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Capt. R. K. Bhardwaj, War Veteran

founder and Chief editor Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj editor Dr. Anita Bhardwaj

editorial team Sh. Ashish Sharma Sh. Bharat Sharma Sh. Siddhant Sharma Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Sh. Baldev Batra Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh Sh. Rakesh Kumar Sh. Tushar Singh proof reader Col. Ashok Pratap Tanwar

Board of adViSorS dr. Kirit p. Solanki Member of Parliament - Loksabha

major General atul Kaushik Chairman – HP-PERC, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh Former Commandent-HAWS prof. (dr.) ‘padmashree’ d.S. rana Chairman – Board of Trustees prof. (dr.) m.C. misra

Former Director- AIIMS, Delhi

dr. ajay Swaroop mathur Chairman – Sir Gangaram Hospital Board Member – Six Sigma healthcare, Delhi

air marshal pawan Kapoor VSM, FR Director General, Medical Services, Air dr. S.p. Byotra Vice Chairman- Sir Gangaram Hospital dr. d.r. rai Dr. B.C. Roy Award 2017

dr. rajat mohan Senior Consultant-Sir Gangaram Hospital prof. dr. a.K. Sood Former Executive Director, NBE Dean and Head, NIHFW

Sh. Bhikhubhai n. patel

Managing Trustee and Secretary Sardar Patel Education Trust, Anand, Gujarat

adG robin hibu, ipS Special Commissioner of Police Delhi Police p.K. Bhardwaj, ipS Former Spl. CP-Delhi Police

Capt. Yogendra Singh Yadav Param Vir Chakra Awardee

deSiGn Siddhant Sharma Sameer Kishore, Fill and Strokes

SuBSCription and CirCulationS Sh. Siddhant Sharma Sh. Baldev Batra

Editorial Correspondence and Circulation Office Six Sigma House, 10A, Sai Baba Enclave, Najafgarh New Delhi-110043, India Email: Website: Tel No: 011-25324000/4001 Mob No: 9818868727

copyright – all right reserved with six sigma star healthcare, reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

Printed and published by Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj Printed at Polykam Offset, C-138, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110028. Published at RZL-16A, Shankar Park, Sagarpur West, New Delhi - 110046.

Editor: Anita Bhardwaj

december 2022
deCemBer 2022

From the desk of Chief Editor

Dear Readers,

The term ‘Mountain Medicine’ describes a sub-speciality of medicine that addresses aspects of high-altitude travel and mountain sports. It repre sents an interdisciplinary field that draws expertise from multiple fields, such as highaltitude and hyperbaric medicine, tropical health, and sports medicine.

climbing, to include subspecialities like icefall climbing, mountain biking, river rafting and canyoning. This change has caused a significant rise in accidents and high-altitude complications as well as very specific problems that specialised mountain medicine expertise is required to provide.

The course aims to enable attendees to:

• Learn and enhance knowledge about Mountain Medicine

Mountain Medicine covers the prevention and treatment of medical conditions that may arise in the high mountains such as mountain rescue and resuscitation, highaltitude physiology, and pathophysiology.

Mountain Medicine covers the prevention and treatment of medical conditions that may arise in the high mountains such as mountain rescue and resuscitation, highaltitude physiology, and pathophysiology. It can also cover ‘mountain diseases’ including frostbite, mountain sickness, hypobaric hypoxia, pulmonary oedema and solar radiation. It’s characterised by its unique environment and difficult conditions, which can make even the simplest of medical interventions or treatment challenging.

Mountain medicine is a modern and rapidly evolving field, with more people around the world participating in expeditions, exploring new frontiers, and pushing the limits of mountaineering adventures. The requirement for a new mountain medicine focus has never been greater.

Over the last few years, a growing number of extreme sports have evolved from traditional mountaineering and

• Acquire and develop specific mountaineering skills.

• Enhance knowledge and fundamental skills which are essential to treat and evacuate casualties in the mountains.

• Understand how a mountain medicine approach can be applied to a range of practical real-life situations.

Jai Hind !!


Oct O ber-N O vember 2022 4
Oct O ber-n O vember 2022 5 The Inside Story 4 Editor's Note 6 News You Can Use 12 Opportunities in Mountain Medicine 16 Conference Alert 22 Importance of Hand Washing and Hygiene in Healthcare Settings 28 Six Sigma (India) signed MoU with Helitrans (Norway) 32 Being a consultant is being in Business 36 Entrepreneurship by Healthcare Consultancy Operations & Management 40 Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management 44 Reviews from GIHM Alumni 22 12 32 46 Highlands, High Spirits, High Adventure: A Historical Overture 52 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle


Explore Post Graduate Medical Education & Support our nation in developing PG Doctors. There is a great shortage of PG Medical seats in India and now existing (100 bed) hospitals can start DNB Programs at their hospitals.

As per the new announcement by the National Board Of Examinations: Union Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare’s, Fresh application are invited from the eligible hospitals to start DNB / FNB Program in all speciality areas. The last date is 15th March, 2019.

1. This is something unique, innovative and an excellent tool to explore your hospital.

2. DNB is at par with other qualifications like MD/ MS.

L V Prasad eye Institute and cognitivecare has announced a partnership to jointly pursue efforts that advance the early detection of eye diseases and adverse eye conditions in infants and children. This partnership combines L V Prasad eye Institute’s expertise and research in eye health with cognitivecare’s AI platform, which incorporates granular insights and patterns that interplay with clinical and social determinants to quantify propensity for health risks at individual and population levels early.

Advantage of starting DNB Program:-

1. Name & Fame in PG Med Education

retinopathy of prematurity (rOP) is a leading cause of preventable blindness in infants and children worldwide. India is experiencing an rOP epidemic, significantly impacting rural districts. Furthermore, it is projected that the myopia epidemic will affect 50 per cent of the global population by 2050.

Chandigarh: 2 succumb to H1N1 in 1 week

to the influenza. However, this year, there has been over fourfold increase,” said a senior doctor in the UT health department.

The prevalence of myopia in children in India has quadrupled in the past twenty years. Active prevention and mitigation strategies are needed to control and potentially reverse both the rOP and myopia trends currently seen in India.

dr Prashant Garg, executive chair, L V Prasad eye Institute said, “We are happy to partner with cognitivecare and are confident that our combined expertise in clinical management and machine learning will help us accelerate the early diagnosis of rOP and myopia in young children and infants. We are also hopeful that this partnership will pave way to leverage AI, deep learning, and advanced computational sciences to address several other critical eye diseases.”

H1N1 virus has started gripping the city as 18 cases and two deaths were reported in the past five weeks and this week, respectively. Last year, four H1N1 influenza cases were confirmed from Chandigarh.“Last year, until February, only four cases and two deaths had been reported due

Sources in the health department said the deaths were confirmed this week after an audit and the data has been recently submitted to the government. “Both the patients who died were women. While one was 85 years old, the other was 30. The latter had tuberculosis as well,” said an official in the UT health department. The total number of patients admitted in PGI from Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh are 21. This

hike is witnessed every winter, said epidemiologists. But as the strain of influenza virus varies from year to year, symptoms, severity and even type

Unlike dengue, the pattern is difficult to predict. “The limitation of treating this flu is that the strains keep on changing. Sometimes, we see the symptoms for a few days and these days, they go on for weeks,” said

Changes in the virus over the

“It’s no longer a traveller’s disease.

12 Volume 01 Issue 02
december 2022
2. Recognition from
3. Your
will be
Institution 4. Extra working hands in medical treatment 10. Value addition to the Nation by Promoting PG Med 13. DNB pass out Doctors will
Union Ministry/ NBE
recognised as
ambassadors for the
L V Prasad Eye Institute partners with Cognitive Care to prevent avoidable blindness in children

As per the moU, NAbH will encourage and provide assistance in onboarding their accredited/certified facilities on Abdm’s Health Facility registry (HFr) and onboarding of the doctors, nurses etc. working in these facilities on the Healthcare Professionals registry (HPr)

National Health Authority (NHA) and National Accreditation board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NAbH) – a constituent board of Quality council of India (QcI) have signed a moU to collaborate in the areas of capacity building, dissemination of information, promotion of QcI (NAbH) accreditation & Ayushman bharat digital mission (Abdm) standards, technical support, stakeholder advocacy and for creating overall awareness for different initiatives of NAbH and NHA by leveraging the reach and presence of each other.

As per the moU, NAbH will encourage and provide assistance in onboarding their accredited/certified facilities on Abdm’s Health Facility registry (HFr) and onboarding of the doctors, nurses etc. working in these facilities on the Healthcare Professionals registry (HPr).

Speaking about the objective of this collaboration, dr r. S. Sharma, ceO, NHA said, “With the Ayushman bharat digital mission (Abdm), we have embarked on this ambitious journey to create a digital platform for bringing all stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem together. We aim to leverage the strong presence of NAbH among the health facilities and healthcare professionals from the public as well as private sector to reach out and sensitise them about the core functions, benefits and potential of Abdm and drive the adoption of Abdm on a large scale.”

Speaking on the occasion, Prof (dr) mahesh Verma, chairman, NAbH said, “NAbH is totally committed to objective of taking quality healthcare to the last man in the line. This collaboration with NHA will help and motivate even small healthcare organisations in tier 2 & tier 3 cites to get the benefit of Abdm. It will spread the mission of providing quality healthcare to the masses and help India become a global leader in healthcare domain”.

Further, NHA and NAbH will mutually develop accreditation standards and ratings for healthcare facilities to incorporate Abdm related standards for encouraging rapid adoption and uptake of digital health information systems.

The World Health Organization, with support from the Qatar ministry of Health has launched the A.I.-powered WHO digital Health Worker, Florence version 2.0, offering an innovative and interactive platform to share a myriad of health topics in seven languages at the World Innovation Summit for Health (WISH) in Qatar.

Florence can share advice on mental health, give tips to destress, provide guidance on how to eat right, be more active, and quit tobacco and e-cigarettes. She can also offer information on cOVId-19 vaccines and more! Florence 2.0 is now available in english with Arabic French, Spanish, chinese, Hindi and russian to follow.

Florence has helped fight misinformation around cOVId-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. The pandemic has had a significant effect on mental health. It is estimated that 1 in every 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder. Her topics like tobacco and unhealthy diet kill 16 million people every year, while physical inactivity kills an estimated 830,000. These deaths are due to diseases like cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes that can be prevented and controlled with the right support.

Andy Pattison, WHO’s Team Lead for digital channels said, “digital technology plays a critical role in helping people worldwide lead healthier lives. The A.I. health worker Florence is a shining example of the potential to harness technology to promote and protect people’s physical and mental health. At WISH, we aim to meet with visionary partners to continue to improve this cuttingedge technology. AI can help fill gaps in health information that exist in many communities around the world.”

december 2022 7
WHO and partners launch freely accessible AI health worker
NHA partners with NABH to expedite implementation of ABDM

As a part of the collaboration, AstraZeneca and 4basecare will work with the oncologist community to support patients by providing these services locally

4basecare has announced a collaboration with AstraZeneca India. Under this collaboration, the two organisations will support advanced-stage cancer patients with targeted therapy options using affordable genomic solutions.

As a part of the collaboration, AstraZeneca and 4basecare will work with the oncologist community to support patients by providing these services locally and also at a low cost ultimately increasing the chances of identifying optimal treatment options thereby improving clinical outcomes.

According to a report by Icmr on the ‘burden of cancers in India’, seven cancers accounted for more than 40% of the total disease burden; lung and breast cancer being the highest. The number of Indians suffering from cancer is projected to increase to 29.8 million in 2025 from 26.7

million in 2021. Given the advancement of technology in current times, patients have an opportunity to benefit significantly from various new age strategies including ‘Precision Oncology’. It helps provide targeted therapy to patients by identifying which drugs would work best on which patient depending upon the unique biology of a patient’s disease. Genomics-based molecular profiling is the bedrock of targeted therapy and has proved to be a lifesaving diagnostics tool as it helps identify the best medical intervention path while treating a patient.

Q2FY23 key highlights

december 2022 8
AstraZeneca India and 4base Care to enhance access to genomic testing for cancer patients.
Healthcare records non-COVID revenues at Rs 288 crores in Q2FY23 metropolis Healthcare has announced its unaudited consolidated financial results for the second quarter of financial year 2023.
• Wellness revenue increased by 40 per cent YoY to Rs 33 crores • EBITDA margin (Before CSR & ESOP) stood at 27.6 per cent • Specialised tests contributed 40 per cent to the NonCOVID revenue Q2FY23 Key highlights
core business# • Total revenues grew by 12.4 per cent YoY • Specialised tests revenues grew by 15 per cent YoY • Wellness tests revenues grew by 36 per cent YoY • Patient & tests volumes grew by 10 per cent YoY Q2FY23 financial highlights • Rs 288 crores: Non-COVID revenue* • Rs 83 crores: EBITDA (Before CSR & ESOP) • Rs 41 crores: Profit after tax

Objective of this study was to compare the total average cost per episode of hospitalisation for public and private healthcare facilities in India

The Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur researcher gave a comparative study on how much do government and households spend on an episode of hospitalisation during their visit to public and private healthcare facilities in India. The result of the research states that the government and households put together spent substantially more per hospitalisation in private hospitals than public hospitals.

This comparative study for public and private hospitals was carried out in chhattisgarh state by dr Alok ranjan, Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts, IIT Jodhpur, along with dr Samir Garg (First author and executive director, State Health resource centre (SHrc), chhattisgarh); Narayan Tripathi, Senior Program coordinator, SHrc; and Kirtti Kumar bebarta, Program Associate, SHrc

The average total spending per day of hospitalisation in India was found to be rs 2833 for public hospitals and rs 6788 for private hospitals. The results of this research were published in Health economics review Journal which is an international peer reviewed journal.

India’s northeast region presents challenge in terms of healthcare delivery: Study

The occasional paper by Vitamin Angels India (VAI) and Observer research Foundation (OrF) makes several critical recommendations given the large inter-state and inter-district variations in the status of malnutrition among children and women in the region

India’s northeast region, home to over 220 ethnic groups and large tribal populations spread sparsely across remote areas, presents a challenge in terms of healthcare delivery, finds the study titled, ‘The Uphill climb to maternal and child Nutrition in Northeast India’. The occasional paper by Vitamin Angels India (VAI) and Observer research Foundation (OrF) makes several critical recommendations given the large inter-state and inter-district variations in the status of malnutrition among children and women in the region, as well as the region’s performance compared to the national average. The paper calls for a holistic approach to malnutrition in the Northeast to fill gaps in healthcare and nutrition, while leveraging the region’s agro biodiversity and traditional knowledge of its tribal populations.

The paper, authored by Shoba Suri (Senior Fellow, OrF), Priya rampal (consultant, Oxford Policy management), and Shruti menon (National Program manager, VA), builds on data from National Family Health Surveys; the comprehensive National Nutrition Survey; India SrS Special bulletin on maternal mortality; and reports from organisations such as FAO, UNIceF, WHO, World bank, and more. The paper also explores the dietary practices of women and children, with a special focus on the region’s tribal populations.

december 2022 9
IIT Jodhpur study reveals the cost of hospitalisation under public and private sector

Prioritising communicable diseases in post-pandemic world

in the frequency and scale of communicable diseases with pandemic potential. The most recent being cOVId-19. This new era of communicable diseases is defined by outbreaks of emerging, re-emerging and endemic pathogens that spread quickly, aided by global connectivity and shifted ranges owing to climate change.

The new era of communicable diseases demands fresh strategies and a balance of resources, policies and technology

Apart from already existing communicable diseases like Tuberculosis (Tb), AIdS and malaria, there is an increase

Talking about the impact of infectious diseases on society, dr Gunisha Pasricha, Principal Scientist, Infectious disease expert, medGenome Labs said, “Infectious diseases present a critical threat to global health security with high morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. A key contributor to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases is human behavior. The movement of human beings, growing population, social and health inequalities, and climate change have caused imbalances in the complex ecosystem which have caused newer communicable diseases or the re-appearance of the older ones. There is a constant need for the development of rapid and cost-effective diagnostics, prevention, therapeutic strategies and maintaining realtime epidemiological surveillance for these diseases.”

India’s northeast region presents challenge in terms of healthcare delivery: Study

Optum Startup Studio, part of Optum and UnitedHealth Group, aims to identify innovative ideas and startups that can help accelerate value delivery by seeking solutions to some of health care’s most pressing challenges

Optum Global Solutions (India) in partnership with International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIITH) has announced its first Optum Startup Studio India cohort. The cohort consists of five health care startups.

• MedTel’s remote patient monitoring platform offers embedded real-time data analytics for providers and members, helping them improve disease and chronic condition management and overall population health management. Their health kit includes platformintegrated Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices.

• Grailmaker Innovations’ Artificial Intelligence (AI)enabled Software-as-a-Service app allows pre-emptive interventions to lower the cost of care and improve health outcomes for children with cortical visual impairment (cVI).

• Daffodil Health’s pediatric behavioral health platform provides accessible and affordable services at home for children with developmental delays and conditions.

• Nemocare offers an IoT-enabled wearable device

that enables innovative, affordable, accessible, and highly accurate medical-grade monitoring solutions for newborn babies, helping to avoid unnecessary hospitalisations.

• BWell Health has developed a contactless health monitoring/screening tool that uses smartphone camera and AI algorithms to track and monitor key vitals to help patients, providers, and payers avoid unnecessary health care utilisation and costs.

december 2022 10


frostbite, mountain sickness, hypobaric hypoxia, pulmonary oedema and solar radiation. It’s characterised by its unique environment and difficult conditions, which can make even the simplest of medical interventions or treatment challenging.


TThe term ‘mountain medicine’ describes a sub-speciality of medicine that addresses aspects of high-altitude travel and mountain sports. It represents an interdisciplinary field that draws expertise from multiple fields, such as high-altitude and hyperbaric medicine, tropical health, and sports medicine.

mountain medicine covers the prevention and treatment of medical conditions that may arise in the high mountains such as mountain rescue and resuscitation, highaltitude physiology, and pathophysiology. It can also cover ‘mountain diseases’ including

mountain medicine is a modern and rapidly evolving field, with more people around the world participating in expeditions, exploring new frontiers, and pushing the limits of mountaineering adventures. The requirement for a new mountain medicine focus has never been greater.

Over the last few years, a growing number of extreme sports have evolved from traditional mountaineering and climbing, to include subspecialities like icefall climbing, mountain biking, river rafting and canyoning. This change has caused a significant rise in accidents and high-altitude complications as well as very specific problems that specialised mountain medicine expertise is required to provide.


Any medical professional with a passion for the mountains and adventure, and who wishes to turn it into their career. many expeditions and projects take place in mountainous regions, where medical facilities are either non-existent or poor. This makes it vital to have medical professionals on the ground with the practical skills, knowledge and

December 2022 12

understanding to perform in highly complex and demanding situations.

To be successful in conditions this extreme, medics will need knowledge on altitude related problems, mountain survival (e.g., water purification, navigation and rope techniques) and build on their skills in leadership, risk assessments, incident management and search and rescue.


being a medic, living, working and surviving in the mountains, is demanding and not without its perils. You need to be physically fit, competent in mountain survival skills and capable of making quick assessments and decisions under tough conditions. You’ll also, of course, need the knowledge and skill set to practice medicine on a mountainside.

There are many avenues you can take, depending on your skill set and experience.

bangor emergency Department, a unique rural eD sandwiched between the mountains of Snowdonia and the


Demand is growing for medics with mountain medicine skills, making our previously sold-out mountain medicine course the perfect avenue to take. It introduces you to the practical elements of working and providing medical cover in challenging high mountain environments.

India is the most disaster prone nation in the world. more than 50% populations in the country lives in areas which are prone to earthquakes, floods, cyclones, avalanches, drought and tsunami.

Isle of Anglesey. They offer great exposure to environmental emergencies and as part of an active team, you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside ambulance crews, Helimed, and local Search and rescue teams.

Other career opportunities include mountain rescue work either in the India or overseas, working at a highaltitude rescue post, where you’d live amongst the local community, looking after sick locals and trekkers. You could also take a research post, studying high-altitude medicine.

mountains exist in almost every country in the world and almost every war has included some type of mountain operations. This pattern will not change; therefore, you as soldiers will fight in mountainous terrain in future conflicts. Although mountain operations have not changed, several advancements in equipment and transportation have increased the soldiers’ capabilities. The helicopter now allows access to terrain that was once unreachable or could be reached only by slow methodical climbing. Inclement weather, however, may place various restrictions on the capabilities of air assets available to a commander. The unit must then possess the necessary mountaineering skills to overcome adverse terrain to reach an objective.

Subjects are based on the International regulation of medical commission of International climbing and mountaineering Foundation (UIAA) Switzerland and International commission for Alpine rescue (IcAr), together with International society for mountain medicine (ISmm), canada and mountain medicine Society, India

December 2022 13


consisting many case Studies, High Altitude Field Visits, Thesis and examination (Theory/ Practicals).


16 Theory Papers will be carried out (minimum passing marks is 50%).


You are required to Submit the thesis of minimum 200 Pages (after approval of the topic).


Any High Altitude areas.


Study materials Soft copy will be provided by the mountain medicine Society.


• Foundation of Mountain Medicine AMS/HAPE/ HAce

• Radio Communication, GPS, MAP and Compass

• Acute Mountain Sickness Hypothermia, Frostbite

• Travel and Rescue Medicine and Infectious Disease

• Mountain Equipments

• Terrestrial Mountain Rescue

• Alpine Helicopter Rescue & Disaster Management

• Expedition and Wilderness Medicine

• Avalanche Risk Management

• Expedition and Risk Management

• Rope Exercise and Knot Management

• Team Building and Leadership

• Mountaineering and Traumatology

• Research in Mountains

• Field Exercise with Six Sigma/Army/Airforce/ITBP/

bSF/NDrF etc

• High Altitude Field Work

• High Altitude Visits

• Thesis/Project

• Case Studies/Viva

The course aims to enable attendees to:

• Learn and enhance your knowledge about Mountain medicine and introduce you to the practical elements of working and providing medical cover in high mountain environments.

• Acquire and develop specific mountaineering, advanced expedition medicine, rescue and survival skills.

• Enhance knowledge and fundamental skills which are essential to treat and evacuate casualties in the mountains as well as covering the common conditions encountered at altitude.

• Understand how a mountain medicine approach can be applied to a range of practical real-life situations by assessing, assimilating and applying scientific evidence and responding with an appropriate solution. sshc

December 2022 14

ConferenCe AlERt

International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS)

Conference Organized By : Scienceplus

Conference Contact Person : Conference coordinator Conference Inquiry Email ID :

Important Dates Conference Start Date : 2022-11-15

Deadline For Submission / Apply: 2022-11-01

Conference End Date : 2022-11-16

Conference Website :

About the Event

The IcmHS conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of medical and Health Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to IcmHS, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.

and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that IcrAmNH outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

1423rd International Conference On Recent Advances In Medical And Health Sciences (ICRAMHS)

Conference Organised By : Academics world

Conference Contact Person : Conference co-ordinator. Conference Inquiry Email Id : Important Dates Conference Start Date : 2022-12-15 Deadline For Submission / Apply : 2022-11-25 Conference End Date : 2022-12-16 Conference Website : ICRAMHS

Conference On Recent Advancement In Medical Education, Nursing, And Health Sciences (ICRAMNH)


Conference Organised By : Irfconference

Conference Contact Person : Conference co-ordinator. Conference Inquiry Email Id :

Important Dates

Conference Start Date : 2022-12-01

Deadline For Submission / Apply: 2022-11-11

Conference End Date : 2022-12-01

Conference Website :

About the Event

The key motive of IcrAmNH is to provide a world-class platform for the global participants to share their ideas

December 2022

About the Event

The Academics World International conference on recent Advances in medical and Health Sciences IcrAmHS aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of medical and Health Sciences. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the fields of medical and Health Sciences.

1429th International Conference on Science, Health and Medicine (ICSHM)

Conference Organized By : ISER


Conference Contact Person : Conference coordinator

Conference Inquiry Email ID :

Important Dates

Conference Start Date : 15th Jan 2023

Deadline For Submission / Apply : 30th Dec2022

Conference End Date : 16th Jan 2023

Conference Website :

About the Event

The key intention of IcSHm is to provide opportunity for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts on the world. In addition this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that IcSHm outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

Conference Organized By : Research Conferences Conference Contact Person : Conference coordinator Conference Inquiry Email ID :

Important Dates

Conference Start Date : 2023-01-17

Deadline For Submission / Apply : 2022-12-31

Conference End Date : 2023-01-18

Conference Website : IRCCIMH/

About the Event

International Conference on Nutrition & Health


Conference Organized By : Asar Conference Contact Person : Conference coordinator Conference Inquiry Email ID :

Important Dates Conference Start Date : 2023-01-02

Deadline For Submission / Apply : 2023-12-17 Conference End Date : 2023-01-02

Conference Website :

About Event

The IcNH conference offers a track of quality r&D s from key experts and provides an opportunity in bringing in the new techniques and horizons that will contribute to Advanced research on Science, engineering and Technology in the next few years. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. both academia and industries are invited to present their papers dealing with state-of-art research and future developments.

International Research Conference on Covid-19 and Its Impact on Mental Health (IRCCIMH)

The outbreak of pandemic covid-19 has disrupted the economic, financial and social systems of most countries and the short and long-term consequences will be difficult to appraise. The purpose of this special issue is to encourage early research into what these consequences might be in both developed and developing countries. coronavirus disease made everyone stressed. Anxiety, depression and fear about an outbreak may cause mental health disorders in adults and children. coping of mental health during covid-19 is important for the people you care about. Stress during an outbreak involves changes in ing habits, eating patterns changes, worsens mental health conditions, over thinking, difficulty in ing and concentrating. Sleep disorders arise in every individual during the outbreak. mental health of children, teens, adults and older people will vary during this outbreak. Take care of yourself and your community to cope with stress disorder. There are many ways to cope with stress, taking breaks from watching, reading, listening to news about the outbreak. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be disturbing and unnecessary tension will be raised in the minds. Take deep breaths, do yoga and meditation. Talk with people about your feelings and concerns.


Harnessing the power of technology in Healthcare

Date: - 26 Jan 2023

Venue: - The Leela Palace Bangalore, India

About the Event

Futuristic Healthcare Summit 2019 will bring together c parity from Healthcare Institutions and technology solution providers for a day of panels, roundtables, and candid conversations. Under the theme “Harnessing the power of technology in Healthcare” the conference will focus on hot topics such as Artificial Intelligence, electronic health

December 2022 17

records, robotics, IoT in healthcare, driving down the cost of care with technology, data security, cloud, population health, clinical informatics, analytics, healthcare policy, telemedicine advancements, future of healthcare and many more.

MEDRECON 2022- Medical Record


Date : 8th-9th march 2023

Venue : ACS Medical College, Hospital, Chennai

About the Event

meDrecON – 2019, Annual National medical records conference is organized by HerAI – Health records Association of India for the upcoming year 2019. conference is planned to be conducted at the grand venue of th the renowned and prestigious institution of the city – AcS medical college and hospital. This auspicious 19 Annual National medical records conference was back to the chennai city, where the parental medical records association of the nation –HerAI was formed and the conference will embark the era of the reformation of medical records management in to health information management by addressing.

Event Enquiry Email Address : Website : RICMMHS/

Starting Date : 11th Jan 2023 Ending Date : 12th Jan 2023

Deadline for abstracts : 24th Dec 2023 Venue : Gurugram, India

About the Event

medical, medicine and Health Sciences conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of medical, medicine and Health Sciences conference. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of medical, medicine and Health Sciences conference.

International Virtual Conference on Covid-19

and Its Effect (IVCCE)


International Conferences on Medical and Health Science (ICMHS)

Starting Date : 29th Jan 2023

Ending Date : 30th Jan 2023

Deadline for abstracts : 14th Jan 20223

Venue : New Delhi, India

About the Event

The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

Event Enquiry Email Address : Website : Starting Date : 11th Jan 2023 Ending Date : 12th Jan 2023 Deadline for abstracts : 2022-12-27 Venue : Dubai, United Arab Emirates

About the Event

Research International Conference on Medical, Medicine and Health Science (RICMMHS)

December 2022

International Virtual conference on covid-19 and Its effect is causing serious health, social and economic challenges, several of which are directly related to demographic factors. Given that older persons have a weaker immune system and are likely to have underlying chronic illness, they are particularly vulnerable to viruses like SArS-coV-2. The severity of cOVID19 thus does not depend only on a country’s health system and policy measures, but also on age structure, regional distribution and social behavior. cOVID-19 is a premier event that brings together 250 academicians, public health specialists, health professionals, healthcare providers, researchers, scientists, policymakers, pharmaceutical developers, and health workers from countries around the world to present their latest research ideas, development, and applications in all areas of medical science.


International Conference on Recent advancement in Medical Education, Nursing, and Health Sciences (ICRAMNH)

Event Serial : 803348 Website :

Contact Person : Conference coordinator Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 2023-01-06

Organized by : Irfconference Venue : Putrajaya, Malaysia

About the Event

The key motive of IcrAmNH is to provide a world-class platform for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that IcrAmNH outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

International Conference on latest Research on Corona Virus and its Vaccine (ICRCVV)

Event Serial : 789692 Website :

Contact Person : Conference coordinator

Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 2023-01-03

Organized by : Research Conferences Venue : Mumbai , Maharashtra, India

Event Status : Active

About the Event

cOVID-19 has speedily spread around the globe, posing enormous health, economic, environmental and social challenges to the entire humanity by severely disrupting the global economy. All human population and nations are struggling to slow down the transmission of the disease by testing & treating patients, quarantining suspected persons through contact tracing, restricting large gatherings, maintaining complete or partial lock down etc. This conference aims to contribute to illustrate the impact of cOVID-19 on whole society and global environment, and the possible ways

in which the disease can be controlled and solved. corona Virus and Vaccines conferences brings together Vaccines scientists from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies along with business delegates to discuss recent developments and future trends in the field of Vaccines process development and production. This conference aims to solve the most critical problems relating to the health and wellbeing of humanity.

International Conference on Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences


Event Serial : 789609

Website : Contact Person : Conference coordinator

Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 2023-01-05

Organized by : Gsrd Venue : Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

About the Event

IcmPH is being organized by Global Society for research and Development GSrD. The aim of the conference is to provide the platform for Students, engineers, researchers and Scientists to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the field of medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences

International Conference on Recent advancement in Medical Education, Nursing, and Health Sciences (ICRAMNH)

Website : Contact Person : Conference coordinator Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 06-01-2023

Organized by : Irfconference Venue : Ludhiana , Punjab, India Starting Date : 23-01-2023 End Date- 23-01-2023

About the Event

The key motive of IcrAmNH is to provide a world-class platform for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations

December 2022 19

as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that IcrAmNH outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

International Conference on latest Research on Corona Virus and its Vaccine (ICRCVV)

Event Serial : 789712

Website :

Contact Person : Conference coordinator

Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 2023-01-06

Organized by : Research Conferences

Venue : Jalandhar , Punjab, India

Starting Date : 23-01-2023 End Date : 24-01-2023

About the Event cOVID-19 has speedily spread around the globe, posing enormous health, economic, environmental and social challenges to the entire humanity by severely disrupting the global economy. All human population and nations are struggling to slow down the transmission of the disease by testing & treating patients, quarantining suspected persons through contact tracing, restricting large gatherings, maintaining complete or partial lock down etc. This conference aims to contribute to illustrate the impact of cOVID-19 on whole society and global environment, and the possible ways in which the disease can be controlled and solved. corona Virus and Vaccines conferences brings together Vaccines scientists from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies along with business delegates to discuss recent developments and future trends in the field of Vaccines process development and production. This conference aims to solve the most critical problems relating to the health and wellbeing of humanity.

1268th International Conference on Medical & Health Science (ICMHS)

Website : ICMHS/

Contact Person : Conference coordinator

Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 2023-01-13

December 2022

Organized by : Researchfora

Venue : New Delhi, India

Starting Date- 29-01-2023 End Date- 30-01-2023

About the Event

IcmHS is being organized by researchfora. The aim of the conference is to provide the platform for Students, Doctors, researchers and Academicians to share the knowledge and ideas in the recent trends in the field of medical & Health Science. IcmHS will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and a result in medical & Health Science. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet the share cutting-edge development in the field.

International Conference on Medical and Health Sciences (ICMHS)

Website : Contact Person : Conference coordinator Event enquiries email address :

Deadline for abstracts/proposals : 13-01-2023

Organized by : scienceplus Venue : Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Starting Date- 29-01-2023 End Date- 30-01-2023

About the Event

The IcmHS conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of medical and Health Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to IcmHS, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.


B. N. Patel Institute of Paramedical and Science (Paramedical Division) B. N. Patel College of Physiotherapy Managed by Sardar Patel Education Trust, Anand (Gujarat) (India) (2(f) and 12B Recognition by UGC) Affiliated to Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar Faculty of Medicine Post Graduate Diploma Courses • P.G Diploma in Hospital Management • P.G. Diploma in Dialysis Technology • Diploma in Medical Lab Technology Clinical Facilities • Dialysis Unit • X-Ray and Mammography • Physiotherapy OPD • Eye OPD • Aapnu Family Clinic - Medical OPD Faculty of Medicine B.Sc. in Medical Technology • B.Sc. in Operation Theatre & Anaesthesia Technology • B.Sc. in Renal Dialysis Technology • B.Sc. in Clinical Lab Technology • B.Sc. in Imaging Technology Faculty of Medicine • B.Sc. Physician Assistant • Bachelor of Optometry • Bachelor of Physiotherapy • M.Sc. in Clinical Lab Technology Faculty of Medicine M.Sc. in Medical Technology N.S. Patel Arts College Circle, Anand (Gujarat) (India) – 388001, Phone No.: (02692) 250432, Mo. No.: 9574734450, Website:, Email: Sardar Patel Education Trust ( Sardar Patel Education Trust (SPET), Anand, Gujarat (India) established in the year 1969 is the registered public trust catering to the need of the society through 16 education institutes under its umbrella. It offers courses from kindergarden to Post Graduate and also Doctoral Research in various subjects to the aspiring youth of the nation. This year Trust has completed 50 years of Passion, Innovation and celebrating as a Golden Jubilee year. Total 16,000 students are studying in the various institute of SPET. Shri Bhikhubhai N. Patel (Managing Trustee & Secretary) SPET

Importance of Hand Washing and Hygiene in Healthcare Settings

Handwashing practices in the patient care setting began in the early 19th century. The practice evolved over the years with evidential proof of its vast importance and coupled with other hand-hygienic practices, decreased pathogens responsible for nosocomial or hospital-acquired infections (HAI). contaminated hands of healthcare providers are a primary source of pathogenic spread. Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water.

Proper hand hygiene decreases the proliferation of microorganisms, thus reducing infection risk and overall healthcare costs, length of stays, and ultimately, reimbursement. According to the centres for Disease control and Prevention (cDc),

hand hygiene is the single most important practice in the reduction of the transmission of infection in healthcare settings. This activity illustrates the importance of handwashing and highlights the importance of the interprofessional team in educating patients about preventing infections and improving outcomes by remembering to wash hands frequently.


• Identify the indications for handwashing: When, Why and How to Hand wash and sanitize?

• Importance of Handwashing and Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Institutions.

• Explain how handwashing decreases risk of infection transmission.

December 2022 22

• Outline interprofessional team strategies for enhancing care coordination and communication to advance the prevention of infections and improve patient outcomes.


Handwashing practices in the patient care setting began in the early 19th century. The practice evolved over the years with evidential proof of its vast importance and coupled with other hand-hygienic practices, decreased pathogens responsible for nosocomial or hospital-acquired infections (HAI).

contaminated hands of healthcare providers are a primary source of pathogenic spread. Proper hand hygiene decreases the proliferation of microorganisms, thus reducing infection risk and overall healthcare costs, length of stays, and ultimately, reimbursement.

According to the centers for Disease control and Prevention (cDc), hand hygiene is the single most important practice in the reduction of the transmission of infection in the healthcare setting. Despite this evidence, studies have repeatedly shown that the importance of hygiene has not been adequately recognised amongst healthcare professionals and compliance remains low.

HOw Germs spreAd

Washing hands can keep us healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections. Germs can spread from person to person or from surfaces to people when we:

• Touch the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

• Prepare or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands

• Touch surfaces or objects that have germs on them

• Blow the nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other peoples' hands or common objects

Key times tO wAsH HAnds

• Before, during, and after preparing food

• Before and after eating food

• Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea

• Before and after treating a cut or wound

• After using the toilet

• After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet

• After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing

• After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste

• After handling pet food or pet treats

• After touching garbage

HAndwAsHinG tecHnique:

• Begin by standing in front of the sink and taking care not to touch sink surfaces with hands or uniform/lab coat.

• If hands touch sinks at any time during this process, they are considered contaminated, and you must start the process over.

• Turn on the warm water. Allow water to wet hands and wrists thoroughly.

• Remember to keep hands and forearms lower than your elbows, so cross-contamination from water running back does not occur.

• Water should flow in a manner from least to most contaminated areas such as the hands. microorganisms get washed down the sink.

• Apply approximately 3 ml to 5 ml of an antiseptic soapy solution. Soap requires even distribution with a nice lather making sure all areas of hands receive covering in soap.

• Next, use friction or rubbing of hands and wrists for no less than 15-20 seconds to ensure the removal of germs.

• Use a timer or timed sink if available.

• This vigorous rubbing of hands and wrists will

December 2022 23

include anterior and posterior surfaces, cuticle area, underneath nails, and in between each finger.

• Leave no part of the hand or wrist untouched.

• Interlace fingers, rub palms and backs of hands at least five times each to ensure all areas have coverage.

• The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends six steps in hand hygiene. This includes palm to palm, right palm over the left dorsum and vice versa, palm to palm with fingers interlaced, backs of fingers to opposing palms, rubbing of thumbs and fingertips.

• Rinse hands and wrists making sure all soap has been successfully washed off.

• When rinsing off water remember to keep hands down and elbows up, then dry hands and wrists entirely with clean or disposable towels.

• Throw towels away if disposable or place in the appropriate place/ hamper/ bin without coming into contact with these objects.

• The end of handwashing will involve making sure you do not recontaminate your hands by touching the sink or faucet handles to turn the water off. Once hands are washed and dried, use a towel to turn off the water and then dispose of it in the appropriate container.

• Surgical sinks/handwashing stations have timers such as in trauma bays that automatically shut off at specific time intervals. These guard against recontamination of hands/wrists by ensuring there is no need to turn the water off manually.


Healthcare professionals caring for high-risk patients that are immuno compromised must take great care in performing proper hand hygiene as this patient population is at high risk for opportunistic infections. Handwashing with soap and water will remove nearly all transient gramnegative bacilli in ten seconds while chlorhexidine may be more appropriate than soap and water for the removal of transient gram-positive bacteria. Handwashing is a requirement if potential there was potential exposure to clostridium difficile, Norovirus, or Bacillus anthracis. Clostridium difficile and bacillus anthracis contain spores, and none of the agents used in antiseptic handwash or hand-rub preparations are reliably sporicidal. In these cases, vigorous handwashing with soap will

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 6 steps in hand hygiene. This includes palm to palm, right palm over the left dorsum and vice versa, palm to palm with fingers interlaced, backs of fingers to opposing palms, rubbing of thumbs and fingertips.

assist in the removal of the spores from the skin. According to the cDc, established guidelines recommend that agents used for surgical hand scrubs should reduce microorganisms on intact skin in a substantial manner, contain a nonirritating antimicrobial preparation, have broadspectrum activity, and be fast-acting and persistent. Studies have demonstrated that formulations containing 60% to 95% alcohol alone or 50% to 95% in combination with other products lower bacterial counts on the skin immediately post-

December 2022 24

scrub more effectively than other agents.


Surgical hand antiseptic practices began in the late 1800s and remain vital to the prevention of infection today. Surgical hand antisepsis or hand hygiene for surgery requires a different set of skills than regular handwashing techniques. The inadvertent transfer of micro organisms to a patient's surgical site can result in a surgical site infection, these are one of the most common forms of hospital-associated infections for surgical patients. carrying out the correct hand hygiene steps prior to surgery can help reduce the risk of surgical site infections.

According to the cDc, 'Hand Hygiene in the Healthcare Settings,' hand hygiene for surgery follows specific vital steps using either an anti microbial soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitiser before donning sterile gloves for surgical procedures. In contrast to hygienic handwashing, surgical hand preparation must remove the transient flora and reduce the presence of resident flora.

surGicAl HAnd Antisepsis steps

• Remove all jewellery such as rings, watches, and bracelets before beginning the surgical hand scrub.

• Inspect hands for cuts, cuticle damage, open lesions, or abrasions.

• Apply surgical shoe covers, hats, caps, masks, and eye protection next.

• Turn on water using foot/ knee controls to the desired warm temperature.

• Perform a pre-rinse ensuring soap gets to about two inches above the elbows remembering the hands must be always kept above the elbows during this process as well as during the rinse.

• Begin debris removal from underneath fingernails using a nail pick while the water is running.

• When performing surgical hand antisepsis using an antimicrobial agent, scrub hands, fingers, and forearms for two to six minutes typically, but follow manufacturer guidelines and facility-specific policies and procedures. Some institutions suggest a certain number of strokes when cleansing the nails, palms, hands, and forearms.

According to the CDC, 'Hand Hygiene in the Healthcare Settings,' hand hygiene for surgery follows specific vital steps using either an antimicrobial soap or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before donning sterile gloves for surgical procedures.

• Brush methods may be used and are facilityspecific. Long scrub times (e.g., 10 minutes) are not a recommendation due to the potential to irritate hands and nonsupporting evidence of its benefit versus risk.

• Shorter scrub times with a two-stage surgical scrub technique may be standard in some institutions.

• Remember, when rinsing soap/ agent off, allow water to run off at the elbows, ensuring the hands remain clean and free of microbes.

• Foot or knee controls are used to turn the water off.

• Hands always stay elevated and away from the body.

• Approach sterile field, grasp towel, avoid dripping excess water on your sterile field, and dry one hand.

• Obtain a new sterile towel or reverse the first towel and dry the other hand.

• Drop towel into a nearby linen hamper or carefully handoff to another member of the healthcare team.

• After application of the alcohol-based product or antiseptic hand rub as recommended, allow hands and forearms to dry thoroughly before donning sterile gloves.

enHAncinG HeAltHcAre teAm OutcOmes

All healthcare workers should regularly wash hands as this is the most cost-effective way to prevent transmission of infections. While compliance with handwashing is high among healthcare workers, the same is not true of the public. Thus, the nurse, pharmacist and physician should educate the patient on the benefits of handwashing at every clinic visit.


December 2022 25
ARMED FORCES BOOK OF RECORDS Six Sigma House, 10-A, Sai Baba Enclave, Tehsil Road, Najafgarh, New Delhi - 110043, INDIA Mob No: 9818868727,9971801112 Tel.: 011- 2532 4000/4111/4001 Fax: 011-25324001 E-mail: Website: book your advance copy today

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December 2022 29
December 2022 30


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Access to world-renowned knowledge base

Updates in expedition medicine topics for cPD and professional development

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Inr 3500/5 Year Bronze

l e membership certificate and ID cards will be provided

l Discounts on mountain medicine courses

l Access to world-renowned knowledge base

l Updates in expedition medicine topics for cPD and professional development

l mmSI blog access

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Inr 2500/3 Year

l e membership certificate and ID cards will be provided

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Being a is being in consultant business

The days of spending large sums of money on advertising have gone. That was last century's way of building business. These days, the focus is on building contacts, creating a reputation by helping people and solving their problems. All of this can be done at very low cost.

One of the biggest mistakes that new consultants make is to focus too much on being the expert and not enough on marketing themselves. You can be the most knowledgeable person in your field, but without marketing yourself, you are unlikely to win a consistent pipeline of clients that are ready to pay you for your consulting services.

below is a list of key points that you should keep in mind each and every day. All of these simple statements can be put into practice with little or no money, yet together they can help you build a successful consulting business.

N Select a niche and remain focused

N commit to yourself to being the undisputed expert in your niche

N Agree with yourself that you are in this business for the long-haul

N be sure you have guts, determination and the ability to succeed

N move away from negative people

N Listen and learn from those successful consultants who have trod before you

N Preserve your time and money

N Help people and give away an abundance of free advice

December 2022 32
One of the biggest mistakes that new consultants make is to focus too much on being the expert and not enough on marketing themselves.
Sigma Star Healthcare (P) Ltd., Delhi

N Accept help from smart people when they offer it

N Never forget that you will need to consistently market yourself

N Do not make the mistake of selling. Instead, help people solve their problems

Out of all the above, you might still be asking the question; "are you sure I don't need a large budget to market my consulting business?" I can fully appreciate that concern, especially when there is so much advertising in newspapers, magazines and TV these days.

I can assure you that plenty of very successful consultants all over the world have attained their success without a large advertising budget. In fact some of the principles of advertising are so simple, they are overlooked by most.

Knowing these simple marketing principles can make the difference between a successful consultant and a failed consultant who has to go back to working for someone else, all because they neglected the importance of marketing. Knowing your subject might be sufficient to 'get a job', but it is very insufficient if you want to be a successful independent consultant.

There are some very good resources on the internet and books on the subject of consulting. Some spend more time discussing business cards, premises and tax than on the more critical success factors such as marketing. However there are some excellent resources available that will show you how to market yourself as an independent consultant using a small budget.

If you are committed to succeeding and are prepared to listen to the right people, there is no reason why you cannot become a successful consultant.

TipS for inTernal ConSulTanCy

Success in consultancy is as much about managing relationships as content

Of course, for some 'expert' assignments the content is crucial. However, for most it is the building and maintaining

of relationships - particularly between consultant and client - that leads to successful assignments.

What all clients want

each client is different - in the way they see your role, in the level of involvement they wish, and in the sort of results they seek. With experience, one learns to read the situation, adapt, and establish an agreed working relationship. However, the following are common to virtually all clients:

No unexpected surprises - more than anything else, this needs to be the touchstone that governs any consultancy assignment. If anything is going a miss, clients want to know in case it impacts on something else they or others are doing.

A success - It's easy to forget this at times, but almost all clients want a success - it reflects on them just as much as it reflects on you. but how does your client define success?

Clarity and flexibility - They want to be clear what your role is and what you are planning to do, but also expect you to be flexible and able to adapt to changed circumstances. Thus, work to define your role and then stay in it, but be prepared to flex and adapt when needed.

Your interest - They expect you to be interested in their work, their ideas, their people, and the issues they face.

Have a consultancy process

You need to have in mind a consultancy process that you expect to progress through, as a game-plan for both yourself and the client. Not just because it is tidy but because it helps you to manage the client relationship. The one that we use envisages an assignment as progressing through five broad stages:

Entry - where one builds the initial relationship with the client and carries out an initial survey or scoping to establish what the assignment is about, what it should aim to achieve, the likely time and effort required, and possible risks and difficulties.

Contracting - where one agrees with the client what the task is, what the consultant's role is, and how it should be tackled.

Diagnosis - gathering information and ideas to arrive at options and a plan of action

Intervention - taking actions to deliver the results, be it a report or organising the changes.

Withdrawal - ensuring that the client organisation can carry on without you and leaving the ground clear for your future involvement.

This is a general model and you may find it best to amend it to something that suits your own particular work and style. You may need to customise a process for a particular assignment.

on the practice of consulting

The 'Golden Rule' - start with an initial survey or scoping

December 2022 33

The initial meeting between client and consultant is crucial. If the client is in a rush or under pressure, there is a danger that you might be agreeing to a brief, resources and time scales without knowing very much at all about the issues and difficulties. An initial survey followed by a brief proposal and a further meeting, gives both you and the client a much better basis for moving forward.

If you are unsure or wish to change the brief - go back to the client

During the assignment, if you become at all unsure about the brief or feel that it needs to be changed, go back to the client and discuss it. If you feel that way then the likelihood is that the client feels the same. If things are deviating from what the client expects - tell them. What they want most of all is no unexpected surprises. Be organised

If you are acting as a consultant, the client expects that you will be professional. To maintain that image, you do need to be well organised. If you start to make errors or miss meetings, then that image will be eroded. Plan and project manage your assignment well.

Managing expectations is key When assignments do start to flounder, in most cases it is because a mis-match develops between the clients expectations and the consultants plans and activities. This is why in many assignments, regular stock-takes, perhaps by note or phone, are needed. Get connected and stay connected

If you want to get and retain the client's confidence and respect, you need to convince them that you are connected - that you understand their world. Some key pointers are:

N get to know the client's business so that you understand their pressures, concerns and priorities; N be aware of other projects going on so that you have a similar context to them;

N try to keep connected with the daily happenings in the team e.g. concerns and priorities.

Consciously build your own reputation with the client

The more respect that the client has for you and your work, the more impact you will have and the more they will ask you to input. It also means that at the end you can withdraw to return.

learning to read Situations

If managing relationships is the key to success in consulting, then it is the behaviour and interpersonal skills of the consultant that make that happen. All really

skilled consultants have excellent interpersonal skills. They need them in order to:

• read situations

• build empathy with clients and others

• gain the trust and respect of those they are working with

• facilitate meetings

• influence others

• tailor communications to suit the audience

• predict peoples' reactions

• avoid or get out of difficult situations

These skills - listening, observing, questioning, challenging, influencing, negotiating - are fundamental to good consulting and can all be developed through training and experience. They form a key element of our consultancy skills training.

a bout you as a consultant

Where is your consulting 'comfort zone'?

Your comfort zone is the style that you are personally most comfortable with. For some it is 'process consulting', for others 'facilitation', for yet others it is 'expert advice'. We can all flex and operate outside of this comfort zone - but only within limits. What is your comfort zone and what are the limits?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Planning, organising, interpersonal skills, creativity? Identify them and then major on your strengths and start to develop to remedy your weaknesses. What is your organisational role?

Internal consultants often have a dual role. They consult but they are part of a group with functional responsibilities which carry a monitoring accountability e.g. internal audit. Such dual roles can make uneasy bed fellows and confuse both you and the client.

Consultancy ethics

And finally - consultancy can be a seductive role. One can be in a situation of having influence and knowledge far beyond what people in the client's team have. Some consultants can be tempted to misuse this. but as a consultant you do need a set of ethics to work to.

If a client invites you into their operation to help them, they have the right to expect that you:

N respect the client's knowledge

N be careful not to be over-prescriptive or judgemental

N respect confidentiality

N Avoid becoming involved in the internal politics

N remain in the role that the client expects you to fulfil.

December 2022 34
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EntrEprEnEurship by HealtHcare consultancy

operations & ManageMent

A consultant is a knowledge worker. Therefore the first thing you need to ensure is that you have a sound educational background in your area of practice. In many areas of consultancy practice you also need to acquire a professional certification in your field.

The fundamental law of entrepreneurship is – What is good for the Business is Good for me. The entrepreneur think differently. They have historically been known as 'risk takers'. You should go out and reach for the stars.

Setting Goals

Good management is the key to success and good management starts with setting goals. Set goals for yourself for the accomplishment of the many tasks necessary in starting and managing your business successfully. Be specific. Write down the goals in

December 2022 36
Siddhant Sharma Chief Controller & Asst. Professor - GIHM Six Sigma Star Healthcare (P) Ltd. New Delhi

measurable terms of performance. Break major goals down into sub-goals, showing what you expect to achieve in the next two to three months, the next six months, the next year, and the next five years. Beside each goal and sub-goal place a specific date showing when it is to be achieved.

Plan the action you must take to attain the goals. While the effort required to reach each sub-goal should be great enough to challenge you, it should not be so great or unreasonable as to discourage you. Do not plan to reach too many goals all at one time. Establish priorities.

Plan in advance how to measure results so you can know exactly how well you are doing. This is what is meant by 'measurable' goals. If you can’t keep score as you go along you are likely to lose motivation. Re-work your plan of action to allow for obstacles which may stand in your way. Try to foresee obstacles and plan ways to avert or minimise them.

Getting Started

b efore starting out, list your reasons for wanting to go into business. Some of the most common reasons for starting a business are:

c You want to be your own boss.

c You want financial independence.

c You want creative freedom.

c You want to fully use your skills and knowledge.

c Do I have any hobbies or interests that are marketable?

Then you should identify the niche your business will fill. Conduct the necessary research to answer these questions:

c What business am I interested in starting?

c What services or products will I sell?

c Is my idea practical, and will it fill a need?

c What is my competition?

c What is my business's advantage over existing firms?

c can I deliver a better quality service?

c can I create a demand for my business?

The final step before developing your plan is the pre-business checklist. You should answer these questions:

c What skills and experience do I bring to the business?

c What will be my legal structure?

c How will my company's business records be maintained?

c What insurance coverage will be needed?

c What equipment or supplies will I need?

c How will I compensate myself?

c What are my resources?

c What financing will I need?

c Where will my business be located?

c What will I name my business?

Your answers will help you create a focused, wellresearched business plan. that should serve as a blueprint. It should detail how the business will be

o What do I like to do with my time?

o What technical skills have I learned or developed?

o What do others say I am good at?

c Will I have the support of my family?

c How much time do I have to run a successful business?

December 2022 37
Next you need to determine what business is 'right for you.' Ask yourself these questions
"I'm sailing away, set an open course for the virgin sea
I've got to be free, free to face the life that's ahead of me
On board, I'm the captain, so climb aboard We'll search for tomorrow on every shore
And I'll try, oh Lord, I'll try to carry on" ("Come Sail Away")

operated, managed and capitalised.

One of the most important cornerstones of starting a business is the business plan. Once you have completed your business plan, review it with a friend or business associate. When you feel comfortable with the content and structure, make an appointment to review and discuss it with your banker. The business plan is a flexible document that should change as your business grows.

A consultant is a knowledge worker. Therefore the first thing you need to ensure is that you have a sound educational background in your area of practice. In many areas of consultancy practice you also need to acquire a professional certification in your field. Each profession would have its own requirement for certification. The national nodal professional body for your profession will provide the necessary information in this regard.

A consultant is a person who works by selling their specialist knowledge. So you need to make sure

you have this knowledge and have the propensity and appetite to develop it as the industry it serves changes. You may also need to acquire a professional qualification or certification. So make sure you have the requisite bits of paper. As soon as you do quit your job you will need to figure out your own balance between the time you spend marketing and the time you spend delivering. If you are delivering a lot then you will have little time for marketing. Don't neglect this or else when you run out of work to deliver there will be nothing in the future.

H OW I m PORTA n T IS HA n DS O n E x PERIE nc E f OR A START u P ?

Can you learn to drive a car by reading the instruction manual?

While it is possible to think the big things through by going to a research stint, it gives little experience with the tactical skills and in dealing with ground realities. It is possible from a research perspective to come up with sound strategies and business ideas; but you may get severely hampered when it comes to actually implementing them. There is no denying that fact that you need a few years of hands on experience where you hone not only your technical skills, but also the people issues within the organisation and outside


Any business, including consultancy practice, is fraught with uncertainties. You may need to take decisions regarding issues beyond your immediate area of expertise. You will be buffeted by changing business realities due to myriad reasons, such as, competition, obsolescence, business cycles, regional and global geo-politics, and many more. To guide you through this jungle it is prudent to adopt a seasoned mentor. Ideally, he is a person whose professional background and expertise is from your area of consultancy practice, he has hands on experience in running a company and has a wide network of professional contacts. Adopt him, use him as a sounding board, treat him as your friend, philosopher and guide.

Entrepreneurial Thought Processes Entrepreneurs think differently. The life of an entrepreneur is one of seeking and seizing opportunity. They have historically been known as risk takers. Learning to think in an entrepreneurial way could allow you to stay one step ahead of the competition, whether it be in your business or with other aspects of your life.

You should go out and reach for the stars. While you may not be successful in plucking one, you won't come

December 2022 38
Any business, including consultancy practice, is fraught with uncertainties. You may need to take decisions regarding issues beyond your immediate area of expertise.

up with a handful of mud either. It is a painful thing to start on your own. A 9 - 5 job gives a sense of security alright. But that security is given to you by those who take risks. And when you give that kind of security to others, the feeling is hard to describe. makes you a humble and a fuller being.

Business Development

Once you are through with the initial phase of the startup, you need to focus on the business development aspect of your consultancy practice.

A very important part of starting or growing a business is making contacts and creating a web of resources for your company. creating both personal and professional bonds with other people is critical and could open doors for a budding consultant. To do this one could try to find common ground with new acquaintances and make some sort of connection with them. Always having business cards on hand and using them as a way to casually exchange phone numbers. One should try to go to as many social and business functions as possible. making contacts is crucial to the future success of your business.

Some suggestions for doing this are: make a list of individuals that you would like to meet. Then determine your common interests. Think of every possible connection you could have with these people. Are your children at the same middle school? Do you belong to the same religious/ social organisation? Are you both members of a certain club? Will they be attending an

upcoming industry conference? Try to find the common link that will create a casual and relaxed first meeting. Once you do have the opportunity to meet, make a note of the place you met and the discussion you had. Pay attention to their interests and things that are important to them, whether they are business oriented or personal. It is appropriate to touch base with them or extend an invitation to some sort of gathering once every six months, just to keep the lines of communication open. To help you in your effort it could be useful to use a contact management program such as m S Outlook or Act! that allows you to keep updated information on contacts. These programs will also allow you to create notes on each individual and record your discussions. creating a personal relationship with these individuals is the way to gain their trust and business. Keeping in touch with people is the way to maintain professional and personal relationships and the best way to promote your practice.

You never know how helpful the web of relationships could be to you in the future.


While you are contemplating at starting a consultancy practice, you may use these ideas to help you develop your thoughts. However, you must remember that each business is unique and there is no pre-defined roadmap for success. Ultimately, your convictions based on your unique experience, training, background and opportunities are the best guide. best of luck!

December 2022 39
December 2022 40 PGDHHM BeabovetheMBBS,BAMS,BDS,B.Pharma&ParaMedicals. (Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare Management) Global Institute of Healthcare Management (GIHM) Delhi Start your Career with GIHM and Enrol in


The hospital industry in India is growing at a rapid pace and is expected to touch USD 133 billion by 2023. The healthcare industry in general is expected to reach USD 372 billion by 2022. Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors both in terms of revenue and employment. This rapid growth in this industry has resulted in great demand for healthcare managers who can work in settings like hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and community health organisations. Healthcare administrators are involved in efficiently running patient care services. They also play a strategic role in planning, coordinating and supervising the functions of healthcare facilities and the staff who work there. To fulfil this role, they require in-depth understanding of both healthcare policies and administration.

The PG Diploma in Hospital and Healthcare management (PGDHHm) is a course that will provide the student with managerial skills essential for planning and administering healthcare services. The student will learn how to operationally manage the clinical and support services in a hospital by practical experience (e.g. Hospital/Departmental visits, cases etc). The course will also provide the students practical tips of implementing quality and accreditation standards in the healthcare settings. Students will also learn about medical laws and regulations governing healthcare services in India and the role of insurance in healthcare.

This course will prepare the students for administrative and managerial roles in the hospital sector. Successful students may find job opportunities across the spectrum of healthcare services such as small and large clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and medical colleges. In addition, opportunities exist in allied industries like health insurance, medical KPOs, pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

WHy HosPitAl AnD HeAltHcAre MAnAGeMent

Hospital and Healthcare management is a recession free and challenging profession. Hospital administration is one of the most competitive and challenging careers you can embark on and one of the most rewarding. Hospital administration is concerned with planning, organising, staffing, coordinating, controlling and evaluating health services for the community to provide maximum patient care of superior quality at low cost. Hospital administrator is responsible for overall management of the hospital and healthcare services. Hospital administrator are in great demand, In fact, they are the most sought after professionals in healthcare sector today. Hospitals are becoming a highly scientific and complex medical centres and are becoming hub of whole system of healthcare. medical sector is becoming increasingly competitive and capital intensive the need for managing hospitals has become even more acute.

The hospital administrator plays a vital a role in saving lives, without having to take scalpel in hand. The growth of healthcare service sector has increased the need for management professionals to manage hospitals affairs. Hospital management has become the need of the hour today. Healthcare is the world's largest and fastest growing industry. According to WHO : The value of the Indian healthcare industry is estimated at 2.7 trillion. The industry is growing at a fast rate of 13% per annum. The private sector accounts for nearly 88% of the total healthcare market in India while the public sector accounts for the rest.

eliGibility criteriA for PGDHHM

For obtaining admission to the PGDHHm course, the student should have a bachelor's degree either in the medical or dental field.. There is no age limit as part of the PGDHHm eligibility criteria.

WHo sHoulD Pursue A PGDHHM course?

Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health management course is a postgraduate course which involves a combination of management and health science. This course gives the knowledge of scientific aspects to manage the materials and communicate with the people.

Those aspirants who are ready to attain knowledge about how to challenge their everyday problems in healthcare management and are interested in the field of managing, and administrating the healthcare system course.

December 2022 41

WHen to Do PGDHHM course?

The students can pursue PGDHHm course in India after completing graduation from either the medical/ dental or any field.

HoW to Get ADMission for PGDHHM?

Those candidates who want to apply for the Post Graduate Diploma Hospital Health management program should have completed graduation.

HoW to APPly?

The applications for the PGDHHm course are accessible in both online and offline modes. For the online process, the students need to go through the GIHm website and for the offline process, the students need to visit the GIHm office.

candidates applying for the PGDHHm program should have all the necessary documents such as graduation degree and ID verification.

tyPes of PGDHHM courses

PGDHHm course is a very popular course that can be pursued. many colleges provide the benefits of doing this course in any of the three modes i.e Full-time, Part-time, and Distance education, but you get 100% placement assurance from GIHm, Delhi

full-tiMe PGDHHM

The full-time PGDHHm program is typically for one year, where students will have to attend classes in person, submit assignments, and write their exams on-campus. The advantage of a full-time PGDHHm course is that students will gain a lot more exposure, experience and knowledge through direct interaction with their peers and faculty.


The part-time PGDHHm course is designed for students who cannot attend regular classes. The parttime course is all about having a different schedule, few assignments, alternative classes, and much more benefits. A part-time course is very useful for students who are working professionals or a job person.


PGDHHm distance education is specially designed to take the online study benefits of the best-featured colleges which are too far. The students who are doing job responsibilities can take admitted to this course.

Job AsPects, 100% PlAceMent AssistAnce by GiHM

• Dean and Director of Hospital/Medical Colleges

• Healthcare Manager

• Hospital Administrator

• Medical Superintendent

• Medical Director

• Quality Manager etc.

December 2022 42

Formerly at :

Uppal Neuro Hospital- Amritsar

Parekhs Hospital - Ahmedabad

Aryan Hospital - Gurugram

Columbia Asia Hospital

Paras Hospital - Gurugram

Alumni : GIHM - Delhi

Symbiosis Healthcare - Pune

I am sharing my experience of my Hospital & Healthcare management journey with GIHm, Delhi & Six Sigma star Healthcare Pvt. Ltd delhi.

As we all are aware HeALTH IS reAL WeALTH, WITHOUT HeALTH NO ONe cAN LIVe A beTTer LIFe IN THIS WOrLD. behind every Developing country, there is always Healthy Peoples of that country to make economically strong of their Nations.

There is no second chance in healthcare.One mistake can cost of one life. We need trained manpower to manage all departments in hospital.

New diseases burden is increasing day by day. New Hospitals are opening day by day & working 24*7 & 365 days.NO HOLIDAYS in healthcare. every Patient demand better Quality Healthcare facilities & to manage these facilities we need Hospital & Healthcare management peoples. That’s why I came into this field.

I did my graduation & Post Graduation in Hospital management from GIHm.The best thing was,Here I got the opportunity to visit, Learn & Get practical exposure in many Hospitals- . I visited in Jammu, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Dehradun, bhopal,Keral - 40 + hospitals during my student journey with the GIHm all over India. Then I got the placement in third year of my graduation in Uppal Neuro hospital, Amritsar, I worked there as manager and learn so many things like how the hospital departments functions like OT, IcU,IPD & OPD, Hr DePArTmeNT, PHArmAcY mANAGemeNT, LAb & rADIOLOGY mANAGemeNT , emerGeNcY DePArTmeNT mANAGemeNT etc. many more departments.

HOSPITAL mANAGemeNT is best course, I recommend if anyone wants to do something new, challenging & work as ceO, cOO, HOSPITAL mANAGer, QUALITY mANAGer then you can come in this field & GLObAL HOSPITAL & HeALTHcAre mANAGemeNT INSTITUTe, Delhi is a best & Top institute in India.This is great platform to start a new journey.

myself sapna, working as a Nursing superintendent in Khetarpal Hospital, bali Nagar, New Delhi-110015 from last 4 years .

I started my career from moolchand medicity as a GNm Student Nurse from 20102014.

Firstly I joined Action bala Ji hospital as a casuality staff nurse in 2014-2015.

Then I joined in 2015 to 2016 Jaipur golden hospital ,rohini as a emergency nurse as well as infection control nurse . In this period I completed my post basic Nursing from SGT University gurugram.

Then I started my mbA-HA from GIHm and six Sigma given me a opportunity to grow myself and I converted myself from staff nurse to Admin level and I was gained my experience and confidence level.

Then I gone to AbrOL meDIcAL ceNTre , GUrDASPUr and Dr. KArAm SINGH memOrIAL HOSPITAL, AmrITSAr as a manager-Quality from 2016-2017 approx 1.5 years.

And I joined in Nursing again in 2019 to till now because I love nursing and my nursing profession is my passion and that work I do from my choice, and also love to care needful patients .

And after that I started my P.hd under guidence with Dr. PrADeeP bHArDWAJ sir .

I shared my total experience till now and I thank Dr. Pradeep bhardwaj for helping me and improve me.

Also want to say that GIHm courses is good and beneficial to improving self and organisation quality and self confidence level.

Formerly at :

Action Bala Ji - New Delhi

Jaipur Golden Hospital - Delhi

Abrol Medical Centre - Punjab

Dr. Karam Singh Memorial Hospital - Punjab

Alumni : GIHM - Delhi

December 2022 44
Kamaldeep Quality Manager Artemis Hospital, Gurugram Sapna Nursing superintendent Khetarpal Hospital, New Delhi
ReviewS fRom GiHm Alumni

Highlands, High Spirits, High Adventure

A hiSToriCAl overTUre

food. In search of India from the west, columbus had discovered the continent of America spurring later generations to explore for over four centuries more.

The spirit of adventure-reawakened from the late fifteenth century-spurred exploration, to find ‘new lands’, resources and wealth that led to conquests and colonisation, and establishing of empires by european countries. This, linked with the renaissance and the industrial revolution, enabled the western nations to amass reservoirs of wealth, pools of talent and, to be a fountainhead of enterprise, knowledge and institutions of learning; a summation of all aspirations and endeavour, achievements and destiny of mankind. Also a factor in the drift, rise and, the fall of nations.

Indians were aware of these since the Vedic age, many millennia earlier and had moved in their quest to ascertain the origin of holy rivers and lakes of the continent, with a longing to be one with the maker. The geography and terrain of India are such that a few countries in the world can match in variety, extent and scope of adventure. This subcontinent, a largest country peninsula, an abode of high mountains, a host of perenial rivers and lakes, with vast stretches of deserts, and evergreen forests of the north-east; and its coastal lands, with a few archipelago too, has beckoned the adventurist to its soil, since time immemorial. Accordingly the vast expanse of this land is traversed to the hilt by the adventurers.

The description of adventure is not complete without highlighting the toils and triumphs of the countrymen during earlier centuries. Under the colonial yoke they were significantly active. And the pioneer explorers of an earlier era, studying the facets of eastern culture returned to their hearth in europe, to narrate amazing matters; one being the use of ‘rock that burnt’ to cook

At about the same time medieval science and technology too were proliferating. New trade routes on land and maritime were explored and channeled on, to reach new destinations, vast distance away. Artists and thinkers had conjured designs of machines to give flight to man. The pursuit of adventure would be better understood by the interaction of the adventurer with the elements, prominently the aero, aqua, and the terra (pyros and cosmos excluded).

Aero, The enlivening elemenT man’s urge to fly is as old as civilisation permits us to recollect. The oldest existing and accepted flying apparatus is the ornithopter, designed by Leonardoda-Vinci in the late 15th century, as in a drawing at right. even the greatest of former explorers could only visit a few of the world famous locations of learning and religion, or of art and architecture. Up to the end eighteenth century, numerous contraptions were configured; illustrations of aerial cars existed in Venice depicting the thought process of flight of man. Finally, the Wright brothers broke this bondage of man with earth in

their historic flight of December, 1903. In 1919, the Trans continental micro light team flying from Australia to england, brought the fliers to India. This motivated enthusiasts then to found an aero institute here. Hence the Aero club the first flying institute was established in 1927, even before the raising of the Indian Air Force in 1932.

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AqUA, The endeAring elemenT

man has been wanderer since the time this restless species originated on earth. He followed the migration of animals that took him to new lands, fled from hostile tribes, and encroaching glaciers. However when land finished and vast expanses of rivers and oceans confronted the man, no animal trail was to be followed. Then began man’s interaction with water to reach

The most famous, Alexander the Great engaged the Indian King, Paurav (Porus), on the banks of the Jhelum, in 325 bc. All along, trade of goods, and exchange of culture continued on the Spice route i.e. the maritime Silk route; also the Indian Ocean maritime System. In 1498, Ahmed bin majid, the Gujarati navigator piloted the caravel of Vasco-da-Gama from malindi on the coast of Africa through the Ocean to calicut, opening India to the west.

In modern times mihir Sen had excelled in 1950s by swimming across the Gibraltar Sea and Palk Strait, the english channel and Panama canal, when the nation was nascent and achievements at inter- national level were but a few. These were enhanced later by the feats of ms bula choudhary in 1980s. Truly this is an endearing element

TerrA, The enriChing elemenT

And finally terra, the land; the mother earth, on which has thrived all life. The search and exploration of all of the continents; the marking and mapping of different lands and people was completed only a century ago. Land, rather the highlands, predominantly the Himalaya and other mountain ranges truly bring out the best distant destinations. The archaeological survey and revolutionised DNA research is concluding that the first europeans sailed westwards in the Atlantic Ocean some 17,000 years ago to reach the American continent. Here they met with tribes that had travelled overseas and land from Asia 3000 years earlier, long before the last ice age. The adventurers were ahead, even prehistorically. History’s first recorded voyage into unknown seas was a four years expedition from egypt to the mysterious land of Puntus in 2,500 bc to obtain incense and myrrh, gold, ebony and pygmies. India’s ancient civilisation had an ongoing trade with this land called Vaivasvatapuri. How extensive this overseas trade in the proto-historic period was, can be gauged from the fact that ivory rods produced at Lothal, Gujarat, reached as far as rasShamara on the north Syrian coast at the close of the third millennium bc

Then from the early second millennium bc, the myceneans, Dorians, and the Ionians became maritime powers with colonies stretching across the mediterranean, encompassing the Greeks’ epic war at Hellespont with Troy, narrated by Homer in the Iliad over 400 years later; confirmed by excavation of ruins in the 1870s.

in performance; both of individuals and in team work. The challenges beget companionship; the fear encourages closeness; and the dangers bind the adventurers even closer. This element also facilitates the merger of activities; those conducted in other media - gravitational force being omnipresent. All of these are spread over the length of the book.

December 2022 47

inTegrATing of AdvenTUre wiTh The elemenTS

Initially the Aero club began aero adventure with gliding over the Safdarjung Airfield by gliders in 1930s. The frame of aircraft then was wooden. This was improved and made of aluminum alloy by mid last century. Thereafter carbon fibre had been effective in streamlining its body. The quest for greater heights had stirred imagination to facilitate the same.

In aqua adventure at present windsurfing, white water rafting, kayaking, sailing, scuba diving, and many such pre-dominate the scene. A new blue water sailing node had been established at marve by 2006. The Adventure Wing, the apex body conducting adventure has nine training nodes of aqua adventure along swift rivers, and golden beaches. many ranks have represented the country in international meets and regattas, in rafting and sailing, in mountain terrain biking and sport climbing.

The eArly SUrveyS, mAPPing And TrAde

The early survey and mapping of the region had begun in 1770s. This had commenced with the earliest map of bengal. In 1774 and again in 1779, the Governor-General Warren Hastings despatched the state secretary and explorer George bogle to Shigatse. Up in the north, the lands of the meeting of vast kingdoms and empires of russia and china were to be confirmed. Here since 1773, Purangir Gosain, a


countries lying to the north between Lhasa and Siberia. While Purangir had moved and affected his mission, bogle and Turner reached nowhere near Lhasa. Hastings then decided to try what could not be done by european channels. Purangir, recently commended to the Lama establishment was to represent the company in October 1784, and thus led an adventure of Indian travellers. At the time this was the only non-european trading caravan that proceeded to Tibet through bhutan and returned after good trade in gold dust and silver, wool and musk. He was the first known Indian adventurer tasked and accomplished beyond Indian frontiers.

The ideA of remoTe inTeriorS

The surveyors were curious to ascertain the origins of great rivers such as the Ganges, brahmaputra, and Indus, which travellers’ tales had hitherto described as lakes in the high mountains bringing their tribute to the plains, and their course of

local, was employed as organiser and interpreter in the court of Warren Hastings. He went as far as accompanying the Tashi Lama of Shigatse on his march to Peking (now beijing), in 1774, and returned via mansarovar to deliver results in his capacity in all matters.

December 2022 48
1783 Warren Hastings sent his own assistant/ aide, captain Samuel Turner, as emissary to the fourth Panchen Lama, to question the natives about the

flow depicted in a north-south direction. colonel robert colebrooke, the Surveyor General of bengal in 1794 was anxious to despatch teams to the sources, and the first one set out in 1807. but the funds available were meagre and they could only make short excursions up the Ganges and Yamuna. The rivers there, lands and lakes above, holy as heavens, beckoned the Indians. These included reconnoitre and confirmation of rivers and lakes such as the Ganges, the Yamuna, the mansarovar; the rediscovery of the Ajanta and the ellora caves, the Nainital and Darjeeling, Dalhousie and the Amarnath cave even. With so much geographical knowledge gained, the vision was widened to cover the vast unsurveyed lands between Yarkand, Turkistan and Ladakh. Here most prominent were Nain Singh, Kishen Singh and Kinthup.

exPlorATion by indiAnS

The locals also brought the british closest to Lhasa, the most intriguing destination of the nineteenth century; the quest to get to which was on, since the ships first sailed in on to the shores of the largest peninsula. Known as ‘chain men’ and ‘pundits’, the first ones, mohamed-i-Hamid, mirzaShuja (the mirza), and Hyder Shah (the Havildar) operated in Afghanistan and, central Asia. In 1865, pundit munphool moved around badakshan and collected information on russian

to have retentive memory, operate various survey instruments, develop the ability to walk at high altitudes and observe with a geographer’s eye. These early adventurers and explorers ventured into the unknown with little more than beads on a string to tell their paces. but their surveys were astonishingly very accurate.

The career of Kishen Singh continued. After exploring the Pamir region from 1873, he returned to Takla makan. Thereafter in 1878 he left the frozen frontiers for a four year trek encompassing Lhasa and the western china. He was arrested twice, in china and in Tibet as only miscreants travelled at that time of the year, as per Tibetan authority. The caravan with which he travelled was robbed, and more than once he barely survived, but returned to India having travelled 4,765 km on foot with details about lands outside of chinese national borders and the Outer mongolia that had never before been chartered. His records of foot measures over long distances later proved to be extremely accurate.

Kinthup’s toil of dropping marked logs of wood, though belatedly in YarlungTsangpo river in Tibet to be recognised in Dibrugarh, Assam, saw the light of the day thirty years later, in subsequent century, when other information poured in and fitted as pieces of jigsaw puzzle to confirm this only illiterate explorer’s efforts from

political and military matters of the entire region. Later Hari ram surveyed 14,800 sq km of Tibet. The contributions of Nain Singh rawatKishen Singh and, Kinthup were immense.

Nain went to Lhasa and traversed the country between mongolia in the north-west to Assam in the east; travelling through Tawang in the east, to Ladakh in the west, central and high Asia up to the Oxus river beyond the russian Frontier in the 'Golden Age' of exploration; from 1865 to 1885. For two years he was coached in this craft, trained

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1881 to 1884, and narration from memory, that the brahmaputra was none other than that river of Tibetan origin.

His odyssey of getting sold in slavery, later imprisonment and, escape from hostile tribes to confirm the river’s origin and course of flow was recognised only by the next generation of surveyors and was honoured shortly before his demise in 1914.

The survey and confirmation of the wildest and the least explored region of the Tsangpo conducted by him where the river surges through the world’s deepest gorges, plunging more than 3000 m thrice deeper than colorado’s Grand canyon is at present limited to the faded files of the Survey of India, no longer relevant in satellite era. It remains a saga of agony and passion, of travails and triumphs.

The odysseys of others as Hari ram, Kalyan Singh, Sarat chand Das and Hyder Shah (the Havildar) among many, continued for long. mirzaShuja (the mirza), had provided most valuable information of the central Asian plains, steppes and mountains all the way from the Oxus river, over the Pamirs, through the Kashgar and Yarkand, onto the Karakoram Pass and into India, in his sojourn of 1867-1868. muhammad (the mullah) later traced the course of the Indus and its tributaries. Yarkand’s location was confirmed by mohamed-i-Hameed earlier, but sadly he didn’t return to see Leh and the results of his survey. Tragically the mirza and his son-in-law were murdered by their own guides while asleep on the second trip, in 1872. Intrigue and suspicion, betrayal and deception worked well even then.

reCogniTionS And AwArdS

To surmise, the lives of Nain Singh and the adventurers paraphrased the entire struggle for power in the plains of India and through the crucial and strategic plateaus, rivers and valleys of Tibet, Himalaya and the Hindu Kush. In 1877 Nain received the royal Geographic Society’s gold medal, the first Indian ever and the only one before twenty first century for his great journeys, surveys of Tibetan gold-fields, and mapping of lakes and rivers. For a meagre pay of rs 20/- per month they risked life; ascertaining the flow of Tsangpo river and confirmed its course from changthang to Siang, merging with brahamaputra. They confirmed the position of Lhasa by

mapping the entire region. The government’s reward was land and revenue for it all. In the summer of 1891, yet another pundit, Atma ram counted steps on beads, this time guiding Lieutenant Hamilton bower and medical officer captain WG Thorold from Kashmir, Ladakh en-route to Lhasa. Three days short of the destination, they were turned back, with Atma ram having brought two british officers closest to the periphery of the most intriguing city then.

SUbSeqUenT geogrAPhiC ConfirmATionS

As the sun set on the nineteenth century, these adventurers and explorers had confirmed the northern and north-western, eastern and the north-eastern limits of the frontiers. It was known by then that, the Sutlej in emanating from Tibet, pierced the border range of mountains within seven kilometres of Leo Pargial, the highest peak of this region; the Indus when turning through the great Himalayan region passed within 22 km of Nanga Parbat, the highest point of the Punjab Himalaya, the Hunza river cut through the Kailash range within fifteen kilo- metres of rakaposhi the supreme point of the range. In 1903 the Tsangpo from Tibet was finally determined to have curled round the base of point of highest altitude, Namcha barwa, to cut through the Assam Himalaya and flow as the brahmaputra in India.

Other expeditions led by british officers were composed mainly of Indian surveyors. Lieutenant Lewis’ expedition into the miri areas of the Subansiri Valley included surveyors like Yamuna Prasad and mohammad Nabi besides the khalasis, the local porters and camp followers.

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The qUeST ConTinUeS

The surveyors in expeditions were hard pressed for time in most difficult terrains. In 1913, captain HT morshead had established that Subansiri river, now Lohit, did cut through the high range and had its origin further north in a stream, charchu, which Nain Singh had discovered more than thirty years earlier. Narayan Singh and Zahur Ali, in the late 1920s and 1930s, toiled deep in the unsafe Naga Hills of burma; where political and government writ was not law, and headhunting was a common indulgence of Nagas. Their exploits however are still very less known and hence less appreciated. On the merit of extant, they deserve to be counted among the greatest and bracketed with the most daring of explorers of history such as Grant and Livingston.

the present, his grandson, late Harish chand rawat was to scale everest on 29 may 1965, from the south-east ridge. This spark of adventure, on since the late eighteenth century is alive today, over two hundred years later, stoking the same flames, and leading the present generation of adventurists to scale the ‘eight thousanders’ (the 8000 m peaks) annually, trek the geographical poles, dive the deep seas and explore space - the cosmos.

The SPiriT of AdvenTUre doeS noT diminiSh wiTh Time.

All of the above has been narrated to bring out the spirit of adventure of these personnel of the Indian Army since the late eighteenth century. They were the ancestors of the present day adventurers; of the same Survey of India whose reps today map the Arctic and the Antarctic. A few important matters merit the attention of the reader. recently Dr Shekhar Pathak and Dr Uma bhatt had brought out a biography of Nain Singh together with three of his diaries and the royal Geographic Society articles about his travels, in three volumes titled 'Asia ki Peeth Par', published by Pahir Naini Tal. This had been a belated but befitting tribute to Nain Singh rawat, the unsung hero.

After all, the location by latitude, longitude and altitude of Lhasa was first confirmed by Nain Singh; the brahmaputra to be the Tsangpo river in Tibet by Kinthup; the tallest mountain by radhanath Sikdar, and the Dudhkoshi Nala Valley leading to the Solo Khumbu to finally attain everest; by the Surveyor, Natha Singh. And the map makers relied on the cartography created by the pundits since mid-nineteenth century.

Kishen Singh’s demise in February 1921, marked the close of a romantic chapter of not only survey by Indians but of Asiatic exploration. A century after his toil and over a generation before

It was also learnt during research that in mid-2004, an Indian postage stamp featuring Nain Singh was issued to commemorate his role in the Great Trigonometric Survey. Due to the clandestine nature of their work and because they were 'Spy explorers' their works never gained the recognition due for such important feats. Also as these 'Spy explorers' worked for the british, postindependence their works were not given due recognition. The clandestine nature of their work made such important discoveries look unpatriotic. This is the only reason their accomplishments faded from public memory. but in the ‘Survey’ at Dehra Dun, and at the Indian mountaineering Foundation (ImF), where exploratory works are still recognised in awards made after their names, they are still revered.

even today, after sixty years of modernisation, Tibet, that mysterious land can still be profitably viewed through the eyes of those early explorers. Their explorations are still the window to Tibet and central Asia and high Himalaya, and remain a source of inspiration for those possessed with such zeal. sshc

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2. Stick to simple meals. easy, quick, and painless—this may sound like pre-packaged, processed food, but there are many healthy meals you can make in no time. make a sweet potato in the microwave, spread some peanut butter and banana on whole wheat bread, or sauté some chicken on the stovetop. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated!

3. Get your protein. Loading up on protein helps you stay fuller longer. High-calorie foods like potato chips and granola bars pack less of a punch than protein-filled ones when it comes to revving up your metabolism and staying full. Yogurt, jerky, pumpkin seeds, or deli meat roll ups are great, protein-rich snacks that are easy and portable.

NutritioN tipS

1. Don’t think of it as a diet. The most effective way to improve the way you eat is by thinking of it as a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. This may sound daunting, but when you think of your diet as fuel for your life goals—whether they are professional, fitness, or personal ones—it can seem a little easier. making healthy eating a priority will give you energy and keep you motivated when you’re on the go.

4. Snack for satisfaction. Sometimes last minute schedule changes will keep you out later than usual. Keep snacks with you for those kinds of situations, so that getting home late doesn’t mean overcompensating with a huge dinner. eat when you’re slightly hungry, and stop when you’re satisfied.

5. Reap the benefits of breakfast. Think you can blow off breakfast? Think again.

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breakfast’s benefits don’t just come from morning meals that take a long time to prepare. A quick, nutritious meal in the morning will boost both your mental and physical efficiency, which will save you time and effort later.

Workout tipS

6. Make less into more. Ditch the long slog and try short bursts instead. Interval training, like bike or treadmill sprints or Tabata-style bodyweight workouts, will give you more bang for your buck. In a short amount of time, high intensity exercises like these boost your calorie burn throughout the day—for a time commitment of as little as 15 minutes.

7. Keep things interesting. Doing the same workout every day can get tedious and decrease your motivation. Try taking a class, doing some yoga, or hitting the weights if you usually run or ride the bike—or vice-versa. Switching up your routine helps maximize your workout results and makes it easy to get excited for something new.

8. Avoid staying sedentary. Do some stretches during a conference call, park farther away, or get off the bus one stop earlier. A study shows that a lunchtime walk “can perceptibly—and immediately— buoy people’s moods and ability to handle stress at work.” Adding a few extra steps to your routine can actually put a pep in all your steps.

9. Plan it out.

When you’re coming from a day full of decision making, having to choose between weight training and aerobics can add to the stress. Planning your workout ahead of time helps you focus on fitness. When you’re finished, you’ll feel strong and accomplished!

10. Anything is better than nothing. realistically, squeezing in even 30 minutes of exercise each day is close to impossible for many. remembering that fitness is accomplished in little efforts—the 10 minutes before your morning shower, or the sliver of time before bed, will help you achieve those health and fitness goals. YouTube has tons of quick exercise videos for all levels, so you can stay active within any time constraints.

LifeStyLe chaNgeS

11. Start off every day with intention. Try setting a reminder on your phone when you wake up to keep your health and wellness in mind throughout the day. being mindful about your intentions means that you’ll

be less likely to give in to small temptations that add up in the long run.

12. Switch the sound to silent. It’s tempting to scroll through Instagram all evening long or zone out watching a new series. Although it’s second nature—and may even seem relaxing—studies from the National Sleep Foundation show that electronic (and particularly blue) light before bed promotes insomnia and disrupts circadian rhythms. Don’t underestimate the power of getting enough quality sleep! So shut off the phone, turn off the TV, and get some shut-eye for a more productive day tomorrow!

13. Take it one moment at a time. Whether you overdid it on the hors d’oeuvres last night or caved for the cookie during lunchtime, it’s never too late to get back on the wagon! Don’t let those hiccups throw you off track. If you’re working hard every day toward personal or professional growth, you have every right to indulge once in a while. Stay positive, eat your veggies, and try again.

14. Schedule for self-care. Prioritize yourself. carve out 10 minutes in the day for slow stretching, take a power nap, or go for a relaxing walk on your lunch break. Personal wellness is critical to productivity, and a happier you is a more productive you.

15. Don’t be hard on yourself. balance is key. Having a slice of pizza won’t change the fact that you’re living a healthy lifestyle, and sometimes skipping a workout is actually the right thing to do. Don’t overwork yourself and don’t add extra stress to your life by worrying about things you can’t control, like injury or illness. sshc

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Vo l u n t e e r

A p p l i c a t i o n F o r m & U n d e r t a k i n g

l I agree to abide by/adhere to the discipline of the Six Sigma High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations during the High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations failing which I am liable to expulsion.

l In case of accident/injury (including death) I will not hold the Six Sigma High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations partially or wholly responsible.

l I have read the rule and regulations of the Six Sigma High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations and have fully understood the meaning and signicance of the same.

l The above entries have been made by me and are correct to the best of my knowledge of belief.

l Six Sigma High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations will not pay any money for these voluntary services.

l I agree to subject myself to any medical inspection/check needed for performing the voluntary services


l It is certied that the information provided by my son/daughter/wife/myself Mr./ correct.

l I understand that it is a voluntary service and may involve risks of limb/life.

l I also agree that i shall not hold Six Sigma High Altitude Medical Rescue Operations responsible for any mishap/injury (including death) to Mr./ Ms............................................................. and shall not make any claims for compensation.


Signature of Guardian/Parent/Applicant

Note: The risk certicate for applicant below 18 years of age is to be signed by Parents/Guardian and applicant above 18 years can sign himself/herself

for SIX SIGMA HIGH ALTITUDE MEDICAL RESCUE OPERATIONS 1. Name: ................................................................................................... Blood Group : .. 2. Father’s/Husband’s Name: ....................................... 3. Date of Birth: ....................................................................................... Sex : .................................................. 4. Academic Qualication : .................................................................................................................................. 5. Occupation/Profession: ................................................................................................................................... 6. Medical / Surgical Problem (If Any) : ............................................................................................................... 7. Telephone No: .................................................. Mobile No: .................................................. 8. Email Id : ................................................. 9. Address : ..................................................
Self Attested
APRIL-MAY 2022 124

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