1 minute read
Living the Victorious & Blessed Life
God’s Place of Visitation
By Ramelle T. Lee
Lord, intercept my wandering thoughts. You have my full and undivided attention in prayer. My world has been shaken to the core. Counsel my troubled, weary, and hurting heart. Give me Your heavenly instructions And the right course of action.
Please speak to me. Touch the tenderness of my hurt. Dry up my tears... That are falling down my face. Please remove the veil of doubt and fear; That has come to overshadow my spirit. Please answer me from Your Holy Hill, So that I can walk in complete victory.
O Lord!,
I await Your Holy visitation. Grant me Your peace, In the midst of this chaos, Where the enemy seeks to devour me. My eyes are totally fixed upon You. I know my breakthrough has come!
© 2011 Ramelle T. Lee – All Rights Reserved.
Ramelle T. Lee is a Christian author, poet and speaker. She is the founder and president of Touching Your Heart Ministries. In 2005, her first book, STEP INTO HIS GREATNESS, was published. This book of prophetic meditation and devotional messages from the Lord encourages all to walk worthy of their calling in Christ Jesus.
Weekly Virtuous Living Call
"I Am Virtuous Faith & Prayer Call"
in which we will join together weekly as sister's in Christ to feast on the Word of God, and spend time in prayer every Thursday.
Time: 8:30 pm CST [6:30 PST, 7:30 MST, 9:30 EST] Dial-In: 1-218-862-7200 Access: 955086
I am Deaquelynn Williams and I catapult women to their wealthy place while teaching them how to live the virtuous life!
Each week through Quelynn International Institute for Women, I teach amazing women like you how to be your best self, have a deeper spiritual connection, and harmonize all areas of your life while living in purpose and on purpose. Through online classes designed with you in mind, I coach you by combining both spiritual and practical life principles to assist you in becoming the woman you were created to be, desire to be and are able to become.