Understanding Adrenal Fatigue Treatment and Symptoms

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Understanding Adrenal Fatigue Treatment and Symptoms

Adrenal fatigue treatment and symptoms are crucial in many ways to our health as it is responsible in waking us up, keeping us awake with a little burst of energy. It also keeps us focused throughout the day. There are millions of people affected by adrenal fatigue. Many people experience it at least once during their life span. According to Integrative medicine Sydney it is mainly caused due to an illness, crisis of a personal kind, or difficult monetary situation. It can affect people at any age, gender, race or culture. It can affect the healthiest people with good sleep patterns, eating habits, and living in stress free environment. Adrenal fatigue treatment and symptoms are related in a way that a change in lifestyle can lead to better recovery of patients with the condition. Adrenal glands found on top of each kidney regulate body functions using hormones. It regulates the blood pressure and the way our body functions during stress or levels of minerals like potassium and sodium and heart beat. Adrenal fatigue treatment and symptoms occurs when the glands become tired and function inadequately producing poor quantities of hormones. It is a syndrome with several collective but varying signs and symptoms. It may occur after or during long term illness or stress. The individual though may look healthy however feel worn out and experience a sense of exhaustion. Some people may experience abrupt weight loss, body ache, loss of body hair, sleepiness and laziness. However, such people feel more energetic in afternoons than early in the day. They need stimulants and high dosage of caffeine in coffee to help them in their daily routine. It may trigger other symptoms like dark skin on palms of hand, knees, elbow, knuckles, dizziness when standing, or sometimes lack of menstrual periods. It may lead to other conditions like Thyroid, and Diabetes. Treatment of adrenal fatigue is just change in lifestyle and identifying cause. Integrative medicine Sydney suggests ancient healing methods in combination with modern science as a form of treatment. It combines the best of both the worlds to maximize the healing mechanism of the body naturally. In this form of medicine the focus is on the person. It utilizes therapeutic approach to optimize healing in the person. With the help of integrative medicine Sydney Adrenal fatigue can be treated. The four dimensions – Physical, Emotional, Mental and spiritual - of the individual are worked up on. These dimensions can be transformed and balanced to attain a healthier adrenal gland. It helps address the diet of the individual, exercise, manage stress, and focus on good quality of sleep. Its

prime focus is relationships and work. Health is the responsibility of the individual and is mainly based on the uncomplicated principle of maintaining health holistically.

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