Design practise part 2
This brief would give me the opportunity to work on another design for retail PROJECT which is directed to the type of design i would like to specialise in. Packaging is a strong interest of mine and something i would like to continue working with. I think i would like to extend this brief further throug the design of instore touch points aswell as a possible magazine handout about Body Shops ethical views addressing the brand values.
This brief enables me to design for the fashion industry, to look into what appeals to them. I love working with paper and the idea of being creative and hands on, creating a tactile and interactive piece of work allowing me to explore fun approaches to working. the only worry when working on this brief is that i have seen others final outcomes to this work.
Although i have never designed for green campaigns i would like to promote awareness of these issues through the retail, fashion industry as i feel it is important to show support through these industries. designing for another high street brand with a good reputation would add to my experience in designing for retail. this brief would allow me to create resolutions for spreading awareness through retail outcomes such as in-store touchpoints, packaging, pos and a magazine.
This brief for E4 is one i found advertised on television. Although i have only done one moving image project i really enjoyed designing for screen and creating idents and it is something i wish to take further. This brief would allow me to work in fun and creative ways for an audience which i am part of, i really like the limitless idea opportunities within this brief and its light hearted nature. To have a piece of my work shown on television is an unbelievable opportunity!