SIU Carbondale Viewbook 2014-15

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Southern Illinois University Ca r b o n da l e

no bounds 2014 – 2015

We satisfy insatiable

academic appetites.

We think there’s no such thing as being too ambitious. And we’ve

designed an academic experience that supports that philosophy. It’s an experience that allows you to jump in to research as an undergrad and have your name in academic journals as a sophomore. One that ensures you’ll get personal face time with faculty experts. One that shares your drive to push beyond what’s expected in order to achieve what’s possible. Whatever greatness you see for yourself, we see it too. And we have all you need to achieve it.

This viewbook offers a glimpse of the opportunities at SIU. We hope you’ll use it as a springboard to delve into your areas of interest and begin to make SIU your academic home. Find your major and your passion on page 12. See how quickly you can get involved in research on page 4. Explore SIU from the vantage point of an honors student on page 18. But most of all— see yourself here.

What you’ll find: The SIU experience: 4 » Brock: Undergrad Research 6 » Emily: Student Support 8 » Our Backyard: Carbondale and the Region 10 » Marcus: Student Leadership and Organizations 14 » Our Digital Campus 18 » Alexis: Honors and Opportunities 22 » Student Life and Activities Important details: 12 » Range of Majors 16 » The Colleges of SIU Overview 20 » Fast Facts 24 » Student Advising Services Next steps: 26 » Admissions and Financial Aid 28 » Visiting Campus

research university.

small college.

All the brains of



The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching ranks SIU among the top 5 percent of all U.S. higher education institutions for research.

a nationally ranked

ll the heart of a What does it mean to be a nationally ranked research university? It’s having

the facilities, faculty, and commitment to invest in innovations that improve the quality of life. But we think it doesn’t mean much without mentorship that instills those values in the next generation. And we found the perfect balance of teaching and research—without compromising on either. You can see it in our faculty’s determination to pursue their passions and remain a transformative force in their students’ lives. So whether you know exactly what you want from a university or you’re still looking for the right environment to unearth your potential, we invite you to experience an education where big things are always within reach. And where you will know no bounds.

to make


nothing Is

We’ve made it our mission to dismantle anything that comes between people and discovery. Whether those barriers are physical, personal, or financial, we’ll do the hard work to break them down to ensure that each student has every opportunity. However big your plans, wherever your ambitions lie, we’ll help you realize them. This is not new. We were built on a foundation of access for the underserved, people with disabilities, veterans, and anyone who ever wondered how far their drive could take them. And it’s why whenever anyone asks a Saluki “What’s stopping you?” the answer will always be “Nothing.”

ake sure s in yours.


Brock Waltonville, IL Pre-Med

Top tier. *

Brock was an Illinois State Scholar and the vale­ dictorian of his graduating class in Waltonville. He held

just about every leadership position available and received awards for trigonometry, anatomy, physiology, and leadership. He always knew that he’d do well in college. He just didn’t know if he’d be able to find a university that shared his drive. “I’ve found a place that has the perfect combination of accessi­ bility and opportunity,” says Brock. “I’ve travelled to Taiwan to represent the University Honors Program. I’m working closely with my ­faculty mentor on genetic research with far-reaching impact. I’m also building my resume, ­gaining invaluable experi­ ence, and ­getting a head start on an M.D. in ­oncology. And I got to do all of this as a sophomore.” 4

We are a nationally ranked, top-tier research institution. In every way, we’ve earned that distinction. Our faculty are published experts who are active in their fields. Our alums are accomplished entrepreneurs. As a university, we’ve generated patents and offered businesses the innovations they need to grow.

* We were placed among Tier 1 National Universities by U.S. News & World Report 2014.

SIU Research

The shared thrill of discovery.

It’s not limited to any one college or department. It cuts across the entire university. It’s a shared value to expand knowledge and pursue passions wherever they lead. Some of our breakthroughs: Big science. SIU is home

Hands on. But we’re also defining the nationally ranked research institution experience in a new way. We’ve made huge investments and expanded our research focus—without losing our connection to mentorship and teaching. Because we think that nothing should come between people and discovery, and top-tier should also be hands-on.

to the Consortium for Embedded Systems, the only National Science Foundation-funded national consortium ­­­of electronics research. Embedded systems use microprocessors small and light enough to attach to butterflies to study their movements.

$1 MILLION IN RESEARCH GRANTS. Dr. Buck Hales is using

game-changing discoveries in chicken reproduction to help prevent ovarian cancer in women. His successful use of omega-3 rich flaxseed to reduce inflammation during ovulation in hens may ultimately lead to better chances for women in cancer remission to remain healthy and cancer-free.


Rather than burn coal, geologist Ken Anderson liquefied it – and created a solution with properties similar to those used to make plastic. However, this material is as biodegradable as wood. Anderson’s research may lead to less carbon dioxide, less waste, and a cleaner planet.


Emily Lincoln, IL Criminology & Criminal Justice

Welcome. It’s something our students feel almost immediately the first time they step on campus. It’s a connectedness fueled by the shared thrill of discovery and deep respect for community. It comes through in everyday interactions—from unsolicited help on move-in day to intense, collaborative research throughout the year.

Emily knew that SIU was a public research ­institution. But the spirit of

collaboration was not something she expected. “I graduated from a class of 200,” she recalls, “I thought ‘I’m just going to be one little person on this huge campus.’ Though I was uncer­ tain about the experience, I knew I wanted to be active. So I enrolled just hoping for the best. And that’s exactly what I got.

“Professors were so helpful—they really cared about me. They said ‘Here’s what’s out there and what you can do.’ I was encouraged to become a Research Rookie—a program designed to get first-year students acquainted with research (—and, ultimately, present my work. Which led to my research as a sophomore on ways to disrupt gang activity— something that will help me ­pursue a career in the FBI. That’s how it is: one thing always leads to another—every interaction builds to something bigger and better.” 6


SIU Student Services

BY INTERACTIONS. We support our students just as much as we challenge them. Through our University College, you’ll come in contact with the extensive support network on campus. Our faculty can find your strengths and help develop them. And Career Services will help you navigate your chosen field while you’re here and after you graduate. It’s how we connect what’s in you with what’s in the world.

Opportunities are literally everywhere on campus. Emily was a regular in the Rec Center when she mentioned that she’d like to be involved. The staff picked up on her request and sent her to get certified the following week. And soon she was a fitness instructor leading the Turbo Kick® class.

We’ve got your back.

Once you’re a Saluki, you join a supportive network. Saluki Cares. Our faculty and

staff care about your welfare; no issue is too big or too small—anything that’s a concern to you is a concern to all of us.

University College. With

unmatched cross-departmental collaboration, this program connects you with events, and services to keep you fully engaged in your SIU experience.

Writing center. Papers will

need to be written. By you. But no worries, we help everyone develop professor-pleasing and employer-grabbing communication skills.

Career Services. Job fairs, mock interviews, and resume critiques.


Humility has a place—just not here. We’re not ashamed to admit that our campus, Carbondale, and the region are just absolutely gorgeous. Of course, these two pages can’t do it justice. The only way to really experience it is to step into it. Breathe the air. Tap into the natural energy that has inspired and recharged Salukis for generations. Schedule a visit (page 28) and see it yourself.

Every year Carbondale hosts the

Big Muddy Film Festival.


We are home to international students from MORE THAN countries.

Almost of new freshmen are from the Chicago area.





ern illin



c a r b o n d a l e

Saluki stadium

Garden of the gods. Just one of many study break escapes (like Giant City and 14 other state parks minutes from campus).


Marcus Wheaton, IL Journalism: Advertising/ Integrated Marketing Communications

Marcus is a people ­person.

And as former student body president, he represented 16,000 of them. “I’m in the College of Mass Communication and Media Arts studying marketing and communications with a focus on PR and advertising,” says Marcus. “But it’s my time outside the classroom that has really given me added perspective and appreciation for ­different points of view. “I’ve been involved with almost every student event on some level. And that experience has been invaluable. I was able to see ­student life in ways that no one else can. It’s a collection of ­cultures. I’ve actually learned some Farsi. It’s a network of future business leaders. It’s an army of advocates who mobilize to do the good work that needs to be done. It’s also the perfect preparation for my career—­ student life has taught me how to bring people together.” 10

initiative SIU students want more from a university than life in a classroom. They want experiences that can take them as far as they want to go. We know that more employers are looking at what students have done outside the classroom as much as what they’ve accomplished inside. They want to see who is challenging themselves and who is pursuing their passion as well as a degree.

rewarded. Being involved has a huge impact on academic success. And SIU has more than 400 student-led organizations to make that happen. It’s easy to find a club or start one. It’s almost inevitable. You’ll begin to make connections and eventually, those connections build to big things—like everything else at SIU.

SIU Student Organizations

Enhance your academic experience.

Everyone knows that when you get involved you boost your GPA and your chances of graduating on time. From academic organizations to interest- and identity-based clubs, SIU has one of the most inclusive, eclectic campuses in the state. 11

Majors Accounting Africana Studies Agribusiness Economics Agricultural Systems & Education Agriculture Communications Agricultural Education Agricultural Systems Technology  Management Agriculture Production     Management Food & Process Engineering    Technology General Agriculture Animal Science Equine Science Production Science & Pre-Veterinary Anthropology Architectural Studies Art* Art History Ceramics Communication Design Drawing General Studio Glass Industrial Design

Metalsmithing Painting Printmaking Sculpture Automotive Technology Aviation Flight** Aviation Management Aviation Technologies Aircraft Maintenance Aviation Electronics Helicopter Maintenance Biological Sciences* Biomedical Science Ecology Business & Administration*** Business Economics Chemistry American Chemical Society    Certification Biochemistry Business Comprehensive Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Forensic Chemistry

Cinema & Photography Cinema Photography Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Communication Disorders &   Sciences* Computer & Electrical   Engineering (dual degree) Computer Engineering Computer Science Criminology & Criminal Justice Crop, Soil & Environmental   Management Crop Production & Management Soil Science Dental Hygiene Design General Design Early Childhood* Child & Family Services Preschool/Primary

Economics Financial Economics General Economics International Economics Law Economics Electrical Engineering Electronic Systems Technologies Electronics Management Elementary Education* Engineering Technology Electrical Engineering English* Creative Writing Literature Pre-Professional Exercise Science Fashion Design & Merchandising Fashion Design Fashion Merchandising Fashion Stylist

Fire Service Management*** Forestry Forest Hydrology Forest Recreation & Park  Management Forest Resources Management Urban Forest Management Wildlife Habitat Management &  Conservation Geography & Environmental   Resources Climate & Water Resources Environmental Sustainability Geographic Information Science Geology Environmental Geology Geophysics Resource Geology Health Care Management Health Education* Community Health Education History*


Southern Illinois University


Finance Financial Institutions Financial Management Investments

Horticulture Landscape Horticulture Production Horticulture Turf Management Hospitality & Tourism   Administration Event Planning & Management Food Service Management Lodging Management Tourism Management Human Nutrition & Dietetics Industrial Technology Manufacturing Technology Information Systems Technologies Interior Design Journalism Advertising/Integrated Marketing   Communications New Media News Production News–Editorial Photojournalism Sports Media Languages, Cultures, International Studies Classics East Asian Language & Culture Foreign Language &   International Trade French French-Teacher Education* German German-Teacher Education* International Studies Spanish Spanish-Teacher Education* Linguistics English as a New Language

Management Entrepreneurship Global E-Business Management of Health Care  Enterprises Personnel Management Supply Chain Management Marketing Mathematics* Mechanical Engineering Microbiology Mining Engineering Geological Engineering Mortuary Science &   Funeral Service Music* Liberal Arts–Music Music Business Music Education Music Theory–Composition Performance–Guitar Performance–Instrumental Performance–Keyboard Performance–Voice Piano Pedagogy Studio Jazz Performance Musical Theater Paralegal Studies Pre-Law Philosophy Pre-Law Physical Education* Physical Therapist Assistant** Physics Biomedical Physics Computational Physics Materials & Nanophysics Physiology Plant Biology Ecology Molecular & Biochemical  Physiology Systematics & Biodiversity Political Science International Affairs Pre-Law Public Service Psychology

Radio,Television & Digital Media Digital Media Arts & Animation Electronic Journalism Electronic Sports Media Media Industries Production–Radio/Audio, TV/Video Radiologic Sciences Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound Education & Management Magnetic Resonance Imaging/   Computed Tomography Radiation Therapy Technology Recreation Leisure Services Management Outdoor Recreation Leadership &  Management Therapeutic Recreation Rehabilitation Services Social Science* Social Work Sociology Special Education* Speech Communication Intercultural Communication Interpersonal Communication Organizational Communication Performance Studies Persuasive Communication Public Relations Sport Administration Technical Resource Management Health & Safety Management Organizational Development Professional Construction  Management Theater University Studies Workforce Education &   Development Business, Marketing &   Computer Education* Career & Technical Education* Education, Training &  Development Family & Consumer Sciences* Health Careers* Technology Education*

Zoology Animal Biology Environmental Biology Fisheries Biology   & Aquatic Conservation Pre-Veterinary Medicine Wildlife Biology & Conservation

Pre-Professional Programs, Non-Degree Programs Exploratory Student Advisement Pre-Chiropractic Pre-Dentistry Pre-Engineering Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Music Pre-Nursing Pre-Occupational Therapy Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre–Physician Assistant Pre-Podiatry Pre-Veterinary Medicine

ROTC Aerospace Studies   (Air Force ROTC) Army Military Science   (Army ROTC)


(Most majors are also available as a minor)

Aerospace Studies   (Air Force ROTC) Air Traffic Control Aircraft Product Support Airport Management & Planning American Sign Language American Studies Animation Aquatics

Army Military Science   (Army ROTC) Asian Studies Child & Family Services Chinese Classical Civilization Coaching Dance East Asian Civilization Environmental Studies Equine Studies Forensic Science GIS Global Studies Greek Japanese Kinesiology Latin Latino & Latin American   Studies Museum Studies Native American Studies Peace Studies Photography Sustainability Television Studies Visual & Screen Cultures Women, Gender &   Sexuality Studies

Key * T eacher certification program available.

** A ssociate degree

program; can lead toward a bachelor’s degree or third-year specialization beyond associate.

*** Offered off-campus only.


Imagine never having to carry textbooks, highlighting portions of an e-text with a few taps, texting your

selection to the professor to get more insight, videoconferencing with researchers, having all the tools of the computer lab right there in your bag. Imagine a campus with no boundaries. We did. And then we partnered with Microsoft, Dell, Intel, and Dub Labs to make it happen. It’s part of our mission to make sure that students have access to everything they need to reach their true, fullest potential by creating a truly digital campus experience. Every first-year student will be given a free Dell Venue 11 Pro tablet, preloaded with Microsoft Office software and mobile apps that will make time management much less challenging and open up countless opportunities to enhance your Saluki experience.

we are revolutionizing We’re giving students much more than a tablet PC.

the student experience. 14


First of its kind.

We are one of the first Tier 1 public research institutions to launch a large-scale tablet initiative. And we are the first university to partner with Dell to bring a completely new educational experience to higher education.

What it all means:

you will be part of a more connected, more alert, and more active community than any other class in SIU’s history. You will have an entirely integrated campus experience in and out of the classroom. You’ll be able to • • • • • • • •

stream campus events get involved with student organizations receive safety alerts download your textbooks save money on textbooks and a desktop PC register for classes videoconference with classmates and professors post to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and all of your social media channels manage your time right down to knowing the moment a washing machine becomes available 15

for every journey The Colleges of Southern Illinois University College of Agricultural Sciences

College of Applied Sciences and Arts

Our broad view of agriculture includes the traditional base of crop and livestock production, but it’s so much more than you might expect. Our programs include nutrition and health, tourism, local foods and specialty crops, forestry, conservation, land management, agribusiness, and more. And you’ll love our classrooms – they include thousands of acres of working farm and forest systems, research centers, a new high-tech composting center, and coming soon, new greenhouse facilities.

We’ve helped elevate the University to a Carnegie Research 1 institution by answering the demand for an educated workforce in the Southern Illinois region and beyond. By maintaining strong ties with business and industry. And by connecting enthusiastic students with expert faculty and research opportunities as early as their first semester.

We are home to the only four-year Bachelor of

Equine Science program

in the state of Illinois. Our program combines science, management, physical skills, and practical horse sense.


Our state-of-the-art

Transportation Education Center is

home to our nationally recognized automotive and aviation programs.

College of Business We believe that the best businesses have both ingenuity and integrity. And the new model is built from equal parts individualistic entrepreneurs and collaborative team players. So we give our students access to the latest technology including The Burnell D. Kraft Trading Floor, which provides real-time simulation of commodities and financial trading. We connect them with faculty who are world-class researchers and leaders. And when they graduate, they tap into an alumni network of 20,000 who actively improve their communities and their boardrooms. We are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International—which means we are in the top 5 percent of business schools worldwide.

College of Education and Human Services We’re meeting the demand for collaborative problem-solvers, more effective communicators, and champions of culture and knowledge. We prepare the next generation of leadership in every sector—public, private, nonprofit. And the result is not only better outcomes for our alums but a better society for everyone.

Six of our programs

have been ranked in the

Top 100 in the country, including Rehabilitation Counseling (ranked 6th).

College of Engineering One of the most exciting elements of engineering is the diversity of the field. At SIU, we offer degrees in civil and environmental engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, industrial technology, and engineering technology. The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics projects that engineering job prospects will continue to increase. Our hands-on approach and easy access to faculty members is our formula for student success. Engineering students don’t just build Formula-style racecars, moonbuggies, and robots, they compete— and win—in national competitions.

College of Liberal Arts It’s hard to encapsulate this college in one tidy paragraph. Every story and experience is as individual as the students pursuing degrees. With academic departments offering majors and minors in the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences, the College of Liberal Arts offers disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies that foster learning, effective communication, career success, and a broadly informed and critically thoughtful citizenry. Our debate team has a history of winning national championships, and stand now as the 2014

NPDA National Champions. That’s the

fifth time an SIU team has won a national title – and they’ve been in the “Final Four” every year for seven years.

College of Mass Communication and Media Arts We are recognized and respected across all media. WSIU Public Broadcasting operates Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) television stations and National Public Radio (NPR) radio stations. The annual Big Muddy Film Festival is an international event. The Daily Egyptian, one of the premiere daily college newspapers in the country, began in 1916. The Global Media Research Center fosters ongoing interaction between academic research and both creative and professional media practice. The all-student crew of alt.

news 26:46 is a consistent trendsetter in collegiate television, earning seven National College Television awards and 30 regional Emmys since 2001.

College of Science

School of LAW

School of Medicine

There’s no such thing as sitting still in the College of Science. We’re busy introducing new patents and patent applications to give the next generation alternative fuels and nanomaterials. We’re cited, every year, in peer-reviewed journals and scientific journals, and our researchers bring millions of dollars in research grants. And every year, our students join mentored research in labs and in the field.

A legal education at Southern Illinois University School of Law is shaped by what we value: students, teaching, scholarship, service, and community. We provide a rigorous, high-value legal education that prepares our students for the challenges of a 21st-century legal career. Our curriculum equips students for a career in any environment—from a legal aid office to a large urban law firm, from a corporate board room to a government agency— and our low tuition rates free them to go wherever their dreams might take them.

We offer the perfect springboard into any health career. The Medical/Dental Education Preparatory Program (MEDPREP) is a department of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. It was founded in 1972 to provide broader access to health professions schools for educationally and economically disadvantaged students. Every year we enroll highly motivated students into this intensive, supportive program. And we watch dreams come into focus.

Our students earned

research grants to study platinum deposits in Montana, earthquake lightning in Taiwan, supercapacitors and energy storage in China, nanotechnology in Japan, and magnetic rock samples in the Pacific Ocean, to name a few.

more than 90 alumni who are or have served as judges in either state or The School of Law has

federal judiciaries.

The journal Annals of Internal Medicine named the School of Medicine one of

the top 15 medical schools in the nation for social mission.

One destination.

Alexis, Quincy, IL Zoology

Alexis just had to be in the world—in order to save it. “I grew up outdoors,”

recalls Alexis. “Before I knew it as a complex web of ecosystems, it was just nature to me. And I loved it. But it wasn’t until I went scuba diving in Mexico and saw the most beautiful coral reefs littered with plastic cups that I knew I had to take a stronger role to give it a fighting chance. So I enrolled at SIU and prepared for research. “I thought research meant being locked in a lab. But I was offered an opportunity through the Honors Program to participate in research my freshman year. It was incredible. I was able to dive in and study small mammals where they live. It also opened a lot of doors for me and highlighted the importance of research in conser­ vation. Right now I’m helping to expand the aquaculture industry before I go off to my internship at the Whale Center and then on to my master’s in marine biology. SIU has offered me possibilities that I never thought possible.”


We create possibilities. Our honors community is overflowing with students who bring equal amounts of accomplishment and ambition. Being part of that community means that you will work closely with mentors in intense, small-class settings. You can take advantage of opportunities to represent SIU at universities around the world. You’ll be able to build on your momentum—and have a level of access you won’t find anywhere else.

SIU beyond the classroom

Excel everywhere.

We offer research opportunities as early as freshman year—students often present at national conferences and are published alongside faculty experts in respected journals. We keep the doors open to some of the best facilities in the country so that when students burn the midnight oil, they’re fueling their careers. We’ve designed the academic experience around the idea that there’s no such thing as too ambitious.

And students seize them.

As much as you’ll love it, at some point you will leave SIU. We want to be sure you have all the tools you’ll need when you do. If you’re part of our honors program, getting those opportunities to go deeper into your field will be almost automatic. You’ll have a faculty advisor to help you make the best choices for your career goals. You’ll be invited to participate in special research projects or travel opportunities. But even if you’re not in the Honors Program, there are still plenty of ways to find experiences beyond the classroom. REACH Undergrad Research Grants: Study Abroad: Internships: 19


Published in over 10,000 journal articles, 700 books, and 2,000 book chapters since 2003. 90% of our instructional faculty are full-time teaching or research professionals. 78% have a terminal degree in their field. Number of patents awarded since 1971: 81, including 60 since 2000.


Nearly 85% of students receive some form of financial aid. Over $10 million in scholarships awarded each year. We offer scholarships based on holistic review, with SAT scores of 1090 or ACT scores of 24 and above. Chancellor’s Scholars receive full tuition, fees, and room and board for four years, a value of over $87,500.

SIU at a glance Size:

84% of classes have less than 30 students. 56% of classes have 19 students or fewer. Student to faculty ratio: 16:1


More than 250,000 strong. 80% employed full-time within 12 months after graduation. 95% were “very satisfied” with their SIU experience, based on the SIUC Survey of Graduates after Graduation. 92% of students are satisfied with their degrees.


2014-2015 Costs (in state):

Tuition and fees: $12,251 Housing + meals: $9,694 Books and supplies: $1,100 Other living expenses: $2,941 Total: $25,986


Carnegie-rated Research University/High Research Activity institution. Top 4% of US higher education institutions for research, by the

National Science Foundation.

Tier 1 of “Top Public Universities, National Universities” in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Colleges 2014.” #2 in the nation for the number of African-American students earning a bachelor’s degree in education according to Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. #5 in the nation for the number of minority students earning a bachelor’s degree in education, engineering technologies, and transport and material moving. College of Business is among only 5% of business schools worldwide accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International. Named in The Princeton Review’s Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2013 Edition as an institution that demonstrates a notable commitment to sustainability.


13,351 undergrads from nearly every state and more than 100 foreign countries. 32% of undergrads are minority students. 5,263 graduate students are working toward their master’s, PhD, law, or medical degrees.


200+ majors, minors, and specializations 8 colleges 2 professional schools: Law and Medicine 175 of SIU’s 430 active registered student organizations are academics-focused.

Facilities: The Student Recreation Center is the energized hub on campus. 15,000-seat Saluki Stadium—opened in 2010—is the centerpiece of Saluki Way. Morris Library was completely renovated and updated in 2009. The New Media Center (NMC) keeps SIU at the forefront of digital media and animation. Our automotive technologies and aviation programs have a brand-new, 200,000-square-foot-plus Transportation Education Center to call home. There are over 280,000 square feet of arts facilities, including a glass-blowing studio, a theater, and practice rooms. The Student Services Building: 4 stories and 129,263 square feet of space dedicated to making sure all the support you need is within reach. 21

We are Salukis. That’s not just a name. It’s a belief that we’re all capable of big things, and we’re all in this together. It’s a shared set of high expectations—what we expect from ourselves as well as each other. It’s a network of support on and off the field. It’s an answer to a challenge. It’s kicking down barriers while building a stronger world.

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Saluki athletics.

We compete in Division I in the following sports, and our student athletes are among the best in the nation: Men’s: Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Swimming Tennis Track & Field


Women’s: Basketball Cross Country Golf Softball Swimming Tennis Track & Field Volleyball

Whether you play Division I, cheer from the stands, or find your own way to express it off the field,

One univ

luki ide

You can feel the Saluki spirit all throughout campus. It lives on in the passionate performances of our theatre productions. It energizes students in our rec center and in intramural sports. It inspires art, sparks debate, and reverberates in Carbondale and beyond. We have countless ways to experience it. And 400 ways Student to stir up some of your own. Recreation

Center. For all the ways to sweat:

s us. Saluki Pride unites every club and organization on campus— from Disc Golf to So Ill Improv Comedy.


all in.

You’re here to become a fully developed individual. To explore every dimension of your personality and interests. And we have everything. Even a Formula race car club. 23

We put students at the center of it all. First-Year Advisement sets a whole new

standard in professional academic advising. Our advisors are assigned by college and are prepared to help you understand the demands of every major. While the majority of our freshmen are declared when admitted, we do offer exploratory advisors for the undecided student. If they’ve not already done so, first year students identify and declare a major before leaving University College. With the help of First-Year Advisement, you will progress to earning a degree that is a good academic fit for your interests. Which means you will be able to weigh your options on a much broader scale. Instead of only looking within your department, you can explore your options across all eight undergraduate colleges —with over 200 majors, minors, and specializations, you’ll have plenty of choices, and you’re sure to find one that fits your strengths.

Beyond academics. First-Year Advisement UNIVERSITY COLLEGE sets

a whole new standard in easing your transition to college life. We’ll help you connect with everything – special events, university updates, employment opportunities, your academic calendar, tutoring schedules, student services and more. University College includes First-Year Advisement, Career Services, New Student Programs, University Core Curriculum and other areas that you’ll want to know about as a new Saluki.


partners with Career Services, connecting you to career development right from the start. The coordination with professional advisors will begin in your first year and build as you move through your college years. As you get closer to graduation, you can work with an experienced faculty mentor in your chosen field – giving you the best preparation possible as you move to grad school or your career.

The gateway to the Saluki Experience. The new

Student Services Building (SSB) is the epicenter of student support. Everything from welcoming new students to helping them launch professional careers is found in this incredible new state-of-the-art facility. It’s part of our plan to centralize all student services, and to design the SIU experience around you. Some of the offices located in SSB include:

• • • •

Admissions Financial Aid Bursar Career Center

• • •

University College tudent Life and S Intercultural Relations Transfer Center

Services for students with disabilities.

Every student matters.

We know you’ve worked hard to get ahead. And your hard work matters to us. Based on your achievements, we offer some very competitive scholarships. Typical Test Score Requirements


Additional Information

24+ ACT/1090+ SAT

Dean’s Scholars award for freshmen: $4,000–6,000.

This is approximately half the cost of tuition.

26+ ACT/1170+ SAT

The Out-of-State Scholars award provides in-state tuition rates to qualifying out-of-state students.

All Dean’s Scholars are eligible for the Out-of-State Scholars award, which is equivalent to the in-state tuition rate.

28+ ACT/1250+ SAT; eligible scholars will be invited to apply.

Chancellor’s Scholars award: full tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board for all four years, $87,780 (based on 2014 costs).

This will cover the full cost of attending SIU (except books, supplies, and other personal expenses).

*The awards listed, as well as many others, are awarded based on a holistic review of a student’s profile. Test score ranges are based on Fall 2014 enrollment and are subject to change. To get a fuller understanding of SIU scholarships go to:

It has been our driving mission to ensure that anyone who has the talent, drive, and desire to improve their lives should also have the chance. And that is especially true with our Disability Support Services. Whether the challenges are emotional, physical, or cognitive, we work hard to provide each student with real, meaningful access to all the resources at SIU.


Our support starts here. The college decision is a big one—but that doesn’t mean it has to be complicated. We’ve broken down the process into a few easy steps.

Admissions and financial aid Admissions:

Application checklist

1. Complete an application: 2. Include a $40 application fee (nonrefundable) 3. Send official high school transcripts 4. Include a copy of ACT or SAT scores 5. Send official transcripts from any colleges attended

Transfer student?

We’ll work with you to transfer your credit hours.

Application Deadline

Apply early for the best chance of admission, scholarships, and financial aid.

More support:

Freshman application checklist: Admissions requirements: Earn SIU credit while still in high school:

Live here.

Many undergrads continue to live on campus after their first year. Our housing options include on-campus apartments, and Living Learning Communities, reserved for students in similar majors or with similar interests. See all of our housing options. 26

Apply online. Go to, fill out the

Application for Admission and Scholarships and include a payment of $40. Then send in your high school transcripts, ACT or SAT scores, as well as your official transcripts from any colleges you’ve attended.

Contact us. 1-618-536-4405 or email us: We’ll get back to you in no time with answers, clarifications, and pointers. When we say we welcome your questions—we mean it. Personal attention is sort of our thing.

Fill out the FAFSA. It’s free. It’s online (at And it opens up all of your college financing options. Then simply submit it by February 15 for priority consideration. Our priority application date for freshman applications is D­ ecember 1. The final application deadline is May 1.

financial aid:

Affordability. Our commitment to access extends to our financial aid office. We want to be sure that there are no financial barriers keeping you from earning your degree and when you graduate, you’ll begin your life with as little debt as possible. That’s why: • More than 85 percent of our students receive financial aid. • If you’re from Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee, or Wisconsin you’ll pay only what an Illinois resident pays. • Truth in tuition locks in your tuition rate for four consecutive years. • Contact Admissions to learn more about our Legacy and Out-of-State Scholars tuition rates.

How to apply for financial aid: 1. 2.

Fill out the FAFSA at Enter our Federal School Code 001758 on the FAFSA

financial aid options

Your financial aid options include scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs.

Financial Aid deadline Complete the FAFSA after January 1 but before February 15 to receive priority consideration. INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN SIU offers an interest-free monthly payment plan.


Scholarships are awarded separately from financial aid and can make a big difference in paying for college. We offer some very generous awards to eligible students. To understand just how affordable an SIU education can be, see some of our scholarships on page 25.


Plan a visit. Because there are just some things we can’t describe in the Southern viewbook no matter how hard we try. It goes beyondIllinois the way the campus looks. It’s the feeling students get. University The sense that SIU is right C ARBONDALE for them; when they just click with our campus. It’s the intangible, indescribable connection that tells them that they’re home.

Pleased to meet you. Open house. Get the full

Saluki experience. Tour campus and residence halls. Meet with representatives from Admissions, Financial Aid, C ARBONDALE and Housing. Attend information sessions. And fill up on info at our information fair.

Individualized tours. If you know you’re serious

about SIU, have an intense, focused visit that includes meeting with a representative in your academic area of interest. It is important to register well before the day you want to visit, since these appointments are C ARBONDALE scheduled based solely on your interests.

Morris Library holds more than


million volumes

open house dates

Southern Illin University Friday, October 10, 2014 Saturday, October 18, 2014 Saturday, November 8, 2014 Monday, February 16, 2015 Friday, April 3, 2015 Friday, July 17, 2015


Total campus acreage:

8,474 Campus Lake Thompson Point housing

College of Applied Sciences and Arts: Hands-on learning, creative thinking College of Engineering: Cutting-edge teaching, research

SIU Arena, completely renovated in 2010, hosts men’s and women’s basketball.

Saluki Stadium opened in August 2010 and seats 15,000

290,244 degrees awarded since 1876

Southern Illinois

University C ARBONDALE

Undergraduate Admissions Mail Code 4710 Southern Illinois University 1263 Lincoln Drive Carbondale, IL 62901


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