tell stories. They open up the worlds in which the people who wrote and read them once lived. In the hands of a good historian, cookbooks can be shown to contain the markings of political, social, and ideological changes that we conventionally locate outside the kitchen.

34 BestFirstCookbook– 234

Fables Mary Laëtitia Gerval Christian Etienne Laurent Derobert

ISBN: 978 2952 937047 contact@ledelirium.net germain.derobert@ledelirium.net (Delirium Editions) Stunning photos, design and concept. This book was the biggest hit on the Gourmand Stand at the October 2007 Frankfurt Book Fair. This is the first book of that young new publishing house, it is a masterpiece. Also available in English.

11 Malaysia

Zwischen Tradition und Moderne Harald Derfuss Bettina Rackow-Freitag ISBN: 978 3865282880 info@adle-asperg.de info@umschau-buchverlag.de (Umschau)

At hotel Ludwigsburg Adler Asperg, in Wurttemberg, Chef Harald Derfuss has now received his first Michelin Star.

234 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Dining for Two Chef Asri Sahari Photos: Bonnie Yap Design: Abdul Rahim Johar ISBN: 978 983 3845095 Mytable8@yahoo.com bonnieyap@gmail.com abdulrahim@

my.marshallcavendish.com yychang@my.marshallcavendish.com cassychan@my.marshallcavendish.com (Marshall Cavendish)

9 Germany

Lauracrema55@yahoo.it (Libreria l’Albero delle Parole)

This is a manual for beginners. By publishing its own cookbook,this specialized bookshop in cookbooks follows the trend from similar bookshops in Amsterdam (Jonah Freud), Stockolm (The Cookbook Café), and of course Books for Cooks in London. The book contains simple comments, notes about essential techniques, anecdotes related to the dishes. It has a simple format to be most effective for young people in their early 20’s, as an old style manual.

8 France

Mamma Laura in Cucina Laura Crema

12 Netherlands

Koken met karin Kleine Moeite, Groot Effect Karin Luiten ISBN: 978 902 3011972 Info@kokenmetkarin.nl www.kokenmetkarin.nl www.koken.blogo.nl

(Becht’s Uitgevers-Maatschappij, HJW) The success of the recipes comes from the big effect they give.

17 Spain – Catalan

A Taste of Rainbow’s End Tova Harel-Bornovski Photos/Illustrations: Albert Labrador/Navot Bornovski

Receptes Entrelligades Plats per Aprofitar els Excedents de Cuina d’una Forma Creativa Paulina Verges de Echenique

tova@oceanhunter.com info@fishnfins.com (Tova Harel Bornovski)

It is the first cookbook we receive from Palau, published in November 2005.

14 Portugal

The author is the daughter of the famous publisher Josep Verges Matas, the founder of Destino Publications. She has published 2 children books, now this is her first cookbook.

In the Artist’s Kitchen In English, German and Portuguese By 38 artists from 13 nationalities

18 Sweden Glas & Mat Glas & Food Drink & snaps….och glas Stefan Gustafsson

ISBN: 978-9899532809 Email: ccsl@iol.pt www.centroculturalsaolourenco.com (Centro Cultural Sao Lourenço)

The Centro Cultural was founded in 1981 by Marie Hubert and her husband Volker who died 3 years ago. The gallery promotes contemporary art. The cookbook is a special project where the artists had much pleasure realizing the book.

ISBN: 978-91-976297-4-4 www.kostaforlag.se Helen.karlsson@kostaforlag.se stefan@karlsred.se www.stefan-gustafsson.se (Kosta Förlag) New publish house Kosta, seated in the heart of glass production areas, stars off with this elegant and fresh cookbook by Stefan Gustafsson and young chefs Sara Gadd and Johan Sätterman.

15 South Africa

19 USA

Agter Die Lekker Aan Dine van Zyl ISBN: 978 0620380201 dinevanzyl@iafrica.com (Dine van Zyl Publishing) Nostalgic and humoristic book, with hints and advice, and the things old folks told us, in the Boland area. First cookbook as an author, first cookbook as a publisher.

16 Spain-Castellano

ISBN: 978-8497912518 cossetania@cossetania.com (Cossetania)

Fayefood By Faye Hess Hannah Henry Edited by Lee Walker Falk Graphic Design by Dori Gordon Walker

fayehess@earthlink.net (Faye Hess)

Fayefood.com is a blog for dinner ideas, and has close to 1000 viewers monday through friday.

Firo Vázquez y la Cocina de El Olivar de Moratalla Firo Martínez Vázquez de Parga Photos: Chema Barroso, Matías Pérez Llera, Luis de Pazos ISBN: 978 8461190805 – bzavala@micomunicacion.com www.moratalla.com (M.I.Comunicacion) The star chef from the Murcia area travelled in 2006 with the King of Spain to Beijing for the Instituto Cervantes Don Quijote Dinner.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 235

34 BestFirstCookbook– 235

13 Palau


BestCulinary TravelGuide 2005 Singapore – Singapore (Marshall Cavendish)

2006 US – J.Peterson, B.Soltvedtt (Ginkgo Press)

1 Australia

4 China

Kylie Kwong: My China A Feast for all the Senses Photos: Simon Griffiths ISBN: 978 1 920989354 Tammie.gay@au.penguingroup.com Jo.lusby@cn.penguingroup.com (Penguin)

A Food-Lover’s Journey Around China In English or Chinese Text and Photography: Di Xianghua Consultant: Li Zhenguo Director: Wang Zhi English Editors: Sue Duncan, Liang Liangxin

Travel with the television star through China. This is her fourth book.

2 Belgium – French Le Goût des Belges Éric Boschman Nathalie Derny

ISBN: 978-7-119-04175-9 Contact:flprights@yahoo.com.cn Zg.li@flip.com.cn yingzhongfeng@yahoo.com Manager, Publications Import and Export Corporation (Foreign Languages Press) The author of the text is also the photographer. He is a true artist, and transmits emotions through his photography. A great book, it will transport you around China with style, culture and feeling.

ISBN: 978 287 3865252 lannoo@lannoo.be www.eboschman.be (Racine)

5 France

175 Belgian products with their story well told, region by region.

Gourmet London Series Director: Wilfried LeCarpentier Restaurant, food and wine advisor: Gérard Poirot Paris writer: Rosa Jackson

3 Brazil (Senac-Sao Paulo)

Os Sabores du Alentejo: Historia, Vinhos e Receitas Aguinaldo Záckia Albert Illustrations: Fabiana Fernandes ISBN: 8573595043 zackialbert@uol.com.br vinicius@sp.senac.br roberta.sambruja@sp.senac.br editora@sp.senac.br fabianaf@sp.senac.br

The southern region of Portugal has a culinary treasures. The book includes restaurants museums, historical sites.

London Writer: William Sidelsky Co-author: William Landmark Illustrations: Alain Bouldouyre Paris ISBN: 978 0 762746347 London ISBN: 978 0 762746354 www.authentikbooks.com wl@authentikbooks.com info@globepequot.com (Editions du Mont Tenerre) Co-published with Globe Pequot Press in the US. This is a very clever and innovative book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 237

35 BestCulinaryTravelGuide

Travel and food television shows are the motor of cookbook growth. Culinary travel guide are a new category that is developing very quickly. These books are usually very well researched, and most useful to understand a country and its culture.

6 Germany

Das Clubschiff Neue Routen und Rezepte Aida Cruises – Frank Meissner, Rüdiger Mayer, May Bo Photos: Teubner Foodfoto

ISBN: 978 300 0212437 Frank.meissner@aida.de info@maybo.de fotostudio@teubner-foodstudio.de (Aida) The second Aida cookbook is very popular on their cruises.

10 Philippines

7 Greece

35 BestCulinaryTravelGuide

ISBN: 978 9712718328 claudetayag@digitelone.com K_bolasco@yahoo.com (Anvil Publishing)

11 Pitcairn

Beijing Culinary Diary 2008 Vangelis Driskas Photos: Andreas Efsthatiou ISBN: 978 901626642 info@driskas.com Andreas-efsthatiou@yahoo.gr anna@patakis.gr (Patakis)

Food Tour: A Culinary Journal Claude Tayag

Irma’s Pitcairn Cookbook and Island Activities Irma Christian

denray@pitcairn.pn We waived the yeardate requirement for this interesting cookbook.

Photos and text were started in April 2007 during the Gourmand Award event in Beijing restaurants street food, food tourism. The author has received three previous Gourmand Awards.

8 Israel

Book of New Israeli Food, A Culinary Journey Janna Gur Photos: Eilon Paz ISBN: 978 965727904 www.hashulchan.co.il www.eilonpaz.com www.tasteofisrael.com limor@haschulchan.co.il janna@haschulchan.co.il

12 Spain – Castellano

Navarra a la Carta Patxi Uriz Domezain Pedro Luis Lozano Uriz ISBN: 978 8461173136 info@icannavarra.com (ICAN)


9 Italy

Ratafià e Ghirighio Umberto Mannucci Pietro Vestri ISBN: 978 8859602248 promo@polistampa.com info@polistampa.com (Edizions Polistampa)

13 Spain – Catalan

Catalunya per Sucar-Hi Pa Jaume Fàbrega ISBN: 978 8493 459048 editor@duxeditorial.com info@duxeditorial.com (Duxelm) Local guide to municipalities of Catalunya.

238 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

14 Spain – Gallego

Galicia No Padal Xosé Santos – Miguel Pazos Otón Cristóbal Ramírez ISBN: 978 8496 434561 www.alhenamedia.info alhenamedia@alhenamedia.info (Alhena Media)

16 Thailand

Food and Travel Laos Suthipong Suriya Vandara Amphayphone ISBN: 974 9304497 English and Thai Karbstyle@yahoo.com (Baan Phra-Arthit Publications)

15 Sweden

17 USA

Pink – den rosa kokboken Pink – the Pink Cookbook Peter Norman

Food Lovers Guide to Connecticut Patricia Brooks, Lester Brooks

ISBN: 978-91-518-4830-3 www.prismabok.se susanna.romanus@norstedts.se (Prisma)

For all who have been longing for the gay culinary travel book, this

Second edition of this really good guide. Patricia Brooks is the New York Times restaurant reviewer, and her husband Lester Brooks a respected wine expert.

is the ultimate world tour.

ISBN: 978 0762 741708 info@globepequot.com (Globe Pequot)

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 239

35 BestCulinaryTravelGuide

This “Galicia on the Palate” tour guide shows the treasures of one of the most beautiful regions of Europe. It gets rain from the Atlantic, and is quite different from the rest of Spain. The food is great, the seafood is one of the best in the world. It has the best white wines of Spain, and some very good red wines, which are not known outside Spain for their very limited quantity.


Best Cookbook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

France – Les Vignes de Sainte Colombe Christian Signol (Albin Michel) US – Monique Janet Hooker, Tracy Richardson (Henry Holt) UK – Anne Willan (Quadrille) US – Chuck Williams, Weldon Owen (Williams Sonoma) Belgium – Les Herbes au Schoeltof Roger Souverens (Lannoo) US – The French Laundry, By Thomas Keller (Artisan) Germany – Secrets from my 3 Star Kitchen, By Dieter Muller (Dumont)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Chocolate Desserts, by Pierre Hermé Written by Dorie Greenspan, Photography Jean Louis Bloch Laine (Little Brown) France – Esential Cuisine Michel Bras, Colette Gouvion, Patrick Malou, Olivier Dauzou (Le Rouergue-France, Ici La Presse – USA) UK – Family Food: A New Approach to Cooking, by Heston Blumenthal (Michael Joseph – Penguin) UK/Japan – Harumi’s Japanese Cooking, by Harumi Kurihara (Conran Octopus) Norway – Traditional Home Cooking by Tom Victor Gausdal (Forlaget) France – Tout Robuchon, by Joel Robuchon (Perrin)

The best of the year in various countries compete with each other for the “Best in all categories”. This is the most prestigious category, with winning books selling well for years.

Maggie’s Harvest Maggie Beer ISBN: 978 1920989-54-5 farmshop@maggiebeer.com.au peg.mccoll@au.penguingroup.com www.maggiebeer.com.au tammie.gay@au.penguingroup.com (Penguin Australia)

3 France

The world famous author from the Barossa Valley has published ten books.

ISBN: 978 3702011666 Stocker-verlag@stocker-verlag.com www.stocker-verlag.com (Leopold Stocker Verlag)

The outstanding exhaustive research is the basis of the new reference book of Austrian food and wine, with much details of local culinary treasures in 544 pages packed with beautiful information.

ISBN: 978 2845440408 presse@alain-ducasse.com leceditions@wanadoo.fr presse@lescrayeres.com joerg.lehmann@club-internet.fr (Editions Alain Ducasse)

The best book of year 2007 in France, Grand Prix de la Gastronomie Française in the Gourmand Awards France. Star chef of Les Crayères in Reims, after Ducasse Essex House in New York.

2 Austria Genussland Österreich Was Küche und Keller zu bieten haben Gerd Wolfgang Sievers

Champagne Mets Encore Didier Elena Photos: Joerg Lehmann

4 Italy

In.Gredienti Le Calandre Massimiliano e Raffaele Alajmo Photographs by Wolfgang Wesener-Wowe Art Director: Filippo Maglione English Edition Director: Faith Willinger Publishing Manager: Romina Savi

alajmo@alajmo.it (Alajmo Edizione) This book is available only at Le Calandre or on www.alajmo.it. It was printed in separate italian and english editions. It is a masterpiece, truly innovative, by the youngest 3 Michelin Stars chef in Italy. It succeeds in design, content, photography. The way the recipes are explained is truly innovative. The chefs do share their secrets in details with diagrams, illustrations and beautiful photography. You have to see this book!

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 241

36 BestCookbook

1 Australia

5 Netherlands

Herman! Herman den Blijker, Jacomijn van Rijn

ISBN: 978 902 151 5342 info@engelgroep.com sschapendonk@ kosmosuitgevers.nl (Kosmos)

The book stands out by photography and design, and the impressive TV Chef. He is passionate in his quest for quality. The stories are moving and beautiful. All the best ingredients for a great book.

36 BestCookbook

6 South Africa

ISBN: 9781770074545 ceciliab@struik.co.za lindadv@struik.co.za raw@highveld.co.za (Struik)

ZHOOZSH Jeremy and Jacqui Mansfield Foreword by Billy Gallagher, Honorary President of South African Chefs Association. Foreword by Terry Volkwyn Editor: Cecilia Barfield Publisher: Linda de Villiers

Vacas Flavio Morganti Photos: Xurxo Lobato ISBN: 978 8444100135 www.everest.es nmayoral@everest.es rubia@acruga.com info@restaurantegalileo.com (Everest)

The author has a restaurant in Orense. The photographer is the leading photo artist in Galicia. The book was helped by ACRUGA, the Cattle Association of Galicia.

242 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978-91-631-8969-2 www.stockholmnew.com info@stockholmnew.com info@brittonbritton.com (Stockholm New Publishing AB) This is the history of one of the smallest restaurants in Stockholm with an important impact on trends and media, as it has been the artists´, authors´ and lawyers´ place. Photos, drawings, and text make this more than a cookbook classic recipes.

9 UK

7 Spain – Castellano

PA & Co: Mer än en kokbok PA & Co: More than a cookbook Christina Britton, Claes Britton m.fl. Text: Claes Britton, Tyler Brulé, Stig Larsson, Mauro Scocco, Klas Ostergren Photos: Pelle Bergstrom (Food) Mikael Jansson (Books) Graphic Design: Stefan Andersson

A unique cookbook, fun, excellent recipes, with mouth watering stories. One author is the most succesful radio presenter in the country and the other is a best-selling author. The unusual title shows how the book is. Jeremy is Nelson Mandela’s Honorary Grandson.

8 Sweden

Jamie at Home Jamie Oliver ISBN: 978 0718152437 Lindsey.evans@ uk.penguingroup.com Bethan.oconnor@ uk.penguingroup.com enquiries@jamieoliver.com (Penguin)

The 2007 book by the number one celebrity chef in the world. He won his first “Best in the World Gourmand Awards” in 2001, with the same publishing group.


Best Translations

In all other categories, the books are in the original language by the first publisher. We have created this category in 2007 to reward translators, and encourage publishers to buy translated books.

1 Argentina

4 China

El Patrimonio Culinario del Líbano Ramzi Choueiri

Cooking secrets of the Royal Kitchen of Korea, by EunYoung Kim

ISBN: 97 450505079612 Cheframzi@cheframzi.com.lb (Bonum Argentina) Chef Ramzi visited Argentina and filmed a show for his Ramadan 2008 television

ISBN 978-7-121-03805-1 zlts@phet.com.cn sx@phei.com.cn www.phei.com.cn (Kugil Publishing Korea, Publishing House of Electronics Industry-China)


2 Brazil

5 Cuba

Chefs – Secrets and Recipes Coordination: Jill Norman

Kubanishe Küche – Cocina Cubana Evelio Guevara Pérez

ISBN: 978 8506049105 cfabrica@melhoramentos.com.br blerner@melhoramentos.com.br (Melhoramentos) Translated from the DK masterpiece of 2005. The Brasilian edition has

a great new cover.

ISBN: 978 959 2097513 info@cuban-artists.de editora@uneac.co.cu (Ediciones Union-Cuba) Cuban cuisine, in German and in Spanish. The author is the Ambassador of Cuban cuisine in Germany, where he introduced the mojito cocktail. He is a very talented writer, gastronome, and cultural events organizer

6 Denmark

3 Bulgaria Health Book Series

office@kibea.net (Kibea)

Kibea has participated in the Gourmand Awards several times over the past year.

Sonderjysk Kaffebord Siegfried Lenz Illustreret at Kirsten Reinhold ISBN: 978 8770700153 mail@hovedland.dk www.hovedland.dk

(Hovedland) This children book from the 18th century was first published in German by Hoffmann und Campe in 2006.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 243

37 BestTranslations

A pleasant design makes Royal Cuisine easy to understand, with step by step photography, and clear illustrations.

7 Egypt

11 Germany

Modern Egyptian Cooking Mehdawy Magda

Tapas – Die Molekulare Küche im 21. Jahrhundert Paco Roncero Photos: Javier Peñas Capel

ISBN: 977 1735918 Matbakh_gedety@hotmail.com Amehussein27@hotmail.com (Hussein AMR) The book is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and German.


8 Estonia

37 BestTranslations

Kala, 80 Klassikalist Ja Tänapaevast Rooga Joanna Farrow ISBN: 978 9985313053 varrak@varrak.ee Translated from Conran Octopus-UK (Varrak)

Translated from Icelandic language to the Faroe Islands language, which is related to Danish, but different.

Vivi-Annin keittiössä Vivi-Ann´s Kitchen Vivi-Ann Sjögren ISBN: 978-951-50-1699-7 bettan@schildts.fi www.schildts.fi (Schildts)

The beloved actress has all her life been open to new ideas from local cooking in Africa and elsewhere. Kitchens are like people, some you love at first sight, others need more time.Translated from Swedish.

244 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

publishing@coe.int www.coe.int info@sapere2000.org charalambos.PAPADOPOULOS@ coe.int (Sapere 2000)

Le Cordon Bleu – Meat, Pastry, Desserts, Poultry and Game

ISBN: 9953299323 asp@asp.com.lb (Arab Scientific


10 Finland

Culinary Cultures Council of Europe Publishing

13 Lebanon

Eg Vil Itava Fisk? I want to have fish Áslaug Jónsdóttir ISBN: 978 99918 15497 www.bfl.fo (Bókadeild Foroya Laerarafelags)

Great book with the best Spanish

12 Italy

9 Faroe Islands

ISBN: 978 3898808019 k.michelberger@heel-verlag.de (Heel Verlag)

14 Lithuania

Piatti Tradizionali Lituani Lithuanian Traditional Foods Birnte Imbrasiene Translation to Italian: Anna Karpic Italian ISBN: 978 9955230717 agne@baltoslankos.lt leidykla@baltoslankos.lt (Baltos Lankos) Traditional Lithuanian recipes with many illustrations.

15 Netherlands

ISBN: 978 90 04 158672 rights@brill.nl (Brill, Leiden and Boston)

16 Portugal

This english translation of Ibn Sayyar al-Warraq’s 10th century Baghdadi cookbook offers a unique glimpse into the culinary culture of medieval Islam. Hundreds of recipes, anecdotes and poems, with an extensive introduction, a glossary, an appendix and 30 color illustrations. 944 pages

19 Slovakia

A Saúde Pelos Óleos Vegetais Sally Chessman Traduçao: Marta Oliveira Copyright: Les Editions Quebecor

20 Spain – Castellano

ISBN: 978 972 108224 www.europa-america.pt secretariado@europa-america.pt (Publicoes Europa-America)

Hett Heat Bill Buford Translation:Mattias Göthe ISBN: 978-91-85555-04-8 www.albertbonnierforlag.se albert.bonnier@abforlag.bonnier.se sara.nystrom@abforlag.bonnier.se (Albert Bonniers Förlag)

Deserturi Co Fructe

ISBN: 978 9737171177 Translated by Aurelia Ulici office@raobooks.com (RAO Books – Larousse from France)

ISBN: 978 8683611928 prodaja@malemastorije.com www.malemajstorije.com (Computer Books)

Published in Germany by Hadecke.

ISBN: 978 8484182979 www.mangiarebene.com www.altrotempo.net carolinazendrera@editorialzendrera.com (Zendrera)

21 Sweden

Die Tricks und Tipps der Koche Profesionalne Kulinarske Tajne Hans Peter Matkowitz Juliana Raskin-Schmitz

¡Bacalao! Giovanni de Biasio

Translated from Guido Tommasi EditoreMilano.

17 Romania

18 Serbia

ISBN: 978 8072097753 pobox@slovart.sk www.slovart.sk (Slovart)

An excellent translation of the world famous beer author for a country famous for its beer drinkers.

Vegetal oils and their benefits, les huiles vegetales et leurs bienfaits.

Pivo Michel Jackson

22 UK

A Sprig of Dill A Memoir Flavoured with Romanian Cuisine. Romanian Cuisine, Memories and recipes of a home in Bucharest. Sanda Nitesco Translation: American Pie – Josephine Bacon

ISBN: 978 0955462702 www.americanization sales@americanization.com bacon@langservice.com (Pholieta Publishing) Translator Josephine Bacon is considered by many as the top expert on translation to American and English.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 245

37 BestTranslations

Annals of the Caliphs’ Kitchens English translation with introduction and glossary by Nawal Nasrallah. In English

23 United Arab Emirates

24 USA


Dining by the Stars, an Astrology Cookbook Translated from Latvia Maija Dambis Collins, Photographer Maris Zemgalietis

www.kalima.ae kalimat@ws4.emirates.net.ae

Non profit initiative seeded with a grant from the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage to fund the translation, publication and distribution from other languages into arabic.

maithelett@earthlink.net vbeldavs@authorhouse.com maris@zemgalietis.lv pavarserix@inbox.lv cirulis@mits.lv kaspars.jansons@hotelbergs.lv gints.aizupietis@revahotels.lv – kalnietis2003@hotmail.com ISBN: 978 1 425964566 (Author House)

37 BestTranslations

Translated from Astrologija Virtuve of February 2006, published by Madris in Riga. The chefs are from the finer restaurants of Riga, Latvia.

246 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestJuices NonAlcoholicDrinksBook

This is a new category created in 2007 due to the numerous books on juices and other non alcoholic drinks. They are popular in all countries.

Les Jus Santé Colombe Plante, N.D. ISBN: 978 2 895655220 colombeplante@videotron.ca info@ada-inc.com (ADA) The author is an expert on food and health, and gives courses of vegetarian cuisine in Quebec.

4 Switzerland – German

ISBN: 978 3037802861 info@kirschensturm.ch (Fona)

Mint, much more than tea.

2 China


Self Made Fruit Juices Translated from Seibido Shuppan Book, Japan

The Juice Fasting Bible = Discover the Power of an all Juice Diet to Restore Good Health, Lose Weight and Increase Vitality. Sandra Cabot

Minze – Viel mehr als Tee Lucas Rosenblatt Theres Berweger Photos: Patrick Zemp Marketing@fona.ch

ISBN: 978 7506274814 www.wpcsh.com.cn chenleiux@126.com (World Book Publishing) Translation rights through

ISBN: 978 1569755938 www.ulyssespress.com karmabennett@ulyssespress.com (Ulysses Press)

Nippon Shuppan Hanbai, Inc. An excellent book, for all ages.

3 France

Jus de Fruits et Légumes Cuisine à la Centrifugeuse L’Atelier d’Yvan Yvan Cadiou Photos: Valentin et JeanPierre Duval

(Romain Pages)

contact@romainpages.com lepostman@yvancadiou.com ISBN: 978 2843502651

Juices are best for the start of healthy days.Equally comfortable in English and French,Yvan Cadiou is a creative artist , best selling author of 8 cookbooks, a celebrity chef on television,and a charismatic live events host.He has a special talent for cooking with children.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 247

38 BestJuicesNonAlcoholicDrinksBook

1 Canada – French


Best TeaBook

In some countries in Asia, tea culture and writing is more important than wine writing. We have created this new category in 2007.

1 Canada – French

4 Germany

Du Thé Plein La Toque Christophe Alary et Pierre Watters Avec 12 Chefs du Québec Les Thes Kusmi Cuisinés par nos amis Chefs du Québec

Die Welt des Tees Cornelia Haller – Zingerling

ISBN: 2982934809 info@kusmi.ca mjgauvin@kilicom.ca squirion@kilicom.com

(Umschau-Germany) ISBN: 978-3-86528-277-4

Corneliahallerzingerling@msn.com info@umschau-buchverlag.de

(Les Editions Pierre Watters)

5 Hong Kong 2 China Green Tea, Red Tea

ISBN: 978 75019 58894 ISBN: 978 75019 58870 Daisy.fel@yahoo.com.cn sheila@vip.sina.com www.chlip.com.cn bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (CHLIP)

Naturally Peninsula Tea Flavours Project Coordinator: Lisa Lum Peninsula Merchandising Ltd Photos: Edmond Ho ISBN: 978 9812615145 www.peninsula.com lisalum@peninsula.com (MCIA)

A Perfect Book from Peninsula Hotels. The Green Tea book is printed and bound in old Chinese book style, with only green and white photos, the Red Tea has international design and printing, and color photography. Which do you like best?

6 Sweden Le Thé, Joyau de l’Empire du Milieu Wei Chen

Te: från Sencha till Lapsang Tea: from Sencha to Lapsang Petter Bjerke Vernon Mauris

ISBN: 978 911858291 liujun@free.fr quimetao@free.fr (Editions Quimetao)

ISBN: 978-91-27-35629-0 www.nok.se ulla.tammerman@nok.se (Natur & Kultur)

3 France

This publisher specializes in Chinese culture books.

The two friends have a burning flame and go deep into tea and their work have potential to become the standard book on tea for several years in Sweden.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 249

39 BestTeaBook

Cooking with tea, with recipes from 12 chefs from Québec, including Chantal Lepage of Chateau Bonne-Entente, Jean Soulard of Chateau Frontenac and Philippe Mollé, chef and culinary writer.

7 UK

Traditional Teatime Recipes Jane Pettigrew ISBN: 978 1905400522 enquiries@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk (National Trust)


39 BestTeaBook

Liquid Jade: The Story of Tea from East to West Beatrice Hohenegger ISBN: 978 0312333287 beatrice@beatricehohenegger.com vicki.lane@stmartins.com dori.weintraub@stmartins.com (St.Martin’s Press)

This companion book to the 2009 Tea Exhibition to open at the Fowler Museum at Ucla is very well written.

250 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

The Best in the World

Wine Books

01 Best Wine Book in the World................................................253 02 Drinks History......................................................................255 03 Chef Book on French Wine...................................................257 04 European Wine, (outside France )........................................259 05 New World Wines.................................................................261 06 Matching Food and Wine.....................................................263 07 Cooking with Wine, Beer or Spirits........................................265 08 Wine Guides........................................................................267

09 Drink (other than wine)........................................................271 10 Wine Literature.....................................................................273 11 Wine and Spirits Photography / Illustration............................275 12 Wine Book for Professionals.................................................277 13 Wine Atlas / Tourism............................................................279 14 Wine Education....................................................................281 15 Wine and Health..................................................................283 16 Best Beer book....................................................................285


13TH Gourmand world cookbook awards 2007 Cooking and Drinking with Words

The Best in the World

Wine Books


Best WineBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

France – Les Vignes de Sainte Colombe Christian Signol (Albin Michel) France – Le Culte du Vin Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Nicolas de Rabaudy (Gallimard) UK – Christie’s World Encyclopaedia of Champagne and Sparkling Wine, by Tom Stevenson (Absolute Press) UK – Terroirs, by James Wilson (Mitchell Beazley) France – Special Award of the Millenium Les Vins du Siecle Philippe Faure-Brac (EPA) France – Le Vin de la Rome Antique, by Tchernia and Brun (Glenat)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

France – Bordeaux et Ses Vins, by Ch.Cocks and Bruno Boidron (Feret) Sweden – För Alla Sinnen (Systembolaget) UK – Michael Broadbent’s Vintage Wine, Fifty Years of Tasting Over 3 Centuries of Wine, by the World’s Most Experienced Taster (Webster – Little Brown) UK – Wine Report 2005, by Tom Stevenson and his team of world experts (Dorling Kindersley) Germany – André Domine-Armin Faber (Peter Feierabend) Sweden – Bengt Göran Kronstam, Claes Lögren (Max Ström)

All the books listed here have their place in the best wine libraries worldwide. They are quite different, and some are unique. All these books may be translated to reach the wide audience they deserve.

Vinum Summus, Vinum Amandi The Top 100 Wines in the World – Rendez vous with wine. Chen Xin Min

ISBN: 7-5341-2942-7 ISBN: 7 534129435 Contact: zy@kjcb.net contactus@nuskin.com zjstp@21cn.com (Zhejiang Science and Technology) This is the labor of love of a Chinese wine expert with much experience and taste. Congratulations! There are two volumes. This is world class work.

3 Germany

Spitzenweingüter Deutschlands Claudia Schweikard Matthias Stelzig Photos: Björn Kray Iversen ISBN: 978 3865283368 bjorn@kray.no bjorn.Kray@t-online.de info@umschau-buchverlag.de (Umschau)

The top quality wines of Germany, similar to French Chateaux. This presentation of the German top wine growers has the particularity of being bilingual german/english, which make it attractive for passing on informations to foreign guests.

4 Italy 2 France

Le Goût et le Pouvoir Jonathan Nossiter

Le Marche ….. Kitchen-garden of Wine Andrea Zanfi Photograhy: Gio Martorana

ISBN: 88 88482 539 info@andreazanfi.it valentina@carlocambieditore.it vasardelli@vassar.edu Available in English and Italian (Carlo Cambi Editore)

ISBN: 978 2246 694410 nmladenov@grasset.fr www.grasset.fr (Grasset)

His book is even better than the Mondovino film: even if you do not agree, you have to read it.

In the annual series “Great Italian Wines” Andrea Zanfi interviews protagonists of fascinating stories and long traditions. Gio Martorana provides a stunning series of colour and black and white photos in his elegant, and passionate work.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 253

01 BestWineBook

1 China

5 Korea

Wine and Finger Food Allisa Park Photos: Yoon Yeom Editor: Jihyun Kim ISBN: 978 89 95 735268 allisa@dreamcharacter.com yoon@dreamcharacter.com ap704@hotmail.com (Giraffe)

Introducing 11 of the best Napa Valley wineries in Korean.

8 Spain – Castellano

9 UK

Portugal Vinhos, Cultura e Tradiçao -6 volumes José Antonio Salvador Correio@circuloeditores.pt Tel: 217626100 (Círculo Leitores)

01 BestWineBook

The author received the award of the Portuguese Academy of Gastronomy in 2005.

7 Russia

Wines of the USSR – Encyclopaedia Irene Shurygina, Editor in Chief ISBN: 978 5273 005075 ils@terra.su ipc@terra.su (Terra Publishing – Marly Book Club)

The first Russian encyclopaedia on the rich tradition of winemaking on the territory of the USSR. The grades of grapes, characters and bouquets, the extensive collection of illustrations transform a reference book into a magnificent album.

254 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 8461194421 info@dinastiavivanco.es (Fundación Dinastia Vivanco)

The new reference book analyzes wine in films. Beautifully illustrated, well written, with a great knowledge of the history of both film and wine in the last century.

6 Portugal

El Cine del Vino Bernardo Sánchez Salas

The Sotheby’s Wine Encyclopaedia The Classic Reference to the Wines of the World Tom Stevenson ISBN: 978 1 405326568 Susannah-pendrey@ uk.penguingroup.com www.dk.com (DK)

The reference book that should be in your wine library.

10 USA From Persia to Napa Wine at the Persian Table Najmieh Batmanglij, Dick Davis, Burke Owens as@mage.com ISBN: 1 – 933 823 003 (Mage) The masterpiece weaves together history, poetry, modern viticulture, and a wealth of recipes and wine pairings.


BestDrinks HistoryBook 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

France – Christian Signol (Albin Michel) France – Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Nicolas de Rabaudy (Gallimard) US – Dewey Markham (John Wiley) UK – John Burnett (Routledge) UK – Stephen Brook (Mitchell Beazley) France – G.Lavignac (Le Rouergue)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Argentina – Fernando Vidal Buzzi (El Ateneo) France – Julien Sereys de Rothschild, Sandrine Herman (Imprimerie Nationale) US – Roy Renfro, S.McLeroy (Eakin Press) US – Elin McCoy (Harper Collins) Ireland – Ted Murphy (Onstream)

1 Belgium – French

3 France

Menaces sur la civilisation du vin Raoul Marc Jennar

Les Vins de l’Antiquité À la recherche des saveurs d’autrefois Michel Bouvier Préface de Robert Plageoles

ISBN 293040244x adendif@skynet.be atelierDGP@wanadoo.fr editionsaden@skynet.be (Editions Aden-Belgium)

ISBN: 9782 911 361 920 Contact: Jean Paul Rocher Editeur 8 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière 75010 Paris www.jprocher-editeur.com jeanpaulrochered@yahoo.fr (Jean Paul Rocher Editeur)

2 China

Wine, Culture, Health, Wine as Medicine By Wang Wei Heng, Qiang Gang

This is a lively, scholar book that is very pleasant to read. It should interest all who want to understand the past of wine culture, in harmony with nature.

ISBN: 978-7-5091-0472-9 huzhongquing@pmmp.com.cn www.pmmp.com.cn (People’s Military Medical Publisher)

This reference book tells the relationship of wine and health in 250 information packed pages, the cover is beautiful.

4 Italy

Giulio Gambelli, l’Uomo che sa Ascoltare il Vino Carlo Macchi, MW Illustrazione di Chiara Veronelli ISBN: 978 88 7250 105-4 info@luigiveronelli.com www.veronelli.com (Veronelli Editore)

Giulio Gambelli changed wine in Tuscany, and this book is a stylish tribute. Author Carlo Macchi is one of the few Italian master of wine.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 255

02 BestDrinksHistoryBook

We have here books on cider, coffee, vermouth, wines and spirits. There is much demand for these books when they are well researched and published.

5 Malta

9 Sweden

Wines of Malta The Essential Guide George Meekers Foreword by Serge Dubs Photos: Kevin Cash Design: Daniel Borg

Den magiska bönan: om kaffe och kaffedrickande genom tiderna The magic bean: about coffee Bo Eriksson

ISBN: 9993286117 Info@millermalta.com Randall.caruana@gov.mt www.millermalta.com – cw@millermalta.com jb@millermalta.com (Miller Distributors Ltd) The author is the internationnally respected expert on Malta wines, which have a tradition of 4.000 years.


Journalist Bo Eriksson gives a brief international background of growing and merchandising coffee and then focuses on the Swedish history of promoting, brewing and consuming 150 litres of coffee per person and year.

6 Spain – Asturian Bable

Sidra y Llagares Tradicionales Asturianos Inaciou Hevia Llavona, Author y Fotógrafo

02 BestDrinksHistoryBook

This Cider historical book is written in the Asturian language, which is most unusual: it is the first one that we receive in this competition. It can be understood as it has the same roots as castilian. The research in the book is very detailed, with much historical illustrations, and a great bibliography.

7 Spain – Castellano

10 UK

ISBN: 978 8493452797 jrchimo@hotmail.com (CH Editorial)

El Marqués que Reflotó El Rioja Íñigo González Inchaurraga Prólogo de Rafael Uriarte ISBN: 978 8483560051 info@lideditorial.com (LID) History of the Marqués de Riscal, the most famous name worldwide in Rioja.

8 Spain – Gallego O Viño, A Viña e a Bodega Na Sabedoria Popular ISBN: 84-7680 593-4 comercial@irindo.com (IR Indo Edicions) Wine, vineyards and wineries in popular sayings and culture.

256 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978-91-574-7797-2 www.bildaforlag.se bo.tynderfeldt@bildaforlag.se (Bilda förlag)

A Volume on Vermouth Gerard Noel, Michael Edwards pboucheron@aol.com winepublications@aol.com ISBN 97809549979911 (Wine Destinations Publications) Vermouth is arguably the Cinderella of the drink world.

11 USA From Persia to Napa Wine at the Persian Table Najmieh Batmanglij, Dick Davis, Burke Owens as@mage.com ISBN: 1 – 933 823 003 (Mage) The masterpiece weaves together history, poetry, modern viticulture, and a wealth of recipes and wine pairings.


BestChefBook onFrenchWine 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

France – Le Savour Club (Larousse) France – Michel Dovaz (Assouline) The Netherlands – Hubrecht Duijker (Het Spectrum) France – Philippe Couderc (Editions La Presqu’ile) Sweden – Richard Juhlin (Methusalem)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Nicholas Faith (Duncan Baird) Sweden –Richard Juhlin (Wahlstrom-Widstrand) US – William Echikson (WW Norton) France – Gerard Liger-Belair (Perrin) US – Jamie Ivey (St.Martin’s Press)

Books about French wine come from the major markets for French wines. Wine books are very important to build long-term consumer support and culture.

Les Raisins en Marchant. L’Aventure de 11 journalistes Chinois dans les vignes françaises. Author: He Long Introduction: Nicolas Chapuis, Pierre Piron Postface: Alain Rosier, Meilleur Sommelier du Monde 1986

3 Germany

Bonnefoit – Frankreich Faszination Wein – Aromes Guy Bonnefoit ISBN 9783938173299 info@kornmayer-verlag.de www.bonnefoit.de www.kornmayer-verlag.de (Verlag Gebrüder Kornmayer)

ISBN: 978-7-5086-0812-9 www.publish.citic.com author@citicpub.com dominiquepiron@domaines-piron.fr contact@ackerman.fr chateau-de-france@chateau-de-france.com alice.tourbier@sources-caudalie.com (Citic Press)

Expert Bonnefoit has already published an outstanding reference book on German wines. His approach is innovative, and his experience very impressive.

4 Hong Kong

ISBN: 978 962143081 gouramnd@wanlibk.com billy@net1.hkbu.edu.hk (Wan Li Books)

In Traditional Chinese

The visit of eleven Chinese journalists to French vineyards.

2 France

Le Vin Corse Patrick Fioramonti Photos: Jean Harixcalde Foreword: Pierre Gagnaire ISBN: 978 2350870564 eho@editions-heloisedormesson.com www.editions-heloisedormesson.com (Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson)

A reference book, with history since the 6th century B.C. to today, and much local information.

Taste of Bordeaux Dr.Billy S.C.Mak

5 Sweden Champagne din guide till bubblornas värld Champagne your guide to the world of bubbles Kåre Halldén ISBN: 978-91-534-2837-4 www.formapg.se goran.sunehag@formapg.se kare.hallden@polopoly.com (ICA Förlag) The popularity of champagne wines is increasing and this introduction gives an easy access to the knowledge and art of enjoying the golden bubbles.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 257

03 BestChefBookOnFrenchWine

1 China

6 UK

The Complete Bordeaux The Wines – The Chateâux – The People Stephen Brook

03 BestChefBookOnFrenchWine

258 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 1 840009804 info@mitchell-beazley.co.uk www.octopusbooks.co.uk (Mitchell Beazley) New revised edition with both

left and south banks.

7 USA A Traveler’s Wine Guide to France Christopher Fielden, Jim Budd info@interlinkbooks.com winesource@sagnet.co.uk (Interlink Publishing Group) Completely new revised edition of this classic.


BestBook onEuropeanWine (outside France) 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002

Luxembourg - (Guy Binsfeld) UK – John Radford (Mitchell Beazley) Italy – Mauricio Rosso (Omega) Spain – (Mirabel – Galicia) Spain – Jeremy Watson (Montagud)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Spain – Jose Peñin (Bodegas Vega Sicilia) Italy – Andrea Zanfi (Carlo Cambi) Italy – Andrea Zanfi (Carlo Cambi) Spain – Vinos de Jerez (C.R.D.O. Jerez) Spain – Juan Guisado, Mikel Larreina (Diari Girona)

1 Austria

3 Germany

Der Österreichische Wein – Das Große Handbuch Klaus Egle Photos: Kurt-Michael Westermann

Weinerlebnisland Württemberg Günter Bäder, Andreas Braun Claus-Peter Hutter

ISBN: 978 3854314035 maria.tutschek@styriapichler.at (Pichler) The author is the leading Austrian wine writer.

Complete touring guide.

2 Brazil

Porto Un Vinho e Sua Imagem Carlos Cabral sac@editoradecultura.com.br carloscabral@carloscabral.com.br aggradilibri@fastwebnet.it www.aggradilibri.it ISBN: 85-29301064 www.carloscabral.com.br (Editora de Cultura)

The author has 400 different books on Porto Wine, and 7500 bottles of Porto. His book is a masterpiece.

ISBN: 978 3874077293 info@silberburg.de (Silberburg Verlag)

4 Italy

Gli Spumanti d’Italia Guida Oro Nichi Stefi ISBN: 978 88 7250 1047 info@luigiveronelli.it www.veronelli.com (Veronelli Editore)

The author from Dalmatia, graduated in Philosophy, and has published more than 7 books about wine in Italian. He has also directed and produced food television programs.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 259

04 BestBookOnEuropeanWine (outside France)

There are more books published on European wines this year than last year. We still separate books on French wines as they are in greater quantity around the world than the others.

5 Portugal

Guia de Vinhos de Portugal Escolha do Enologos Coordinated by Paulo Laureano, António Ventura ISBN 9789722336949 info@presença.pt (Editorial Presença)

04 BestBookOnEuropeanWine (outside France)

A panel of 8 wine experts from Portugal chose the best wines from Portugal.

8 UK

Cook España, Drink España! John Radford Mario Sandoval Photos: Jean-Blaise Hall ISBN 9781845332457 john@johnradford.com info@mitchell-beazley.co.uk www.mitchell-beazley.com (Mitchell Beazley)

Mario Sandoval is the celebrity chef at Coque, just outside Madrid. John Radford is the expert on Spanish wine.

6 Russia


Wines of the USSR – Encyclopaedia Irene Shurygina, Editor in Chief

Romancing the Vine: Life, Love and Transformation in the Vineyards of Barolo By Alan Tardi

ISBN: 978 5273 005075 ils@terra.su ipc@terra.su (Terra Publishing – Marly Book Club)

The first Russian encyclopaedia on the rich tradition of winemaking on the territory of the USSR. The grades of grapes, characters and bouquets, the extensive collection of illustrations transform a reference book into a magnificent album.

7 Spain – Castellano

Tenerife, Isla de Vinos Pablo Rodríguez Hernández Photos: Roger Méndez ISBN: 84 611 34818 direccion@ecco.es roger-mendez@ rogermendez.com (ECOS)

The first reference book on the wines of Tenerife Canary Island.

260 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 0312357948 www.alantardi.com alan@alantardi.com alantardi@yahoo.com elizabeth.beier@stmartins.com ellis.trevor@stmartins.com dori.weintraub@stmartins.com (St.Martin’s Press) From New York to Barolo, a lifestyle change for a talented chef and writer.


BestBook onNewWorldWines 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

US – J. Matthaes (Wine Appreciation Guild) South Africa – Phyllis Hand, Dave Hugues (Stefan Philip-Unifoto) Germany – Jens Priewe (Zabert Sandmann) Canada – Jacques Orhon (Editions de L’Homme) Chile – Magdalena Leblanc (Ocho Libros)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – John and Erica Platter (Kyle Cathie) New Zealand – Caroline Courtney (Random House) Sweden – Håkan Nilsson, Bent Liljedahl (Liljedahl) UK – Michael Karam (Saqi) South Africa – E. Swart, I. Smit (Cheviot)

1 Australia

3 Canada – French

Good Wine, Bad Language, Great Vineyards The Wine Characters of Australia

Les Vins du Nouveau Monde – Afrique du Sud, Australie, Nouvelle Zelande Jacques Orhon

ISBN: 0977514706 Hayden Wood Photography: Esmeralda Wood woody@theliquidkitchen.com esmeralda@theliquidkitchen.com

(Drink Australia)

ISBN: 978 27619 22722 ohron@cgocable.ca chlengelle@groupehomme.com (Editions de L’Homme )

Jacques “Gourmand Awards” in 2004 and 2005.



It offers an outstanding new concept for wine books, in the text, photos and language. It is fun and refreshing.

2 Canada – English

Menus from an Orchard Table: Celebrating the food and wine of the Okanagan Heidi Noble Photography by Chris Mason Stearns and Craig Noble Foreword: Sinclair Philip

ISBN: 978 552858523 Heidi-michael@joie.ca tarynb@whitecap.ca chris@chrismasonstearns.com (Whitecap) From Joie wines and farm cooking school.

4 Denmark

Vinene fra Australien Birthe Jensen ISBN: 978 8761404572 bjensen@distinguishedwines. com mh@lrforlag.dk lr@lrforlag.dk Tel: 4522883328 (Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag)

The Australian wines expert from Denmark has produced an excellent wine guide, with depth, research and knowledge. The wine photography is excellent, from the cover to the wineries inside.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 261

05 BestBookOnNewWorldWines

There are more and more books on New World wines, showing the increase in the demand for information.

5 France Tour du Monde des Vignes et des Vins Delphine Moussay-Derouet and Christophe Derouet

ISBN: 978 2 35 156 0124 hello@wineworldtour.com e.roger@feret.com (Feret)

A link between winemakers with the same passion around the world.

7 Peru

05 BestBookOnNewWorldWines

chapter on Pisco.


ISBN: 978 89 95735268 allisa@dreamcharacter.com yoon@dreamcharacter.com (Giraffe)

130 finger food at 11 of the best Napa Valley wineries in


Recommended reading!

All are winners! Gourmand logo licensing. Self adhesive stickers. contact: pilar@gourmandbooks.com Tel.: 0034 91 541 67 68

262 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

ISBN: 978 9972333934 Rene11enator@gmail.com info@vinosdelperu.com www.vinosdelperu.com (ABC Editores-Peru) Very complete guide on the current production of wines, with a special

6 Korea Wine and Finger Food Allisa Park Photos: Yoon Yeom

Los Vinos del Peru René Landsman

First Big Crush Eric Arnold ISBN: 978 1 416537694 sendthistoeric@gmail.com elizabeth.wareham@ simonandschuster.com jennifer.bernard@ simonandschuster.com (Simon and Schuster)


BestBookOnMatching FoodAndWine 2001 2002 2003

Sweden – Jens Delk, Liselotte Forslin (Kakao) France – Lenotre et Olivier Poussier (Solar) Germany – (Deutsches Wein Institut) Canada – D and C Duby (Douglas McIntyre)

2004 2005 2006

Canada – Jacques Orhon (Edition de L’Homme) Singapore – Emmanuel Stroobant (Marshall Cavendish) South Africa – M. Roux Jr., J.Baker (Lannice Snyman)

Books about matching food and wine continue to progress. They are very much in demand, with wine considered another food. It is a rather recent trend, which started with the end of last century.

Dining with Wine Chris Jenkin ISBN: 978 0975114551 michaela@eaststreet.com.au (East Street Publications) Thirty of the best Australian winemakers with their favourites recipes and wines.

4 Belgium – French

Viande et Vin Willem Asaert Photos: Frank Croes

ISBN: 978 9020967340 wasaert@telenet.be photo@frankcroes.com stefanie.deblaere@lannoo.be johan.ghysels@lannoo.be (Lannoo) This is probably the best book in the world focusing first on meat, then on the wine. It exists also in Dutch.

5 Brazil 2 Austria

Das Essen Zum Wein Lisl Wagner-Bacher ISBN: 978 3902 469090 office@d-r.at info@landhaus-bacher.at (Edition A La Carte-D+R Verlagsges) The chef from Wachau has two Michelin stars.

Os Sabores da Borgonha Emmanuel Bassoleil Maria da Paz Trefaut Illustrations: Antonio Carlos de Angelis, Sergio Pagano Wines: Jorge Lucki

ISBN: 978 8573595857 ebassoleil@hotelunique.com.br aangelo@sp.senac.br sergiopagano@terra.com.br vinicius@sp.senac.br – roberta.azambuja@sp.senac.br (Senac Sao Paulo) Burgundy food and wines, by a french chef living for 20 years in Brasil.

6 Canada – English 3 Belgium – Dutch

Vlees – Vijn – Meat and Wine W. Asaert Johan Ghysel Photos: Frank Croes

The Definitive Canadian Wine and Cheese Cookbook By Gurth Pretty Tony Aspler

ISBN: 978-155 285 8960 gpretty@epicureanexpeditions. com tony.aspler@sympatico.ca tarynb@whitecap.ca www.epicureanexpeditions.com www.tonyaspler.com – www.whitecap.ca (Whitecap) Gurth Pretty is the Adventurous Chef, with much international experience, and a cheese expert. Tony Aspler is one of the world’s wine authorities.

ISBN: 978 9020967333 www.frankcroes.be photo@frankcroes.com (Terra-Lannoo)

With chefs Johan Segens from “Fornuis” in Antwerpen and Lucas Rive from “Bokkedorns” in Overveen. It also exists in French.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 263

06 BestBookOnMatchingFoodAndWine

1 Australia

7 Chile

Vino y Compañía Mariana Martínez Photos: Macarena Achurra

ISBN: 9568507019 mmartinez@planetavino.com www.planetavino.com (Planeta Vino)

11 Norway

Forty easy recipes by 5 women chefs of Chile.

Mat og Drikke Tom Victor Gausdal Ole Martin Alfsen ISBN: 97882 754 72814 Tonje.Bertini@fpress.no marked@fpress.no flavours@online.no oma@gastronomi.no thomas@ppress.no

(Forlaget Press) Tom Victor Gausdal won “Best Chef Book in the World” for 2005 at the Gourmand Awards in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

8 Denmark

06 BestBookOnMatchingFoodAndWine

ISBN: 87 41364961 lhc@kroghsforlag.dk (Thaning Appel) From the Danish Delights pub in Kolding, Jutland.

9 France

Champagne Mets Encore Didier Elena Photos: Joerg Lehmann ISBN: 978 2845440408 presse@alain-ducasse.com reservations@lescrayeres.com leceditions@wanadoo.fr (Editions Alain Ducasse)

The best book of year 2007 in France, Grand Prix de la Gastronomie Française in the Gourmand Awards France.The author is the star chef of Les Crayères in Reims, after Ducasse Essex House in New York.

12 Slovenia

Engelsk Øl Mad Torben Mathews

Vino V Starih Slovenskih Jedeh Dino del Medico Zvest Apollonio Livio Jakomin Photos: Zvest Apollonio ISBN: 978 961 2033231 Dino.delmedico@volja.net revart@siol.net – livio@laureola.si tanja@czd-kmeckiglas.si (Association of Slovenian Knights of

Wine-CZD) After winning a Gourmand Award for the previous truffles and Wine, the same authors cooperate again to show how Slovenia has world-class wines and recipes.

13 UK

The Food and Beer Cookbook Richard Fox jacks@midaspr.co.uk

ISBN: 1901268160 (Senate Books) Creative design, good recipes, and entertaining and useful book

10 Germany

14 USA

Köstliches Rheinhessen Winzerküche Einfach und Gut. Michel Königs

Williams - Sonoma Wine and Food Joshua Wesson Coleen and Bob Simmons Photos: Tucker-Hossler Editor: Chuck Williams

ISBN: 978 3797 310255 Michel.konig@ing.boehringeringelheim.com Juergen.kron@fsd.de (Societats-Germany) Matching traditional local Rhine recipes with local wines.

264 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

www.bestcellars.com info@bestcellars.com amyk@weldonowen.com ISBN: 174089622X (Gold St.Press) Joshua Wesson is with Best Cellars, retail for wines under 15 dollars.


BestBook onCookingwithWine BeerandSpirits 2001 US – Anne Willan (Harry N.Abrams) 2002 Germany – Kordula Werner (VGS) 2003 France – Bernard Marchand, Gilbert Delos (Somogy)

2004 Germany – Petra Abele (Deutsches Wine Institute) 2005 US – Paulette Mitchell (Rodale) 2006 France – F. Barbin-Lecrevisse (L’Hydre)

This is still a small niche market which is growing worldwide.

Du Thé Plein La Toque Christophe Alary et Pierre Watters Avec 12 Chefs du Québec ISBN 2982934809 www.kusmi.ca info@kusmi.ca mjgauvin@kilicom.ca sqirion@kilicom.ca (Les Editions Pierre Watters)

Cooking with tea, with recipes with 12 chefs from Québec, including Chantale Lepage of Chateau Bonne-Entente, Jean Soulard of Chateau Frontenac and Philippe Mollé, chef and culinary writer.

3 Poland

Piwo Wino Nalewki Barbara Jakimowicz-Klein ISBN 978 83 24706969 Bertelsmann Media Ul.Rosala 10 02786 Warsawa poczta@swiatksia.pl www.swiatksiazki.pl (_wiat Ksi__ki)

An excellent book packed with recipes including wines and spirits.

2 Germany

4 Spain – Catalan

Kochen Mit Wein, Bier und Co. Die Besten Rezepte

El Cava a la Cuina Receptari: Glòria Baliu Illustracions: Lluïsa Jover

ISBN: 978 381 7461509 info@compactverlag.de (Compact Verlag)

ISBN: 978 84 935377-8-4 samaranchdis@sct.ictnet.es (SD.Edicions)

All recipes have calories count. Catalan sparkling cava wines used as ingredients in recipes.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 265

07 BestBookonCookingwithWineBeerandSpirits

1 Canada – French


BestWine Guides 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

UK - Philip Clark (Philip Clark) Argentina – Manuel Brasco, Elisabeth Checa (Cuisine et Vins) UK – Hugh Johnson (Mitchell Beazley) Italy (Nardini) Ireland – B.Boyle, P.Caroll (Farmar)

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

UK – Robert Joseph (Dorling Kindersley) UK – Tom Stevenson (Dorling Kindersley) Slovenia – Dr.Julig Nemanic, Dr.Janez Bogataj (Rokus) Spain – (Gourmets) Cyprus – Yiannos Constantinou (Oinou)

There are two kinds of authors for wine guides: Famous individual experts, supposed to be more subjective, and teams of qualified professionals, supposed to be more objective. The competition is fierce, with crowded markets. All good guides require serious investment.

Don’t Buy Wine Without me 2008 Ken Gargett

ISBN: 978 1921351020 kgargett@bigpond.net.au mandy.brett@textpublishing.com.au (Text Publishing)

Great Title.

4 Chile

Descorchados 2008 Patricio Tapia Sommelier Hector Riquelme

ISBN 9789562474412 ptapia@planetavino.cl ptapia.blogspot.com www.planetavino.com (Planeta Vino- Origo) Tenth edition.

2 Austria

Die Besten Weine Österreichs 2007-2008 Viktor Siegl Rudolf Steurer ISBN: 978 3800073160 hauser@ueberreufer.at (Carl Ueberreuter)

Classic guide published since 1997.

3 Canada – French

5 China

Le Guide du Vin 2008 Michel Phaneuf ISBN: 978 27619 24252 Michel.phaneuf@videotron.ca chlengelle@groupehomme.com (Editions de L’Homme) In April 2007, the author celebrated his 25 years as a wine expert with the Gourmand Award for “Best Wine Photography”.

Wine Buyer Guide 2007 Le Petit Futé Wine Sold in China Dominique Auzias and Jean-Paul Labourdette Director Chinese Editions: Stephan Szeremeta Coordinador: Hugo Arango Editor: Wenjie Liu

ISBN: 7-5031-4264-2 Contact: haishengchi@sohu.com www.sinomaps.com www.petitfute-wine.com www.auzias.fr auzias@auzias.fr Dominique Auzias Reifeng-Auzias Paretlongue 11610 Pennautier-Carcassonne (Sinomaps-Petit Fute) All wineries who want to export to China need to read and analyse this very smart guide. It is well done, clear, concise, practical and a must for the China wine buyer. The prices are these in Carrefour retail stores in China. The Auzias family has had vineyards for nearly 700 years, in the Laguedoc Roussillon. They now have also Chateau Reifeng-Auzias, near Yantai in Shandong.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 267

08 BestWineGuides

1 Australia

6 Denmark

Olruten Henrik Bøegh

ISBN: 8798775731 www.oelruten.dk mail@artbag.dk (Forlaget Boegh)

Guide to Danish Microbreweries.

7 Germany

08 BestWineGuides

10 Malta

ISBN: 9993286117 Info@millermalta.com Randall.caruana@gov.mt www.millermalta.com – cw@millermalta.com jb@millermalta.com (Miller Distributors Ltd) The author is the internationnally respected expert on Malta wines, which have a tradition of 4.000 years.

Wein-Jahrbuch 2007 Die Besten Betriebe an Mosel, Saar und Ruwer Editor: Rainer Breuer ISBN: 978 388081 5001 mail@treves.de www.treves.de (Éditions Trèves) First issue of a great guide to the wine areas.

Wines of Malta The Essential Guide George Meekers Foreword by Serge Dubs Photos: Kevin Cash Design: Daniel Borg

11 Norway

Salvesens Vin 2008 Geir Salvesen ISBN: 9788251623872 Anne.imsgard@schibsted.no Geir.salvesen@aftenposten.no Anne.fieldberg@schibstedforlagene.no Vebjorn.rogne@schibstedforlagene.no (Schibsted) The guide has been published every

year since 2003.

8 Israel

12 Portugal

Rogov’s Guide to Israeli Wines 2008 Daniel Rogov ISBN: 978 1592642106 drogov@cheerful.com mm@tobypress.com toby@tobypress.com (Toby Press)

125 Vinhos Escolha de Alfredo Saramago

ISBN 9789723712063 vendas@assirio.pt luis.guerra@assirio.pt (Assirio Alvim)

Daniel Rogov is the reference expert for Israeli wines. He contributes to Tom Stevenson’s Wine Report.

The author is much respected for his food and wine writing. The guide is useful, with the e-mails of the selected wineries.

9 Italy

Annuario Dei Migliori Vini Italiani 2008 Luca Maroni

13 South Africa

ISBN: 88 87631484 www.lucamaroni.com lucamaroni@lucamaroni.com (LM)

Clear analytical method of evaluation. See the very complete website, claiming to be the richest dedicated to wine in the entire world.

268 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Crush! 100 South African Wines to Drink Now Michael Olivier Foreword by Neil Pendock Photos: Russel Wasserfall

ISBN 9780980278606 noshnews@iafrica.com – rwasserfall@eca.co.za gwynne@icon.co.za (Gwynne Conlyn – Jacana Media) Entertaining guide, excellent publisher.

14 Spain – Asturian Bable

18 UK

Guía Sidrera 07-08 Cider Guide 07-08 Photos: Xurde Margaride

Pocket Vintage Wine Companion Michael Broadbent’s

ISBN: 978 84 93598303 www.lasidra.net lasidrainfo@yahoo.es espublizastur@hotmail.com xurde@fotoperiodistas.org (Espublizastur) In English, Castellano, Bable.

ISBN: 978 186 2057838 rlake@anovabooks.com jwhite@anovabooks.com plee@anovabooks.com www.anovabooks.com (Pavilion-Anova)

The author won a Gourmand Best in the World Award in Barcelona in 2004.He is the most experienced and respected wine taster in the world.

Vivir el Vino – La Guía 365 Vinos al año Director de Cata: Luis García de la Navarra Jefa de Redacción: Vanesa Viñolo

ISBN 9788461190687 v.vignolo@vivirelvino.com alejandravalle@mediahouse.ces fatima.alonso@vivirelvino.com (Ediciones Vivir el Vino)

08 BestWineGuides

15 Spain – Castellano

The tasting is done by 12 professionals who rate 1500 wines, choose the 365 that are presented in this guide, and write their personal detailed opinions.

16 Spain – Gallego Guia de Viños, Augardentes e Bodegas de Galicia Sumilleres Gallaecia ISBN: 8497825179 (Edicions Xerais) Guide to the wines, spirits and wineries of Galicia.

17 Sweden Munskänkarnas Vinbok Catarina Hjort af Ornäs ISBN 978-91-37-12981-5 www.forum.se www.munskankarna.se kansli@munskankarna.se (Forum) This reference book has since 1993 has been printed in the fifth revised edition and is used by the wine society Munskänkarna as educational book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 269

Best DrinkBook


(other than wine) 1999 2000 2001 2002

Sweden – Urban Laurin – Cognac (ICA) UK – Helen Arthur – Whisky (Apple) Norway – Toralf Bolgen – Cognac (Gyldendal) Sweden – Jimmy Olson – Beer (Jimson)

2003 2004 2005 2006

Australia – Hayden Wood – Cocktails (Drink) UK – Nicolas Faith – Cognac (Mitchell Beazley) US – Kyle Jarrard – Cognac (John Wiley) UK – Ulf Buxrud (Quiller)

The sale of spirits worldwide are approximately 1,5 times those of wine. But the proportion of wine books sold is much greater than that of spirits books. The growth trend is stronger for spirits books than wine books, with increasing demand for books on cocktails, and specialized books on spirits, mostly from younger, new consumers.

1 Belgium – Dutch

4 China

Beautiful Cocktails Sun Wei Gong Yu ISBN: 7-5048-4902-2 (Country Publishers-Rural Publishing)

ISBN: 978 9085864103 Ma.simons@artbasenewsroom.com sabine@sabbez.nl kathleen.borms@blonde.se (Food Bai Food)

The authors are professors in a technical school.

Innovative new design and photography.

2 Brazil

Pequeno Livro de Destilados Suzamara Santos ISBN: 978 8576860181 www.veruseditora.com.br anapaula@veruseditora.com.br (Verus Editora)

5 Estonia

Viskimaailma Teejuht Toomas Tïivel ISBN: 978 9985981726 tartu@ee.ee toomas.tiivel@tele2.com jaan.pillesaan@holmes.ee (Helmes)

The small book of distilled spirits. Excellent book.

3 Canada – English

Libations of Life: A Girl’s Guide to Life, One Cocktail at a time. Dee Brun Photography: Angela Cook Illustrations: Laura Gibson Make Up Artist: Kelly Babcock

ISBN: 1 552858995 deebrun@hotmail.com www.libationsoflife.com – www.lauragibson.ca www.angelacookphotography.com – www.kellybabcock.com tarynb@whitecap.ca (Whitecap) Fun, innovative, well written. The illustrations captured the essence of the book and trully make people smile. It all seems easy, but it was much work, with a great team.

6 France

Elise et ses 28 Cocktails Elise Collet-Soravito ISBN: 978 2841231935 samoaelisesoravito@ hotmail.com

lecedition@wanadoo.fr (LEC) Elise won in Beijing the “Best in the World Award” for Illustrations. Lec is part of editions Alain Ducasse.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 271

09 BestDrinkBook (other than wine)

Shake it! Jan Guus Waldorp Marie-Anne Simons Timo Yanse Photos: Sabine Bezuijen

7 Italy

11 Spain – Asturian Bable

Come Fare la Grappa Turri Nilla

Sidra y Llagares Tradicionales Asturianos Ignacio Hevia Llavona, Author y Fotógrafo

ISBN 8876112790 info@pizziguella.com www.arsenale.it arsenale@arsenale.it (Editore Mulino Don Chisciotte) How to make grappa.

8 Norway

www.essential-bartending.com essentialbartending@yahoo.com (Essential Bartending)

This is the first book in Europe with a strong personal writing by a drinks and cocktail experts. It is entertaining, informative and well done, useful for professionals and amateurs.

ISBN: 978 8493452797 jrchimo@hotmail.com (CH Editorial)

This Cider historical book is written in the Asturian language, which is most unusual: it is the first one that we receive in this competition. It can be understood as it has the same roots as castilian. The research in the book is very detailed, with much historical illustrations, and a great bibliography.

Drinks and Cocktails A Little more than Just Georgios Andritsos Preface by Andy Evans

09 BestDrinkBook (other than wine)

12 Spain – Castellano

Chacolí de Álava Arabaco Txakolina Chacoli in Alava Juanjo Hidalgo Photos: José Manuel Llano ISBN: 978 84 61189151 info@josemiguelllano.com (José Miguel Llano)

In 3 languages, Spanish, English, Euskera. The book and the photos are truly magnificent.

9 Russia Cognac Yuri Zybtsev

ISBN: 4607040800629 yurizybtsev@mail.ru gabi@bbpg.ru trade@bbpg.ru www.winenews.ru (BBPG Publishing)

The author is an independent wine writer, journalist and teacher of wine schools in Moscow.

10 Serbia Kokteli

ISBN: 978 8683611799 prodaja@malemajstorije.com (Computer Books) Cocktails.

272 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

13 Sweden Grappa Italien på flaska Grappa Italy bottled Ove Boudin ISBN: 978-91-633-1351-6 www.lagrappa.eu lagrappa@telia.com (PianoForte Publishing) Starting with the techniques and history of Grappa, Ove Boudin´s makes a tour presenting the different regions in Italy’s grappa area and some of the most outstanding producers.


BestWine LiteratureBook 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

UK – Dr.Thomas Stuttaford (Faber and Faber) UK-Jancis Robinson (Penguin) UK – Joanne Harris (Doubleday) Switzerland – Michael Klonowski (Hallwag) Germany – Markus del Monego (Heel)

2003 2004 2005 2006

France – May-Eliane de Lencquesaing (Art et Arts) Switzerland – Hugo Loetscher (Neu Zurcherzettung) UK – Hugh Johnson (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) Spain – Miguel Angel Muro (Dinastía Vivanco) US – Jennifer Rosen (Clerish Press)

Serious wine drinkers usually love to read serious wine literature. There are great books this year in this category.

Brot und Wein Denk Weinpfarrer Felber Backer ISBN. 978 38549 31119 verlagholzhausen@ holholzen.at (holzhausen Verlag)

4 France

2 Belgium – French

ISBN: 978 2 7480 3098 3 info@societedesecrivains.com (Société des Écrivains)

The author’s real name is Jean René Pyls, from Belgium. He is the Master of the Commanderie of Bordeaux in Brussels.

5 Germany

ISBN: 978-7-208-06823-0 spphmb@online.sh.cn (Shanghai People’s Publishing House) The author is one of the best women writers in China about wine. She has already published 4 other wine books.

Mord Im Weinkeller Andrea C.Busch Almuth Heuner Illustrations: Bengt Fosshag ISBN: 978 3836925822 acb@w4w.net almuth@heuner.de bengtfosshag@t-online.de (Gerstenberg)

12 Criminal stories, well written, excellent illustrations.

3 China Love Wine Wu Shu Xian

ISBN: 978 2246 694410 nmladenov@grasset.fr www.grasset.fr (Grasset) His book is even better than the Mondovino film: even if you do not agree, you have to read it.

Excellent food and wine writings as well as attractive photos.

Proverbes, Dictons, Maximes, Adages et Pensées Ayant trait au vin et à la gastronomie John Percy

Le Goût et le Pouvoir Jonathan Nossiter

6 Spain – Castellano

El Cine del Vino Bernardo Sánchez Salas ISBN: 978 8461194421 info@dinastiavivanco.es (Fundación Dinastía Vivanco)

The new reference book analyzes wine in films. Beautifully illustrated, well written, with a great knowledge of the history of both film and wine in the last century.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 273

10 BestWineLiteratureBook

1 Austria


The Joy of Drinking Barbara Holland ISBN: 978-1596913370 Carrie.majer@bloomsburyusa.com Sara.mercurio@bloomsburyusa.com barbaraholland@megafife.net Publicity.adult@bloomsburyusa.com (Bloomsbury-USA)

10 BestWineLiteratureBook

The author says she wrote the book to counter the rise of broccoli, exercise and starbucks. She lives in a cabin in the blue ridge mountains. She has written 15 books. The media call her a national treasure.

274 ďż˝ GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestWineandSpirits Photography/Illustration Book 2000 2001 2002 2003

Germany – Olaf Gollnek (Av) UK – Jason Lowe (Mitchell Beazley) Spain – Jose Luis Galiana Switzerland – Regis Colombo (Favre)

2004 Germany – Cris Meier (Neumeier) 2005 Belgium – Tony Le Duc (Lannoo) 2006 Canada – Michel Phaneuf (Editions de L’Homme)

Photos are used on the cover in 80% of wine books, including 38% for glasses, 18% for bottles, and 7% for both glasses and bottle. Wine Photography is respected worldwide, and a most important part of wine book publishing. There are photographers of vineyards, and photographers of liquids.

Good Wine, Bad Language, Great Vineyards The Wine Characters of Australia Hayden Wood Photography: Esmeralda Wood

ISBN: 0977514706 woody@theliquidkitchen.com esmeralda@theliquidkitchen.com (Drink Australia- The Liquid Kitchen) Stunning photography which really catches your eye, by the renowned photographer Esmeralda Wood.

4 Denmark

ISBN: 978 3854314035 office@verlagsgruppestyria.at (Pichler)

5 France

The author is the leading Austrian wine writer.

3 Belgium – Dutch

Shake it! Jan Guus Waldorp Marie-Anne Simons Timo Yanse Photos: Sabine Bezuijen

ISBN: 978 9085864103 Ma.simons@artbasenewsroom.com sabine@sabbez.nl kathleen.borms@blonde.se (Food Bai Food) Innovative new design and photography.

ISBN: 978 8761404572 bjensen@distinguishedwines.com mh@lrforlag.dk – lr@lrforlag.dk Tel: 4522883328 (Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag)

The Australian wines expert from Denmark has produced an excellent wine guide, with depth, research and knowledge. The wine photography is excellent, from the cover to the wineries inside.

2 Austria Der Österreischische Wein – Das Grosse Handbuch Klaus Egle Photos: Kurt-Michael Westermann

Vinene fra Australien Birthe Jensen

Le Vin Corse Patrick Fioramonti Photos: Jean Harixçade Foreword: Pierre Gagnaire ISBN: 978 2350870564 eho@editons-heloisedormesson.com www.editions-heloisedormesson.com (Editions Heloise D’ormesson)

A reference book, with history since the 6th century B.C. to today, and much local information.

6 Germany Die Winzer vom Vulkan Frank Paul Kistner Stefan Siller Foreword Fritz Keller ISBN: 978 3899042788 Sabine.bayerl@editionbraus.de www.editionbraus.de (Edition Braus im Wachter) Local wineries reference book.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 275

11 BestWineandSpiritsPhotography/IllustrationBook

1 Australia

7 Italy Le Marche …..Kitchen-garden of Wine Andrea Zanfi Photograhy: Giò Martorana

Available in English and Italian

ISBN: 88 88482 539 info@andreazanfi.it valentina@carlocambieditore.it vasardelli@vassar.edu (Carlo Cambi Editore)

11 BestWineandSpiritsPhotography/IllustrationBook

In the annual series “Great Italian Wines” this year it is Le Marche. Once again Andrea Zanfi takes his readers to the very heart of Italy’s great region. Avoiding the usual cliches, he interviews protagonists of fascinating stories and long traditions. Gio Martorana provides a stunning series of colour and black and white photos in his elegant, and passionate work.

8 Malta

Wines of Malta The Essential Guide George Meekers Foreword by Serge Dubs Photos: Kevin Cash Design: Daniel Borg

ISBN: 9993286117 Info@millermalta.com Randall.caruana@gov.mt www.millermalta.com cw@millermalta.com – jb@millermalta.com (Miller Distributors Ltd) The author is the internationnally respected expert on Malta wines, which have a tradition of 4.000 years.

10 South Africa

ISBN 9780980278606 noshnews@iafrica.com – rwasserfall@eca.co.za gwynne@icon.co.za (Gwynne Conlyn – Jacana Media) Useful and practical guide.

11 Spain – Castellano

Vino V Starih Slovenskih Jedeh Dino del Medico Zvest Apollonio Livio Jakomin Photos: Zvest Apollonio

ISBN: 978 961 2033231 Dino.delmedico@volja.net revart@siol.net livio@laureola.si tanja@czd-kmeckiglas.si (Association of Slovenian Knights of Wine-CZD) After winning a Gourmand Award for the previous book Truffles and Wine, the same authors cooperate again to show how Slovenia has world-class wines and recipes.

276 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

Chacolí de Álava Arabaco Txakolina Chacoli in Alava Juanjo Hidalgo Photos: José Manuel Llano ISBN: 978 84 61189151 info@josemiguelllano.com (José Miguel Llano)

In 3 languages, Spanish, English, Euskera. The book and the photos are truly magnificent.

12 Sweden

Café Opera- Drinkbok Café Opera - Drinkbook Jonas Ghauri Photographer; Bruno Ehrs

9 Slovenia

Crush! 100 South African Wines to Drink Now Michael Olivier Foreword by Neil Pendock Photos: Russel Wasserfall

ISBN: 978-91-534-2937-1 www.formapg.se ingela.holm@formapg.se ehrs@bredband.net info@xpo.se (ICA Förlag)

Sweden’s number 1 nightclub presents their best drinks and photographer Bruno Ehrs turns the glasses and content into living, sparkling and cool temptations coming out of the pages.


BestWineBook forProfessionals 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

France – Jules Chauvet (Jean Paul Rocher) US – S.Kolpan (Routledge) UK – Patrick Matthews (Mitchell Beazley) UK – Simon Woods (Mitchell Beazley) Spain – De La Fuente Moyano, S.Martínez (Liébana)

2003 2004 2005 2006

US – Jeffrey Caldeway, Chuck House (Wine Appreciation Guild) France – Marc Lagrange (Feret) Spain – Jesús Marino Pascual (Dinastía Vivanco) France – Bruno Boidron, Eric Glatre (Feret)

Wine professionals often love wine books. Reference books for these professionals are quite well researched, and interest both professionals and serious amateurs.

La Dégustation et l’evolution du Vin Pierre Rajotte ISBN: 2921327589 degustation@mac.com lupico@sympatico.ca (Alliage Editeur)

The wine tasting note, fiche de degustation is a masterpiece, different from others. The Author has done much research. Le carnet de degustation is sold separately.

4 France

L’économie du Vin La Crise et les Remèdes Jean-François Auby ISBN: 978 2879016238 contact@editions-sudouest.com Fax: +33 556993229 (Author) (SudOuest)

The author is a former high level civil servant from the famous Ena School. He is now a very experienced consultant in Bordeaux for administrative and economic matters. He has published many books.

2 China

Baijiu Shengchan Jishu Quanshu Techniques to Produce Chinese Wine By Shen Yi Fang ISBN: 978 7501922291 sheila@vip.sina.com bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (CHLIP)

The reference book on Chinese distillation and spirits,all called wine in Chinese.It should be translated as it contributes unique Chinese technology for this world industry.

5 Germany

ISBN: 978 3874077712 Hartung-photodesign.de info@silberburg.de Nina.osterlag@silberburg.de Renate.seibold-voelker@region-stuttgart.org info@hartung-photodesign.de (Silberburg)

Baden-Wurtemberg Wines.

6 Portugal

3 Croatia

Fellbacher Weinbuch Renate Seibold - Völker Andreas Krohberger Photos: Peter D Hartung

A Vinha e o Vinho em Portugal Syngenta Crop Protection Lda Foreword: Vasco d’Avillez, Presidente Viniportugal

How to Build a Vineyard Razmno_avanje Loze i Lozno Rasadni_arstvo Nikola Miros_vi_

ISBN: 978 953 212 3159 gmtk@gmtk.net (Golden Marketing-Tehnicka Knjiga)

For the new Mediterranean wines of Croatia.

Syngenta is a north american agribusiness. They offer weed insect and disease control products.

Isbn: 9892004426 www.syngertacropprotection.com lfonseca@editorialverbo.pt (Verbo)

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 277

12 BestWineBookForProfessionals

1 Canada – French

7 Spain – Castellano

Manual de Viticultura, Enología y Cata Manuel María López Alejandre ISBN: 978 8496710764 amontillado@ya.com jmmoreno@editorialalmuzara.com (Editorial Almuzara)

Publisher Manuel Pimentel wanted to publish the best educational book on enology. He succeeded thanks to this author.

8 UK

12 BestWineBookForProfessionals

The Red Wine Diet – Enjoy a longer, healthier life. Roger Corder, Professor of experimental therapeutics at William Harvey Institute, London ISBN: 1583332901 Barbara.daniel@littlebrown.co.uk Hattie.Hinton@littlebrown.co.uk (Little Brown) You must read this.


Wine marketing and sales-Success strategies for a saturated market Paul Wagner Janeen Olsen Liz Thach Foreword by Robert Mondavi ISBN 9781891267994 bryan@wineappreciationguild.com (Wine Appreciation Guild)

It is welcome reading by all wine professionals.

278 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestWine Atlas/TourismBook 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002

UK – Philip Clark (Philip Clark) UK – OZ Clarke (Webster) Spain – Jose Peñin (Espasa) UK – Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson (Mitchell Beazley) France – Benoit France (Solar)

2003 2004 2005 2006

New Zealand – Michael Cooper (Hodder Moa Beckett) Austria – Rudolf Lantschbauer (Vinothek) Spain – Ignacio Medina (Anaya) Australia – James Halliday (Hardie Grant)

Usually the average winery will try to sell up to 10% of the wine to visitors and tourism. In the best managed tourism wine routes, in Napa Valley, Barossa or Stellenbosch, some wineries manage to sell over 35% directly to tourists, with great profit. Wine Atlas and maps are essential to promote these markets.

Wein Atlas Deutschland Dieter Braatz Ulrich Sautter Ingo Swoboda ISBN: 978 3833806384 Esther.Ulrich@graefe-und-unzer.de Dorothee.seelig@graefe-und-unzer.de (Hallwag)

4 Portugal

Entre o Mar e Montejunto As Quintas os Vinhos João Carvalho Ghira

ISBN 9728979037 geral@livrododia.com.pt (Livrododia Editora)

Between the sea and the mountains, a great tour of Portugal wineries, where quintas are chateaux.

The new reference for wine professionals, tourists and libraries.

5 Sweden

2 Israel

Grappa Italien på flaska Grappa Italy bottled Ove Boudin

The Wine Routes of Israel Produced by Yaron Goldfisher and edited by Eliezer Sacks

ISBN: 978-91-633-1351-6 www.lagrappa.eu lagrappa@telia.com (PianoForte )Publshing

Tel: 972 505693777 (Coordinata Publishing House) Wine tourism in 8 wine regions.

Starting with the techniques and history of Grappa, Ove Boudin´s makes a tour presenting the different regions in Italy’s grappa area and some of the most outstanding producers.

3 Norway

6 UK

Vinens Vinnere 2008 Tom Marthinsen ISBN: 9788203235016 epost@aschehoug.no (Ashehoug)

The World Atlas of Wine Hugh Johnson – Jancis Robinson

ISBN: 978 1845333010 info@mitchell-beazley.co.uk (Mitchell Beazley)

Six edition-revised and updated.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 279

13 BestWineAtlas/TourismBook

1 Germany


The Two-Lane Gourmet: Fine Wine Trails, Superb Inns and Exceptional Dining Tom Snyder ISBN: 978 0312 364717 Daniela.rapp@stmartins.com Dori.weintraub@stmartins.com (St Martins Press)

13 BestWineAtlas/TourismBook

Small roads wine tourism.

280 � GourmandYearbook ‘08

BestWine EducationBook 2000 2001 2002

US – Kevin Zraly (Sterling) UK – Stephen Brooks, Patricia Gastaud-Gallagher (Carroll and Brown) Sweden – Håkan Larsson (Albert Bonnier)

2003 2004 2005 2006


Spain – Mikel Garaizabal (Gobierno Vasco) Italy (Boroli) US – Mahesh Kumar (Wine Appreciation Guild) France – Philippe Faure-Brac (EPA)

There are more and more new wine consumers who need wine education. Demand is high, with good books in China, or even Indonesia.

1 Brazil Pequenho Livro do Vinho Suzamara Santos

ISBN: 978 8576860044 anapaula@veruseditora.com.br (Verus Editora)

4 Germany

Das Weinquiz Egon Mark ISBN: 9783938173411 Egon.mark.tirol@aon.at ek@kornmayer-verlag.de (Kornmayer)

The small book of wine.

2 China

Wine By Cha Yiu ISBN: 978 25436 41426 gaojimin@sina.com www.qdpub.com (Qingdao Publishing House)

It is a lively, modern, easy and complete information in this well illustrated concise book. It is very uptodate, and reads like a novel, with people, mysteries, tales of culture and money.

5 Hong Kong

ISBN: 978 9621435491 gourmand@wanlibk.com chungkw@rthk.org.hk (Wan Li Books)

In Traditional Chinese.

6 Indonesia

3 France Le Vin Décrypté Évelyne Malnic Antoine Pétrus

ISBN: 9782263043895 crillon@crillon.com presse_solar@placedesediteurs.com (Solar)

Antoine Petrus is the young sommelier at Hotel Crillon in Paris. This book is different and welcome.

The First Book of Wine Chung Boon Yau Chi Chung Ka Wai

Rahasia Wine – The Secrets of Wine Yohan Handoyo ISBN: 979 222498X yohan@yohanhandoyo.com www.yohanhandoyo.com bondanw@gmail.com (Gramedia)

This is the first book on wine written in Indonesian language and published by the leading Indonesian publisher. The author writes for major indonesian and Singapore media.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 281

14 BestWineEducationBook

For 20 Euros 1220 questions!

7 Norway

11 USA

Mat + Vin = Sant Christer Berens

The Wine Lover’s Guide to Auctions: The Art and Science of Buying and Selling Wines Ursula Hermacinski

ISBN: 9788276834505 www.christerberens.no christer.berens@hws.no thor@christerberens.no (Boksenteret)

The name of the star wine writer is 3 times larger than the title on the cover.

Mini Guía para disfrutar del…Vino ISBN: 84 82589887 info@acvediciones.com (ACV Ediciones)

14 BestWineEducationBook

Mini guide to enjoy wine.

9 Sweden Från Bordeaux till Barossahandbok för vinprovare From Bordeaux to Barossa – a handbook for wine tasters Tuire Tepponen ISBN: 978-91-534-2752-0 www.formapg.se goran.sunehag@formapg.se form@omniform.se (ICA Förlag) The growing popularity in wine tasting has created a demand for easier and accessible knowledge on wine regions and the characteristics of grapes.

10 UK

ISBN: 978 0757002755 gavelgal@gman.com sq1publish@aol.com sq1ariel@aol.com (Square One Publishing)

The “Goddess of the Gavel” has raised many millions of dollars for charitable events across the United States.

8 Spain – Castellano

How to Choose Wine Know what you like Get it right Every Time Vincent Gasnier, Master Sommelier

ISBN: 978 1 405326544 Sasannah.pendrey@ uk.penguingroup.com www.dk.com (DK) No stuffy rules, refreshing advice.

282 � GourmandYearbook ‘08


BestWine& HealthBook

This category was created in 2007. Drinking wine for health is becoming a key motivation for the growth of the market. Books are now written to explain the impact of drinking (moderatly). There is even a British book rating wines according to their health impact. Chinese Army Medical publisher PMMP has 800 new books every year, with approximately 20 yearly on food and wine. They sell extremely well in China.

1 China

3 UK

Wine, Culture, Health, Wine as Medicine By Wang Wei Heng, Qiang Gang

The Wine Diet – Enjoy a longer, healthier life. Roger Corder, Professor of experimental therapeutics at William Harvey Institute, London

ISBN:978-7-5091-0472-9 huzhongquing@pmmp.com.cn wanglan@pmmp.com.cn www.pmmp.com.cn (People’s Military Medical Publisher)

This reference book tells the relationship of wine and health in 250 information packed pages. Also the cover is beautiful.

ISBN: 1583332901 Barbara.daniel@littlebrown.co.uk Hattie.Hinton@littlebrown.co.uk (Little Brown) For Decanter magazine. Quite possibly the most useful wine book published this year. It has a unique rating system for the most beneficial wines according to the author.

2 Italy

Un Po’ Di Vino, Tanta Salute A Little Wine, So Much for Health By Giuseppe Sicheri ISBN: 998-88-7447-4601 info@red-edizioni.it mstella@red-edizioni.it bparisi@borolieditore.it www.red-edizioni.it (Red Edizioni)

The author is the scientific director of Il Sommelier Magazine. This pocket book is for the general public. The author has published over 40 books on wine, including the Healing Power of Wine in 2001.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 283

15 BestWine&HealthBook


Best BeerBook This category was created in 2007 as more and more countries publish good books about beer.

1 Australia Beer – Nuts Beer Characters of Australia Hayden Wood Photos: Esmeralda Wood

ISBN: 9780977514731

4 Spain – Castellano

Cerveza a la Carta Heineken España Recetas Escuela de Hostelería Gambrinus

woody@mondobartender.com (Drink Australia)

ISBN: 84 96710262 jmmoreno@editorialalmuzara.com (Editorial Almuzara) Heineken beer with spanish food.

2 China

5 UK

Xiudingban Pijiu Gongye Shouce Beer Industry Handbook By Guandunyi Bianzhu

Beer Eyewitness Companions Editor in Chief: Michael Jackson

ISBN: 978 7501922406 sheila@vip.sina.com bolin1008@chlip.com.cn (CHLIP)

ISBN: 978 1 405320283 Susannah.pendrey@uk.penguingroup.com www.dk.com www.cobaltid.co.uk (DK)

New revised edition of the 1990 classic.

The author was the world’s leading writer on beer.

3 Denmark


50 ØL – Du Skal Smage Før du Dør Rolf Nielsen Carsten Berthelsen

The Best of American Beer and Food: Pairing and Cooking with Craft Beer Lucy Saunders

ISBN: 978 8712043331 hs@gads-forlag.dk ordogtale@mail.dk www.gad.dk (GADS)

ISBN: 978-0937381915 Fax: 1 303 4472825 (Brewers Publications)

A very wide range of American beers is used in the book. 50 beers.

GourmandYearbook ‘08 � 285

16 BestBeerBook

Twenty four great Aussie Beer Pioneers.

Printed in: Valenciana de Gráficas Published in Valencia, Spain, March 2008

All the information, data and technical characteristics that appear in that book have been developed by Gourmand. The content of this book is entirely protected by copyright. The total or partial reproductions the images, texts, graffiti, any illustrations are forbidden without written authorization of Gourmand.

Design: Sislavia Group Comunicación Design Manager: Txema S. González (Sislavia) Art Coordination: Ana Sánchez (CMYK Publicidad) Art Director: Victor/Belén (i-dos)

“Gourmand Awards as I understand it, is not only a serious international awarding body for books, but it is also about friendship. The Gourmand Awards unites around the theme of food many cultures, beliefs and religions. Therefore its message is not only a message of recognition through the awards it delivers, but it is also a message of peace and tolerance.” Chef Ramzi, Lebanon

Gourmand Yearbook 2008

S.P.A GOURMAND Pintor Rosales, 50 - 4ºC 28008 Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 91 541 67 68 Fax: + 34 91 541 68 21 E-mail: icr@virtualsw.es www.cookbookfair.com

S.P.A GOURMAND Pintor Rosales, 50 - 4ºC 28008 Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 91 541 67 68 Fax: + 34 91 541 68 21 E-mail: icr@virtualsw.es www.cookbookfair.com

“Gourmand Awards as I understand it, is not only a serious international awarding body for books, but it is also about friendship. The Gourmand Awards unites around the theme of food many cultures, beliefs and religions. Therefore its message is not only a message of recognition through the awards it delivers, but it is also a message of peace and tolerance.”


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Chef Ramzi, Lebanon

Gourmand Yearbook 2008

Gourmand Yearbook 2008 Volume 1

The Cookbook Year

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