Alternative Therapies For Obesity That Work Wonders

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Alternative Therapies For Obesity That Work Wonders

Obesity is one of the root causes of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and thyroid. Although the medical fraternity of the world advocates that exercise is one of the convenient ways to prevent obesity, majority of obese patients overlook the advice. Instead, they opt for quick solutions and end up consuming steroids and strong medicines that have severe side effects. Therefore, we will like to ring the bell again that complementary treatments are extremely effective and totally devoid of any side effects. Hence, you can have full faith on options like Bio- Identical Hormone Replacement, natural methods for curing infertility and Natural Weight Loss Sydney, Manila, and elsewhere. Those of you who are still skeptical about these treatments can try out these alternative treatments for obesity. Believe us; you will be overwhelmed with the result. So, start treading right now. •

Nutritional therapy

There is a connection between feeling frequently hungry and obesity. It has been found that people who feel hungry quite often have a tendency to gain weight faster. Actually, the rate of metabolism and calorific intake of such individuals do not balance with each other. Thus, an alternative for them is to satiate their frequent hunger with fibrous food and unrefined complex carbohydrates instead of refined carbohydrates. As these foods take time to get digested, they give a sensation of feeling full. Eventually, frequency of feeling hungry will get delayed. •

Dietary detoxification therapy

Majority of us do not know that toxins get deposited in the body every day. These toxins generate from various internal processes like the functioning of our digestive system, kidneys, etc. You will be

surprised to know that fat is one of those toxins that get converted into fat cells and lead to obesity. Actually, refined fat does not get absorbed by the bloodstream, and hence they fail to generate energy. Therefore, those of you who are unable to find the root cause behind your obesity might be victims of these toxins. You can try out some simple therapies like consuming lukewarm water with few drops of honey and lemon in the empty stomach every day, drinking fresh Indian gooseberry juice daily in the morning, consuming green tea as many times as you can and drinking a juice made from water, carrots and green vegetables. You should also drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day to flush out your system. Some health advisers and experts suggest that you can even perform fasting in order to detoxify your body. Nevertheless, we will say that fasting should only be done after consultation with a qualified dietician or a doctor, or else you can suffer from complications like weakness, low blood pressure, sudden fall in blood sugar count, dizziness and nausea, etc.

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