Additional Reading for Session 5B: Case Study of Water Corporation’s Water Forever Plan Context Rainfall in Western Australia has declined by 12 per cent since 1990 and run-off into Perth’s main supply dams has dropped by more than half. Water Forever: Towards Climate Resilience, released in 2009, was developed with the community and industry and is the Water Corporation’s 50 year plan to deliver sustainable water and wastewater services. The plan is driven by the need to ensure Water Forever:
in an even drier climate; with twice as many people and less environmental impact The Corporation is striving to achieve our Vision of - Water Forever, Zero Footprint and Great Place. This is a fine balancing act between providing water for the long term, and reducing the environmental impact of our operations while supporting our state and communities to grow and prosper.
The Corporation’s goal to avoid total external sprinkler bans as a water resource management option has resulted in it adopting a multi-faceted approach which includes improving water efficiency, introducing water recycling and developing new climate independent sources to ensure water forever. This case study shows how the Water Forever plan directly impacts on water resource asset management. Clear Alignment of AM Planning & Corporation objectives The Corporation’s Vision, which includes the Water Forever plan as a crucial component, cascades into the Corporation’s overall business planning framework. The intent is clearly articulated in all planning documents from the Statement of Corporate Intent through to the Strategic Asset Management Plan and supporting asset management planning documents. These documents are used to inform the capital investment and operating budgetary processes from a growth, maintenance and renewals perspective. The recently introduced Strategic Investment Business Case concept is a further improvement to the Corporation’s capital investment prioritisation process ensuring that the Executive can direct available capital funds to the most strategically important business outcomes – one of which is reliable water supply. The alignment is both robust and flexible enough to integrate externally or internally driven changes to levels of service (including growth) and business objectives. How the key