Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Siyao Lin
900621 Samuel Lalo- Studio 12
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three fundamental types of fabrication techniques discussed in the reading are subtractive, additive and formative fabrication. Subtractive fabrication is the reduction of the volumn of a solid block by any machine tools ncluding eletro-, chemically-reductive milling process. It includes laser cutting and CNC machine. Additive fabrication is the 3D printing which refers to the manufacturing processes which involves incremental forming by adding layers of material upon one another. This fabrication is more efficient and produce with less waste. Thirdly, formative fabrication is a process that use CNC machine to utilise any desired materials to reshape them as a desired form. It can be used to produce complex double-curve form modules.
Week Three
Surface Creation
The process of making surfaces starts with constrcuting a 150*150*150 cube in Grasshopper and then select different edges and points along the edges in list item. In this way, the surfaces can be constructed more flexibly. Also, it is easier to discover the relationship and interaction between the two constructed surfaces.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
I use two different 3d panles for the designing of my final surfaces. The reason I constructed these two surfaces is because I try to create a space which can reduce the size from the entrance to the exist. In this way, as visitors go through the space, it will give a sense of walking from a public space to a more semi-private space. For the panels, I choose one solid panel which are in hexagon shape could be used to definite the inside and outside space, while the in-between holes created by panels convey a sense of continuity of the space. For the orther surfaec I create a hollow-out 3D panels which is to highlight the effects of light and shadows. The pyramid shapes can control the sunlight direction in which follow the paths of visitors.
The image at the left is my waffle structure of the module, which shows the links of two surfaces above. The structure conveys a sense of welcoming, the widest horizontal structure can be interpretated as a big entrance. It also slightly reduced in size along the surfaces, the shortest horizontal structure also emphsis the size of the space which can only allwo limited people to access. With some small opening on the side of the panlling surface, this space can use as a semi-private or semi-public space since people inside would not be totally limited inside a small closed environment.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
The laser cutting starts with the unroll of the panels and waffle sstructure. The unroll of waffle structure is pretty much straight forward, which can be easily finished in Grasshopper. However, the process of unrolling the panels are more difficult as only a maximum of 3 panels can be unrolled at the same time without any overlapping. The size of the tabs along the etch curves of the unrolling surfaces are also important to notice. this is because sometimes there will be some overlaps of two tabs which are close together if the space in-between is limited, while it will be much harder to stick the tabs together is ther tabs are too narrow.
Week Five
The modelling process starts with constructing a 150*150*150 cube and then use “point attractor” or “curve attractor” to creat a final interacted bollean soild. To construct the final boolean modules, it still needs to use different geometry to cut out the bollean iterations to creat an ideal thing. In the process, there are many posibilities in the shape of the final boolean module by changing the attractors and the interaction of the geometries inside the cubic box. The small images with purple geometry inside shows the way that I cut the solids. I tried different geometry to explore more interesting attern that I can create.
Week Five
For the 3d module, it is the interaction of a cubic box and the platonic octahedron. I use the point attractor in my final design as the paneling grid created by it is more logic and clear in the geometry shape inside the box. My aim in creating this module is to emphsis the public and smi-private space. Instead of give the module a definition as a building, I choose to cut out the bollean solid into an architectural element in which has more possibilities to form different structures. After the boolean of the box with the comibine of octahedron shapes, I discoved that the middle part of the boolean interation actually can be use in my module as it involves some potential thresholds in between the solid. In order to further develope the differentiation of the public and semi-privat space, I used 3 cuboid and rotated them 45 degree and boolean them out left behind the structure. In this case, the in-between spaces would beacom smei-close and have the potential for individuals to stay alone or private gathering. The whole solid could be interpretated as a panel of the entire wall, which have more possibilities to form different spaces by combining them together. Additionaly, the geometry hollowed-out spaces at the bottom reduce the heavy sensation of the whole structure. They could represent the threshold for different circulation. And the inbetween holes allow more sunlight to get through the wall, and the bevel of those holes might control the light direction.
Week Six Task 01
{120,0,150} {60,150,150}
{0,150,150} {0,150,150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
Grid Points
{150,150,0} {0,0,120} {60,150,0}
{90,0,0} {150,150,0}
{150,0,0} {0,0,0}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{76,156, -15} {-39,181, 0} {165,160,0.223}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{100,-13,0} {74,-12,0}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Index Selection}
Task 01 Matrix For the creation of the panels for my surfaces, I emphasis on the effects of the shadow and lights in between my space. Therfore, I tries to design some patterns which are hollowed-out with a particular angle which can be used as a control of the light direction. The version in the forth column is used in my final design. The reson why I finally choose the solid panel which are in hexagon shape is because it could be used to definite the inside and outside space, while the in-between holes created by panels convey a sense of continuity of the space. In this case, people who stay inside would not be totally blocked in the limited interior space. For the orther surfaec, I choose a hollow-out 3D panels which is to highlight the effects of light and shadows. The pyramid shapes can control the sunlight direction in which follow the paths of visitors.
Week Six Task 02
Grid Manipulation
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
{71,1027,103} {188,44,-4.622}
{Random Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
Geometry Distribution
Boolean Difference
Task 02 Matrix For the 3D module, I try to experienment the combination of box with different geometry shapes such as the icosahedron, dodecahedron and octahedron. I also try different attactors such as line attractor, point attractor and random attractor to explore different distribution of interior space. Finally, I choose the combination of the cubic box and the platonic octahedron in my final design, which is showned in the forth column of the matrix. The reson I choose this shape is that I find The whole whole solid could be interpretated that it is easier to control the thickess of the boolean interation. After a series of “booleandifas a panel of the entire wall, which have more The in-between spaces at the back of the possibilities to form different spaces by comcan be interpretated as semi-private bining them together. ference�solid process, the facade of the structure turned into a slight curved solid with the potential spaces. threashold in between the solid. The in-between holes allow more sunlight to get through the wall, and the bevel of those holes might control the light direction.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
The size of panels are decreasing from the widest opening to the most narrow opening between two surfaces. Indicating the space formed by two surface are getting smaller, which might give visitors an experience from a public space to a semi-private space.
The closed solid panel could be used to definite the inside and outside space, while the in-between holes created by panels convey a sense of continuity of the space.
The in-between space of the hexagonal panals at the bottom can be regarded as thresholds for circulation.
The hollowed-out panels provide more sunlight for the inside space. The pyramid shapes can control the sunlight direction in which follow the paths of visitors.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
The whole solid could be interpretated as a panel of the entire wall, which have more possibilities to form different spaces by combining them together.
The in-between spaces at the back of the solid can be interpretated as semi-private spaces.
The in-between holes allow more sunlight to get through the wall, and the bevel of those holes might control the light direction.
The geometry hollowed-out spaces at the bottom reduce the heavy sensation of the whole structure. They could represent the threshold for different circulation.
Task 1 Process
Appendix Task 2 Process 01
Grasshopper working about movement module
Constructing bounding bx
Selecting the surface
Boolean process
Boolean process
Combination of bounding box and geometry
Module Making Process
Fabrication process
Waffle Structure
Finish Module
Shadow and light study
3D Module shadow and light study
Frontage of the panel
Reverse side of the panel
Flat down the panel