Student Affairs supports students as they learn from and navigate life’s opportunities and challenges.
Student Affairs boldly prepares students to impact a changing world.
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We intentionally seek partnerships for the purpose of transforming student learning.
We continuously self-reflect and critique, as we expand our knowledge of social identities, cultures and worldviews of others.
We value the needs of the individual on their path to success while promoting an environment that is inclusive and engaged.
We commit to creating a community that facilitates full and equitable access to learning while identifying and removing barriers.
We invest in people, places and spaces to strengthen the well-being of all.
We take action, challenge assumptions and strive to bring forth sustainable change.
Through experiences with our programs and services, students will build a greater understanding of self and their relationships with others, take accountability for actions and inactions, establish meaningful relationships and maintain healthy habits.
Through experiences with our programs and services, students will continue to develop and achieve the competencies that broadly prepare them to be successful in their communities and careers.
Through experiences with our programs and services, students will pursue lifelong learning that prepares them to solve problems critically and creatively.
Through experiences with our programs and services, students will engage in action that improves their local and global communities by affirming personal identities and group memberships, enhancing understanding of and respect for human dignity and disrupting biases within themselves.
Student Affairs strives to engage the SIUE community in services and programs that make lifelong learning possible. This strategic plan is designed to focus our efforts on providing a SIUE student experience in which every student feels supported by the campus environment, connected to the institution and prepared for the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Student Success: Strengthen student engagement, persistence, academic achievement and subsequent post-collegiate opportunities.
Staff Success: Focus on organizational health and invest in division staff throughout their employment by evaluating needs and engaging in ongoing professional development.
Contemporary Co-Curriculum: Provide optimal delivery of high-impact experiential co-curricular programs to enhance student learning and development while pursuing degree completion.
Infrastructure and Resources: Provide fiscally sound and innovative stewardship of Division funds and facilities to effectively support student needs.
Collaborative Partnerships: Develop, engage and sustain purposeful internal and external partnerships that reimagine student learning in programs and services.
Inclusion and Equity: Advance an inclusive culture and equitable practices and outcomes.
• The Alestle resumed its annual First Amendment Free Food Festival, where they taught participants the importance of their first amendment rights. The event was co-sponsored by the St. Louis Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and the SIUE Mass Communications department
• The Alestle staff won 5 national awards and 15 state awards, including a 1st place award for Best Overall News Story by the Illinois College Press Association
By the Numbers:
19.8K 17.9K
average webpage views per month Facebook reach
• The Women’s Club Basketball Team were Mid America Conference Champs and made it to the Final Four in the inaugural NCBBA-W National Tournament
• The Competitive Cheer Team placed 9th in the 2022 NCA & NDA Collegiate Cheer and Dance Championship
• The Esports Club finished in the Top 4 out of more than 200 teams in the nation in the College Call of Duty League
• A $150,444 investment in updated fitness equipment was made including TRUE treadmills, TRUE Alpine Runners, Life Fitness dual adjustable pulleys and a new dip machine
• The Esports Arena saw 3,906 students swipe into the location in FY22
By the Numbers:
205,352 13,460
swipes recorded at events and facilities equipment check-outs
• The CDC hosted 12 virtual career fairs engaging 1,159 students and 397 employers
• The CDC launched a new Employee Career Fair Video Chat that engaged 214 students and 26 employers
• 370 students enrolled in a co-op or internship earning a total of $1,725,857. 164 received course credit for their experience
• 49 International students participated in Curricular Practical Training
• 140 students visited the Cougar Career Closet
• 3,422 students engaged with Career Development Center programs and services, about 33% of all students
By the Numbers:
career fair attendees career fair employers
• Counseling Services developed a library of presentations, recordings and resources available for community members through Blackboard for immediate access
• 3 Counselors and 4 faculty completed Mental Health First Aid Facilitator training and will begin to train campus community members
2,722 325 By the Numbers:
total appointments first sessions
• A Dietetics and Nutrition intern program was initiated
• Enhancements to plant-based menu offerings guided by Executive Chef’s experience at the CIA and Harvard’s Menus of Change Symposium
• Nutrislice was purchased and implemented, allowing customers to see the nutritional value for all food items on the website and signs
• Nurtislice allows customers to order directly from their phones at Paavo’s Pizza
• The ECC received IL Child Care Restoration funds to continue operation during COVID Pandemic
• $62,999.95 in CCAMPIS scholarship funds and $80,813.75 Preschool for All credits were awarded to SIUE students with children enrolled at the ECC
• The ECC supported Preschool for All families by hosting 6 family workshops with a Mental Health Consultant, 8 Parent Café meetings (family support group) and 4 Speech, Language and Hearting Screenings
By the Numbers:
69 32
children enrolled children served by Preschool for All grant
• Health Service hosted multiple COVID vaccine clinics for students and staff on all 3 campuses
• Collaborated with Student Affairs, ITS and the COVID Coordinator to process all vaccine submissions in a timely manner
• Launched e-submission of student vaccination records to streamline and ease process
By the Numbers:
By the Numbers:
customers events catered
total appointments flu vaccines administered
• $87,934 philanthropy dollars raised by FSL organizations
• Increased number of nominations for Kimmel Awards by 25%
• Kimmel Leadership Programs hosted 87 leadership experiences
• Kimmel implemented staff training sessions with Impact Academy
• Kimmel created and funded Panhellenic Scholarship program
• The Cougar Cupboard piloted Meal Kits program which provided clients with tools, groceries and recipes to create nutritional meals out of Cougar Cupboard items
• The renovation and expansion of Event Services, Catering Services and Tech Services office space has provided opportunity for each office to work seamlessly together, providing opportunity for quick communication
• Event Services hosted over 130,000 people
• The Cougar Store rearranged the store with COVID mitigations in mind, to provide a safe and efficient shopping experience
• MUC Marketing has successfully developed and maintained several promotions at the MUC including the annual Scavenger Hunt, Decades Dash, Catch a Cougar, 57 Things, Text Club Trivia and Back to School Door Decorating Contest
By the Numbers: CAB program attendance items shopped at Cougar Cupboard registered student organizations
By the Numbers:
room reservations at MUC/SSC reservations by SIUE Student Organizations
• Completed the flooring and bathroom renovation in 1 wing of Prairie Hall. This included new LVT and resin flooring and replacement of plumbing fixtures
• Developed and implemented the Isolation/Quarantine process for on-campus residents, in partnership with Health Service and COVID coordinator. This included resident communication, preparation of physical spaces, ongoing support, appropriate follow-up and more
• Created academic resource email with advocacy-based information to supplement the targeted reach out to residents with Starfish alerts that University Housing staff completes throughout the academic year
• Utilized technology to move several processes online, including damage charges, prorated billing, early arrival request form, part-time resident approval form
• The IMPACT Academy Training introduced new students to the institutional values around antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusions. 91% of attendees indicated that they were better equipped to recognize their own identities that hold power and privilege after participating in the session
• A new addition to the SIUE Experience schedule, the campus partnered with the City of Edwardsville to highlight 3 local businesses that provided sweet treats as nearly 1,000 new students mingled with returning students, faculty and staff
• In light of rising mental health concerns, the program introduced new students to critical tips for coping with the stress of starting college. 98% of students attending this session responded that they were able to identify 2 transition tips shared. In addition, the program offered a yoga session, a community bike ride, mindfulness sessions, crafting activities and distributed Cougar Care Kits
By the Numbers:
403 31%
housing sponsored programs of residents were included in the Fall 2021
Dean’s List
Alumni, colleagues, corporations, foundations, families and friends of SIUE made monetary contributions to Student Affairs departments, activities and initiatives between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Thank you to our many donors for their generosity and commitment to ensuring that SIUE students are well-prepared to impact a changing world.
Ms. Tonja R. Abdelkarim ’95
Ms. Deborah Adams ’78
Mr. William H Adams ’75
Ms. Jillian Albert
Ms. R. Dianne Albl
Ms. Noor F Ali-Hasan ’02
Mrs. Patricia A Anderson ’79
Mr. Kwame Appiah
Mr. Kenneth R Aud ’68
Ms. Linda K Aud ’70 ’99
Mr. Andrew D Augustine ’68
Dr. Jamie C Ball
Mrs. Michele R Bates ’07
Mrs. April M Becherer ’05
Mr. Keith E Becherer ’04
Mr. Lawrence D Becker
Veerakantha Reddy Bhuma
Ms. Paula J Birke ’04
Ms. Jillene M. Blomberg
Mrs. Linda J Bohnenstiehl ’69 ’73 ’99
Ms. Molly M Bohnenstiehl
Mrs. Christy A Bosco
Mr. Elmer L Buente II
Dr. Bethel Buerk ’91 ’92
Mr. Malcolm Buhlig
Mrs. Lori A Bulva
Ms. Lorena Burns
Mr. Jan M Caban ’93
Ms. Susan K Caban
Mr. Patrick T Callaway ’67
Ms. Patricia A Cates ’71
Ms. Anne M Cavanaugh
Mr. Michael J Cavanaugh ’73
Mr. John Charles
Mrs. Kelly Clark
Mr. Robert A Clark ’93
Mr. Michael S Cloin ’03
Ms. Carolyn M Compton
Mrs. Leslie A Cooley ’97
Mr. Tracey L Cooley ’96
Ms. Patricia J. Cooper
Dr. Blake Cory ’14
Ms. Abigail R. Cothran
Mr. Thomas R. Cromwell
Mrs. Linda M Cross
Mr. Kenneth B Cruz
Ms. Kristin A Cruz
Ms. Kathy Culiberk
Mr. Patrick Culiberk
Mr. Jeremy D. Current
Mr. Grant Currie
Ms. Sharon R Currie ’76
Ms. Rebecca E Dabbs-MacLean ’89 ’00
Ms. Christina D Daniels ’08
Ms. Ann T Decker
Mrs. Michelle L Deets ’93
Mr. Charles E. Defosset
Ms. Michelle DeFosset
Mr. Michael Del Pinto
Mr. George C Demetrulias ’71
Mr. Jon DePriest
Ms. Melanie P. Diel
Mrs. Brenda Donohoo
Mr. Daniel R Donohoo ’79
Ms. Nancy M Doty ’73
Mrs. Casey L. Driemeyer
Mr. Jed Driemeyer
Mr. David DuPont
Mrs. Karen Edwards
Ms. Kathleen Edwards
Mr. Mike Edwards
Mr. Tyler A. Elbrecht
Mr. Taylor L Emerick ’17
Mrs. Ann M Emmanuel
Dr. Narbeth R Emmanuel
Mr. Jonathan Erickson
Mrs. Deanna J Erwin ’95
Dr. Kelly M Farroll
Ms. Amie J Downing
Maj. Gary D Forrester ’74
Dr. Thomas J Fowler
Ms. Kim Frazier
Ms. Margaret M Fredericksen ’15
Ms. Robin E. Fultz
Ms. Deena M Gaddy ’13
Mr. Richard L. Gallahan
Mr. Jorge O Garcia ’01 ’04
Ms. Kathy S Gibbs ’75 ’78
Mr. Jeffrey Glik
Mr. Bob Goldstein
Mrs. Cathy Goldstein
Ms. Karrie L. Goleaner
Ms. Yolanda Goodrich
Ms. Layla Goushey
Mr. Shashidhar Gowda
Ms. Riane B Greenwalt
Mr. Jeffrey P Grimaud ’87
Ms. Meg E Grimaud
Mrs. Susan L Grimes ’02
Ms. Amy S. Hageman
Ms. Karen P Hale ’13
Ms. Laura Hamilton
Mr. Jarrett Hansen
Mr. Bill Harmon
Mrs. Deborah A Harmon
Ms. Janet L Haroian
Ms. Erica S. Harris
Ms. Judy Harwell ’21
Mrs. Deborah Havlik
Dr. William D Havlik ’80
Mr. Christopher R Hawkins ’15
Ms. Cheryl Y Heard ’80
Ms. Kareyn R. Henderson-Johnson
Mr. Harold E Hendricks
Mrs. Kelly Jo Hendricks
Mrs. Annette M Heth ’01 ’12
Dr. David A Heth ’89
Ms. Debra K Hicks
Mrs. Leandra Butler
Mr. Brian G Hinterscher ’02
Mr. Michael C Hish ’93
Ms. Tammy Hollo
Ms. Christy L Horton ’90 ’05
Mr. David W Horton
Ms. Melissa Huegen
Mr. Max Hunter
Ms. Alice Iwinski
Ms. Barbara H. Janes
Ms. Karen M. Johnson
Ms. Cheryl L Jordan
Mr. Troy Kadlec
Ms. Andrea E Keller ’10 ’12
Ms. Christy A Kelley ’11
Ms. Sarah J Kirkpatrick
Mr. David Koonce
Mr. Curtis A Kuppler ’95
Ms. Elisabeth Kusmanoff ’82
Mr. Matthew G. Larose
Ms. Linda M Laub ’89 ’13
Mr. Louis A. Lenz
Samantha J. Lewis
Ms. Jennifer R Little ’90
Ms. Sydney Lombardi ’20
Mr. Johnny Lyons
Mr. D J MacLean
Mr. Peter I Maer ’70
Ms. Nanette M Markovitch ’89
Ms. Beth E Martens ’98 ’12
Mr. Bradley V Martens ’93
Ms. Jen Maxfield
Mr. Darwin D May ’68
Mrs. Edna M May ’66
Ms. Elizabeth A Mayfield
Ms. Salina M. McAtee
Ms. Diane McAteer
Ms. Kristi McCardell
Mr. Ed McConaughaay
Ms. Robin Mcgranahan
Ms. Dana Mclennan ’21
Mr. Charles A Mecum ’75
Mr. Austin N. Mendenhall
Ms. Patricia S Mesnard
Rev. Craig R Miller
Mr. Gary H. Miller
Mrs. Linda E Miller
Mr. Gary E. Moenster
Ms. Almetta M Mosby ’16
Mr. Sean M Mosby
Dr. Gabriel Msengi ’21
Mr. Kurt M Murray ’98
Mrs. Sandra A Murray ’01
Ms. Jeanne M. Newton
Mr. Nick P Niemerg ’15
Ms. Lisa Noeltner
Ms. Joyce O’Bryan
Mr. Kurt A. Oetjen
Ms. Susannah Oettle ’16
Mr. Dan Oleary
Ms. Rachael C. Owens ’93
Rorie Palmer
Mr. Adron Parker ’72
Parents of Tulsi Patel
Ms. Janice Patton
Ms. Anna Pavlik ’22
Dr. Mary Jo Pembrook
Dr. Randall G Pembrook ’78 ’79 ’80
Mrs. Lisa Pietrzyk
Mr. Andrew J Pingolt ’88
Tammy Placke
Mr. Brian L. Prest
Ms. Angela G Pulliam ’96
Mr. Donald R Pulliam Jr. ’92 ’01
Ms. Teera Puribhat
Mr. Brian Quattlander
Mr. Cole B. Quattlander
Ms. Rebecca A. Quick
Ms. Penny K Raburn ’15
Mr. Nicholas A Rachowicz
Ms. Sheri K Rallo ’05
Mrs. Leisa Ramsey
Mr. Jeffrey D Rasch ’96 ’01
Mrs. Tricia L Rasch ’95
Mrs. Wanda Reece
Ms. Amanda Reiniesch
Dr. Laurie L Rice
Ms. Judith Richeson
Mr. Kevin R. Ripple
Christopher Roccia
Ms. Miriam I. Roccia
Mr. Charles H. Rogier
Mrs. Theresa A Rohrbach ’88
Natalie M. Hawkins
Ms. Amy Rose
Mrs. Diana Rudnick
Mr. Danny R. Rutherford
Mr. Armando Santillan
Mr. William Schlegl
Mr. David W. Schneidewind
Ms. Joan Schomburg
Ms. Tammy Schrage
Mr. Lee Schreiber
Ms. Nicole Scott
Ms. Susan M Seibert
Mr. Dennis A Shaw
Ms. Kara L Shustrin
Ms. Mallory J Sidarous ’11
Mr. Scott Sieron
Mrs. Mehlia L Simon ’86 ’95
Ms. Jaymie Smith
Ms. Lynne Smith
Ms. Lynne Smith
Mr. Robert C. Smith
Mrs. Kara D Snyder ’04
Ms. Wendy S. Sommer
Mr. Dennis E Sparn Sr. ’68 ’73 ’80
Mrs. Maeda E Sparn
Mrs. Stacey E Speer ’97
Ms. Beth Sperry
Mr. David Sperry
Ms. Joanna Stanforth
Ms. Jamie L. Stewart
Ms. Melissa Stice
Dr. Jean Swearingen
Mr. Brandon Sweeney ’18
Dr. Kevin P Thomas
Mrs. Toni R Thomas ’16
Mr. Matthew D Toje
Mr. Robert Trentman
Mrs. Janet Tucker
Mr. Steve Tucker
Ms. Jessica A Ulrich
Mrs. Banee A Ulrici ’97 ’02
Ms. Margaret Vandermeer
Mr. James L. Verhaar
Mrs. Cari F Wagner
Mr. Chris R Wagner
Mr. Jeff Wagner
Ms. Deborah A. Walsh
Dr. Jeffrey N Waple
Ms. Susan L Waple
Mr. Antonio Wellmaker
Ms. Wilma M Wells ’73
Mr. Scott J. Wessel
Ms. Janet White
Mrs. Jean Williams
Ms. Trisha C McCulloch ’98 ’04
Ms. Kay Williamson ’21
Mr. Andrew Winning
Ms. Cheryl Wirz
Mrs. Cathey L Wright ’92
Dr. Xudong W Yu
Mr. Christopher A. Zgiet
Mrs. Christen Zirkelbach
618 Nutrition & Energy LLC
800 Degrees Wood Fired Pizza LLC
AAdvantage Insurace Group
Accuracy Firearms, LLC
Angler Assets
Auto Bling
Ballydoyle Aurora LLC
Bank of Springfield
Bethel Buerk, DMD
Bubba Slice Bone, Inc. DBA Big Daddy’s -
Busey Bank
Bush Refrigeration, Inc.
Carolyn Sue Landon Revocable Living Trust
Castelli’s Restaurant at 255
CGE Digital Corp. DBA Digitalartz
Charities Aid Foundation of America
Collegiate Panhellenic Council
Community Tire Retreading
Decaro Smith Corporation
Dent Specialist, Inc.
Dieterich Bank
Elite Hokey Facility LLC
First Community Credit Union
Gateway Acquisitions, Inc.
GCS Credit Union
Granite City Amateur Hockey DBA TwinBridges
Lightning Hockey
Heartland Veterinary Hospital PC
Hollywood Sun Studio INC
IL ETA Alumni Volunteer Corp
Illinois Drill Team Association
Illinois Realty Group LLC
Independence Community College
Innovative Heights Fairview Heights LLC
Interior Accents, LLC
Ken and Linda Aud Raymond James Charitable Fund
King Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
Laquinta Inn and Suites Tulsi and Siya, INC
Lerch Properties
LWI Supply
Mark’s Appliance
Mcatee Financial Centre
Metro Apartments at Collinsville, LLC
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
MOD Super Fast Pizza LLC
New Poag Associates LLC
Nighthawk Express, Inc.
OutBound Carrier Solutions LLC
Piasa Armory LLC
Quacker Soup Inc DBA Chef’s Shoppe
Raceway Gives Foundation
Rampart Range, Inc.
Roberts Ford, Inc.
S&S Properties
School of Performing Arts
Scott Credit Union
SIUE Credit Union
Superlative Technologies Inc
Tech Electronics Inc.
Texas Roadhouse
Texas Roadhouse Holdings LLC
The Cup LLC DBA TheCupcakery LLC
The Glik Company
Triad Knights Hockey Club
Troy United Methodist Church
Urbanair Fairview Heights LLC
USW Local 1063
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program
Wilson Farms
Zapp Thai INC
There are a variety of ways to support campus co-curricular opportunities and student services that help students succeed. There are several ways you can make an impact at SIUE. Visit siue.edu/give for more information.
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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville was filled with new, smiling faces as first-year students began moving into their residence halls.
New students took part in the SIUE Experience Welcome Weekend, a program that helps students make connections across campus and introduces them to the values of their new home away from home.
Campus is vibrant when classes are in full swing. The first few weeks of the semester are always packed with activities that help students connect with the campus and each other.
Homecoming week is an annual celebration of the University’s past, present and future. Students, faculty, staff and alumni gather to connect and reconnect, honor their memories-made and accomplishments achieved and collectively celebrate their SIUE pride. Join us in 2023!
With intense expressions and fast fingers, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville students were in multiplayer gaming heaven, engaging in both casual and competitive video play in the Esports Arena, located in Bluff Hall.