Writing Process Handout RW 16 Nov 09

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The Writing Process Thinking: The writing process begins before you put pen to paper. Be continuously alert to material that could focus and progress your assignment Keep a notebook

Planning: No need to fear the blank page! Planning is the antidote to procrastination and panic. Decode your brief Identify your key points Make an outline

Inventing: It’s your work - take ownership! Write your first draft Do not censor yourself at this stage (that will come later) Just get your ideas down. (You can’t edit a blank page)

Rewriting: Good writers know that all writing is rewriting. Write your second draft Now is the time to introduce your ‘critic’ Keep the brief in focus. If you have strayed from it you may have to go back a stage

Editing: Be brutal with your baby – sharpen or cut! Don’t get attached to an idea or phrase that isn’t working Be prepared to dump anything that detracts from your message Remember your editing checklist – Clarity/Concision/Originality Review your language choices.

Proofreading: Do you want to look good? Do not be tempted to skip this stage - you risk undermining your brilliant work with overlooked mistakes. Read your work aloud. Show it to a friend. Build time for this into your process. Proofread for errors in typing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting and meaning.

Finishing: “Perfectionism is not knowing when a task is complete” Don’t be paralysed by fear of failure

©Rachel Wilson, UWIC Academic Skills Team, November 2009

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