Renault Brand Guidelines

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Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

by Sam Hughes



Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines



Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines




Logo Specifics


Typeface Details


Colour Specifications


Logo Best Practises


Poster Ads Business Cards Letterheads

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Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines



Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Welcome to the Renault’s brand guidelines. Through consistent use of these guidelines, as a global group, we will visibly distinguish and strengthen the equity and hence the value of our brand over the medium and long-term. “Renault, a born innovator” Renault ranks in the list of the most innovative companies in the world and stands as the carmaker that has most consistently introduced innovations since the start of automotive history. For Renault, innovating means designing and developing an affordable range of products and services that hold value for customers, and developing technologies that anticipate customer expectations. But it is also about creating the car of the future, by working on foresight and keeping a market watch. This refreshment of our identity aims to reflect not only our rich past and French heritage, but simultaneously drive us forward into the 21st century, in terms of visual design and a sustainble future. These guidelines are designed to help everybody involved in the production of our communications and they also play an important role in building and representing our brand. They will continue to evolve as our requirements grow to become a fully comprehensive guide for all identity applications. This document provides detailed guidelines for working within Renault’s new visual identity. It includes an overview of our brand positioning, our identity toolkit, and illustrates applications for printed ads and business cards, etc.




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Logo Specifics


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Logo Clear Space Grey stripped area indicates the ‘Safe Zone’. Other graphical and visual elements can be safely positioned up to the adjoining blue area. Blue indicates Clear Space. The blue area must be kept free of all other graphical and visual elements. The minimum required Clear Space is defined by the measurement ‘X’ (equal to the capheight of the lettering multiplied by 2).




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Typeface Details


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Typeface Families The Logo only uses one typeface Xolonium Bold. For all other accompanying text, styles from the type-family Eurostile LT is used.

The Eurostile LT family consists of 3 typeface weights Eurostile LT Roman, Demibold and Bold. Each of the 3 type weights contain an extra 3 different widths - Oblique, Condensed and Condensed 2.

The large variety of font weights and widths will ensure immense flexibility for the growth of the identity, including many variations for collateral surrounding the brand.

When to Use: Xolonium Bold is primarily the font used for the logotype, this can sit within the rest of the logo, or alone on stationary such as letterheads, etc. Its squared futuristic form provides any extra emphasis needed for titles where Eurostile may not be appropriate. When to Use: Eurostile LT DemiBold is predominantly used for any Headings found on stationary or web-design Eurostile LT Roman is predominantly used for all other forms of standard body text, ranging from ads to business cards, etc.




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Colour Specifications


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Red Process C13 M91 Y81 K4 Screen R204 G50 B49 Web HTML CC3230


Process C90 M53 Y19 K4 Screen R7 G103 B154 Web HTML 076699


Process C37 M28 Y27 K7 Screen R166 G167 B170 Web HTML A6A7A9


Process C72 M67 Y59 K79 Screen R35 G31 B32 Web HTML 231f20




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Logo Best Practises


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Do Not: To ensure the brand logo is consistent across all media and is not the victim of aesthetic vandalism, the general rule to abide by is: do not change, alter, modify any parts of the logo. Some examples of logo mis-use are shown below: Do Not: Logomark Do not resize or change the position of the logomark, and also do not manipulate the logo out of proportion. Do Not: Type Do not use any other font, no matter how similar to Xolonium. Do not sway from Eurostile LT’s family elsewhere unless justified by a refreshment of our visual identity. Do Not: Colour Do not change any of the colouring, even if it does look similar. Use only the official colour specifications detailed in these guidelines.




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Poster Ads


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

There are 4 final varying poster ads to go alongside the rebrand. These mockups required an extra margin to be added on the horizontal sides to fit the display. Doing this is favoured over manipulating the actual content, however upon actual print it will be ensured it fits the canvas perfectly. Emphasis on the large scale logo aims to immediately address and draw attention to the new identity. Type on the mockups are succecptible to change and only stand as an initial layout and first release.




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

Business Cards


Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

A few countries may need to adapt the size of the business card to comply with local standards. The graphic elements must always remain the same and the proportion of height to width of the business card must not be altered. Recommended paper gsm for the business cards is 160gsm. Any significant changes to them to accommodate to local norms must be approved by their Head of Marketing and also the Chief Designer/Creative Director.




Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines



Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines

There are two versions of the corporate letterhead, one to be used for everyday, electronic use which uses Renault Logotype; and then one which is used for special occasions - this must be printed by offset printing to ensure the necessary bleed is accommodated for upon print, it also features the full logomark top right. The designs of these two letterheads are consistent across all Renault locations although local postal regulations and paper size standards may make it necessary to adjust the position of certain elements, but in every case follow the layout principles illustrated here. The printed letterhead (using the logomark) MUST NEVER be printed from a computer as this will cause incorrect bleed, proportion of logo and will cut off the red line at the bottom.


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