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Table of Contents Welcome to the WEDDING SEASON LOOKBOOK! With endless requests from you guys, from both future brides and guests, it was obvious that the next lookbook needed to focus on all things weddings - which I get! Planning a wedding is stressful AF and being involved in one generally comes with a lot of events, outfits, presents, and drinking (thank god). To help you survive, this entire lookbook is dedicated to helping you in every way possible. Find what to wear, what to gift, what to do (+ what NOT to do), and let it take the stress out of weddings so you can ENJOY! Cheers, b*tches, and congrats to all the future wifeys out there!

All our wedding details: here Watch our wedding video here:

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Table of Contents BEAUTY _________________________________________


MA K EUP _______________________________________ 0 6 HA I R ___________________________________________ 0 8 SK I N + B O DY __________________________________ 1 0 PA MP ER CO UN TD OW N _____________________ 1 2

BRIDAL ADVICE _________________________________


T HE A EST HE T I CS ____________________________ 1 6 FI V E P I EC ES O F B R I DA L A DV I C E __________ 18 REG I ST RY RECO M M E N DATI O N S ____________ 2 0 W EDDI N G T RA D I TI ON S TO CO N S I D E R ____ 2 2

GUEST ADVICE ___________________________________


B RI DA L S HOW E R _____________________________ 2 6 W EDDI N G E T I QU E TTE _______________________ 2 7

MORE WEDDING ADVICE _____________________


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Table of Contents

BEAU 04 04

UTY 05 05


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MAKEUP TO LAST all damn day

Soft glam makeup.

My Wedding Makeup

Another option if you

Look. Here’s the actual

want something a

makeup plan I followed

bit more glam

on my wedding day (yes

but still natural.

I did my own!).

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Bouncy Blowout Tutorial. For the very natural brides, you can’t go wrong with a bouncy blowout, especially for events leading up to the big day. Wedding Hairstyle. I wore my hair in loose, natural waves but love this style if you want a modern / classic look.

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Skin + Body I didn’t have Nº32 when I got married and definitely wish I did. Here’s the routine I follow leading up to events + what I suggest for perfectly bronzed wedding skin. H OT T I P S Starting the month before your big day, begin testing your self-tanning situation so that everything is perfect. Head to the + LU site for everything you need to know, including direction on how to apply each product.

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for the FACE N O 12 B RONZING FACE DRO P S I recommend mixing your desired number of drops with your face moisturizer and applying to clean skin. The more drops you use, the deeper your tan will develop!

SKIN + BODY BREAKDOWN featuring + LUX UNFILTERED for the BODY N O 28 EX FO LI ATI NG BO DY POLISH Exfoliation is the first and last step in your tanning routine. It begins as a primer – scrubbing away dead skin cells, evening skin tone, and eliminating dullness – and completes the process by helping slough off any remaining self-tanner. N O 32 G RADUAL S E L F-TA N NI NG CREAM You’ll likely want a couple applications before the big day, but again, it depends on your skin. Everything you need to know about how to tan lives here. N O 14 CO N DI TI O NI NG B O DY C REAM Your everyday moisturizer and it can also be used as your in-between tanning days secret weapon to keep your skin soft, dewy, and prolong your color – because hydration is the key to a lasting tan!

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Pamper Countdown



+ Find and test nail colors. Here are my favorite + Choose makeup and any hair neutrals. accessories. + Test a facial treatment.

+ Begin tanning situation. + Beauty trials (hair and See page 8 for everything makeup) on your own or with you need to know. professional. + Begin whitening teeth if + Test face masks for the needed. I use these. week of. + Begin using lash and brow serum.

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TWO WEEKS before + Massage. + Facial. + Up the + LU application if needed. + Begin face masks every few days. + Hair trim and color (add gloss) so that it’s lived-in by the day-of.


ONE WEEK before

ONE DAY before events begin

+ Wax (bikini, eyebrow, upper lip, whatever you need).

+ Manicure and pedicure. + Face mask. This is my go-to boujee option before events.

+ Trim nose hair with this.

+ Exfoliate and tan.

+ Teeth cleaned.

+ Exfoliate lips and use a lip mask.

+ Exfoliate your face with this. + Do this hair conditioning treatment.


+ Wash hair. + Use eye mask to depuff. + Gua sha or face roll (do this day-of as well).

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Table of Contents

BRID ADV 14 14

DAL VICE 15 15

Aesthetics I’ve been obsessed with aesthetics since forever so you know I was crazy about my wedding details. +

Make a list of non-negotiables. Unless you’re balling out and / or have a super flexible venue, you’ll likely have to compromise on a few things aesthetically. I suggest making a list of non-negotiables before booking

Think of the usability of aesthetics. If you want to get married outside, know that weather might be a thing - so just be prepared for wind, sun, or whatever and make sure you’re OK with that. If you choose wood chairs, will the venue have wood floors and will that be too much wood? Will the long tables you keep pinning work in the venue you booked? Will the flowers you like be in season? Etc. Basically, be prepared to be flexible with some backup options on your moodboard in case you need to go to Plan B based on the venue or your budget.

Start with a moodboard. Pinterest is literally all you need for determining your wedding vibe. Start pinning anything that you like - hair and makeup to scenery to tablescapes and so on. Then from there, give yourself a couple months if possible and come back to the board. From there, edit it down to things that you pinned more than once and begin focusing on a couple options of everything that you love most (tablescape, chairs, scenery, etc.)




Don’t go overly trendy. Or if you do, make sure it’s something you absolutely L.O.V.E. because you’ll look at those pictures for decades! IMO, go with aesthetics that you truly die for instead of what you think is trendy or what’s all over Pinterest. Same goes for your hair, makeup, and dress.

anything so that you can budget in your must-haves and be more flex on other items. +

Incorporate details. I think the moodboard comes before choosing a venue so that you know what you want / don’t wan’t. So once you have an idea, then it’s time to research venues that give you a similar vibe.

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P.S. I have lots of inspo saved on my Pinterest account. Come pin with me…

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Five Pieces of Bridal Advice 1. ONE Bartenders, bathrooms + access points. These are 3 things that IMO, get overlooked in a wedding. If there’s a huge line to get a drink or go to the bathroom, it’s annoying. Keep in mind lines and easy access points to things like a food buffet line so that everything flows well.

2. TWO Ask to see the exact setlist from the DJ.

3. THREE Flow is everything. My favorite weddings are the ones that feel effortless and where the bride / groom seem relaxed. If you don’t have a coordinator, run through the entire wedding in terms of logistics before the big day. Will everyone have their food during speeches or will you wait until everyone’s plated? Where should your family meet for pictures and who is involved? Etc. Something will go wrong and that’s OK, but do what you can beforehand to deal with hot messes. 18 18

Don’t forget to micromanage the music - at least the important moments like walking down the aisle, the exact version of your first dance (if you do one), what you enter the ceremony to, etc. Take it from me, DJs can have a very different idea of what version of a song to play which can throw things off. Consider creating a Spotify playlist of songs you absolutely want played and listing songs/artists you’re not into so the DJ can skip.

4. FOUR You don’t have to invite everyone. This was easier for us since we did destination though I know it’s stressful. A friend of mine gave me advice that I wanted to pass on regarding the guest list. She said, “if you wouldn’t have them over for a 1:1 dinner, you don’t need to invite them.” That really helped determine who needed to be at our wedding (the biggest day of our lives) and who was more of an acquaintance that I had on the list due to pressure.

5. FIVE Focus on what YOU want. More on this to come and easier said than done in certain families, but this day is about you and who you are marrying. That’s it. DO YOU!

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Registry Recommendations Back in the day, registries were created because couples didn’t tend to live together before they got married. Now that a lot of us do (we did for years), the list becomes a little different since you technically probably have everything you need. But your family and friends will likely want to treat you to something so I do recommend creating a registry that’s easy for them to shop. Here are some things to keep in mind: +

Have varied prices. As mentioned above, it’s important to have a variety of prices on your registry to account for people’s budgets.


Go classic and think of everyday use. If you’re not someone who will use China or fancy plates, don’t feel like you have to have those. We definitely don’t.

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Keep it simple. Don’t have registries at 10 different stores, and if you have them at multiple, try to use a site like Zola or whatever to keep it in one place for your guests. If you have older family as guests, they’ll appreciate any ease when it comes to tech.

Think about upgrades. Paul and I had most kitchen and home essentials so I took the registry as an excuse to put more ‘wish list’ items on the list. These weren’t all expensive items or anything (some were) but mainly things like matching wine glasses, plates, nicer serving dishes, boujee bath towels and so on. We put a coffee maker and some higher quality pots + pans on our list too for family members that wanted to splurge.


Instead, I went pretty neutral with classic plates and drinkware that I knew wouldn’t go out of style anytime soon.


Make sure there are enough options. If you have a larger wedding, items on the registry go fast - especially the more affordable stuff. Don’t be afraid to ask for too much since people like options.


Keep in mind extras. I asked for 10 of everything - plates, glasses, etc. so that we had enough to account for future dinner parties and all of that.


Use a honeymoon fund or donations. If you truly don’t need much for your house, consider putting a honeymoon fund on your site. That way people can pitch in for your future experiences. I’ve also seen people link to non-profits or organizations that were special to them - and took donations to the cause in lieu of presents for them. Just another idea!

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Wedding Traditions To Consider (or Not) +

Flowers. Pretty? Yes. Expensive? F*ck yes. If flowers don’t fit into your budget, have small bouquets made for yourself, your mom and MIL, and your bridesmaids. For everything else, decorate with greenery (cheaper), lots of candles, or in a location that doesn’t call for much decoration.



These can also be very cringe-worthy so if you’re someone who is going to stress over what someone might say, save these for the rehearsal dinner when there are less people (or skip entirely!). +

Bridal party.

First dance. Looking back, I wish we skipped this (hear about why here). Honestly, it was VERY uncomfortable for me and I don’t see a huge significance.


Cake. If you’re not a cake person, f*ck it. Get creative with desserts or if you’re keeping things budget-friendly, ask the women in your family or friends to make something so there’s a variety.

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Seeing each other before the ceremony. This is a really personal decision and I’d talk to your partner about it before making a decision on autopilot. Maybe you’d like to wake up to them on the day of and have a quiet breakfast before the craziness of the day begins. Or maybe you like the tradition and want to wake up next to your girls. I’d think about how you want your day to go from the start and go from there.

There can be sooooo much drama around the damn wedding party! To us, it made sense to have those that were the very closest to us (my sisters and Lily). I didn’t feel the need to have all my close girlfriends in the party and it was honestly a lot easier that way. Keep in mind one thing: Someone can still be your close friend and not be in your party. +



Pictures + video. I’d obviously suggest getting pictures taken but I do think some people go overboard. I did not want to spend an hour after our ceremony taking pictures so we kept it decently moderate. And when it comes to videographers, they’re expensive but to me it’s something you’ll have for life and be able to look back on with your partner and children. I’d rather budget something else out and prioritize a videographer, personally.

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Table of Contents

GUE ADV 24 24

EST VICE 25 25

Bridal Shower WHAT YOU NEED for attending or throwing A BRIDAL SHOWER


Invites. To make it easy, go paperless. You can also DIY or order off sites like Etsy for the real thing.


Food and booze. I’m a fan of finger foods and creative cocktails (+ rosé obviously). Ask bridesmaids to each make a dessert or app to keep costs down.


Personal touches. Bring in aspects that are special to the couple, especially the bride.


Cute decor. Choose a theme or vibe and then mix in what you already have as a host.


Something to wear. Don’t wear any shade of white and don’t be too extra - let the bride shine.

Fun, not cheesy, games. It’s always a good idea to get the groom involved. Just don’t make guests work too hard and keep things entertaining.

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A little something for the bride. You can’t go wrong with something from the registry or something pampering leading up to her wedding.

Wedding Etiquette DO’S AND DONT’S of WEDDING ETIQUETTE Don’t be the assh*le who ruins a wedding

DO + If you’re friends with the bride, offer to help before the wedding. Can you send food to her suite when she’s getting ready on the big day? Help organize family photos after the ceremony? Take care of someone’s drunk uncle? + Send any photos you took of the wedding since they won’t get photos back for weeks. + Dance, especially if not a lot of people are to start. + Grab the couple a drink and more food while they’re eating if they’re getting bombarded.

DON’ T + Wear white or any shade of it. + Show up drunk. + Be underdressed. When in doubt, go overdressed. + Be obnoxious with the photos or Instagram Stories and DO NOT post anything of the bride/groom before they do. + Grab the mic unless asked to do so. + Talk much during the ceremony or speeches. It’s rude.

+ Compliment and thank the parents of the bride and groom. + Sign the guestbook.

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More Wedding Advice

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