COP3 Dissertation Proposal

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Sam Hughes


Sam Hughes Context of Practise 3 / Dissertation Proposal

Studio Brief 3

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

Question 5: To what extent does Aesthetic ‘Style’ reflect the context, audience and/or function of contemporary Graphic Design?

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

Introduction. I chose this question for my COP3 Dissertation Proposal as it allows me to loosely build on from my COP2, which involved me looking into the extent in which parody and pastiche influences contemporary branding. I did enjoy investigating this, seeing how we can be inspired by styles of the past in order to develop it into something new and unique for the present. But I want to develop this concept further and maybe approach it from a different perspective in terms of how these flat design styles that are coming back into trend can feed directly into something I am naturally much more passionate about. For example, how this style can be applicable to graphical works within the music industry, or maybe, how the flat design style has advanced into the realm of motion design today. I can then openly investigate how ‘aesthetics’ change and grow in terms of principles within Graphic Design and it gives me the flexibility to shape my project how I see most effective.

Sam Hughes


Related Subjects Pastiche Subcultures Modernism / Postmodernism Motion Design Design for Screen

Studio Brief 3

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

Relevant Quotes “Motion is simply a record of where an object has been over time, much as one can think of a line as a record of where a pen tip has been over time” “Empty space is considered extravagant, exclusive, classy. It symbolises wealth and luxury” “A building is not designed by putting together a series of rooms. Any (good) building has an underlying design concept that binds all the parts together into a whole. Without this it is not architecture” “Wasted space only refers to poorly used white space, which ofcourse is to be avoided” “Good design isn’t just good looks. People don’t buy aesthetics, they buy emotions. They want experience”

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

Relevant Books Critical Writings on Graphic Design The Elements of Graphic Design 100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design Designing Brand Identity Design for Motion: Fundamentals and Techniques of Motion Design

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

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Studio Brief 3

Sam Hughes


Studio Brief 3

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