Bio identical hormone replacement a therapy that is a well accepted alternative for dealing with men

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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement- A Therapy That is a Well Accepted Alternative for Dealing with Menopause

The phrase integrative medicine refers to the combination of conventional and complementary modalities along with lifestyle regulation and a holistic approach. Integrative medicine Sydney offers the natural, alternative and complementary medicines, with an approach that is patient centric dealing with the full range of emotional, physical, social, spiritual, mental and environmental influences that are affecting

every individual’s health. Integrative medicine

doesn’t contradict conventional health care rather it complements and enhances it. The Integrative approach is particularly helpful for stress induced conditions, adrenal fatigue, female hormonal issues, men’s health issues, insulin resistance syndrome, thyroid imbalance, weight management and many more. Some of the defining principles of Integrative medicine Sydney are illustrated below: The effective interventions are natural and less invasive in nature. During the healing process, the patient as well as the practitioner work in partnership All of the factors that are influencing health, disease and wellness has to be taken into account

In modern day health issues, hormonal imbalance is becoming an increasingly common problem in both men and women from late teens to the late sixties.. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy offers a solution to such health issues in addition to regulating lifestyle factors. Estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, Pregnenolone and testosterone are some of the hormones, which play a vital role in maintaining health and wellness. The introduction of such a therapy offers the ability to balance hormones in both men and women, which may be responsible for the decline in their health. The essential differences

between bio-identical hormone therapy and synthetic hormone

therapy is that bio-identical hormones are considered natural as they are identical to the chemical structure of our own hormones as opposed something that is synthetic, which does not match the chemical structure of our hormone hence the chances of side effects are greater . Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can also be individualised for each person according to their needs as opposed to the principle of - one size fits all. The therapy proves to be useful for individuals who are experiencing declining energy levels, chronic illness due to declining hormones, menstrual problems, menopause, andropause, adrenal fatigue, low libido , poor cognition and symptoms related to aging. Hence it is an effective tool amongst doctors who practice anti- aging medicine. “It is not about the years in your life, but more about the life in your years�.

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