3 minute read
Baby Rogers Onesie
Helpful Information
2nd second A, B color A, B, etc. beg begin(ning)(s) CC contrast color cont continu(e)(es)(ing) dec decreas(e)(es)(ing) dec'd decreased dpn double-pointed needle(s) foll follow(ing)(s) inc increase(s) inc'd increased k knit k2tog knit 2 stitches together—1 stitch decreased k3tog knit 3 stitches together —2 stitches decreased kfb knit into front and back of same stitch—1 stitch increased LH left-hand M1R insert left needle from back to front under strand between last stitch worked and next stitch on left needle, knit into front loop to twist stitch—1 stitch increased M1L insert left needle from front to back under strand between last stitch worked and next stitch on LH needle, knit into back loop to twist stitch—1 stitch increased M1P insert left needle from front to back under strand between last st worked and next stitch on LH needle, purl strand through back loop—1 purl stitch increased MC main color p purl p2tog purl 2 stitches together—1 stitch decreased p3tog purl 3 stitches together —2 stitches decreased pfb purl into front and back of same stitch—1 stitch increased pm place marker rem remain(ing)(s) rev reverse RH right-hand rnd(s) round(s) RS right side(s) S2KP slip 2 stitches together as if to knit, knit 1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch —2 stitches decreased SKP slip 1 stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch —1 stitch decreased SK2P slip 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches together, pass slipped stitch over 2 stitches knit together —2 stitches decreased sl slip sm slip marker ssk slip next 2 stitches knitwise one at a time, return slipped stitches to left-hand needle, knit these 2 stitches together—1 stitch decreased sssk slip next 3 stitches knitwise one at a time, insert tip of LH needle into fronts of these stitches and knit them together—2 stitches decreased st(s) stitch(es) St st Stockinette stitch tbl through back loop(s) tog together WS wrong side(s) wyib with yarn in back wyif with yarn in front yo(s) yarnover(s)
Basic BASIC Projects using basic stitches. May include basic increases and decreases.
Complex COMPLEX Projects may include complex stitch patterns, colorwork, and/or shaping using a variety of techniques and stitches simultaneously.
Knitting Needle Sizes
US Metric 0 2mm 1 2.25mm 2 2.75mm 3 3.25mm 4 3.5mm 5 3.75mm 6 4mm 7 4.5mm 8 5mm 9 5.5mm 10 6mm 101/2 6.5mm 11 8mm 13 9mm 15 10mm 17 12.75mm 19 15mm 35 19mm
Get ready to stitch in nostalgic delight
with 24 official knitting patterns from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Included, you’ll find cardigans that recreate various styles worn by Mister Rogers, and with inclusive unisex sizing for adults and versions for children and babies, everyone can have their own! Much more than just sweaters, the entire world of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood has been translated into yarn. Make accessories such as Mr. McFeely’s Speedy Delivery hat, a scarf inspired by the colorful living room curtains, and baby booties just like Mister Rogers’ sneakers. You can even make four different puppets—King Friday, Queen Sara Saturday, X the Owl, and Daniel Striped Tiger—to populate your own Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Multiple toys, such as a miniature Mister Rogers (with changeable shoes), and throw blankets with some of Mister Rogers’ popular sayings bring extra charm. With fun facts, words of wisdom, and photography from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood and Fred Rogers himself, this book is a heartwarming tribute to everyone’s favorite neighbor.
$24.99 US • $32.99 CANADA
ISBN: 978-1-970048-10-0