Understanding In-Depth About Bio-Identical Hormonal Therapy

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Understanding in-depth about Bio-identical hormonal therapy

Who wants to age? Perhaps, no one. This is exactly where the momentum of hormone therapies has begun. Most men and women in the modern world seem to compete with each other in order to look younger and defy the natural aging process. There appears to be a mixed reaction to Bio- Identical Hormone Replacement; while some people accept it readily, others fear the side effects. We are here to provide you with information that will make this futuristic therapy a known concept for you. Start reading ahead. Q. Why do some people fear hormone therapy and prefer Nutritional and Environmental Medicine? Ans. The more conventional forms of hormone therapy often resulted in adverse side effects amongst female patients in the form of complications such breast cancer, blood coagulation and cardiac arrest. This has created a long lasting fear among people regarding hormone therapy. One the other hand, nutritional and environmental medicine is largely based on natural treatments that greatly minimise the side effects. Bioidentical hormones is one of the modalities used amongst integrated doctors qualified in environmental medicine Q. What is the frequency of side effects in a woman using bio- Identical hormone therapy?

Ans. To be honest, the rate at which women get affected by the adverse effects of hormones is very nominal. Nevertheless, deficiency or an imbalance of hormones lead to effects such as sleeplessness,depression, anxiety, hot flushes, night sweats, dry skin, wrinkling of skin, low libido,weight gain and many more. Hormone replacement can greatly enhance the quality of life of a woman and slow the ageing process. With careful ongoing monitoring the side effects can be minimised to a considerable degree. These side effects are only present if excess of hormone levels are achieved, and if the hormones are not safely metabolised and excreted out of the body. Bio- identical hormones needs to be prescribed by a doctor who is adequately trained in Anti- ageing medicine. Q. Exactly what factors make patients concerned about hormone treatment? Ans. Today, the patients are far more aware of various treatments and modalities. They read, research and then start a treatment only when they feel convinced and make choices for them selves as to what they wish to take. The greatest fear around hormone therapy is cancer. Hormones are not the only reason why cancers occur. The presence of Xenooestrogens from the environment, such as in the use of cosmetics, herbicides, pesticides and the foods we consume are more carcinogenic than the customised prescription of bio- identical hormones through a well qualified and experienced practitioner. Regulating lifestyle is just as important in the prevention of cancer promotion. I feel hormone therapy should not be considered in isolation without taking note of all other pre-disposing risks and factors that may also promote cancer. Q. Is there anything called natural hormones? Ans. They are noted to be natural as they are sourced from a plant source and they mimic the function of your own hormones, and are identical in structure to your own hormones.They still need to be chemically converted to a bio- identical structure in a lab to match your own hormones. They are available in pessaries, creams troches, gels sprays, and implants. Largely compounded by a compounding chemist, who have been adequately trained in compounding these hormones.

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