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Eduardo Estrella National Museum of Medicine


Since its inauguration in 1983, it has made known the cultural and historical heritage of health in our country.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Sodiro and Valparaíso. Eugenio Espejo Convention Center, Hall 5.

Monday to Friday 08:30 to 16:00 $ 1.00 Adults $ 0.50 Differentiated rate Dr. Antonio Crespo 593-2-223 9515

DESCRIPCIÓN: The National Museum of the History of Medicine was founded in 1983. In this museum you can learn about the historical identity in health of Ecuador, from ancestral knowledge to current academic knowledge, it offers expressions of knowledge and wisdom about health-disease and therapeutic practices that have been transmitted through time in society Ecuadorian (many of them, not necessarily of a scientific nature).

SERVICES: The tours can be guided and self-guided through its different rooms: Pre-Columbian (Andean) Medicine. Colonial Medicine. Republican Medicine. It has the parking lot of the Eugenio Espejo Convention Center; or take the ecovia to Eugenio Espejo stop.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in medical issues; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Fray Pedro Gocial Gocial Museum Museum


The Fray Pedro Gocial Museum exhibits one of the most beautiful and complete collections of Quito Art.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Cuenca 477 & Sucre Streets. Monday to Saturday: 09:00 - 17:30 Sundays: 09:00 - 13:00

$ 3.00 Adult; $ 2.00 Student; $ 1.00 Child. Pablo RodrĂ­guez 593-2-2952911

It does not have parking. Closest parking lot is CADISAN; Or you can take a Trolebus to Santo Domingo stop.

DESCRIPTION: With pictorial, sculptural, goldsmith, paper and textile pieces, which tell us about the genius and talent of the inhabitants of this land of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. In addition, the visitor will be able to enjoy the unique beauty of two of its six monumental cloisters and admire the beauty of the Choir and the interior of the Church. This museum demonstrates the fierce, strong, enterprising and builder spirit of architects, artists and craftsmen, who contributed to the construction of the architectural complex.

SERVICES: Guided and self-guided tours of the different exhibition halls, as well as their towers (special access with prior reservation); It has a space for selling souvenirs.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in issues of colonial art and history; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Gustavo Orcés Natural History Museum


It is dedicated to the study of Ecuadorian fauna; its beginnings date back to 1946, with the arrival of the French University Mission.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Ladrón de Guevara E11·253. Escuela Politécnica Nacional. Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00


Cristian Santacruz 593-2-2976300 ext. 6008 Request admission to the parking lot of the National Polytechnic School; or take the ecovía to the Universidades stop.

DESCRIPTION: The museum seeks to contribute to scientific and cultural development, and to the sustainable use of biological diversity. In its exhibition rooms you can see: Area of "Past Ecuador" in which it is recreated, the origin of the universe, the geological history of the Earth, the origin of life and its evolution. Exhibition of fauna fossils from the Ecuadorian Pleistocene sites. Models of prehistoric animals. Representations of the Puyango Petrified Forest and the Carchi fossil site. "Present Ecuador" Information on Protected Areas, representations of the different ecosystems that Ecuador houses: Wet, Dry, Mangrove, Amazon, Paramos and Galapagos forests.

SERVICES: Guided tours are offered.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in biology; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Intiñán Museum


The Intiñán Museum has an interactive tour, where you will learn from the history of our ancestral peoples, to the magnificent effects that the sun produces, on our solar cylinder.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Manuel Córdova Galarza highway, 200 meters from Mitad del Mundo.

Monday to Sunday 09:30 to 17:00. $ 4.00 Adults $ 2.00 under 12 years old. Humberto Vera 593-2-239 5122

DESCRIPTION: In this museum you have an invitation to travel to the past through its centuries-old huts, discover and understand the physical phenomena of the earth with didactic examples, observe the path of the sun (Intiñán) in the Acoratene, and of course, enjoy a natural and privileged environment. Here is a new image of the existence of a geographic center of the ancestral worldview and an ethnoecological habitat in the Middle of the world.

SERVICES: Guided and self-guided tours of the different areas of the museum to observe the daily life of different cultures. Carrying out experiments in reference to the equator. You can buy crafts.

It has a parking lot for visitors. It can be reached with the Metrobús feeder from the Ofelia station, which goes to the Middle of the World.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in subjects on physics, ethnography and gastronomy; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



María Augusta Urrutia House Museum


It was built in the 19th century and decorated with artistic pieces from the mid-19th and early 20th centuries; It has an Art Nouveau style.

GENERAL INFORMATION García Moreno between Sucre and Bolívar. Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 09:30 to 17:00.

$2.00 Adults $ 1.00 Seniors $ 0.50. Children up to 12 years old

DESCRIPTION: This residence has three centuries of history. An initial structure was erected in 1700 and at the end of the 19th century it acquired its current appearance. María Augusta Urrutia lived here, from 1921 to 1987. The house reflects, in addition to a good economic level, the good taste of its owner and still seems to retain the smile of several generations of poor children who, from the 1930s to the end of the 20th century, received food, educational assistance and joy. The house was inaugurated as María Augusta Urrutia House Museum on May 21, 1998.

Verónica Mora 593-2-2580103

SERVICES: Guided tours of the entire House Museum It does not have a parking lot. The closest parking lot is CADISAN. Public transport: take the Trolebus to Santo Domingo stop.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in historical, art and architectural themes; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Interactive Science Museum (MIC)


It is an interactive contemporary museum, popularizing science and technology that stimulates the cognitive development of visitors.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Sincholagua & Maldonado avenue.

De martes a domingo: 09:00 a 17:00. $ 3.00 Adults, $ 2.00 Students with ID, $ 1.50 Children 3 - 11 years old, Seniors, person with free admission: special abilities:

Luis Mendoza 593-2-266-6061 It has a parking lot for visitors; or take a Trolebus to Chimbacalle stop.

DESCRIPTION: The MIC is a space for interactive, participatory, experimental, creative, enjoyable and inclusive meeting of science, where we discover ourselves and our environment, through museological and educational experiences of great sensorial, educational and cultural impact. Its exhibitions, spaces, objects, activities and workshops motivate the desire to explore and discover.

SERVICES: Guided tours of the entire museum. Permanent exhibitions: Guaguas The mind Site museum Ludion Imaginaries from Quito Science Park


Tourists with an interest in biology; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Miguel de Santiago Museum Museum

PRODUCTO: The Chapter House is an imposing site that welcomed the patriots who signed the First Letter of Independence on August 10, 1809.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Chile 924 & Guayaquil.


It is the meeting place with the colonial art of the 17th and 18th centuries of teachers from the Quito School such as Miguel de Santiago, Monday to Friday 09:00 to 12:30 José Olmos "Pampite", Manuel Chili "Caspicara", Gaspar de Sangurima and 14:00 to 17:00 and Bernardo Rodríguez, among others. Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:30. The main cloister houses the collection of the life of Saint Augustine, painted by the famous Miguel de Santiago and his disciples.

$ 2.00 Adults $ 1.00 college students and seniors $ 0.50 children and students Reynaldo Domínguez

SERVICES: Guided and self-guided tours of the different exhibition rooms. Sale of postcards and religious objects.

593-2-295 5525 It does not have parking. The closest parking lot is CADISAN; Or you can take a Trolebus to Plaza Chica stop.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in issues of colonial art, history, architecture; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Monacal Museum of Saint Catherine of Siena


After more than 400 years in mystery, the Mothers of the Cloister of the order of Preachers, opened their doors to the public through the Monaco Museum of Santa Catalina de Siena on August 10, 2005.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Espejo & Flores 779. Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 Saturday 09:00 to 12:30

$ 2.50 Adults $ 1.00 Differentiated rate Sor Natividad Espín 593-2-228 4000

museosantacatalina@outlook. com It has no parking. The closest parking lot is CADISAN; or you can take a Trolebus to the Plaza Chica stop

DESCRIPTION: The museum meets its evangelizing mission by exposing its artisticreligious heritage, it has original works from La Escuela Quiteña, paintings by Samaniego and sculptures by Legarda, among other artists. In this museum we can see canvases and sculptures from the colonial era, most of them anonymous authors and some attributed to artists from the Escuela Quiteña such as Bernardo del Legarda, Pedro Bedón, Manuel Samaniego, Enrique Mideros, Antonio Sala, among others.

SERVICES: Guided and self-guided tours of the different exhibition rooms, as well as the dome. Entering the Monastery, on the right side is the rotary lathe, where they can buy different products made by the sisters such as wine, wafers, creams and more.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in issues of colonial art, history and monastic life; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



MUNA Ecuador Museum


The National Museum of Ecuador guards the treasure of our history as a country. Through these objects social memory, values and inheritance are shown.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Patria & 6 de Diciembre Avenues Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 18:00. Last group enters until 17:00

DESCRIPTION: At the National Museum, he recognizes the multiplicity of identities of Ecuadorian society, its permanent transformation and mobility, and seeks to establish itself as a space for participation, dialogue, confrontation, and representation in the public sphere. In the Museum you can see wonderful samples of Ecuadorian art, from different times, from pre-Columbian times to the present day.

Free Patricia Von Buchwald 593-2-3814 550 Ext. 6010

mcontacto.muna@culturayp It has the parking lot of the Casa de la Cultura and the nearby blue areas; or you can take public transport: ecovĂ­a to the Casa de la Cultura stop.

SERVICES: Guided tours in the establishment. In the facilities there is a cafeteria and a store where different products are sold. Wheelchairs are available for people with mobility problems.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in historical themes, archeology, ethnography and art; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Muñoz Mariño Museum Gallery


The Museum was conceived as a space to show his work and spread the techniques of watercolor and drawing by the master Oswaldo Muñoz Mariño.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Junín E2-27 y Antonio Almeida - San Marcos.

Tuesday to Friday 09:00 a.m. to 17:00 Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 09:00 to 13:30 Free Flavio Hernández Montesinos 593-2-295-7096.

DESCRIPCIÓN: The museum is dedicated to its mentor, and the galleries to the presentation of creators, artisans and plastic, visual and scenic artists, as well as writers and musicians. This reconfigured space offers an updated store with artist objects and reproductions of Muñoz Mariño, crafts and specialized books, a gourmet quality cafeteria and spaces for cultural and social events.

SERVICES: Guided tours of the space are offered. It has a restaurant where dishes of Ecuadorian cuisine are offered. It has a store with various products as well as a patio for events. It does not have a parking lot. Nearest parking Montúfar; or take the ecovía to the Marín Central station.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in contemporary art issues; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank of Ecuador


1200 numismatic, notafílicas and archaeological pieces offer a common thread that registers, contextualizes, values and discloses the country's monetary evolutionary process.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Calles García Moreno & Sucre.

Tuesday to Friday: 08:30 to 17:00; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10:00 to 16:00.

DESCRIPTION: The Numismatic Museum of the Central Bank of Ecuador permanently displays, in four rooms, the synthesis of the country's monetary history, with a collection made up of 13,000 numismatic, notephile and philatelic pieces. These well-managed rooms show the monetary evolutionary process of our territory and the diversity of elements that over time were used in commercial transactions.

Free entry for nationals. $ 1.00 foreign adult

Adriana Martínez. 593-2-393-8600 ext. 3601. It does not have a parking lot. The closest parking is CADISAN; or you can take a Trolebus to Plaza Chica stop.

SERVICES: Guided tours of the facilities for the observation of the history of numismatics in Ecuador. Recreational workshops and temporary exhibitions. Sale of publications, commemorative coins and souvenirs.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in issues of numismatics; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



Sun Temple Museum


Museo Templo del Sol, a masterpiece of the Ecuadorian painter and sculptor Ortega, an energetic site in the center of the world where more than 500 works by the artist are exhibited.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Calle Eduardo Kingman Oe12174 & Manuel Córdova Galarza Avenue (Pululahua Volcano Lookout).

Monday to Sunday and holidays from 09:00 to 17:00. $ 3.00 Adults $ 1.50 Children and seniors 593 9 8484 1851 The museum has a parking lot. Take the Miraflores - Mitad del Mundo bus and stay at the entrance to the Pululahua Crater.

DESCRIPTION: The Temple of the Sun museum is located in the crater of the Pululahua volcano, which is currently off; it is located 17 km away, taking the millennial path of Intiñán which means “Camino Del Sol”. This museum offers three spaces with samples of archeology, anthropology and works by Cristóbal Ortega, plastic artist and founder of the museum.

SERVICES: guidance service is offered. On Saturdays works by Mr. Cristóbal Ortega are exhibited and at the end of the tour Coca Tea is offered.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Students, teachers, researchers, people who like history. Family, friends, multigenerational.



Temple of the Fatherland Museum


In this place, on May 24, 1822, the fighters of the Quito nation and the brothers of America, commanded by Marshal Antonio José de Sucre, fought against foreign domination.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Los Libertadores OE13-997 Avenue

Tuesday through Sunday: 09:00 to 15:30 (Last group at 3:00 p.m.).

DESCRIPTION: Museum exhibition where you can see the libertarian deed of the fighters led by Marshal Antonio José de Sucre and achieve the freedom of the Spanish crown. In its architectural ensemble we find large beams representing cannons, rifles and bayonets; The great watchtower represents the spirit of vigilance of the Ecuadorian soldier.

Free Heydi Espinoza

SERVICES: The museum has a guide service through the different rooms. Playful workshops aimed at the general public.

593-2-2288733 It has a parking lot for visitors.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in historical issues; students; families and friends; multigenerational.



University museum MUCE


It is a space open to dialogue, dissent and questioning.

GENERAL INFORMATION: América & Universitaria Avenues. Central University of Ecuador.

Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00

DESCRIPTION: It is a space that works for the university community. It seeks to give rise to new communication practices and research processes from a critical use of memory and the heritage enunciated from our local contexts; manages and values the university collections.

Free 593-2-321-6335 You can apply to enter the university parking lot; Or you can take the Metrobus to Seminario Mayor stop.

SERVICES: Guided tour of the exhibition rooms. Space for dialogue and exchange of ideas on historical, sociopolitical situations that concern the community.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Visitors with an interest in issues of culture and scientific knowledge of the university community; students.



Water museum YAKU


Discover the evolution, uses and good management of water in the city.



Tuesday to Sunday from 09:00 to 17:30. Last entry to the museum at 16:30

Yaku is an interactive museum manged to all audiences, which offers different educational, exhibition and community experiences. The YAKU seeks the generation of a committed citizenship for and for water. In 2005 it opened its doors to accompany the general public on the journey through the recreational, physical, chemical, cultural, spiritual and social aspects of water. Its purpose is to foster and provoke reflection, dialogue, delight and action on water as heritage, through memorable meaningful experiences for communities.

$ 3.00 Adults $ 2.00 students $ 1.50 children 3 - 11 years third age and person with special abilities: free.

Andrés Palma 593-2-251-1100 comunicacion.yaku@fmcquito. It has a parking lot for visitors. Public transport: from the Marín Central station take the La Tola San Roque feeder bus.

SERVICES: Guided educational tours according to the age of the visitors. Educational workshops. Cinema forums on water. Science Minute.

TARGET AUDIENCES: Tourists with an interest in water conservation issues; students; families and friends; multigenerational.

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