ENTHAIYUM NAANE ------- A Novel in Tamil by Arni . Review by Thuraiyuraan . Before discussing about the novel I would like to introduce the author Dr. Ananth .K Ramanathan ( pen name Arni) ,who is living in Sydney .He authored an anthology of poems entitled " Vinthaiyai Vriyuthadi " which was launched in Toronto last year by Canada Tamil Writer's association .I met him at the book launch and shared my past memories of Kopay ,Srilanka. I knew his mother who was the Principal of Kopay women's Training College ,when I was at Kopay Christian College from 1975 to 1980. His aunty was an English Teacher at Christian college with me . I knew him as a student of St. John's College then. Now he is a vascular Surgeon in a hospital near Sydney with three Doctorates to his credit. I am amazed at his knowledge of Tamil and the gift of imagination he possess .This novel is a good testimony to prove his mettle. He met me last November when I was in Sydney and handed over this book to be reviewed. The novel starts with the main character referred to as "He" arriving in Chennai from Sydney to stay with their family friends ,with whom they associated when they were staying as refugees from Srilanka ,then. His name is revealed as Jegan at the beginning of chapter two. Jegan is a Srilankan Youth living in Sydney having emigrated during the civil war with his family. The story goes on say his trip to Mahapalipuram ,a tourist spot in Tamil Nadu and his disappearance thereafter. There is reference to Rajiv Gandhi's assassination and its aftermath in Tamil Nadu. Then his journey to nook and corners of India ,Pakistan ,Afghanistan and Srilanka ,his involvement with many terrorist groups ,life in prisons in North India ,his escapes and life in thick forests are described vividly in the novel. The author must have done a good amount of ground work in studying the philosophies and practices of various religions in detail. Also it is evident that he has studied about the geography of various cities ,towns and forests of the countries mentioned above.
The incidents and events described in the novel are so real and interesting to read, that it is hard to believe how a surgeon with his busy schedules could find the time to write a novel with such intricate details. I really congratulate Dr.Ram for writing such a captivating novel in Tamil. I feel that this is the first novel which deals with religion ,politics ,terrorism and love mixed in correct proportions, so as to evince the urge to read it non stop . This is a marvelous achievement for a first novel. I am sure he must have studied the Bible , the Quran and Hindu scriptures and Puranas before venturing to write this novel. This is clearly evident from the events ,incidents and quotes found here. He has been very careful in maintaining a non committal style of writing without commenting on any religion or faith. But we could find here and there the views of the author on religious beliefs and conversions. This stance is to be admired and appreciated. The hopelessness ,helplessness and sadness of Srilankan Tamils and their frantic efforts to seek shelter in foreign lands during the civil war have been portrayed well in the novel. I am sure that this novel will be received well, not only by Diaspora Tamils but also by others who have undergone similar tragic situations in their own countries if translated in English. Some of the incidents described in the novel are so touching and captivating. The descriptions of some cities and towns mentioned in the novel are so graphic that the reader gets a picturesque view and feel as though he is physically present. Various religious doctrines are brought out through the words and actions of well defined characters like Moulana , priests Robert and Lyon. How they approach people in distress and go out of the way, to help them with funds and advice. Also the novel deals with information like how the Christian missionaries tried to suppress the scientific ideas put forward by scientists during the 16th century . Important historic and political events of India ,Pakistan and Afghanistan and detailed activities of various terrorist groups and their illegal trading of drugs and internal rivalries are mentioned in the novel. Middle East politics and the stance of super powers in world political arena ,the splendid architecture and fine
arts of European countries especially Greece, Spain, France and England are also well described in the novel. This novel contains wealth of information, which is interesting and informative to the reader. The conversation between Olivia and Jegan towards the end of the novel is like a debate on religion and conversion . It looks justifiable and acceptable and I hope many will support me on this. I am quoting the comment by the author on religious conversion ; " Conversion is a meaningless retrogressive philosophy .When one is crossing over to another religion he severs his roots . A grafted mango retains its nature and taste even though it lost its roots. Whereas a man without his roots is in between Heaven and Earth living in mid air". This is a sample of some of the comments of the author in the novel. I feel that the title of the novel doesn't relate to the main theme of the novel. Hope the author will come up with a suitable one in the next edition. Anyhow the author is to be commended for a job very well done. Hope he will continue his writing in the future as well . Congratulations.