Health solutions enhance your health with ayurvedic nutrition

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Health Solutions - Enhance Your Health With Ayurvedic Nutrition It is astonishing how health is overlooked in modern life. Even though we all know that health is your wealth. The fast and hectic life has adjusted to instant, ready to eat, ready to cook meals and junk and oily foods. Quick fix medicines to combat any health issue, as minor as a headache. With the growing incidence of serious health issues, the focus is slowly changing to the role nutrition plays in achieving a healthy life. Ayurvedic nutrition is one of the ancient nutritional approach for a healthy life. It is a holistic approach to health where each one has a unique constitution determined by individual physical, mental and emotional characteristics.

Ayurvedic nutrition can reverse health problems without medication. According to Samkhya's theory of Ayurveda, each person expresses itself through the five elements of nature-- ether, air, fire, water and earth. These elements are marked in the body as the three main codes called doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Each of the doshas is present in every human body in varied amounts. Balancing the Doshas help in promoting the normal functions of the body and maintain the overall health. When doshas are not in balance they tend to create mental, emotional and physical disorders. VATA: is the elusive energy form, which is associated with movement. It is formed of air and ether. Aggravation of vata can cause severe issues such as constipation, tremors, osteoarthritis and many other major health problems. PITTA: signifies the fire and water elements of body. If pitta is aggravated, it leads to stomach ulcers, skin eruptions, chronic fatigue, hyperacidity and many other problems.

KAPHA: displays the earth and water part of the body. Kapha imbalances can cause obesity, high cholesterol, oedema, asthma, tumors and other congestive health issues. An imbalance of these doshas can cause severe health problems. Ayurvedic nutrition is an individualised nutritional approach to balance these doshic imbalances, taking into consideration the individual body constitution. In modern day life we can liken it to the Nutritional and Environmental medicine approach. Nutritional and Environmental medicine stresses on a proper diet regimen with a disciplined lifestyle. It holds the interaction between nutritional and environmental factors of an individual along with human physiology, biochemistry and pathology and its clinical application to prevent and treat disease. It maintains the connection between food and environment. It uses food and nutrients to achieve a therapeutic or medicinal effect. It focuses on removal of chemicals, toxic elements or certain foods from the diet to assist the body attain homeostasis Ayurvedic nutrition assures that all the vital nutrients are supplied to the body and brain. It greatly encourages a diet to ensure proper digestion. Central to Ayurvedic nutrition is to restore good gut function as the digestive system is central to well -beingI. CONTACT US: Sivanna Health 81 Showground Road Castle Hill NSW 2154 Tel: 02-9659 7181 , Fax: 02-9659 7182 Email: Website:

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