Sixty40 - Issue 03 - The Stuffed Turkey

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+ The Hollow Cast dvd, exclusive review + Road to somewhere, 2007 Road Warriors + Surfing Hippos + Why bodyboarding is massive and still small as a sport + SA Champs 2007 covered + Bali in a very small nutshell + Wes Fischer in black and white

The “STuffed Turkey” ISSue

November / December / January 2007/08 :: R20 incl vat (south africa only)



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See how inside >> bodyboarding // travel // photography // lifestyle


on the cover

Ian Kruger hoots as Sacha Specker destroys yet another innocent lip mark clark Š

This issue is dedicated to the loving memory of Ivan Friedman, may he rest in peace. Sharyn Roos Š

Gallagher ©

...clockwise from top

>> South African ex-pat Vijay Maharaj puts his hand up in disbelief, probably pit 99 of the day. Australia delivers as always. >> In the green room with Oros, somewhere close to home (Durban). >> Dreamy Kbooms goes unridden. >> SA Champs at Wedge... Justin Lindsey’s ‘friend’ >> 3 Guys out? So good they don’t even bother looking at this empty beauty? Australia once again.

Dcmike ©

Gallagher ©

Mark Clark ©


A love for riding waves...

One thing is for sure, without the ocean I feel as though I am missing a large part of me. I feel slightly hollow when I am away from it for to long and life seems to become far more complicated than it should be for no valid reason. One of the factors that keep me going is that one day soon I will be in the water again, and all the problems in my life will dissolve away with it. We are pirates and will always need the ocean. In this issue we will be covering the Road Warriors Tour that took a crew of riders from Zululand all the way to Cape Town to promote the sport, with a few waves along the way. We tap into the mind of Wes Fischer and check out Indonesia as our World stop. I have also included a sidenote* of praise we recently received from a father of 3 in Cape Town, which proves that we are on the right track, and not stopping for anyone. 6040

Enjoy! Ian Kruger / Managing Editor


* Dear Ian I purchased a copy of your guys’ new mag this morning and must say that I am really impressed by the quality of the photo’s and level that you are at in your second issue. I am a Bodyboarder, although since I have been married, and recently had my third child, I must say that my board has been up on a rack in my garage gathering dust. Every morning when I leave for work, I drive along the beach road from Melkbosstrand eyeing out the swell that is pounding the coast, and mind surfing the perfection that we in the Western Cape take for granted. Having three kids in itself poses many challenges, as time is of the essence and being in the surf steals that precious time that I would rather spend with my family. Fortunately there is a silver lining to my cloud. With the kids growing up, I would rather expose them to the beauty and clean fun that they can have in the water not to mention that it will minimize the effects of becoming part of the TV or Mall Rat Generation. You Guys have inspired me today to want to get off the couch and back into the water. After all, the best example to my kids would ultimately be me getting out there and ripping like I used to do at places like Derde Steen and the Gas Chambers at Silverstroom. Keep up the great work. You are definitely on the cutting edge of Body Boarding Journalism. One last thing, I am only 34 just in case you think this letter is from an old Fogie who knows nothing. Regards Bradley Murray








Gareth Jackson ©

voice your opinion, go to and let us know what you think. say hi, send us stuff...

Hot Buttered and Bad Boy

Hot Buttered Bodyboards and Bad Boy are stoked to congratulate Team rider “Ratt” Ostler on an awesome year’s performance and being crowned SA Boys Champ 2007 - we know that he’s going to have a strong presence in the future of Bodyboarding in South Africa! Managing Editor & Publisher Ian Kruger Associate Editor Mike Dei-Cont Art Director Samuel Sampi Kamffer Online Editor and Web Support Kelly Footit Proof Reader Larah Hau Contributors Kade, Peter Lamberdt, Marcus Bester, Brandon Foster, Ian Kruger, Mark Clark, Sacha Specker, Wes Fischer, Wayne “Shaggy” Gardener, Gareth White, Macus Phitides, Nicholas Kruger, Dcmike Photographers Mark Clark, Sharyn Roos, Phil Gallagher, Dcmike, Gareth Jackson, Cracker, Sarah Bartholomew, Rheinhard du Toit, Vivid Zeal, JFK, Redman, AVG, Owen, Lisa Spooner, Phitides, Specker, Kristen Prisk Sales Ian Kruger Mike Dei-Cont Advertising Ian Kruger Mariana Murchio Kamffer Lea Swanepoel Distribution Countrywide Stockists All good surf stores, CNA’s and Exclusive Books Sixty40 Magazine Contact Tel +27 (0) 82 594 3082 Fax +27 (0) 21 939 2246 Po Box 15107, Panorama, 7506 Cape Town, South Africa

Printed by Intabatu Printing & VRP Print, Cape Town

© Copyright subsists in all work published in this magazine. Any reproduction or adaptation, in whole or part without written permission of the publishers is strictly prohibited and is an act of copyright infringement which may in certain circumstances constitutes a criminal offence.

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Rossi Board Co.

Wave Crest

No friends 10 - Decade - is on the water and will be here mid November, available in stores 20th November. We will also have the whole series available 1 - 10! Custom X - we have a 2008 range coming in, limited stock so enquire at your nearest retail outlet, new range in stores by 20th November!! LMNOP - new range in stores by 20th November!! Cartel - The Roach DK will be available, limited stock 41 & 43! new range in stores by 20th November!! Wavecrest is the proud sponsors for the schools league and will be looking at having a premiere with the AG AGm and schools prize giving.

This summer Rossi owner/shaper marc ”Rossi” Rossouw said that “He has been testing an upgraded PolyPro core that will be in all this summers boards, tighter fused cell structure gives better recoil and memory”. Stringers are standard with each board produced, along with a host of other features. Ask at your local surf store for the new 2008 range of boards, check out factory 7 – - or call in for a custom board! Next year rossi board co. will be launching its first international surf trip to Reunion Island, details are being confirmed. It’s open to anyone who has a valid passport and wants to surf a tropical paradise with crystal clear warm water and cranking hollow waves. A photographer and Rossi will be bringing a bunch of boards for testing, limited tickets are available. For more details mail Rossi at rossimarc@ The all new website is up and running so drop in and check it out!

ATD Bodyboards

Yet another inovation from ATD – one that we are claiming will be the fastest board in the world! The new Fluid Rail Drive bodyboard has a rail modelled on surfboard rails, with some modification – this rail design is NOT to be confused with some other boards you might have seen with rounded rails at the front, and bodyboard rails at the tail. The new ATD rails render an incredible boost in speed – so much so that we are going to confidently guarantee this board as the fastest thing you’ve ever ridden, or your money back. Furthermore, the new rail design makes 360s a lot easier, and turns like cutbacks much faster and cleaner, with more sustained speed through the turn. In short, this inovation could change the face of bodyboarding as we know it! Check www.atdbodyboards. com for details on this radical new product.



Bay of Plenty

Bodyboarding is taking a step in the right direction thanks to our very own Sihle Xaba. Sihle was recruited to star as one of the lead actors in a new Tv drama; Bay of Plenty. The drama revolves around the lives of the lifeguards at the Bay of Plenty and will feature regular inserts on Bodyboarding including coverage of the Durban contest that was held during the June/July. It will be screened every Wednesday at 20:30 pm on SABC 1. Full story coming next issue… Tamara Jade of Boss models. Photographer: Sarah Bartholomew of Boss management


voice your opinion, go to and let us know what you think. say hi, send us stuff...

Subscription Winners

In our first subscriber give away we called up our local sangoma to throw the bones and see who would be kitted this summer with either a new pair of Sabre sunnies or a Science board. The following peeps have taken good muti: Sabre sunglasses: Johan Waal from Cape Town and Henk Goris from Durban. Science bodyboard: Luan Hasler from Cape Town. Enjoy, your prizes will be delivered to you shortly!

version 1.5 is online! You could find below the list of the all changes: + possibility to watch video trailers and buy vOD or DvD online with X-Treme video (Access by clicking on the Tv in the Homepage or video in the Top menu) + selection of the sport directly on the map of wave-spots + button I’m LUCKY on the map of wave-spots to randomly select your wave + correction of the bug in Tow-Out (barrel score not counted) + new spot photos + new bodyboarding contest and wave in les Cavaliers, Anglet, France Check out the forum. Share your thoughts and experiences with people from all over the world. Discuss surfing, bodyboarding and find out about the forum contests.

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Surfing Hippos in Richards Bay

These photos were taken by Rheinhard Du Toit one of the top Richards Bay boogers. It is rumored that the hard as nails Richards Bay crew don’t let a hippo or crocodile spoil an epic session. Richards Bay boasts an abundance of wildlife, including leopards, hippos, crocodiles and monkeys. Richards Bay will also be the host of the 2008 SA championships! After some trawling on the web we found some more information on this phenomenon. Take a look at the National Geographic website: ngm/0408/feature6/

design >> - Dcmike photo

Chris Elliott Team Rider boards & apparel Grab your sixty40 T-shirt online at

South Africa’s Online Bodyboard, Skate & Surf Shop Visit or Call Toll Free

0800 FSEVEN 0800 373836

for all your bodyboarding needs. Free shipping over R200* * South African deliveries only


flavour DVD // by Peter Lambert

The Hollow Cast

Vivid Zeal Entertainment Fresh from the semi-warped mind of west coast videographer, Neels Smit, comes his debut creation, The Hollow Cast . The Hollow Cast is a 55 minute explosive bodyboarding film that offers everything from secret west coast slabs to the action of last years Hawaiian season. It took Neels over a year and a half to make, and in the process Hawaii claimed his first camera. Unperturbed, Neels bought another one, and soldiered on. From the 6 sections I have seen so far, the editing and filming is first class, and will have the viewer frothing to hit the water. The standard of riding as well as wave size is excellent. Sections are as follows: 01-Intro, 02-Sacha & Vaughn, 03-Random SA, 04-Weskus & Boland Buddies, 05-Daniel & Jared, 06-DK, 07-McCarthy, 08-Random Hawaii, 09-Random Ozzie’s, 10-Ben Player, 11-Americans, 12-Jeff Hubbard, 13-Outro. There are at least 3 bonus sections.

Jared Houston team rider

flavour MUSIC // by Marcus Bester

Modest Mouse // We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

Starting off with an accordion, you might think you’ve accidently stumbled upon an oompa band, but within seconds, modest mouse blast into their own unique punk sound. A Seattle band on their 4th album proper, mm have finally been discovered, no small thanks to recruiting ex-Smiths guitarist Johnny marr. Upon first listen, this is not for everyone’s taste, but a bit of perseverance pays off well. Despite the morbid album title, this sounds like the best party ever had onboard a ship, no wonder it sank! Stunners like Fire It Up, Dashboard, We’ve Got everything & missed The Boat will ensure that this album won’t sink without a trace.

Interpol // Our Love To Admire

On this, their third album, New York gloomsters Interpol once again summon the ghost of Joy Division. But whereas the previous albums looked firmly to manchester’s 80s indie scene for inspiration, with Our Love To Admire, they find their own voice. Though Paul Banks retains his robotic baritone, their sound has been greatly expanded, having kept large rock arenas in mind when writing these songs. First song Pioneer To The Falls starts off as dark Coldplay, before No I In Threesome’s lyrics “maybe it’s time we give something new a try” underlines their intentions on this album.

Dredg // Catch Without Hands

As I played muse’s latest album to death, there has been nothing ever since to fill the hole. So I unearthed this album from a year or so ago to tie me over until their next release. Dredg do well. Although not having the grand recording budget of their heroes, singer Gavin Hayes does a fine job of displaying his vocal dynamics, and the band nail down clean, punchy riffs throughout. Further down the track listing, these art rockers reveal to have roots in Californian nu- metal. Is it muse then? I guess not, but it’ll do for now.

Blonde Redhead // 23

Before this album, Blonde Redhead were the best kept secret on the New York underground scene. Seventh album 23, an occult number associated with change, has indeed changed their fortunes considerably. Having brought in my Bloody valentine producer Alan moulder to fine-tune their lush, esoteric but sometimes chaotic sound, BR have settled into a new moody cool, bolstered by driving drums, soaring guitars & enhanced by their Japanese lead lady Kazu makino’s sweet vocals. “Sell out!” will be the cry from serious Redheads, but you can’t deny them the recognition they finally deserve.

Dealer Enquiries Derek: 083 488 3916 Email:

PHOTO: Phil Gallagher TEAM RIDER: Glen Thurston

The Road Warriors Tour is the brain child of Brandon Foster. Started 3 years ago, the concept is to promote the sport of Bodyboarding along the South African coast during the busiest time of year for bodyboarding (which is the June/July school holidays) through as much media exposure as possible. This is done by bringing international pros to our shores to help the local pros conduct clinics, promos and premieres for the underprivileged at the SABA events as well as stops at the various bodyboarding hubs in-between. Let the good times roll.

Heavy rips, heavy clean-up sets, heavy wildlife. Brandon taking it as it comes... K-booms, Garden Route mark Clark Š

empty and perfect come standard at Natures valley mark Clark Š

Brandon Foster

“Ahoy, I can’t believe it Brandon – it’s soooooooooo good! Dolphins, glassy and perfect wedges with only the 4 guys out, aaaaaaaaaa.” “You forget how good it is travelling with all the mates, I love it!” Out of the Hawaiian ghetto’s the Road Warriors Tour was born. A tour of some of the top South African and International bodyboarders, coming together with a video and camera guy, traveling down the coast of South Africa scoring waves, competing, doing video premieres, surf shop promo’s, Development Clinics and representing for bodyboarding. This year’s trip was one of the biggest bodyboarding promo tours in the world. With 3000 km of coastline covered, 2 huge contests, 5 video premieres, 7 surf shop promo’s and 3 great development clinics all in the space of 26 days. The crew explored the different surf that South Africa offers all the way from the warm water of Richards Bay around to the icy waters off the West Coast of Cape Town. This year’s crew included video guy; Jared Schaefer, camera man; mark Clark and riders; marc Jucker, Donovan Basset, Ian Kruger, Wesley Fischer, Jared Houston, Sacha Specker and Brandon ‘ODB’ Foster. With the sport of bodyboarding in mind, this tight crew of bodyboarders met in Durban before our adventure began, to go over logistics of such an undertaking. With the lack of sponsor support the entire trip was to be self funded. Again a big thanks to all the guys involved. These guys all have a passion for bodyboarding and want to see the sport grow. They sacrificed a lot of their own hard earned cash to attend all the promos, give free video

premieres and do development clinics to help the less privileged get their first bodyboard experience. With the tour’s main objective being the exposure of bodyboarding, this year we were able to add a little fund raising for local bodyboarder Ivan Friedman’s Cancer Fund. Thanks so much to all who gave money and helped out for this great cause. A big thanks to all the sponsors of the tour who provided all the freebies that got everyone excited at the different venues around the country. Thanks to Custom X, Reef Wetsuits, Rossi Bodyboards, elemenohpee, No Friends, Science Bodyboards, Gateway Wave House and Sixty40 magazine. Halfway down the coast we stopped to refuel between a promo and surf shoot. I sat in my car as I watched the crew pile out of their crammed spots in the two cars we were driving down. Dirty, unshaven, shoeless and cramped but everyone had the biggest smiles on their faces. These boys were tired and were working hard for free. I just felt really proud at that moment to be part of the bodyboarding community and more so ‘The Road Warriors’ crew. This crew of riders affected more people to open their hearts to help raise funds for a great cause and their eyes to bodyboarding then I had seen in a long time and they were all doing it just for the love. much respect to all those riders and people involved. When the photo shoots, interviews, promos, video premieres and development clinics were done there was one thing on the boys’ minds and that was getting in the water and who could blame them? This Road Warriors tour saw the guys scoring some of the heaviest, best waves South Africa offers. It was almost a present for all the hard work that went into the tour. So mmm ja thanks!!!

Above: marc Jucker, Natural revo. Bottom: Specker cotemplating another session mark Clark ©

Ian Kruger

The road warriors tour for 2007 was a major success, especially in the waves department. We have spent many years chasing swell up and down the coast just to be skunked, but this year wherever we looked we got good waves. even stepping off what we thought was the beaten track on the South Coast only to have Derek Footit’s station wagon come screaming around the corner and bursting our bubble by telling us that they surf it often. Nevertheless we were stoked to find an insane wave after walking through an overgrown path next to a semi abandoned house. That was also only one of many epic waves we surfed on our way down the coast. Hopefully the photo’s do it some justice. It was also the first time we did a trip of the entire coast from Zululand all the way to the fairest Cape, with many great stops in between. Personally my best part of the trip is seeing the stoked groms (thanks east London) and bringing the joy of the sport to the underprivileged, because these kids have smiles wider than any Colgate commercial I have ever seen. Unfortunately we were left hanging by our overseas pro so we made up for it by throwing our very own Brandon Foster in the mix, the man is dedicated to the cause, even with his new wife in tow. With the rest of the crew it made for an inspiring experience, with many ups and down’s in between, like having marc Jucker’s engine overheat 30km’s from Pe, or waiting around for Brandon’s freshly purchased low rider that made it all 200km’s back to Cape Town with no worries, except maybe almost burning out the engine on the South Coast trying to start uphill fully loaded. The tour also shifted focus for the first time as we spent our time raising funds for our fallen friend, Ivan Friedman. It turned out to be a great success and I would like to thank all the bodyboarders who opened their hearts to help out a friend in need. I hope that he is getting big barrels in the sky, Rest In Peace my friend. So, another year and more good times. Next year to be bigger and better.

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Top: Spex takes flight off the beaten track... Shelly Beach middle: ed’s signature move mark Clark ©


The journey that followed with some fellow bodyboarders was something that was going to leave a mark on people and friends of the sport. With a lot of close time together and learning from each other we also made a lot of new friends and left a lot of stoked people in our paths. With a very close friend Ivan Friedman fighting cancer it has helped me to once more appreciate the beauty of what lies around us. It meant a time of counting our blessings.

Top: marc Jucker full tilt / Natures valley. middle: Brandon - K-booms Ninja style Bottom: Jared Houston emo no more mark Clark ©

most memorable moment: That must have been deciding to swim out at Keurboom’s with Brandon Foster and marc Jucker, the waves were in the very solid 6-8ft region, we were trying to get one huge top to bottom barrel shot. Well, I eventually made the swim out and tried to get to the right spot in the impact zone. Brandon took off on a medium size wave and was kind of in the right spot, it didn’t feel right but I got the shot. After that I got continuous sets on the head, almost drowned and washed into the following bay between all the rocks (where Jucker came and gave me a hand to get back safely to shore). From the shore we watched Brandon catch a small wave in (apparently a solid sized shark swam through the face of a wave and circled him)… I was stoked to have caught that one shot, it came out sweet!!

Top: Natures valley glass revo - Spex mark Clark © Right: Blinders reef explosion Fay Klusener ©


…what it meant to me;

We are just a crew of guys who are passionate about the sport. We all know each other, but don’t get to surf and hang out together on a daily basis. The RW tour gives us all an opportunity to explore some crazy waves beyond previous boundaries, push each other in the water and just make some crazy memories together. It tests and strengthens existing friendships and gives us all opportunities to build new friendships with colourful people along our rich coastline. Being part of the RW has reminded me that South Africa has some of the most dedicated and talented bodyboarders in the world. The best part of travelling along 2500 km of coast with a bunch of spongers who are a little crazy at the best of times, is that the road could take us anywhere… …most memorable moment; On the 5th of July at around 8:45 am, Jarred Houston (Jerry), Ian Kruger (Kru), mark Clark (mC) and myself decided to go and play in the shore break in front of our temporary residence near margate. We had looked at the shorey earlier that morning and came to the conclusion that it was about 2-3 foot and perfect for a good old skimming session. Thus we decided that fins were not a necessity. equipped with nothing more than a pair of baggies and a leashless boogie we raced down the beach in the morning sun. Without much contemplation, we took turns in rocketing down the steep sandbank head first into what had by then turned into a solid 4 foot dredging sandy pit. It didn’t take long before Jerry decided to catch one of the heaving beasts. Needless to say, Jerry looked more like the ‘Skrat’ character from the movie ‘Ice Age’ than the young ripper he is known to be. The severe beating he received as he got stuck in the lip and firmly embedded into the sandbar had us in stitches, laughing all the way to Plett. Top: Houston eyeballs the landing strip Left: mark Clark self portrait mark Clark ©

Wes Fischer

The trip didn’t start off so good for me, with Brenden Newton not being able to join us... It was just cool to meet up with all the guys and surf with them. All the ou’s are really good bodyboarders and are the best that SA has to offer, so it was quite a privilege. Two weeks before the Durban event, I didn’t have enough money to even enter! I had to ask my girlfriend and sponsors for cash so that I could actually join the Road Warriors but everything worked out great in the end. Winners come and go, trophies get old and dusty but nothing compares to the waves we got at a place which I’m going to call ‘Atties’... God Bless. s Clockwise from top: > Kru (ed) topsy turvy revo > Wes Fischer rips the wave pool > east London Promo stop > Foster backhand love > Unscheduled stop mark Clark ©

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Mark Watts AKA Boychamp crackerŠ

Unknown Ozzie, Unknown spot ... would you care? gallagherŠ


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rotate Text-book Alistair Taylor invert redmanŠ



The Ratt (Michael Ostler) sneaks a secret KZN ledge crackerŠ

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Spex tweaks the South Coast mark clarkŠ


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...big, really big revo, Jf shows us how - OZ gallagherŠ

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Warren Canepa, dropknee floater at Pipe, Port Elizabeth mark clarkŠ




Sacsha Taljaard ... redefining the green room redmanŠ

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rotate The West Coast bares its teeth. James Moolenschotmark clarkŠ



Oz blue barrel blitz - Pres gallagherŠ

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Skip at the Hoek avgŠ 29 |

words by Wayne ‘Shaggy” Gardener

As summer is approaching the smell of boerewors begins to fill the nostrils every weekend and bodyboard sales start to pick up and so does the temperature. The waves get smaller and the onshore prevails. The ocean is littered with “boogie-boarders”. They’re everywhere like a plague of locusts. I hate them as much as the next stand up surfer, yet I’m a bodyboarder. Bodyboarding is massive but it is still a small sport. Most bodyboard sales are low-end sales. That’s where the easy money is. The average holidaymaker comes from inland or out from under a rock as soon as the sun is out and goes to the closest surf shop and buys a cheap bodyboard so they can get in amongst the waves. They have no idea of etiquette nor do they care. They want the rush of zooming down the face and hanging on for dear life as the whitewater hits them and they ride their “bronco” to the beach, grinning from ear to ear. Bodyboarding is looked at as a steppingstone for the kids to get into the water and when they are older they can “progress” to

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standing up on a surfboard. South Africa has endless point breaks. These are great for surfboards, not very good for bodyboards. To see a bodyboard trimming along a mushy point break doing the odd spin and cutback looks lame.

year there wasn’t enough swell and the event got held at Koël Bay in 3ft waves and it was called a big air event, just because the sponsors wanted results. If we’re going to sell ourselves short like that then we’ll never get big.

To see a bodyboarder taking off on a super steep, ledging reef, feet coming over their head, scoop off the bottom, bouncing off the shock wave and getting spat out riding on the foam ball looks spectacular. Unfortunately the general public doesn’t get to see bodyboarders on waves like this. Mainly because unlike Australia, Tahiti, Hawaii and the Canary Islands, our country doesn’t have any big barreling reef breaks to show the public what bodyboarding can be like.

The Cave Rock contest got held in fun sized waves, not massive maxing out conditions like everyone was hoping for.

In saying that, the bodyboarding community has tried to show the public the extreme side of bodyboarding by holding events like the Bayview Big Wave and the Cave Rock Gladiators events.

Once again the currency issue is the main cause for this. South Africans don’t earn as much money as people overseas. They’d rather burn a bodyboarding DVD than buy their own. By doing this, the sport will never grow. There are guys like Jared Schafer from Kwazulu Natal, Neels Smit from the West Coast and Grant Clegg from PE, who have the cameras and computer software to produce good DVDs.

Both contests were good ideas but to see a bodyboarder flapping down a massive wave barely holding their rail in on a big shouldering wave is lame. The following

Because South Africa has a weak currency, bodyboarders are unable to afford to buy international magazines like Movement Magazine and Riptide. By not buying these magazines and seeing what is out there and what the level is like internationally, hampers the sport’s ability to grow and develop and get bigger.

What the community needs is more photo coverage. The problem the previous magazine had, was not paying contributors for their photos. It’s a catch 22 situation. If a photographer gets their photo run, they want to be paid for their efforts. Sponsorship is also a big problem. People sell themselves short and accept a “sponsorship” which isn’t actually a sponsorship. Getting free clothes and equipment isn’t being sponsored. If sponsors are going to do that then they should be giving their riders heaps of product so they can sell the stuff to their mates so they can make some money out of it. Mike Stewart said; “Support those who support you”. Yet we still buy mainstream surfing labels. There are bodyboarding labels in South Africa. Nomad, ATD, Factory7, Empty Vessels Creations etc. By supporting these brands, we will help the sport grow and in turn they will be able to hold bigger events. Then you get the guys who were killing it when they were younger and were winning events and were getting given clothes and boards. Suddenly they aren’t living at

home anymore and have to pay for rent and petrol and food and getting free product doesn’t seem as cool as it used to be. They get jobs or go to university or both and stop bodyboarding. The young guys coming up through the junior divisions don’t have anyone to look up to because there isn’t anyone left. In the mid 90’s there was a tight crew of bodyboarders who went to Hawaii every year. The Thiel brothers, the Cockwell brothers, Rodrigues, Nelson, Boddy, Watkins, Seppings, Stephenson, Taylor, Metcalf and Harvey - and there was a magazine that was keeping the guys in the limelight. Surfing, the stand up kind, still rules the limelight. Contests like The Red Bull Africa and the WCT event at J-Bay get international media coverage and it is pretty hard to compete with events like that. Bodyboarding South Africa needs to find a wave of consequence. They need to find a wave that breaks over a shallow reef and doesn’t pinch at the end. We need to get a company involved that doesn’t have a bunch of narrow-minded old stand-up surfing has-beens who never liked bodyboarders to start with. We need some fresh ideas, lots of money and motivated older guys who

are willing to put some effort into the sport to make it work. So we need to find a big barreling wave, get a big company to sponsor events, get people to start buying and supporting bodyboarding companies and get some guys floating in the line-ups and on the beach filming and snapping guys doing clean, solid moves. s



words Gareth White all photos dcmike / digicape

21st SA Bodyboarding Champs Once upon a time in a pretty little town called Plettenberg Bay, life was peaceful, residents were laid back, quietly awaiting the arrival of spring and the promise of a prosperous festive season. All of this suddenly changed and their lives were momentarily disrupted when over 170 of South Africa’s top bodyboarders descended upon the town to compete in the 21st Annual South African Bodyboarding Championships. Participants came from all eight of SA’s coastal provinces, each rider having been selected to represent their province after competing in a series of trials. This year’s championships were the richest to date with R25 000 of sponsored prizes on offer to finalists and cash up for grabs in the Pro, Ladies and Drop Knee Divisions. The masters, mens, Juniors and Boys Divisions competed for generously sponsored product prizes. The event, which was held from the 24th to the 29th of September, was superbly organised by the eastern Province Bodyboarding Association (ePBA), together with the South African Bodyboarding Association (SABA) and has to be seen as one of the best SA’s to date. Contests with a limited window period are often a hit or miss affair, with a lot poised on whether or not mother Nature favours providing enough swell to make the event consistently contestable. Luckily she saw fit to provide enough of the solid stuff and one has to say that overall conditions were good, with most days offering competitors favourable 4 foot wedges.

michael Ratt Ostler

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Ivan memorial Paddle-Out

monday morning, and the contest was ushered in with a celebration of life when close to 200 riders took to the water to pay their final respects to underground legend Ivan Friedman. Ivan sadly passed away on Friday the 21st of September after being diagnosed with a rare form cancer earlier this year. The paddle out has to be one of the most heart warming moments I have been privileged enough to witness. Led by Alistair Taylor the group gathered in a massive circle, team captains paddled into the centre to release flowers and share a prayer for their fallen friend. Rest in Peace Ivan Friedman: 02-01-81 - 21-09-07. The road leading to the final day was paved with exceptional bodyboarding and fierce competition – so much so that I cannot mention all the highlights. For me the highlights from the early stages were a near perfect ARS by Daniel Worsley (WPBA,) and the perfect 10 ride for David Lee (SKZN,) in the Drop Knee Division.

super swell due to arrived early on Saturday morning had been whispered amongst the teams and to much delight it arrived in droves - the stage was set for a spectacular conclusion to the event. The day was action packed from the start and by the time the Finals of the various Divisions took to the water the beach had filled with eager spectators ready for the showdown. The first Final was that of the Boys Division, which saw murray van vuuren (ePBA), Jason Selby (WPBA), Adam Waites (CKZN) and Andrew Raath (BBA) going head to head. Throughout the heat there were numerous exchanges between Selby and van vuuren, both of whom had been impressing onlookers from round 1. Waites was quiet and didn’t get many high scoring rides

until the very end, when it seemed as if he unleashed Armageddon on his competitors with a solid roll on a set wave, followed by a jaw-dropping ARS on an even bigger set and thus claimed the title of South African Champ in the Boys Division. Selby took second place with van vuuren and Raath finishing in third and fourth respectively. James Jones (ePBA), was the lone ranger, as it were, in a Juniors Division Final dominated by Central Kwa-Zulu Natal. Ian Campbell, michael Ostler and Dane Beales were a force to be reckoned with and gave Jones a run for his money in this spectacular final. Ostler was in a league of his own and rightly took home the title with his team mates Campbell and Beales coming in second and third, Jones took fourth. “I am very happy to have won, I have sacrificed so much to do well and this makes it all worth while. I would like to thank

Among the first to fall on his way through the qualifying stages was mark mcCarthy (NKZN,) who is currently ranked number 2 on the International Bodyboarding Association World Tour (IBA.) “Winning SA’s was one of my goals for this year and I am disappointed to have been eliminated, but it has been great to come back to compete and to see that the level of riding in South Africa is World class,” commented a humble mcCarthy. 8 times South African Pro Champion, Alistair Taylor (CKZN,) hoped to claim his 9th title at the event, but had his chances smashed in a closely contested heat during the quarter finals. “I felt that I had done enough to ensure my place in the semis, but it turned out that I was wrong,” commented a stunned Taylor. The final day, Saturday the 29th, came down to the wire as the best competed against the best in hope of claiming the coveted honour of South African Champion in their division. For the best part of the week rumours of a

David Lee | 33


marK mcCarthy

maritz and mark Watts (CKZN) placed third and fourth.

murrey van vuuren

my sponsors Hot Buttered for their support,” commented Ostler. The mens Division final was held between JP Nortier (WPBA,) Wayne Beekman (SKZN,) Ryan Jucker (ePBA) and Wayne Du Preez (CKZN,) just as the swell seemed to fade slightly. With long lulls between sets those that chose to play the waiting game picked off a couple of solid rides, where busting was an option. Local knowledge seemed to be an advantage and Jucker rode like a man possessed to be declared the winner. Beekman, Du Preez and Nortier finished in second, third and fourth respectively. As always the Pro Division Final is one of the most anticipated highlights of any event and with the SA Title on the line riders pushed each other from the get go. Jonathan maritz (WPBA), pushed the envelope and seemed able to land ARS’s on every ride, marc Jucker (ePBA), gave chase and landed a few of his own to tighten the noose. Nearing Dan Worsley

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the end of the heat David Lee (SKZN), who was competing in his first ever Pro Final, opened the floodgates, unleashing a myriad of powerful manoeuvres that had his team mates cheering. This proved sufficient for him to claim victory and earn his place in history as a South African Bodyboarding Champion. “I would like to thank the organisers for putting this event together, but most of all I would like to thank my fellow team mates for their support,” commented a jovial Lee at the awards ceremony. Jucker finished in second, Development Clinic

Online board and apparel store, Factory 7 sponsored the cash prize in the Drop Knee Division and will probably view it as money well spent after the division boasted one of the most spectacular finals of the competition. Local Drop Knee expert, Chris Bosman (eP), Derek Footit (SKZN,) Sacha Specker (WP) and Stuart Bradford (CKZN) pushed one another up until the dying seconds of the heat and left spectators begging for more. With his powerful Snaps and fluid riding, Sacha Specker was crowned as the new South African Drop Knee Champion. “I have finished as runner-up numerous times and to finally win at SA Champs with the skill of the riders being so high is adream-come true. I would like to thank my sponsors- Quicksilver, Custom X, viper and Digicape, eP for putting on this event and the competitors for being such good sportsmen and women, I would also like

Left to right: David Lee, Ryan Jucker, Stephan Coetzee, Spex.

my opinion the two sickest rides were Spex’s super long barrel and Dan’s full body invert - for which he walked away as the winner.

to thank my girlfriend for her tremendous support.” concluded Specker. Footit, Bosman and Bradford finished in second, third and fourth respectively. For the first time at SA Champs the Ladies Division competitors competed for cash prizes, kindly sponsored by Pennypinchers. Local rider Lyndell Pells (eP), hoped to claim victory in the division during the absence of former Ladies World Champion, Karla CostaTaylor (CKZN), but had her ambitions puton-hold when she met with Pamela Bowren (WP), who took home the title. Bowren seems to have surfing at The Wedge down to a fine art, having won the division at the 4A rated Wedge Classic, held in July. “I am very happy to have won, thank you very much to eP for putting on such a wonderful event,” commented Bowren. Pells finished in second place with Geline Derbyshire (SC) and Wida Scholtz (SKZN), coming in third and fourth. The masters Division Final also saw some awesome riding by all of its competitors. A significant battle ensued between michael van Huyssteen (CKZN), who was on route to his umpteenth SA title, Brett Simpson (WPBA), Gustav Botha (BBA) and local “kid” Wesley mcQuillan (ePBA). Unfortunately van Huyssteen was unable to seal victory, which went to mcQuillan, who landed some solid roll combo’s and stood out from the pack. Simpson, van Huyssteen and Botha finished in second, third and fourth respectively. Always a crowd favourite, the expression Session, was a brilliant way to relieve the stresses of a gruelling week of competition by allowing riders free reign to do what they do best - bust radical manoeuvres. The only requirement for the session is that whoever busts and lands the most insane move wins. making it through to the final were, Alistair Taylor (CKZN), Sacha Specker (WPBA), mark Watts (CKZN), marc Jucker (ePBA), Daniel Worsley (WPBA) and Neil Smith (SKZN). In

This year also marked the unveiling of a new trophy, the Ivan Friedman memorial Trophy for Sportsmanship. The trophy was kindly donated by newly appointed SABA Chairperson, Sally mellish and newly appointed vice-Chairperson, Pat Harris in memory of Ivan. “I never met Ivan personally, but from what I have heard about him, this is something he would have been proud of,” commented mellish about the trophy. This year the trophy was awarded to Stephan Coetzee (NKZN), for his display of humility throughout the contest. On the last days of competition Debis Fleet management sponsored the running of two development clinics for underprivileged children from a nearby township. SABA executive committee member and development co-ordinator, michael van Huyssteen, “Firstly we hope to retain Debis as sponsor for this kind of clinic, which is aimed at social development and will probably be run at future SABA events. This kind of grassroots clinic aims at offering bodyboarding to disadvantage children who might not have been given the opportunity before.” Champions have been crowned, disappointments are subsiding and the SABA events calendar for 2007 has drawn to an explosive close. Time is inevitably passing and with the fond memories of “egg wars”, initiation rituals and time spent with friends slowly fading it will soon be time for riders to embark on yet another quest - a quest to become the next South African Champ in 2008. The South African Bodyboarding Championships 2007 was sponsored by Science Bodyboards, Reef Wetsuits, www., debis Fleet Management, Pennypinchers, Plett Tourism / Bithou Municipality, Robberg Estates, Bobbin Craft, Arnette, Havianas and Environ. The South African Bodyboarding Association would like to sincerely thank the sponsors of bodyboarding in South Africa, everyone involved with the events and all those that made 2007 such a huge success. s Bushy

unknown Padang Padang - Bali Owen ©

.................................................................................... words by marcus Phitides

Bali is like your favourite chocolate bar. Nine times out of ten, when you walk into your local café looking for a sugary fix and you’re stumped by the product selection, you’re going to grab your favourite tried and tested sweet-treat. That very same chocolate you’ve shoved down your salivating gob hundreds of times before. And just like Bar One or Crunchie will always be your top dog in the tooth decay department, Bali has and will always be a good old favourite that’s formed the foundation to many a surfing globetrotter’s staple travelling diet. Sure, other destinations may lure you from time to time but if you’re after guaranteed consistency and a dizzying array of surf spots and things to do, it’s hard to look beyond the Island of the Gods. | 37

Bali was the first island in the Indonesian archipelago to be explored for its surf potential and was first surfed in the 1930’s by a Kuta Beach hotel owner from America. But it wasn’t until the 1970’s that travellers began to truly discover the island’s worldclass potential. The Kuta Beach area had become a regular hangout for travelling professionals such as Nat Young and in 1971 Alby Falzon filmed the groundbreaking movie, morning of the earth, which revealed for the first time iconic images of flawless Uluwatu being ridden by Steve Cooney and Rusty miller. The rest of the story is history and today the entire archipelago has been scoured from east to west and has to rate among one of the top surfing destinations for any day-dreaming bodyboarder. You’re spoilt for choice when it comes to wave variety in Bali with the prime area being the Bukit peninsula. Padang Padang stands out as the jewel in Bali’s surfing crown and only comes into its true form once it hits the six foot mark. When it does reach that magical size, it’s a sight to behold as heaving lefts grind their way down the ragged reef. Wipeouts can be critical; the crowds of frothing Brazilians intimidating; and waves few and far between but get just one bomb here and your surf trip will be made. Padang also happens to be the main bodyboarder hangout both on the beach and in the water and it’s not uncommon to be out in an all booger line-up where a true sense of commarderie exists between the varying nationalities. Further north along the peninsula you’ll find the mechanical Kalk Bay-like lefts of Bingin and the playful waves of Dreamland. In a country dominated by flesh-hungry reefs, Dreamland throws up a decent high tide shorebreak for the sand-bottomed connoisseur. Both beaches also provide cheap accommodation directly in front of the breaks, giving you a head start on the hungover Kuta hordes that invade the area for the day. Dreamland in particular is a favourite hangout for bronzed Swedish backpackers

...clockwise from top

>> Bali nightlife - Lisa Spooner © >> Kruger; Bali Shorey invert - Lisa Spooner © >> Typical setup - Owen © >> Unknown Padang Padang - Owen © >> Rosy shows us what the coral looks like from close-up - Specker © >> Seth Phitides, Bali Perfection Phitides © >> Kruger in yet another Balli bomb - Lisa Spooner ©

and barely-there bikini clad Brazilians who love to frolic in the shorey. Closer to Kuta the waves start to tame down a little but nearby Canggu provides a quick respite from the hustle and bustle of the area. Canggu’s wedgey bowls and ramps have provided more than a few Riptide covers with solid inverts and big DK floaters being the order of the day. If you happen to find yourself in Bali during the wet season (November-march) then head over to the east side of the Bukit Peninsular to the right-hand barrels of Sanur and Nusa Dua. A newly-built east coast road has also opened up a number of previously unsurfed and secret surf breaks including Keramas, famous for the Irons brother’s aerial antics video footage shot from a helicopter. Any local bemo (taxi) driver worth his Rupiah should be able to point you in the right direction. Sitting just offshore from Bali lies the idyllic island of Nusa Lembongen. In a surfing destination that’s been dubbed the ‘Land of the Lefts’, this little island defies the title by playing host to the three right-handers of Shipwrecks, Playgrounds and Lacerations. Cheap beach-side accommodation is easy to come by, the pace of life is serenely mellow and the diving in the surrounding gincoloured waters will make you feel like an extra in Finding Nemo. The beauty of Bali is that if the waves ever do go flat (…you’re bloody unlucky) or you have a non-surfing significant other, there’s a multitude of things to do and places to see. No Indo sojourn would be complete without at least a day or two of sightseeing and cultural indulgence. A short drive inland brings you to the artistic hub of Ubud where with a little hard bargaining and patience you can walk away with an assorted treasure trove of carvings, paintings and the obligatory Bintang t-shirt. Spend the day ambling through clove-scented markets, verdant green rice paddies and dodging

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pesky monkeys in the nearby forests and you’ll add a whole new dimension to your trip. For the more active, you can have a sweaty trundle up one of the islands soaring volcanoes but lay off the Bintang and Arak the night before because the 4am wake up call can be a bitch. Bali is also scattered with thousands of temples and they quiet literally outnumber the amount of houses. A good one to check out is the temple at Uluwatu, which has a stunning cliff top location above the sea - perfect for a sensitive sunset. Finally, no Bali article can go by without the mention of good old tacky Kuta. It’s the main backpacker hangout and the place where that gorgeous pair of tanned Swede sisters you were eyeing out at Dreamland return to in the evening for a night of heavy partying. The Bintang flows freely, the shopping’s embarrassingly cheap and your morals are at an all time low. Just watch out for missing drain covers at 3 in the morning. So that’s Bali in a very small nutshell. The moment you step off the plane, your nostrils are invaded by the sweet pungent mix of clove cigarettes and Durian fruit; your ear drums reverberate to the sound of tingling Gamelan music; and a warm blanket of humid tropical air engulfs your body. This is Bali’s exoticism personified. So whether it be a 10 day winter break or the start of a 2month, bed-bug ridden wave-riding mission, Bali has it all. P.S. don’t forget to try a Beng Beng chocolate bar when you’re there. s | 39

Quick Facts: Indonesia for more info on Indonesia - take a look at:

Owen ©

The 10 Do’s and Don’ts of Bali » Do venture off into the surrounding islands of Lombok, Sumbawa and Java. Bali is only the tip of the iceberg. Not only do these islands hold world-class waves but they also allow a more rural experience that lets you live out your inner-feral fantasies. » Don’t forget to wear a helmet on your sunburnt pip if you hire a motorbike. The average Indonesian road can be a deadly concoction of swerving bemos and kamikaze pedestrians. Tourists do die every year and you’re not immune to it. » Do bargain with the locals. It’s an Indonesian way of life and you won’t be insulting anybody by trying to get the price down on that Batik sarong you’ve spotted for somebody back home. Just remember to not take it too far. What might be a few Rands to you is an entire meal for a Balinese family. » Don’t leave South Africa without a course or two of antibiotics and antiseptic ointment for reef cuts and other problems. That slightly annoying fin sore from back home can become a festering nightmare in Bali’s warm, coral spore-laden waters. And remember - always carry the prescription. » Do have at least one or two big nights out in Kuta’s heaving madness. You’ll be honouring a time honoured surf trip tradition and following in the footsteps of thousands of hungover souls. » Don’t ignore Indonesia’s volatile political situation. Always check out its state of affairs before you leave home. You’re highly unlikely to run into any situations but Kuta has been the scene of a few devastating terrorist attacks. » Do learn a little bit of the language. You’ll be amazed how much it’s appreciated by the Balinese and the big plus is that Bahasa Indonesia is a relatively easy language to pick up on. » Don’t make yourself just another tourist. Befriend some of the locals whether it be that weathered elderly man who looks like a turtle without his shell or the local ripper who always seems to find the right wave. » Do use True Blue Surf Travel. These guys are the Indonesian specialists and they always have the best deals going that’ll put you straight into a surf trip of a lifetime. » Don’t miss the opportunity to paddle out through the cave at Uluwatu. Sure, the wave is more conducive to standup surfing but the experience will make you think back to just how amazing it must have been when the place was first surfed back in the 70’s.

Location: Southeastern Asia, archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Coastline: 54,716 km Climate: Tropical; hot, humid; more moderate in highlands. Terrain: Mostly coastal lowlands; larger islands have interior mountains. Natural hazards: occasional floods, severe droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires. Languages: Bahasa Indonesia (official, modified form of Malay), English, Dutch, local dialects (the most widely spoken of which is Javanese) Capital: Jakarta Currency: Indonesian rupiah (IDR) Surf Conditions: The ultimate surfer’s paradise: Thousands of islands are out there waiting for you. Certain areas are just starting to be explored for surf. Indonesia can be split into two regions, of interest to surfers are the main islands: Sumatra, Java, Bali and Timor, the other islands of Borneo, Irian Jaya, Sonde and Moluques Islands have little or no surf potential.

words - Nicholas Kruger

The following article is the end to an epic journey undertaken by bodyboarders living the true spirit of the sport. A group of nondescript guys and gal worked hard, meaningless jobs in very unforgiving places to pursue a trip of great proportions; “Around the world in 301 days”. Scoring great waves and great memories along the way, they conquered some of the best waves in the world including stops in Indonesia, Australia and the mecca of bodyboarding; Hawaii. Their travels were well documented by photographer Lisa Spooner (Some of her work from the trip has been used in previous issues and she is becoming a very accomplished photographer).This is the final installment as they wreak havoc on the most notorious strip in the world, fabulous Las vegas, and as they say: what happens in vegas stay’s in vegas.

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n!The I knew that would catch your attentio for sure. beer was our calling card that’s ne, but The hookers definitely not our sce hey, they’re there 24/7.

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the rich This is Vegas …the playground of weren’t and famous. The fact was that we ous. fam en’t rich and we most certainty wer reading Although by the time you finish this article we might just be...

Nic Kruger and Riaan Oosthuizen’s final insert to their ‘Around the world’ trip finishing off in Las Vegas, Nevada

y to do..? So what’s a bo “ImPROvISe” easy. Cash in Looking rich was you have for ies the few penn “BAm” you’re a 1cent tokens and least it looks millionaire. Well at s also always ou that way. The fam rent, so what have to be diffe out of place could look more ready beach d than two rough an the middle nd ou ar bums walking nothing but of the desert with hir t-s ts on? board shorts and

of course he him $200 fine which he needed at th didn’t have and front desk e th to to proceed sort it out. Of immediately to s wrong and course nothing wa bill, but the 00 $2 there was no face when expression on his nt desk in the standing at the fro l lobby telling te middle of the ho rk about the the clueless cle red was, well... prostitute he orde Priceless!

t have said Hold up... I migh tire... “Sounds” desert and our at ? Wrong! It ht appropriate... rig ld that one co dy was so bloo rted snowing! afternoon it sta middle of the - Snowing in the e! bl desert! Unbelieva amazing and The strip’s pretty long, with k’ long. Actually ‘ka an array of ng sti ho every corner ll their sizzling pimps trying to se ght it would be ladies. Riaan thou e of these “call funny to give on t letting me in girls” a call withou t. Five minutes on his little secre makes a quick later and Riaan tel room. ho exit out of our lay down for a Left to myself, I e phone rang: th quick nap when it’s the front “Hello mr. Kruger, re to see you” desk, mandy is he re?” “Who? What? Whe nd her up?” se I n “mandy Sir, ca I’ve only just y, dd bu “Look here finitely don’t arrived and I de ank you, and th , know any mandy goodbye,” I said!

a wave pool! has a... get this... e desert and Sick! middle of th fortunately Un you’re surfing. renovation r de un s for us it wa e there. throughout our tim

il between his Red faced and ta an 0 legs: Kruger 1 vs Ria zzling at night The lights are da of continentwith a feeling -skipping and jumping, country eiffel tower, . city-hopping… manhattan, statue of liberty, e Th Pyramids, The Sphinx and minute walk all within a 30 Standing at r. he ot from one an ous fountain the Bellagio’s fam sing “Fly me listening to Frank t looking like ils wh to the moon”, orge Clooney Brad Pitt and Ge mGm and hotel after robbing the ating ceilings, lobbies with flo and diamond solid gold floors ere’s enough chandeliers, th l room to pull money in one hote ntinent out co an the entire Afric all-you-can-eat of debt. With $5 e and cheap, buffets, free booz here, makes yw fancy hotels ever chips. Until as p ea vegas as ch that is! you start gambling

re the ringing It wasn’t long befo e a woman tim is th started again, ello is this mr. named Sandy, “H Riaan Kruger?” wheels in my “Click” went the u little shit!” head... “Riaan yo and a lot of After a long chat anaged to sort explaining we m it all out. rned to the Riaan finally retu e a little school room giggling lik d just pulled girl, thinking he ha hen I calmly W a fast one on me. d just cost ha k an told him his pr

were coming Anyhow, things our last night to an end and on th a bang. In we went out wi , that we don’t fact, such a bang it. remember sh ly word I kept And Shit was the on orning. Hung m xt shouting the ne d looking like over, feeling an tobahn didn’t road kill on the au d overslept by ha help the fact we out like two in’ ak Fre three hours. tmare on elm kids watching Nigh got out of the Street, we finally ad. ro e hotel and on th

cent gambling Aside from our 1 ht adventure ug so sprees, we Hoover Dam, outside the strip. azing manam one of the most seen to date, made feats I’ve gorge between wedged in a tiny ountains, it’s a two towering m en! av base jumper’s he ing however, The sweetest th of the dam re stands dead cent not only are d an s spread your leg s (Nevada and you in two state get to speak Arizona) but you past self. An d an to your future e separates nc re ffe di hour’s time lf. Confusing I you from your se out it... know, but think ab e just got to Oh yeah, and I’v dlen Bay hotel throw this in - man

and we were eight hours later bound for ht flig boarding a for the ‘get London. Opting out’ routine is drunk and pass me to regret. co one I’d later e allowed for Heavy turbulenc moments and some rather funny ers (Ask Riaan ng very angry passe t say, don’t jus ts Le about that). the middle of a drink red wine in tornado storm! is immigration Bullshitting r te as m to e com something we’ve nd ou tb ou no over time. With and Riaan with flights, no money down his top red wine stains all utter bum it and looking like an while there. a r fo didn’t look good managed to With a bit of luck we aight through bullshit our way str into London. immigration and I recommend Not something e soon. trying again any tim and I was Two weeks later other flight... onboard yet an alia. Riaan, by heading to Austr on an ice cold now, was sipping ing a Castle) wn do , Castle (Sorry lekker braai. while enjoying a re still back in Lisa and Attie we d I happened an London working between India to be somewhere en it all of a and Singapore wh me... sudden dawned on in “Around the world

301 days!”

player ben player ben player ben player b ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player

ben player

ben player ben by Shaggy

ben player ben

a personal tragedy can make or break a person. For ben player, it made him. 4, Player’s In Hawaii in January 200 ck friend Paul Jennar was stru r-old yea 18down by a 4WD. The house a at en be had bodyboarder rld wo new the ur no ho party to d at the hel g, champion, Damian Kin g. tin ren house Player was

more money School he was earning than his through bodyboarding . ned friends’ parents ear

and some Late that evening Jennar ycles to go bic ir mates hopped on the was hit nar Jen ol. oh alc and buy more s metre from on his way back just 50 the house. drinking, Player, who hadn’t been side of the nursed his friend on the amedics par road until police and nounced pro s wa nar arrived and Jen Player like ked loo it y, iall dead. Init aughter nsl ma could be charged with in ted ren s wa because the house ore ref the s wa he his name and an underage responsible for allowing ycle while bic a e drinker, Jennar, to rid intoxicated.

vember The fairytale ended in No nsor went 2001 when his board spo nsor pulled spo ng bust and his clothi g. din oar out of bodyb day I get all “All in the space of one , probably me off en tak my sponsors ,000,” Player to the sum of about $85 tated. I didn’t says. “I was totally devas ” . know what to do

ll and “It’s been going really we and I it ced bra em has ne everyo more the as it guess kind of look to t rke ma the in ine hardcore magaz s. say yer place,” Pla moore, His editor-in-chief, Peter d to use o wh nd frie d a childhoo en he was wh him t ins aga te pe com confidence 14, says Player has total task is any t tha nks and never thi d. too har

nted what “Previously I took it for gra oard dyb bo I was getting paid to a bit of for it ing do s wa and I guess I s an easy financial benefit and it wa ld be the cou lifestyle. I thought this . yer Pla s say ” , end of my career

yer, then Jennar’s death caused Pla oarder, dyb bo 2 er the world’s numb and life n ow his on to reflect up returned achievements. When he Northern the home to Australia to n, he lacked alo Av of Beaches suburb d. oar dyb bo to n motivatio self for He tried not to blame him ught tho and ned pe what had hap be ld taken about how easily life cou wanted to he ed away. He then decid died. In he e for be mp be a world cha al back in 2005, he achieved this go Hawaii. Player, 29, and has been was 10. He bodyboarding since he when he was gained a major sponsor renjoey High Bar 14. In his HSC year at 44 |

l it breathes and to this day I still fee s Player. that same mentality,” say

oarding Player realised that bodyb . eer car d could be a short-live small a on rs yea o tw Surviving for and r pe sha ard bo his m salary fro cided de yer mentor Nick mezritz, Pla es ess sin bu n ow in 2004 to start his a er oth the , ine gaz – one a ma clothing label. gazine in There was already one ma didn’t it felt yer Pla t bu t rke the ma phic. gra appeal to an older demo ine gaz ma a ate He wanted to cre – from to te rela ld cou ne that everyo eek a-w the hardcore to the oncevement bodyboarder. In 2004, mo 15,000 All ed. nch lau s magazine wa sold out. e issu t firs its of ns publicatio dyboard “most bodyboarders bo part of an be to nt wa y because the ture. So that underlying hardcore cul magazine the of is kind of the basis

“I don’t think he has actually worked for anyone in his whole life except for himself,” re says. ore oo mo “He’s always been able to make himself a living and that’s ngth. why it’s his greatest stre ng thi clo his it’s Whether brand or his magazine or his professionalism, he’s got all of them covered, when it suits him,” says re.. ore oo mo At the same time as the magazine was being launched, Player brand also started his clothing ders have oar dyb Bo Grand Flavour. surfers by ed icis crit en always be up. Player because they don’t stand

all images gallagher ...this page and the next | 45

ben player

ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player ben player b

wanted to create a more positive image for bodyboarders. He saw there was a need for a ‘sunshine brand’, a brand highlighting the merits of bodyboarding. “People bodyboard becau se they want to bodyboard, not becau se they can’t stand up,” He says. “It’s be cause they want something that is different. So we decided why not ma ke a brand that is centred upon that. An d that’s what we did and that’s, to thi s day, Grand Flavour’s whole ethos.” While this was all going on Player had his sights set on becoming world champ and spent 2005 on the road competing on the world bodyboardin g tour. The final leg of the tour was Hawa ii and he only had one rival in contentio n for the title. It came down to the last eve nt, a nail-biter. His rival only needed to make the quarter

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finals to be crowned, bu t Player needed to come second or win the event. The night before the fin als, Player was shaken to learn that his neighbour in Hawaii, Jorja Fox, for the Tv show CSI, had a premonition. Fox told Player she and a friend had a vision of a person getting hit by a car. The person told her his name was Paul and that he wante d Ben to know he was okay. Player entered the next day’s event in the perfect mindset to win . He placed second in the finals and became the 2005 International Bodyboar ding Association’s new world champion. Despite all these achiev ements, Player still has more to offer. He’s tea med up with Waldron Bros Productio ns, which in recent years has produced the best bodyboarding DvDs in the world. Chad and Kane Waldron,

who were also close to Paul Jennar, have shadowed Player for the last year and a half around the world gettin g footage of him in and out of the ocean. The y plan to release a documentary/biography DvD. The brothers have boug ht footage from other video-graphers wh en Player was a teenager and a rising sta r, to make a collage of his roller-coaster career . The DvD is due for release in mid 2008. Player believes making the DvD has be en more stressful than winning the world title because if it isn’t done well then peop le will criticise it. “Winning the world title has given me the strength, determination and opportunity to explore all of these other dreams I have and am yet to achieve” says Player. “I still sometimes feel like Pau l Jennar is looking over me and at times I sm ile at the sky and tell him thanks for everyt hing he has given me.” s

n n b

matter what the conditions, so it becomes so much fun to compete because it’s like freesurfing. I truly enjoy competing, especially against excellent competitors, it’s just fun for me whether I win or lose, but it obviously sucks losing but that’s just one of of those things. Q: You ride both prone and dk with great style – do you have a preference? A: When I started, I just use to DK and Paul Roach was my hero, but then I just decided to start focusing on my prone when I was about 15 or 16 and have enjoyed it since. Q: Favourite break? A: Backdoor/Pipe, OTW, North Beach, Cave Rock. Q: Guys you cruise with? A: Boetie, Oros, Schaefer, whoever is available and if I’m not working. Q: When I met you at SA’s and earlier at the Wedge Classic, I got the impression that you’re a fairly reserved kind of guy but I heard rumours that you can really bust out when you’re around your mates – Any truth in that? A: Well, I guess so, I get excited about certain things and get passionate and might get loud but not so often. I try just be myself, it’s harder than it seems sometimes because people get carried away trying to impress those around them, including myself!

Age: 21 Home Town: Durban Years bodyboarding: 10 Sponsors: Hot Buttered Bodyboards, Bad Boy Clothing, Hurricane Accessories Career Highlight: SABA Champ this year, 1st Seed SA team Travels: Hawaii, USA, Dubai

Best video: No Friends 6 Biggest move: I really believe that these two are still coming Best session: Can’t say there is anything worth mentioning, but I’ll let you know Worst wipe-out: At Pipe, scary 8ft+, very shifty, the reef is very hard! Music: Acoustic to Screamo, I enjoy my church band and live music Food: Curries, Mexican, Italian Wheels: The taxi driver who stays in Umlazi

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Q&A BY Dcmike

Spencer Skipper, Paul Roach, Jared Houston

in black and white

Top riders: Damien King, Guilherme Tamega,

Q: I had a look on the Sixty40 website to get some background info on you and your profile page is pretty much empty. Is that just you keeping your privacy or are you just not really into the whole internet / technology thing and more down to earth? A: No, I’m into technology but I’ve just really been waiting for this moment my whole life, every grom dreams of the day they have their profile in the mag, no just jokes, but I just haven’t really taken the time to update my profile, I’ll make the effort to do it now though. Q: When did you start bodyboarding? How did you get into it? A: On my 12th birthday I got my first board and fins from my dad, my uncle, Karl Liebenberg, is a bodyboarder so he got me amped on it and have thouroughly enjoyed it since. Q: You’re a very focussed competitor – How is surfing contests different to when you first started, just hanging out with friends for laughs? A: Growing up at a place like North Beach, I don’t mean to sound hardcore but only the tough survive and the weak get no waves…Guys who have surfed there know what it is like, I love it, everyone is always pushing each other in free surfs no

Q: What do you do when it’s flat? A: Hang out with my girl, visit my sponsors, take care of business Q: You mentioned you work at a luggage shop. I imagine it must be quite frustrating seeing all these people coming in and getting geared up to head off to some far flung holiday destination? A: my boss, Jaco, is a bodyboarder and supports my surfing full on so I get some good water time still… but I just make sure the people’s traveling needs are taken care of ,and I get stoked for them… Q: You’ve been to Hawaii twice now and aiming at a third season – Have you travelled anywhere else? A: I went to Dubai to ride the flowrider there and also competed in the states before I was in Hawaii. Q: Where would you still like to travel to? A: Australia, europe, explore some different islands in all the oceans.


to do it all… We would see a lot more smiles around nowadays if everyone was doing what they love, don’t you think?! After all, everyone is where they are cause they chose to be there, as the one and only Patrob would say, LOveLY! Q: Favorite move? A: Hard question but I’d say all variations of reverse and forward spins in all the parts of a wave, especially in the air! Q: What’s your favourite word? A: members cracker©

Q: Dawnies or whenever you wake up? A: Dawnies, yes please!

Q: What do you want to achieve in bodyboarding? A: That’s quite a question… I would love to make a living from the sport and not have to worry about money when traveling and living but that only seems to be happening for the top top guys in the sport worldwide. I love the sport but also need to put bread in my mouth and that is the shocking reality of it but despite that, it’s great. The sport has helped me learn to be grateful for the smallest things, which is epic. I’m working on some ideas which will help promote the sport and help the next generation of guys hopefully make a living from it.

Q: Who rips in your area? A: Well, North Beach has produced some of South Africa’s finest…

Q: I’ve noticed that there has been a bit of a change in the the bodyboarding community, that there’s a move away from the trash talking, party animal vibe that some people associate surfing with and a whole group of clean living Christians in the line up. Have you always held this belief? A: Well for me, being a Christian means nothing if you not willing to change, the word “Christian” is thrown around today and has very little meaning to the average person (they think you’re gonna recite the Bible to them). I don’t want to sound like I’m judging anyone but you know who you are and what you do and what you say. It’s a lifestyle, not some weird religion or something. I have been a ‘Christian’ since I was pretty young, like 6 or so and have basically tried to do the good/right thing my whole life and that was supposed to make me feel better cause that was supposed to gain other peoples’ approval. That’s a bunch of BS! I stuff up like everyone else. At the beginning of last year, I realized I needed to really change and not park off on the “fence” and claim one thing yet do another; it’s an ongoing process… Q: Do you play any other sports? A: A bit of soccer Q: What motivates you? A: my dreams and future, having the desire

Q: You had a really succesful year locally and you won the SABA tour. You were pretty composed when you went up to accept your trophy. Were you expecting it? How does it feel? Where to from here? A: If I may be totally honest without sounding arrogant, I was pretty sure that I had won it. I had looked at my results and everyone else’s and things looked very much in my favour. It feels good and for me is just a building block in my career. Now I can hear some saying that sounds ungrateful but I don’t believe that we should stop achieving or once we’ve reached our goals we should sit back and chill. Well, there is World Champ from here, so that would be my next step! Last Words: I take it this is the part of the interview where people say something corny like “live your dreams” or “go for it” or even “don’t do drugs” although I know they most probably mean it from their heart. I don’t like being predictable but if I may say this, look at the people who have lived their dreams, they’re smiling. They went for it because they chose to, they would not have reached that point if they didn’t “go for it”. And, well, no else but you, puts drugs into your body. It is your choice and addictions can be broken, it’s been done before. I’ll have a coffee with you and we’ll chat…enjoy s


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Charles Pass / Cracker©

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